Kunci Star Smp/Mts Bahasa Inggris Vii Semester Genap: Unit 1 Talking About Hobby
Kunci Star Smp/Mts Bahasa Inggris Vii Semester Genap: Unit 1 Talking About Hobby
Kunci Star Smp/Mts Bahasa Inggris Vii Semester Genap: Unit 1 Talking About Hobby
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
Waiter : Can I take your order, Mam?
Guest : Sure, I want a salad and cheese burger,
Waiter : What about the drink?
Guest : egular diet coke will be !ine
Waiter : "ow about our special #rench !ries?
Would you like to order that?
Guest : $o, that%s enough.
Waiter : &ll right, then. I%ll be back with your order.
(oe )
Man : 'ake me an (nglish book please, )ane.
)ane : Which (nglish book?
: 'his one?
Man : $o, not that one. 'he red one.
)ane : 'his one?
Man : *es, please.
)ane : "ere you are.
Man : 'hank you.
(oe *
ony : (+cuse me, take me some glasses please,
Shintia : Which glasses?
'hese glasses?
ony : $o, not those. 'he ones on the shel!.
Shintia : 'hese?
ony : *es, please.
Shintia : "ere you are.
ony : 'hank you.
T!s+ *
,epend on student answer
T!s+ )
-enno : Gi.e me a piece o! chalk/
Gio : Sure. "ere you are.
,#!&ti&e the i!log"e -elow -% &h!nging the no"n
Student creati.ities
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
0enny : I need a coat !or my sister%s graduation ne+t
Christ : I think the coat section is o.er there. 1ook at
the black coat, isn%t that beauti!ul?
0enny : I don%t really like black. 0esides, it%s too short.
Christ : *ou%re right. It%s too short.
0enny : What do you think about this red one?
Christ : $o, I don%t like that. It%s too bright.
0enny : Well, how about this blue one then?
Christ : 'hat%s per!ect. It matches your i.ory skin .ery
(oe )
yan : Where ha.e you been? I ha.e been looking
!or you.
iny : I%.e 2ust returned !rom shopping.
yan : What did you get?
iny : I bought a legging. What do you think about
my legging?
yan : 1et me take a look. 3h ...'his legging is !it
you. *ou look so beauti!ul with your legging.
iny : eally. ,o you think so?
yan : *eah. 'his legging is really !it with your slim
iny : Well. 'hank you.
(oe *
#any : "ey, 1ia. What do you think o! this book?
1ia : 'hat book? 3h, not so bad.
#any : ,o you think it is okay?
1ia : *es, I do. *ou can buy it.
#any : 3kay. I will take this.
1ia : &nd what do you think o! this book? Is it good
!or me?
#any : 3h, that title is .ery good. 0ut I don%t know the
T!s+ *
-ebi2aksanaan guru
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
Shane : Mark, I want to go to the !itness center.
Mark : What will you do there?
Shane : I%ll do a physical e+ercise, and ha.e a little bit
Mark : 3h, that%s good.
Shane : What about you? What do you usually do in a
!ree time like this?
Mark : I like listening to music, particularly western
music. &nd What do you like to do?
Shane : I like doing sport but actually, I like updating
status on facebook.
Mark : 'hat%s .ery nice. 0ut it wastes your time.
(oe )
4aky : What do you like doing best?
)ack : I like tra.elling around the world.
4aky : What do you like most about tra.elling?
)ack : I like .isiting new cities and trying out new
4aky : Is there anywhere you%d like to .isit that you
ha.en%t .isited yet?
)ack : *es, I would like to go to "awaii. I lo.e the
(oe *
,anisha : "i, ama. I ha.e some books to read.
ama : 3h, that%s .ery good.
,anisha : I%d like to read one o! the books. What
about you?
ama : "mm..., it%s okay.
,anisha : eading is my hobby. What%s your hobby?
ama : &ctually, I like reading a book. 0ut my
hobby is hanging out.
,anisha : 'hat%s .ery nice, but it%s a bad habit !or
T!s+ *
Student creati.ities
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
5era : i6ky, what do you want to be in the !uture?
i6ky : I guess I want to be a pilot. I%ll ha.e lots o!
opportunities tra.el around the world
5era : Wow/ 'hat would be nice. ,o you know what
school do you ha.e to attend to be a pilot?
i6ky : I don%t know. "ow about you?
5era : I don%t know. 0ut my !ather does, he is a pilot.
i6ky : Would you ask me about this matter? I really
want to be a pilot.
5era : *es, don%t worry. "e%ll be happy to help you.
i6ky : 0y the way, what is your ideal, 5era?
5era : 7hm..., I want to be a diplomat. I%ll tra.el a lot
to meet di!!erent people, e.en !rom !oreign
i6ky : "ey, that%s pretty much like mine. I! I am a
pilot, I will !ly you where.er you need.
5era : 'hat%s per!ect. 1et study hard !or it.
i6ky : *eah, we will make it true.
(oe )
andika : "i, Sony. ,id you go to )akarta last month?
Sony : I did. Why?
andika : ,id you .isit 'aman Mini Indonesia Indah?
Sony : *es, I did.
andika : 3h, that%s .ery nice. What is the place
Sony : It%s .ery large.It has many resorts. I stayed
at )a.anese resort.
(oe *
Su6an : 'ania, did you watch a news in C'I last
'ania : *es, I did. &ny important things in it?
Su6an : *eah, at the !irst news the broadcaster said
that there is a new corruption case done by
'ania : I see. 'hat%s bad news !or our country.
Su6an : &nd the go.ernment hasn%t !inished it yet.
'ania : I do really hope, our go.ernment will !inish all
the corruption cases in our country.
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
Sandy : "i, Milo, what are you up to?
Milo : "i, Sandy. I%m waiting !or my brother. What
about you?
Sandy : Well, I am 2ust passing by. I! I%m not mistaken,
your brother is going to Semarang, isn%t he.
Milo : *es, he is. "e%s supposed to be home today.
What about you? *ou%re on your way to the
.iolin lesson, aren%t you?
Sandy : *es, I am. I look like a real .iolist, don%t I?
Milo : "ahaha... $ot really. 0ut you will be a good
one someday.
Sandy : 'hanks. 0y the way, you%re still going to my
.iolin concert this Saturday night, aren%t you?
Milo : I sure am. *ou will treat me a!ter that, won%t
Sandy : ,on%t worry.
(oe )
&bel : "i ,ona, let%s see the Changing o! the Guard.
,ona : *eah, it is this a!ternoon, isn%t it?
&bel : *ou%re right. It is at 88.9: a.m.
,ona : eally?
&bel : *es, and it will last !or ;: minutes inside the
,ona : 0ut, how can we see it, then?
&bel : ,on%t worry, we can see the ceremony !rom
outside. $ow, it is 8:.9: a.m., it means we still
ha.e an hour to rush to 0uckingham <alace.
,ona : 1et%s get going now/
LISTENING TEST 1 0Listening S&#i$t1 ,!ge 11
I. 8. iana : Can you gi.e me a sheet o! paper,
&dam : Sure, but what%s !or?
iana : I want to write a letter.
=. #ather : Can I ha.e a bar o! chocolate, d6ar?
Mother : Sure, it%s in the re!rigerator.
9. Mother : <ass me the sugar, please/
;. $anda : What do you usually do can your
spare time?
Windy : Well, e.ery weekend I always go to
the prool with my sister.
$anda : 3h, you like swimming, don%t you?
Windy : *eah.
>. Shopkeeper : What can I do !or you, sir?
Mr. Chandra : Can you show me a pour o!
Shopkeeper : What color do you want?
Mr Chandra : I like blue
?. 1inda : "i, &bel. Where ha.e you
&bel : "i, 1inda. I went to 0ali with
my !amily.
1inda : eally? Can you tell me how it
is like?
&bel : Well, 0ali is .ery interesting. I
want to go there again
@. 1ala : "a.e you read this no.el?
$uha : *es, but it%s .ery
disappointing. I don%t like the
1ala : I don%t either.
A. 1ili : ,o you think she will come to
your party?
B. &dam : 1isten, iana/ My brother gets
the best mark in (nglish.
8:. Woman : What kind o! !ood do you like?
Man : Well, I like traditional !ood
such as pecel, gadoCgado.
8. b <aper
=. c & bar o! chocolate
9. a "er you are
;. d Swimming
>. c 0lue
?. d eally good
@. a $o, they don%t
A. d *es, they do
B. d ,oes he
8:. b 'radition !ood
II2 Listening S&#i$t ,!ge 11
Gorillas are the largest o! all the primates. & male
gorilla can be 8A: centimeters tall and can weigh =::
kilograms. Gorillas are .ery strong but they do not
o!ten !ight. In !uet they are peace!ul animal.
Gorillas ha.e huge body with wide chest and black
!ur. Many people think gorilla is a dangerous animal
though this animal rarely attack them C ironically, many
people hunt and kill gorilla so that it decrease in
number. $ot more than 8:.::: gorillas le!t in the
Gorillas, can be !ound in !orest in &!rica. 'hey
mo.e slowly around a large area o! 2ungle eating
lea.es and bushes.
8. In 2ungle o! !orest
=. $o, they don%t
9. 0lack
;. =:: kg
>. 0y students
?. Chest
@. $o, they don%t
A. 1ea.es and bushes
B. $o, they aren%t
8:. 0y students
G#!33!# /o&"s 0$!ge 1*1
8. ,oesn%t he 88. ,on%t they
=. ,oesn%t he 8=. ,oesn%t sheDdoesn%t he
9. ,oesn%t he 89. Isn%t she
;. ,oes he 8;. Won%t sheDwon%t he
>. ,idn%t they 8>. ,id she
?. ,o they 8?. Shall we
@. Isn%t there 8@. ,on%t they
A. ,idn%t she 8A. ,idn%t she
B. ,o they 8B. "asn%t she
8:. &ren%t I =:. Can he
T!s+ ) 0,!ge 141
8. 3pens E closes ?. ,o you come
=. ,oes the bank close @. Comes
9. ,on%t use A. <lay C don%t play
;. ,o you smoke B. ,oes concessi.e mean
>. ,o you do 8:. ,oesn%t like E likes
T!s+ * 0,!ge 141
,oesn%t like E like E like E don%t like E likes E doesn%t like E
Re!ing !n 5#iting
T!s+ 4 0,!ge 161
=. Complete the !ollowing sentence
8. School
=. #ilm production
9. 3!!ice
;. ice !ield
>. 'ra.el agency
?. "otel
@. '5 station
A. '5 station
B. Go.ernment
8:. <ost o!!ice
88. estaurant
8=. 0ank
89. Company
8;. <olice station
8>. 0outiFue
T!s+ 6 0,!ge 171
8. 'he writer%s grandmother
?. *es
=. Identi!ication
"as .ery dry grey hair whuch she usually pulls up into
a ben
9. ,escription
;. ,ear beny
>. *our truly
8:. 0eny
?. 'he description o! crist%s grand mother
@. 5ery dry gray hair, dark brown eyes
A. Christ
B. 0any
8:. $eat and tidy grandmother
T!s+ 7 0,!ge 171
8. 1emahClembut
?. api
=. -asih sayang
@. api
9. <erhatian
;. Meninggikan suara
B. -onde
>. Merawat
?C=: See dictionary /
T!s+ 8 0,!ge 181
8. a .ery gentle, lo.ing and caring person
=. .ery dry grey hair
9. stories o! her childhcood
;. no, he is not
>. dia selalu menggulung rambutnya
?. gentle, lo.ing, caring, neat,tidy,dry,twinkle,dark,wet
T!s+ 9 0,!ge 181
8. 'o describe the writer%s headmaster
=. Mr. 'ucker%s eyes
9. Student%s
;. In a basin in the corner o! the room
>. "e !olds the towel
T!s+ : 0,!ge 191
-epala Sekolah yang Menakutkan
<ak 'ucker adalah kepala sekolah di sekolahku.
,ia tidak memakai kacamata. Matanya selalu
menakutkan, bahkan aku menolak berhadapan
dengannya. Matanya ta2am, keras, dingin, dan seperti
,ia selalu mencuci tangannya di sebuah baskom
porselen di sudut ruangan. Setelah mencuci
tangannya, dia akan ber2alan menu2u kursinya dan
berdiri dibelakangnya melihat murid sambil
mengeringkan tangannya dengan handuk kecil
berwarna putih. ,ia mengeringkan masingCmasing 2ari
secara terpisah, mulai dari 2ari pertama. )ariC2arinya
pan2ang dan putih. Saat dia menggosokCgosokkan
2arinya dengan cepat, dia melihat kami dengan
'ak seorangpun bergerak setelah ia
mengeringkan tangannya, tak seorangpun bicara.
-etika ia selesai, dia melepas handuk dan
meletakkannya dilaci. -emudian dia dengan kikuk
tersenyum pada kami.
,ia benarCbenar menakutkan.
T!s+ 1; 0,!ge 1:1
8. "a.e E is ?. &re
=. "as E is @. "as C are
9. Is E is A. &re
;. Is B. Is C is
>. Is 8:. "as C are
Re!ing Test 1
8. b ,escripti.e
=. c Gi.e in!ormation about the general classroom
9. b Second
;. a 'he classroom has one teacher%s desk and
d 'he writer cleans the class on #riday
>. c (3S 1istener
?. d ,ire E !ighter
@. c Children book writer
A. d & photographer
B. b "e wants to be a pilot
8:. d $ature
88. b In a co!!ee shop
8=. b 3!!ering something
89. a &sking !or something
8;. d &t the mall
8>. b Sam couldn%t buy the sweater !or ,eana
8?. b Grandma
8@. b Combs
8A. c Menata
8B. a 'hanking
=:. b Menghemat
5#iting Test 1 0,!ge )11
A2 8. 0ombi sometimes play with me.
=. ,ea is a good and .ery help!ul student.
9. She likes playing badminton, reading stories, and
;. She is a !amous world.
>. 0ombi is my play!ul black cat.
B2 "ello, !riends. "ere I would like to you about my
!a.orit pet that is my black cat. My black cat is .ery
!uny and smart.
My black cat has smooth !ur. "e likes eating
chicken and !ish. When I am studying, he always
accompanies me. When he is hungry, he always go
up the table. "e likes playing a ball. "e is also acti.e.
My black cat has three kitties. 'hey are three months.
'heir !ur is almost some as their mother%s. 'hey
always play together.
I 1o.e my black cat.
'hat%s my cat, thank you.
Re3ei!l 0,!ge ))1
8. She is a !amous photo model.
=. 'ya is a reporter.
9. $o, she not.
;. $o, she does not.
>. She wakes up late and stays longer in her bed.
Walk E look E is going E co.ers E walk E cross E go E go E
will, go
,epend on student
Listening !n S$e!+ing
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
0eny : "allo 0ernade, how are you?
0ernade : I%m !ine thank you.
0eny : 0y the way, what are you doing?
0ernade : I%m listening to western songs !or
impro.ing my (nglish ability, but I can
hardly understand it well.
0eny : I! it%s di!!icult !or you, don%t !orce yoursel!.
*ou can learn it step by step.
0ernade : *eah, I think you are right, but I really
want to master (nglish well.
0eny : I know about it. 3nce again don%t do that
when you !elt that it is di!!icult.
0ernade : 'hanks !or your ad.ice 0en.
(oe )
1aila : Come on hurry up/ I don%t want to miss the
ena : Me too/ 0ut don%t step too !ast. 'he !loor is
wet, do you the sign?
1aila : Where is the sign?
ena : 'hat one in the corner, it%s written in capital
1aila : I see, it means that the !loor was slippery.
ena : *es, so don%t be hurry.
T!s+ ) 0,!ge )71
=. ,on%t disturb mother in the kitchen.
9. ,on%t drink drug
;. ,on%t cheat when ha.ing a test.
>. ,on%t sleep o.ernight.
?. ,on%t hang out at night.
@. ,on%t operate handphone in a gas station.
A. ,on%t touch computer screen.
B. ,on%t waste the rubbish e.erywhere.
8:. ,on%t play truant !rom school.
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
$aruto : ,id you come to Ina%s birthday party last
Sakura : *es, I did.
$aruto : ,id Ada Band per!orm in the party?
Sakura : &bsolutely yes, that was the great group band
per!ormance I ha.e e.er seen.
$aruto : I really disappointed couldn%t come to the
Sakura : ,on%t be like that. It wasn%t all !or our li!e.
(oe )
<atric : enata has 2ust held a wedding party. ,id you
get the in.itation?
<etra : *es, I got it and so do my !riends.
<atric : Was enata !eeling happy in her wedding
<etra : I !eel sure that she did it.
<atric : Could you tell me more about enata%s
<etra : 'hey are absolutely happy as their wedding,
and the real !act is that enata always smiles
to all guests.
<atric : 'hank you !or your e+planation.
T!s+ 1
-ebi2aksanaan guru
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
Ma+ : "ey, Muse band is laying on '5 tonight.
-lein : eally? Is it li.e or recorded?
Ma+ : Well, it says per!orming Muse concert last
Saturday. I guess it%s recorded show.
-lein : "mm... my !a.ourite !ootball club is playing
tonight too. &nd it%s li.e.
I pre!er to see that.
Ma+ : I don%t really !ond o! !ootball actually.
-lein : 3h come on. We see your !a.ourite show last
time. It%s my turn now.
Ma+ : &lrightG alright.
(oe )
,ean : What would you like !or a birthday present,
little sister?
uby : Well ... I could use a new bag, you know.
,ean : What kind o! bag? ,on%t ask me to buy you all
those !ancy bags.
uby : $o, no. I need a new bag pack. I like a bag
that is big enough to carry all my stu!!, but light
to bring.
,ean : &nd I think, you ask too much.
uby : "ey/ *ou ask me !irst.
,ean : "aha ... I know. I 2ust teasing you, don%t get
upset like that.
(oe *
1any : What a beauti!ul table cloth/
#ersha : 'hank you.
1any : ,id you make it yoursel!?
#ersha : I did. *ou know I like knitting.
1any : I%.e ne.er known that you like it, but it%s
really good.
#ersha : I%m glad to hear that.
T!s+ 4
-ebi2aksanaan guru
T!s+ 7 0$!ge *;1
9. #lag, tie, hat, uni!orm, script
;. 0rush, stap, shampoo, water, pail, sponge, towel
>. ope, tend, stick, tools
?. 0all, nets, shoes, 2ersy
@. mi+er, e.en, pan, etc
Listening Test ) 0,!ge *11
I. 8. Iwan : I am not sure I can do the test.
I didn%t study lastnight.
0ut I want to get good mark. Maybe
I%II cheat.
=. eina : ,o you like camping, &ni?
9. Sydney is &ustralia%s largest city and the country%s
cultural center. It is interesting !or its shell E
shaped Sydney 3pera "ome "ouse. More o.er it
is one o! the most !amous buildings in the world.
;. esta : I am .ery thirsty. Can I ha.e
something to drink?
eni : *es. ,o you want a glass o! orange
>. Will you take my dictionary the table in my room?
?. Maya : (+cuse me, Sisil. ,o you like drinking
Sisil : 'ea? 3h, no, I don%t.
@. )ane : Where is year watch, 'om?
'om : I le!t it in my room. I don%t bring it with
me now.
A. -okom : ,o you like dangdut music?
)oko : $o, I can%t stand it.
-okom : So, what music do you like?
)oko : I really en2oy pop music.
B. (gar : It%s cloudy. It%s going to rain, isn%t it?
Ila : I think so.
(gar : &nd we can%t play !ootball this
Ila : *eah.
8:. Cica : &re you !ree on #riday e.erymy?
&ni : I%ll ha.e a math test on Saturday. So I
can go now here. I must study hard E
Cica : I want you to accompany me to the
&ni : What about on Saturday night? I%ll be
Cica : 3kay
8. c ,on%t%do that
=. a *es, I do
9. c Sidney
;. a $o, I don%t like orange 2uice
>. c &ll right. I will do it
?. b (+press dislike
@. b *es, "e does
A. a <op music
B. b $o they didn%t
8:. b Saturday
II2 0,!ge *)1
I ha.e a !riend. "er name is ,ea. ,ea is my
classmate. We go to the some school, SM< "arapan
0angsa. She is tall and slim.She has long straight
black hair. "er hobby is reading and cooking. She is
good at mathematic. ,ea is the age as I am. She is
thirteen years old. Most o! !riends like her because
she is a kind hearted girl. She is diligent an .ery hel!ul.
8. & diligent student
=. SM< "arapan 0angsa
9. Mathematic
;. *es, they do
>. 'hirteen years old
?. She is tall, not !at but slim, she has long black hair
@. 'all, slim, long, straight, good, kind, diligent, and hel!ul
A. *es, she is
B. *es, she is
8:. *es, she is
S$e!+ing Test ) 0,!ge *)1
8. ,id you go to )akarta last week, Sir?
=. ,id you go there by bus?
9. Would you take my bag please, (dy?
;. Mention things in your bag
>. a. &nnouncemen
b. #or all students class 5II 0
c. &ll students gather in &ndi%s house tomorrow at ;
d. 0ring your (nglish, phisi! and biology books
e. ,on%t !orget to ask permission to your parents
!. Chair person
Re!ing !n 5#iting
T!s+ 9 0,!ge*41
,epend on Student &nswers
T!s+ : 0,!ge *71
8. Student
=. &re supposed
9. 0e on time
;. <racticing !lag ceremony
>. Schedule o! e+tra lesson !or national e+am prepation
T!s+ 1; 0,!ge *71
,epend on Student &nswers
T!s+ 11 0,!ge *81
8. "e will be taken home by his grand!ather.
=. 'he students are asked to collect their assignment on
the teacher%s table.
9. Independence day will be held by the students at
;. &ll students are slepposed to gather in the scool yard.
>. #lay seremony will be held eunce a week.
?. Middle test semester has been done a week ago.
@. &ll students class 5II are being thought how to make
an announcement.
A. (nglish speech contest mau be held two days again.
B. Mis. enata will be helped by all students to write a
8:. &ll teachers are asked to come on time.
T!s+ 1) 0,!ge *91
8. It is a letter ?. 'hirty teacher
=. ,ea osiana @. *es, it does
9. &bout her school A. #ourti!i.e minutes
;. *es, it is B. 0ehind the school
>. $o, it is not 8:. 0eside the sta!! o!!ice
Re!ing Test )
I. 8. b & !riend
=. c !i.e
9. b =C8C;C>C9
;. d ;C=C>C8C9
>. c Identi!ication, description
?. a Music concert
@. a ,oesn%t like
A. c 'hey are going to watch the !ootball match
B. d 'he headmaster.
8:. c ,uring lesson time
88. d -eep Fuite/
8=. d ,on%t be late
89. d 'o e+press one%s pleasure !or a special
8;. a Is not
8>. b 6oo
8?. b &!ter a week
8@. a 'o get public attention
8A. d =,>
8B. a In.itation
=:. b 'o in.ite someone to attend
II. 8. Make @. 0orrow
=. 0low A. <ut
9. <repare B. #old
;. Colour 8:. ,raw
>. Cut 88. Choose
?. Show 8=. Write
8. #
=. #
9. #
;. #
>. '
,!ge 0411
III. 8. So she makes her own bed.
=. She always puts things on the right places.
9. "er clothes are neat and always clean.
;. "er hair is long and !idy.
>. She also cooks her own meal e.eryday.
I. ,on%t bring in your homework.
,on%t correct your mistakes.
,on%t take out a piece o! paper.
,on%t check your answer.
,on%t pass out the tests.
,on%t lower the shades.
,on%t turn on the pro2ector.
,on%t take notes.
,on%t turn on the light.
,on%t answer the Fuestions.
,on%t coolet the !est.
,on%t watch the mo.ie.
,on%t do you homework.
,on%t go o.er the answer.
,on%t hand in your homework.
I. "ello 0ernade,
Come to the Internasional Seminar etitled H"ow to
master (nglish 1anguage #ast and <racticallyI. &t
'eratai 0uilding on Sunday at > p.m. ,on%t !orget to
bring your laptop.
II. &nnouncement
0eing reno.ated, our 1ibrary will be closed until
the !ollowing in!ormation. We are really sorry !or yhis
uncom!ortable situation.
'hank you
,epend on Students
Listening !n S$e!+ing
Listen the following i!log"e !n #e$e!t !fte# %o"#
(oe 1
<harmacist : Good a!ternoon, Ma%am. Can I help you?
Mrs. Susi : &!ternoon. I would like to get this
prescription !illed.
<harmacist : *es, it will be a !ew minutes. &nd ... would
you please wait !or this.
Mrs. Susi : 3h, yes. 0ut, my daughter was coughing
Fuite a bit last night.
Can you suggest anything !or her?
<harmacist : "ow old is your daughter?
Mrs. Susi : She is se.en.
<harmacist : 3kay. 1et%s see. 'his is a good children%s
cough syrup.
Gi.e her two teaspoons be!ore she goes
to bed.
I! she doesn%t get well in two days, you
had better see a doctor.
Mrs. Susi : 3h, I see. 'hank you.
<harmacist : *ou are welcome and here is your
Mrs. Susi : &re there any special instructions?
<harmacist : 'hey are on the bottle. *ou ha.e to take it
on an empty stomach.
'hat means at least one or two hours,
be!ore or a!ter meals.
Mrs. Susi : &lright. 'hank you.
(oe )
Salesman : (+cuse me. What can I do !or you?
Shanty : 3h, thank you. I want to know to use the
Salesman : 1et me tell you.
Shanty : &lright. <lease tell me.
Salesman : #irst, install the C, installer into your
Shanty : Is there a C, installer !or the printer?
Salesman : 3! course. 'his is the C, installer !or the
0ubble )et =8::S<.
Shanty : 3-, ne+t?
Salesman : &!ter the C, installer is installed, plug
the data cable into the printer and into
the computer.
Shanty : Is that all?
Salesman : $e+t you ha.e to install the power cable
into the printer and into the plug.
Shanty : Could you tell me how to install the C,
Salesman : 3h, yes. It%s also easy. #irst, insert the C,
into the C, dri.e.
Shanty : 'hen?
Salesman : 'hen there will be a dialogue bo+ in the
Shanty : I see. &!ter that?
Salesman : Click the install button.
Shanty : Is that all?
Salesman : $ot yet. #ollow the instructions in the
dialogue bo+ on the desktop.
Shanty : I see. 'hank you.
Salesman : *ou%re welcome.
E=e#&ise 1' ,!ge 48
-ebi2aksanaan guru
Listening Test * 0,!ge 4:1
8. Customer : I like a water 2ug with a lid o.er there.
"ow much is it?
&ssistant : Which one? (ach water 2ug has a lid.
Customer : 'he brown one.
&ssistant : It%s p 8@=.:::.::. 0ut this one is only
p 8?:.:::.::.
Customer : 3k. 1et me look at it.
=. Customer : (+cuse me. "ow much are those
&ssistant : Which one? ,o you mean the dark blu
Customer : $o, the light blue ones.
&ssistant : 3h. 'hose are p 9B>.:::.::.
Customer : &lmost p ;::.:::.::, isn%t it?
9. 0eny : ,o you want to make some recipes !or
your (nglish &ssigment?
)ustin : *es, I think so. I want to make some
0eny : Certainly. 0ut we ha.e di!!erent
(nglish teacher.
)ustin : I want to ask about how to make a
procedure te+t.
0eny : I also want to ask about it.
)ustin : 3kay. 1et%s go.
;. 'his is the step you prepare a cup o! milk co!!ee. #irst
pour in a electrickettle with some water !rom water
tap. 'hen, plug the cable o! the kettle in the electric
socket and switch it on. Wait until the water is boiling.
While waiting !or the boiling water, you put some
co!!ee powder into a pot. <our into the pot some
boiling water to make your co!!ee. &!ter that, pour
some co!!ee !rom the pot into your cup and then some
milk into your co!!ee in the cup. $ow, you add some
sugar as you need in the milk co!!ee. #inally, you stir
the milk co!!ee and it is now ready to ser.e.
S$e!+ing Test *
8. "ow much are these pair o! shoes?
=. I want dart blue trousers.
9. Good morning, Sir. &nything I can help?
;. I%m sorry, this one doesn%t ha.e a price yet.
>. It coats almost p >:.:::.::.
?. Which one is better?
@. I pre!er this one.
A. I like cottom because it is more interesting.
B. Can you help me !inish my (nglish assignmentJ
8:. 3! course, I%ll help you.
Re!ing !n 5#iting
E=e&ise 1 0,!ge 611
8. #ollow the correct procedure K ikuti prosedur yang
=. ,o not taste K 2angan dimakanDdirasakan.
9. Wash and dry hands throught be!ore lea.ing K cuci
dan keringkan tangan dengan saksama sebelum
;. 7se eye E protection eFuipment K gunakan alat
proteksi mata.
>. <ut the eFuipment back to its original place K letakkan
kembali alatCalat pada empat semula
?. "andle with care/ K pegang dengan hatiChati
@. &.oid direct contact K hindari kontak langsung
A. Sa.e the energy please K tolong hemat energy
B. Clean thoroughly o!ter use K bersihkan secara
saksama setelah digunakan
8:. -eep !lammable substances away !rom !ire K 2auhkan
bahanCbahan yang mudah terbakar dari api
-ebi2aksanaan Guru
T!s+ 1 0,!ge 6*1
8. 'o pro.e that all li.ing things need water.
=. 'wo parents o! the some kind in two di!!erent pots.
9. In three days.
T!s+ )
8. & paper, glue, colored pencil.
=. Cut the paper.
9. It depends on the students.
;. Students answer.
>. *es, me do.
T!s+ *
'u2uan K cara membuat amplop.
0ahan K selembar kertas, lem, pisau pemotong,
dan penggaris.
1angkah K 8. &mbil selembar kertas/
=. Gambar pola menggunakan
9. Gunting kertas mengikuti pola/
;. 1ipat.
>. 3lesi lem pada kertas/
?. 1ekatkan untuk memperoleh bentuk
yang bagus.
Re!ing Test * 0,!ge 661
T!s+ 1
8. "ow to take better pictures.
=. 'wo steps.
9. "old, press, and take.
;. Camera and ob2ects.
>. I! the lamp turn on.
T!s+ )
8. It is about how to make an en.elope.
=. & shee! o! paper, a tube o! glue, a cutter, and a ruler.
9. <repare the materials.
;. *es, we do.
>. <ress the patternDpaper to get a good !orm.
5#iting Test * 0,!ge 671
&. d E a E e E ! E c E b
0. "ow to operate computer
0y the students
A2 ,iilih!n G!n!
8. a Congratulation
=. d I%d like you
9. d "endra likes reading
;. d Congratulation on your promotion
>. c Why don%t you take
?. c I think it%s time !or me to go
@. c *ou really think so
A. d Could you show me
B. a Can I see the menu, please?
8:. b Mechanic
88. d <oet
8=. a ,iligent
89. d Musician
8;. c ,ri.er
8>. b Microscope
8?. b 'ake care
8@. c <roud
8A. c <rotect
8B. b &t the beach
=:. b We should not use it
=8. c 3n a .ehicle
==. d We ha.e to be care!ul o! pickpockets
=9. d We are !orbidden to come in
=;. c 'io has passed the e+amination
=>. d "isDher !riend has graduated !rom hisDher
school with best achie.ement
=?. a &chie.ement
=@. c 'he in.itation !or a seminar
=A. b ; hours
=B. c 'o e+plain how to make tikka kebab
9:. d Cubes o! lamb, onions, and sFuares o! green
B2 Isi!n
8. 0y students
=. b E c E d E a E ! E e E g
8. ,ea is a .ery good and help!ul students.
=. She is tall. "er hair is horig, she is not !at.
9. &ll sentences the te+t are in simple present tense.
;. "elp!ul.
>. 0y students
8. &ll students can answer the Fuestions correctly.
=. "er !ather is a natural then.
9. She is a !amous world .iolist.
;. She is only si+teen years old.
>. "er mother is a Chinese.
,epend on Students