News 2004 11

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Nutritional Anthropology™: Eating in Harmony with our Genetic Heritage

Nove mber 2004 The Bond Effect vol 7.11

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Monthly Private Subscription Newsletter – Annually: Hard Copy $59.00 - Electronic $18.00
We are independent of commercial pressure and say exactly what we think.
Human Nature: Feeding Patterns and Ethnicity. Human Food: Roasted Summer Vegetables (picture). Human Migrations: Invader
Farmers Spread their Genes. Medical Quotes: Research E vidence Twisted; Dirty Tricks. Spreading the Word: Natural Eating comes to
France. Recipe : Roasted Summer Vegetables. Q&A: Rabbit Food; AIDS; Omega -3 Fish Oils from Food; Potatoes Toxic?; Diverticulosis;
South Beach Diet; Natural Supplements - Noni Juice, Pollen, Algae. Opinion: Antibiotics - A Precious Resource Squandered. Book
Review part 1: Carbs from Heaven, Carbs from Hell. Hints: Pester-free Shopping. Food/Behavior Link: Omega-3 deficiency/Dyslexia.

Human Nature Human Food Medical Quotes

Feeding Patterns and Ethnicity Roasted Su mmer Vegetables Medics have a challenging job and
In the last few months we looked at do it incredibly professionally -- but
ethnic differences in terms of sometimes things go wrong. Quotes
behavior. This month we look at how are from Dr. Krystosik’s book (see
foods and ethnicity might be linked. Review, page 3)
We often say that, in nutritional Research Evidence Twisted
terms, we are all the same under the “When I go to my doctor, I’m putting
skin. How true is this? my health in his hands. But how can
my doctor know the real facts, the
More precisely, the core principles best evidence, when sponsors of
are the same for all of us. However, This is the succulent and healthful research suppress, twist and spin
around the edges, some peoples are dish that we portray in this month’s the evidence?” -- Drummond Rennie,
more resistant to some deviations recipe on page 2. Deputy Editor, JAMA. (The medical
from the core than others. profession’s official journal)
In a well known example, Scandinav- Human Migrations
Dirty Tricks
ians, Germanics and Anglo-Saxons Invader Farmers Spread Genes “A federal court found my profession
are more resistant to the effects of How did the ideas and techniques of [medical doctors] guilty of a
DAIRY PRODUCTS. In the 1950’s farming spread around the world? prolonged and systematic attempt to
Caribbean people migrated to Did the farmers invade their completely undermine the profession
England. Schools were instructed neighbors or did the neighbors learn of chiropractic, often using highly
not to force the newcomers to drink from the farmers? dishonest methods.” -- Wayne
the free school milk, “since West A recent study 2 of Chinese DNA Jones M.D. Director, 1995-98, Fed -
Indians are intolerant of milk”. We supports the theory that Chinese eral Office of Alternative medicine,
now know that the same applies to cultures and farming expanded National Institutes of Health.
just about everyone on the planet 1. through conquest. The Han (Chin-
Caucasians generally are more ese) people, who all share the same Spreading the Word
resistant to a high STARCH and high language and culture, spread south Natural Eating in France
SUGAR diet. Blacks, Hispanics, native and west from a small region in Geoff Bond has just s igned with
Indians, Aborigines, Polynesians, north-east China around Peking to Oskar Editions of Paris, France for
Eskimos and many other people the region we know today as China. his revised and updated Natural
have enormous problems with In Jared Diamond’s words3, “The Eating book to be published and
grains, starches, sugar and potatoes. Chinese were especially vigorous in distributed throughout the French-
Diabetes, obesity and heart disease replacing other ethnic groups, whom speaking world..
are rife in these peoples when Chinese speakers looked down upon Promotions and publicity will be
exposed to the Western diet. as primitive and inferior.” launched in late January with a press
Eskimos do not even make the In a similar way, Bantu farmers lunch. The idea is for it to ta ke place,
enzymes necessary to digest sugar 1. (“Africans” ) spread out from West appropriately, in the ‘Musée de
Celtic peoples (includes Scots and Africa all over Africa south of the l’Homme’ (History of Mankind
Irish), East Asians (Chinese and Sahara. They displaced the native Museum) in Paris. Caterers will be
Japanese) and many primal peoples foraging peoples of whom a few isol- briefed to prepare a lunch that is
have trouble with ALCOHOL. They ated remnants survive such as the tasty, attractive -- and in conformity
become drunk more readily and San bushmen of the Kalahari, the with Natural Eating principles.
have greater difficulty recovering. Pygmies of Equatorial Guinea and The book should be available on
Continued page 4 the Hottentots of South Africa. French bookstalls from early April.
November 2004 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 2
Recipe of the Month 400°F (200°C) for about 35 amount in a small can of salmon for
This is an updated and improved variant minutes, turning the vegeta bles
This applies to herring, kippers,
of the popular dish featured in the twice. They should be tender and sardine, mackerel, salmon, trout and
Natural Eating book. Picture on page 1. browning but not disintegrating. some kinds of tuna. White tuna and
Roasted Summer Vegetables The garlic (still in its husk) should Bluefin tuna are fine for your
YYYYY be golden and soft. purposes, they are rich in omega-3
serves 4 to 6 Comment: oils; yellowfin and skipjack are not.
Ingredients: This is a hearty and varied vegetable Not all brands declare the species of
dish. It is quite filling and can easily tuna on the label, so favor the ones
• 2 medium onions that do.
serve as a complete meal in itself. Note
• 2 medium red bell peppers Warning
the baked garlic bulb. This is a little-
• 2 large heads of garlic We have polluted our seas with some
known but delicious way of eating garlic.
• 2 Japanese eggplants noxious chemicals, notably mercury
It is possible to bake garlic on its own
• 2 medium tomatoes and PCB’s *. According to the FDA,
as a side dish.
King mackerel and tuna are to be
• 1 small squash Questions avoided by pregnant women. (See
• 2 medium zucchini December 2003 Newsletter.)
• 8 button mushrooms
Rabbit Food
Q. I have always enjoyed rabbit to eat Potatoes Toxic?
• 6 Tbsp. (3 fl. oz, 90 ml) olive oil from my earliest days from living in Q. Is it true that potatoes can be
• 6 Tbsp. (3 fl. oz, 90 ml) the country. Is it a conforming food? poisonous, particularly the bits under
vegetable broth A. Yes, rabbit is just fine. It is low fa t the green skin?
• 2 tsp. thyme (less than 5%) and the fat profile is A. Yes. This is one of the reasons we
• coarse salt (moderate) very good. Wild rabbit is marginally come down hard on potato as an
better than domesticated. unwelcome newcomer. (The other
• black pepper, ground main reason is that it creates havoc
Method: Q. Does Natural Eating help in cases with blood sugar levels)
Peel the onions. Quarter them of AIDS? If the potato were introduced to
through the root, leaving the root Europe today, instead of in the 16th
A. It is a source of great annoyance
intact if you can. to us that medical research focuses century, the European Union would
exclusively on drug solutions to fight have banned it as unfit for human
Pre-cook the onions by steaming consumption. It contains the poison
them for a few minutes. this scourge.
solanine that is “unsafe at any level”.
Halve and seed the peppers, So the short answer is that nobody The importance of checking was
knows. We can only give our earlier dramatically demonstrated in the US
removing the stalks and any white answer back: Natural Eating stacks where a man almost died from eating
membrane. Cut each pepper into the deck of cards in your favor -- it will the new Lenape variety, introduced in
quarters. ensure that your HIV-fighting immune 1964 without screening for poisons4.
With a sharp knife cut the cleaned, system is operating at full efficiency.
but unpeeled garlic bulbs in half In the meantime we are active ly Q. I have been diagnosed with divert-
through the equator. pressuring for greater knowledge in iculitis. (Inflammation of the colon). I
how lifestyle factors can influence the have had a long course of antibiotics.
Cut the unpeeled eggplants in half course of AIDS. Watch this space.
lengthwise. My doctor advises that I consume a
Omega-3 Fish Oils from Food high bran diet (All-Bran) and a high
Cut the unpeel ed tomatoes in half Q. My health professional has microbe yoghurt such as Yakult.
through the equator. advised that I should take omega-3 A. Don’t waste your money and don’t
Cut the unpeeled squash lengthwise fish capsules. However I would prefer wreck your gut. It needs gentle fiber --
into 8 slices. to get them naturally. How much oily what is known as soluble fiber.
fish would I have to eat? Typically it comes from colored plant
Cut the unpeeled zucchini in half
A. The maintenance dose that you food (salads, vegetable and fruits).
get from capsules is usually about 1 Bran is the opposite: it is a harsh
Clean the mushrooms gently with a gram per day. This is fine if your insoluble fiber.
kitchen paper and cut off the ends consumption of omega-6 oil is also Your gut flora, of which there are over
of the stalks. kept to only 1 gram per day too (see 400 species, will have been deci-
Place all the vegetables in a very pages 79-81 of the Natural Eating mated by the antibiotics. The knee-
book). jerk reaction is to prescribe foods that
large baking dish with the
To get one gram of omega-3 oil from
vegetable broth. Drizzle the olive
fish you need to consume a normal,
oil and sprinkle the thyme, salt and modest portion of oily fish -- 4 oz to 5
PCB’s are a class of now-banned industrial
pepper. Bake in a preheated oven at oz (115g to 150 g). That is the chemical. They still persist in the environment and
cause liver problems, skin disease, and dizziness.
November 2004 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 3
contain bacteria. Well, Yakult However, beware of ‘mission creep’ down and she injected a massive
contains just one bacterium: “Lacto- where you are encouraged to keep penicillin dose in my buttocks.
bacillus casei Shirota”. What about spending the money long after the It was a miracle: within hours the
the other 399 species? need has disappeared. swelling was going down, the pain
What you must do now is send down The products you have been was gone and within a few days the
to your colon the kinds of foods t hat prescribed all contain good, even cut was healed. That was the last
both your gut and friendly bacteria exceptional, levels of various micro- time I received antibiotics. They
recognize. Healthy gut flora need to nutrients. However, don’t kid yourself. saved my life -- a miracle drug.
be fed soft, bulky residues. Just st ick Noni juice (from a Tahitian fruit) might It is criminal that today antibiotics are
to the Natural Eating precepts -- sound more exotic than an apple or used routinely for trivi al complaints
especially the consumption of non- pear, but in the long run a selection of and worse, on diseases such as sore
cereal, non-potato plant foods. ordinary fruit does the job just as well. throats where they don’t work
The South Beach Diet Bee pollen (also called ‘bee bread’) anyway. We have squandered an
Q. Many of my friends have been contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates incredible resource by creating
following the South Beach Diet. What and a range of vitamins and minerals. resistant bugs and sensitized bodies.
is your opinion about it? The nutrition is designed by nature to Enlightenment of Modern Medicine
keep worker bees alive -- not As Natural Eaters, we are not hostile
A. Not great -- and there are good humans. Pollen might well serve a
reasons for saying so. The South to conventional medicine: the
short term purpose, but the emphasis scientific method and intellectual
Beach Diet is an example of how to must be on moving over to human
play to people’s weakness: give them honesty have brought us out of the
foods as soon as possible. grisly time of medieval quackery and
the gain without the pain.
The same can be said about blue- blood letting. It is just a pity that
Like Atkins, Dr Agatston (the diet’s green algae. They consist mostly of modern medical practice focuses ever
inventor) talks about cutting out bad proteins, carbohydrates and fats that more on pharmacological ‘fixes’.
carbohydrates -- but then allows them could be obtained from normal human
to be reintroduced after two weeks. Hippocratic Wisdom
food. However blue-green algae do Hippocrates, the father of medicine
He has some really twisted ideas contain high concentrations of some who flourished in ancient Greece
about ‘bad’ fats even to the extent of useful micronutrients, notably 2,500 years ago, taught that we
saying that French fries are a better vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin D should foster the body’s tendency to
choice than baked potato; in fact they and vitamin K. cure itself. He laid much stress on
are both bad, but the fries cooked in Vitamin B12 and Vegans diet and the reluctant use of drugs.
oxidized fats are worse. He advises In addition, and quite exceptionally, Modern medicine is losing sight of
that margarine is better than butter; in blue-green algae are rich in this ancient wisdom.
fact they are both bad but margarine vitamin B12. This vitamin is essential
(hydrogenated and transfatty) is for human health and it is normally
Book Review - part 1
worse. He pro motes the consumption only available from products of animal Carbs from Heaven
of dairy products -- commercial, origin. Blue-green algae are classified Carbs from Hell
pasteurized milk no less. as bacteria so vegans (who will not By Dr. James D. Krystosik5
In the South Beach blurb, they ask: eat animal products) could find this a It is a brave man who takes on the
“are you ready to lose weight and get useful source of B12. low carb fad and Dr. Krystosik meets
healthy?” Possibly people will lose Next month: Microwaves Ovens; it head on. He picks apart the Atkins
weight for a while -- but it is certainly Irritable Bowel; Insulin Index and more diet and exposes its terrible health
not a recipe for getting healthy. consequences.
The only health in the diet is for the Corrupt Medical Profession
advertising media’s bottom line. The Antibiotics Not satisfied with that he brutally
publisher, Rodale press is spending A Precious Resource Squandered
exposes the medical profession’s
one million dollars per MONTH to Geoff Bond writes:
institutionalized prejudice against any
publici ze the system. At that level of In 1969 I was upcountry in Northern
treatment that does not fit into their
mass manipulation, even a te lephone Nigeria and got a cut on my finger
orthodox paradigm. A paradigm
directory can become a best-seller. that went septic with some nasty
which, seemingly, abandons Hippo-
tropical bug. Within days my hand
Natural Supplements cratic ideals (see “Opinion” this page).
had swollen and throbbed so painfully
Q. I have been consulting a naturo- that I had to hold it above my head, He excoriates the American Medical
pathic doctor and he has advised that swathed in cold bandages. Redness Association for carrying out a
I take regular doses of noni juice, bee and inflammation were creeping up systematic dirty tricks campaign to
pollen and blue-green algae. What is the veins in my arm. discredit alternative, yet scientific,
your view? practices. (see Quotes, page 1) To
My driver got me into the Landrover
A. To be fair, your N.D. might well be fair, many good medical doc tors
and rushed me for 24 hours through
have identified severe nutrient quietly practice ‘integrative medicine’,
the bush to a field-clinic in Kaduna.
deficiencies and this is a short term which incorporates neighboring
The nurse made me take my trousers
fix to get your body on course. sciences such as nutrition.
November 2004 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 4
Alternative Food Pyramids cynically exploit what they call “child From Page 1
Dr. Krystosik comprehensively dem- pester-power”.
onstrates the foolishness of the Human Nature
Displays of attractive (yet junk)
USDA food pyramid. In its place he product are placed at child eyelevel Feeding Patterns and Ethnicity
sets out alternative pyramids, each and at check-outs. Supermarkets What does this mean? Modern
based on an ethnic diet that has a work hand-in-glove with the TV and medicine is beginning to recognize
healthier profile: Latin-American, magazine advertisers. They create a the differences in the way different
Asian and Mediterranean. seamless, rapid transition from ethnic groups get diseases, the way
Carbohydrates from Heaven ‘have-not’ to ‘must-have’ to ‘have-it- they react to drugs and the remedies
So what is a “Carbohydrate f rom now’. It poses an almost insurmount- that are right for them.
Heaven”? If you ask Joe Blow, “What able problem for mothers trying to However, as far as feeding is
food-groups do fruits and vegetables protect their children. concerned, there is a common
belong to?”, he would be hard put to But the supermarkets themselves denominator for the whole human
tell you. In fact they are carbo- have shown us the way out: online race. All human beings would be
hydrates and most of Dr. Krystosik’s shopping. In the privacy of your own better off eating the same ‘core’ way.
‘carbs from heaven’ are indeed fruits, pc, just purchase the goods that you That ‘core’, is t he Natural Eating
salads and vegetables. However, know are right for your loved ones. pattern -- eating in harmony with our
seduced by his ethnic pyramids, he Keep our SHOPPING LISTS handy -- human heritage.
also includes whole grains, potato they are part of our Toolbox/Manual.
and beans. Public Events with Geoff Bond
A download of the whole Manual can
Carbohydrates from Hell be purchased for $7.95 Just press the Tuesday December 7th 2005
Dr. Krystosik’s ‘carbs from hell’ are button “Order Online” on our home TV Interview. Paphos TV at 8.30 pm
refined, processed grains, French page: Program: Paphos Today
fries and sugars. However, Dr. Sunday, February 13 th 2005
Krystosik admits, even heavenly Food/Behavior Connection Talk. Fear Not Diabetes and Cancer
carbs can become ‘hellish’ if they give Low Omega-3 linked to Dyslexia Revolutionary Insights for Avoidance
you illnesses such as ulcerative A number of studies6,7 have found and Recovery. Health & Wellbeing
colitis, gluten sensitivity, leaky gut, that children who have deficient Festival, Venus Beach Hotel, Paphos.
gas, allergies, behavioral disorders, intake of omega-3 oils (found in oily
migraines, and hidden food intoler- fish, canola oil, flax oil, walnut oil etc
Food- a Selective Agent in Evolution; Kretchmer;
ances. Dr. Krystosik leaves silent the (see page 80 of natural Eating book) 2 in Food, Nutri & Evol; Masson; 1981
fact that these maladies are almost are much more likely to be dyslexic. Bo Wen et al; Nature; 431; Sept 16 2004.
always triggered by grains, potato Guns, Germs and Steel; Vintage; 1998
and beans (rarely by fruits, salads In the Royal Berkshire Hospital 4 New Scientist vol 183 issue 2463 -
and vegetables). Dyslexic Study , some children 04 September 2004, page 85
increased reading age by two years in 5 Square One Publishers; NY11040, USA, 2004.
Dr. Krystosik’s important book raises just 6 months after correction of the 272 pages, $16.95.
many more interesting questions. omega-3 deficiency. Another study 8
Next Month: part 2. 6
found that adults also had similar Richardson et al; Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and
Hints and Tips improvements when the omega-3 7 Essential Fatty acids; 2000; 69-74
deficiencies were corrected. Richardson et al; Nutrition in Development
Pester-free Shopping Disorders Conference, October 2001.
Omega-3 rich foods were always 8 Taylor et al; Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and
Supermarkets take a hard-nosed view
present in our ancient diet -- our Essential Fatty acids; 2000; 63: 75-78
about sales. They know that mothers
bodies need them i n so many
find it hard to refuse their children
unsuspected ways. We diverge from
anything; supermarkets quite
our ancestral diet at our peril.

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Cyprus: 21, Ellados Ave, Suite 117, 8020 Paphos. UK: Natural Eating Ltd, 7, Maxwelton Close, London NW7 3NA
Editor: Geoff Bond. © 2004 Geoff Bond. Published by Natural Eating LLC

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