Portfolio Overview Philosophy 554

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Overview Personal Philosophy of Education Documents Exhibit B Final Reflections from Content rea !

!iteracy" #une $%&' Fit (hich Criteria) Our philosophy of education had to evolve to include literacy* +his paper reflects this* Demonstrated (hich ,-ill or ttitude) (e as teachers must add to our philosophy to meet the needs of our students* Completed in (hat (ay) (e were as-ed to explain what literacy meant to us and how we would include literacy as a part of our curriculum in a brief essay* ssessed as Excellent Because) +his course really turned my head around as to how my teachin. philosophy was a wor- in pro.ress* +his paper demonstrates my enthusiasm to embrace a new concept of learnin.* ,ource of Pride/ rea of 0rowth) 1 am proud that 1 am able to .row as a teacher and ma-e necessary chan.es to my curriculum for the sa-e of the children*

Final Reflection Paper EN 554 Angela Bayes June 29, 201

This is our important question. What does literacy mean to you?
!iteracy is a "ig"er un#erstan#ing of language, t"e $e#iu$ of e#ucation, an# t"e %e#roc& of ci'ili(e# #iscourse) *"ere is $ore to literacy t"an %eing a%le to rea#) !iteracy at its fullest also inclu#es content co$pre"ension, analysis, an# creati'ity) +e nee# 'e"icles of e,pression to fulfill our "u$anity an# access our success in a society $ore "ig"ly e'ol'e# t"an ca'e$an clu%s an# stone -"eels)

!iteracy as a 'e"icle of e,pression s"oul# %e taug"t %y $usic teac"ers li&e $e) .n $y opinion, literacy i$pro'es $usicians"ip an# articulation) /oreo'er, language an# $usic are so closely relate# t"at t"ere is no clear consensus as to -"ic" ca$e first, alt"oug" recent stu#ies in#icate it $ay -ell "a'e %een $usic)0/oore1 *"e goals for $y $usicians inclu#e not only co$petent playing, %ut a%le lyric co$posing, an# infor$e# "istorical interpreting) Only literate musicians can meet these goals. Furt"er$ore, $y literate $usicians $ust %e prepare# for t"e /EAP, A2*, an# //E an# $eet t"e politici(e# pu%lic3s #e$an# for 4uantifia%le results t"at $a&e t"e 5nite# 6tates loo& s$arter t"an 6out" 7orea) !uc&ily, . "a'e a plan as to "o- to teac" literate $usicians"ip, t"an&s to A4uinas 2ollege3s 2ontent Area !iteracy course) /y plan in'ol'es peppering in literacy e'ents an# co$pre"ension strategies -it" tuning, scales, an# practice reports) 8a'ing o%ser'e# an# participate# in so$e of t"ese acti'ities in person, . a$ confi#ent t"at as a class -e can put so$e 'ery fine -"eels on our 'e"icles of e,pression) *"e $ost useful literacy e'ent in $usic class is listening) /ost $usicians are aural learners, so . -ant $eet t"e stu#ents -"ere t"ey are) 8o-e'er, . a$ pre#o$inantly a 'isual

learner 0%y far t"e $ost co$$on learning type1, so $y teac"ing style co$%ines listening -it" rea#ing an# 'isual presentation) *"at is, . prefer to rea# -"ile t"e -or#s are pro9ecte# on a screen -it" pictures, using -"ate'er e4uip$ent is accessi%le) For e,a$ple, one of our 2ontent Area !iteracy assign$ents -as to use $ultiple te,ts, an# . put toget"er a unit on co-%oy songs, gi'ing %ac&groun# to t"e post:2i'il +ar era of cattle #ri'es, t"at so$e co-%oys -ere Nati'e A$erican +o$en, -"y co-%oys sang on t"e lone prairie, an# -"o -rote t"e songs) An#, . "a# planne# to use a Po-erPoint presentation to su$$ari(e t"e te,ts, for$at t"e infor$ation, an# 'isually an# aurally engage t"e stu#ents) ;n anot"er occasion, . o%ser'e# /r) !aPrise, t"e $usic #irector at 2at"olic 2entral, rea# fro$ t"e %oo& All the Rest is Noise) 8e soug"t to engage "is stu#ents into t"in&ing $ore #eeply a%out -"at soun# ca$e fro$ t"eir instru$ents) . coul# see t"at it ga'e t"e stu#ents pause for reflection) 8o-e'er, t"e co$pre"ension enlig"ten$ent of listening to e,cellent non:fiction $ay not %e accessi%le to all) 6o$e stu#ents lac& t"e co$pre"ension strategy of #eter$ining -"at t"e i$portant i#eas are) *"is -as one of t"e co$pre"ension strategies . use# to coac" $y 6econ#ary Rea#ing 2linic pupil) +e -ere #iscussing "o- it -as easier to un#erstan# $aterial -e -ere intereste# in, %ut so$eti$es t"e course $aterial -e are gi'en is 'ery #ull) .n t"ose instances< ta&e courage, an# ta&e notes) *oget"er, -e rea# a paragrap" fro$ one of $y college te,t%oo&s in =P">:ese? fro$ a class . a$ gla# to %e finis"e# fore'er) +e starte# to use a t-o: colu$n note:ta&ing tec"ni4ue in -"ic" t"e left si#e one -rites t"e $ain point an# on t"e rig"t one 9ots #o-n t"e #etails) . coul# tell $y pupil t"oug"t s"e caug"t t"e $eaning of -"at -as rea#, %ut "er su$$ation -as longer t"an t"e actual paragrap") +e #iscusse# "o- fin#ing t"e $ost i$portant points an# putting t"e$ in "er o-n -or#s -as t"e %est -ay to s"o- s"e

un#erstan#s t"e $eaning) Fro$ an e#ucator3s point of 'ie-, a stu#ent $ust %e a%le to %oil a rea#ing #o-n to to its essence in or#er to correctly ans-er $ultiple c"oice 4uestions on stan#ar#i(e# tests, or fe- -ill %e con'ince# t"e stu#ent "as a#e4uate literacy s&ills) Anot"er useful literacy e'ent is -riting) Fro$ a $usician3s point of 'ie-, goo# -riting is t"e only -ay to get goo# lyrics) *"roug" our 2ontent Area !iteracy class #iscussions an# t"e rea#ings, . foun# a great $any i#eas as to "o- -riting coul# tie:in t"e co$pre"ension i#eas of $onitoring co$pre"ension, $a&ing connections, an# $a&ing inferences) For our !iteracy 6trategies 2ollection assign$ent, . selecte# t-o for$s of poetry t"at . really li&e# t"at re4uire# stu#ents to rea#, #igest, an# create) *"e first -as a free 'erse poe$ #escri%ing a person, e'ent, or i#ea split in t-o parts to %e perfor$e# %y a #uo) *"e perfor$ance itself is a literacy e'ent) *"e secon# poe$ -as a cin4uain, -"ic" is a "ig"ly structure# 5 line poe$ of #ictate# content an# sylla%les for eac" line) .n conclusion, stone -"eels an# ca'e$an clu%s are too cru#e an outfit for 21 st century stu#ents) *"e stu#ents nee# $ore t"an t"e $e$ori(e# facts an# ru#i$entary rea#ing s&ills re4uire# for coloring t"e rig"t circles on t"e /EAP test) Being a%le to rea# is not enoug", t"ey $ust %e fully literate) /y %ag of e#ucational tric&s inclu#es $et"o#s of content co$pre"ension, analysis, an# creati'ity t"roug" t"e stu#y of $usical perfor$ance, lyric co$position, an# "istorical interpretation)

B.B!.;@RAP8A =2a'e$an clu% an# -"eel cartoon)? @oogle i$age searc") Retrie'e# 0 June 201 ) Fis"er, >) Frey, N) 020121) .$pro'ing a#olescent literacy< 2ontent area strategies t"at -or&) Boston, /A) Boo&) /oore, 7) 020121) =+"ic" ca$e first, $usic or languageB? Aour $usical self series) Psyc"ology *o#ay) Retrie'e# 2C June 201 ) Ross, A) 0200C1) All t"e rest is noise) Pica#or pu%lis"ing) Ne- Aor&, NA) Boo&) *o'ani, 2) 020041) >o . really "a'e to teac" rea#ingB 6ten"ouse Pu%lis"ers) Portlan#, /E) Boo&) +al&er, N) Bean, *) >illar#, B) 020101 +"en te,t%oo&s fall s"ort) 8eine$ann) Ports$out", N8) Boo&) +als", /)E) =/usic?) @oogle i$age searc") Retrie'e# 0 June 201 fro$ $aryellen-als"-riter)co$

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