Emor 74

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The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer





Two True Stories --More or Less- About Where God !" #e $ou"d %" Our Time #efore % be&i"' % w!"t to s!y o"e thi"&( Those of you who )"ow me )"ow th!t % !m "ot ! *hi+oso*her' !"d % !m "ot ! theo+o&i!"' !"d % !m "ot ! s,ho+!r( % !m ! storyte++er( % !m ! *erso" who +o-es stories' !"d who be+ie-es th!t this who+e .ewish e"ter*rise of ours is re!++y o"e +o"& s!&!' i" whi,h our &e"er!tio" sti++ h!s its ow" ,h!*ter to write( A"d % be+ie-e th!t God +o-es stories too( Otherwise' why wou+d /e h!-e ,re!ted the wor+d0 W!s /e short of !&&r!-!tio"0 #ut if there were "o wor+d' there wou+d be "o stories( A"d if there were "o stories' how bori"& !"d how em*ty God1s +ife wou+d be( A"d so wh!t % !m &oi"& to do tod!y is te++ you two stories' o"e o+d' !"d o"e "ew( These two stories both de!+ with the s!me 2uestio"' whi,h is3 Where is God' !"d how does God m!"ifest /imse+f i" the wor+d i" whi,h we +i-e tod!y( A++ my stories !re true - some e-e" h!**e"ed( The se,o"d story is true4 % !m sure' be,!use we !++ re!d !bout it i" the *!*ers( The first story % ,!"1t -ou,h for' be,!use % w!s "ot there' but +et me te++ it to you !"yw!y( %f you +i)e this story' % wi++ te++ you who wrote it or who !t +e!st u*d!ted !"d moder"i5ed it( A"d if you do"1t +i)e this story' the" % wo"1t te++ you who wrote it( $!ir0 !" you &uess how this story be&i"s0 %t be&i"s' !s m!"y stories do3 O",e u*o" ! time(

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

O",e u*o" ! time' there w!s ! sm!++ shu+e i" ! -i++!&e i" E!ster" Euro*e( A"d this -i++!&e h!d o"e ri,h m!" !"d o"e *oor m!"( A"d the ri,h m!" !"d the *oor m!" wou+d both ,ome to shu+e e-ery Sh!bb!t be,!use is"1t th!t wh!t e-erybody is su**osed to do o" Sh!bb!t0 7ow this shu+e h!d ! r!bbi who w!s ! -ery "i,e m!"( The o"+y thi"& wro"& with him is th!t' +o o+ey"u' "isht f!r u"ts &id!,ht' he w!s ! bori"& s*e!)er8! -ery bori"& s*e!)er( O" Sh!bb!t he wou+d t!+) sometimes for !" hour' sometimes for two hours' !"d sometimes he wou+d e-e" t!+) for T/REE /O9RS - "ot +i)e the R!bbi of our shu+e who is "e-er bori"&' !"d who "e-er s*e!)s th!t +o"&( Ri&ht0 A"d whe" the r!bbi s*o)e' do you )"ow wh!t the *eo*+e i" the ,o"&re&!tio" wou+d do0 !" you &uess0 They wou+d !++ &o to s+ee* - "ot +i)e the *eo*+e i" our shu+e' who "e-er f!++ !s+ee* duri"& the r!bbi1s sermo"( Ri&ht0 :#y the w!y' th!t is the re!+ re!so" why me" !"d wome" sit se*!r!te+y i" Orthodo; sy"!&o&ues( So th!t they wo"1t e"d u* s+ee*i"& to&ether duri"& the r!bbi1s sermo"(< O"e d!y' it w!s o" this Sh!bb!t of Emor' !"d the r!bbi w!s t!+)i"& !bout the showbre!d' the twe+-e +o!-es of bre!d' whi,h the =oh!"im were ,omm!"ded to *ut o" the !+t!r o",e ! wee)( The ri,h m!" w!s s+ee*i"&' !"d whi+e he w!s s+ee*i"& he ,ou+d he!r the -oi,e of the r!bbi' !"d i" his s+ee* he thou&ht th!t he w!s he!ri"& the >oi,e of God' !"d he thou&ht th!t the >oi,e w!s s*e!)i"& dire,t+y to him' !"d th!t the >oi,e w!s s!yi"&3 ?*ut +o!-es of bre!d u*o" the !+t!r@A /e wo)e u*' !"d "obody e+se seemed to h!-e he!rd the >oi,e th!t he did' but he fi&ured th!t if this is wh!t God w!"ts him to do' he better do it( So he we"t home' !"d the "e;t $rid!y' he b!)ed two bi& fresh +o!-es of ,h!++!h' !"d the" he s+i**ed i"to the shu+e' ,!rryi"& the +o!-es of ,h!++!h u"der his ,o!t( /e +oo)ed !rou"d' !"d there w!s "o o"e there' !"d' si",e there w!s "o !+t!r i" the shu+e' he we"t u* o" the

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

bim! !"d he *ut the two bi&' fresh +o!-es of ,h!++!h i"to the Ar)' !"d !s he did' he s!id3 ?Gut sh!bb!s' God( % ho*e you +i)e the ,h!++!h th!t % m!de for you(A A"d he we"t home( 7ow it h!**e"ed th!t o" th!t s!me sh!bb!s' duri"& the s!me sermo"' the *oor m!" !+so fe++ !s+ee*( A"d he he!rd the s!me -oi,e' the -oi,e of the r!bbi' dro"i"& o" !"d o"' !"d it !+so sou"ded to him +i)e the >oi,e of God' !"d the -oi,e s!id somethi"& !bout +o!-es of bre!d( The *oor m!" wo)e u*' !"d he did"1t )"ow e;!,t+y whether he h!d re!++y he!rd God s*e!) or whether it w!s ! dre!m( #ut he did )"ow th!t he "eeded bre!d des*er!te+y' for he w!s -ery *oor' !"d he h!d ! wife !"d ,hi+dre" to feed( A"d he h!d "o ,h!++!h to *ut o" his sh!bb!s t!b+e for his f!mi+y !"d he fe+t -ery s!d !bout th!t( %" f!,t' he w!s de*ressed( %" f!,t' he w!s so de*ressed th!t he h!d to t!)e two !"ti-de*ress!"t *i++s o" $rid!y "i&ht' o"e before di""er' !"d o"e !fter di""er( #ut o" this $rid!y !fter"oo"' Ere- Sh!bb!s' he s+i**ed i"to the shu+e !t ! time whe" there w!s "obody there !"d he we"t u* o" the bim! !"d he o*e"ed the Ar)( A"d &uess wh!t0 Sure e"ou&h' there were two bi&' fresh +o!-es of ,h!++!h there@ A *rese"t from God@ /e w!s so h!**y@ A"d so he *ut the two +o!-es of ,h!++!h u"der his ,o!t' !"d he hurried home( Th!t "i&ht there w!s &re!t Coy !t his sh!bb!s t!b+e for they did "ot h!-e )i&e+' !"d they did "ot h!-e ,hi,)e" sou*' !"d they did "ot h!-e ,ho+e"t' but !t +e!st the *oor m!" !"d his wife !"d their ,hi+dre" h!d ,h!++!h to e!t' two bi& +o!-es of fresh ,h!++!h( A"d so they !te !"d they s!"& !"d they be"ts,hed' !"d they were -ery h!**y( The *oor m!" ,ou+d fee+ his de*ressio" dis!**e!ri"& !"d so' this time he o"+y too) o"e !"ti-de*ress!"t *i++ !fter su**er' i"ste!d of the usu!+ two(

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

The "e;t wee)' the ri,h m!" h!d mis&i-i"&s( /e fi&ured th!t he must h!-e bee" dre!mi"& whe" he thou&ht he he!rd God ,!++i"& him' but Cust to m!)e sure' he we"t to the shu+e' !"d +oo)ed i"to the !r)( A"d +o !"d beho+d' the ,h!++!h w!s &o"e@ A"d so he fi&ured3 God must h!-e t!)e" it@ So he s!id3 God' % !m so &+!d th!t Dou +i)ed the ,h!++!h th!t % m!de for you( Si",e you +i)ed it' % wi++ m!)e it !&!i"( A"d this time % wi++ m!)e it bi&&er !"d better@ This time % wi++ *ut r!isi"s !"d ses!me seeds i" it to m!)e it t!ste e-e" more de+i,ious( A"d so th!t is wh!t he did( Whe" "o o"e w!s +oo)i"&' he we"t i"to the shu+e' !"d he we"t u* to the !r)' !"d he *ut two bi& ,h!++!hs i" the !r)' !"d the" he ,+osed the doors of the !r)' !"d he we"t home( Th!t wee)' the *oor m!" we"t to the shu+e o" $rid!y !fter"oo" !&!i"' Cust to see if the mir!,+e wou+d h!**e" !&!i" !"d sure e"ou&h' there were two more ,h!++!hs i" the Ar)' !"d this time' they were e-e" better !"d e-e" bi&&er th!" the o"es he h!d t!)e" the wee) before@ A"d so he too) them out of the Ar)' hu&&ed them to his ,hest' !"d he too) them home where he !"d his f!mi+y h!d ! wo"derfu+ sh!bb!s di""er( The *oor m!" w!s so h!**y th!t his de*ressio" +ifted e-e" more th!" it h!d the wee) before( This time' he did "ot h!-e to t!)e e-e" o"e !"ti-de*ress!"t *i++' "either before the me!+ "or !fter the me!+' be,!use he fe+t so h!**y( This we"t o" for m!"y wee)s( The ri,h m!" )e*t bri"&i"& ,h!++!hs !"d *utti"& them i"to the Ar)' !"d the *oor m!" )e*t t!)i"& them out' !"d both )e*t *r!isi"& God( 9"ti+ o"e d!y ! Lit-!) ,!me to tow"( Eoes e-eryo"e here )"ow wh!t ! Lit-!) is0 A Lit-!) is ! *erso" who ,omes from Lithu!"i! !"d were )"ow" for bei"& ,o+d' tou&h' r!tio"!+ *eo*+e( They o"+y be+ie-e somethi"& if you ,!" *ro-e it to them( Th!t1s the )i"d of *eo*+e they were( Tod!y we wou+d ,!++ them ,y"i,s( A"d so'

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

whe" he he!rd wh!t the ri,h !"d the *oor m!" were doi"&' this Lit-!) hid i" the sy"!&o&ue i" order to see wh!t w!s &oi"& o"( A"d whe" he did' the Lit-!) +!u&hed !t them both' !"d he e;*+!i"ed to the two of them8to the ri,h m!" !"d to the *oor m!"8wh!t h!d bee" h!**e"i"&( The two me" were ,rushed( A++ this time' they thou&ht th!t they were &i-i"& ! *rese"t to God' !"d &etti"& ! *rese"t from God !"d "ow they fou"d out th!t it w!s "ot so( They were both so emb!rr!ssed !"d so !sh!med' !"d they both fe+t so stu*id !"d so foo+ish( $rom th!t d!y o"' the ri,h m!" sto**ed b!)i"& ,h!++!hs !"d *utti"& them i" the Ar)' !"d the *oor m!" sto**ed &oi"& to the Ar) to t!)e them out !"d both of them were -ery s!d( The ri,h m!" w!s s!d be,!use he "o +o"&er fe+t th!t he w!s bri"&i"& *+e!sure to God( A"d the *oor m!" fe+t s!d be,!use he "o +o"&er thou&ht th!t he w!s &etti"& ! *rese"t e-ery wee) from God' !"d be,!use he "o +o"&er h!d ,h!++!hs to *ut o" his t!b+e +i)o-ed sh!bb!s-i" ho"or of the S!bb!th( So both of them' the ri,h m!" !"d the *oor m!"' fe+t -ery s!d( #oth of them h!d wh!t we ,!++ G! f!rshtere" sh!bb!s - ! s*oi+ed sh!bb!s1e-ery wee)( A"d both of them h!d to t!)e two !"ti-de*ress!"t *i++s8o"e before !"d o"e !fter their Sh!bb!t di""er' be,!use they were both so u"h!**y' The"' the r!bbi he!rd !bout wh!t h!**e"ed( This r!bbi w!s ! sm!rt r!bbi' Cust +i)e the r!bbi i" our shu+e !"d so he ,!++ed the two *eo*+e' the ri,h m!" !"d the *oor m!"' i"to his study' !"d he s!id to them3 you do"1t u"derst!"d wh!t h!**e"ed here( Dou' Mr( Ri,h M!"' you thi") th!t God does "ot "eed your ,h!++!h0 Dou !re wro"&@ /e does( A"d you' Mr( Hoor m!"' you thi") th!t God h!s "ot bee" se"di"& you ,h!++!h e-ery wee)0 Dou !re wro"&@ /e h!s( God does "eed your ,h!++!h' Mr( Ri,h M!"( A"d God h!s bee" se"di"& you ,h!++!h' Mr( Hoor M!"' be,!use the two of you !re T/E ARMS O$ GOE@@@@ Dou' Mr( Ri,h m!"' h!-e bee" doi"& the wor) of God by b!)i"& !"d bri"&i"& this ,h!++!h' !"d you' Mr( Hoor m!"' h!-e bee" doi"& the wor) of God by re,ei-i"& the &ifts of God' be,!use' "ow!d!ys' this

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

is the w!y God wor)s( 7ow!d!ys God wor)s throu&h the deeds of hum!" bei"&s@ A"d so God h!s bee" *rese"t i" your +i-es !++ this time - o"+y you did"1t )"ow it( Whe" the r!bbi e;*+!i"ed this truth to the two me"' they both u"derstood wh!t h!d bee" h!**e"i"&( A"d from the" o"' the ri,h m!" ,o"ti"ued to b!)e ,h!++!h e-ery wee)' !"d he !dded some &efi+te fish !"d some )ie&e+ too' o" o,,!sio"' !"d he *ut them i"to the Ar)( The *oor m!" ,o"ti"ued to &o to the Ar) e-ery $rid!y !fter"oo"' !"d t!)e the ,h!++!h' to&ether with the &efi+te fish !"d the )ie&e+( A"d from the" o"' both the ri,h m!" !"d the *oor m!" were -ery' -ery h!**y o" Sh!bb!s( The ri,h m!" w!s h!**y be,!use he w!s doi"& ! bi& mit5-!h' !"d the *oor m!" w!s h!**y be,!use he w!s &etti"& ,h!++!h !"d other thi"&s for his f!mi+y e-ery sh!bb!s( Sometimes' the ri,h m!" wou+d i"-ite the *oor m!" !"d his wife !"d his ,hi+dre" to ,ome !"d h!-e sh!bb!s di""er !t his home( A"d sometimes' the *oor m!" wou+d i"-ite the ri,h m!" to ,ome !"d h!-e sh!bb!s di""er !t his home( A"d whe"e-er they did th!t' they both h!d ! -ery &ood time( A"d the" do you )"ow wh!t h!**e"ed0 The ri,h m!" h!d ! so" !"d the *oor m!" h!d ! d!u&hter !"d !fter ! whi+e' they be&!" to d!te( A"d the"' !fter ! whi+e ,!" you &uess wh!t h!**e"ed0 7o' they did"1t &et m!rried' but the ri,h m!"1s so" !"d the *oor m!"1s d!u&hter de,ided to +i-e to&ether( They +i-ed h!**i+y to&ether for some time !"d e-ery sh!bb!s they h!d ,h!++!h' !"d &efi+te fish !"d )ie&e+ for the m!i" ,ourse( :A"d o",e i" ! whi+e' they wou+d h!-e m!riCu!"! for dessert' but th!t is ! who+e other story(< They +i-ed to&ether for some time without &etti"& m!rried Cust +i)e some *eo*+e do "ow!d!ys' !t +e!st th!t is wh!t % h!-e he!rd( % do"1t )"ow if it true or "ot' but th!t is wh!t % h!-e he!rd(

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

The"' !fter ! whi+e' the ri,h m!"1s so" !"d the *oor m!"1s d!u&hter bro)e u*( They e!,h fou"d somebody e+se !"d we"t o" to m!rry these two other *eo*+e whom they met !"d +i-ed h!**i+y e-er !fter :or !t +e!st for some ye!rs' !"d the" they bro)e u*' but th!t is !"other story' for some other time(< A"d "ow' +et me te++ you the mor!+ of the story( The mor!+ of the story is th!t' from "ow o"' whe"e-er you h!-e ! ,h!",e to do ! mit5-!h' % ur&e you to do it( A"d from "ow o"' whe"e-er someo"e does ! mit5-!h for you' % ur&e you to s!y th!") you to th!t *erso"' !"d to God' !"d to be h!**y be,!use whoe-er does ! mit5-!h !"d this is the m!i" +esso" th!t % w!"t you to +e!r" from this story - whoe-er does ! mit5-!h is doi"& the wor) of God' !"d whoe-er re,ei-es ! mit5-!h is re,ei-i"& it from the h!"ds of God' for this is the w!y th!t God wor)s i" the wor+d "ow!d!ys( So' from "ow o"' if you !re e-er i" ! &ood mood' if you e-er fee+ th!")fu+ for !++ the b+essi"&s you h!-e i" your +ife' % su&&est th!t you m!)e ! ,h!++!h' !"d bri"& it to someo"e who does "ot h!-e o"e( A"d from "ow o"' if you !re e-er i" ! b!d mood' !"d if you e-er fee+ de*ressed th!t you do"1t e-e" h!-e ! ,h!++!h to *ut o" your t!b+e for sh!bb!s' my !d-i,e is3 7umber o"e3 T!)e !" !"ti-de*ress!"t( Th!t m!y he+* you fee+ better( 7umber two3 &o out !"d +oo) for ! Cob' so th!t you wi++ h!-e e"ou&h mo"ey with whi,h to buy ,h!++!hs !"d other thi"&s for your f!mi+y for sh!bb!s( A"d 7umber B( %f !++ e+se f!i+s' if you ,!"1t fi"d ! Cob' !"d if your !"ti-de*ress!"ts do"1t wor)' !"d if you do"1t h!-e food to *ut o" the t!b+e for your f!mi+y to e"Coy o" sh!bb!s' the" +oo) i"to the Ar)( Dou ,!" "e-er te++ wh!t you mi&ht fi"d w!iti"& for you there( % te++ you this story' this f!ir+y true story' tod!y' be,!use this is the sh!bb!s whe" we re!d from the Tor!h the story of the showbre!d' !"d be,!use % w!"t !++ of us to

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

u"derst!"d !"d try to remember th!t "ow!d!ys' you !"d % - by the mit5-!hs th!t we do - you !"d % !re the !rms of God( Wi++ you try to remember th!t0 *romise0 % ho*e you wi++' be,!use if you do' this wi++ be ! -ery &ood wor+d' !"d e-eryo"e i" it wi++ be !b+e to h!-e ! -ery h!**y Sh!bb!s( A"d e-eryo"e who +i-es this w!y - e-eryo"e who re!+i5es th!t we !re the !rms of God' wi++ be h!**y( E;,e*t for o"e &rou*( Eo you )"ow the o"e &rou* th!t wi++ "ot be h!**y if *eo*+e +i-e this w!y0 !" you &uess0 The o"e &rou* th!t wi++ "ot be h!**y wi++ be the *eo*+e who m!"uf!,ture !"ti-de*ress!"t *i++s( They wi++ be u"h!**y be,!use "o o"e wi++ "eed their *i++s' !"d so they wi++ &o out of busi"ess' !"d so they wi++ be,ome de*ressed' "e,he,h( #ut th!t is ! story for !"other time( % !m "ot &oi"& to t!+) mu,h more this mor"i"&' be,!use % do"1t w!"t you to s!y th!t % s*e!) !s +o"& !s the r!bbi i" this story did' for if you s!y th!t' % wi++ be i" bi& troub+e( #ut there is o"e more story th!t % h!-e to te++ you' be,!use this story is true' !"d it he+*s me be+ie-e th!t the first story % Cust to+d you must !+so be true( This is ! story th!t !++ of you )"ow( About ! ye!r !&o' do you remember3 two me" ,ommitted !" !,t of -io+e",e !t the #osto" M!r!tho"( They set off two bombs "e!r the fi"ish +i"e' !"d !s ! resu+t of wh!t they did' four *eo*+e died' !"d o-er two hu"dred !"d fifty *eo*+e were i"Cured' some serious+y( % must te++ you th!t % do"1t u"derst!"d why they did it( %f they h!d ! ,om*+!i"t !bout how Russi! tre!ts he,h"iy!' why did"1t they &o to Russi!' !"d set off their bombs there i"ste!d of !tt!,)i"& Ameri,!0 A"d if they thou&ht th!t wh!t they were doi"& w!s the wi++ of God' the" they were re!++y i"s!"e' for God does "ot w!"t i""o,e"t *eo*+e )i++ed !"d i"Cured for "o re!so"( A"yo"e who thi")s th!t wh!t

The Story Of TheEmor74 Riemer

these e-i+ *eo*+e did w!s the wi++ of God is Cust !s si,) !"d Cust !s i"s!"e !s they were( #ut do you )"ow wh!t h!**e"ed i" the se-e" d!ys !fter the M!r!tho"0 %" the first se-e" d!ys !fter wh!t h!**e"ed' *eo*+e !++ o-er Ameri,!' !"d *eo*+e o-erse!s !s we++' res*o"ded( They res*o"ded by se"di"& twe"ty fi-e mi++io" do++!rs to he+* the *eo*+e who were i"Cured i" th!t e-e"t( With h!rd+y !"y *ub+i,ity' !"d with h!rd+y !"y or&!"i5!tio"' !"d with h!rd+y !"y so+i,it!tio"' *eo*+e res*o"ded by se"di"& twe"ty fi-e mi++io" do++!rs - mu,h of it i" sm!++ !mou"ts - to he+* the i"Cured i" #osto"( A"d if you !s) me' where w!s God duri"& the m!r!tho"' % wou+d s!y th!t God w!s "ot with those -i,ious *eo*+e who did th!t !wfu+ deed' !"d !"yo"e who s!ys th!t God w!s i"-o+-ed i" wh!t they did b+!s*hemes( #ut God w!s with the &ood *eo*+e who &!-e twe"ty fi-e mi++io" do++!rs i" Cust se-e" d!ys i" order to he+* *eo*+e whom they did "ot )"ow !"d *eo*+e whom they h!d "e-er met( The *eo*+e who res*o"ded so &e"erous+y to the dis!ster i" #osto" were +i)e the ri,h m!" !"d the *oor m!" i" the first story th!t % to+d you( They were *eo*+e who were doi"& the wor) of God' !"d they were !,ti"& !s the Arms of God( So this is the +esso" th!t % wou+d h!-e you +e!r" from these two stories th!t % h!-e to+d you tod!y8o"e !" o+d story s+i&ht+y moder"i5ed' !"d o"e from ! story th!t too) *+!,e before our eyes i" the wee) !fter the m!r!tho"( Let us +e!r" from both these stories th!t whe" we do &ood for those who !re i" "eed' we !re doi"& the wor) of God( Let us +e!r" th!t whe" *eo*+e ,ome forw!rd with ,om*!ssio" !"d &e"erosity' they !re ,!rryi"& out the wi++ of God( A"d +et us +e!r" th!t we ,!" be +i)e them' if o"+y we !re wi++i"& to( A"d to this' +et us !++ s!y3 !me"(

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