0the Secret of Longevity

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0The Secret of Longevity There are innumerable unusual events and happenings of Nature.

Some of them can even be witnessed in our day-to-day life. However, the human mind is unable to understand the mystery behind them because it has its own limitations. Normally, only a few people are blessed with long healthy life. But at some places, it has been found that the average life span of the residents is 8 -!"" years# This is one such mystery of Nature. $et us see the facts and figures regarding this riddle. %n %taly, on top of the mountain range between Sienna and Naples, there is a village named &ampodimele. The natural beauty of this village is scenic, heavenly and marvelous. %n 'urope, this village is also (nown as )*orever +oung, village. -ll the inhabitants of this village have seen minimum of 8 spring seasons. To unveil the mystery behind the long life of these villagers, a group of 'uropean psychologists went to &ampodimele and did research on them. They found that the villagers live a peaceful and tension free life. Their eating habits are vegetarian and controlled. Their diet is mandated by fresh fruits, green vegetables, mil(, sprouts and boiled cereals. They ta(e rest for a while after lunch. Traditionally, they sleep by the dus( and wa(e up .uite early in the morning. They spend their life in the pro/imity of 0other Nature. Nature1s similar gift has been given to the people of Symi island of 2reece. The average age of the people here is 3" years. -ll inhabitants use tomato, vegetables and salad in good .uantity. Normally they eat raw or less coo(ed vegetables. 'ither due to the diet or nature1s uni.ue gift, these people are found wor(ing very hard even at the age of 8"-3". Hard wor(, honesty and goodwill are the foundations of this society. Their family life is bonded with strong threads of mutual love and caring with cooperative and generous nature. Their way of celebrating festivals is remar(able. They celebrate them with full gusto and enthusiasm. %nhabitants of this island live tension-free and happy life with their families. %n the 'ast &hina Sea, there is a group of !4! islands. This island group is (nown as 5(inawa -rchipelago. This island is also blessed with people who live long. %t has been found that the vegetables li(e sweet potato, leafy vegetables, and cereals are part of their daily diet. Soya bean also forms an essential part of their diet. -ccording to the physiologists, all these elements contain antio/idants, which stop the harmful effects of aging and growth of cancerous free radical cells. The topmost specialty of their food is that it contains minimal salt. %t is a (nown fact that salt increases blood pressure. Hence these people don1t have blood pressure and heart related diseases. 'ven at the age of 8", they can easily do farming. They are very fond of e/ercises. These include gardening, wal(ing, fol( dance and ancient marshal arts. %nhabitants of 5(inawa give much importance to meditation. They successfully try to resolve all their problems through meditation. 6wellers of Bama village in &hina have also achieved the goal of longevity. They ta(e tomato and blac( pepper in good .uantity. Tomato and blac( pepper have beta-carotene and vitamin & in large .uantity, which are very good for health. Tomato has antio/idant $ycobin in high amount, which stops cancer. They ta(e a green leafy vegetable named -maranth. %t contains twice the amount of calcium present in mil(. -part from that it contains potassium, folic acid, iron and vitamin -, & and ' in good .uantities. Hemp, full of nutritional elements in balanced .uantity, and corn full of antio/idants and folic acid, are part of their inta(e. Bama inhabitants are very fond of eating brown rice, which has magnesium, iron content and vitamins. 7robability of having cholesterol in the blood and heart diseases decreases by ta(ing brown rice. Their food stores have the tradition to (eep 2inseng and astragalus herbs. They are very fond of music also. Tribal inhabitants of Hun8a area in the North 'ast of 7a(istan also possess long life. They eat lot of spinach, radish, sweet potato and carrot. 6ue to the habit of drin(ing more water each person carries an earthen pot with him 9 her. They daily drin( an average of one large pot of water. They love sports very much. Their

traditional sport is 7olo. They li(e dancing also. Scientists researching on this tribe have found that up till now nobody has got cancer in this area. 'ven the roots of ulcer, tumor in the intestine and appendicitis cannot be found. Their family life is run on the basis of cooperation and good will. -ge of .uite a number of people living in certain special areas of the Himalayas has been found to be more than !"" years. 0any researches and tests have been conducted to understand the secret behind the longevity of these inhabitants of different regions but no conclusive outcome has been achieved. Human mind is finding itself incapable and helpless in uncovering this mystery of Nature. But one thing is for sure that by leading life in a balanced, harmonious, mutually loving, self-controlled and systematic manner and in companionship with nature, one can attain good health and longevity. Naturalists have also come to a consensus that nature and life have deep inter-connection. :hat is the reason that in today1s world, long life has become only a dream whereas in ancient %ndia average age of a person used to be !"" years ; Jeevem Sharadah Shatam<= -yurvedic scriptures provide an answer to this. They profess to follow the regimen of Hitbhuk, Ritbhuk and Mitbhuk to attain long and healthy life. Hitbhuk means eating according to the state of health and what is beneficial for health. 'at for health and not taste. Ritbhuk means eat food according to the season and that is prepared with goodwill. Mitbhuk means eat with moderation. 6on1t overeat. 7eople desirous of attaining healthy body and healthy mind should strictly follow this advice.

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