as a subkingdom Thallophyta, the thallophytes: organisms with no highly differentiated tissues, such as root, stem, or leaf, and no vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) The land plants are then grouped into a second subkingdom, !mbryophyta, in which the "ygote develops into a multicellular embryo still encased in an archegonium or an embryo sac #ll embryophytes are marked by alternation of generation #lthough they are no longer used in schemes of classification, terms such as "algae," "thallophytes," and "gymnosperms" are still sometimes useful in an informal sense #n even earlier scheme divided all plants into "phanerogams," those with flowers, and "cryptogams," those lacking flowers$ these terms are occasionally seen today also "
In the first aquatic plants, tissues for support and conduction (vascular) were not necessary. On land, fundamental adaptations were necessary to transport nutrients throughtout the organism's body. With the development of pollen and seeds in gymnosperms the dependence of plants on water for fertili ation was eliminated enabling new species to thrive and become more widely distributed on land. In light of their evolution the relationships among the different groups of non! flowering plants is not fully "nown. #he illustration represents several points of view fused into a singular one. $osses, %iverworts and &ornworts are placed with!mbryophytes. 'erns, (ymnosperms, )lub $osses and &orsetails are grouped as%ascular &lants. #he plant body of a #hallophyte is a thallus, which may consist of a single cell or large mass of undifferentiated cells that show negligible speciali ations e*cept those related to reproduction. #hallophytes lac" conductive (vascular) tissue. #hey possess no roots, stems, leaves and do not produce flowers, seeds or fruits. #ypically they have single cell reproductive structures. #hose that are multi!cellular lac" a +ac"et of sterile cells around se* cells and around the spores. ,toneworts were an e*ception. #he fertili ed egg or ygote of #hallophytes do do not develop into an embryo. -lso, reproduction occurs ase*ually by cell division or through formation of spores of many types, motile and non!motile.