Maloca - Vernacular Architecture
Maloca - Vernacular Architecture
Maloca - Vernacular Architecture
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Maloca A maloca is an ancestral long house used y the nati!es of the Ama"on, nota ly in #olom ia and $ra"il% &ach community has a maloca 'ith its o'n uni(ue characteristics% For many years, these long houses 'ere )esuit missionaries* o +ects of attack% ,e!eral families 'ith patrilineal relations li!e together in a maloca, distri uted around the long house in different compartments% -n general, the chief of the local descent group li!es in the compartment nearest to the ack 'all of the long house% As 'ell, each family has its o'n furnace% .uring festi!als and in formal ceremonies, 'hich in!ol!e dances for males, the long house space is rearranged/ the centre of the long house is the most important area 'here the dance takes place% &ach maloca has t'o entrances, for men and for 'omen% Married men and 'omen sleep together, and unmarried men sleep separately, as do unmarried 'omen% A maloca is traditionally surrounded 'ith t'o gardens0 the inner called the kitchen gardens 1gro'ing plants such as ananas, papaya, mango and pineapple2 and the manioc gardens gro'ing manioc 1yuca2%
Maloca l3 t4n c5a nh3 d3i c6 s7 d8ng 9i ng:;i <n =a !>ng Ama"on, n6i ting 9 #olom ia !3 $ra"il% M?i c@ng Ang cB m@t Maloca !i Cc iDm ri4ng% EhiFu gia Gnh c>ng huyt thHng 4n n@i 1gia Gnh 4n cha2 sHng c>ng nhau trong m@t Maloca% Irong nhJng ng3y lK h@i, !3 d=p (uan trLng m3 cB ao gAm nhJng iu ma c5a 3n Mng, khMng gian c5a ngMi nh3 d3i :Nc thay 6i% Irung tOm c5a maloca l3 nPi iu nh<y diKn ra% M?i maloca cB Q lHi !3o cho 3n Mng !3 ph8 nJ% Rh8 nJ !3 3n Mng S lTp gia Gnh ng5 chung !i nhau, 3n Mng !3 ph8 nJ ch:a lTp gia Gnh ng5 ri4ng% U maloca truyFn thHng :Nc ao (uanh 9i Q khu !:;n0 khu !:;n trong gLi l3 khu !:;n p 1trAng cOy nh: chuHi, u 5, Vo3i !3 thPm2 !3 khu !:;n manioc trAng cOy manioc 1cOy VW nhit i cB rK !3 nhXnh d3i cB thD Yn :Nc, rK :Nc lu@c, chi4n hay l3m @t2
The Amazonian Indians live in homes, called malocas. They were used for many different reason, including a family home, workspace, and dance house. The homes were built by the men, with help of the neighbors. Maloca commonly had gardens. In the gardens they grew special plants, such as plants that can be used as medicine. In each maloca there was a headman. When the headman died the maloca was left, ant the people living in it all moved together. They would build a new maloca nearby. The oldest brother would lead the building, and become the ne t headman. The larger the maloca the more prestige the headman had.
.On <n =a 9 !>ng Ama"on sHng trong nhJng ngMi nh3 gLi l3 Maloca% #hng :Nc s7 d8ng cho nhiFu lZ do khXc nhau d>ng l3m nPi 9, nPi l3m !ic !3 ma hXt !3o d=p lK% EgMi nh3 :Nc VOy d[ng 9i 3n Mng, !3 s[ gip \ c5a h3ng VBm% Ih:;ng Maloca cB !:;n% Irong !:;n hL trAng nhJng lo3i cOy Cc it nh: cOy thuHc% M?i maloca cB m@t ng:;i Wng ]u% Khi ng:;i Wng ]u cht t^t c< mLi ng:;i sHng trong B Fu d;i i% _L s` VOy m@t Maloca khXc g]n B% Eg:;i anh ln nh^t s` dan ]u cu@c VOy d[ng !3 tr9 th3nh ng:;i Wng ]u mi% Eh3 maloca c3ng ln thG ng:;i Wng ]u c3ng :Nc nD trLng, tMn kZnh%
Map of the #ari eanbAma"onian area% Marked are 'ater'ays and modern orders% Ihe former and the latter are interrelated0 most of the north order of $ra"il is formed y the 'atershed of the ri!ers that flo' to the Ama"on, resp% the Atlantic ccean% Ihe order et'een dene"uela and euyana is the 'atershed et'een the ri!ers of the &sf se(ui o, resp% the crinoco system% Ihe other orders are large ri!ers 1cyapock, Maf ro'i+ne and #oranti+n2% Ihe ri!ers are the transport routes in this part of the 'orld%
Aerial !ie' of Aifa, a Kalapalo !illage in central $ra"il% A circular layout of malocas around a circular plaza is !isi le% A rectangular ceremonial house is situated near the center of the plaza% Ihis ceremonial house contains 'ooden trumpets and other paraphernalia used during ceremonies%After $asso, Ujkl0mn
I]m nhGn to3n c<nh Aifa, U ngMi l3ng Kalapalo 9 trung tOm $ra"il% M@t tTp hNp !ong tron cXc maloca Vung (uanh U pla"a% U ngMi nh3 d>ng cho cXc lK h@i hGnh chJ nhTt npm ngay giJa pla"a% EgMi nh3 n3y chWa kqn trumpet png g? !3 m@t l:Nng ln nhgc c8, !Tt d8ng khXc d>ng cho cXc lK h@i%
Ihe uilding of longhouses is a custom shared among the different indigenous societies of the rpper and Middle iio Eegro% For many years these constructions 'ere the o +ect of attacks on the part of missionaries, 'hich resulted in their a andonment y the ma+ority of the communities located on the $ra"ilian side of the region% Actually they are eing reco!ered in se!eral places, such as on the upper Ii(uis and the upper raupss, in the conteVt of a process of reco!ery of traditions and as a adge of identity for the indigenous mo!ement, as is the case of the longhouse at the head(uarters of the Foirn 1Federation of the -ndigenous crgani"ations of the iio Eegro2, in ,So ea riel% Eh3 d3i l3 m@t nst !Yn hBa c5a dOn c: <n =a !>ng th:Nng !3 trung iio Eegro% Irong nhiFu nYm nhJng cMng trGnh n3y l3 m8c ti4u t^n cMng li4n t8c, dan n s[ t i c5a m@t l:Nng ln c@ng Ang dOn c: sinh sHng 9 $ra"il% _L chuyDn (ua sinh sHng 9 !>ng th:Nng Ii(uie !3 raupes% Iraditionally, the longhouse 'as di!ided into !arious side compartments, each one occupied y a nuclear family% Ihe general rule 'as that the chief of the local descent group li!ed in the compartment nearest the 'all of the ack of the house, to the left side of 'hoe!er entered the ack door, and his younger rothers, as they married, occupied contiguous compartments, from the ack to the front of the house% Ihe unmarried men, already initiated, had to lea!e the compartment of their parents and hang their hammocks from the center eam in the middle of the house
to'ards the front% Finally, the aggregated inha itants 'ho 'ere li!ing in the house pro!isionally or on an eVceptional asis, and !isitors, had to remain in the front part of the house%
Maloca truyFn thHng :Nc chia ra nhiFu khu ![c nht, m?i khu ![c l3 m@t gia Gnh hgt nhOn% huTt chung l3 ng:;i Wng ]u s` sHng 9 trong khu g]n t:;ng phZa sau ngMi nh3 nh^t, 4n trXi c5a c7a sau, !3 nhJng ng:;i em trai S c:i !N c5a anh ta sHng 9 nhJng khu ![c tip nHi theo anh ta ut ]u tv phZa sau ra phZa tr:c nh3% w3n Mng ch:a cB !N ph<i r;i khu ![c c5a H mx, muc !yng !3o cOy 3 chZnh 9 giJa nh3 h:ng mCt ra c7a tr:c !3 ng5 9 B% EhJng ng:;i sHng tgm th;i nh: khXch s` 9 ph]n tr:c nh3%
.uring the festi!als and a o!e all in the more formal cerimonies, that in!ol!e dances of the adult men, the longhouse space is refarranged, the center of the longhouse eing the most important area, 'here the dance takes place% Ihe ,alesian missionary Alcionilio $rz""i made a detailed description of the longhouse of ,So Redro, on the iio Ii(uis, 'hich he !isited in Ujmk, ut 'hich can e generali"ed for the longhouses that used to eVist in great num er throughout the region0 {-t 'as uilt according to the old 'ays% -t 'as rectangular, measuring Qk%|} metres in length and U~ in 'idth% Ihe roof 'as sloping on t'o sides, 'ith a marked decline, to facilitate the (uick flo' of rain'ater% -nside it measured k%l} metres in height at the center eam, ut sloping do'n to j} cm from the ground, such that the side 'alls measured only U% nQ meters in height% Ihe thatched roofing eVtended out a it more on the part corresponding to the doors, for protection from the rains% Ihe main 'alls 'ere made in the classic style, that is, out of tree ark up to Q%n meters in height, and tied together 'ith aaZ% Ihe side 'alls 'ere made of pehs%
Eh3 truyFn giXo ng:;i ,alesian Alcionilio $rz""i mM t< nh3 d3i 9 ,So Redro, iio Ii(uis, !3o nYm Ujmk0 EB :Nc VOy d[ng theo cXch c% EB hGnh chJ nhTt, Qk,| m d3i, U~m r@ng% MXi dHc Q 4n, khX dHc D thoXt n:c m:a nhanh chBng% $4n trong nB kho<ng k,l m cao 9 3 chZnh nh:ng dHc VuHng ti cXch nFn j}cm, t:;ng Q 4n ch cao U%nQ m% MXi lNp lX :a ra ngo3i nhiFu hPn 9 phZa cB cXc c7a D chHng m:a tgt% I:;ng chZnh VOy d[ng theo kiDu c l^y tv !t cOy cao Q%n m, c@t lgi !i nhau png acai 1U logi cL ph6 in 9 $ra"il2 % I:;ng 4n l3m png pehe
-t 'as solidly uilt on fi!e pairs of poles the three center poles and the other t'o 'hich held up the front and ack 'alls of the longhouse, 'hich marked the central na!e% Ihey 'ere rounded poles, rectilinear, rustic 1'ithout remo!ing the ark2, although (uite regular and proportional, as also 'ere the eams and rafters%
EB :Nc VOy d[ng chuc chun 9i n cCp c@t 1l cCp c@t trung tOm !3 Q cCp 9 t:;ng tr:c !3 sau nh32% #hng l3 c@t tron, thng l3m png g? thM 1D nguy4n !t cOy2, cXc d]m 3 cng l3m nh: !Ty%
Ihe 'hole 'ooden frame 'as solidly tied 'ith !ines% -nside, the supports, all 'ell aligned, di!ided the space into fi!e na!es from one side to the other% Ihe three center na!es are for common use0 transit, meetings, dances, !isits and 'ork% Ihere, more to the ack, the utensils of common use 'ere kept, such as the large !essels of fired clay and the 'ooden troughs for the fermentation of the caViri e!erages, and the o!en for the cooking of manioc flour% -t 'as in this area that the dances 'ere held on the occasion of the festi!als% Ihe t'o outside na!es, 'hich correspond to the lo'er part of the sloping roof, along the order, are set aside for family residences0 each na!e has four di!isions%
Io3n @ khung g? :Nc c@t chuc chun !i nhau png dOy nho% $4n trong, cXc c@t cXch nhau khX Fu, chia khMng gian l3m n 1giHng nh: n gian2% l gian trung tOm th:;ng s7 d8ng cho giao thMng,
gCp g\, h@i hLp, ma hXt, l3m !ic% #3ng !F sau, thG khMng gian s7 d8ng c3ng :Nc cH =nh nh: nhJng Hng png ^t nung !3 th>ng g? chWa r:Nu, l3m A l4n men, p lo n^u @t manioc 1S :Nc nhuc 9 ph]n tr4n2% wB l3 khu ![c ma hXt trong d=p lK h@i% Q gian ngo3i c>ng khu ![c th^p nh^t do mXi dHc VuHng thG :Nc l3m nPi 9 cho cXc gia Gnh, m?i gian chia l3m m ph]n%
-n the residence of the chief, the separation is a it more pronounced, ut not enough, ho'e!er, to hinder a !ie' of inside the longhouse% -n se!eral longhouses, a solutely no separation eVists% cne can thus say that they are imaginary di!isions, corresponding to the 'ooden eams and poles of the longhouse{ 1Uj|Q0Uknfk2%
ph]n c5a ng:;i Wng ]u, s[ ngYn cXch cB ry r3ng hPn nh:ng !an khMng 5 tgo s[ ri4ng t: 4n trong nh3 d3i% Irong nhiFu ngMi nh3, ho3n to3n khMng cB s[ phOn chia% #B ng:;i nBi rpng cB s[ ngYn chia !M hGnh nh: 3 !3 cXc c@t trong nh3 d3i%
Ioday, most of the -ndians 'ho li!e along the anks of the main ri!ers are organi"ed into communities, a name that has een used for decades y the #atholic missionaries and also used y the Rrotestants f to refer to the !illages 'hich came to su stitute the communal longhouses% Ihe community is generally comprised of a set of houses uilt on a 'ide open pla"a, 'ith 'alls of tree ark, mud 'alls, or oards and roo!es of thatch or sheets of "inc, A community also has a chapel 1#atholic or Rrotestant2, a small school, and, in some communities, a health post% &ach community has a captain capitSo, al'ays a man, 'hose role is to ring the group together, animating it{ to perform community tasks and also ans'ering to the general demands linked 'ith such tasks% cne is not dealing, ho'e!er, 'ith an allfpo'erful chief or commander 'ho gi!es orders and can punish% -n most cases, he only guides, 'ithout imposing his point of !ie'% _e is also the preferred interlocutor 'ith the 'hites%
Eg3y hMm nay, h]u ht ng:;i <n =a sHng dLc ; song t6 chWc th3nh cXc c@ng Ang% #@ng Ang gAm U logt cXc ngMi nh3 VOy tr4n m@t kho<ng trHng r@ng m9 1pla"a2 !i t:;ng !t cOy, t:;ng >n, cXc <n l3m tv lX, hay <n k`m%
Floor plan of largest maloca 1diameter Uj m2 eVca!ated at the eolden iock site on ,t% &ustatius% $elo' the floor plan a reconstruction of the maloca% Ihe reconstruction is on display in the museum of the ,t% &ustatius _istorical Foundation%After dersteeg ,chinkel, UjjQ0 Unk/ lo'er photograph A%_% dersteeg%
MCt png c5a nh3 maloca ln nh^t 1:;ng kZnh Ujm, khai (uTt 9 eolden iock, ,t% &ustatius% _Gnh 4n d:i l3 mM hGnh tXi hin lgi maloca, :Nc tr:ng 3y 9 <o t3ng c5a ,t% &ustatius _istorical Foundation%
Watercolor 1made ca% U~mQ2 of round Aka'aio houses in euyana%After &%A% eoodall, Ujkk0~m%
Watercolor 1made ca% U~mQ2 of round Maopityan house in euyana% After &%A% eoodall, Ujkk0k|%
_Gnh <nh nh3 tron 9 euyana% 1m@t dgng nh3 khXc2 1nh3 9 dOn gian c5a n:c khXc khMng lien (uan n maloca2