News 2004 11
News 2004 11
News 2004 11
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Human Nature: Feeding Patterns and Ethnicity. Human Food: Roasted Summer Vegetables (picture). Human Migrations: Invader
Farmers Spread their Genes. Medical Quotes: Research E vidence Twisted; Dirty Tricks. Spreading the Word: Natural Eating comes to
France. Recipe : Roasted Summer Vegetables. Q&A: Rabbit Food; AIDS; Omega -3 Fish Oils from Food; Potatoes Toxic?; Diverticulosis;
South Beach Diet; Natural Supplements - Noni Juice, Pollen, Algae. Opinion: Antibiotics - A Precious Resource Squandered. Book
Review part 1: Carbs from Heaven, Carbs from Hell. Hints: Pester-free Shopping. Food/Behavior Link: Omega-3 deficiency/Dyslexia.