Bala 74 JL

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1. Stone Chumash Pg.864 865 (Bamidbar 23:9
Balak, king of Moab, hires the sorcerer Balaam to curse Israel to weaken it. Hashem
forces Balaam, who hates Israel, to bless it three times instead. In his first blessing
he sas, !Behold" It is a nation that will dwell in solitude and not be reckoned
among the nations.# $hat did this refer to% Are we still a nation that dwells a&art%
2. Stone Chumash Pg. 866 ! 86" (Bamidbar 23:21
In Balaam's second blessing he sas, !He &ercei(ed no ini)uit in Jacob, and saw
no &er(ersit in Israel. Hashem, his *od, is with him, and the friendshi& of the
+ing is in him.# But Hashem has ,ust re&eatedl sent &la)ues, fires, and ser&ents
to &unish the Jews. Jacob lied and cheated his brother -sau, and the .hildren of
Israel are rea&ing the conse)uences of that to this da. $hat does this blessing

3. Stone Chumash Pg. 8"# 8"1 (Bamidbar 24:8 9
In Balaam's third blessing he sas, !It is *od $ho brought him out of -g&t
according to the &ower of His loftiness. He will consume the nations that o&&ress
him and crush their bones/ 0hose who bless ou are blessed and those who curse
ou are cursed.# Historicall, this hasn't seemed to be true. 1r has it%
4. Stone Chumash $g. 1189 (%i&ah 5:6 6:8 'a(tarah Ba)a*
Micah writes, !1 M &eo&le, remember now what Balak, king of Moab &lotted
and what Balaam son of Beor answered him. 2es&ite the sin of the s&ies, /I
ne(ertheless s&lit the Jordan for ou/that ou ma know the righteous acts of
Hashem.# $hat is this about%

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