Print - Siliman Civ Qnaw
Print - Siliman Civ Qnaw
Print - Siliman Civ Qnaw
Fro+ t,! ANSWERS TO BAR EXAMINATION QUESTIONS $% t,! U- 'AW .OM-'EX / -,i0i11in! Asso2i"tion o3 '"4 S2,oo0s
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This work is not intended for sale or commerce. This work is freeware. It may be freely copied and distributed, nevertheless, PERMISSI ! T " P# from the editors is
material-. It is primarily intended for all those who desire to have a deeper understandin. of the issues touched by the Philippine 'ar E/aminations and its trend. It is specially intended for law students from the provinces who, very often, are recipients of deliberately distorted notes from other unscrupulous law schools and students. Share to others this work and you will be richly rewarded by )od in heaven. It is also very .ood karma.
0e would like to seek the indul.ence of the reader for some 'ar 1uestions which are improperly classified under a topic and for some topics which are improperly or
i.norantly phrased, for the authors are 2ust 'ar Reviewees who have prepared this work while reviewin. for the 'ar E/ams under time constraints and within their limited knowled.e of the law. 0e would like to seek the reader3s indul.ence for a lot of
The Authors
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$able o% Contents
&E'E"AL P"I'CIPLE(......................................................................................................................10 Civil law vs. Common Law (1997).............................................................................................................. 10 Effect of Obiter & Dissenting Opinion; C Decisions (199!)...............................................................................10 Effectivit" of Laws (199#)........................................................................................................................10 E$%it" follows t&e Law ('##()...................................................................................................................10 )gnorance of t&e Law vs. *ista+e of ,act (199-).............................................................................................11 )nferior Co%rts Decisions (199!)................................................................................................................11 .re/%0icial 1%estions (1997)....................................................................................................................11 PE"(!'(...........................................................................................................................................11 C&ange of 2ame; 3n0er 45 9#!6 ('##-)......................................................................................................11 Deat&; Effects; im%ltaneo%s Deat& (1996)...................................................................................................12 Deat&; Effects; im%ltaneo%s Deat& (1999)...................................................................................................12 Deat&; Effects; im%ltaneo%s Deat& ('###)...................................................................................................12 7%ri0ical Capacit" vs. Capacit" to 5ct (199-)................................................................................................ 12 7%ri0ical Capacit"; 2at%ral .ersons (1999)...................................................................................................13 8aiver of 4ig&ts ('##!).......................................................................................................................... 13 C!' LIC$ ! LAW(..........................................................................................................................13 5ppilicable Laws; laws governing contracts (199').........................................................................................13 5pplicable Laws; 5rts 19: 1- & 17 (1996)..................................................................................................... 13 5pplicable Laws; 5rts 19: 1-: 17 ('##')....................................................................................................... 14 5pplicable Laws; Capacit" to 5ct (1996)......................................................................................................14 5pplicable Laws; Capacit" to ;%" Lan0 (1999).............................................................................................. 15 5pplicable Laws; Capacit" to Contract (1999)............................................................................................... 15 5pplicable Laws; capacit" to s%ccee0 (1991)................................................................................................15 5pplicable Laws; contracts contrar" to p%blic polic" (199-).............................................................................. 15 5pplicable Laws; Contracts of Carriage (1999).............................................................................................. 16 5pplicable Laws; Labor Contracts (1991).....................................................................................................16 5pplicable Laws; laws governing marriages (199').........................................................................................17 5pplicable Laws; laws governing marriages ('##().........................................................................................17 5pplicable Laws; ale of 4eal .ropert" (1999)............................................................................................17 5pplicable Laws; %ccession; )ntestate & <estamentar" ('##1)..........................................................................18 5pplicable Laws; %cession of 5liens (1999)................................................................................................18 5pplicable Laws; 8ills e=ec%te0 abroa0 (199()............................................................................................. 18 Definition; Cognovit; ;orrowing tat%te; C&aracteri>ation (199!)........................................................................18 Definition; for%m non?conveniens; long?arm stat%te (199!)............................................................................... 19 Divorce; effect of 0ivorce grante0 to former ,ilipinos; 4envoi Doctrine (1997) ........................................................ 19 Domiciliar" t&eor" vs. 2ationalit" <&eor" ('##!)............................................................................................ 19 ,or%m 2on Conveniens & Le= Loci Contract%s ('##')..................................................................................... 19 2ationalit" <&eor" ('##!)........................................................................................................................20 2at%rali>ation ('##()............................................................................................................................. 20 <&eor"; significant relations&ips t&eor" (199!)..............................................................................................20 <orts; .rescriptive .erio0 ('##!)...............................................................................................................21 A#!P$I!'......................................................................................................................................... 21 50option; 3se of %rname of &er 2at%ral *ot&er ('##-)...................................................................................21 )nter?Co%ntr" 50option; ,ormalities ('##9)...................................................................................................21 .arental 5%t&orit"; 4escission of 50option (199!)...................................................................................... 21 1%alification of 50opter ('##9)................................................................................................................. 22 1%alification of 50opter; 5pplicable Law ('##1).............................................................................................22 1%alifications of 50opter ('###)................................................................................................................22 1%alifications of 50opter ('##()................................................................................................................23 %ccessional 4ig&ts of 50opte0 C&il0 ('##!)................................................................................................23 A)IL* C!#E....................................................................................................................................23 Emancipation (199()............................................................................................................................ 23 ,amil" Co0e; 4etroactive 5pplication; @este0 4ig&ts ('###)..............................................................................24
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*arriage; Bro%n0s; Declaration of 2%llit"C 5nn%lmentC Legal eparationC eparation of .ropert" ('##() ..................28 *arriage; Bro%n0s; 2%llit"; 5nn%lment; Legal eparation (1997)........................................................................ 29 *arriage; Legal eparation; Declaration of 2%llit" ('##')..................................................................................29 *arriage; Legal eparation; Bro%n0s; .rescriptive .erio0 (199!)........................................................................29 *arriage; Legal eparation; *%t%al g%ilt ('##-)............................................................................................. 29 *arriage; 2on?;igamo%s *arriages ('##-)...................................................................................................30 *arriage; .ropert" 4elations; @oi0 *arriages (1991).......................................................................................30 *arriage; .s"c&ological )ncapacit" (199-).................................................................................................30 *arriage; .s"c&ological )ncapacit" ('##-).................................................................................................31 *arriage; .s"c&ological )ncapacit" ('##-).................................................................................................31 *arriage; 4e$%isites (1999)................................................................................................................... 31 *arriage; 4e$%isites (1999)................................................................................................................... 32 *arriage; 4e$%isites; *arriage License (199-).............................................................................................. 32 *arriage; 4e$%isites; *arriage License ('##').............................................................................................. 33 *arriage; 4e$%isites; olemni>ing Officers (199!)..........................................................................................33 *arriage; 4e$%isites; @oi0 *arriage (199().................................................................................................. 33 *arriage; @oi0 *arriages ('##!)................................................................................................................34 *arriage; @oi0 *arriages ('##-)................................................................................................................34 *arriage; @oi0 *arriages; .s"c&ological )ncapacit" ('##')............................................................................... 35 .arental 5%t&orit"; C&il0 %n0er 7 "ears of age ('##-)......................................................................................35 .arental 5%t&orit"; pecial .arental 5%t&orit"; Liabilit" of <eac&ers ('##() ............................................................35 .arental 5%t&orit"; %bstit%te vs. pecial ('##!)............................................................................................35 .aternit" & ,iliation (1999)...................................................................................................................... 36 .aternit" & ,iliation; 5rtificial )nsemination; ,ormalities ('##-).......................................................................... 36 .aternit" & ,iliation; Common?Law 3nion ('##!)........................................................................................ 36 .aternit" & ,iliation; .roofs; Limitations; 50opte0 C&il0 (1999)......................................................................36 .aternit" & ,iliation; 4ecognition of illegitimate C&il0 ('##9) .............................................................................37 .aternit" & ,iliation; 4ig&ts of Legitimate C&il0ren (199#) ................................................................................ 37 .res%mptive Legitime (1999)....................................................................................................................38 .ropert" 4elations; 5bsol%te Comm%nit" (199!) ............................................................................................38 .ropert" 4elations; 5nte 2%ptial 5greement (1999)........................................................................................ 39 .ropert" 4elations; Con/%gal .artners&ip of Bains (1996).................................................................................39 .ropert" 4elations; *arriage ettlement; Con/%gal .artners&ip of Bains ('##9) ...................................................... 39 .ropert" 4elations; *arriage ettlements (1991)............................................................................................40 .ropert" 4elations; *arriage ettlements (1999)............................................................................................40 .ropert" 4elations; Obligations; ;enefit of t&e ,amil" ('###).........................................................................41 .ropert" 4elations; 3nions wit&o%t *arriage (199')........................................................................................41 .ropert" 4elations; 3nions wit&o%t *arriage (1997)........................................................................................41 .ropert" 4elations; 3nions wit&o%t *arriage ('###)........................................................................................42 (+CCE((I!'.....................................................................................................................................42 5mo%nt of %ccessional 4ig&ts ('##!)........................................................................................................42 ;arrier between illegitimate & legitimate relatives (199()..................................................................................42 ;arrier between illegitimate & legitimate relatives (199-)..................................................................................43 Collation (199()....................................................................................................................................43 Disin&eritance vs. .reterition (199()...........................................................................................................43 Disin&eritance; )neffective (1999).............................................................................................................. 43 Disin&eritance; )neffective; .reterition ('###)................................................................................................44
,amil" Aome; Dwelling Ao%se (199!)..........................................................................................................24 ,amil"; Constit%tional *an0ates; Divorce (1991)............................................................................................24 *arriage; 5nn%lment; Effects; 4e$%isites ;efore 4emarriage (199#) ....................................................................24 *arriage; 5nn%lment; Bro%n0s (1991)........................................................................................................ 25 *arriage; 5nn%lment; 7%0icial Declaration (199()...........................................................................................25 *arriage; 5nn%lment; Legal eparation; .rescription of 5ctions (199-) ................................................................25 *arriage; 5nn%lment; .roper .art" (199#)................................................................................................... 26 *arriage; 5nn%lment; .roper .art" (1999)................................................................................................... 26 *arriage; Divorce Decree; @oi0 *arriages (199')........................................................................................... 26 *arriage; Divorce Decrees; ,iliation of C&il0ren ('##9)....................................................................................26 *arriage; Divorce Decrees; ,ilipino po%ses becoming 5lien (199-) ................................................................... 27 *arriage; Divorce Decrees; ,ilipino po%ses becoming 5lien (1999) ................................................................... 27 *arriage; Donations b" 4eason of *arriage; Effect of Declaration of 2%llit" (199-) .................................................. 28
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Legitime (1997)................................................................................................................................... 47 Legitime; Comp%lsor" Aeirs ('##()............................................................................................................47 Legitime; Comp%lsor" Aeirs vs. econ0ar" Comp%lsor" Aeirs ('##9)...................................................................48 .reterition ('##1)..................................................................................................................................48 .reterition; Comp%lsor" Aeir (1999)........................................................................................................... 48 .rocee0ings; )ntestate .rocee0ings; 7%ris0iction ('##!).................................................................................. 48 %ccession; Deat&; .res%mptive Legitime (1991)...........................................................................................49 8ills; Co0icil; )nstit%tion of Aeirs; %bstit%tion of Aeirs ('##')...........................................................................49 8ills; ,ormalities (199#)......................................................................................................................... 50 8ills; Aolograp&ic 8ills; )nsertions & Cancellations (199-)...............................................................................50 8ills; Aolograp&ic 8ills; 8itnesses (199!)...................................................................................................50 8ills; 7oint 8ills ('###).......................................................................................................................... 50 8ills; .robate; )ntrinsic @ali0it" (199#)........................................................................................................51 8ills; .robate; 2otarial an0 Aolograp&ic 8ills (1997)......................................................................................51 8ills; 4evocation of 8ills; Depen0ent 4elative 4evocation ('##().......................................................................51 8ills; <estamentar" Disposition ('##-)....................................................................................................... 52 8ills; <estamentar" )ntent (199-).............................................................................................................. 52 #!'A$I!'.........................................................................................................................................52 Donation vs. ale ('##().........................................................................................................................52 Donations; Con0ition; Capacit" to %e (199-)............................................................................................... 52 Donations; Con0itions; 4evocation (1991)................................................................................................... 53 Donations; Effect; illegal & immoral con0itions (1997)..................................................................................... 53 Donations; ,ormalities; *ortis Ca%sa (199#).................................................................................................54 Donations; ,ormalities; *ortis Ca%sa (1996).................................................................................................54 Donations; )nter @ivos; 5cceptance (199()...................................................................................................54 Donations; .erfection (1996)....................................................................................................................54 Donations; 4e$%isites; )mmovable .ropert".................................................................................................55 Donations; 3nregistere0; Effects; 2on?Compliance; 4esol%tor" Con0ition ('##-) ....................................................55 Donations; @ali0it"; Effectivit"; for 3nborn C&il0 (1999)............................................................................... 55 Donations; wit& 4esol%tor" Con0ition ('##()................................................................................................56 P"!PE"$*.........................................................................................................................................56 5ccretion; 5ll%vion ('##1).......................................................................................................................56 5ccretion; 5v%lsion ('##()...................................................................................................................... 56 ;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& (199')...................................................................................................................... 57 ;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& vs. ;a0 ,ait& (1999)..................................................................................................... 57 ;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& vs. ;a0 ,ait& ('###)..................................................................................................... 57 ;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& vs. ;a0 ,ait&; 5ccession ('###)....................................................................................... 58 ;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& vs. ;a0 ,ait&; .res%mption ('##1).................................................................................... 58 C&attel *ortgage vs. .le0ge (1999)............................................................................................................58 C&attel *ortgage; )mmovables (199!).........................................................................................................59 C&attel *ortgage; )mmovables ('##().........................................................................................................59 C&attel *ortgage; .ossession (199()......................................................................................................... 60 C&attel *ortgage; .reference of Cre0itors (1999)........................................................................................... 60 Easement vs. 3s%fr%ct (1999)...................................................................................................................60 Easement; Effects; Discontin%o%s Easements; .ermissive 3se ('##9) ................................................................. 61 Easement; 2%isance; 5batement ('##')...................................................................................................... 61 Easements; Classification (1996)............................................................................................................ 62 Easements; 4ig&t of 8a" (199()............................................................................................................... 62 Easements; 4ig&t of 8a" ('###)............................................................................................................... 62 Easements; 4ig&t of 8a"; )nseparabilit" ('##1)............................................................................................. 62
Aeirs; )ntestate Aeirs; 4eserva <roncal (1999)...............................................................................................44 Aeirs; )ntestate Aeirs; &ares ('##().......................................................................................................... 45 )ntestate %ccession (199').....................................................................................................................45 )ntestate %ccession (1997).....................................................................................................................45 )ntestate %ccession (1996).....................................................................................................................46 )ntestate %ccession (1996).....................................................................................................................46 )ntestate %ccession (1999).....................................................................................................................46 )ntestate %ccession ('###).....................................................................................................................46 )ntestate %ccession; 4eserva <roncal (1999)...............................................................................................47
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3s%fr%ct (1997)................................................................................................................................... 69 LA'# $"A'( E" , #EE#(...............................................................................................................69 5c$%isition of Lan0s; Citi>ens&ip 4e$%irement ('##()..................................................................................... 69 50verse Claims; 2otice of Lev" (1996)........................................................................................................69 5nnotation of Lis .en0ens; 8&en .roper ('##1)............................................................................................ 70 ,ores&ore Lan0s ('###)..........................................................................................................................70 ,orger"; )nnocent .%rc&aser; Aol0er in ;a0 ,ait& ('##9) ..................................................................................70 ,orger"; )nnocent .%rc&aser; *irror .rinciple (1991)................................................................................... 71 ,ra%0; .roc%rement of .atent; Effect ('###)................................................................................................. 71 Aomestea0 .atents; @oi0 ale (1999)......................................................................................................... 71 )nnocent .%rc&aser for @al%e ('##1)...........................................................................................................72 *irror .rinciple (199#)........................................................................................................................... 72 *irror .rinciple; ,orger"; )nnocent .%rc&aser (1999)...................................................................................... 73 2otice of Lis .en0ens (1999)................................................................................................................... 73 2otice of Lis .en0ens; <ransferee .en0ente Lite ('##')...................................................................................73 .rescription & Lac&es; Elements of Lac&es ('###)......................................................................................... 74 .rescription & Lac&es; )n0efeasibilit" 4%le of <orrens <itle ('##')...................................................................... 74 .rescription (199#)............................................................................................................................... 75 .rescription; 4eal 4ig&ts (199')................................................................................................................75 .rimar" Entr" ;oo+; 5c$%isitive .rescription; Lac&es (1996).........................................................................76 4eclamation of ,ores&ore Lan0s; Limitations ('###).......................................................................................76 4egistration; Dee0 of *ortgage (199!)........................................................................................................77 4eme0ies; 7%0icial Confirmation; )mperfect <itle (199()...................................................................................77 4eme0ies; 7%0icial 4econstit%tion of <itle (199-)...........................................................................................77 4eme0ies; .roce0%re; Cons%lta (199!)....................................................................................................... 77 4eme0ies; 4econve"ance vs. 4eopening of a Decree; .rescriptive .erio0 ('##() ...............................................78 4eme0ies; 4econve"ance; Elements (1999)................................................................................................. 78 4eme0ies; 4econve"ance; .rescriptive .erio0 (1997)..................................................................................... 79 4eme0ies; 4eopening of a Decree; Elements (199')....................................................................................... 79 <orrens "stem vs. 4ecor0ing of Evi0ence of <itle (199!) .................................................................................80 3nregistere0 Lan0 (1991)........................................................................................................................80 C!'$"AC$(......................................................................................................................................80 Consens%al vs. 4eal Contracts; Ein0s of 4eal Contracts (1996)......................................................................... 80 Consi0eration; @ali0it" ('###).................................................................................................................. 80 Contract of Option; Elements ('##9)...........................................................................................................81 )ne=istent Contracts vs. 5nn%llable Contracts ('##!)...................................................................................... 81 2at%re of Contracts; Obligatoriness (1991)...................................................................................................81 2at%re of Contracts; .rivit" of Contract (199-).............................................................................................. 82
Easements; 4ig&t of 8a"; 4e$%isites (199-).................................................................................................63 E/ectment %it vs. Cancellation of <itle ('##9)...............................................................................................63 E/ectment %it; Commo0at%m ('##-)..........................................................................................................63 E=tra?7%0icial .artition; ,ra%0 (199#)..........................................................................................................63 Ai00en <reas%re (1999).......................................................................................................................... 64 Ai00en <reas%res (1997).........................................................................................................................64 *ortgage; .act%m Commissori%m (1999).................................................................................................... 64 *ortgage; .act%m Commissori%m ('##1).................................................................................................... 65 *ortgage; 4ig&t of 4e0emption vs. E$%it" of 4e0emption (1999)........................................................................65 2%isance; ,amil" Ao%se; 2ot 2%isance per se ('##-)...................................................................................... 65 2%isance; .%blic 2%isance vs. .rivate 2%isance ('##9)................................................................................... 65 Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip (199')..............................................................................................................66 Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; .rescription ('###)............................................................................................. 66 Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; .rescription ('##')............................................................................................. 67 Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; 4e0emption (199()............................................................................................. 67 Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; 4e0emption ('###)............................................................................................. 67 Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; 4e0emption ('##')............................................................................................. 67 .ossession (1996)................................................................................................................................ 68 .ropert"; 4eal vs. .ersonal .ropert" (1999)................................................................................................. 68 .ropert"; 4eal vs. .ersonal .ropert" (1997)................................................................................................. 68 ower; Boo0 ,ait&D ;a0 ,ait& ('###).......................................................................................................... 69
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!-LI&A$I!'(....................................................................................................................................83 5leator" Contracts; Bambling ('##!)..........................................................................................................83 Con0itional Obligations ('###)................................................................................................................. 83 Con0itional Obligations ('##()................................................................................................................. 83 Con0itional Obligations; .romise (1997)..................................................................................................... 84 Con0itional Obligations; 4esol%tor" Con0ition (1999)..................................................................................... 84 E=ting%is&ment; 5ssignment of 4ig&ts ('##1)...............................................................................................84 E=ting%is&ment; Ca%se of 5ction ('##!)......................................................................................................85 E=ting%is&ment; Compensation ('##')........................................................................................................85 E=ting%is&ment; Compensation vs. .a"ment (1996)........................................................................................85 E=ting%is&ment; CompensationD et?Off; ;an+s (1996)................................................................................. 85 E=ting%is&ment; Con0onation ('###)..........................................................................................................85 E=ting%is&ment; E=traor0inar" )nflation or Deflation ('##1)...............................................................................86 E=ting%is&ment; Loss (199!)..................................................................................................................86 E=ting%is&ment; Loss; )mpossible ervice (199().......................................................................................... 86 E=ting%is&ment; 2ovation (199!).............................................................................................................. 87 E=ting%is&ment; .a"ment (1999).............................................................................................................87 Liabilit"; Lease; 7oint Liabilit" ('##1)..........................................................................................................87 Liabilit"; oli0ar" Liabilit" (1996).............................................................................................................. 87 Liabilit"; oli0ar" Obligation (199')........................................................................................................... 88 Liabilit"; oli0ar" Obligation; *%t%al B%arant" ('##() ..................................................................................... 88 Loss of t&e t&ing 0%e; ,orce *a/e%re ('###) ................................................................................................. 88 2on?.a"ment of 5morti>ations; %b0ivision ;%"er; 8&en /%stifie0 ('##9) .............................................................89 .erio0; %spensive .erio0 (1991)..............................................................................................................89 $"+($................................................................................................................................................89 E=press <r%st; .rescription (1997).............................................................................................................89 )mplie0 <r%st (1996).............................................................................................................................. 90 <r%st; )mplie0 4es%lting <r%st (1999)..........................................................................................................91 (ALE(................................................................................................................................................91 5ssignment of Cre0it vs. %brogation (199()................................................................................................ 91 Con0itional ale vs. 5bsol%te ale (1997).................................................................................................... 91 Contract of ale vs. 5genc" to ell (1999)....................................................................................................91 Contract of ale; *arital Comm%nit" .ropert"; ,ormalities ('##-)....................................................................... 91 Contract to ell ('##1)........................................................................................................................... 92 Contract to ell vs. Contract of ale (1997).................................................................................................. 92 Contract to ell; 5cceptance; 4ig&t of ,irst 4ef%sal (1991)............................................................................... 92 Do%ble ales ('##1).............................................................................................................................. 92 Do%ble ales ('##!).............................................................................................................................. 93 E$%itable *ortgage (1991)......................................................................................................................93 E$%itable *ortgage vs. ale ('##9)............................................................................................................ 93 )mmovable .ropert"; 4escission of Contract ('##()........................................................................................94 *ace0a Law ('###)............................................................................................................................... 94 *ace0a Law; 4ecto Law (1999).................................................................................................................95 Option Contract ('##')...........................................................................................................................95 Option Contract; Earnest *one" (199().................................................................................................... 95 .erfecte0 ale; 5cceptance of Earnest *one" ('##')...................................................................................... 95 4e0emption; Legal; ,ormalities ('##1)........................................................................................................96 4e0emption; Legal; ,ormalities ('##')........................................................................................................96 4ig&t of ,irst 4ef%sal; Lessee; Effect (199-)................................................................................................. 96 4ig&t of ,irst 4ef%sal; Lessee; Effect (1996)................................................................................................. 97 4ig&t of 4ep%rc&ase (199()..................................................................................................................... 97 <ransfer of Owners&ip; 2on?.a"ment of t&e .rice (1991) ..................................................................................97 <ransfer of Owners&ip; 4is+ of Loss (199#)..................................................................................................97 LEA(E................................................................................................................................................97 E=ting%is&ment; <otal Distr%ction; Lease0 .ropert" (199()...............................................................................97 )mplie0 2ew Lease (1999)....................................................................................................................... 98 Lease of 4%ral Lan0s ('###).................................................................................................................... 98
2at%re of Contracts; 4elativit" of Contracts ('##')......................................................................................... 82 4escission of Contracts; .roper .art" (199-)................................................................................................82
Page 7 of 119
Leasee & Lessor; 4ig&ts an0 Obligations (199#)............................................................................................98 Leasee; Deat& <&ereof; Effects (1997).........................................................................................................98 Option to ;%"; E=pire0 ('##1).................................................................................................................. 98 %blease; Dela" in .a"ment of 4entals (199!)...............................................................................................99 %blease; %blessee; Liabilit" (1999)........................................................................................................100 %blease; %blessee; Liabilit" ('###)........................................................................................................100 %blease; @ali0it"; 5ssignment of %blease (199#)....................................................................................... 100
C!))!' CA""IE"(....................................................................................................................... 100 E=traor0inar" Diligence ('###)................................................................................................................100 A&E'C*...........................................................................................................................................101 5genc" ('##()....................................................................................................................................101 5genc" vs. ale ('###)......................................................................................................................... 101 5genc"; co%ple0 wit& an interest ('##1).................................................................................................... 101 5genc"; B%arantee Commission ('##!).....................................................................................................101 5genc"; 4eal Estate *ortgage ('##!)........................................................................................................101 5ppointment of %b?5gent (1999)............................................................................................................102 Beneral 5genc" vs. pecial 5genc" (199').................................................................................................102 .owers of t&e 5gent (199!)....................................................................................................................102 <ermination; Effect of Deat& of 5gent (1997)...............................................................................................103 PA"$'E"(.IP................................................................................................................................. 103 Composition of .artners&ips; po%ses; Corporations (199!)...........................................................................103 Conve"ance of a .artnerFs &are Dissol%tion (1996)......................................................................................103 Dissol%tion of .artners&ip (1999)............................................................................................................ 103 Dissol%tion of .artners&ip; <ermination (199()............................................................................................ 104 Effect of Deat& of .artner (1997)..............................................................................................................104 Obligations of a .artner (199')................................................................................................................104 Obligations of a .artner; )n0%strial .artner ('##1)........................................................................................ 104 C!))!#A$+) , )+$++)......................................................................................................................104 Commo0at%m (199()........................................................................................................................... 104 Commo0at%m ('##9)........................................................................................................................... 105 Commo0at%m vs. 3s%fr%ct (1996)............................................................................................................105 *%t%%m vs. Commo0at%m ('##!)............................................................................................................ 106 *%t%%m; )nterests ('##1)...................................................................................................................... 106 *%t%%m; )nterests ('##')...................................................................................................................... 106 *%t%%m; )nterests ('##!)...................................................................................................................... 106 #EP!(I$...........................................................................................................................................107 Compensation; ;an+ Loan (1997)............................................................................................................107 Deposit; E=c&ange (199')......................................................................................................................107 (+"E$*............................................................................................................................................107 4ecover" of Deficienc" (1997)................................................................................................................ 107 A'$IC."E(I(...................................................................................................................................107 5ntic&resis (1999)...............................................................................................................................107 PLE#&E........................................................................................................................................... 108 .le0ge (199!).................................................................................................................................... 108 .le0ge ('##!).................................................................................................................................... 108 .le0ge; *ortgage; 5ntic&resis (199-)....................................................................................................... 108 /+A(I-C!'$"AC$...........................................................................................................................108 1%asi?Contracts; 2egotiori%m Bestio (199')...............................................................................................109 1%asi?Contracts; 2egotiori%m Bestio (199()...............................................................................................109 1%asi?Contracts; 2egotiori%m Bestio (1999)...............................................................................................109 1%asi?Contracts; ol%tio )n0ebiti ('##!).................................................................................................... 110 $!"$( , #A)A&E(.........................................................................................................................110 Collapse of tr%ct%res; Last Clear C&ance (199#)......................................................................................... 110 Damages (199!)................................................................................................................................. 111 Damages arising from Deat& of 3nborn C&il0 (1991)..................................................................................... 111 Damages arising from Deat& of 3nborn C&il0 ('##()..................................................................................... 111 Deat& )n0emnit" (199!).........................................................................................................................111
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Defense; D%e Diligence in election ('##().................................................................................................112 ,iling of eparate Civil 5ction; 2ee0 for 4eservation ('##()............................................................................ 112 ,ort%ito%s Event; *ec&anical Defects ('##')...............................................................................................112 Liabilit"; 5irline Compan"; 2on?.erformance of an Obligation ('##!) .................................................................112 Liabilit"; 5irline Compan"; 2on?.erformance of an Obligation ('##9) .................................................................113 Liabilit"; Emplo"er; Damage ca%se0 b" Emplo"ees (1997).............................................................................. 113 Liabilit"; owner w&o was in t&e ve&icle (199-)............................................................................................. 114 Liabilit"; owner w&o was in t&e ve&icle (1996)............................................................................................. 114 Liabilit"; owner w&o was in t&e ve&icle ('##')............................................................................................. 114 *oral Damages & 5tt" ,ees ('##')...........................................................................................................114 *oral Damages; 2on?4ecover" <&ereof ('##-)............................................................................................ 115 1%asi?Delict (199')..............................................................................................................................115 1%asi?Delict ('##9)..............................................................................................................................115 1%asi?Delict; 5cts contrar" to morals (199-)...............................................................................................115 1%asi?Delict; *ismanagement of DepositorFs 5cco%nt ('##-)...........................................................................116 @icario%s Liabilit" (1991).......................................................................................................................116 @icario%s Liabilit" ('##1).......................................................................................................................117 @icario%s Liabilit" ('##').......................................................................................................................117 @icario%s Liabilit" ('##!).......................................................................................................................117 @icario%s Liabilit" ('##-).......................................................................................................................117 @icario%s Liabilit"; .%blic 3tilit" ('###)..................................................................................................... 118
Page 9 of 119
SCRA 40 [1986]).
Civil law vs. Common Law (1997) How would you compare the C ! l "aw #y#tem $ t# go!er$a$ce a$d tre$d w th that of the Commo$ "aw #y#tem%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
27 1o$e. /, ter d ctum a$d op $ o$# are $ot $ece##ary to the determ $at o$ of a ca#e. @hey are $ot , $d $g a$d
&# regard# 'go!er$a$ce'( )o!er$a$ce $ C ! l "aw # codal* #tatutory a$d wr tte$ law. +t # add t o$ally der !ed from ca#e law. Commo$ law # ,a# cally der !ed from ca#e law. &# regard# 'tre$d'( C ! l law # $ow te$d $g to rely more a$d more o$ dec # o$# of the court# e-pla $ $g the law#. Commo$ law # $ow cod fy $g law# more a$d more. .o they are $ow merg $g toward# # m lar #y#tem#.
Additional Answers:
C/00/1 "&2 refer# to the trad t o$al part of the law a# d #t $ct from leg #lat o$3 t refer# to the u$ !er#al part of law a# d #t $ct from part cular local cu#tom# 45$cycloped a &mer ca$a* 6ol. 77. /$ the other ha$d* C+6+" "&2 # u$der#tood to ,e that ,ra$ch of law go!er$ $g the relat o$#h p of per#o$# $ re#pect of the r per#o$al a$d pr !ate $tere#t# a# d #t $gu #hed from ,oth pu,l c a$d $ter$at o$al law#. +$ commo$ law cou$tr e#* the trad t o$al re#po$# , l ty ha# for the mo#t part ,ee$ w th the 8udge#3 $ c ! l law cou$tr e#* the ta#9 # pr mar ly repo#ed o$ the lawma9er#. Co$temporary pract ce#* howe!er* #o $d cate a tre$d toward# ce$tral : $g that fu$ct o$ to profe## o$al group# that may $deed* #ee the gradual a## m lat o$ $ t me of ,oth #y#tem#. ;6 tug* C ! l. "aw a$d <ur #prude$ce* p. ==7
+$ C ! l "aw* the #tatute# theoret cally ta9e precede$ce o!er court dec # o$# $terpret $g them3 wh le $ Commo$ "aw* the court dec # o$# re#ol! $g #pec f c ca#e# are regarded a# law rather tha$ the #tatute# them#el!e# wh ch are* at the #tart* merely em,od me$t# of ca#e law. C ! l "aw # code law or wr tte$ law* wh le Commo$ "aw # ca#e law. C ! l "aw adopt# the deduct !e method > from the ge$eral to the part cular* wh le the Commo$ "aw u#e# the $duct !e approach > from the part cular to the ge$eral. Commo$ "aw rel e# o$ e?u ty. C ! l "aw a$chor# t#elf o$ the letter of the law. @he c ! l #t# are for the 8udge> proof law e!e$ a# the Commo$ "aw +# 8udge>made law. C ! l "aw 8udge# are merely #uppo#ed to apply law# a$d $ot $terpret them.
Effect of Obiter & Dissenting Opinion; C Decisions (199!) 27 2hat are the , $d $g effect# of a$ o, ter d ctum a$d a d ##e$t $g op $ o$% 37 How ca$ a dec # o$ of the .upreme Court ,e #et a# de%
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE"(:
5?u ty # appl ed o$ly $ the a,#e$ce of ca$$ot ha!e the force of off c al precede$t#. +t # a# f the Court were tur$ $g a# de from the ma $ top c of the ca#e to collateral #u,8ect#( a d ##e$t $g op $ o$ aff rm# or o!errule# a cla m* r ght or o,l gat o$. +t $e ther d #po#e# $or award# a$yth $g t merely e-pre##e# the ! ew of the d ##e$ter. 4C ! l Code* Para#A 37 & dec # o$ of a d ! # o$ of the .upreme Court may,e #et a# de ,y the .upreme Court # tt $g e$ ,a$c* a .upreme Court dec # o$ may ,e #et a# de ,y a co$trary rul $g of the .upreme Court t#elf or ,y a correct !e leg #lat !e act of Co$gre##* although #a d law# ca$$ot ad!er#ely affect tho#e fa!ored pr or to the .upreme Court dec # o$. ;C ! l Code* Para#7. Effectivit" of Laws (199#) &fter a de!a#tat $g #torm cau# $g w de#pread de#truct o$ $ four Ce$tral "u:o$ pro! $ce#* the e-ecut !e a$d leg #lat !e ,ra$che# of the go!er$me$t agreed to e$act a #pec al law appropr at $g P1 , ll o$ for purpo#e# of rel ef a$d reha, l tat o$ for the pro! $ce#. +$ ! ew of the urge$t $ature of the leg #lat !e e$actme$t* t # pro! ded $ t# effect ! ty clau#e that t #hall ta9e effect upo$ appro!al a$d after complet o$ of pu,l cat o$ $ the /ff c al )a:ette a$d a $ew#paper of ge$eral c rculat o$ $ the Ph l pp $e#. @he law wa# pa##ed ,y the Co$gre## o$ <uly 1* 1990. # g$ed $to law ,y the Pre# de$t o$ <uly 3* 1990* a$d pu,l #hed $ #uch $ew#paper of ge$eral c rculat o$ o$ <uly 7* 1990 a$d $ the /ff c al )a:ette o$ <uly 10* 1990. 4a7 &# to the pu,l cat o$ of #a d leg #lat !e e$actme$t* # there #uff c e$t o,#er!a$ce or compl a$ce w th the re?u reme$t# for a !al d pu,l cat o$% 5-pla $ your a$#wer. 4,7 2he$ d d the law ta9e effect% 5-pla $ your a$#wer. 4c7 Ca$ the e-ecut !e ,ra$ch #tart relea# $g a$d d #,ur# $g fu$d# appropr ated ,y the #a d law the day follow $g t# appro!al% 5-pla $ your a$#wer.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
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4a7 Be#* there # #uff c e$t compl a$ce. @he law t#elf pre#cr ,e# the re?u # te# of pu,l cat o$ for t# effect ! ty* a$d all re?u # te# ha!e ,ee$ compl ed w th. 4&rt cle 2* C ! l Code7 4,7 @he law ta9e# effect upo$ compl a$ce w th all the co$d t o$# for effect ! ty* a$d the la#t co$d t o$ wa# compl ed w th o$ <uly 10* 1990. He$ce* the' law ,ecame effect !e o$ that date. 4c7 1o. +t wa# $ot yet effect !e whe$ t wa# appro!ed ,y Co$gre## o$ <uly 1* 1990 a$d appro!ed ,y the Pre# de$t o$ <uly 3* 1990. @he other re?u # te# for t# effect ! ty were $ot yet complete at the t me. E$%it" follows t&e Law ('##() +t # #a d that Ce?u ty follow# the lawD 2hat do you u$der#ta$d ,y th # phra#e* a$d what are t# ,a# c mpl cat o$#% 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
C5?u ty Follow# the lawD mea$# that court# e-erc # $g e?u ty 8ur #d ct o$ are ,ou$d ,y rule# of law a$d ha!e $o ar, trary d #cret o$ to d #regard them.
)gnorance of t&e Law vs. *ista+e of ,act (199-) +# there a$y d ffere$ce $ the r legal effect ,etwee$ g$ora$ce of the law a$d g$ora$ce or m #ta9e of fact%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
related to the ##ue ra #ed $ the cr m $al act o$* a$d 2. the re#olut o$ of #uch ##ue determ $e# whether or $ot the cr m $al act o$ may proceed. 4c7 Co$#e?ue$ce#
@he cr m $al ca#e mu#t ,e #u#pe$ded. @hu#* $ a cr m $al
Be#* there # a d ffere$ce. 2h le g$ora$ce of the law # $ot a$ e-cu#e for $ot comply $g w th t* g$ora$ce of fact el m $ate# cr m $al $te$t a# lo$g a# there # $o $egl ge$ce 4&rt* 1CC7. +$ add t o$* m #ta9e o$ a dou,tful or d ff cult
?ue#t o$ of law may ,e the ,a# # of good fa th 4&rt. 526.
ca#e for damage# to o$eG# property* a c ! l act o$ that $!ol!e# the ow$er#h p of #a d property #hould f r#t ,e re#ol!ed 4He "eo$ !#. 0a,a$ag. 38 Ph l. 2027
C&ange of .ame; /n0er 12 9#!3 ('##-) I r-thou##ou# delo# .a$to# f led a pet t o$ for cha$ge of
Be#. g$ora$ce of the law d ffer# $ legal effect from +g$ora$ce or m #ta9e of fact. @he former doe# $ot e-cu#e a party from the legal co$#e?ue$ce# of h # co$duct wh le the
latter doe# co$#t tute a$ e-cu#e a$d # a legal defe$#e.
)nferior Co%rts Decisions (199!) &re dec # o$# of the Court of &ppeal# co$# dered law#%
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE"(:
Jepu,l c &ct 1o. 9048. He alleged that h # f r#t $ame #ou$d# r d culou# a$d # e-tremely d ff cult to #pell a$d
#er!e a# precede$t# for $fer or court# o$ po $t# of law $ot co!ered ,y a$y .upreme Court dec # o$* a$d a rul $g of the Court of &ppeal# may ,ecome a doctr $e.
I&'er"al (( !"l. 1066).
read# '<e#u# delo# .a$to#.' <e#u# delo# .a$to# mo!ed to )e$eral .a$to# C ty to wor9 $ a mult >$at o$al compa$y. @here* he fell $ lo!e a$d marr ed
0ary )race delo# .a$to#. .he re?ue#ted h m to ha!e h#
(M"ran%a vs..
,7 1o. Hec # o$# of the Court of &ppeal# merely ha!e per#ua# !e* a$d therefore $o ma$datory effect. Howe!er* a co$clu# o$ or pro$ou$ceme$t wh ch co!er# a po $t of law #t ll u$dec ded may #t ll #er!e a# 8ud c al gu de a$d t #
po## ,le that the #ame may,e ra #ed to the #tatu# of
f r#t $ame cha$ged ,ecau#e h # $ew $ame '<e#u# delo# .a$to#' # the #ame $ame a# that of her father who
a,a$do$ed her fam ly a$d ,ecame a $otor ou# drug lord.
.he wa$ted to forget h m. He$ce* <e#u# f led a$other pet t o$ w th the /ff ce of the "ocal C ! l Jeg #trar to
cha$ge h # f r#t $ame to 'Jo,erto.' He cla med that the
doctr $e. +f after t ha# ,ee$ #u,8ected to te#t $ the cruc ,le of a$aly# #* the .upreme Court #hould f $d that t ha# mer t#
a$d ?ual t e# #uff c e$t for t# co$# derat o$ a# a rule of 8ur #prude$ce 4C ! l Code* Para#7. 4re5%0icial 6%estions (1997)
cha$ge # warra$ted ,ecau#e t w ll erad cate all !e#t ge# of the $famy of 0ary )raceG# father.
)"ll t!e 'et"t"on *or +!an,e o* na&e o* -es.s %elos Santos to Ro/erto %elos Santos .n%er Re'./l"+ A+t 0o. 9048 'ros'er1 23'la"n. (104)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE": 1o*
u$der the law* <e#u# may o$ly cha$ge h # $ame o$ce. +$ add t o$* the pet t o$ for cha$ge
of $ame may ,e de$ ed o$ the follow $g grou$d#( <e#u# # $e ther r d culou#* $or ta $ted w th 417 d #ho$or
the u#e of the reg #tered f r#t $ame or $ c9$ame of the pet t o$er.
437 @he pet t o$ $!ol!e# the #ame e$try $ the #ame docu>
me$t* wh ch wa# pre! ou#ly corrected or cha$ged
7930, 8e/. 1(, 1974)* the .upreme Court def $ed t a# o$e
wh ch ar #e# $ a ca#e* the re#olut o$ of wh ch ?ue#t o$ # a log cal a$tecede$t of the ##ue# $!ol!ed $ #a d ca#e a$d the
cog$ :a$ce of wh ch perta $# to a$other tr ,u$al 4Para#* 6ol. 1* C ! l. Code &$$otat o$* 1989 ed. p* 1947.
4,7 1.
Je?u # te#
error# a$d f r#t or $ c9 $ame# may ,e cha$ged or corrected w thout a 8ud c al order u$der J& 9048.
,e lodged $
Cler cal or typograph cal error# refer to m #ta9e# comm tted $ the performa$ce of cler cal wor9 $ wr t $g* copy $g* tra$#cr , $g or typ $g a$ e$try $ the c ! l reg #ter. @he
m #ta9e # harmle## a$d $$ocuou#* #uch a# error# $
Page 11 of 119
#pell $g* ! # ,le to the eye# or o,! ou# to the u$der#ta$d $g* a$d ca$ ,e corrected or cha$ged o$ly ,y refere$ce to other e- #t $g record#. Pro! ded* howe!er* that $o correct o$ mu#t $!ol!e the cha$ge of $at o$al ty* age* #tatu# or #e- of
the pet t o$er.
w fe* w ll* therefore* $her t /.25 0 ll o$ Pe#o# a$d h# 2he$ 0r#. Cru: d ed* #he wa# #ucceeded ,y her pare$t# a#
her $te#tate he r#. @hey w ll e#tate $her t all of her
hu#,a$d* or a total of 0.750 0 ll o$ Pe#o#. +$ #um* the pare$t# of 0r. Cru: w ll $her t 250*000 Pe#o# wh le the pare$t# of 0r#. Cru: w ll $her t 750*000 Pe#o#. 4,7 @h # ,e $g a ca#e of #ucce## o$* $ the a,#e$ce of proof a# to the t me of death of each of the #pou#e#* t # pre#umed they d ed at the #ame t me a$d $o tra$#m ## o$ of r ght# from o$e to the other # deemed to ha!e ta9e$ place. @herefore* each of them # deemed to ha!e a$ e#tate !alued at P500*000*00* or o$e>half of the r co$8ugal property of
P1 m ll o$. @he r re#pect !e pare$t# w ll thu# $her t the
2. .uppo#e <a me had a l fe $#ura$ce pol cy w th h # w fe* <ul a* a$d h # #o$* 2 lly* a# the ,e$ef c ar e#. Ca$ 2 lma #ucce##fully cla m that o$e>half of the proceed# #hould
,elo$g to 2 llyG# e#tate% K2E<
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1. 1o* 2 lma ca$$ot #ucce##fully cla m that 2 lly had a hered tary #hare $ h # fatherG# e#tate. L$der &rt. 43* C ! l
Code* two per#o$# 'who are called to #ucceed each other' are pre#umed to ha!e d ed at the #ame t me* $ the a,#e$ce
of proof a# to wh ch of them d ed f r#t. @h # pre#umpt o$ of # multa$eou# death appl e# $ ca#e# $!ol! $g the ?ue#t o$
,7 Cr #ty a$d her late hu#,a$d "u # had two ch ldre$* Jo#e a$d Patr c9* /$e #ummer* her mother> $>law* aged 70* too9 the two ch ldre$* the$ aged 10 a$d 12* w th her o$ a ,oat
tr p to Ce,u. L$fortu$ately* the !e##el #a$9 e$ route* a$d the ,od e# of the three were $e!er fou$d. 1o$e of the
#ur! !or# e!er #aw them o$ the water. /$ the #ettleme$t of her mother> $>lawG# e#tate* Cr #ty f le# a cla m for a #hare of her e#tate o$ the grou$d that the #ame wa# $her ted ,y her ch ldre$ from the r gra$dmother $ repre#e$tat o$ of the r father* a$d #he $her ted the #ame from them. 2 ll her
act o$ pro#per% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
th # pre#umpt o$* the per#o$ ,etwee$ the age# of 15 a$d 60 year# # deemed to ha!e #ur! !ed o$e who#e age wa# o!er 60 at the t me of the r death#. @he e#tate of 2 lly e$dowed w th 8ur d cal per#o$al ty #ta$d# $ place a$d #tead of 2 lly*
a# ,e$ef c ary. Deat&; Effects; im%ltaneo%s Deat& (1999) 0r. a$d 0r#. Cru:* who are ch ldle##* met w th a #er ou#
1o* her act o$ w ll $ot pro#per. . $ce there wa# $o proof a# to who d ed f r#t* all the three are deemed to ha!e d ed at the #ame t me a$d there wa# $o tra$#m ## o$ of r ght# from o$e to a$other* apply $g &rt cle 43 of the 1ew C ! l Code.
motor !eh cle acc de$t w th 0r. Cru: at the wheel a$d 0r#. Cru: #eated ,e# de h m* re#ult $g $ the $#ta$t death of 0r. Cru:. 0r#. Cru: wa# #t ll al !e whe$ help came ,ut #he al#o d ed o$ the way to the ho#p tal. @he couple ac?u red propert e# worth /$e 0 ll o$ 4P1 *000*000.007 Pe#o# dur $g
the r marr age* wh ch are ,e $g cla med ,y the pare$t# of
,oth #pou#e# $ e?ual #hare#. +# the cla m of ,oth #et# of
amo$g them. Her ch ldre$ $ot ha! $g $her ted from the r gra$dmother. Cr #ty ha# $o r ght to #hare $ her mother> $> lawG# e#tate. .he ca$$ot #hare $ her ow$ r ght a# #he # $ot a legal he r of her mother> $>law. @he #ur! !or#h p pro! # o$ of Jule 131 of the Jule# of Court doe# $ot apply
to the pro,lem. +t appl e# o$ly to tho#e ca#e# where the
4,7 .uppo#e $ the preced $g ?ue#t o$* ,oth 0r. a$d 0r#.
Cru: were already dead whe$ help came* #o that $o>,ody
4a7 1o* the cla m of ,oth pare$t# # $ot !al d. 2he$ 0r.
<LJ+H+C&" C&P&C+@B # the f t$e## to ,e the #u,8ect of legal relat o$# wh le C&P&C+@B @/ &C@ # the power or to do act# w th legal effect. @he former # $here$t $ e!ery $atural per#o$ a$d # lo#t o$ly through death wh le the latter # merely ac?u red a$d may ,e lo#t e!e$ ,efore death 4&rt. 37* 1CC7.
Page 12 of 119
<ur d cal capac ty* a# d #t $gu #hed from capac ty to act( 4a7 the former # pa## !e wh le the latter # act !e* 4,7 the former # $here$t $ a per#o$ wh le the latter # merely ac?u red* 4c7 the former # lo#t o$ly through death wh le the latter may ,e lo#t through death or re#tr cted ,y cau#e# other tha$ death*
a$d +d7 the former ca$ e- #t w thout capac ty to act wh le
, $d $g.
@he Ch ld "a,or "aw # a ma$datory a$d proh , tory law
a$d the r ght# of the ch ld ca$$ot ,e wa !ed a# t # co$trary to law a$d pu,l c pol cy.
5lated that her # #ter who had ,ee$ marr ed for f !e year# wa# preg$a$t for the f r#t t me* &lma do$ated P100*000.00 to the u$,or$ ch ld. L$fortu$ately* the ,a,y d ed o$e hour
after del !ery. 0ay &lma reco!er the P100.000.00 that #he had do$ated to #a d ,a,y ,efore t wa# ,or$ co$# der $g
that the ,a,y d ed% .tated otherw #e* # the do$at o$ !al d
a$d , $d $g% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he do$at o$ # !al d a$d , $d $g* ,e $g a$ act fa!ora,le to the u$,or$ ch ld* ,ut o$ly f the ,a,y had a$ $tra>uter $e l fe of $ot le## tha$ #e!e$ mo$th# a$d pro>! ded there wa# due accepta$ce of the do$at o$ ,y the proper per#o$ repre#e$t $g #a d ch ld. +f the ch ld had le## tha$ #e!e$ mo$th# of $tra>uter $e l fe* t # $ot deemed ,or$ # $ce t d ed le## tha$ 24 hour# follow $g t# del !ery* $ wh ch ea#e the do$at o$ $e!er ,ecame effect !e # $ce the do$ee $e!er
,ecame a per#o$* , rth ,e $g determ $at !e of per#o$al ty.
2hat law would go!er$( a7 @he !al d ty of the co$tract% ,7 @he performa$ce of the co$tract% c7 @he co$# derat o$ of the co$tract%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
5!e$ f the ,a,y had a$ $tra>uter $e l fe of more tha$ #e!e$ mo$th# a$d the do$at o$ wa# properly accepted* t would ,e !o d for $ot ha! $g co$formed w th the proper
form. +$ order to ,e !al d* the do$at o$ a$d accepta$ce of per#o$al property e-ceed $g f !e thou#a$d pe#o# #hould ,e
$ wr t $g. 4&rt cle 748* par. 37
4,7 @he performa$ce w ll ,e go!er$ed ,y the law of the Ph l pp $e# where the co$tract # to ,e performed.
4c7 @he co$# derat o$ w ll ,e go!er$ed ,y the law of the
@hey wor9ed at odd hour# of the day a$d $ ght* ,ut alway# accompa$ ed ,y pare$t# or other adult#. @he producer pa d
the ch ldre$ tale$t fee# at rate# ,etter tha$ adult wage#. Nut a #oc al wor9er* H5N* reported to /.2H that the#e ch ldre$ ofte$ m ##ed go $g to #chool. @hey #omet me# dra$9 w $e* a# de from ,e $g e-po#ed to drug#. +$ #ome
#ce$e#* they were f lmed $a9ed or $ re!eal $g co#tume#. +$ h # defe$#e* H/1 co$te$ded all the#e were part of art #t c freedom a$d cultural creat ! ty. 1o$e of the pare$t# compla $ed* #a d H/1. He al#o #a d they # g$ed a co$tract
co$ta $ $g a wa !er of the r r ght to f le a$y compla $t $
what law# go!er$( 1. H # capac ty to co$tract marr age $ <apa$* ; 1EA 2. H # #ucce## o$al r ght# a# regard# h # decea#ed F l p $o fatherG# property $ @e-a#* L...&. ;1EA 3. @he e-tr $# c la#t w ll a$d of the !al d ty te#tame$t
wh ch <ua$ e-ecuted wh le #o8our$ $g $ .w t:erla$d.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
capac t <ua$G# y
# go!er$ed
5-pla $.
,y Ph l pp $e law >
15* C ! l Code* wh ch pro! de# that our law# relat $g to* amo$g other#* legal capac ty of per#o$# are , $d $g upo$
@he wa !er # $ot !al d. <hough the co$tract $g part e# may e#ta,l #h #uch #t pulat o$#* clau#e#* term# a$d
co$d t o$# a# they may deem co$!e$ e$t* they may $ot do #o f #uch are co$trary to law* moral#* good cu#tom#* pu,l c order* or pu,l c pol cy 4&rt cle 1306* C ! l Code7. @he pare$t#G wa !er to f le a compla $t co$cer$ $g the wor9 $g
Page 13 of 119
CIVIL LAW Answers to the BAR as Arranged by Topics (Year 19902006) father wa# a F l p $o c t :e$* Ph l pp $e law go!er$# <ua$G#
2. <ua$G# #ucce## o$al r ght# are go!er$ed ,y Ph l pp $e law* pur#ua$t to &rt cle 1039 a$d the #eco$d paragraph of &rt cle 16* ,oth of the C ! l Code. &rt cle 1039* C ! l Code* pro! de# that capac ty to #ucceed #hall ,e go!er$ed ,y the
'law of the $at o$' of the decede$t* .e.. h # $at o$al law. &rt cle 16 pro! de# $ paragraph two that the amou$t of #ucce## o$al r ght#* order of #ucce## o$* a$d $tr $# c !al d ty of te#tame$tary #ucce## o$ #hall ,e go!er$ed ,y the
427. 2 th re#pect to Fel pe the d !orce # !al d* ,ut w th re#pect to Fel #a t # $ot. @he d !orce w ll $ot capac tate Fel #a to remarry ,ecau#e #he a$d Fel pe were ,oth F l p $o# at the t me of the r marr age. Howe!er* $ H/< /p $ o$
1o. 134 #er e# of 1993* Fel #a # allowed to remarry ,ecau#e the $8u#t ce #ought to ,e corrected ,y &rt cle 26 al#o
o,ta $# $ her ca#e.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$ the
3. @he e-tr $# c !al d ty of <ua$G# w ll # go!er$ed ,y 4a7 .w ## law* t ,e $g the law where the w ll wa# made 4&rt. 17.
1#t par. C ! l Code7* or 4,7 Ph l pp $e law* ,y mpl cat o$ from the pro! # o$# of &rt. 816* C ! l Code* wh ch allow#
e!e$ a$ al e$ who # a,road to ma9e a w ll $ co$form ty
1. @he "aw of the cou$try of wh ch he # a c t :e$ u$der &rt cle 817 of the 1ew C ! l Code* or 2. the law of the Ph l pp $e# ,e $g the law of the place of e-ecut o$ u$der &rt cle 17 of the 1ew C ! l Code.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
C. Ph l pp $e law w ll $ot go!er$ the $tr $# c !al d ty of the w ll. &rt cle 16 of the 1ew C ! l Code pro! de# that $tr $# c !al d ty of te#tame$tary pro! # o$# #hall ,e
go!er$ed ,y the 1at o$al "aw of the per#o$ who#e
w th our C ! l Code.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#ucce## o$ # u$der co$# derat o$. Cal for$ a law w ll go!er$ 4. @he $tr $# c !al d ty of h # w ll # go!er$ed ,y Ph l pp $e law* t ,e $g h # $at o$al law. 4&rt. 16* C ! l
Code7 the $tr $# c !al d ty of the w ll. 2pplicable Laws; Capacit" to 2ct (1993)
2pplicable Laws; 2rts 19: 1-: 17 ('##') Fel pe a$d Fel #a* ,oth F l p $o c t :e$#* were marr ed $
0alolo#* Nulaca$ o$ <u$e 1* 1950. +$ 1960 Fel pe we$t to the L$ ted .tate#* ,ecom $g a L... c t :e$ $ 1975. +$ 1980 they o,ta $ed a d !orce from Fel #a* who wa# duly $ot f ed of the proceed $g#. @he d !orce decree ,ecame f $al u$der
Cal for$ a "aw. Com $g ,ac9 to the Ph l pp $e# $ 1982*
Fra$c # &l,ert* a c t :e$ a$d re# de$t of 1ew <er#ey* L...&.* u$der who#e law he wa# #t ll a m $or* ,e $g o$ly 20 year# of age* wa# h red ,y &NC Corporat o$ of 0a$ la to #er!e for two year# a# t# ch ef computer programmer. Nut after #er! $g for o$ly four mo$th#* he re# g$ed to 8o $ =BI
Corporat o$* wh ch e$t ced h m ,y offer $g more
Fel pe marr ed .agu$d $a* a F l p $o C t :e$. +$ 2001* F l pe* the$ dom c led $ "o# &$gele#* Cal for$ a* d ed* lea! $g o$e ch ld ,y Fel #a* a$d a$other o$e ,y .agu$d $a. He left a w ll wh ch he left h # e#tate to .agu$d $a a$d h # two ch ldre$
a$d $oth $g to Fel #a. .agu$d $a f le# a pet t o$ for the pro,ate of Fel peO# w ll.
Fel #a ?ue#t o$# the $tr $# c !al d ty of the w ll* argu $g that her marr age to Fel pe #u,# #ted de#p te the d !orce o,ta $ed ,y Fel pe ,ecau#e #a d d !orce # $ot recog$ :ed $
the Ph l pp $e#. For th # rea#o$* #he cla m# that the propert e# a$d that .agu$d $a ha# $o #ucce## o$al r ght#.
ad!a$tageou# term#. H # f r#t employer #ue# h m $ 0a$ la for damage# ar # $g from the ,reach of h # co$tract of employme$t. He #et# up h # m $or ty a# a defe$#e a$d a#9# for a$$ulme$t of the co$tract o$ that grou$d. @he pla $t ff d #pute# th # ,y alleg $g that # $ce the co$tract wa# e-ecuted $ the Ph l pp $e# u$der who#e law the age of ma8or ty # 18 year#* he wa# $o lo$ger a m $or at the t me of perfect o$ of the co$tract. 1. 2 ll the #u t pro#per% ;3EA
2. .uppo#e =BI Corporat o$ # mpleaded a# a co> defe$da$t* what would ,e the ,a# # of t# l a, l ty* f a$y%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&. +#
the d !orce
,y Fel pe
Cal for$ a
recog$ :a,le a$d !al d $ the Ph l pp $e#% How doe# t affect Fel peO# marr age to Fel #a% 5-pla $. 42E7. N. 2hat law go!er$# the formal t e# of the w ll% 5-pla $.
,e $g h # per#o$al law from the #ta$dpo $t of ,oth h# $at o$al ty a$d h # dom c le. He wa#* therefore* a m $or at
the t me he e$tered $to the co$tract.
C. 2 ll Ph l pp $e law go!er$ the $tr $# c !al d ty of the w ll% 5-pla $. 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1. @he #u t w ll $ot pro#per. Ne $g a L... $at o$al* &l,ertG# capac ty to e$ter $to a co$tract # determ $ed ,y the law of the .tate of wh ch he # a $at o$al* u$der wh ch he to #t ll a
m $or. @h # # $ co$$ect o$ w th &rt cle 15 of the C!l Code wh ch em,od e# the #a d $at o$al ty pr $c ple of lepatr ae. 2h le th # pr $c ple $te$ded to apply to F l p $o
Page 14 of 119
per#o$# # go!er$ed ,y the law of h # $at o$al ty* capac ty Pla $t ff# argume$t doe# $ot hold true* ,ecau#e #tatu# or
capac ty # $ot determ $ed ,y le- loc co$tractu# ,ut ,y lepatr ae.
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
a$d #olem$ t e# of co$tract#* w ll# a$d other pu,l c $#trume$t# #hall ,e go!er$ed ,y the law# of the cou$try $
wh ch they are e-ecuted.
law of the cou$try where the property # # tuated. . $ce the property # $ the Ph l pp $e#* Ph l pp $e law go!er$# the
capac ty of the #eller.
. $ce the co$tract of employme$t wa# e-ecuted $ 0a$ la* Ph l pp $e law #hould go!er$. Ne $g o!er 18 year# old a$d
$o lo$ger a m $or accord $g to Ph l pp $e "aw* Fra$c # &l,ert ca$ ,e #ued. @hu#* the #u t of &NC Corporat o$ aga $#t h m for damage# w ll pro#per.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
2pplicable Laws; capacit" to s%ccee0 (1991) <aco,* a .w ## $at o$al* marr ed "ourde#* a F l p $a* $ Ner$e* .w t:erla$d. @hree year# later* the couple dec ded to
re# de $ the Ph l pp $e#. <aco, #u,#e?ue$tly ac?u red
2. =BI Corporat o$* ha! $g e$t ced Fra$c # &l,ert to ,rea9 h # co$tract w th the pla $t ff* may ,e held l a,le for
damage# u$der &rt. 1314* C ! l Code.
#e!eral propert e# $ the Ph l pp $e# w th the mo$ey he $her ted from h # pare$t#. Forty year# later. <aco, d ed $te#tate* a$d # #ur! !ed ,y #e!eral leg t mate ch ldre$ a$d duly recog$ :ed lleg t mate daughter <a$e* all re# d $g $ the Ph l pp $e#. 4a7 .uppo#e that .w ## law doe# $ot allow lleg t mate ch ldre$ to $her t* ca$ <a$e* who # a recog$ :ed lleg t mate ch ld* $her t part of the propert e# of <aco, u$der Ph l pp $e law%
4,7 &##um $g that <aco, e-ecuted a w ll lea! $g certa $
'L$fa r compet t o$
$du#tr al e$terpr #e# or $ la,or through the u#e of force* $t m dat o$* dece t* mach $at o$ or a$y other u$8u#t* oppre## !e or h ghha$ded method #hall g !e r #e
to a r ght of act o$ ,y the per#o$ who there,y #uffer#
propert e# to <a$e a# her leg t me $ accorda$ce w th the law of #ucce## o$ $ the Ph l pp $e#* w ll #uch te#tame$tary d #po# t o$ ,e !al d%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
&. Be#. &# #tated $ the pro,lem. .w ## law doe# $ot allow the property of <aco, u$der Ph l pp $e law.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
2. 1o l a, l ty ar #e#. @he #tateme$t of the pro,lem doe# $ot $ a$y way #ugge#t $te$t* mal ce* or e!e$ 9$owledge* o$ the
part of =BI Corporat o$ a# to the co$tractual relat o$# ,etwee$ &l,ert a$d &NC Corporat o$.
!al d. L$le## the .w ## law # pro!ed* t would ,e pre#umed to ,e the #ame a# that of Ph l pp $e law u$der the Doctrine of
Processual Presumption.
a,o!e. &rt cle 15 of the 1CC #pec f cally pro! de# that Ph l pp $e law# relat $g to legal capac ty of per#o$# are
2pplicable Laws; contracts contrar" to p%blic polic" (199-) &lma wa# h red a# a dome#t c helper $ Ho$g9o$g ,y the Hrago$ .er! ce#* "td.* through t# local age$t. .he e-ecuted a #ta$dard employme$t co$tract de# g$ed ,y the Ph l pp $e
<apa$e#e law go!er$# the capac ty of the <apa$e#e to #ell the la$d ,e $g h # per#o$al law o$ the ,a# # of a$ $terpretat o$
of &rt. 15* 1CC.
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE"(0
law of a$ $d ! dual* the <apa$e#e #ellerG# capac ty #hould ,e go!er$ed e ther ,y h # $at o$al law 4<apa$e#e law7 or ,y the law of h # dom c le* depe$d $g upo$ whether <apa$ follow# the $at o$al ty or dom c l ary theory of per#o$al law for t#
c t :e$#.
year at a #alary of L.Q1*000.00 a mo$th. +t wa# #u,m tted to a$d appro!ed ,y the P/5&. Howe!er* whe$ #he arr !ed $ Ho$g9o$g* #he wa# a#9ed to # g$ a$other co$tract ,y Hrago$ .er! ce#* "td. wh ch reduced her #alary to o$ly L.Q600.00 a mo$th. Ha! $g $o other cho ce* &lma # g$ed the co$tract ,ut whe$ #he retur$ed to the Ph l pp $e#* #he dema$ded payme$t of the #alary d ffere$t al of L.Q400.00 a mo$th. Noth Hrago$ .er! ce#* "td. a$d t# local age$t cla med that the #eco$d co$tract # !al d u$der the law# of Ho$g9o$g* a$d therefore , $d $g o$ &lma. +# the r cla m correct% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he r cla m # $ot correct. & co$tract # the law ,etwee$ the part e# ,ut the law ca$ d #regard the co$tract f t # co$trary to pu,l c pol cy. @he pro! # o$# of the 1987 Co$#t tut o$ o$ the protect o$ of la,or a$d o$ #oc al 8u#t ce 10. &rt ++7
em,ody a pu,l c pol cy of the Ph l pp $e#. . $ce the
Page 15 of 119
CIVIL LAW Answers to the BAR as Arranged by Topics (Year 1990-2006) Co.rt o* A''eals (;.R 0o. 104$37, 0ov. 10, 1993) the that pu,l c pol cy* the appl cat o$ #hall ,e d #regarded ,y
.upreme Court appl ed Ph l pp $e law $ reco!ery of damage# for ,reach of co$tract of carr age for the rea#o$
co$tract # , $d $g u$der Ho$g9o$g law* #uch #eco$d co$tract # $!al d u$der Ph l pp $e law wh ch recog$ :e# a# !al d o$ly the f r#t co$tract. . $ce the ca#e # ,e $g l t gated
$ the Ph l pp $e#* the Ph l pp $e Court a# the forum w ll $ot e$force a$y fore g$ cla m o,$o- ou# to the forumG#
that t # the law of the place where the co$tract wa# e-ecuted.
+f the ! olat o$ of the co$tract wa# atte$ded w th ,ad fa th* there # a grou$d to reco!er moral damage#. Nut # $ce there wa# a federal regulat o$ wh ch wa# the ,a# # of the act
compla $ed of* the a rl $e ca$$ot ,e $ ,ad fa th. He$ce*
o$ly actual damage# ca$ ,e reco!ered. @he #ame # true w th regard# to e-emplary damage#. 2pplicable Laws; Labor Contracts (1991)
&. @he <apa$ & r " $e# 4<&"7* a fore g$er corporat o$
that # co$trary to Ph l pp $e law a$d the pu,l c pol cy go!er$ $g F l p $o o!er#ea# wor9er#. &rt. 17* pro! de# that our proh , t !e law# co$cer$ $g per#o$#* the r act#* or the r property or wh ch ha!e for the r o,8ect pu,l c order* pu,l c pol cy a$d good cu#tom# #hall $ot ,e re$dered $effect !e ,y law# or co$!e$t o$# agreed upo$ $ a fore g$ cou$try. Ne# de#* &lmaG# co$#e$t to the #eco$d co$tract wa# ! t ated ,y u$due $flue$ce* ,e $g ! rtually helple## a$d u$der f $a$c al d #tre## $ a fore g$ cou$try* a# $d cated ,y
the g !e$ fact that #he # g$ed ,ecau#e #he had $o cho ce. @herefore* the defe$da$t# cla m that the co$tract # !al d u$der Ho$g9o$g law #hould ,e re8ected # $ce u$der the DOCT !"# O$ P OC#%%&'( P #%&)PT!O" a
l ce$#ed to do ,u# $e## $ the Ph l pp $e#* e-ecuted $ 0a$ la a co$tract of employme$t w th 0ar te## )uapa
u$der wh ch the latter wa# h red a# a #tewarde## o$ the a rcraft fly $g the 0a$ la><apa$>0a$ la route. @he co$tra#t #pec f cally pro! de# that 417 the durat o$ of the co$tract #hall ,e two 427 year#* 427 $otw th#ta$d $g the a,o!e
durat o$* <&" may term $ate the agreeme$t at a$y t me ,y g ! $g her $ot ce $ wr t $g te$ 4107 day# $ ad!a$ce* a$d 437
the co$tract #hall ,e co$#trued a# go!er$ed u$der a$d ,y
the law# of <apa$ a$d o$ly the court $ @o9yo* <apa$ #hall ha!e the 8ur #d ct o$ to co$# der a$y matter ar # $g from or relat $g to the co$tract.
<&" d #m ##ed 0ar te## o$ the fourth mo$th of her employme$t w thout g ! $g her due $ot ce. 0ar te## the$
f led a compla $t w th the "a,or &r, ter for re $#tateme$t* ,ac9wage# a$d damage#. @he lawyer of <&" co$te$d# that $e ther the "a,or &r, ter $or a$y other age$cy or court $ the Ph l pp $e# ha# 8ur #d ct o$ o!er the ca#e $ ! ew of the a,o!e pro! # o$ 437 of the co$tract wh ch 0ar te## !olu$tar ly # g$ed. @he co$tract # the law ,etwee$ her a$d
from Halla# to Ch cago o$ 16 <a$uary 1992. Her fl ght re#er!at o$ wa# co$f rmed. /$ her #cheduled departure 6a$e##a chec9ed $ o$ t me at the Halla# a rport. Howe!er*
at the chec9> $ cou$ter #he d #co!ered that #he wa#
Hec de the ##ue. N. 2here u$der a .tateG# ow$ co$fl ct# rule that dome#t c
law of a$other .tate #hould apply* may the court# of the
adm tted that 6a$e##a wa# $ot ad! #ed of #uch pol cy whe$
former $e!erthele## refu#e to apply the latter% +f #o* u$der what c rcum#ta$ce%
#he purcha#ed her pla$e t c9et. 6a$e##a wa# o$ly a,le to fly two day# later ,y ta9 $g a$other a rl $e.
6a$e##a #ued 5uro>& re $ 0a$ la for ,reach of co$tract a$d damage#. 5uro>& re cla med that t ca$$ot ,e held l a,le
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&* "a,or "eg #lat o$# are ge$erally $te$ded a# e-pre## o$#
of pu,l c pol cy o$ employer>employee relat o$#. @he
for damage# ,ecau#e t# pract ce of o!er,oo9 $g pa##e$ger# wa# allowed ,y the L... Code of Federal Jegulat o$#.
6a$e##a o$ the other ha$d co$te$ded that a##um $g that the L... Code of Federal Jegulat o$# allowed +$te$t o$al o!er,oo9 $g* the a rl $e compa$y ca$$ot $!o9e the L... Code o$ the grou$d that the t c9et wa# purcha#ed $ 0a$ la* he$ce* Ph l pp $e law #hould apply* u$der wh ch 6a$e##a ca$ reco!er damage# for ,reach of co$tract of carr age. Hec de. H #cu## fully.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
co$tract therefore* ,etwee$ <apa$ & r " $e# 4<&"7 a$d 0ar te## may apply o$ly to the e-te$t that t# pro! # o$# are $ot $co$# #te$t w th Ph l pp $e la,or law# $te$ded
part cularly to protect employee#.
L$der the c rcum#ta$ce#* the d #m ##al of 0ar te## w thout comply $g w th Ph l pp $e "a,or law would ,e $!al d a$d a$y #t pulat o$ $ the co$tract to the co$trary # co$# dered !o d. . $ce the law of the forum $ th # ca#e # the Ph l pp $e law the ##ue# #hould>,e re#ol!ed $ accorda$ce w th Ph l pp $e law.
N. @he th rd paragraph of &rt. 17 of the C ! l Code pro! de#
6a$e##a ca$ reco!er damage# u$der Ph l pp $e law for ,reach of co$tract of carr age* Ph l pp $e law #hould go!er$ a# the law of the place where the pla$e t c9et# were ,ought
a$d the co$tract of carr age wa# e-ecuted. +$ =ala&ea v.
Page 16 of 119
'Proh , t !e law# co$cer$ $g per#o$#* the r act# or property* a$d tho#e wh ch ha!e for the r o,8ect pu,l c
$ a
$ Ce,u C ty accord $g to
order* pu,l c pol cy a$d good cu#tom# #hall $ot ,e re$dered $effect !e ,y law# or 8udgme$t# promulgated*
or ,y determ $at o$# or co$!e$t o$# agreed upo$ $ a fore g$ cou$try.' &ccord $gly* a #tateG# ow$ co$fl ct of law# rule may* e-cept o$ally ,e $appl ca,le* g !e$ pu,l c pol cy
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 @he marr age of 0a$# a$d <oh$#o$ wa# !al d whe$ cele,rated ,ecau#e all marr age# #olem$ :ed out# de the Ph l pp $e# 4@o9yo7 $ accorda$ce w th the law# $ force $
the cou$try where they are #olem$ :ed 4<apa$7* a$d !al d
)o $g
?ue#t o$* + would rule a# follow#( 1. @he durat o$ of the co$tract Ph l pp $e law a$d #t pulated3
# $ot oppo#ed to
there a# #uch* are al#o !al d $ the Ph l pp $e#. @he r marr age $o lo$ger !al dly #u,# #t#* ,ecau#e t ha# ,ee$ d ##ol!ed ,y the a,#olute d !orce !al dly o,ta $ed ,y
<oh$#o$ wh ch capac tated 0ar # to remarry 4&rt. 26.
pro! # o$
$otw th#ta$d $g durat o$* <apa$ & r " $e# 4<&"7 may
@hat the co$tract #hall ,e co$#trued a# go!er$ed u$der a$d ,y the law# of <apa$ a$d o$ly the court# of @o9yo*
<apa$ #hall ha!e 8ur #d ct o$* # $!al d a# clearly oppo#ed to the aforec ted th rd paragraph of &rt#. 17 a$d 1700 of the C ! l Code* wh ch pro! de#(
wh le ,oth were ta9 $g up po#t>graduate cour#e# there. & few year# after the r graduat o$* they dec ded to a$$ul the r
marr age. <a$e f led a$ act o$ to a$$ul her marr age to
'&rt. 1700. @he relat o$# ,etwee$ cap tal a$d la,or are $ot merely co$tractual. @hey are #o mpre##ed w th pu,l c $tere#t that la,or co$tract# mu#t y eld
to the commo$ good. @herefore* #uch co$tract# are #u,8ect to the #pec al law# o$ la,or u$ o$#* collect !e ,arga $ $g* #tr 9e# a$d loc9out#* clo#ed #hop* wage#* wor9 $g co$d t o$#* hour# of la,or a$d # m lar #u,8ect#.'
)e$e $ 5$gla$d o$ the grou$d of latterO# #ter l ty* a grou$d for a$$ulme$t of marr age $ 5$gla$d. @he 5$gl #h court decreed the marr age a$$ulled. Jetur$ $g to the
Ph l pp $e#* )e$e a#9ed you whether or $ot he would ,e
free to marry h # former g rlfr e$d. 2hat would your legal ad! ce ,e% 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1o* )e$e # $ot free to marry h # former g rlfr e$d. H # marr age to <a$e # !al d accord $g to the form# a$d
although l ! $g $ 5$gla$d* the d ##olut o$ of the r marr age # #t ll go!er$ed ,y Ph l pp $e law 4&rt cle 15* 1CC7. . $ce*
#ter l ty # $ot o$e of the grou$d# for the a$$ulme$t of a
#u#ta $ed a# !al d part cularly the #t pulat o$ e-pre## $g that the co$tract # go!er$ed ,y the law# of the fore g$ cou$try. ) !e$ th # ge$erally accepted pr $c ple of $ter$at o$al law*
marr age u$der &rt cle 45 of the Fam ly Code* the a$$ulme$t of )e$eO# marr age to <a$e o$ that grou$d # $ot !al d $ the Ph l pp $e# 4&rt cle 17* 1CC7
the co$tract ,etwee$ 0ar te## a$d <&" # !al d a$d t #hould
therefore ,e e$forced.
Be#* )e$e h#
+$ 1989* 0ar #* a F l p $o c t :e$* marr ed her ,o## <oh$#o$* a$ &mer ca$ c t :e$* $ @o9yo $ a wedd $g ceremo$y
cele,rated accord $g to <apa$e#e law#. /$e year later*
therefore* # go!er$ed ,y the law of the place where the marr age wa# #olem$ :ed 4le- loc cele,rat o$ #7. He$ce*
marr age wa# !al dly a$$ulled $ 5$gla$d. @he ##ue of whether or $ot a marr age # !o da,le* $clud $g the grou$d#
e!e$ f #ter l ty # $ot a grou$d to a$$ul the marr age u$der the Ph l pp $e law* the marr age # $e!erthele## !o da,le ,ecau#e #ter l ty ma9e# the marr age !o da,le u$der 5$gl #h
law. @herefore* a$$ulme$t of the marr age $ 5$gla$d #
0ar #. &fter 0ar # rece !ed the f $al 8udgme$t of d !orce* #he marr ed her ch ldhood #weetheart Pedro* al#o a F l p $o
c t :e$* $ a rel g ou# ceremo$y $ Ce,u C ty* cele,rated accord $g to the formal t e# of Ph l pp $e law. Pedro later
!al d $ the Ph l pp $e#. 2pplicable Laws; ale of 1eal 4ropert" (1999) 2h le $ &fgha$ #ta$* a <apa$e#e ,y the $ame of .ato #old
left for the L$ ted .tate# a$d ,ecame $atural :ed a# a$ &mer ca$ c t :e$. 0ar # followed Pedro to the L$ ted
.tate#* a$d after a #er ou# ?uarrel* 0ar # f led a #u t a$d
Page 17 of 119
L$der &rt. 16 par. 1* 1CC* real property # #u,8ect to the law of the cou$try where t # # tuated. . $ce the property # # tuated $ the Ph l pp $e#* Ph l pp $e law appl e#. @he rule of le- re # tae $ &rt cle 16 pre!a l# o!er le- loc co$tractu
$ &rt cle 17 of the 1CC.
3. @he d #tr ,ut o$ of the per#o$al propert e# $ )erma$y #hall ,e go!er$ed ,y Fre$ch law. @he legal ,a# # # &rt. 16* 1CC7.
2pplicable Laws; 8ills e<ec%te0 abroa0 (199() &* a F l p $o* e-ecuted a w ll $ Ruwa t wh le there a# a
co$tract # $ce the e-ecut o$ # $ &fgha$ #ta$. &rt. 17 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that the form# a$d #olem$ t e# of
co$tract#* w ll#* a$d other pu,l c $#trume$t# #hall ,e
co$tract wor9er. &##ume that u$der the law# of Ruwa t* t # e$ough that the te#tator aff - h # # g$ature to the pre#e$ce of two w t$e##e# a$d that the w ll $eed $ot ,e
ac9$owledged ,efore a $otary pu,l c.
go!er$ed ,y the law# of the cou$try $ wh ch they are e-ecuted. Howe!er* f the co$tract wa# e-ecuted ,efore the d plomat c or co$#ular off c al# of the Jepu,l c of the
Ph l pp $e# $ &fgha$ #ta$* Ph l pp $e law #hall apply.
Be#. L$der &rt cle# 815 a$d 17 of the C ! l Code* the formal ty of the e-ecut o$ of a w ll # go!er$ed ,y the law of
the place of e-ecut o$. +f the w ll wa# e-ecuted w th the
c t :e$ at the t me of h # death o$ Hecem,er 25* 1998. He left ,eh $d a la#t w ll a$d te#tame$t $ wh ch he ,e?ueathed all h # propert e#* real a$d per#o$al* $ the Ph l pp $e# to h # ac9$owledged lleg t mate F llp $a daughter a$d $oth $g to h # two leg t mate F l p $o #o$#. @he #o$# #ought the a$$ulme$t of the la#t w ll a$d te#tame$t o$ the grou$d that t depr !ed them of the r leg t me# ,ut the daughter wa# a,le
to pro!e that there were $o compul#ory he r# or leg t me# u$der Ca$ad a$ law. 2ho #hould pre!a l% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
formal t e# pre#cr ,ed ,y the law# of Ruwa t a$d !al d there a# #uch* the w ll # !al d a$d may ,e pro,ated $ the Ph l pp $e#. Definition; Cognovit; ;orrowing tat%te; C&aracteri>ation (199!) +$ Pr !ate +$ter$at o$al "aw 4Co$fl ct of "aw#7 what #( 1M Cog$o! t% 27 & ,orrow $g #tatute% 37 Character :at o$%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he daughter #hould pre!a l ,ecau#e &rt cle 16 of the 1ew C ! l Code pro! de# that $te#tate a$d te#tame$tary
#ucce## o$ #hall ,e go!er$ed ,y the $at o$al law of the per#o$ who#e #ucce## o$ # u$der co$# derat o$. 2pplicable Laws; %cession of 2liens (1999) 0 chelle* the Fre$ch daughter of Pe$re ch* a )erma$ $at o$al* d ed $ .pa $ lea! $g real propert e# $ the Ph l pp $e# a# well a# !alua,le per#o$al propert e# $ )erma$y.
17 a7 C/)1/6+@ # a co$fe## o$ of 8udgme$t where,y a port o$ of the compla $t # co$fe##ed ,y the defe$da$t who de$ e# the re#t thereof 4Ph l pp $e law H ct o$ary* 3rd 5d.7 4/campo !. Flore$c a$o* ">0 13553* 2S23S507. ,7 C/)1/6+@ # a '#tateme$t of co$fe## o$'
/fte$t me#* t # referred to a# a 'power of attor$ey' or
# mply a# a 'power'* t # the wr tte$ author ty of the de,tor a$d h # d rect o$ to the cler9 of the d #tr ct court* or 8u#t ce of the peace to e$ter 8udgme$t aga $#t the de,tor a# #tated there $. 42ord# a$d Phra#e#* !ol. 7* pp. 115>1667. c7 C/)1/6+@ # a plea $ a$ act o$ wh ch ac9$owledge#
that the defe$da$t d d u$derta9e a$d prom #e a# the pla $t ff $ t# declarat o$ ha# alleged* a$d that t ca$$ot
de$y that t owe# a$d u$8u#tly deta $# from the pla $t ff the
#um cla med ,y h m $ h # declarat o$* a$d co$#e$t# that
8udgme$t ,e e$tered aga $#t the defe$da$t for a certa $ #um. ;2ord# a$d Phra#e#* !ol. 7* pp. 115>1667. d7 C/)1/6+@ # a $ote author : $g a lawyer for co$fe## o$ of 8udgme$t ,y defe$da$t.
legal ,a# #.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the Ph l pp $e#7
8ur #d ct o$ u#ed ,y a$other #tate $ dec d $g co$fl ct# ?ue#t o$ed $!ol!ed $ the cho ce of law 4Nlac9G# "aw H ct o$ary* 5th ed. 19797.
37 a7 'CH&J&C@5J+I&@+/1' # otherw #e called 'cla## f cat o$' or '?ual f cat o$.' +t # the proce## of a## g$ $g a d #puted ?ue#t o$ to t# correct legal category
2. @he d #tr ,ut o$ of the real propert e# $ the Ph l pp $e# #hall ,e go!er$ed ,y Fre$ch law. @he legal ,a# # # &rt. 16*
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
u$der what category a certa $ #et of fact# or rule# fall. 4Para#* Co$fl ct of "aw#* p. 94. 1984 ed.7
Page 18 of 119
Definition; for%m non?conveniens; long?arm stat%te (199!) 17 2hat # the doctr $e of Forum $o$ co$!e$ e$#% 27 2hat # a 'lo$g arm #tatute'%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$at o$al ty theory* a$d the ##ue $!ol!ed # wh ch of the law# of the two cou$tr e# #hould apply to determ $e the
order of #ucce## o$* the amou$t of #ucce## o$al r ght#* or* the $tr $# c !al d ty of te#tame$tary pro! # o$#. .uch ##ue # $ot $!ol!ed $ th # ca#e.
#tro$gly $d cate that the co$tro!er#y may ,e more #u ta,ly tr ed el#ewhere* the$ 8ur #d ct o$ #hould ,e decl $ed a$d the
part e# relegated to rel ef to ,e #ought $ a$other forum.
H/0+C+"+&JB @H5/JB po# t# that the per#o$al #tatu# a$d r ght# of a per#o$ are go!er$ed ,y the law of h#
d7 Forum $o$ co$!e$ e$# # a doctr $e where,y a court of law ha! $g full <ur #d ct o$ o!er a ca#e ,rought $ a proper !e$ue or d #tr ct decl $e# to determ $e the ca#e o$ t# mer t# ,ecau#e <u#t ce would ,e ,etter #er!ed ,y the tr al o!er the
ca#e $ a$other 8ur #d ct o$. 42e,#terG# H ct o$ary7
!acat o$* he met a former ,u# $e## a##oc ate* who propo#ed
to h m a tra$#act o$ wh ch too9 h m to 0o#cow. Fel pe
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,ro9ered a co$tract ,etwee$ .yd$ey Coal# Corp. 4Coal#7* a$ &u#tral a$ f rm* a$d 0o#cow 5$ergy Corp. 45$ergy7* a Ju## a$ f rm* for Coal# to #upply coal to 5$ergy o$ a
mo$thly ,a# # for three year#. Noth the#e f rm# were $ot
do $g* a$d #t ll do $ot do* ,u# $e## $ the Ph l pp $e#. Fel pe #huttled ,etwee$ .yd$ey a$d 0o#cow to clo#e the co$tract.
He al#o e-ecuted $ .yd$ey a comm ## o$ co$tract w th
the L$ ted .tate# of &mer ca a$d e#ta,l #hed the r re# de$ce
f le# #u t $ 0a$ la aga $#t ,oth Coal# a$d 5$ergy for #pec f c performa$ce. &. Hef $e or e-pla $ the pr $c ple of Cle- loc
$ .a$ Fra$c #co* Cal for$ a. +$ 1987* the couple appl ed for* a$d were gra$ted* L... c t :e$#h p. +$ 1989* 0ar o* cla m $g
to ha!e ,ee$ a,a$do$ed ,y Clara* wa# a,le to #ecure a decree of d !orce $ Je$o* 1e!ada* L...&.
co$tractu#D. 42E7 N. Hef $e or e-pla $ the rule of Cforum $o$ co$!e$ e$#D 43E7
C. .hould the Ph l pp $e court a##ume 8ur #d ct o$ o!er
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
paragraph* &rt cle 17 of the 1ew C ! l Code3 or 427 +t # the proper law of the co$tract3 e. .* the #y#tem of law $te$ded to go!er$ the e$t re co$tract* $clud $g
t# e##e$t al re?u # te#* $d cat $g the law of the place w th wh ch the co$tract ha# t# clo#e#t co$$ect o$ or
Page 19 of 119
where the ma $ eleme$t# of the co$tract co$!erge. &# llu#trated ,y =ala&ea v. Co.rt o* A''eals ($$8 SCRA $3 [1993])* t # the law of the place where the a rl $e t c9et wa# ##ued* where the pa##e$ger# are $at o$al# a$d re# de$t# of* a$d where the defe$da$t a rl $e compa$y
ma $ta $ed t# off ce.
ge$eral rule* the law of the place where a co$tract # made or e$tered $to go!er$# w th re#pect to t# $ature a$d !al d ty* o,l gat o$ a$d $terpretat o$. @h # ha# ,ee$ #a d to
,e the rule e!e$ though the place where the co$tract wa# made # d ffere$t from the place where t # to ,e performed* a$d part cularly #o* f the place of the ma9 $g
.at%rali>ation ('##() 0 ## L$ !er#e* from F $la$d* came to the Ph l pp $e# o$ a tour #t ! #a. 2h le $ th # cou$try* #he fell $ lo!e w th a$d marr ed a F l p $o doctor. Her tour #t ! #a ha! $g ,ee$ e-p red a$d after the ma- mum e-te$# o$ allowed therefore*
the Nureau of +mm grat o$ a$d Heportat o$ 4N+H7 #
pre#e$tly dema$d $g that #he mmed ately lea!e the cou$try ,ut #he refu#e# to do #o* cla m $g that #he # already a F l p $o C t :e$ ,y her marr age to a F l p $o c t :e$. Ca$ the N+H #t ll order the deportat o$ of 0 ## L$ !er#e% 5-pla $. 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
F/JL0 1/1 C/1651+51. mea$# that a court ha# d #cret o$ary author ty to decl $e 8ur #d ct o$ o!er a cau#e of act o$ whe$ t # of the ! ew that the act o$ may
,e 8u#tly a$d effect !ely ad8ud cated el#ewhere.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
C. 1o* the Ph l pp $e court# ca$$ot ac?u re 8ur #d ct o$ o!er the ca#e of Fel pe. F r#tly* u$der the rule of forum $o$ co$!e$ e$#* the Ph l pp $e court # $ot a co$!e$ e$t forum
a# all the $c de$t# of the ca#e occurred out# de the Ph l pp $e#. 1e ther are ,oth Coal# a$d 5$ergy do $g
. $ce 0 ## L$ !er#e # #t ll a fore g$er* de#p te her marr age to a F l p $o doctor* #he ca$ ,e deported upo$ e-p ry of her allowa,le #tay $ the Ph l pp $e#.
A'!$.E" (+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1o* the Nureau of +mm grat o$ ca$$ot order deportat o$. &$ al e$ woma$ marry $g a F l p $o* $at !e>
?a 5"& v Co&&"ss"on o* I&&",rat"on, 41 SCRA $9$ [19(1]), (Se+
,u# $e## $# de the Ph l pp $e#. .eco$dly* the co$tract# were $ot perfected $ the Ph l pp $e#. L$der the pr $c ple of leloc co$tractu#* the law of the place where the co$tract #
the deportat o$ proceed $g the fact of her marr age a$d that #he # $ot d #?ual f ed to ,ecome a F l p $o C t :e$.
A'!$.E" (+&&E($E# A'(WE":
co$tract#. &$d e!e$ f a proper dec # o$ could ,e reached* #uch would ha!e $o , d $g effect o$ Coal# a$d 5$ergy a# the court wa# $ot a,le to ac?u re 8ur #d ct o$ o!er the #a d corporat o$#. (Man"la Aotel Cor'. v. 05RC. 343 SCRA 1, 136
+t depe$d#. +f #he # d #?ual f ed to ,e a F l p $o c t :e$* #he may ,e deported. +f #he # $ot d #?ual f ed to ,e a F l p $o
c t :e$* #he may $ot ,e deported. &$ al e$ woma$ who @he marr age marr e# a F l p $o c t :e$ ,ecome# o$e. of
PH a$d "6 are HR Ch $e#e. @he r pare$t# are $ow F l p $o c t :e$# who l !e $ 0a$ la. 2h le #t ll #tude$t# $ 01. .tate* they got marr ed although they are f r#t cou# $#. +t appear# that ,oth $ HR a$d $ 01. .tate f r#t cou# $#
could marry legally.
0 ## L$ !er#e to the F l p $o doctor d d $ot automat cally ma9e her a F l p $o c t :e$. .he #t ll ha# to pro!e that #he # $ot d #?ual f ed to ,ecome a c t :e$.
=&eor"; significant relations&ips t&eor" (199!) &,le* a corporat o$ dom c led $ .tate &* ,ut* do $g
Nut they ha!e ,ee$ $formed* howe!er* that the marr age of f r#t cou# $# here # co$# dered !o d from the ,eg $$ $g ,y rea#o$ of pu,l c pol cy. @hey are $ a d lemma. @hey do$Ot wa$t to ,rea9 Ph l pp $e law* much le## the r marr age !ow. @hey #ee9 your ad! ce o$ whether the r c ! l #tatu# w ll ,e ad!er#ely affected ,y Ph l pp $e dome#t c law% 2hat # your ad! ce% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a7 L# $g the '%!*"!$!C'"T #('T!O"%+!P% T+#O ,'* there are co$tact# # g$ f ca$t to the Ph l pp $e#.
&mo$g the#e are that the place of ,u# $e## # the Ph l pp $e#* the employee co$cer$ed # a F l p $o a$d the
0y ad! #e # a# follow#( @he c ! l #tatu# ofG PH a$d "6 w ll $ot ,e ad!er#ely affected ,y Ph l pp $e law ,ecau#e they are $at o$al# of Ho$g Ro$g a$d $ot F l p $o c t :e$#.Ne $g fore g$er#* the r #tatu#* co$d t o$# a$d legal capac ty $ the
Ph l pp $e# are go!er$ed ,y the law of Ho$g Ro$g* the
#u t wa# f led $ the Ph l pp $e#* there,y 8u#t fy $g the appl cat o$ of Ph l pp $e law. +$ the &mer ca$ & rl $e# ca#e the Court held that whe$ what # $!ol!ed # #uch a# the P' ')O&"T %T'T# !"T# #%T
Page 20 of 119
that there # $o law proh , t $g a$ lleg t mate ch ld adopted ,y her $atural father to u#e* a# m ddle $ame* her motherG#
#ur$ame. 2hat # $ot proh , ted # allowed. &fter all* the
,7 1o* le- for #hould ,e appl ed ,ecau#e the #u t # f led $ Ph l pp $e court# a$d 5r c wa# h red $ the Ph l pp $e#. @he Ph l pp $e Co$#t tut o$ afford# full protect o$ to la,or a$d the #t pulat o$ a# to #ummary d #m ##al ru$# cou$ter to our
fu$dame$tal a$d #tatutory law#. =orts; 4rescriptive 4erio0 ('##!)
u#e of the mater$al $ame a# the m ddle $ame # $ accord w th F l p $o culture a$d cu#tom# a$d adopt o$ # $te$ded for the ,e$ef t of the adopted [In reB A%o't"on o* Ste'!an"e
0at!y Astor,a ;ar+"a, ;.R. 0o. 148311, Mar+! 31, $007C Ra/.ya, T!e 5a9 on ersons an% 8a&"ly Relat"ons, '. 613].
+$ a cla## #u t for damage#* pla $t ff# cla med they #uffered $8ur e# from torture dur $g mart al law. @he #u t wa# f led
upo$ Pre# de$t 50O# arr !al o$ e- le $ H+* a L... #tate.
Ha$# Ner,er* a )erma$ $at o$al* a$d h # F l p $o w fe* Jhoda* are perma$e$t re# de$t# of Ca$ada. @hey de# re #o
much to adopt 0ag$o* a$ 8>year old orpha$ed ,oy a$d a ,apt #mal god#o$ of Jhoda. . $ce the acc de$tal death of
@he court $ H+ awarded pla $t ff# the e?u !ale$t of P100 , ll o$ u$der the L... law o$ al e$ tort cla m#. /$ appeal* 50O# 5#tate ra #ed the ##ue of pre#cr pt o$. +t argued that # $ce #a d L... law # # le$t o$ the matter* the court #hould apply( 417 H+O# law #ett $g a two>year l m tat o$ o$ tort
cla m#3 or 427 the Ph l pp $e law wh ch appear# to re?u re that cla m# for per#o$al $8ury ar # $g from mart al law ,e ,rought w th $ o$e year. Pla $t ff# cou$tered that pro! # o$# of the mo#t a$alogou#
0ag$oG# pare$t# $ 2004* he ha# ,ee$ #tay $g w th h # au$t who* howe!er* could hardly afford to feed her ow$ fam ly.
L$fortu$ately* Ha$# a$d Jhoda ca$$ot come to the Ph l pp $e# to adopt 0ag$o although they po##e## all the
?ual f cat o$# a# adopt !e pare$t#. Is t!ere a 'oss"/"l"ty *or t!e& to a%o't Ma,no1 Ao9 s!o.l% t!ey ,o a/o.t "t1 (74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
federal #tatute* the @orture 6 ct m# Protect o$ &ct* #hould ,e appl ed. +t #et# te$ year# a# the per od for pre#cr pt o$. 0oreo!er* they argued that e?u ty could toll the #tatute of l m tat o$# For t appeared that 50 had procured .
Co$#t tut o$al ame$dme$t# gra$t $g h m#elf a$d tho#e act $g u$der h # d rect o$ mmu$ ty from #u t dur $g h #
apply for $ter>cou$try adopt o$ of a F l p $o ch ld. @he law howe!er re?u re# that o$ly legally free ch ld* or o$e who ha# ,ee$ !olu$tar ly or $!olu$tar ly comm tted to the H.2H
or a$y of t# accred ted age$c e#* may ,e #u,8ect of $ter>
te$ure. +$ th # ca#e* ha# pre#cr pt o$ #et $ or $ot% Co$# der $g the d ffere$ce# $ the c ted law#* wh ch pre#cr pt !e per od #hould ,e appl ed( o$e year u$der Ph l pp $e law* two year# u$der H+O# law* te$ year# u$der L... federal law* or $o$e of the a,o!e% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
cou$try adopt o$. @he law further re?u re# that a# de from po##e## $g all the ?ual f cat o$#* the adopt !e pare$t# mu#t come from a cou$try where the Ph l pp $e# ha# d plomat c relat o$# a$d that the go!er$me$t ma $ta $# a # m larly
accred ted age$cy a$d that adopt o$ # allowed u$der the
the $tere#t of the ch ld. Ha$# a$d Jhoda ha!e to f le a$ appl cat o$ to adopt 0ag$o* e ther w th the Jeg o$al @r al Court ha! $g
8ur #d ct o$ o!er 0ag$o or w th the +$ter>Cou$try
ge$erally aff rmed a# a pr $c ple $ pr !ate $ter$at o$al law that procedural law # o$e of the e-cept o$# to the appl cat o$ of fore g$ law ,y the forum. . $ce pre#cr pt o$
# a matter of procedural law e!e$ $ Ph l pp $e
&dopt o$ Noard $ Ca$ada. Ha$# a$d Jhoda w ll the$ u$dergo a tr al cu#tody for # - 467 mo$th# from the t me of placeme$t. +t # o$ly after the lap#e of the tr al cu#tody
8ur #prude$ce* 4Codalt$ !. P/5&S <6"JCSNroum a$d Joot +$ter$at o$al* 238 .CJ& 721 ;1994A7* the L. Court
that the decree of adopt o$ ca$ ,e ##ued. 4arental 2%t&orit"; 1escission of 20option (199!) +$ 1975* Carol ,egot a daughter N $g* out of wedloc9.
2he$ N $g wa# te$ year# old* Carol ga!e her co$#e$t for N $gG# legal adopt o$ ,y 1orma a$d 0a$uel* wh ch wa# gra$ted ,y the court $ 1990. +$ 1991* Carol lear$ed that 1orma a$d 0a$uel were e$gaged $ a call>g rl>r $g that
20option; /se of %rname of &er .at%ral *ot&er ('##-)
May an "lle,"t"&ate +!"l%, .'on a%o't"on /y !er nat.ral *at!er, .se t!e s.rna&e o* !er nat.ral &ot!er as t!e &"%%le na&e1 ($.74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
catered to tour #t#. .ome of the g rl# l !ed w th 1orma a$d 0a$uel. Carol got N $g ,ac9* who $ the f r#t place wa$ted to retur$ to her $atural mother. 17 2ho ha# a ,etter r ght to the cu#tody of N $g* Carol or 1orma% 27 &# de from ta9 $g phy# cal cu#tody of N $g* what legal
act o$# ca$ Carol ta9e to protect N $g%
Page 21 of 119
?ual f ed to adopt 6 c9y. /) )o.l% yo.r ans9er /e t!e sa&e "* t!ey so.,!t to a%o't 2vaDs "lle,"t"&ate %a.,!ter1 23'la"n. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1orma ca$ a##ert the prerogat !e to ta9e cu#tody. Howe!er* f #he wa# le## tha$ 18 year# old* the$ 1orma ha# a ,etter r ght # $ce the adopt o$ ,y 1orma of N $g term $ate# the
pare$tal author ty of Carol o!er N $g.
0y a$#wer w ll #t ll ,e the #ame. Paragraph 34a7 of &rt cle 184 of the Fam ly Code doe# $ot ma9e a$y d #t $ct o$. @he pro! # o$ #tate# that a$ al e$ who # a former F l p $o c t :e$ # ?ual f ed to adopt a relat !e ,y co$#a$gu $ ty. +) S.''os"n, t!at t!ey *"le% t!e 'et"t"on to a%o't #"+Ey "n t!e year $000, 9"ll yo.r ans9er /e t!e sa&e1 23'la"n. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
could ,e the rea#o$ for N $gG# e-pre##ed de# re to retur$ to her $atural mother. +t #hould ,e $oted* howe!er* that N $g # $o lo$ger a m $or* ,e $g 19 year# of age $ow. +t # dou,tfu1 that a court ca$ #t ll re#ol!e the ?ue#t o$ of
cu#tody o!er o$e who $capac tated.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Be#* my a$#wer w ll #t ll ,e the #ame. L$der .ec. 74,7* &rt. +++ of the 1ew Home#t c &dopt o$ &ct* a$ al e$ who po##e##e# all the ?ual f cat o$# of a F l p $o $at o$al who # ?ual f ed to adopt may already adopt pro! ded that h#
cou$try ha# d plomat c relat o$# w th the Ph l pp $e#* that he ha# ,ee$ l ! $g $ the Ph l pp $e# for at lea#t three 437 co$t $uou# year# pr or to the f l $g of the appl cat o$ for adopt o$ a$d ma $ta $# #uch re# de$ce u$t l the adopt o$ decree # e$tered* that he ha# ,ee$ cert f ed ,y h #
# #u
a 7
otherw #e $capac tated* Carol may pet t o$ the proper court for re#olut o$ or re#c ## o$ of the decree of adopt o$ o$ the grou$d that the adopt $g pare$t# ha!e e-po#ed* or are e-po# $g* the ch ld to corrupt $flue$ce* ta$tamou$t to g ! $g her corrupt $g order# or e-ample#. .he ca$ al#o a#9 for the re!e#t $g $ her of pare$tal author ty o!er N $g. +f Howe!er* N $g # already 19 year# of age a$d therefore $o
lo$ger a m $or* t # $ot Carol ,ut N $g her#elf who ca$ pet t o$ the court for 8ud c al re#c ## o$ of the adopt o$* pro! ded #he ca$ #how a grou$d for d # $her ta$ce of a$ a#ce$da$t. ,7 Carol may f le a$ act o$ to depr !e 1orma of pare$tal author ty u$der &rt cle 231 of the Fam ly Code or f le a$
d plomat c or co$#ular off ce or a$y appropr ate go!er$me$t age$cy that he ha# the legal capac ty to adopt $ h # cou$try* a$d that h # go!er$me$t allow# the adoptee to e$ter h # cou$try a# h # adopted ch ld. 6%alification of 20opter; 2pplicable Law ('##1) & )erma$ couple f led a pet t o$ for adopt o$ of a m $or F l p $o ch ld w th the Jeg o$al @r al Court of 0a9at u$der the pro! # o$# of the Ch ld a$d Bouth 2elfare Code wh ch allowed al e$# to adopt. Nefore the pet t o$ could ,e heard* the Fam ly Code* wh ch repealed the Ch ld a$d Bouth 2elfare Code* came $to effect. Co$#e?ue$tly* the .ol c tor )e$eral f led a mot o$ to d #m ## the pet t o$* o$ the
grou$d that the Fam ly Code proh , t# al e$# from adopt $g. +f you were the 8udge* how w ll you rule o$ the mot o$%
act o$ for the re#c ## o$ of the adopt o$ u$der &rt cle 191
$ relat o$ to &rt cle 231 427 of the Fam ly Code. 6%alification of 20opter ('##9) +$ 1984* 5!a* a F l p $a* we$t to wor9 a# a $ur#e $ the
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
L.&. @here* #he met a$d fell $ lo!e w th Paul* a$ &mer ca$
c t :e$* a$d they got marr ed $ 1985. 5!a ac?u red
@he mot o$ to d #m ## the pet t o$ for adopt o$ #hould ,e de$ ed. @he law that #hould go!er$ the act o$ # the law $ force at the t me of f l $g of the pet t o$. &t that t me* t wa# the Ch ld a$d Bouth 2elfare Code that wa# $ effect* $ot
Ph l pp $e# $ 1990* they f led a 8o $t pet t o$ for the adopt o$ of 6 c9y* a 7>year old daughter of 5!aG# # #ter. @he
go!er$me$t* through the /ff ce of the .ol c tor )e$eral* oppo#ed the pet t o$ o$ the grou$d that the pet t o$er#* ,e $g ,oth fore g$er#* are d #?ual f ed to adopt 6 c9y. a) ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the Fam ly Code. Pet t o$er# ha!e already ac?u red a !e#ted r ght o$ the r ?ual f cat o$ to adopt wh ch ca$$ot ,e ta9e$ away ,y the Fam ly Code. (Re'./l"+ v. M"ller ;.R. 0o.
1$793$, A'r"l $1, 1999, +"t"n, Re'./l"+ v. Co.rt o* A''eals, $07 SCRA 376)
@he go!er$me$tG# po# t o$ # u$te$a,le. L$der paragraph 3* &rt cle 184 of the Fam ly Code* a$ al e$* a# a ge$eral rule
ca$$ot adopt. Howe!er* a$ al e$ who # a former F l p $o
the r ?ual f cat o$ to adopt a$d u$der the $ew law* the )erma$ couple # d #?ual f ed from adopt $g. @hey ca$$ot cla m that they ha!e already ac?u red a !e#ted r ght ,ecau#e adopt o$ # $ot a r ght ,ut a mere pr ! lege. 1o o$e ac?u re# a !e#ted r ght o$ a pr ! lege.
-"ote. !f t/e e0aminee 1ase2 /is ans3er on t/e current la34 85524 /is '
c t :e$ a$d who #ee9# to adopt a relat !e ,y co$#a$gu $ ty # ?ual f ed to adopt* 4par. 3;aA* &rt. 184* Fam ly Code7
+$ the g !e$ pro,lem* 5!a* a $atural :ed &mer ca$ c t :e$ would l 9e to adopt 6 c9y* a 7>year old daughter of her
Page 22 of 119
.omet me $ 1990* .arah* ,or$ a F l p $o ,ut ,y the$ a $atural :ed &mer ca$ c t :e$* a$d her &mer ca$ hu#,a$d
@om* f led a pet t o$ $ the Jeg o$al @r al Court of 0a9at * for the adopt o$ of the m $or ch ld of her # #ter* a F l p $a.
Ca$ the pet t o$ ,e gra$ted% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
adopt 8o $tly* each o$e of them mu#t ,e ?ual f ed to adopt $ h # or her ow$ r ght (Re'./l"+ v. Tole%ano, $33 SCRA 9 (1994). Howe!er* the &mer ca$ hu#,a$d mu#t comply w th the re?u reme$t# of the law $clud $g the re# de$cy re?u reme$t of three 437 year#. /therw #e* the adopt o$ w ll $ot ,e allowed. %ccessional 1ig&ts of 20opte0 C&il0 ('##!) & F l p $o couple* 0r. a$d 0r#. N0* <r.* dec ded to adopt
B6* a$ orpha$ from .t. Cla reO# orpha$age $ 1ew Bor9
of good moral character* ha# $ot ,ee$ co$! cted of a$y cr me $!ol! $g moral
turp tude3
f. g.
a$d who # $ a po# t o$ to #upport a$d care for h # ch ldre$ $ 9eep $g w th the mea$# of the fam ly.
C ty. @hey lo!ed a$d treated her l 9e a leg t mate ch ld for they ha!e $o$e of the r !ery ow$. Howe!er* N0* <r.* d ed $ a$ acc de$t at #ea* followed to the gra!e a year later ,y h# # c9 father* N0* .r. 5ach left a # :a,le e#tate co$# #t $g of ,a$9 depo# t#* la$d# a$d ,u ld $g# $ 0a$ la. 0ay the adopted ch ld* B6* $her t from N0* <r.% 0ay #he al#o $her t from N0* .r.% +# there a d ffere$ce% 2hy% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#ucceed # go!er$ed ,y the $at o$al law of the decede$t a$d $ot ,y the $at o$al law of the he r. He$ce* whether or $ot
B6 ca$ $her t from N0* <r. # determ $ed ,y Ph l pp $e law. L$der Ph l pp $e law* the adopted $her t# from the
three 437 co$t $uou# year# pr or to the f l $g of the pet t o$ for adopt o$ a$d ma $ta $# #uch re# de$ce u$t l
the adopt o$ decree # e$tered*
that he ha# ,ee$ cert f ed ,y h # d plomat c or co$#ular off ce or a$y appropr ate go!er$me$t age$cy to ha!e the
legal capac ty to adopt $ h # cou$try*
a$d that h # go!er$me$t allow# the adoptee to e$ter h # cou$try a# h # adopted ch ld.
r ght*from the father of the adopter* N0* .r.* ,ecau#e he # $ot a legal he r of N0* .r. @he legal f ct o$ of adopt o$ e- #t# o$ly ,etwee$ the adopted a$d the adopter. (Teot"+o v. Fel #al 13 SCRA
B6* howe!er* ca$$ot $her t* $ h # ow$
406 [1967]). 1e ther may he
Pro! ded* further* @hat the re?u reme$t# o$ re# de$cy a$d
,y repre#e$t $g the
repre#e$tat !e mu#t ,e a legal he r $ot o$ly of the per#o$ he repre#e$ted wa# #uppo#ed to $her t 4&rt cle 973* C!l Code7.
A)IL* C!#E
Emancipation (199()
<ul o a$d "ea* ,oth 18 year# old* were #weetheart#. &t a
adopt 8o $tly w th h # #pou#e a relat !e w th $ the fourth 44th7 degree of co$#a$gu $ ty or aff $ ty of the F l p $o #pou#e.
6%alifications of 20opter ('##() " $a* a former F l p $a who ,ecame a$ &mer ca$ c t :e$
co$#e$t# ha!e ,ee$ o,ta $ed* could the co$templated 8o $t adopt o$ $ the Ph l pp $e pro#per% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
party at the hou#e of a mutual fr e$d. "ea met <a9e* al#o 18 year# old* who #howed $tere#t $ her. "ea #eemed to e$terta $ <a9e ,ecau#e #he da$ced w th h m ma$y t me#. +$ a f t of 8ealou#y* <ul o #hot <a9e w th h # fatherG# 38 cal ,er re!ol!er wh ch* ,efore go $g to the party he wa# a,le to get from the u$loc9ed drawer $# de h # fatherG# ,edroom. <a9e d ed a# a re#ult of the lo$e gu$#hot wou$d he #u#ta $ed. H# pare$t# #ued <ul oG# pare$t# for damage# ar # $g from ?ua# >
del ct. &t the t me of the $c de$t* <ul o wa# 18 year# old
Be#* " $a a$d her &mer ca$ hu#,a$d ca$ 8o $tly adopt a m $or ,rother of " $a ,ecau#e #he a$d her hu#,a$d are
,oth ?ual f ed to adopt. " $a* a# a former F l p $o c t :e$* ca$ adopt her m $or ,rother u$der .ec. 74,74 7 of J& 8552 4Home#t c &dopt o$ &ct of 19987* or u$der &rt. 184 437417
of the Fam ly Code. @he al e$ hu#,a$d ca$ $ow adopt
l ! $g w th h # pare$t#. <ul oG# pare$t# mo!ed to d #m ## the compla $t aga $#t them cla m $g that # $ce <ul o wa# already of ma8or ty age* they were $o lo$ger l a,le for h # act#. 17 .hould the mot o$ to d #m ## ,e gra$ted% 2hy% 27 2hat # the l a, l ty of <ul oG# pare$t# to <a9eG# pare$t#% 5-pla $ your a$#wer.
Page 23 of 119
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
17 1o* the 0ot o$ to H #m ## #hould $ot ,e gra$ted. &rt cle 236 of the Fam ly Code a# ame$ded ,y Jepu,l c &ct 6809* pro! de# $ the th rd paragraph that '$oth $g $ th # Code #hall ,e co$#trued to derogate from the duty or re#po$# , l ty of pare$t# a$d guard a$# for ch ldre$ a$d ward# ,elow twe$ty>o$e year# of age me$t o$ed $ the #eco$d a$d th rd paragraph# of &rt cle 2180 of the C ! l Code'.
27 @he l a, l ty of <ul oG# pare$t# to <a9eG# pare$t# ar #e#
fam ly home wh ch # def $ed a# the 'dwell $g hou#e' where the hu#,a$d a$d the w fe a$d the r fam ly actually 're# de' a$d the la$d o$ wh ch t # # tuated. 4&rt#. 152 a$d 161* Fam ly Code7
from ?ua# >del ct 4&rt#. 2176 a$d 2180 C ! l Code7 a$d #hall co!er #pec f cally the follow $g( a7 P50*000.00 for the death of the #o$3 ,7 #uch amou$t a# would corre#po$d to lo#t ear$ $g capac ty3 a$d c7 moral damage#. ,amil" Co0e; 1etroactive 2pplication; @este0 1ig&ts ('###) /$ &pr l 15* 1980* Je$e a$d &$gel $a were marr ed to each other w thout a marr age #ettleme$t. +$ 1985* they ac?u red a parcel of la$d $ Pue:o$ C ty. /$ <u$e 1* 1990* whe$ &$gel $a wa# away $ Nagu o* Je$e #old the #a d lot to 0arcelo. +# the #ale !o d or !o da,le% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he #ale # !o d. . $ce the #ale wa# e-ecuted $ 1990* the Fam ly Code # the law appl ca,le. L$der &rt cle 124 of the FC* the #ale of a co$8ugal property ,y a #pou#e w thout the co$#e$t of the other # !o d.
@he #ale # !o da,le. @he pro! # o$# of the Fam ly Code may apply retroact !ely ,ut o$ly f #uch appl cat o$ w ll $ot mpa r !e#ted r ght#. 2he$ Je$e a$d &$gel $a got marr ed $ 1980* the law that go!er$ed the r property relat o$# wa# the 1ew C ! l Code. L$der the 1CC* a# $terpreted ,y the .upreme Court $ Ae"rs o* 8el"'e v.
Al%on, 100 SCRA 6$8 an% re"terate% "n Ae"rs o* Ay.ste v. Mala/on,a, ;.R 0o, 118(84, $ Se'te&/er 1999 * the #ale
e-ecuted ,y the hu#,a$d w thout the co$#e$t of the w fe # !o da,le. @he hu#,a$d ha# already ac?u red a !e#ted r ght o$ the !o da,le $ature of d #po# t o$# made w thout the co$#e$t of the w fe. He$ce* &rt cle 124 of the Fam ly Code wh ch ma9e# the #ale !o d doe# $ot apply. ,amil" Aome; Dwelling Ao%se (199!) +$ 1991* 6 ctor e#ta,l #hed 8ud c ally out of co$8ugal property* a fam ly home $ 0a$ la worth P200.000.00 a$d e-tra8ud c ally a #eco$d fam ly home $ @agaytay worth P50.000.00. 6 ctor lea#ed the fam ly home $ 0a$ la to a fore g$er. 6 ctor a$d h # fam ly tra$#ferred to a$other hou#e of h # $ Pa# g. Ca$ the two fam ly home# ,e the #u,8ect of e-ecut o$ o$ a 8udgme$t aga $#t 6 ctorG# w fe for $o$>payme$t of the purcha#e $ 1992 of hou#ehold appl a$ce#%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he two 427 #o>called fam ly home# ca$ ,e the #u,8ect of e-ecut o$. 1e ther of the a,ode# are co$# dered fam ly home# ,ecau#e for purpo#e# of a!a l $g the ,e$ef t# u$der the Fam ly Code* there ca$ o$ly ,e o$e 417
,amil"; Constit%tional *an0ates; Divorce (1991) &. How doe# the 1987 Co$#t tut o$ #tre$gthe$ the fam ly a# a$ +$#t tut o$% N. Ho the Co$#t tut o$al pol cy o$ the fam ly a$d the pro! # o$ that marr age # the fou$dat o$ of the fam ly a$d #hall ,e protected ,y the .tate ,ar Co$gre## from e$act $g a law allow $g d !orce $ the Ph l pp $e#%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
comply $g w th the pro! # o$# of &rt cle 52 of the Fam ly Code* $amely* there mu#t ,e a part t o$ a$d d #tr ,ut o$* of the propert e# of the #pou#e#* a$d the del !ery of the
Page 24 of 119
&. .ec* 2* &rt cle ++ of the Co$#t tut o$ pro! de# that( @he .tate recog$ :e# the #a$ct ty of fam ly l fe a$d #hall protect a$d #tre$gthe$ the fam ly a# a ,a# c auto$omou# #oc al $#t tut o$. +t #hall e?ually protect the l fe of the mother a$d the l fe of the u$,or$ from co$cept o$. @he $atural a$d pr mary r ght a$d duty of pare$t# $ the rear $g of the youth for c ! c eff c e$cy a$d the de!elopme$t of moral character #hall rece !e the #upport of the )o!er$me$t. .ect o$ +* &rt cle =6* further pro! de# that( @he .tate recog$ :e# the F l p $o fam ly a# the fou$dat o$ of the $at o$. &ccord $gly* t #hall #tre$gthe$ t# #ol dar ty a$d act !ely promote t# total de!elopme$t.
9"ote. T/e Committee recommen2s t/at a citation of eit/er one of t/e pro6isions 1e cre2ite2 as a complete ans3er:.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
N* 1o* the Co$#t tut o$al pol cy* a# well a# the #upport $g pro! # o$* doe# $ot amou$t to a proh , t o$ to Co$gre## to e$act a law o$ d !orce. @he Co$#t tut o$ o$ly mea$t to help the marr age e$dure* to '#tre$gthe$ t# #ol dar ty a$d act !ely promote t# total de!elopme$t.'
N. Be#. Co$gre## # ,arred from e$act $g a law allow $g d !orce* # $ce .ect o$ 2 of &rt cle =6 pro! de#( '.ec. 2. 0arr age* a# a$ $! ola,le #oc al $#t tut o$* # the fou$dat o$ of the fam ly a$d #hall ,e protected ,y the .tate.' . $ce marr age # '+$! ola,le'* t ca$$ot ,e d ##ol!ed ,y a$ a,#olute d !orce. *arriage; 2nn%lment; Effects; 1e$%isites ;efore 1emarriage (199#) @he marr age of H a$d 2 wa# a$$ulled ,y the compete$t court. Lpo$ f $al ty of the 8udgme$t of $ull ty. H ,ega$ loo9 $g for h # pro#pect !e #eco$d mate. He fell $ lo!e w th a #e-y woma$ . who wa$ted to ,e marr ed a# #oo$ a# po## ,le* .e.* after a few mo$th# of court#h p. &# a you$g lawyer* you were co$#ulted ,y H* 4a7 How #oo$ ca$ H ,e 8o $ed $ lawful wedloc9 to h # g rlfr e$d .% L$der e- #t $g law#* are there certa $ re?u # te# that mu#t ,e compl ed w th ,efore he ca$ remarry% 2hat ad! ce would you g !e H% 4,7 .uppo#e that ch ldre$ were ,or$ from the u$ o$ of H a$d 2* what would ,e the #tatu# of #a d ch ldre$% 5-pla $ your a$#wer.
4c7 +f the #u,#e?ue$t marr age of H to . wa# co$tracted ,efore compl a$ce w th the #tatutory co$d t o$ for t# !al d ty* what are the r ght# of the ch ldre$ of the f r#t marr age 4 .e.* of H a$d 27 a$d of the ch ldre$ of the
4a7 H* or e ther #pou#e for that matter* ca$ marry aga $ after
ch ldre$G# pre#umpt !e leg t me# wh ch #hould ,e recorded $ the appropr ate c ! l reg #try a$d reg #tr e# of property. H
#hould ,e #o ad! #ed.
for 4a7
@he follow $g are the re?u # te# pre#cr ,ed ,y law a$d + ad! ce to H # to comply w th them* $amely( 17 +f e ther #pou#e co$tracted the marr age $ ,ad fa th* h # or her #hare of the $et prof t# of the commu$ ty
appear# $cura,le. @wo 427 year# after the r marr age* wh ch too9 place o$ 10 /cto,er 1988* Nethel d #co!ered that her hu#,a$d <ame# ha# a #e-ually>tra$#m ## ,le d #ea#e wh ch he co$tracted e!e$ pr or to the r marr age although <ame# d d
$ot 9$ow t h m#elf u$t l he wa# e-am $ed two ;27 year# later whe$ a ch ld wa# already ,or$ to them. Nethel #ue#
property ( or co$8ugal part$er#h p property #hall ,e forfe ted $ fa!or of the commo$ ch ldre$ or* f there
are $o$e* the ch ldre$ of the gu lty #pou#e ,y a pre! ou# marr age or* $ default of ch ldre$* the $$oce$t #pou#e3
<ame# for a$$ulme$t of the r marr age. <ame# oppo#e# the a$$ulme$t o$ the grou$d that he d d $ot e!e$ 9$ow that he had #uch a d #ea#e #o that there wa# $o fraud or ,ad fa th o$ h # part. Hec de. N. .uppo#e that ,oth part e# at the t me of the r marr age
were # m larly affl cted w th #e-ually>tra$#m ## ,le d #ea#e#* #er ou# a$d $cura,le* a$d ,oth 9$ew of the r re#pect !e
Ho$at o$# ,y rea#o$ of marr age #hall rema $ !al d e-cept that f the do$ee co$tracted the marr age $ ,ad fa th* #uch do$at o$# made to #a d do$ee are re!o9ed
,y operat o$ of law3
$f rm t e#* ca$ Nethel or <ame# #ue for a$$ulme$t of the r marr age%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he #pou#e who co$tracted the #u,#e?ue$t marr age $ ,ad fa th #hall ,e d #?ual f ed to $her t from the
&. @he marr age ca$ ,e a$$ulled* ,ecau#e good fa th # $ot tra$#m ## ,le d #ea#e o$ the part of e ther party.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$$oce$t #pou#e ,y te#tate a$d $te#tate #ucce## o$3 47 +f ,oth #pou#e# of the #u,#e?ue$t marr age acted $
,ad fa th all do$at o$# ,y rea#o$ of marr age a$d te#tame$tary d #po# t o$# made ,y o$e $ fa!or of the
other are re!o9ed ,y operat o$ of law. @he 8udgme$t of a$$ulme$t of the marr age* the
part t o$ a$d d #tr ,ut o$ of the propert e# of the #pou#e#* a$d the del !ery of the ch ldre$G# pre#umpt !e leg t me# #hall ,e recorded $ the appropr ate c ! l
reg #try a$d reg #ter# of property* 4&rt cle# 53. 52* 43. 44. Fam ly Code7.
fact that ,oth were affl cted a$d that ,oth 9$ew of the r re#pect !e $f rm t e# co$#t tute# a wa !er of that grou$d.
*arriage; 2nn%lment; 7%0icial Declaration (199() 0ar a a$d "u #* ,oth F l p $o#* were marr ed ,y a Cathol c
pr e#t $ "ourde# Church* Pue:o$ C ty $ 1976* "u # wa#
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4,7 @he ch ldre$ ,or$ from the u$ o$ of H a$d 2 would ,e leg t mate ch ldre$ f co$ce !ed or ,or$ ,efore the decree of
a$$ulme$t of the marr age 4u$der &rt. 45 of the Fam ly
4c7 @he ch ldre$ of the f r#t marr age #hall ,e co$# dered
a$$ulled ,y the church matr mo$ al court% 5-pla $. 27 2hat mu#t 0ar a do to e$a,le her to get marr ed lawfully to a$other ma$ u$der Ph l pp $e law#%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@o ,ear the #ur$ame# of the father a$d the mother $ co$form ty w th the pro! # o$# of the C ! l Code o$ .ur$ame#3
17 1o* 0ar a ca$$ot !al dly co$tract a #u,#e?ue$t marr age w thout a court declarat o$ of $ull ty of the f r#t marr age. @he law doe# $ot recog$ :e the church declarat o$ of $ull ty of a marr age. 27 @o e$a,le 0ar a to get marr ed lawfully to a$other ma$. #he mu#t o,ta $ a 8ud c al declarat o$ of $ull ty of the pr or marr age u$der &rt cle 36 Fam ly Code.
*arriage; 2nn%lment; Legal 2ctions (199-) eparation; 4rescription of
/$e of the grou$d# for a$$ulme$t of marr age # that e ther party* at the t me of the r marr age wa# affl cted w th a
Page 25 of 119
drug add ct. 5ffort# to ha!e h m reha, l tated were u$#ucce##ful. Ca$ Na,y a#9 for a$$ulme$t of marr age* or legal
#eparat o$% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+$ 1989* 0ar #* a F l p $o c t :e$* marr ed her ,o## <oh$#o$* a$ &mer ca$ c t :e$* $ @o9yo $ a wedd $g ceremo$y
cele,rated accord $g to <apa$e#e law#. /$e year later*
1o* Na,y ca$$ot a#9 for a$$ulme$t of her marr age or for legal #eparat o$ ,ecau#e ,oth the#e act o$# had already
pre#cr ,ed. 2h le co$cealme$t of drug add ct o$ e- #t $g at
0ar #. &fter 0ar # rece !ed the f $al 8udgme$t of d !orce* #he marr ed her ch ldhood #weetheart Pedro* al#o a F l p $o
the t me of marr age co$#t tute# fraud u$der &rt. 46 of the FC wh ch ma9e# the marr age !o da,le u$der &rt. 45 of the
FC* the act o$ mu#t* howe!er* ,e ,rought w th $ 5 year# from the d #co!ery thereof u$der &rt cle 47437* FC* . $ce
c t :e$* $ a rel g ou# ceremo$y $ Ce,u C ty* cele,rated accord $g to the formal t e# of Ph l pp $e law. Pedro later
left for the L$ ted .tate# a$d ,ecame $atural :ed a# a$ &mer ca$ c t :e$. 0ar # followed Pedro to the L$ ted
.tate#* a$d after a #er ou# ?uarrel* 0art# f led a #u t a$d
o,ta $ed a d !orce decree ##ued ,y the court $ the #tate of 0aryla$d.
0ar # the$ retur$ed to the Ph l pp $e# a$d c!l $ a
$ Ce,u C ty accord $g to
cla##mate 6 $ce$t l 9ew #e a F l p $o c t :e$. 2a# the marr age of 0ar # a$d Pedro !al d ,7 whe$
cele,rated% +# the r marr age #t ll !al d e- #t $g $ow%
Jea#o$#. c7 2a# the marr age of 0art# a$d 6 $ce$t !al d whe$
cele,rated% +# the r marr age #t ll !al dly e- #t $g $ow%
H a$d )* age 20 a$d 19* re#pect !ely* a$d ,oth # $gle* eloped a$d got marr ed to each other w thout pare$tal co$#e$t $ the ca#e of )* a tee$aged #tude$t of a$ e-clu# !e
college for g rl#. @hree year# later* her pare$t# wa$ted to
4,7 @he marr age of 0ar # a$d Pedro wa# !al d whe$ cele,rated ,ecau#e the d !orce !al dly o,ta $ed ,y <oh$#o$
$ 0a$ la capac tated 0ar # to marry Pedro. @he marr age of
) h m#elf #hould f le the compla $t u$der &rt cle 45 of the Fam ly Code* a$d $o lo$ger the pare$t# ,ecau#e ) #
already 22 year# of age. *arriage; 2nn%lment; 4roper 4art" (1999)
0ar # a$d Pedro # #t ll !al dly e- #t $g* ,ecau#e the marr age ha# $ot ,ee$ !al dly d ##ol!ed ,y the 0aryla$d d !orce ;&rt. 26* Fam ly Code7.
4c7 @he marr age of 0ar # a$d 6 $ce$t # !o d a, $to
B!ette wa# fou$d to ,e po# t !e for H+6 ! ru#* co$# dered #e-ually tra$#m ## ,le* #er ou# a$d $cura,le. Her ,oyfr e$d
<o#eph wa# aware of her co$d t o$ a$d yet marr ed her. &fter two 427 year# of coha, t $g w th B!ette* a$d $ h #
,ecau#e t # a , gamou# marr age co$tracted ,y 0ar # dur $g the #u,# #te$ce of her marr age w th Pedro 4&rt 25 a$d 41* Fam ly Code7.
@he marr age of 0ar # a$d 6 $ce$t doe# $ot !al dly e- #t ,ecau#e &rt cle 26 doe# $ot apply. Pedro wa# $ot a
,el ef that #he would pro,a,ly $e!er ,e a,le to ,ear h m a healthy ch ld* <o#eph $ow wa$t# to ha!e h # marr age w th
B!ette a$$ulled. B!ette oppo#e# the #u t co$te$d $g that <o#eph # e#topped from #ee9 $g a$$ulme$t of the r
d !orce a,road 4 $ 0aryla$d7 wa# $ t ated a$d o,ta $ed $ot ,y the al e$ #pou#e* ,ut ,y the F l p $o #pou#e. He$ce* the
0aryla$d d !orce d d $ot capac tate 0art# to marry
marr age # $ce he 9$ew e!e$ ,efore the r marr age that #he wa# affl cted w th H+6 ! ru#.
Ca$ the act o$ of <o#eph for a$$ulme$t of h # marr age w th B!ette pro#per% H #cu## fully.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
6 $ce$t. 4d7 &t th # po $t $ t me* Pedro # #t ll the lawful hu#,a$d of 0ar # ,ecau#e the r !al d marr age ha# $ot ,ee$ d ##ol!ed ,y a$y !al d cau#e 4&rt. 26. Fam ly Code7 *arriage; Divorce Decrees; ,iliation of C&il0ren ('##9) +$ 1985* .o$$y a$d "ulu* ,oth F l p $o c t :e$#* were marr ed $ the Ph l pp $e#. +$ 1987* they #eparated* a$d .o$$y we$t to Ca$ada* where he o,ta $ed a d !orce $ the #ame year. He the$ marr ed a$other F l p $a* &ur $g* $ Ca$ada o$ <a$uary 1*1988. @hey had two #o$#* <ame# a$d <oh$. +$ 1990* after fa l $g to hear from .o$$y* "ulu
marr ed @ r#o* ,y whom #he had a daughter* 6er$a. +$ 1991*
1o* <o#eph 9$ew that B!ette wa# H+6 po# t !e at the t me of the marr age. He #* therefore* $ot a$ $8ured party. @he FC g !e# the r ght to a$$ul the marr age o$ly to a$ $8ured
party. ;&rt. 47 457* FCA
@he act o$ for a$$ulme$t ca$ pro#per ,ecau#e the pre#cr pt !e per od of f !e 457 year# ha# $ot yet lap#ed. ;&rt.
45 467* FCA. *arriage; Divorce Decree; @oi0 *arriages (199')
Page 26 of 119
Flor a$d 6 rg llo were marr ed to each other $ Jo-a# C ty $ 198/. +$ 1984* Flor wa# offered a teach $g <o, $
Ca$ada* wh ch #he accepted. +$ 1989* #he appl ed for a$d wa# gra$ted Ca$ad a$ c t :e$#h p. @he follow $g year* #he #ued for d !orce from 6 rg l o $ a Ca$ad a$ court. &fter
marr age ,etwee$ two 427 F l p $o# ca$$ot ,e d ##ol!ed ,y a d !orce o,ta $ed a,road. (;ar+"a v. Re%o, ;.R. 0o. 1383$$, <+to/er $, $001). Ph l pp $e law# apply to .o$$y a$d "ulu.
L$der &rt cle 15 of the 1ew C ! l Code* law# relat $g to
$ the Ph l pp $e#%
fam ly r ght# a$d dut e#* #tatu#* a$d capac ty of per#o$# are , $d $g upo$ c t :e$# of the Ph l pp $e# where!er they may ,e. @hu#* the marr age of .o$$y a$d "ulu # #t ll !al d a$d
#u,# #t $g.
. $ce the decree of d !orce o,ta $ed ,y "ulu a$d .o$y $ Ca$ada # $ot recog$ :ed here $ the Ph l pp $e#* the
were F l p $o# at the t me of the marr age* the d !orce o,ta $ed ,y Flor d d $ot capac tate 6 rg l o to remarry. @he fact that Flor wa# already a$ al e$ at the t me #he o,ta $ed
the d !orce doe# $ot g !e 6 rg l o the capac ty to remarry
u$der Ph l pp $e "aw.
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE"(:
marr age ,etwee$ .o$$y a$d &ur $g # !o d. 4&rt. 35* Fam ly Code7 &$y marr age #u,#e?ue$tly co$tracted dur $g
the l fet me of the f r#t #pou#e #hall ,e llegal a$d !o d* #u,8ect o$ly to the e-cept o$ $ the ca#e# of a,#e$ce or
merely .tate# the al e$ #pou#e w thout ta9 $g $to co$# derat o$ h # or her $at o$al ty at the t me of the
marr age. 2h le h # ca#e # $ot co!ered ,y the letter of
where the pr or marr age wa# d ##ol!ed or a$$ulled. (0"nal v. Gaya%o,, ;.R. 0o. 133((8, Mar+! 14, $000) @he marr age
of .o$$y a$d &ur $g doe# $ot fall w th $ the e-cept o$. +) 23'la"n t!e stat.s o* t!e &arr"a,e /et9een 5.l. an% T"rso. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#pou#e to remarry. &rt cle 41 of the Fam ly Code pro! de# for a !al d , gamou# marr age o$ly where a #pou#e ha# ,ee$
a,#e$t for four co$#ecut !e year# ,efore the #eco$d
marr age a$d the pre#e$t #pou#e had a well>fou$ded ,el ef that the a,#e$t #pou#e # already dead. 4Jepu,l c !. 1ola#co* ).J. 1o. 94053* 0arch 17* 19937 %) 23'la"n t!e res'e+t"ve *"l"at"on o* -a&es, -o!n an%
fact may a# well ,e a##umed # $ce the pro,lem #tate# that #he marr ed a Ca$ad a$ #hortly after o,ta $ $g the d !orce.
He$ce* 6 rg llo ca$ marry aga $ u$der Ph l pp $e law* pur#ua$t to &rt. 26. FC wh ch appl e# ,ecau#e Flor wa# already a$ al e$ at the t me of the d !orce. *arriage; Divorce Decrees; ,ilipino 2lien (1999) po%ses becoming
#erna. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
<ame#* <oh$ a$d 6er$a are lleg t mate ch ldre$ # $ce the r pare$t# are $ot !al dly marr ed. L$der &rt cle 165 of the Fam ly Code* ch ldre$ co$ce !ed a$d ,or$ out# de a !al d marr age are lleg t mate* u$le## otherw #e pro! ded $ th #
marr age $ 1967* 2he$ the r marr age tur$ed #our* Ne$
Code .
e) )!o are t!e !e"rs o* Sonny1 23'la"n. ($4) S.,,este% ans9erB
there* a$d the$ d !orced 5!a $ accorda$ce w th the law of that cou$try* "ater* he retur$ed to the Ph l pp $e# w th h #
$ew w fe.
5!a $ow wa$t# to 9$ow what act o$ or act o$# #he ca$ f le
aga $#t Ne$. .he al#o wa$t# to 9$ow f #he ca$ l 9ew #e marry aga $. 2hat ad! ce ca$ you g !e her% V5E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$f del ty a$d
po%ses becoming
co$tract $g a , gamou# marr age a,road* or to f le a pet t o$ to d ##ol!e the co$8ugal part$er#h p or a,#olute commu$ ty of property a# the ca#e may,e.
Page 27 of 119
the marr age* the co$clu# o$ # that H g$aG# father may re!o9e the do$at o$ a$d get ,ac9 the car. *arriage; Bro%n0s; Declaration of .%llit"C 2nn%lmentC Legal eparationC eparation of 4ropert" ('##() 2h ch of the follow $g remed e#* .e.* 4a7 declarat o$ of $ull ty of marr age* 4,7 a$$ulme$t of marr age* 4c7 legal
#eparat o$* a$dSor 4d7 #eparat o$ of property* ca$ a$
remarry o$ly whe$ the other #pou#e wa# a fore g$er at the t me of the marr age* the H/< ha# ##ued a$ op $ o$ 4/p $ o$ 134 #. of 19937 that the #ame $8u#t ce #ought to ,e cured ,y &rt cle 26 # pre#e$t $ the ca#e of #pou#e# who
were ,oth F l p $o at the t me of the marr age ,ut o$e
,ecame a$ al e$ #u,#e?ue$tly. .a d $8u#t ce # the a$omaly of 5!a rema $ $g marr ed to her hu#,a$d who # $o lo$ger marr ed to her. He$ce* #a d /p $ o$ ma9e# &rt cle 26
appl ca,le to her ca#e a$d the d !orce o,ta $ed a,road ,y her former F l p $o hu#,a$d would capac tate her to
aggr e!ed #pou#e a!a l h m#elfSher#elf of> 4 7 +f the w fe d #co!er# after the marr age that her hu#,a$d ha# C&+H.D. 4 7 +f the w fe goe# 4to7 a,road to wor9 a# a $ur#e a$d
refu#e# to come home after the e-p rat o$ of her
whe$ #he appl e# for a marr age l ce$#e u$der &rt cle 13 of
the Fam ly Code. *arriage; Donations b" 1eason of *arriage; Effect of Declaration of .%llit" (199-) 17 /$ the occa# o$ of H g$aG# marr age to )eorge* her father ga!e her a do$at o$ propter $upt a# of a car.
three>year co$tract there. 4 7 +f the hu#,a$d d #co!er# after the marr age that h # w fe ha# ,ee$ a pro#t tute ,efore they got marr ed. 4 !7 +f the hu#,a$d ha# a #er ou# affa r w th h # #ecretary a$d refu#e# to #top $otw th#ta$d $g ad! ce from relat !e# a$d fr e$d#. 4!7 +f the hu#,a$d ,eat# up h # w fe e!ery t me he come# home dru$9. 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
ann%lment of the marr age o$ th # grou$d whether #uch fact wa# co$cealed or $ot from the w fe* pro! ded that the d #ea#e wa# pre#e$t at the t me of the marr age. @he marr age # !o da,le e!e$ though the hu#,a$d wa# $ot aware that he had the d #ea#e at the t me of marr age.
+f the w fe refu#e# to come home for three 437 mo$th# from the e-p rat o$ of her co$tract* #he #
4 7
co$t $ue# for more tha$ o$e year from the e-p rat o$ of her co$tract* the hu#,a$d may f le the action for legal
separation u$der &rt. 55 4107 of the Fam ly Code o$ the
of )eorge* the 8udgme$t wa# $ the $ature of a declarat o$ of $ull ty u$der &rt. 36 of the FC a$d* therefore* the do$at o$ may ,e re!o9ed u$der &rt. 864 17 of the FC for
the rea#o$ that the marr age ha# ,ee$ 8ud c ally declared !o d a, $ t o.
grou$d of a,a$do$me$t of pet t o$er ,y re#po$de$t w thout 8u#t f a,le cau#e for more tha$ o$e year. @he w fe #
deemed to ha!e a,a$do$ed the hu#,a$d whe$ #he lea!e# the co$8ugal dwell $g w thout a$y $te$t o$ of retur$ $g 4&rt cle 101* FC7. @he $te$t o$ $ot to retur$ ca$$ot ,e pre#umed dur $g the 30year per od of her co$tract.
that a do$at o$ ,y rea#o$ of marr age may ,e re!o9ed ,y the do$or f amo$g other ca#e#* the marr age # 8ud c ally declared !o d a, $ t o ;par. 417 &rt. 86. Fam ly CodeA* or
4 7
whe$ the marr age # a$$ulled a$d the do$ee acted $ ,ad
fa th ;par. 437* +d.A. . $ce the pro,lem #tate# that the marr age wa# a$$ulled a$d there # $o $t mat o$ of ,ad
d ##ol! $g the marr age wa# the p#ycholog cal mmatur ty of )eorge* wh ch # $ot a grou$d for a$$ulme$t of marr age. +f th # term # e?uated w th p#ycholog cal $capac ty a# u#ed $ &rt. 36 of the Fam ly Code* the$ t # a grou$d for declarat o$ of $ull ty of the marr age. Co$#e?ue$tly* par. 417 of &rt. 86* FC* # the appl ca,le law. . $ce &rt. 86 of the FC
ma9e# $o ?ual f cat o$ a# to who fur$ #hed the grou$d or
#eparat o$ 9&rt cle 55* FC7. .he may al#o f le a$ action for /%0icial separation of propert" for fa lure of her hu#,a$d to comply w th h # mart al duty of f del ty 4&rt cle 135 447* 101* FC7. 4!7 @he w fe may f le a$ action for legal separation o$ the grou$d of repeated phy# cal ! ole$ce o$ her per#o$ 4&rt cle 55 417* FC7. .he may al#o f le a$ action for /%0icial
Page 28 of 119
.aud &ra, a to wor9. @here* after ,e $g co$!erted $to +#lam* &r el marr ed 0y#t ca* Jo#a lear$ed of the #eco$d
&rt cle 101* FC7. .he may al#o f le a$ action for 0eclaration
of n%llit" of the marr age f the hu#,a$dO# ,eha! or co$#t tute p#ycholog cal $capac ty e- #t $g at the t me of the cele,rat o$ of marr age.
marr age of &r el o$ <a$uary 1* 1992 whe$ &r el retur$ed to the Ph l pp $e# w th 0y#t ca. Jo#a f led a$ act o$ for legal #eparat o$ o$ Fe,ruary 5* 1994*
17 Hoe# Jo#a ha!e legal grou$d# to a#9 for legal #eparat o$% 27 Ha# the act o$ pre#cr ,ed%
*arriage; Bro%n0s; .%llit"; 2nn%lment; Legal eparation (1997) L$der what co$d t o$#* re#pect !ely* may drug add ct o$ ,e a grou$d* f at all* 4a7 for a declarat o$ of $ull ty of marr age* 4,7 for a$ a$$ulme$t of the marr age co$tract* a$d 4c7 for
legal #eparat o$ ,etwee$ the #pou#e#%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
o$e 417 year # a grou$d for legal #eparat o$ u$le## upo$ retur$ $g to the Ph l pp $e#* Jo#a agree# to coha, t w th
4a7 Heclarat o$ of $ull ty of marr age( 17 @he drug add ct o$ mu#t amou$t to p#ycholog cal $capac ty to comply w th the e##e$t al o,l gat o$#
of marr age3
#eparat o$ u$der &rt cle 55477 of the Fam ly Code. 2hether the #eco$d marr age # !al d or $ot* &r el ha! $g co$!erted $to +#lam* # mmater al.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
27 37
L$der &rt cle 57 of the Fam ly Code* the 1o. aggr e!ed #pou#e mu#t f le the act o$ w th $ f !e 457 year#
Necau#e f they got marr ed ,efore &ugu#t 3* 1998* t mu#t ,e f led ,efore &ugu#t 1* 1998. 4,7 &$$ulme$t of the 0arr age Co$tract(
17 @he drug add ct o$ mu#t ,e co$cealed3
from the occurre$ce of the cau#e. @he #u,#e?ue$t marr age of &r el could $ot ha!e occurred earl er tha$ 1990* the t me
he we$t to .aud &ra, a. He$ce* Jo#a ha# u$t l 1995 to ,r $g the act o$ u$der the Fam ly Code.
w th
*arriage; Legal eparation; *%t%al g%ilt ('##-) .aul* a marr ed ma$* had a$ adulterou# relat o$ w th @e## e.
+$ o$e of the try#t#* .aulG# w fe* Cec le* caught them $ flagra$te. &rmed w th a gu$* Cec le #hot .aul $ a f t of
d #co!ery.
4c7 "egal .eparat o$3
17 27 37
Cec le o$ the grou$d that #he attempted to 9 ll h m. (1) I* yo. 9ere Sa.lDs +o.nsel, !o9 9"ll yo. ar,.e !"s +ase1 ($.74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&# the cou$#el of .aul* + w ll argue that a$ attempt ,y the w fe aga $#t the l fe of the hu#,a$d # o$e of the grou$d#
e$umerated ,y the Fam ly Code for legal #eparat o$ a$d
would th # co$#t tute grou$d# for a declarat o$ of $ull ty or for legal #eparat o$* or would they re$der the marr age
!o da,le% 41E7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
($) I* yo. 9ere t!e la9yer o* Ce+"le, 9!at 9"ll /e yo.r %e*ense1 ($.74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&# the cou$#el of Cec le* + w ll $!o9e the adultery of .aul. 0utual gu lt # a grou$d for the d #m ##al of a$ act o$ for
+$ accorda$ce w th law*
a7 ,7
+ase1 (74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
*arriage; Legal
Jo#a a$d &r el were marr ed $ the Cathol c Church of @arlac* @arlac o$ <a$uary 5. 1988. +$ 1990* &r el we$t to
#eparat o$ $!ol!e# pu,l c $tere#t a$d $o #uch decree record. @h # # $ l $e w th the pol cy that $ ca#e of dou,t*
Page 29 of 119
the court #hall uphold the !al d ty a$d #a$ct ty of marr age
(Gro9n v. ?a&/ao, ;.R. 0o. 5610699, <+to/er 18, 197().
the preced $g &rt cle* o$ly the propert e# ac?u red ,y ,oth of the part e# through the r actual 8o $t co$tr ,ut o$ of
mo$ey* property* or $du#try #hall ,e ow$ed ,y them $ the a,#e$ce* of proof to the co$trary* the r co$tr ,ut o$# a$d corre#po$d $g #hare# are pre#umed to ,e e?ual. @he
commo$ $ proport o$ to the r re#pect !e co$tr ,ut o$#. +$ #ame rule a$d pre#umpt o$ #hall apply to 8o $t depo# t# of mo$ey a$d e! de$ce# of cred t.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@wo year# after the r marr age* .helley o,ta $ed a d !orce $ Cal for$ a. 2h le $ Noracay* 0ar! $ met 0a$el* a F l p $a*
who wa# !acat o$ $g there. 0ar! $ fell $ lo!e w th her.
$ Ho$g9o$g to a!o d
pu,l c ty* t ,e $g 0ar! $G# #eco$d marr age. +# h # marr age Be#. @he marr age w ll $ot fall u$der &rt. 35447 of the Fam ly Code o$ , gamou# marr age#* pro! ded that .helley
o,ta $ed a$ a,#olute d !orce* capac tat $g her to remarry
C. +t #hould ,e d #t $gu #hed whe$ the property wa# ac?u red. U +f t wa# ac?u red ,efore 0aryG# death* the e#tate of 0ary # e$t tled to 1S2 of the #hare of <ame#.
U +f t wa# ac?u red after 0aryG# death* there w ll
,e $o #hare at all for the e#tate of 0ary. *arriage; 4s"c&ological )ncapacit" (199-) /$ &pr l 15* 1983* <o#e* a$ e$g $eer* a$d 0ar $a* a $ur#e*
were marr ed to each other $ a c ! l ceremo$y $ Noac.
u$der her $at o$al law. Co$#e?ue$tly* the marr age ,etwee$ 0ar! $ a$d 0a$el may ,e !al d a# lo$g a# t wa# #olem$ :ed a$d !al d $ accorda$ce w th the law# of Ho$g9o$g ;&rt. 26*
paragraph# 1 a$d 2* Fam ly CodeA. *arriage; 4ropert" 1elations; @oi0 *arriages (1991)
0ar $du?ue. . - mo$th# after the r marr age* <o#e wa# employed $ a$ o l ref $ery $ .aud &ra, a for a per od of
+$ <u$e 1985* <ame# marr ed 0ary. +$ .eptem,er 1988* he al#o marr ed /phel a w th whom he ,egot two 427 ch ldre$* & a$d N. +$ <uly 1989* 0ary d ed. +$ <uly 1990* he marr ed .h rley a$d a,a$do$ed /phel a* Hur $g the r u$ o$. <ame# a$d /phel a ac?u red a re# de$t al lot worth P300*000.00. /phel a #ue# <ame# for , gamy a$d pray# that h # marr age w th .h rley ,e declared $ull a$d !o d. <ame#* o$ the other
ha$d* cla m# that # $ce h # marr age to /phel a wa#
wa# $o lo$ger l ! $g $ the r hou#e* ,ut $ Iam,oa$ga C ty* wor9 $g $ a ho#p tal. He a#9ed her to come home* ,ut #he
refu#ed to do #o* u$le## he agreed $ot to wor9 o!er#ea# a$ymore ,ecau#e #he ca$$ot #ta$d l ! $g alo$e. He could
co$tracted dur $g the e- #te$ce of h # marr age w th 0ary* the former # $ot , $d $g upo$ h m* the #ame ,e $g !o d a, $ t o he further cla m# that h # marr age to .h rley # !al d a$d , $d $g a# he wa# already legally capac tated at the t me
he marr ed her.
a7 +# the co$te$t o$ of <ame# correct% ,7 2hat property Jelat o$# go!er$ed the u$ o$ of <ame#
a$d /phel a% c7 +# the e#tate of 0ary e$t tled to a #hare re# de$t al lot ac?u red ,y <ame# a$d /phel a% $ the
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&. Be#. H # marr age to /phel a # !o d a, $ t o ,ecau#e of h # #u,# #t $g pr or marr age to 0ary. H # marr age to
.h rley* after 0aryG# death* # !al d a$d , $d $g.
w fe 0ar $a #o a# to le$d #u,#ta$ce to her hu#,a$dG# a!erme$t of p#ycholog cal $capac ty w th $ the mea$ $g of &rt 36 of the Fam ly Code. +$ Santos vs. CA ($40 SCRA $0)* th # part cular grou$d for $ull ty of marr age wa# held to ,e
l m ted o$ly to the mo#t #er ou# ca#e# of per#o$al ty d #order# 4clearly demo$#trat !e of utter #e$# t ! ty or $a, l ty to g !e mea$ $g a$d # g$ f ca$ce to the marr age. 0ar $aG# refu#al to come home to her hu#,a$d u$le## he
<ame# # $ot correct. &. 1o. @he co$te$t o$ of &rt. 40* Fam ly Code* pro! de# that the 'a,#olute $ull ty of a
remarr age o$ the ,a# # #olely of a f $al 8udgme$t declar $g #uch pre! ou# marr age !o d.' +t ca$ ,e #a d* therefore* that the marr age of <ame# to .h rley # !o d # $ce h # pre! ou# marr age to /phel a* although t#elf !o d* had $ot yet ,ee$
8ud c ally declared !o d*
$#e$# t ! ty to the mea$ $g of marr age* or of a per#o$al ty d #order* actually #how# a #e$# t !e aware$e## o$ her part of the mar tal duty to l !e together a# hu#,a$d a$d w fe. 0ere
refu#al to re8o $ her hu#,a$d whe$ he d d $ot accept the co$d t o$ mpo#ed ,y her doe# $ot fur$ #h a$y ,a# # for co$clud $g that #he wa# #uffer $g from p#ycholog cal
1o. @he co$te$t o$ of <ame# # $ot correct. He ca$$ot #et up a# a defe$#e h # ow$ cr m $al act or
wro$gdo $g>
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$capac ty to d #charge the e##e$t al mar tal o,l gat o$#. 0ere $te$t o$ to l !e apart doe# $ot fall u$der &rt. 36* FC. Furthermore* there # $o proof that the alleged p#ycholog cal $capac ty e- #ted at the t me of the marr age.
Page 30 of 119
@he ma$date # actually the #po$ta$eou#* mutual affect o$ ,etwee$ the #pou#e#. +$ the $atural order t # #e-ual $t macy wh ch
1o* )emmaG# #u t w ll $ot pro#per. 5!e$ f ta9e$ a# true* the grou$d#* # $gly or collect !ely* do $ot co$#t tute 'p#ycholog cal $capac ty.' +$ Santos v. CA, ;.R. 0o. 11$019, -an.ary 4, 1997* the .upreme Court clearly e-pla $ed that 'p#ycholog cal $capac ty mu#t ,e character :ed ,y 4a7 gra! ty* 4,7 8ur d cal a$tecede$ce* a$d 4c7 $cura, l ty'
(8errar"s v. 8errar"s, ;.R. 0o. 16$368, 1(, $006C C!oa v. C!oa, ;.R. 0o. 1433(6, 0ove&/er $6, $00$) . @he ll$e##
mu#t ,e #how$ a# dow$r ght $capac ty or $a, l ty to perform o$eG# mar tal o,l gat o$#* $ot a mere refu#al* $eglect* d ff culty or much le##* ll w ll. 0oreo!er* a# ruled $
Re'./l"+ v. Mol"na, ;R 0o. 108(63, 8e/r.ary 13, 199(* t #
e##e$t al that the hu#,a$d # capa,le of meet $g h # mar tal re#po$# , l t e# due to p#ycholog cal a$d $ot phy# cal ll$e##
(Anton"o v. Reyes, ;.R. 0o. 177800, Mar+! 10, $006C Re'./l"+ v. H."ntero6Aa&ano, ;.R. 0o. 149498, May $0, $004). Furthermore* the co$d t o$ compla $ed of d d $ot
e- #t at the t me of the cele,rat o$ of marr age. *arriage; 4s"c&ological )ncapacit" ('##-) &rt cle 36 of the Fam ly Code pro! de# that a marr age co$tracted ,y a$y party who* at the t me of the cele,rat o$* wa# p#ycholog cally $capac tated to comply w th the e##e$t al mar tal o,l gat o$# of marr age* #hall ,e !o d. Choo#e the #pou#e l #ted ,elow who # p#ycholog cally $capac tated. 5-pla $. 42.5E7 a7 1agger ,7 )ay or "e#, a$ c7 Co$ge$ tal #e-ual per!ert d7 )am,ler e7 &lcohol c
@he ,e#t a$#wer# are N a$d C. @o ,e #ure* the e- #te$ce a$d co$cealme$t of the#e co$d t o$# at the $cept o$ of marr age re$der# the marr age co$tract !o da,le 4&rt. 46* Fam ly Code7. @hey may #er!e a# $d c a of p#ycholog cal $capac ty* depe$d $g o$ the degree a$d
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
f the co$d t o$ of homo#e-ual ty* le#, a$ #m or #e-ual per!er# o$* e- #t $g at the $cept o$ of the marr age* # of #uch a degree a# to pre!e$t a$y form of #e-ual $t macy* a$y of them may ?ual fy a# a grou$d for p#ycholog cal $capac ty. @he law pro! de# that the hu#,a$d a$d w fe are o,l ged to l !e together* o,#er!e mutual lo!e* re#pect a$d f del ty 4&rt. 68* Fam ly Code7.
1o$e of them are $ece##ar ly p#ycholog cally $capac tated. Ne $g a $agger* etc. are at ,e#t o$ly phy# cal ma$ fe#tat o$# $d cat !e of p#ycholog cal $capac ty. 0ore tha$ 8u#t #how $g the ma$ fe#tat o$# of $capac ty* the pet t o$er mu#t #how that the re#po$de$t # $capac tated to comply w th the e##e$t al mar tal o,l gat o$# of marr age a$d that t # al#o e##e$t al that he mu#t ,e #how$ to ,e $capa,le of do $g #o due to #ome p#ycholog cal* $ot phy# cal ll$e##
(Re'./l"+ v. H."ntero6Aa&ano, ;.R. 0o. 149498, May $0, $004).
& co$ge$ tal #e-ual per!ert may ,e p#ycholog cally $capac > tated f h # per!er# o$ $capac tate# h m from d #charg $g h # mar tal o,l gat o$#. For $#ta$ce* f h # per!er# o$ # of #uch a $ature a# to preclude a$y $ormal #e-ual act ! ty w th h # #pou#e. *arriage; 1e$%isites (1999) +# dro a$d +rma* F l p $o#* ,oth 18 year# of age* were pa##e$ger# of Fl ght 1o. 317 of /r e$tal & rl $e#. @he pla$e they ,oarded wa# of Ph l pp $e reg #try. 2h le e$ route from 0a$ la to )reece #ome pa##e$ger# h 8ac9ed the pla$e* held the ch ef p lot ho#tage at the coc9p t a$d ordered h m to fly $#tead to " ,ya. Hur $g the h 8ac9 $g +# dro #uffered a heart attac9 a$d wa# o$ the !erge of death. . $ce +rma wa# already e ght mo$th# preg$a$t ,y +# dro* #he pleaded to the h 8ac9er# to allow the a## #ta$t p lot to #olem$ :e her marr age w th +# dro. .oo$ after the marr age* +# dro e-p red. &#
the pla$e la$ded $ " ,ya +rma ga!e , rth. Howe!er* the ,a,y d ed a few m $ute# after complete del !ery. Nac9 $ the Ph l pp $e# +rma mmed ately f led a cla m for $her ta$ce. @he pare$t# of +# dro oppo#ed her cla m co$te$d $g that the marr age ,etwee$ her a$d +# dro wa# !o d a, $ t o o$ the follow $g grou$d#( 4a7 they had $ot g !e$ the r co$#e$t to the marr age of the r #o$3 4,7 there wa# $o marr age l ce$#e3 4c7 the #olem$ : $g off cer had $o author ty to perform the marr age3 a$d* 4d7 the #olem$ : $g off cer d d $ot f le a$ aff da! t of marr age w th the proper c ! l reg #trar. 1. Je#ol!e each of the co$te$t o$# 4;aA to ;dA7 ra #ed ,y the pare$t# of +# dro. H #cu## fully.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1. 4a7 @he fact that the pare$t# of +# dro a$d of +rma d d $ot g !e the r co$#e$t to the marr age d d $ot ma9e the marr age !o d a, $ t o. @he marr age # merely !o da,le u$der &rt 45 of the FC. 4,7 &,#e$ce of marr age l ce$#e d d $ot ma9e the marr age !o d a, $ t o. . $ce the marr age wa# #olem$ :ed $ art culo mort #* t wa# e-empt from the l ce$#e re?u reme$t u$der &rt. 31 of the FC. 4c7 /$ the a##umpt o$ that the a## #ta$t p lot wa# act $g for a$d $ ,ehalf of the a rpla$e ch ef who wa# u$der d #a, l ty* a$d ,y rea#o$ of the e-traord $ary a$d e-cept o$al c rcum#ta$ce# of the ca#e ; e. ho#tage # tuat o$7* the marr age wa# #olem$ :ed ,y a$ author :ed off cer u$der &rt. 7 437 a$d &rt. 31. of the FC.
Page 31 of 119
4e7 L$der the "ocal )o!er$me$t Code* a tow$ mayor may !al dly #olem$ :e a marr age ,ut #a d law # # le$t a# to the
terr tor al l m t# for the e-erc #e ,y a tow$ mayor of #uch author ty. Howe!er* ,y a$alogy* w th the author ty of
*arriage; 1e$%isites (1999) 2hat # the #tatu# of the follow $g marr age# a$d why%
4a7 & marr age ,etwee$ two 19>year old# w thout pare$tal co$#e$t* 42E7
mem,er# of the <ud c ary to #olem$ :e a marr age* t would #eem that the mayor d d $ot ha!e the re?u # te author ty to
#olem$ :e a marr age out# de of h # terr tor al 8ur #d ct o$. He$ce* the marr age # !o d* u$le## t wa# co$tracted w th
4,7 4c7
& marr age ,etwee$ two 21>year old# w thout pare$tal 42E7 & marr age ,etwee$ two F l p $o f r#t cou# $# $ .pa $ where #uch marr age # !al d. 42E7
ad! ce. & marr age ,etwee$ two F l p $o# ,efore a $otary pu,l c. 42E7 $ Ho$g9o$g
e ther or ,oth part e# ,el e! $g $ good fa th that the mayor had the legal author ty to #olem$ :e th # part cular marr age 4&rt 35* par 2 Fam ly Code7.
@he marr age # !al d. L$der the "ocal )o!er$me$t Code* the author ty of a mayor to #olem$ :e marr age# # $ot
re#tr cted w th $ h # mu$ c pal ty mply $g that he ha# the
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the marr age wa# defect !e. Ne $g ,elow 21 year# old* the co$#e$t of the part e# # $ot full w thout the co$#e$t of the r pare$t#. @he co$#e$t of the pare$t# of the part e# to the marr age # $d #pe$#a,le for t# !al d ty.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,ecau#e #olem$ : $g the marr age out# de #a d mu$ c pal ty # a mere rregular ty apply $g ,y a$alogy the ca#e of 0avarro v Fo&a,toy, $79 S+ra 1$9. +$ th # ca#e* the .upreme
Court held that the cele,rat o$ ,y a 8udge of a marr age out# de the 8ur #d ct o$ of h # court # a mere rregular ty that d d $ot affect the !al d ty of the marr age $otw th#ta$d $g &rt cle 7 of the Fam ly Code wh ch
Netwee$ 21>year old#* the marr age # !al d de#p te the a,#e$ce of pare$tal ad! ce* ,ecau#e #uch a,#e$ce # merely a$ rregular ty affect $g a formal re?u # te .e.* the 4,7 marr age l ce$#e a$d doe# $ot affect the !al d ty of the
marr age therefor.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
t#elf. @h #
8ur #d ct o$. *arriage; 1e$%isites; *arriage License (199-) /$ 6ale$t $eG# Hay 1996* 5lla# a$d Fely* ,oth # $gle a$d 25 year# of age* we$t to the c ty hall where they #ought out a f -er to help them o,ta $ a ?u c9 e marr age. For a fee* the f -er produced a$ a$te>dated marr age l ce$#e for them* +##ued ,y the C ! l Jeg #trar of a #mall remote mu$ c pal ty. He the$ ,rought them to a l ce$#ed m $ #ter $ a re#taura$t
Ny rea#o$ of pu,l c pol cy* the marr age ,etwee$ 4c7 F l p $o f r#t cou# $# # !o d ;&rt. 38* par. 417* Fam ly CodeA* a$d the fact that t # co$# dered a !al d marr age $ a fore g$
e-cept o$ to the ge$eral rule $ &rt. 96 of #a d Code wh ch accord# !al d ty to all marr age #olem$ :ed out# de the
Ph l pp $e - - - a$d !al d there a# #uch.
,eh $d the c ty hall* a$d the latter #olem$ :ed the r marr age
r ght there a$d the$.
@he marr age t !o d. L$der &rt cle 96 of the Fam ly Code* a marr age !al d where cele,rated # !al d $ the Ph l pp $e#
e-cept tho#e marr age# e$umerated $ #a d &rt cle wh ch marr age# w ll rema $ !o d e!e$ though !al d where #olem$ :ed. @he marr age ,etwee$ f r#t cou# $# # o$e of
@he marr age # !al d. @he rregular ty $ the ##ua$ce of a !al d l ce$#e doe# $ot ad!er#ely affect the !al d ty of the
marr age. @he marr age l ce$#e # !al d ,ecau#e t wa# $ fact ##ued ,y a C ! l Jeg #trar 4&rt#. 3 a$d 4. FC7.
tho#e marr age# e$umerated there $* he$ce* t # !o d e!e$ though !al d $ .pa $ where t wa# cele,rated.
+t depe$d#. +f ,oth or o$e of the part e# wa# a mem,er of the rel g ou# #ect of the #olem$ : $g off cer* the marr age # ,oth of them were aware of the fact* the marr age # !o d. @hey ca$$ot cla m good fa th $ ,el e! $g that the #olem$ : $g off cer wa# author :ed ,ecau#e the #cope of the
author ty of the #olem$ : $g off cer # a matter of law. +f* !al d. +f $o$e of the part e# # a mem,er of the #ect a$d
!al d u$der Ho$g9o$g "aw* the marr age # !al d $ the /therw #e* the marr age that # $!al d $ Ph l pp $e#. Ho$g9o$g w ll ,e $!al d $ the Ph l pp $e#.
howe!er* o$e of the part e# ,el e!ed $ good fa th that the other wa# a mem,er of the #ect* the$ the marr age # !al d
Page 32 of 119
u$der &rt cle 35 427* FC. +$ that ca#e* the party $ good fa th # act $g u$der a m #ta9e of fact* $ot a m #ta9e of law*
@h # # d ffere$t from the ca#e of 0"nal #. Gaya%o,, (3$8 SCRA 1$$ [$000]7. +$ the #a d ca#e* the # tuat o$ occurred
dur $g the Jelat o$# of the $ew C ! l Code where &rt cle 76 thereof clearly pro! de# that dur $g the f !e> year coha, tat o$* the part e# mu#t ,e u$marr ed. @h # # $ot #o
a$ymore $ the Fam ly Code. @he Cha$ge $ the Fam ly
1o* the a$#wer would $ot ,e the #ame. @he marr age would
,e !o d ,ecau#e of the a,#e$ce of a formal re?u # te. +$ #uch a ca#e* there wa# actually $o !al d marr age l ce$#e. *arriage; 1e$%isites; *arriage License ('##')
Code # # g$ f ca$t. +f the #eco$d marr age occurred ,efore the effect ! ty of the Fam ly Code* the a$#wer would that ,e
that the marr age # !o d.
/$ 0ay 1* 1978 Facu$do marr ed Petra* ,y whom he had a #o$ .otero. Petra d ed o$ <uly 1* 1996* wh le Facu$do d ed
o$ <a$uary 1* 2002. Nefore h # dem #e* Facu$do had
marr ed* o$ <uly 1* 2002* Puerc a. Ha! $g l !ed together a# hu#,a$d a$d w fe # $ce <uly 1* 1990* Facu$do a$d Puerc a d d $ot #ecure a marr age l ce$#e ,ut e-ecuted the re?u # te aff da! t for the purpo#e. @o e$#ure that h # $her ta$ce r ght# are $ot ad!er#ely affected ,y h # father #eco$d marr age* .otero $ow ,r $g# a
#u t to #ee9 a declarat o$ of the $ull ty of the marr age of
party $ a$y proceed $g where the re#olut o$ of the ##ue # mater al. Ne $g a compul#ory he r* .oterro ha# the per#o$al ty to ?ue#t o$ the !al d ty of the marr age of
Facu$do a$d Puerc a. /therw #e* h # part c pat o$ $ the
(0"nIl #. Gaya%o,,
Facu$do a$d Puerc a* grou$ded o$ the a,#e$ce of a !al d marr age l ce$#e. Puerc a co$te$d# that there wa# $o $eed
for a marr age l ce$#e $ ! ew for her ha! $g l !ed
marr age a$d that ha# .otero ha# $o legal per#o$al ty to #ee9
a declarat o$ of $ull ty of the marr age # $ce Facu$do # $ow decea#ed.
*arriage; 1e$%isites; olemni>ing Officers (199!) 1M @he complete pu,l cat o$ of the Fam ly Code wa# made o$ &ugu#t 4* 1987. /$ .eptem,er 4* 1987* <u$ or Cru: a$d )emma Jeye# were marr ed ,efore a mu$ c pal mayor. 2a# the marr age !al d% 27 .uppo#e the couple got marr ed o$ .eptem,er 1* 1994 at
the 0a$ la Hotel ,efore the Ph l pp $e Co$#ul )e$eral to Ho$g9o$g* who wa# o$ !acat o$ $ 0a$ la. @he couple e-ecuted a$ aff da! t co$#e$t $g to the cele,rat o$ of the marr age at the 0a$ la Hotel. +# the marr age !al d%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&. &.
+# the marr age of Facu$do a$d Puerc a !al d* @he marr age w th Puerc a # !o d. @he e-empt o$
from the re?u reme$t of a marr age l ce$#e u$der &rt* 34*
Fam ly Code* re?u re# that the ma$ a$d woma$ mu#t ha!e l !ed together a# hu#,a$d a$d w fe for at lea#t f !e year# a$d
w thout a$y legal mped me$t to marry each other dur $g
17 a7 Be#* the marr age # !al d. @he Fam ly Code too9 effect o$ &ugu#t 3* 1988. &t the t me of the marr age o$
.eptem,er 4* 1987* mu$ c pal mayor# were empowered to
tho#e f !e year#. @he coha, tat o$ of Facu$do a$d Puerc a for # - year# from 1990 to <uly 1* 1996 whe$ Petra d ed wa# o$e w th a legal mped me$t he$ce* $ot $ compl a$ce w th
the re?u reme$t of law. /$ other ha$d* the coha, tat o$
thereafter u$t l the marr age o$ <uly 1* 2000* although free from legal mped me$t* d d $ot meet the 5>year coha, tat o$
re?u reme$t.
#olem$ :e marr age u$der the C ! l Code of 1950. Co$#ul# a$d ! ce> 27 a7 @he marr age # $ot !al d. co$#ul# are empowered to #olem$ :e marr age# ,etwee$ Ph l pp $e c t :e$# a,road $ the co$#ular off ce of the fore g$ cou$try
to wh ch they were a## g$ed a$d ha!e $o power to
#eco$d marr age wa# #olem$ :ed o$ <uly 1* 2000* whe$ the
Fam ly code wa# already affect !e. @he fam ly code too9
Co$#e?ue$tly* the marr age $ ?ue#t o$ # !o d* u$le## e ther or ,oth of the co$tract $g part e# ,el e!ed $ good fa th that the co$#ul ge$eral had author ty to #olem$ :e the r marr age
$ wh ch ca#e the marr age # !al d. *arriage; 1e$%isites; @oi0 *arriage (199() & a$d N* ,oth 18 year# old* were #weetheart# #tudy $g $
170t! :o"nt C"v"l Co%e o* t!e 8a&"ly 5a9 Co&&"ttees !el% on A.,.st 9, 19867. &l#o* $ Man@ano #. San+!e@, AM 0<. MT J0061$9, Mar+! 8, $001* the .upreme Court #a d that* a# o$e
0a$ la. /$ &ugu#t 3* 1988* wh le $ f r#t year college* they eloped. @hey #tayed $ the hou#e of a mutual fr e$d $ tow$
=* where they were a,le to o,ta $ a marr age l ce$#e. /$
of the re?u # te# for the e-cept o$ to apply* there mu#t ,e $o legal mped me$t at the t me of the marr age. @he .upreme Court d d $ot #ay that the legal mped me$t mu#t
e- #t all throughout the f !e>year per od.
&ugu#t 30* 1988* the r marr age wa# #olem$ :ed ,y the tow$ mayor of = $ h # off ce. @hereafter* they retur$ed to 0a$ la a$d co$t $ued to l !e #eparately $ the r re#pect !e ,oard $g
hou#e#* co$ceal $g from the r pare$t#* who were l ! $g $
the pro! $ce what they had do$e. +$ 1992* after graduat o$
Page 33 of 119
from college* & a$d N dec ded to ,rea9 the r relat o$ a$d
Ph l pp $e "aw* h # marr age to &$$e # !o d ,ecau#e of a pr or e- #t $g marr age wh ch wa# $ot d ##ol!ed ,y the d !orce decreed $ /#lo. H !orce o,ta $ed a,road ,y a
F l p $o # $ot recog$ :ed.
17 2a# the marr age of & a$d N #olem$ :ed o$ &ugu#t 30* 1988 ,y the tow$ mayor of = $ h # off ce a !al d marr age% 5-pla $ your a$#wer.
27 Ca$ e ther or ,oth of them co$tract marr age w th a$other per#o$ w thout comm tt $g , gamy% 5-pla $ your a$#wer.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
17 @he marr age of & a$d N # !o d ,ecau#e the #olem$ : $g off cer had $o legal author ty to #olem$ :e the marr age. Nut f e ther or ,oth part e# ,el e!ed $ good fa th that the
#olem$ : $g off cer had the legal author ty to do #o* the
cele,rated. . $ce the marr age wa# cele,rated a,oard a !e##el of 1orweg a$ reg #try* 1orweg a$ law appl e#. +f the h # #h p* the marr age # !al d a$d #hall ,e recog$ :ed $ the Ph l pp $e#.
marr age # !o da,le ,ecau#e the marr age ,etwee$ the part e#* ,oth ,elow 21 year# of age* wa# #olem$ :ed w thout the co$#e$t of the pare$t#. 4&rt. 35* par. 427 a$d &rt. 45 par.
417* Fam ly Code7
&# to the #eco$d ?ue#t o$* f No$ # #t ll a F l p $o* &$$e ca$ f le a$ act o$ for declarat o$ of $ull ty of her marr age
to h m. *arriage; @oi0 *arriages ('##-) ) g a$d J c* Cathol c#* got marr ed whe$ they were 18
27 5 ther or ,oth of the part e# ca$$ot co$tract marr age $ the Ph l pp $e# w th a$other per#o$ w thout comm tt $g , gamy* u$le## there # compl a$ce w th the re?u reme$t# of &rt cle 52 Fam ly Code* $amely( there mu#t ,e a 8udgme$t
of a$$ulme$t or a,#olute $ull ty of the marr age* part t o$ a$d d #tr ,ut o$ of the propert e# of the #pou#e# a$d the
year# old. @he r marr age wa# #olem$ :ed o$ &ugu#t 2* 1989 ,y J cG# u$cle* a Napt #t 0 $ #ter* $ Calam,a* "agu$a. He
o!erloo9ed the fact that h # l ce$#e to #olem$ :e marr age
del !ery of the r ch ldre$G# pre#umpt !e leg t me#* wh ch #hall ,e recorded $ the appropr ate C ! l Jeg #try a$d
Jeg #try of Property* otherw #e the #ame #hall $ot affect
e-p red the mo$th ,efore a$d that the part e# do $ot ,elo$g to h # co$gregat o$. &fter 5 year# of marr ed l fe a$d ,le##ed
w th 2 ch ldre$* the #pou#e# de!eloped rreco$c la,le
court declarat o$ of $ull ty of the f r#t marr age # re?u red ,y the Fam ly Code o$ly for the purpo#e of the !al d ty of the #u,#e?ue$t marr age* $ot a# a$ eleme$t of the cr me of , gamy.
*arriage; @oi0 *arriages ('##!)
Cathol c church $ 0a$ la. & year after* <ul et ga!e , rth to tw $#* & ##a a$d &retha. (1) )!at "s t!e stat.s o* t!e &arr"a,e /et9een ;"," an% R"+ K val"%, vo"%a/le or vo"%1 23'la"n. ($.74) (+&&E($E# A'(WE": 5!e$ f the 0 $ #terG# l ce$#e e-p red* the marr age # !al d f e ther or ,oth ) g a$d Jc
,el e!ed $ good fa th that he had the legal author ty to
#olem$ :e marr age. 2h le the author ty of the #olem$ : $g off cer # a formal re?u # te of marr age* a$d at lea#t o$e of the part e# mu#t ,elo$g to the #olem$ : $g off cerG# church*
@hey too9 the proper l ce$#e to marry $ 1ew Bor9 C ty* where
BearO# 5!e a,oard a cru #e #h p $ the Car ,,ea$. there # a F l p $o co$#ulate. Nut a# pla$$ed the wedd $g
the law pro! de# that the good fa th of the part e# cure# the
defect $ the lac9 of author ty of the #olem$ : $g off cer
(Art. 37 'ar. $, 8a&"ly Co%eC Se&'"o6F"y, '. 34C Ra/.ya, T!e 5a9 on ersons an% 8a&"ly Relat"ons, '. $08).
marr ed at the age of 18 # deemed cured ,y the r co$t $ued coha, tat o$ ,eyo$d the age of 21. &t th # po $t* the r
marr age # !al d &rt. 45* Fam ly Code7.
marr age ,etwee$ <ul et a$d J c # !o d. F r#t of all* the marr age # a , gamou# marr age $ot fall $g u$der &rt cle 41 ;&rt. 35447Fam ly CodeA* &
#u,# #t $g marr age co$#t tute# a legal mped me$t to re> marr age. .eco$dly* <ul et # ,elow e ghtee$ year# of age. @he marr age # !o d e!e$ f co$#e$ted to ,y her pare$t#
+f No$
Page 34 of 119
;&rt. 35417* Fam ly CodeA. @he fact that J c wa# $ot aware
of her real age # mmater al.
(3) S.''ose R"+ !"&sel* ' t!e *als"*"e% /"rt! +ert"*"+ate to 'ers.a%e -.l"et to &arry !"& %es'"te !er
&"nor"ty an% !er t!at everyt!"n, "s "n or%er.
@he rat o$ale of the 2$d paragraph of &rt cle 213 of the
Ae %"% not %"v.l,e to !er !"s 'r"or &arr"a,e 9"t! ;",". )!at a+t"on, "* any, +an -.l"et taEe a,a"nst !"&1
23'la"n. ($.74)
<ul et ca$ f le a$ act o$ for the declarat o$ of $ull ty of the marr age o$ the grou$d that he
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
J c. (4) I* yo. 9ere t!e +o.nsel *or ;",", 9!at a+t"onLs 9"ll yo. taEe to en*or+e an% 'rote+t !er "nterests1 23'la"n.
+ would f le a$ act o$ to declare the marr age ,etwee$ <ul et a$d J c $ull a$d !o d a, $ t o a$d for J cG# #hare $ the co>ow$er#h p of that marr age to ,e forfe ted $ fa!or a$d co$# dered part of the a,#olute
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he mother # $#a$e (Se&'"o6F"y, Aan%/ooE on t!e 8a&"ly Co%e o* t!e !"l"''"nes, ''. $966$9()3
@he mother # # c9 w th a d #ea#e that # com>
commu$ ty $ the marr age ,etwee$ ) g a$d J c ;&rt#. 148 X 147* Fam ly CodeA. + would al#o f le a$ act o$ for damage# aga $#t J c o$ the grou$d# that h # act# co$#t tute a$ a,u#e of r ght a$d they are co$trary to law a$d moral#*
cau# $g damage# to ) g &rt# 19* 20* 21* 1ew C ! l
mu$ ca,le a$d m ght e$da$ger the health a$d l fe of the ch ld3 @he mother ha# ,ee$ maltreat $g the ch ld3
@he mother # e$gaged $ pro#t tut o$3
*arriage; @oi0 *arriages; 4s"c&ological )ncapacit" ('##')
&. ) !e a ,r ef def $ t o$ or e-pla$at o$ of the term Cp#ycholog cal $capac tyD a# a grou$d for the declarat o$ of $ull ty of a marr age. 42E7 +f e- #t $g at the $cept o$ of marr age* would the #tate of ,e $g of u$#ou$d m $d or the co$cealme$t of drug
4arental 2%t&orit"; pecial 4arental 2%t&orit"; Liabilit" of =eac&ers ('##() +f dur $g cla## hour#* wh le the teacher wa# chatt $g w th
other teacher# $ the #chool corr dor* a 7 year old male pup l #ta,# the eye of a$other ,oy w th a ,all pe$ dur $g a f ght*
cau# $g perma$e$t ,l $d$e## to the ! ct m* who could ,e
l a,le for damage# for the ,oyO# $8ury( the teacher* the
#chool author t e#* or the gu lty ,oyO# pare$t#% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
# a me$tal
@he #chool* t# adm $ #trator#* a$d teacher# ha!e #pec al pare$tal author ty a$d re#po$# , l ty o!er the m $or ch ld
add ct o$*
ha, tual
alcohol #m*
le#, a$ #m
$egl ge$t ,ecau#e they were chatt $g $ the corr dor dur $g
the cla## per od whe$ the #ta,, $g $c de$t occurred. @he $c de$t could ha!e ,ee$ pre!e$ted had the teacher ,ee$
homo#e-ual ty may ,e $d c a of p#ycholog cal $capac ty* depe$d $g o$ the degree of #e!er ty of the d #order. Howe!er* the co$cealme$t of drug add ct o$* ha, tual
Fam ly Code.
4arental 2%t&orit"; %bstit%te vs. pecial ('##!)
Page 35 of 119
H #t $gu #h ,r efly ,ut clearly ,etwee$( .u,#t tute pare$tal author ty a$d #pec al pare$tal author ty.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#perm. &fter a #er e# of te#t* &$dyG# #perm wa# med cally $troduced $to NethG# o!ary. .he ,ecame preg$a$t a$d 9
mo$th# later* ga!e , rth to a ,a,y ,oy* $amed &l! $. (1) )!o "s t!e 8at!er o* Alv"n1 23'la"n. ($.74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+$ #pec al pare$tal author ty* the pare$t# or a$yo$e e-erc # $g pare$tal author ty doe# $ot lo#e pare$tal author ty. @ho#e who are charged w th #pec al pare$tal
author ty e-erc #e #uch author ty o$ly dur $g the t me that the ch ld # $ the r cu#tody or #uper! # o$.
the #perm. &$dy # the legal father of &l! $ ,ecau#e there wa# $e ther co$#e$t $or rat f cat o$ to the art f c al $#em $at o$. L$der the law* ch ldre$ co$ce !ed ,y art f c al $#em $at o$ are leg t mate ch ldre$ of the #pou#e#* pro! ded* that ,oth of them author :ed or rat f ed the $#em $at o$ $ a wr tte$ $#trume$t e-ecuted a$d # g$ed ,y ,oth of them ,efore the , rth of the ch ld 4&rt. 164* Fam ly Code7. ($) )!at are t!e reN."re&ents, "* any, "n or%er *or 2%
to esta/l"s! !"s 'atern"ty over Alv"n. ($.74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
author ty.
4aternit" & ,iliation (1999)
4a7 @wo 427 mo$th# after the death of her hu#,a$d who wa# #hot ,y u$9$ow$ cr m $al eleme$t# o$ h # way home from off ce* Jo#e marr ed her ch ldhood ,oyfr e$d* a$d #e!e$ 477
mo$th# after #a d marr age* #he del !ered a ,a,y. +$ the
@he follow $g are the re?u reme$t# for 5d to e#ta,l #h h # pater$ ty o!er &l! $( @he art f c al $#em $at o$ ha# ,ee$ author :ed a. or
rat f ed ,y the #pou#e# $ a wr tte$ $#trume$t
a,#e$ce of a$y e! de$ce from Jo#e a# to who # her ch ldG# father* what #tatu# doe# the law g !e to #a d ch ld% 5-pla $. 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
e-ecuted a$d # g$ed ,y them ,efore the , rth of the ch ld3 a$d @he wr tte$ $#trume$t # recorded $ the c ! l reg #try
together w th the , rth cert f cate of the ch ld 4&rt.
&rt cle 168427 of the Fam ly Code wh ch pro! de# that a 'ch ld ,or$ after o$e hu$dred e ghty day# follow $g the
cele,rat o$ of the #u,#e?ue$t marr age # co$# dered to ha!e ,ee$ co$ce !ed dur $g #uch marr age* e!e$ though t ,e ,or$ w th $ three hu$dred day# after the term $at o$ of the former marr age.'
4aternit" & ,iliation; 4roofs (1999) 4,7 1e#tor # the lleg t mate #o$ of Hr. Pere:. 2he$ Hr.
Pere: d ed* 1e#tor $ter!e$ed $ the #ettleme$t of h # fatherG# e#tate* cla m $g that he # the lleg t mate #o$ of #a d decea#ed* ,ut the leg t mate fam ly of Hr. Pere: # de$y $g 1e#torG# cla m. 2hat e! de$ce or e! de$ce# #hould 1e#tor pre#e$t #o that he may rece !e h # r ghtful #hare $ h #
fatherG# e#tate% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a$d H0 ,ecau#e at the t me he wa# co$ce !ed* J1 a$d H0 could ha!e !al dly marr ed each other. L$der the Fam ly
Code ch ldre$ co$ce !ed a$d ,or$ out# de of wedloc9 of pare$t# who* at the t me of the formerG# co$cept o$* were
$ot d #?ual f ed ,y a$y mped me$t to marry each other are leg t mated ,y the #u,#e?ue$t marr age of the pare$t#. 4aternit" & ,iliation; 4roofs; Limitations; 20opte0 C&il0 (1999) &,raham d ed $te#tate o$ 7 <a$uary 1994 #ur! !ed ,y h #
#o$ Nraul o. &,rahamG# older #o$ Carlo# d ed o$ 14
@o ,e a,le to $her t* the lleg t mate f l at o$ of 4,7 1e#tor mu#t ha!e ,ee$ adm tted ,y h # father $ a$y of the follow $g( 417 the record of , rth appear $g $ the c ! l reg #ter* 427 a f $al 8udgme$t* 437 a pu,l c docume$t # g$ed ,y the father* or
Fe,ruary 1990.
4aternit" & ,iliation; 2rtificial )nsemination; ,ormalities
Ha$ lo who cla m# to ,e a$ adulterou# ch ld of Carlo# $ter!e$e# $ the proceed $g# for the #ettleme$t of the e#tate of &,raham $ repre#e$tat o$ of Carlo#. Ha$ lo wa# legally adopted o$ 17 0arch 1970 ,y Carlo# w th the 1. L$der the Fam ly Code* how may a$ lleg t mate f l at o$ ,e pro!ed% 5-pla $.
2. &# lawyer for Ha$ lo* do you ha!e to pro!e Ha$ loG# co$#e$t of the ' latterG# w fe.
lleg t mate f l at o$% 5-pla $. 3. Ca$ Ha$ lo $her t from &,raham $ repre#e$tat o$ of
h # father Carlo#% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1. L$der &rt. 172 $ relat o$ to &rt. 173 a$d&rt. 175 of the FC* the f l at o$ of lleg t mate ch ldre$ may ,e e#ta,l #hed
Page 36 of 119
$ the #ame way a$d ,y the #ame e! de$ce a# leg t mate ch ldre$. &rt. 172 pro! de# that the f l at o$ of leg t mate
ch ldre$ # e#ta,l #hed ,y a$y of the follow $g( 417 the record of , rth appear $g $ the c ! l reg #ter or a f $al
<udgme$t3 or 427 a$ adm ## o$ of leg t mate f l at o$ $ a pu,l c docume$t or a pr !ate ha$dwr tte$ $#trume$t a$d
t me dur $g the l fet me of the ch ld. Howe!er* f the act o$ # ,a#ed o$ 'ope$ a$d co$t $uou# po##e## o$ of the #tatu#
of a$ lleg t mate ch ld* the #ame ca$ ,e f led dur $g the
l fet me of the putat !e father.' +$ the pre#e$t ca#e* the act o$ for compul#ory recog$ t o$ wa# f led ,y <oeyG# mother* H $a* o$ 0ay 16*1994* after the death of .te!e* the putat !e father. @he act o$ w ll pro#per f <oey ca$ pre#e$t h # , rth cert f cate that ,ear# the # g$ature of h # putat !e father. Howe!er* the fact# clearly #tate that
the , rth cert f cate of <oey d d $ot $d cate the fatherG# $ame. & , rth cert f cate $ot # g$ed ,y the alleged father
,y( 417 the ope$ a$d co$t $uou# po##e## o$ of the #tatu# of
a leg t mate ch ld3 or 427 a$y other mea$# allowed ,y the Jule# of Court a$d #pec al law#.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
2. 1o.
he cea#ed to ,e a$ lleg t mate ch ld. &$ adopted ch ld ac?u re# all the r ght# of a leg t mate ch ld u$der &rt* 189 of
the FC.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
3. 1o* he ca$$ot. Ha$ lo ca$$ot repre#e$t Carlo# a# the latterG# adopted ch ld $ the $her ta$ce of &,raham ,ecau#e
adopt o$ d d $ot ma9e Ha$ lo a leg t mate gra$dch ld of
ca$$ot ,e ta9e$ a# a record of , rth to pro!e recog$ t o$ of the ch ld* $or ca$ #a d , rth cert f cate ,e ta9e$ a# a recog$ t o$ $ a pu,l c $#trume$t. (Reyes v. Co.rt o* A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 3973(, Mar+! 19, 1987) Co$#e?ue$tly* the act o$ f led ,y <oeyG# mother ha# already pre#cr ,ed. Are t!e %e*enses set .' /y T"nt"n tena/le1 23'la"n. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Be#* the defe$#e# of @ $t $ are te$a,le. +$ Taya, v. Co.rt compel recog$ t o$ of a$ lleg t mate ch ld wa# ,rought
r ght to repre#e$t h # decea#ed adopter $ the $her ta$ce of the latterG# leg t mate pare$t* $ ! ew of &rt. 973 wh ch
pro! de# that $ order that repre#e$tat o$ may ta9e place* the repre#e$tat !e mu#t h m#elf ,e capa,le of #ucceed $g
m $or ch ld ,a#ed o$ 'ope$ a$d co$t $uou# po##e## o$ of the #tatu# of a$ lleg t mate ch ld.' @he .upreme Court held that the r ght of act o$ of the m $or ch ld ha# ,ee$ !e#ted ,y the f l $g of the compla $t $ court u$der the reg me of
the C ! l Code a$d pr or to the effect ! ty of the Fam ly Code. @he rul $g $ Ta7a; 6. Court of 'ppeals f $d# $o
the decede$t. &dopt o$ ,y t#elf d d $ot re$der Ha$ lo a$ he r of the adopterG# leg t mate pare$t. 1e ther doe# h #
,e $g a gra$dch ld of &,raham re$der h m a$ he r of the
latter ,ecau#e a# a$ lleg t mate ch ld of Carlo#* who wa# a leg t mate ch ld of &,raham* Ha$ lo # $capa,le of
appl cat o$ $ the $#ta$t ca#e. <hough the ch ld wa# ,or$ ,efore the effect ! ty of the Fam ly Code* the compla $t wa#
f led after t# effect ! ty. He$ce* &rt cle 175 of the Fam ly Code #hould apply a$d $ot &rt cle 285 of the C ! l Code.
#ucceed $g &,raham u$der &rt. 992 of the Code. 4aternit" & ,iliation; 1ecognition of illegitimate C&il0 ('##9)
+) ($4)
.te!e wa# marr ed to " $da* w th whom he had a daughter* @ $t $. .te!e fathered a #o$ w th H $a* h # #ecretary of 20 year#* whom H $a $amed <oey* ,or$ o$ .eptem,er 20*
1981. <oeyG# , rth cert f cate d d $ot $d cate the fatherG#
$ame. .te!e d ed o$ &ugu#t 13* 1993* wh le " $da d ed o$ Hecem,er 3* 1993* lea! $g the r leg t mate daughter* @ $t $* a# #ole he r. /$ 0ay 16* 1994* H $a f led a ca#e o$ ,ehalf of
+f <oey d ed dur $g the pe$de$cy of the act o$* the act o$ #hould #t ll ,e d #m ##ed ,ecau#e the r ght of <oey or h# he r# to f le the act o$ ha# already pre#cr ,ed. 4&rt. 175*
Fam ly Code7
<oey* pray $g that the latter ,e declared a$ ac9$owledged .te!eG# e#tate* wh ch # $ow ,e $g #olely held ,y @ $t $. @ $t $ put up the defe$#e that a$ act o$ for recog$ t o$
4aternit" & ,iliation; 1ig&ts of Legitimate C&il0ren (199#) N a$d ) 4college #tude$t#* ,oth # $gle a$d $ot d #?ual f ed
to marry each other7 had a roma$t c affa r* ) wa# #e!e$
1o* <oey doe# $ot ha!e a cau#e of act o$ aga $#t @ $t $ for recog$ t o$ a$d part t o$. L$der &rt cle 175 of the Fam ly Code* a# a ge$eral rule* a$ act o$ for compul#ory
)* N had a comm tme$t to C 4h # ch ldhood #weetheart7 to marry her after gett $g h # college degree. @wo wee9# after N marr age $ Ce,u C ty* ) ga!e , rth to a #o$ 5 $ 0etro 0a$ la. &fter te$ year# of marr ed l fe $ Ce,u* N ,ecame a w dower ,y the #udde$ death of C $ a pla$e cra#h. /ut of the u$ o$ of N a$d C* two ch ldre$* = a$d B were ,or$. L$9$ow$ to C wh le o$ wee9e$d tr p# to 0a$ la dur $g the la#t 5 year#
of the r marr age* N $!ar a,ly ! # ted ) a$d l !ed at her
re# de$ce a$d a# a re#ult of wh ch* they re$ewed the r relat o$#h p. & ,a,y g rl F wa# ,or$ to N a$d ) two year#
Page 37 of 119
2hat are the r ght# of NG# four ch ldre$( = a$d B of h # f r#t marr age3 a$d 5 a$d F* h # ch ldre$ w th )% 5-pla $ your
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
cert f cate of t tle. 17 Ha# &l,erto the r ght to #hare $ the #hare# of #toc9 ac?u red ,y Paul ta%
.ur$ame#3 @o rece !e #upport from the r pare$t#* the r a#ce$da$t#* a$d $ proper ca#e#* the r ,rother# a$d # #ter#* $> co$form ty w th the pro! # o$# of the Fam ly Code o$ r ght# gra$ted to them ,y the C ! l Code. 4&rt cle 174*
Fam ly Code7.
.upport3 a$d 37 @o ,e e$t tled to the leg t me a$d other #ucce## o$al
5 # the leg t mated ch ld of N a$d ). L$der &rt. 177 of the Fam ly Code* o$ly ch ldre$ co$ce !ed a$d ,or$ out# de of
wedloc9 of pare$t# who* at the t me of the co$cept o$ of
,7 Be#. @he #hare# are pre#umed to ,e a,#olute commu$ ty property ha! $g ,ee$ ac?u red dur $g the marr age de#p te the fact that tho#e #hare# were reg #tered o$ly $ her $ame. &l,ertoG# r ght to cla m h # #hare w ll o$ly ar #e* howe!er* at d ##olut o$.
c7 @he pre#umpt o$ # #t ll that the #hare# of #toc9 are ow$ed $ commo$. He$ce* they w ll form part of the
F # the lleg t mate ch ld of N a$d ). F ha# the r ght to u#e the #ur$ame of )* her mother* a$d # e$t tled to #upport a# well a# the leg t me co$# #t $g of 1S2 of that of each of =* B a$d 5. 4&rt cle 176* Fam ly Code7
4res%mptive Legitime (1999)
t tle dur $g the marr age* the#e are part of the co$8ugal or
the effect ! ty of the Fam ly Code7. Her phy# cal #eparat o$ from her hu#,a$d d d $ot d ##ol!e the commu$ ty of
property. He$ce* the hu#,a$d ha# a r ght to #hare $ the #hare# of #toc9.
H !orce "aw* wh ch re?u red the del !ery to the leg t mate ch ldre$ of 'the e?u !ale$t of what would ha!e ,ee$ due to them a# the r legal port o$ f #a d #pou#e had d ed $te#tate mmed ately after the d ##olut o$ of the commu$ ty of
property.' &# u#ed $ the Fam ly Code* pre#umpt !e
27 a7 L$der a commu$ ty of property* whether a,#olute or relat !e* the d #po# t o$ of property ,elo$g $g to #uch commu$ ty # !o d f do$e ,y 8u#t o$e #pou#e w thout the co$#e$t of the other or author ty of the proper court. Howe!er* the la$d wa# reg #tered $ the $ame of Paul ta a# 'w dow'. He$ce* the ,uyer ha# the r ght to rely upo$ what appear# $ the record of the Jeg #ter of Heed# a$d #hould* co$#e?ue$tly* ,e protected. &l,erto ca$$ot reco!er the la$d from Jafael ,ut would ha!e the r ght of recour#e aga $#t h#
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
ch ldre$G# leg t me# a##um $g that the #pou#e# had d ed mmed ately after the d ##olut o$ of the commu$ ty of
w fe ,7 @he parcel of la$d # a,#olute commu$ ty property ha! $g ,ee$ ac?u red dur $g the marr age a$d through
Paul taG# $du#try de#p te the reg #trat o$ ,e $g o$ly $ the $ame of Paul ta. @he la$d ,e $g commu$ ty property* t#
Pre#umpt !e leg t me # re?u red to ,e del !ered to the commo$ ch ldre$ of the #pou#e# whe$ the marr age # a$$ulled or declared !o d a, $ t o a$d po## ,ly* whe$ the co$8ugal part$er#h p or a,#olute commu$ ty # d ##ol!ed a#
$ the ca#e of legal #eparat o$. Fa lure of the pare$t# to
#ale to Jafael w thout the co$#e$t of &l,erto # !o d. Howe!er* # $ce the la$d # reg #tered $ the $ame of Paul ta a# w dow* there # $oth $g $ the t tle wh ch would ra #e a
#u#p c o$ for Jafael to ma9e $?u ry. He* therefore* # a$
$$oce$t purcha#er for !alue from whom the la$d may $o lo$ger ,e reco!ered.
Page 38 of 119
1. . $ce No, a$d .of a got marr ed +$ 1970* the$ the law
that go!er$# # the 1ew C ! l Code 4Per#o$#7* $ wh ch ca#e* the property relat o$# that #hould ,e appl ed a# regard# the property of the #pou#e# # the #y#tem of relat !e commu$ ty
or co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $# 4&rt cle 119* C ! l Code7.
L$der the e#ta,l #hed pr $c ple# of la$d reg #trat o$ law* the pre#umpt o$ # that the tra$#feree of reg #tered la$d # $ot
aware of a$y defect $ the t tle of the property he purcha#ed.
(See To:onera v. Co.rt o* A''eals, 103 SCRA 46(). 0oreo!er*
Ny co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $#* the hu#,a$d a$d the w fe place $ a commo$ fu$d the fru t# of the r #eparate property
a$d the $come from the r wor9 or +$du#try 4&rt cle 142* C ! l Code7. +$ th # $#ta$ce* the lot $her ted ,y No, $ 1975 # h # ow$ #eparate property* he ha! $g ac?u red the #ame ,y lucrat !e t tle 4par. 2* &rt. 148* C ! l Code7. Howe!er* the hou#e co$#tructed from h # ow$ #a! $g# $ 1981 dur $g the #u,# #te$ce of h # marr age w th +##a #
the correct$e## of t# cert f cate of t tle a$d the law w ll $ $o way o,l ge h m to go ,eh $d the cert f cate to determ $e the co$d t o$ of the property. [F"re+tor o* 5an%s v. A/a+!e, et al. (3 !"l. 606). 1o #tro$g co$# derat o$# of pu,l c pol cy ha!e ,ee$ pre#e$ted wh ch would lead the Court to re!er#e the e#ta,l #hed a$d #ou$d doctr $e that the ,uyer $ good
fa th of a reg #tered parcel of la$d doe# $ot ha!e to loo9
,eyo$d the @orre$# @ tle a$d #earch for a$y h dde$ defect or $choate r ght wh ch may later $!al date or d m $ #h h # r ght to what he purcha#ed. (5o'e@ v. Co.rt o* A''eals. 189
SCRA $(1)
d7 @he parcel of la$d # a,#olute commu$ ty property ha! $g ,ee$ ac?u red dur $g the marr age a$d through
Paul taG# $du#try de#p te reg #trat o$ o$ly $ the $ame of
w th h # #ur! ! $g #pou#e 4&rt#. 985* 986 a$d 997* C!l Code7* may r ghtfully cla m that the hou#e a$d lot are $ot co$8ugal ,ut ,elo$g to the hered tary e#tate of No,. @he !alue of the la$d ,e $g more tha$ the co#t of the
+##a co$tracted the r marr age way ,ac9 $ 1970* the$ the property relat o$# that w ll go!er$ # #t ll the relat !e commu$ ty or co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $# 4&rt cle 119*
after the r marr age* @ r#o wh le #uper! # $g the clear $g of @e## eG# $her ted la$d upo$ the latterG# re?ue#t* acc de$tally
fou$d the trea#ure $ot $ the $ew r !er ,ed ,ut o$ the property of @e## e. @o whom #hall the trea#ure ,elo$g% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
C ! l Code7. +t w ll $ot matter f No, d ed ,efore or after &ugu#t 3. 1988 4effect ! ty date of the Fam ly CodeA* what
matter# # the date whe$ the marr age wa# co$tracted. &#
No, a$d +##a co$tracted the r marr age way ,ac9 $ 1970. the property relat o$ that go!er$# them # #t ll the co$8ugal
part$er#h p of ga $#. 4&rt. 158* C ! l Code7
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
the Fam ly Code too9 effect* the a$#wer w ll $ot ,e the #ame. &rt. 158. C ! l Code* would the$ apply. @he la$d
Code* the #hare of the h dde$ trea#ure wh ch the law award# to the f $der or the propr etor ,elo$g# to the co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $#. @he o$e>half #hare perta $ $g to @e## e a# ow$er of the la$d* a$d the o$e>half #hare perta $ $g to
would the$ ,e deemed co$8ugal* alo$g w th the hou#e* # $ce co$8ugal fu$d# were u#ed $ co$#truct $g t. @he hu#,a$dG# e#tate would ,e e$t tled to a re m,ur#eme$t of the !alue of the la$d from co$8ugal part$er#h p fu$d#.
+$ 1970* No, a$d +##a got marr ed w thout e-ecut $g a marr age #ettleme$t. +$ 1975* No, $her ted from h # father a re# de$t al lot upo$ wh ch* $ 1981* he co$#tructed a two> room ,u$galow w th #a! $g# from h # ow$ ear$ $g#. &t that t me* the lot wa# worth P800.000.00 wh le the hou#e* whe$ f $ #hed co#t P600*000.00. +$ 1989 No, d ed* #ur! !ed o$ly ,y h # w fe* +##a a$d h # mother* .of a. &##um $g that the
relat !e !alue# of ,oth a##et# rema $ed at the #ame
4ropert" 1elations; *arriage ettlement; Con5%gal 4artners&ip of Bains ('##9) )a,,y a$d 0 la got marr ed at "ourde# Church $ Pue:o$
proport o$( 1. .tate whether .of a ca$ r ghtfully cla m that the hou#e a$d lot are $ot co$8ugal ,ut e-clu# !e property of her decea#ed #o$. ;3EA 2. 2 ll your a$#wer ,e the #ame f No, d ed ,efore &ugu#t 3* 1988% ;2EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
marr age #ettleme$t where,y they agreed o$ the reg me of co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $#. @he marr age #ettleme$t wa# reg #tered $ the Jeg #ter of Heed# of 0a$ la* where 0 la # a re# de$t. +$ 1992* they 8o $tly ac?u red a re# de$t al hou#e a$d lot* a# well a# a co$dom $ um u$ t $ 0a9at . +$ 1995* they dec ded to cha$ge the r property relat o$# to the reg me of complete #eparat o$ of property. 0 la co$#e$ted* a# #he wa# the$ e$gaged $ a lucrat !e ,u# $e##. @he #pou#e#
the$ # g$ed a pr !ate docume$t d ##ol! $g the r co$8ugal part$er#h p a$d agree $g o$ a complete #eparat o$ of
Page 39 of 119
dec ded to marry each other ,efore the la#t day of the 1991
Nar 5-am $at o$#. @hey agreed to e-ecute a 0arr age .ettleme$t. Jowe$a her#elf prepared the docume$t $ her
cred tor# #ued her for P10*000*000.00. &fter o,ta $ $g a fa!ora,le 8udgme$t* the cred tor# #ought to e-ecute o$ the
#pou#e#G hou#e a$d lot a$d co$dom $ um u$ t* a# well a# )a,,yG# ma$# o$ a$d agr cultural la$d. a) F" t!e stat.s o* t!e *"rst an% t!e a&en%e% &arr"a,e settle&ents. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
ow$ ha$dwr t $g. @hey agreed o$ the follow $g( 417 a co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $#3 427 each do$ate# to the other f fty perce$t 450E7 of h #Sher pre#e$t property* 437 Jowe$a
#hall adm $ #ter the co$8ugal part$er#h p property3 a$d 447
$e ther may ,r $g a$ act o$ for the a$$ulme$t or declarat o$ of $ull ty of the r marr age. Noth # g$ed the
agreeme$t $ the pre#e$ce of two 427 w t$e##e#. @hey dd
$ot d ##ol!ed ,y the mere agreeme$t of the #pou#e# dur $g the marr age. +t # clear from &rt cle 134 of the Fam ly Code that $ the a,#e$ce of a$ e-pre## declarat o$ $ the marr age #ettleme$t* the #eparat o$ of property ,etwee$ the #pou#e#
dur $g the marr age #hall $ot ta9e place e-cept ,y 8ud c al order. /) F" t!e e**e+ts o* t!e sa"% settle&ents on t!e 'ro'ert"es a+N."re% /y t!e s' ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$ot* howe!er* ac9$owledge t ,efore a $otary pu,l c. &. &# to form* # the 0arr age .ettleme$t !al d% 0ay t ,e reg #tered $ the reg #try of property% +f $ot* what #tep#
mu#t ,e ta9e$ to ma9e t reg #tera,le%
N. &re the #t pulat o$# !al d% C. +f the 0arr age .ettleme$t # !al d a# to form a$d the a,o!e #t pulat o$# are l 9ew #e !al d* doe# t $ow follow that #a d 0arr age .ettleme$t # !al d a$d e$forcea,le%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he reg me of co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $# go!er$# the propert e# ac?u red ,y the #pou#e#. &ll the propert e# ac?u red ,y the #pou#e# after the marr age ,elo$g to the
&. Be#* t # !al d a# to form ,ecau#e t # $ wr t $g. 1o* t ca$$ot ,e reg #tered $ the reg #try of property ,ecau#e t # $ot a pu,l c docume$t. @o ma9e t reg #tera,le* t mu#t ,e reformed a$d ha# to ,e $otar :ed. N. .t pulat o$# 417 a$d 437 are !al d ,ecau#e they are $ot co$trary to law. .t pulat o$ 447 # !o d ,ecau#e t # co$trary to law. .t pulat o$ 427 # !al d up to 1S5 of the r re#pect !e pre#e$t propert e# ,ut !o d a# to the e-ce## 4&rt 84* Fam ly Code7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE": (+&&E($E# A'(WE":
C. 1o. o$ .eptem,er 15* 1991* the marr age #ettleme$t # $ot yet !al d a$d e$forcea,le u$t l the cele,rat o$ of the
. $ce all the propert e# are co$8ugal* they ca$ ,e held a$#wera,le for 0 laG# o,l gat o$ f the o,l gat o$ redou$ded
to the ,e$ef t of the fam ly. 4&rt. 121 ;3A* Fam ly Code7 Howe!er* the ,urde$ of proof l e# w th the cred tor cla m $g aga $#t the propert e#. (Ayala Invest&ent v. Co.rt
o* A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 118307, 8e/r.ary 1$,1998, re"terate% "n Ao&eo9ners Sav"n,s O 5oan GanE v. Fa"lo, ;.R. 0o.
17380$, Mar+! 11, $007)
marr age* to ta9e place ,efore the la#t day of the 1991 ,ar 5-am $at o$#.
4ropert" 1elations; *arriage ettlements (1999)
/$ 10 .eptem,er 1988 Re! $* a 26>year old ,u# $e##ma$* marr ed Rarla* a w $#ome la## of 18. 2 thout the
9$owledge of the r pare$t# or legal guard a$#* Re! $ a$d Rarla e$tered $to a$ a$te>$upt al co$tract the day ,efore
are co$8ugal $ $ature* they ca$ ,e held l a,le for de,t# a$d o,l gat o$# co$tracted dur $g the marr age to the e-te$t that the fam ly wa# ,e$ef ted or where the de,t# were co$tracted ,y ,oth #pou#e#* or ,y o$e of them* w th the co$#e$t of the other. & fam ly home # a dwell $g place of a per#o$ a$d h #
fam ly. +t co$fer# upo$ a fam ly the r ght to e$8oy #uch
hel copter acc de$t. He left $o w ll* $o de,t#* $o o,l gat o$#. .ur! ! $g Re! $* a# de from Rarla* are h # o$ly relat !e#( h#
,rother "u # a$d f r#t cou# $ " l a.
property* wh ch mu#t rema $ w th the per#o$ co$#t tut $g t a# a fam ly home a$d h # he r#. +t ca$$ot ,e #e :ed ,y cred tor# e-cept $ #pec al ca#e#. (Taneo, -r. v. Co.rt o*
A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 10873$, Mar+! 9, 1999)
2hat property Jelat o$# go!er$ed the marr age of Re! $ a$d Rarla% 5-pla $. 27 Heterm $e the !alue of the e#tate of Re! $* 37 2ho are Re! $G# he r#% 47 How much # each of Re! $G# he r# e$t tled to $her t%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4they d d $ot # g$ the docume$t7* the marr age #ettleme$t # $!al d apply $g &rt. 78* F.C. wh ch pro! de# that a m $or
Page 40 of 119
who accord $g to law may co$tract marr age may al#o e$ter $to marr age #ettleme$t# ,ut they #hall ,e !al d o$ly f the
per#o$ who may g !e co$#e$t to the marr age are made
together* J co wa# a #alar ed employee a$d 0a,el 9ept hou#e for J co a$d d d full>t me hou#ehold chore# for h m.
Hur $g the r coha, tat o$* a parcel of coco$ut la$d wa# ac?u red ,y J co from h # #a! $g#.
,ecau#e the law* J.&. 6809* reduc $g the age of ma8or ty to 18 year# too9 effect o$ 18 Hecem,er 19897. @he marr age #ettleme$t ,e $g !o d* the property Jelat o$# go!er$ $g the
marr age #* therefore* u$der &rt. 75 of the FC. a,#olute commu$ ty of property*
&fter l ! $g together for o$e 417 year* J co a$d 0a,el #eparated. J co the$ met a$d marr ed "etty* a # $gle woma$
twe$ty># - 4267 year# of age. Hur $g the marr age of J co
a$d "etty* "etty ,ought a ma$go orchard out of her ow$ per#o$al ear$ $g#. a7 2ho would ow$ the r cela$d* a$d what property
Jelat o$# go!er$# the ow$er#h p% 5-pla $.
marr age* 52 0 ll o$ co$#t tuted the r commu$ ty property. Lpo$ the death of Re! $* the commu$ ty wa# d ##ol!ed a$d
half of the 52 0 ll o$ or 26 0 ll o$ # h # #hare $ the commu$ ty. @h # 26 0 ll o$ therefore # h # e#tate.
c7 2ho would ow$ the ma$go orchard* a$d what property Jelat o$# go!er$# the ow$er#h p% 5-pla $. 4a7 J co a$d Cora are the co>ow$er# of the r cela$d. @he
Jelat o$# # that of co>ow$er#h p 4&rt. 147* Fam ly Code*
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
f r#t paragraph7.
9Optional '22en2um. +o3e6er4 after
t/e /alf interest of ico in t/e ricelan2 3ill t/en 1ecome a1solute
3. Rarla a$d "u # are the +$te#tate he r# of Re! $. 4. @hey are e$t tled to #hare the e#tate e?ually u$der &rt cle 1001 of the 1CC. @herefore. Rarla get# 13 0 ll o$
a$d "u # get# 13 0 ll o$.
('###) &# f $a$ce off cer of R a$d Co.* 6 ctor $o arra$ged a loa$ of P5 0 ll o$ from P1N for the corporat o$. Howe!er* he wa# re?u red ,y the ,a$9 to # g$ a Co$t $u $g .urety
&greeme$t to #ecure the repayme$t of the loa$. @he
Code* f r#t paragraph # appl ca,le* a$d $ot &rt. 147 Fam ly Code7.
9Optional '22en2um. +o3e6er4 after t/e coconut lan2 of
corporat o$ fa led to pay the loa$* a$d the ,a$9 o,ta $ed a 8udgme$t aga $#t t a$d 6 ctor $o* 8o $tly a$d #e!erally. @o e$force the 8udgme$t* the #her ff le! ed o$ a farm ow$ed ,y the co$8ugal part$er#h p of 6 ctor $o a$d h # w fe 5l#a. +#
the le!y proper or $ot% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4c7 J co a$d "etty are the co>ow$er#. @he Jelat o$# # the &,#olute Commu$ ty of Property 4&rt#* 75*90a$d9l* Fam ly Code7. 4ropert" 1elations; /nions wit&o%t *arriage (1997) "u # a$d J ::a* ,oth 26 year# of age a$d # $gle* l !e e-clu# !ely w th each other a# hu#,a$d a$d w fe w thout the ,e$ef t of marr age* "u # # ga $fully employed* J ::a # $ot employed* #tay# at home* a$d ta9e# charge of the hou#ehold chore#. &fter l ! $g together for a l ttle o!er twe$ty year#* "u # wa# a,le to #a!e from h # #alary ear$ $g# dur $g that per od the
amou$t of P200*000.00 pre#e$tly depo# ted $ a ,a$9. &
#urety agreeme$t e-ecuted ,y the hu#,a$d redou$ded to the ,e$ef t of the fam ly. &$ o,l gat o$ co$tracted ,y the hu#,a$d alo$e # chargea,le aga $#t the co$8ugal part$er#h p
o$ly whe$ t wa# co$tracted for the ,e$ef t of the fam ly.
2he$ the o,l gat o$ wa# co$tracted o$ ,ehalf of the fam ly ,u# $e## the law pre#ume# that #uch o,l gat o$ w ll redou$d to the ,e$ef t of the fam ly. Howe!er* whe$ the o,l gat o$
wa# to guara$tee the de,t of a th rd party* a# $ the pro,lem* the o,l gat o$ # pre#umed for the ,e$ef t of the th rd party* $ot the fam ly. He$ce* for the o,l gat o$ u$der
the #urety agreeme$t to ,e chargea,le aga $#t the
part$er#h p t mu#t ,e pro!e$ that the fam ly wa# ,e$ef ted a$d that the ,e$ef t wa# a d rect re#ult of #uch agreeme$t*
(Ayala Invest&ent v. C!"n,, $86 SCRA $($)
the #ame amou$t ,y the couple. /f the P500.000.00 u#ed ,y the commo$>law #pou#e# to purcha#e the property* P200.000.00 had come from the #ale of palay har!e#ted from the hac e$da ow$ed ,y "u # a$d P300*000.00 from the re$tal# of a ,u ld $g ,elo$g $g to J ::a. +$ f $e* the #um of P500.000.00 had ,ee$ part of the fru t# rece !ed dur $g the
per od of coha, tat o$ from the r #eparate property* a car
+$ 1989* J co* the$ a w dower forty 4407 year# of age* coha, ted w th Cora* a w dow th rty 4307 year# of age. 2h le l ! $g together* they ac?u red from the r com, $ed ear$ $g# a parcel of r cela$d.
&fter J co a$d Cora #eparated* J co l !ed together w th
worth P100.000.00. ,e $g u#ed ,y the commo$> law #pou#e#* wa# do$ated <u#t mo$th# ago to J ::a ,y her pare$t#. "u # a$d J ::a $ow dec de to term $ate the r coha, tat o$*
a$d they a#9 you to g !e them your legal ad! ce o$ the
follow $g( 4a7 How* u$der the law #hould the ,a$9 depo# t of
P200*000.00 the hou#e a$d lot !alued at P500.000.00 a$d
Page 41 of 119
4,7 2hat would your a$#wer ,e 4to the a,o!e ?ue#t o$7 had
"u # a$d J ::a ,ee$ l ! $g together all the t me* e.* # $ce twe$ty year# ago* u$der a !al d marr age%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a7 2ho w ll ,e e$t tled to the hou#e a$d lot% 43E7 @o$y a$d .u#a$ are e$t tled to the hou#e a$d lot a# co> ow$er# $ e?ual #hare#. L$der &rt cle 147 of the Fam ly Code* whe$ a ma$ a$d a woma$ who are capac tated to marry each other l !ed e-clu# !ely w th each other a# hu#,a$d a$d w fe* the property ac?u red dur $g the r coha, tat o$ are pre#umed to ha!e ,ee$ o,ta $ed ,y the r
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a7 &rt. 147 of the Fam ly Code pro! de# $ part that whe$ a ma$ a$d a woma$ who are capac tated to marry each other* l !e e-clu# !ely w th each other a# hu#,a$d a$d w fe w thout the ,e$ef t of marr age or u$der a !o d marr age* the r wage# a$d #alar e# #hall ,e ow$ed ,y them $ e?ual #hare#
a$d the property ac?u red ,y ,oth of them through the r
wor9 or $du#try #hall ,e go!er$ed ,y the rule# of co> ow$er#h p. +$ the a,#e$ce of proof to the co$trary* propert e# ac?u red
wh le they l !ed together #hall ,e pre#umed to ha!e ,ee$
8o $t effort#* wor9 or $du#try a$d #hall ,e ow$ed ,y them $ e?ual #hare#. @h # # true e!e$ though the effort# of o$e of them co$# #ted merely $ h # or her care a$d ma $te$a$ce of the fam ly a$d of the hou#ehold.
,7 2ould t ma9e a$y d ffere$ce f @o$y could $ot marry
o,ta $ed ,y the r <o $t effort#* wor9er +$du#try* a$d #hall ,e ow$ed ,y them $ e?ual #hare#. & party who d d $ot part c pate $ the ac?u # t o$ ,y the other party of a$y property #hall ,e deemed to ha!e co$tr ,uted 8o $tly $ the
ac?u # t o$ thereof f the formerG# effort# co$# #ted $ the care a$d ma $te$a$ce of the fam ly a$d of the hou#ehold.
Be#* t would ma9e a d ffere$ce. L$der &rt cle 148 of the Fam ly Code* whe$ the part e# to the coha, tat o$ could $ot
marry each other ,ecau#e of a$ mped me$t* o$ly tho#e propert e# ac?u red ,y ,oth of them through the r actual
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
8o $t co$tr ,ut o$ of mo$ey* property* or +$du#try #hall ,e ow$ed ,y them $ commo$ $ proport o$ to the r re#pect !e co$tr ,ut o$#. @he effort# of o$e of the part e# $
ma $ta $ $g the fam ly a$d hou#ehold are $ot co$# dered
the hou#e a$d lot !alued at P500.000.00 ha! $g ,ee$ ac?u red ,y ,oth of them through wor9 or $du#try #hall ,e d ! ded ,etwee$ them $ proport o$ to the r re#pect !e
co$tr ,ut o$* $ co$#o$a$ce w th the rule# o$ co>ow$er#h p. He$ce* "u # get# 2Y5 wh le J ::a get# 3Y5 of P500.000.00.
37 the car worth P100*000.00 #hall ,e e-clu# !ely ow$ed ,y J ::a* the #ame ha! $g ,ee$ do$ated to her ,y her pare$t#.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
hou#e a$d lot* #he ha# $o #hare there $. +f @o$y coha, ted w th .u#a$ after h # legal #eparat o$ from &l ce* the hou#e a$d lot # h # e-clu# !e property. +f he coha, ted w th .u#a$
,efore h # legal #eparat o$ from &l ce* the hou#e a$d lot ,elo$g# to h # commu$ ty or part$er#h p w th &l ce.
4,7 @he property relat o$# ,etwee$ "u # a$d J ::a* the r marr age ha! $g ,ee$ cele,rated 20 year# ago 4u$der the
2mo%nt of %ccessional 1ig&ts ('##!) 0r. =@ a$d 0r#. B@ ha!e ,ee$ marr ed for 20 year#. .uppo#e the w fe* B@* d ed ch ldle##* #ur! !ed o$ly ,y her
hu#,a$d* =@.
2hat would ,e the #hare of =@ from her
upo$ d ##olut o$ of the marr age or of the part$er#h p* the $et ga $# or ,e$ef t# o,ta $ed ,y e ther or ,oth #pou#e #hall ,e d ! ded e?ually ,etwee$ them 4&rt. 142. C ! l Code7. @hu#( 17 @he #alary of "u # depo# ted $ the ,a$9 $ the amou$t of P200.000.00 a$d the hou#e a$d lot !alued at P500*000.00 #hall ,e d ! ded e?ually ,etwee$ "u # a$d J ::a. 27 Howe!er* the car worth P100.000*00 do$ated to J ::a ,y her pare$t# #hall ,e co$# dered to her ow$ parapher$al
L$der the C ! l Code* the w dow or w dower # a legal a$d compul#ory he r of the decea#ed #pou#e. +f the w dow # the
o$ly #ur! ! $g he r* there ,e $g $o leg t mate a#ce$da$t#*
;arrier between illegitimate & legitimate relatives (199() & # the ac9$owledged $atural ch ld of N who d ed whe$ &
d ed he 4C7 wa# #ur! !ed ,y h # w dow a$d four ch ldre$ of h # other ,rother H. Cla m $g that he # e$t tled to $her t
from h # fatherG# ,rother C. & ,rought #u t to o,ta $ h #
more tha$ e$ough for the r $eed#* .u#a$ #topped wor9 $g a$d merely '9ept hou#e'. Hur $g that per od* @o$y wa# a,le
to ,uy a lot a$d hou#e $ a plu#h #u,d ! # o$. Howe!er* after f !e year#* @o$y a$d .u#a$ dec ded to #eparate.
1o* the act o$ of & w ll $ot pro#per. /$ the prem #e that N* C a$d H are leg t mate ,rother#* a# a$ lleg t mate ch ld of N*
& ca$$ot $her t $ $te#tacy from C who # a leg t mate
Page 42 of 119
leg t mate relat !e# of C 4 .e. the ch ldre$ of H a# CG# leg t mate $ephew# $her t $g a# collateral relat !e#7 ca$ $her t $ $te#tacy. 4&rt#. 992* 1001* 1//5 a$d 975* C ! l
How w ll you rule o$ <orgeG# oppo# t o$ to the pro,ate of 0ar aG# w ll. +f you were the <udge% &# <udge* + #hall rule a# follow#( <orgeG# oppo# t o$ #hould ,e #u#ta $ed $ part a$d de$ ed $ part. <orgeG# om ## o$ a# #pou#e of 0ar a # $ot preter t o$ of a compul#ory he r $ the d rect l $e. He$ce* &rt. 854 of the C ! l Code doe# $ot apply* a$d the $#t tut o$ of 0 guela a# he r # !al d* ,ut o$ly
to the e-te$t of the free port o$ of o$e>half. <orge # #t ll
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he act o$ of & w ll $ot pro#per. Ne $g a$ lleg t mate* he # ,arred ,y &rt cle 992 of the C ! l Code from $her t $g a,
$te#tato from the leg t mate relat !e# of h # father.
;arrier between illegitimate & legitimate relatives (199-) Cr #t $a the lleg t mate daughter of <o#e a$d 0ar a* d ed $te#tate* w thout a$y de#ce$da$t or a#ce$da$t. Her !alua,le e#tate # ,e $g cla med ,y &$a* the leg t mate daughter of <o#e* a$d 5duardo* the leg t mate #o$ of 0ar a.
a7 &# <udge* + #hall rule a# follow#( <orgeG# oppo# t o$ #hould ,e #u#ta $ed $ part a$d de$ ed $ part. @h # # a ca#e of
$effect !e d # $her ta$ce u$der &rt* 918 of the C ! l Code* ,ecau#e the om ## o$ of the compul#ory he r <orge ,y 0ar a wa# $te$t o$al. Co$#e?ue$tly* the $#t tut o$ of 0 guela a#
he r # # !o d o$ly $#ofar a# the leg t me of <orge
1e ther &$a $or 5duardo # e$t tled to $her t of a, $te#tato from Cr #t $a. Noth are leg t mate relat !e# of
Cr #t $aG# lleg t mate pare$t# a$d therefore they fall u$der the proh , t o$ pre#cr ,ed ,y &rt. 992* 1CC (Man.el v.
8errer, $4$ SCRA 4((C F"a@ v. Co.rt o* A''eals, 18$ SCRA 4$().
<orgeG# oppo# t o$
Collation (199() <oa?u $ Jeye# ,ought from <ul o Cru: a re# de$t al lot of
300 #?uare meter# $ Pue:o$ C ty for wh ch <oa?u $ pa d <ul o the amou$t of P300*000.00* 2he$ the deed wa# a,out
to ,e prepared <oa?u $ told <ul o that t ,e draw$ $ the $ame of <oa?u $a Jo-a#* h # ac9$owledged $atural ch ld.
#hould ,e #u#ta $ed. @h # # a ca#e of preter t o$ u$der &rt cle 854 C ! l Code* the re#ult of the om ## o$ of <orge a# compul#ory he r ha! $g the #ame r ght e?u !ale$t to a leg t mate ch ld ' $ the d rect l $e' # that total $te#tacy w ll ar #e* a$d <orge w ll $her t the e$t re e#tate. c7 &# <udge* + #hall rule a# follow#( the oppo# t o$ #hould ,e de$ ed # $ce t # pred cated upo$ cau#e# $ot recog$ :ed
,y law a# grou$d# for d #allowa$ce of a wll* to w t(
@hu#* the deed wa# #o prepared a$d e-ecuted ,y <ul o. <oa?u $a the$ ,u lt a hou#e o$ the lot where #he* her
hu#,a$d a$d ch ldre$ re# ded. Lpo$ <oa?u $G# death* h #
leg t mate ch ldre$ #ought to reco!er po##e## o$ a$d ow$er#h p of the lot* cla m $g that <oa?u $a Jo-a# wa# ,ut
a tru#tee of the r father. 2 ll the act o$ aga $#t <oa?u $a Jo-a# pro#per%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1. that the w ll wa# made w thout h # 9$owledge3 2. that the w ll wa# made w thout h # co$#e$t3 a$d 3. that t ha# the effect of depr ! $g h m of h # leg t me* wh ch # a grou$d that goe# $to the $tr $# c !al d ty of the w ll a$d $eed $ot ,e the purpo#e of #ecur $g to the hu#,a$d h # r ght to the leg t me o$ the theory that the w ll co$#t tute# a$ $effect !e d # $her ta$ce u$der &rt. 918 of the C ! l Code* d7 &# <udge* + #hall rule a# follow#( <orge # e$t tled to rece !e h # leg t me from the e#tate of h # w fe. He wa# $ot d # $her ted $ the w ll e!e$ a##um $g that he ga!e grou$d for d # $her ta$ce* he$ce* he # #t ll e$t tled to h # leg t me. <orge* howe!er* ca$$ot rece !e a$yth $g from the free port o$. He ca$$ot cla m preter t o$ a# he # $ot a
re#ol!ed dur $g the pro,ate proceed $g#. Howe!er* the oppo# t o$ may ,e e$terta $ed for*
Be#* ,ecau#e there # a pre#umed do$at o$ $ fa!or of <oa?u $a u$der &rt. 1448 of the C ! l Code (Fe los Santos v. Reyes, $( -an.ary 199$, $06 SCRA 43(). Howe!er* the do$at o$ #hould ,e collated to the hered tary e#tate a$d the
leg t me of the other he r# #hould ,e pre#er!ed.
Be#* the act o$ aga $#t <oa?u $a Jo-a# w ll pro#per* ,ut o$ly to the e-te$t of the al ?uot hered tary r ght# of the
leg t mate ch ldre$ a# he r#. <oa?u $a w ll ,e e$t tled to reta $ her ow$ #hare a# a$ lleg t mate ch ld* 4&rt#. 1440 a$d
1453. C ! l Code3 &rt. 176* F. C.7
0ar a* to #p te her hu#,a$d <orge* whom #he #u#pected wa# ha! $g a$ affa r w th a$other woma$* e-ecuted a w ll*
u$9$ow$ to h m* ,e?ueath $g all the propert e# #he
compul#ory he r $ the d rect l $e. @here ,e $g $o preter t o$* the $#t tut o$ of the # #ter wa# !al d a$d the
$her ted from her pare$t#* to her # #ter 0 guela. Lpo$ her
pro,ate of the w ll o$ the grou$d that the w ll wa# e-ecuted ,y h # w fe w thout h # 9$owledge* much le## co$#e$t* a$d that t depr !ed h m of h # leg t me. &fter all* he had g !e$ her $o cau#e for d # $her ta$ce* added <orge oppo# t o$. $ h#
ma$ he d d $ot l 9e* a$d $#t tut $g daughter# H>1 a$d H>2 a# h # he r# to h # e$t re e#tate of P 1*000*000.00* Lpo$ 0r*
PalmaG# death* how #hould h # e#tate ,e d ! ded% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Page 43 of 119
@h # # a ca#e of $effect !e d # $her ta$ce ,ecau#e marry $g a ma$ that the father d d $ot appro!e of # $ot a grou$d for
d # $her t $g H. @herefore* the $#t tut o$ of H>l a$d H>2
1028 for ,e $g $ co$# derat o$ of her adulterou# relat o$ w th the te#tator. .he #* therefore* d #?ual f ed to rece !e
#hall ,e a$$ulled $#ofar a# t pre8ud ce# the leg t me of H* a$d the $#t tut o$ of H>l a$d H>2 #hall o$ly apply o$ the
free port o$ $ the amou$t of P500*000.00. @herefore* H*
the legacy. 5r$ e w ll rece !e the legacy $ h # fa!or ,ecau#e t # $ot $off c ou#. @he $#t tut o$ of Naldo* wh ch appl e# o$ly to the free port o$* w ll ,e re#pected. +$ #um* the e#tate
of "am,erto #hall ,e d #tr ,uted a# follow#(
He r
"eg t me "egacy
700*000 250*000 1*000*000
H>l H>2
Disin&eritance; )neffective; 4reterition ('###) +$ h # la#t w ll a$d te#tame$t* "am,erto 17 d # $her t# h # daughter 2 lma ,ecau#e '#he # d #re#pectful toward# me a$d ra #e# her !o ce tal9 $g to me'* 27 om t# e$t rely h #
d #tr ,ut o$. <u#t ce <urado #ol!ed th # pro,lem d ffere$tly. +$ h # op $ o$* the leg t me of the he r who wa# d # $her ted # d #tr ,uted amo$g the other compul#ory he r# $
proport o$ to the r re#pect !e leg t me#* wh le h # #hare $
the $te#tate port o$. +f a$y* # d #tr ,uted amo$g the other
legal he r# ,y accret o$ u$der &rt cle 1018 of the 1CC $ proport o$ to the r re#pect !e $te#tate #hare#. +$ #um the d #tr ,ut o$ #hall ,e a# follow#(
He r "eg t me H #tr ,ut o$ of 2 lmaO# "eg t me Naldo 2 lma 5l! ra 5r$ e @/@&" 250*0000 4250.0007 250*000 125*000 125.000 50*000 500*000 250*000 50*000 "egac y +$#t tut o$ 200*000 @/@&" 575*000 375.000 50.000 200*000 1*000*000
grou$d rel ed upo$ ,y the te#tator doe# $ot co$#t tute maltreatme$t u$der &rt cle 919467 of the 1ew C ! l Code. He$ce* the te#tame$tary pro! # o$# $ the w ll #hall ,e a$$ulled ,ut o$ly to the e-te$t that her leg t me wa#
mpa red.
@he total om ## o$ of 5l! ra doe# $ot co$#t tute preter t o$ ,ecau#e #he # $ot a compul#ory he r $ the d rect l $e. /$ly
compul#ory he r# $ the d rect l $e may ,e the #u,8ect of
preter t o$. 1ot ha! $g ,ee$ preter ted* #he w ll ,e e$t tled
o$ly to her leg t me.
+# dro a$d +rma* F l p $o#* ,oth 18 year# of age* were pa##e$ger# of Fl ght 1o. 317 of /r e$tal & rl $e#. @he pla$e they ,oarded wa# of Ph l pp $e reg #try. 2h le e$ route from 0a$ la to )reece #ome pa##e$ger# h 8ac9ed the pla$e* held the ch ef p lot ho#tage at the coc9p t a$d ordered h m to fly $#tead to " ,ya. Hur $g the h 8ac9 $g +# dro #uffered a heart attac9 a$d wa# o$ the !erge of death. . $ce +rma wa# already e ght mo$th# preg$a$t ,y +# dro* #he pleaded to the
h 8ac9er# to allow the a## #ta$t p lot to #olem$ :e her marr age w th +# dro. .oo$ after the marr age* +# dro
e-p red. &# the pla$e la$ded $ " ,ya +rma ga!e , rth.
Naldo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 2 lma>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 5l! ra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 5r$ e>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
450*000 250*000
Howe!er* the ,a,y d ed a few m $ute# after complete del !ery. Nac9 $ the Ph l pp $e# +rma +mmed ately f led a cla m for
$her ta$ce. @he pare$t# of +# dro oppo#ed her cla m co$te$d $g that the marr age ,etwee$ her a$d +# dro wa# !o d a, $ t o o$ the follow $g grou$d#( 4a7 they had $ot g !e$ the r co$#e$t to the marr age of the r #o$3 4,7 there
of 2 lma
wa# effect !e
d #re#pect of* a$d ra # $g of !o ce to* her father co$#t tute maltreatme$t u$der &rt cle 919467 of the 1ew C ! l Code. .he #* therefore* $ot e$t tled to $her t a$yth $g. Her
$her ta$ce w ll go to the other legal he r#. @he total om ## o$ of 5l! ra # $ot preter t o$ ,ecau#e #he # $ot a
wa# $o marr age l ce$#e3 4c7 the #olem$ : $g off cer had $o author ty to perform the marr age3 a$d* 4d7 the #olem$ : $g off cer d d $ot f le a$ aff da! t of marr age w th the proper
c ! l reg #trar. 2. Hoe# +rma ha!e a$y #ucce## o$al r ght# at all% H #cu##
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
compul#ory he r $ the d rect l $e. .he w ll rece !e o$ly her leg t me. @he legacy $ fa!or of Jo#a # !o d u$der &rt cle
2. +rma
Page 44 of 119
d ed* he wa# #ucceeded ,y h # #ur! ! $g w fe +rma* a$d h # leg t mate u$,or$ ch ld. @hey d ! ded the e#tate e?ually ,etwee$ them* the ch ld e-clud $g the pare$t# of +# dro. &$ u$,or$ ch ld # co$# dered ,or$ for all purpo#e# fa!ora,le to t pro! ded t # ,or$ later. @he ch ld wa# co$# dered ,or$
,ecau#e* ha! $g a$ $tra>uter $e l fe of more tha$ #e!e$
B [ 1S4
4d7 = > 1S3 $ h # ow$ r ght B> 1S3 $ h # ow$ r ght 2 > 1S3
$ h # ow$ r ght
&rt cle 977 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that he r# who repud ate the r #hare ca$$ot ,e repre#e$ted. )ntestate %ccession (1997) '@' d ed $te#tate o$ 1 .eptem,er 1997.He wa# #ur! !ed ,y ch ldre$7* C 4h # gra$d#o$* ,e $g the leg t mate #o$ of N7* H
4h # other gra$d#o$* ,e $g the #o$ of 5 who wa# a leg t mate #o$ of* a$d who predecea#ed* '@'7* a$d F 4h # gra$d#o$* ,e $g the #o$ of )* a leg t mate #o$ who
!al d marr age of the pare$t#. .ucce## o$ # fa!ora,le to t. 2he$ the ch ld d ed* +rma $her ted the #hare of the ch ld.
Howe!er* the #hare of the ch ld $ the ha$d# of +rma #
#u,8ect to re#er!a tro$cal for the ,e$ef t of the relat !e# of the ch ld w th $ the th rd degree of co$#a$gu $ ty a$d who
,elo$g to the l $e of +# dro.
repud ated the $her ta$ce from '@'7. H # d #tr ,uta,le $et e#tate # P120.000.00. How #hould th # amou$t ,e #hared $ $te#tacy amo$g the #ur! ! $g he r#%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
"u # wa# #ur! !ed ,y two leg t mate ch ldre$* two lleg t mate ch ldre$* h # pare$t#* a$d two ,rother#. He left
a$ e#tate of P1 m ll o$. "u # d ed $te#tate. 2ho are h # $te#tate he r#* a$d how much # the #hare of each $ h # e#tate%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$ repre#e$tat o$ of 5 who
@he $te#tate he r# are the two 427 leg t mate ch ldre$ a$d the two 427 lleg t mate ch ldre$. +$ $te#tacy the e#tate of
predecea#ed. F # e-cluded ,ecau#e of the repud at o$ of )* the predece##or. 0 # e-cluded ,y the leg t mate ch ldre$ of @. @he a$#wer may ,e prem #ed o$ two theor e#( the @heory of 5-clu# o$ a$d the @heory of Co$curre$ce. L$der the T!eory o* 23+l.s"on the leg t me# of the he r# are accorded them a$d the free port o$ w ll ,e g !e$ e-clu# !ely to the leg t mate de#ce$da$t#. He$ce u$der the 5-clu# o$ @heory(
& w ll get P20.000.00. a$d P 13.333.33 41S3 of the free port o$7
N w ll get P 20*000.00. a$d P13. 333.33 41S3 of the free port o$7
the decede$t # d ! ded amo$g the leg t mate a$d lleg t mate ch ldre$ #uch that the #hare of each lleg t mate ch ld # o$e
> half the #hare of each leg t mate ch ld. @he r #hare are (
H w ll get P20.000.00. a$d P13. 333.33 41S3 of the free port o$7
F had three 437 leg t mate ch ldre$( &* N* a$d C. N ha# o$e 417 leg t mate ch ld =. C ha# two 427 leg t mate ch ldre$( B
a$d I.
F a$d & rode together $ a car a$d per #hed together at the
#ame t me $ a !eh cular acc de$t* F a$d & d ed* each of them lea! $g #u,#ta$t al e#tate# $ $te#tacy. a7 2ho are the $te#tate he r# of F% 2hat are the r re#pect !e fract o$al #hare#%
#hare# $ the free port o$#( &( P20.000.00 plu# P10.000.00 41 S4 of the free port o$7 N( P20*000.00 plu# P10.000.00 4lS4 of the free portlo$7 C( P20*000.00 plu# P10.000.00 41S4 of the free port o$7 2( P20*000.00 plu# P10*000.00 4lS4 of the free port o$7 <er$at !e &$#wer( .hare# $ +$te#tacy
@ > decede$t .ur! !ed ,y(
2 > 2 dow.............................P 30*000.00 & > .o$.................................P 30*000.00
N > .o$.................................P30.000.00
5#tate( P120.000.00
c7 +f N a$d C ,oth predecea#ed F* who are FO# $te#tate he r#% 2hat are the r re#pect !e fract o$al #hare#% Ho
they $her t $ the r ow$ r ght or ,y repre#e$tat o$%
0 > 0other............................1o$e
5-pla $ your a$#wer. d7 +f N a$d C ,oth repud ated the r #hare# $ the e#tate
E planation! a7 @he mother 407 ca$$ot $her t from @ ,ecau#e u$der &rt. 985 the a#ce$da$t# #hall $her t $ default of
,7 leg t mate ch ldre$ a$d de#ce$da$t# of the decea#ed. @he w dowG# #hare # P30.000.00 ,ecau#e u$der &rt* 996 t #tate# that f the w dow or w dower a$d
&rt cle 982 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that gra$dch ldre$ $her t ,y r ght of repre#e$tat o$.
Page 45 of 119
,e #et a# de a# 0ar oG# co$8ugal #hare from the commu$ ty property. @he other half* amou$t $g to o$e m ll o$ pe#o#* # her co$8ugal #hare 4$et e#tate7* a$d #hould ,e d #tr ,uted to
her $te#tate he r#. &pply $g the a,o!e pro! # o$ of law*
$her ta$ce. L$der &rt cle 977 he r# who repud ate the r #hare may $ot ,e repre#e$ted.
)ntestate %ccession (1993)
0 chelle a$d <orelle* @e## eG# $ ece#* are e$t tled to o$e> half of her co$8ugal #hare worth o$e m ll o$ pe#o#* or 500*000 pe#o#* wh le the other o$e>half amou$t $g to P500*000 w ll go to 0ar o* @e## eG# #ur! ! $g #pou#e. 0 chelle a$d <orelle are the$ e$t tled to P250*000 pe#o# each a# the r hered tary #hare. )ntestate %ccession (1999)
0r. a$d 0r#. Cru:* who are ch ldle##* met w th a #er ou#
5$r ?ue d ed* lea! $g a $et hered tary e#tate of P1.2 m ll o$. He # #ur! !ed ,y h # w dow* three leg t mate ch ldre$* two leg t mate gra$dch ldre$ # red ,y a leg t mate ch ld who
predecea#ed h m* a$d two recog$ :ed lleg t mate ch ldre$. H #tr ,ute the e#tate $ $te#tacy. ;5EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
motor !eh cle acc de$t w th 0r. Cru: at the wheel a$d 0r#. Cru: #eated ,e# de h m* re#ult $g $ the $#ta$t death of 0r. Cru:. 0r#. Cru: wa# #t ll al !e whe$ help came ,ut #he al#o d ed o$ the way to the ho#p tal. @he couple ac?u red propert e# worth /$e 0 ll o$ 4P1*000*000.007 Pe#o# dur $g
the r marr age* wh ch are ,e $g cla med ,y the pare$t# of
,oth #pou#e# $ e?ual #hare#. +# the cla m of ,oth #et# of
4a7 1o* the cla m of ,oth pare$t# # $ot !al d. 2he$ 0r.
H# h#
L$der the theory of 5-clu# o$ the free port o$ 4P300*0007 # d #tr ,uted o$ly amo$g the leg t mate ch ldre$ a$d # g !e$ to them $ add t o$ to the r leg t me. &ll other +$te#tate he r# are e$t tled o$ly to the r re#pect !e leg t me#.
@he d #tr ,ut o$ # a# follow#(
& ;leg t mate ch ld7 N Vleg t mate ch ld7 C 4leg t mate ch ld7 H 4leg t mate ch ld7 5 4leg t mate ch ld of H7 F 4leg t mate ch ld of H7 ) 4 lleg t mate ch ld7 H 4 lleg t mate ch ld7 2 42 dow7 P150.000 P150.000 P150.000 0 P 75*000 P 75.000 P 75.000 P 75.000 P150*000
F$ee %o$tion
Z P 75*000 Z P150.000 Z P 75.000
> P225.000 > P225.000 > P225.000 0 > P112*500 > P112*500 >P 75*500 > P 75*500 >P150.000
hu#,a$d* or a total of 0.750 0 ll o$ Pe#o#. +$ #um* the pare$t# of 0r. Cru: w ll $her t 250*000 Pe#o# wh le the pare$t# of 0r#. Cru: w ll $her t 750*000 Pe#o#. )ntestate %ccession ('###) 5uge$ o d ed w thout ##ue* lea! $g #e!eral parcel# of la$d $ Nataa$. He wa# #ur! !ed ,y &$to$ o* h # leg t mate ,rother3 0art $a* the o$ly daughter of h # predecea#ed
Z P35.500 Z P 37.500 0 0
# #ter
)ntestate %ccession (1993)
@e## e d ed #ur! !ed ,y her hu#,a$d 0ar o* a$d two $ ece#* 0 chelle a$d <orelle* who are the leg t mate ch ldre$ of a$ elder # #ter who had predecea#ed her. @he o$ly property #he
left ,eh $d wa# a hou#e a$d lot worth two m ll o$ pe#o#*
predecea#ed ,rother. .hortly after 5uge$ oG# death* &$to$ o al#o d ed* lea! $g three leg t mate ch ldre$. .u,#e?ue$tly*
wh ch @e## e a$d her hu#,a$d had ac?u red w th the u#e of 0ar oG# #a! $g# from h # $come a# a doctor. How much of
the property or t# !alue* f a$y* may 0 chelle a$d <orelle cla m a# the r hered tary #hare#% ;5EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&$to$ o e-ecuted a$ e-tra8ud c al #ettleme$t of the e#tate of 5uge$ o* d ! d $g t amo$g them#el!e#. @he #ucceed $g year* a pet t o$ to a$$ul the e-tra8ud c al #ettleme$t wa# f led ,y &$tero* a$ lleg t mate #o$ of &$to$ o* who cla m# he #
e$t tled to #hare $ the e#tate of 5uge$ o. @he defe$da$t# f led a mot o$ to d #m ## o$ the grou$d that &$tero # ,arred ,y &rt cle 992 of the C ! l Code from $her t $g from the leg t mate ,rother of h # father. How w ll you
a$d # #ter# or the r ch ldre$ #ur! !e w th the w dow or w dower* the latter #hall ,e e$t tled to o$e>half of the $her ta$ce a$d the ,rother# a$d # #ter# or the r ch ldre$ to the other half.'
@e## eG# gro## e#tate co$# #t# of a hou#e a$d lot ac?u red
dur $g her marr age* ma9 $g t part of the commu$ ty property. @hu#* o$e>half of the #a d property would ha!e to
@he mot o$ to d #m ## #hould ,e gra$ted. &rt cle 992 doe# $ot apply. &$tero # $ot cla m $g a$y $her ta$ce from 5uge$ o. He # cla m $g h # #hare $ the $her ta$ce of h #
father co$# #t $g of h # fatherG# #hare $ the $her ta$ce of
Page 46 of 119
50 $her ted ,y 0r#. "u$a from 0r. "u$a w ll ,e $her ted from her ,y her pare$t#.
Howe!er* f the ch ld had $tra>uter $e l fe of le## tha$ 7 mo$th#* half of the e#tate of 0r. "u$a* or 50* w ll ,e
$her ted ,y the w dow 40r#. "u$a7* wh le the other half* or 50* w ll ,e $her ted ,y the pare$t# of 0r. "u$a. Lpo$ the
death of 0r#. "u$a* her e#tate of 50 w ll ,e $her ted ,y her ow$ pare$t#.
mo$th# after 0r* "u$aG# death* ,ut the ch ld d ed f !e hour# after , rth. @wo day# after the ch ldG# death* the w dow of 0r. "u$a al#o d ed ,ecau#e #he had #uffered from d ff cult ch ld, rth. @he e#tate of 0r. "u$a # $ow ,e $g cla med ,y h # pare$t#* a$d the pare$t# of h # w dow. 2ho # e$t tled to
0r. "u$aGa e#tate a$d why% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#o$7* N 4a gra$ddaughter* ,e $g the daughter of &7 a$d C a$d H 4the two ac9$owledged lleg t mate ch ldre$ of the
Legitime (1997) '='* the decede$t* wa# #ur! !ed ,y 2 4h # w dow7. & 4h #
your legal ad! ce o$ how much each ca$ e-pect to rece !e a# the r re#pect !e #hare# $ the d #tr ,ut o$ of the e#tate. ) !e your a$#wer.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he he r# are N* 2* C a$d H. & $her t# $oth $g ,ecau#e of h # re$u$c at o$. N $her t# a leg t me of P90.000.00 a# the $eare#t a$d o$ly leg t mate de#ce$da$t* $her t $g $ h # ow$ r ght $ot ,y repre#e$tat o$ ,ecau#e of &G# re$u$c at o$. 2 get# a leg t me e?u !ale$t to o$e>half 41 S 27 that of N amou$t $g to P45.000. C a$d H each get# a leg t me
e?u !ale$t to o$e>half 41S27 that of N amou$t $g to
wa# fa!ora,le to t a$d t wa# ,or$ al !e later though t l !ed o$ly for f !e hour#. 0r#. "u$a $her ted half of the 10
0 ll o$ e#tate wh le the u$,or$ ch ld $her ted the other half. 2he$ the ch ld d ed* t wa# #ur! !ed ,y t# mother*
0r#. "u$a. &# the o$ly he r* 0r#. "u$a $her ted* ,y operat o$ of law* the e#tate of the ch ld co$# #t $g of t# 5
0 ll o$ $her ta$ce from 0r. "u$a. +$ the ha$d# of 0r#.
corre#po$d $g to P22.500.00 each 4&rt. 895. CC7. @he total of all of the#e amou$t# to P180.000.00.
2STAT2B 180,000.00
P90.000.00 4&rt. 9987 &> 4#o$ who repud ated h # $her ta$ce7 1o$e &rt. 9777 N > 4)ra$ddaughter7 1o$e C > 4&c9$owledged lleg t mate ch ld7 P45.000.00 4&rt.9987 H > 4&c9$owledged lleg t mate ch ld7 P45*000.00 4&rt. 9987 @he ac9$owledged lleg t mate ch ld get# 1S2 of the #hare of each leg t mate ch ld.
2> 4w dow get# 1S2 #hare7
"u$a* what #he $her ted from her ch ld wa# #u,8ect to re#er!a tro$cal for the ,e$ef t of the relat !e# of the ch ld w th $ the th rd degree of co$#a$gu $ ty a$d who ,elo$g to
the fam ly of 0r. "u$a* the l $e where the property came from.
2he$ 0r#. "u$a d ed* #he wa# #ur! !ed ,y her pare$t# a# her o$ly he r#. Her pare$t# w ll $her t her e#tate co$# #t $g of the 5 0 ll o$ #he $her ted from 0r. "u$a. @he other 5 0 ll o$ #he $her ted from her ch ld w ll ,e del !ered to the
pare$t# of 0r. "u$a a# ,e$ef c ar e# of the re#er!ed property.
Legitime; Comp%lsor" Aeirs ('##() "u # wa# #ur! !ed ,y two leg t mate ch ldre$* two lleg t mate ch ldre$* h # pare$t#* a$d two ,rother#. He left
a$ e#tate of P1 m ll o$. 2ho are the compul#ory he r# of
+$ #um* 5 0 ll o$ Pe#o# of 0r. "u$aG# e#tate w ll go to the pare$t# of 0r#. "u$a* wh le the other 5 0 ll o$ Pe#o# w ll go to the pare$t# of 0r. "u$a a# re#er!atar o#.
f a$y%
the leg t mate ch ldre$* wh le the ,rother# are $ot compul#ory he r# at all. @he r re#pect !e leg t mate are(
a7 @he leg t me of the two 427 leg t mate ch ldre$ # o$e half 41S27 of the e#tate 4P500*000.007 to ,e d ! ded
the re#er!a # $ fa!or of relat !e# ,elo$g $g to the pater$al l $e a$d who are w th $ 3 degree# from the ch ld. @he
pare$t# of 0r* "u$a are e$t tled to the re#er!ed port o$
,etwee$ them e?ually* or P250*000.00 each. ,7 @he leg t mate of each lleg t mate ch ld # o$e> half
41S27 or the leg t me of each leg t mate ch ld
Page 47 of 119
. $ce the total leg t me of the compul#ory he r# # P750*000.00* the ,ala$ce of P250*000.00 # the free
port o$.
leg t me of the leg t mate ch ldre$ a$d t follow# that the leg t me of o$e leg t mate ch ld # P100*000. @he leg t me*
5m l* the te#tator* ha# three leg t mate ch ldre$* @om* He$ry a$d 2arl to3 a w fe $amed &dette3 pare$t# $amed Pepe a$d
P lar3 a$ lleg t mate ch ld* Jamo$3 ,rother* 0ar93 a$d a
therefore* of the olde#t #o$ # P100*000. Howe!er* # $ce the do$at o$ g !e$ h m wa# P100*000* he ha# already rece !ed $ full h # leg t me a$d he w ll $ot rece !e a$yth $g a$ymore from the decede$t. @he rema $ $g P900*000* therefore* #hall go to the four you$ger ch ldre$ ,y $#t tut o$ $ the w ll* to ,e d ! ded e?ually amo$g them. 5ach w ll rece !e P225*000.
# #ter* 1a$ette. . $ce h # w fe &dette # well>off* he wa$t# to lea!e to h # lleg t mate ch ld a# much of h # e#tate a# he ca$ legally do. H # e#tate ha# a$ aggregate $et amou$t of Pl*200*000.00* a$d all the a,o!e>$amed relat !e# are #t ll
l ! $g. 5m l $ow come# to you for ad! ce $ ma9 $g a w ll. How w ll you d #tr ,ute h # e#tate accord $g to h # w #he# w thout ! olat $g the law o$ te#tame$tary #ucce## o$% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&##um $g that the do$at o$ # !al d a# to form a$d #u,#ta$ce* <ua$ ca$$ot $!o9e preter t o$ ,ecau#e he actually had rece !ed a do$at o$ $ter ! !o# from the
te#tatr - 4+++ @ole$t $o 188*1992 ed.7. He would o$ly ha!e a r ght to a complet o$ of h # leg t me u$der &rt. 906 of the C ! l Code. @he e#tate #hould ,e d ! ded e?ually amo$g the f !e ch ldre$ who w ll each rece !e P225*000.00 ,ecau#e the
total hered tary e#tate* after collat $g the do$at o$ to <ua$ 4&rt. 1061* CC7* would ,e P1 m ll o$. +$ the actual d #tr ,ut o$ of the $et e#tate* <ua$ get# $oth $g wh le h#
P600*000.00 W leg t me to ,e d ! ded e?ually ,etwee$ @om* He$ry a$d 2arl to a# the leg t mate ch ldre$. 5ach w ll ,e
e$t tled to P200*000.00. 4&rt. 888* C ! l Code7 P100*000.00 > > #hare of Jamo$ the lleg t mate ch ld.
5?u !ale$t to 1S2 of the #hare of each leg t mate ch ld. 4&rt.
176* Fam ly Code7
4a7 N
a$d C. He e-ecuted a 2 ll $#t tut $g a# h # he r# to h# e#tate of /$e 0 ll o$ 4P1*000*000.007 Pe#o# h # two ch ldre$ & a$d N* a$d h # fr e$d F. Lpo$ h # death* how #hould 0r. Cru:G# e#tate ,e d ! ded% 5-pla $. 43E7
Nrother 0ar9 a$d # #ter 1a$ette are $ot compul#ory he r# # $ce they are $ot $cluded $ the e$umerat o$ u$der &rt cle
887 of the C ! l Code.
5-pla $* 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 &##um $g that the $#t tut o$ of &* N a$d F were to the
e$t re e#tate* there wa# preter t o$ of C # $ce C a #
@he rema $ $g ,ala$ce of P300*000.00 # the free port o$ wh ch ca$ ,e g !e$ to the lleg t mate ch ld Jamo$ a# a$ $#t tuted he r. 4&rt. 914* C ! l Code7 +f #o g !e$ ,y the
compul#ory he r $ the d rect l $e. @he preter t o$ w ll re#ult $ the total a$$ulme$t of the $#t tut o$ of he r#. @herefore* the $#t tut o$ of &* N a$d F w ll ,e #et a# de a$d 0r. Cu:G#
decede$t* Jamo$ would rece !e a total of P400*000.00. 4reterition ('##1) Necau#e her elde#t #o$ <ua$ had ,ee$ pe#ter $g her for cap tal to #tart a ,u# $e##* <o#efa ga!e h m P100*000. F !e
a$d C a# follow#( & > P333*333.333 N > P333.333.333 a$d C> P333*333.33.
4,7 /$ the #ame a##umpt o$ a# letter 4a7* there wa# preter t o$ of C. @herefore* the $#t tut o$ of & a$d N # a$$ulled ,ut the legacy of P100.000.00 to F #hall ,e re#pected for $ot ,e $g $off c ou#. @herefore* the
year# later* <o#efa d ed* lea! $g a la#t w ll a$d te#tame$t $ wh ch #he $#t tuted o$ly her four you$ger ch ldre$ a# her #ole he r#. &t the t me of her death* her o$ly properly left
wa# P900*000.00 $ a ,a$9. <ua$ oppo#ed the w ll o$ the
grou$d of preter t o$. How #hould <o#efaG# e#tate ,e d ! ded amo$g her he r#% .tate ,r efly the rea#o$4#7 for your a$#wer. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
co$# dered a$ ad!a$ce o$ the #o$G# $her ta$ce. @here ,e $g $o preter t o$* the $#t tut o$# $ the w ll #hall ,e re#pected ,ut the leg t me of the olde#t #o$ ha# to ,e completed f he
rece !ed le##.
+$ h # l fet me* a Pa9 #ta$ c t :e$* &H+"* marr ed three t me# u$der Pa9 #ta$ law. 2he$ he d ed a$ old w dower* he left ,eh $d # - ch ldre$* two # #ter#* three home#* a$d a$ e#tate worth at lea#t 30 m ll o$ pe#o# $ the Ph l pp $e#. He wa# ,or$ $ "ahore ,ut la#t re# ded $ Ce,u C ty* where he had a ma$# o$ a$d where two of h # you$ge#t ch ldre$ $ow
l !e a$d wor9. @wo of h # olde#t ch ldre$ are farmer# $
.ulu* wh le the two m ddle>aged ch ldre$ are employee# $ Iam,oa$ga C ty. F $d $g that the decea#ed left $o w ll* the you$ge#t #o$ wa$ted to f le $te#tate proceed $g# ,efore the Jeg o$al @r al Court of Ce,u C ty. @wo other # ,l $g#
Page 48 of 119
o,8ected* argu $g that t #hould ,e $ <olo ,efore a .har Oa court # $ce h # la$d# are $ .ulu. Nut &d lO# # #ter# $ Pa9 #ta$ wa$t the proceed $g# held $ "ahore ,efore a
Pa9 #ta$ court.
o$ly g ! $g her author ty thereto ,ut e!e$ # g$ $g #a d deed#* there # a !al d part t o$ $ter ! !o# ,etwee$ the
mother a$d her ch ldre$ wh ch ca$$ot ,e re!o9ed ,y the mother. .a d deed# of #ale are $ot co$tract# e$tered $to w th re#pect to future $her ta$ce.
2h ch court ha# 8ur #d ct o$ a$d # the proper !e$ue for the $te#tate proceed $g#% @he law of wh ch cou$try #hall
go!er$ #ucce## o$ to h # e#tate% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Ph l pp $e# are co$cer$ed* they are go!er$ed ,y Ph l pp $e law 4&rt cle 16* C ! l Code7. L$der Ph l pp $e law* the proper !e$ue for the #ettleme$t of the e#tate # the dom c le of the decede$t at the t me of h # death. . $ce the decede$t
la#t re# ded $ Ce,u C ty* that # the proper !e$ue for the $te#tate #ettleme$t of h # e#tate.
'+t would ,e u$8u#t for the mother to re!o9e the #ale# to a #o$ a$d to e-ecute a # mulated #ale $ fa!or of a daughter who already ,e$ef ted ,y the part t o$.' C. Be#* u$der &rt#. 51 a$d 52 of the 1ew Fam ly Code. +$ ca#e of legal #eparat o$* a$$ulme$t of marr age* declarat o$
of $ull ty of marr age a$d the automat c term $at o$ of a
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Howe!er* the #ucce## o$al r ght# to the e#tate of &H+" are go!er$ed ,y Pa9 #ta$ law* h # $at o$al law* u$der &rt cle 16 of the C ! l Code. %ccession; Deat&; 4res%mptive Legitime (1991) a7 ,7
#u,#e?ue$t marr age ,y the reappeara$ce of the a,#e$t #pou#e* the commo$ or commu$ ty property of the #pou#e# #hall ,e d ##ol!ed a$d l ?u dated. &rt* 51. +$ #a d part t o$* the !alue of the pre#umpt !e leg t me# of all commo$ ch ldre$* computed a# of the date of the f $al 8udgme$t of the tr al court* #hall ,e del !ered $
ca#h* property or #ou$d #ecur t e#* u$le## the part e#* ,y
mutual agreeme$t* 8ud c ally appro!ed* had already pro! ded for #uch matter#. @he ch ldre$ of the r guard a$* or the tru#tee of the r property* may a#9 for the e$forceme$t of the 8udgme$t. @he del !ery of the pre#umpt !e leg t me# here $ pre#cr ,ed #hall $ $o way pre8ud ce the ult mate #ucce## o$al r ght# of
the ch ldre$ accru $g upo$ the death of e ther or ,oth of
wh ch allow# the del !ery to compul#ory he r# of the r pre#umpt !e leg t me# dur $g
the l fet me of the r pare$t#% +f #o* $ what $#ta$ce#%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Heath a# a fact # deemed to occur whe$ t actually # pre#umed to ta9e place $ the
t me of death # pre#umed to ,e at the e-p rat o$ of the 10> year per od a# pre#cr ,ed ,y &rt cle 390 a$d at the mome$t
of d #appeara$ce u$der &rt cle 391. N. L$der &rt. 84 of the Fam ly Code ame$d $g &rt 130 of
the pare$t#3 ,ut the !alue of the propert e# already rece !ed u$der the decree of a$$ulme$t or a,#olute $ull ty #hall ,e co$# dered a# ad!a$ce# o$ the r leg t me. &rt. 52. @he 8udgme$t of a$$ulme$t or of a,#olute $ull ty
of the marr age* the part t o$ a$d d #tr ,ut o$ of the
the C ! l Code* co$tractual #ucce## o$ # $o lo$ger po## ,le # $ce the law $ow re?u re# that do$at o$# of future property ,e go!er$ed ,y the pro! # o$# o$ the te#tame$tary #ucce## o$ a$d formal t e# of w ll#.
N. +$ the ca#e of Corona%o vs.CA(l91 SCRA81), t wa# ruled that $o property pa##e# u$der a w ll w thout t# ,e $g pro,ated* ,ut may u$der &rt cle 1058 of the C ! l Code of 1898* ,e #u#ta $ed a# a part t o$ ,y a$ act $ter ! !o#
[Many6<y vs. CA 144SCRA33).
c ! l reg #try a$d reg #tr e# of property3 otherw #e* the #ame #hall $ot affect th rd per#o$#. 8ills; Co0icil; )nstit%tion of Aeirs; %bstit%tion of Aeirs ('##') Ny ! rtue of a Cod c l appe$ded to h # w ll* @heodore
$her ta$ce* the part t o$ ,y the pare$t* a# pro! ded $ &rt. 1080 # a ca#e e-pre##ly author :ed ,y law. & per#o$ ha# two opt o$# $ ma9 $g a part t o$ of h # e#tate( e ther ,y a$ act $ter ! !o# or ,y w ll. +f the part t o$ # ,y w ll* t # mperat !e that #uch part t o$ mu#t ,e e-ecuted $ accorda$ce w th the pro! # o$# of the law o$ w ll#3 f ,y a$ act $ter ! !o#* #uch part t o$ may e!e$ ,e oral or wr tte$* a$d $eed $ot ,e $ the form of a w ll* pro! ded the leg t me # $ot pre8ud ced. '2here #e!eral # #ter# e-ecute deed# of #ale o!er the r 1 S6
u$d ! ded #hare of the parapher$al property of
l fet me. +t # al#o #tated $ the Cod c l that $ the e!e$t the
o,l gat o$ # $ot fulf lled* Net $a #hould mmed ately #e :e
o,l gat o$ u$der the Cod c l. Net $a ,r $g# #u t aga $#t H ! $o for the re!er# o$ of the tract of la$d.
a7 H #t $gu #h ,etwee$ modal $#t tut o$ a$d #u,#tat o$ of he r#. 43E7 ,7 H #t $gu #h ,etwee$ # mple a$d f de comm ##ary
5-pla $ 45E7
the r
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Page 49 of 119
&. & 0/H&" +1.@+@L@+/1 # the $#t tut o$ of a$ he r made for a certa $ purpo#e or cau#e 4&rt#. 871 a$d 882* 1CC7. .LN.@+@L@+/1 # the appo $tme$t of
a$other he r #o that he may e$ter $to the $her ta$ce $ default of the he r or g $al ty $#t tuted. 4&rt. 857* 1CC7.
,. +$ the ca#e of a fore g$er* h # $at o$al law #hall go!er$ #u,#ta$t !e !al d ty whether he e-ecute# h # w ll $ the
Ph l pp $e# or $ a fore g$ cou$try.
he r# $#t tuted $ ca#e #uch he r or he r# #hould d e ,efore h m* or #hould $ot w #h or #hould ,e $capac tated to
accept the $her ta$ce. +$ a F+H5+C/00+..&JB
.LN.@+@L@+/1* the te#tator $#t tute# a f r#t he r a$d charge# h m to pre#er!e a$d tra$#m t the whole or part of
the $her ta$ce to a #eco$d he r. +$ a # mple #u,#t tut o$* o$ly o$e he r $her t#. +$ a f de comm ##ary #u,#t tut o$* ,oth the f r#t a$d #eco$d he r# $her t. 4&rt. 859 a$d 869* 1CC7
8ills; Aolograp&ic 8ills; )nsertions & Cancellations (199-) 6a$e##a d ed o$ &pr l 14* 1980* lea! $g ,eh $d a holograph c w ll wh ch # e$t rely wr tte$* dated a$d # g$ed $ her ow$ ha$dwr t $g. Howe!er* t co$ta $# $#ert o$# a$d ca$cellat o$# wh ch are $ot authe$t cated ,y her # g$ature. For th # rea#o$* the pro,ate of 6a$e##aG# w ll wa# oppo#ed ,y her relat !e# who #tood to $her t ,y her $te#tacy.
0ay 6a$e##aG# holograph c w ll ,e pro,ated% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Be#* the w ll a# or g $ally wr tte$ may ,e pro,ated. @he $#ert o$# a$d alterat o$# were !o d # $ce they were $ot authe$t cated ,y the full # g$ature of 6a$e##a* u$der &rt.
Net $a ha# a cau#e of act o$ aga $#t H ! $o. @h # # a ca#e of a te#tame$tary d #po# t o$ #u,8ect to a mode a$d the w ll t#elf pro! de# for the co$#e?ue$ce f the mode #
814* 1CC. @he or g $al w ll* howe!er* rema $# !al d ,ecau#e a holograph c w ll # $ot $!al dated ,y the u$authe$t cated $#ert o$# or alterat o$# (A:ero v. CA, $36 SCRA 468].
$ot compl ed w th. @o e$force the mode* the w ll t#elf g !e# Net $a the r ght to compel the retur$ of the property to the he r# of @heodore. (Ra/a%"lla v. Cons+ol.ella, 334 SCRA 7$$
[$000] ;R 113($7, $9 $000).
8ills; ,ormalities (199#) 417 +f a w ll # e-ecuted ,y a te#tator who # a F l p $o c t :e$* what law w ll go!er$ f the w ll # e-ecuted $ the
the 1CC doe# $ot apply ,ut &rt. 830. 1CC. &rt. 830 of the 1CC doe# $ot re?u re the te#tator to authe$t cate h # ca$cellat o$ for the effect ! ty of a re!ocat o$ effected through #uch ca$cellat o$ (Pala9 v. Relova, 13$ SCRA $3(). +$ the Ralaw ca#e* the or g $al holograph c w ll de# g$ated
o$ly o$e he r a# the o$ly #u,#ta$t al pro! # o$ wh ch wa# altered ,y #u,#t tut $g the or g $al he r w th a$other he r. He$ce* f the u$authe$t cated ca$cellat o$ amou$ted to a
427 +f a w ll # e-ecuted ,y a fore g$er* for $#ta$ce* a <apa$e#e* re# d $g $ the Ph l pp $e#* what law w ll go!er$ f
the w ll # e-ecuted $ the Ph l pp $e#% &$d what law w ll
re!ocat o$ of the w ll* the w ll may $ot ,e pro,ated ,ecau#e t had already ,ee$ re!o9ed.
8ills; Aolograp&ic 8ills; 8itnesses (199!)
417 a. +f the te#tator who # a F l p $o c t :e$ e-ecute# h # w ll $ the Ph l pp $e#* Ph l pp $e law w ll go!er$ the
formal t e#.
/$ h # death,ed* 6 ce$te wa# e-ecut $g a w ll. +$ the room were Car ##a* Carmela* Comel o a$d &tty. C mpo* a $otary pu,l c. .udde$ly* there wa# a #treet ,rawl wh ch caught
Comel oG# atte$t o$* prompt $g h m to loo9 out the
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a7 Be#* @he w ll # !al d. @he law doe# $ot re?u re a w t$e## to actually #ee the te#tator # g$ the w ll. +t # #uff c e$t f the w t$e## could ha!e #ee$ the act of # g$ $g had he cho#e$ to do #o ,y ca#t $g h # eye# to the proper d rect o$.
,7 Be#* the w ll # !al d. &pply $g the 'te#t of po# t o$'*
Cor$el o #o w #hed. 8ills; 7oint 8ills ('###) 0a$uel* a F l p $o* a$d h # &mer ca$ w fe 5lea$or* e-ecuted a <o $t 2 ll $ No#to$* 0a##achu#ett# whe$ they were
a. +$ the ca#e of a F l p $o c t :e$* Ph l pp $e law #hall go!er$ #u,#ta$t !e !al d ty whether he e-ecute# h # w ll $
re# d $g $ #a d c ty. @he law of 0a##achu#ett# allow# the e-ecut o$ of 8o $t w ll#. .hortly thereafter* 5lea$or d ed. Ca$ the #a d 2 ll ,e pro,ated $ the Ph l pp $e# for the
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(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Be#* the w ll may ,e pro,ated $ the Ph l pp $e# $#ofar a# the e#tate of 5lea$or # co$cer$ed. 2h le the C ! l Code proh , t# the e-ecut o$ of <o $t w ll# here a$d a,road* #uch proh , t o$ appl e# o$ly to F l p $o#. He$ce* the 8o $t w ll wh ch # !al d where e-ecuted # !al d $ the Ph l pp $e# ,ut o$ly w th re#pect to 5lea$or. L$der &rt cle 819* t # !o d w th re#pect to 0a$uel who#e 8o $t w ll rema $# !o d $ the Ph l pp $e# de#p te ,e $g !al d where e-ecuted.
co$ta $# o$ly o$e te#tame$tary d #po# t o$. +$ effect* the o$ly te#tame$tary d #po# t o$ u$der the w ll # the g ! $g of the free port o$ to =* # $ce leg t me# are pro! ded ,y law. He$ce* the tr al court may co$# der the $tr $# c !al d ty of
@he w ll ca$$ot ,e pro,ated $ the Ph l pp $e#* e!e$ though !al d where e-ecuted* ,ecau#e t # proh , ted u$der &rt cle 818 of the C ! l Code a$d declared !o d u$der &rt cle 819* @he proh , t o$ #hould apply e!e$ to the &mer ca$ w fe ,ecau#e the <o $t w ll # offe$# !e to pu,l c pol cy. 0oreo!er* t # a # $gle 8ur d cal act wh ch ca$$ot ,e !al d a# to o$e te#tator a$d !o d a# to the other. 8ills; 4robate; )ntrinsic @ali0it" (199#)
H d ed lea! $g a la#t w ll a$d te#tame$t where $ t # #tated that he wa# legally marr ed to 2 ,y whom he had two leg t mate ch ldre$ & a$d N. H de! #ed to h # #a d forced he r# the e$t re e#tate e-cept the free port o$ wh ch he ga!e to = who wa# l ! $g w th h m at the t me of h # death.
+$ #a d w ll he e-pla $ed that he had ,ee$ e#tra$ged from h # w fe 2 for more tha$ 20 year# a$d he ha# ,ee$ l ! $g w th = a# ma$ a$d w fe # $ce h # #eparat o$ from h # leg t mate fam ly. +$ the pro,ate proceed $g#* = a#9ed for the ##ua$ce of letter# te#tame$tary $ accorda$ce w th the w ll where $ #he # $amed #ole e-ecutor. @h # wa# oppo#ed ,y 2 a$d her ch ldre$. 4a7 .hould the w ll ,e adm tted $ #a d pro,ate proceed $g#% 4,7 +# the #a d de! #e to = !al d% 4c7 2a# t proper for the tr al court to co$# der the $tr $# c !al d ty of the pro! # o$# of #a d w ll% 5-pla $ your a$#wer#*
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 Be#* the w ll may ,e pro,ated f e-ecuted accord $g to the formal t e# pre#cr ,ed ,y law. 4,7 @he $#t tut o$ g ! $g = the free port o$ # $ot !al d* ,ecau#e the proh , t o$# u$der &rt. 739 of the C ! l Code o$ do$at o$# al#o apply to te#tame$tary d #po# t o$# 4&rt cle 1028* C ! l Code7* &mo$g do$at o$# wh ch are co$# dered !o d are tho#e made ,etwee$ per#o$# who were gu lty of adultery or co$cu, $age at the t me of the do$at o$.
4c7 &# a ge$eral rule* the w ll #hould ,e adm tted $ pro,ate proceed $g# f all the $ece##ary re?u reme$t# for t# e-tr $# c !al d ty ha!e ,ee$ met a$d the court #hould $ot co$# der the $tr $# c !al d ty of the pro! # o$# of #a d w ll. Howe!er* the e-cept o$ ar #e# whe$ the w ll $ effect
0oreo!er* $ order that a w ll may ,e re!o9ed ,y a #u,#e?ue$t w ll* t # $ece##ary that the latter w ll ,e !al d a$d e-ecuted w th the formal t e# re?u red for the ma9 $g of a w ll. @he latter #hould po##e## all the re?u # te# of a !al d w ll whether t ,e ord $ary or a holograph c w ll* a$d #hould ,e pro,ated $ order that the re!ocatory clau#e thereof may produce effect. +$ the ca#e at ,ar* # $ce the holograph c w ll t#elf ca$$ot ,e pre#e$ted* t ca$$ot therefore ,e pro,ated. . $ce t ca$$ot ,e pro,ated* t ca$$ot re!o9e the $otar al w ll pre! ou#ly wr tte$ ,y the decede$t. 2. /$ the ,a# # of the Jule# of Court* Jule 76* .ec. 6* pro! de# that $o w ll #hall ,e pro!ed a# a lo#t or de#troyed w ll u$le## t# pro! # o$# are clearly a$d d #t $ctly pro!ed ,y at lea#t two 427 cred ,le w t$e##e#. He$ce* f we a, de #tr ctly ,y the two>w t$e## rule to pro!e a lo#t or de#troyed w ll* the holograph c w ll wh ch <oh$$y allegedly m #ta9e$ly ,ur$ed* ca$$ot ,e pro,ated* # $ce there # o$ly o$e w t$e##* 5duardo* who ca$ ,e called to te#t fy a# to the e- #te$ce of the w ll. +f the holograph c w ll* wh ch purportedly* re!o9ed the earl er $otar al w ll ca$$ot ,e pro!ed ,ecau#e of the a,#e$ce of the re?u red w t$e##* the$ the pet t o$ for the pro,ate of the $otar al w ll #hould pro#per.
@he pro,ate of the $otar al w ll w ll pro#per. @he holograph c w ll ca$$ot ,e adm tted to pro,ate ,ecau#e a holograph c w ll ca$ o$ly ,e pro,ated upo$ e! de$ce of the w ll t#elf u$le## there # a photograph c copy. Nut # $ce the holograph c w ll wa# lo#t a$d there wa# $o other copy* t ca$$ot ,e pro,ated a$d therefore the $otar al w ll w ll ,e adm tted to pro,ate ,ecau#e there # $o re!o9 $g w ll.
A##I$I!'AL A'(WE"(:
1. +$ the ca#e of ;an vs. ?a' (104 !"l 709), the e-ecut o$ a$d the co$te$t# of a lo#t or de#troyed holograph c w ll may $ot ,e pro!ed ,y the ,are te#t mo$y of w t$e##e# who ha!e #ee$ or read #uch w ll. @he w ll t#elf mu#t ,e pre#e$ted otherw #e t #hall produce $o effect. @he law regard# the docume$t t#elf a# mater al proof of authe$t c ty.
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e-cluded ,y a leg t mate #o$ of the decede$t ;&rt. 887* 1ew C ! l CodeA. @h # follow# the pr $c ple that the de#ce$da$t# e-clude the a#ce$da$t# from $her ta$ce.
8ills; =estamentar" )ntent (199-) &lfo$#o* a ,achelor w thout a$y de#ce$da$t or a#ce$da$t*
Be#* the f r#t w ll may ,e adm tted to pro,ate a$d g !e$ effect. 2he$ the te#tator tore f r#t w ll* he wa# u$der the
he would $ot ha!e de#troyed the f r#t w ll had he 9$ow$ that the #eco$d w ll # $ot !al d. @he re!ocat o$ ,y de#truct o$ therefore # depe$de$t o$ the !al d ty of the #eco$d w ll. . $ce t tur$ed out that the #eco$d w ll wa# $!al d* the tear $g of the f r#t w ll d d $ot produce the
wrote a la#t w ll a$d te#tame$t $ wh ch he de! #ed.' all the propert e# of wh ch + may ,e po##e##ed at the t me of my death' to h # fa!or te ,rother 0a$uel. &t the t me he wrote the w ll* he ow$ed o$ly o$e parcel of la$d. Nut ,y the t me
he d ed* he ow$ed twe$ty parcel# of la$d. H # other
1o* the f r#t w ll ca$$ot ,e adm tted to pro,ate. 2h le t # true that the f r#t w ll wa# #ucce##fully re!o9ed ,y the
#eco$d w ll ,ecau#e the #eco$d w ll wa# later de$ ed pro,ate* the f r#t w ll wa#* $e!erthele##* re!o9ed whe$ the
,rother# a$d # #ter# $# #t that h # w ll #hould pa## o$ly the parcel of la$d he ow$ed at the t me t wa# wr tte$* a$d d d $ot co!er h # propert e# ac?u red* wh ch #hould ,e ,y
$te#tate #ucce## o$. 0a$uel cla m# otherw #e.
0a$uel # correct ,ecau#e u$der &rt. 793* 1CC* property ac?u red after the ma9 $g of a w ll #hall o$ly pa## there,y* a# f the te#tator had po##e##ed t at the t me of ma9 $g the
w ll* #hould t e-pre##ly appear ,y the w ll that #uch wa# h# $te$t o$. . $ce &lfo$#oG# $te$t o$ to de! #e all propert e# he ow$ed at the t me of h # death e-pre##ly appear# o$ the
w ll* the$ all the 20 parcel# of la$d are $cluded $ the
de! #e.
Donation vs. ale ('##()
a7 to 0ay a per#o$ #ell #ometh $g that doe# $ot ,elo$g
of h # e#tate # $ accorda$ce w th the law o$ #ucce## o$. Ho$ ha# $o compul#ory he r# $ot ha! $g a#ce$da$t#*
de#ce$da$t# $or a #pou#e ;&rt. 887* 1ew C ! l CodeA. Nrother# a$d # #ter# are $ot compul#ory he r#. @hu#* he ca$
,e?ueath h # e$t re e#tate to a$yo$e who # $ot otherw #e $capac tated to $her t from h m. & commo$>law w fe # $ot $capac tated u$der the law* a# Ho$ # $ot marr ed to
,7 4a7
h m% 5-pla $. 0ay a per#o$ do$ate #ometh $g that doe# $ot ,elo$g to h m% 5-pla $. 5E Be#* a per#o$ may #ell #ometh $g wh ch doe# $ot
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
($) I* Fon *a"le% to e3e+.te a 9"ll %.r"n, !"s l"*et"&e, as !"s
la9yer, !o9 9"ll yo. %"str"/.te !"s estate1 23'la"n. ($.74)
re?u re the #eller to ,e the ow$er of the property at the t me of the #ale. 4&rt cle 1434* 1CC7. +f the #eller ca$$ot tra$#fer ow$er#h p o!er the th $g #old at the t me of del !ery ,ecau#e he wa# $ot the ow$er thereof* he #hall ,e l a,le for
,reach of co$tact.
&fter pay $g the legal o,l gat o$# of the e#tate* + w ll g !e Jo$ e* a# full>,lood ,rother of Ho$*
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
2S3 of the $et e#tate* tw ce the #hare of 0 chelle* the half> # #ter who #hall rece !e 1S3. Jo#helle w ll $ot rece !e
a$yth $g a# #he # $ot a legal he r ;&rt. 1006 1ew C ! l CodeA.
P12 0 ll o$ a# the ,rother a$d # #ter w ll ,e e-cluded ,y a leg t mate #o$ of the decede$t. @h # follow# the pr $c ple of
pro- m ty* where 'the $earer e-clude# the farther.'
$ot #ell* tra$#fer or cede the #ame for twe$ty year#. .hortly thereafter* he d ed. +$ 1965* ,ecau#e #he $eeded mo$ey for med cal e-pe$#e#* +re$e #old the la$d to Co$rado. @he follow $g year* +re$e d ed* lea! $g a# her #ole he r a #o$ ,y
la$d wh ch he e-pected to $her t had ,ee$ #old ,y +re$e to Co$rado* he f led a$ act o$ aga $#t the latter for a$$ulme$t
of the #ale* o$ the grou$d that t ! olated the re#tr ct o$
(4) Ass.&"n, *.rt!er !e %"e% "ntestate, s.rv"ve% /y !"s *at!er, !"s /rot!er Ron"e, !"s !al*6s"ster M"+!elle, an% !"s le,"t"&ate son -ayson, !o9 9"ll yo. %"str"/.te !"s estate1
23'la"n. ($.74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
mpo#ed ,y @oma#. Co$rado f led a mot o$ to d #m ##* o$ the grou$d that &rma$do d d $ot ha!e the legal capac ty to #ue. +f you were the <udge* how w ll you rule o$ th # mot o$ to d #m ##% 5-pla $.
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(FG .s. CA. 96 SCRA 34$ an% ot!er +ases) (Teves vs. AAC, $3 SCRA 1141).
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&# 8udge* + w ll gra$t the mot o$ to d #m ##. &rma$do ha# $o per#o$al ty to ,r $g the act o$ for a$$ulme$t of the #ale to Co$rado. /$ly a$ aggr e!ed party to the co$tract may ,r $g the act o$ for a$$ulme$t thereof 4&rt. 1397. 1CC7. 2h le &rma$do # he r a$d #ucce##or> $> $tere#t of h # mother 4&rt. 1311* 1CC7* he ;#ta$d $g $ place of h # mother7 ha# $o per#o$al ty to a$$ul the co$tract. Noth are $ot aggr e!ed part e# o$ accou$t of the r ow$ ! olat o$ of the co$d t o$ of* or re#tr ct o$ o$* the r ow$er#h p mpo#ed ,y the do$at o$. /$ly the do$or or h # he r# would ha!e the per#o$al ty to ,r $g a$ act o$ to re!o9e a do$at o$ for ! olat o$ of a co$d t o$ thereof or a re#tr ct o$ thereo$. (;arr"%o .. CA, $36 SCRA 470). Co$#e?ue$tly* wh le the do$or or h # he r# were $ot part e# to the #ale* they ha!e the r ght to a$$ul the co$tract of #ale ,ecau#e the r r ght# are pre8ud ced ,y o$e of the co$tract $g part e# thereof [FG
v. CA, 96 SCRA 34$C Teves vs. AAC. $3 SCRA 114].
&# 8udge* + w ll gra$t the mot o$ to d #m ##. Compl a$ce w th a co$d t o$ mpo#ed ,y a do$or g !e# r #e to a$ act o$ to re!o9e the do$at o$ u$der &rt. 764* 1CC. Howe!er* the r ght of act o$ ,elo$g# to the do$or. +# tra$#m ## ,le to h # he r#* a$d may ,e e-erc #ed aga $#t the do$eeG# he r#. . $ce &rma$do # a$ he r of the do$ee* $ot of the do$or* he ha# $o legal capac ty to #ue for re!ocat o$ of the do$at o$. <hough he # $ot #ee9 $g #uch re!ocat o$ ,ut a$ a$$ulme$t of the #ale wh ch h # mother* the do$ee* had e-ecuted $ ! olat o$ of the co$d t o$ mpo#ed ,y the do$or* a$ act o$ for a$$ulme$t of a co$tract may ,e ,rought o$ly ,y tho#e who are pr $c pally or #u,# d ar ly o,l ged there,y 4&rt. 1397* 1CC7. &# a$ e-cept o$ to the rule* t ha# ,ee$ held that a per#o$ $ot #o o,l ged may $e!erthele## a#9 for a$$ulme$t f he # pre8ud ced $ h #
r ght# regard $g o$e of the co$tract $g part e# a$d ca$ #how the detr me$t
property to Ferd $a$d who the$ #ued to reco!er the la$d from the c ty go!er$me$t. 2 ll the #u t pro#per%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
.uch detr me$t or pre8ud ce ca$$ot ,e #how$ ,y &rma$do. &# a forced he r* &rma$doG# $tere#t $ the property wa#* at ,e#t* a mere e-pecta$cy. @he #ale of the la$d ,y h # mother d d $ot mpa r a$y !e#ted r ght. @he fact rema $# that the premature #ale made ,y h # mother 4premature ,ecau#e o$ly half of the per od of the ,a$ had elap#ed7 wa# $ot !o da,le at all* $o$e of the ! ce# of co$#e$t u$der &rt. 139 of the 1CC ,e $g pre#e$t. He$ce* the mot o$ to d #m ## #hould ,e gra$ted. Donations; Con0itions; 1evocation (1991)
.pou#e# 0 chael a$d " $da do$ated a 3>hectare re# de$t al la$d to the C ty of Nagu o o$ the co$d t o$ that the c ty go!er$me$t would ,u ld thereo$ a pu,l c par9 w th a ,o- $g are$a* the co$#truct o$ of wh ch #hall comme$ce w th $ # - 467 mo$th# from the date the part e# rat fy the do$at o$. @he do$ee accepted the do$at o$ a$d the t tle to the property wa# tra$#ferred $ t# $ame. F !e year# elap#ed ,ut the pu,l c par9 w th the ,o- $g are$a wa# $e!er #tarted. Co$# der $g the fa lure of the do$ee to comply w th the co$d t o$ of the do$at o$* the do$or>#pou#e# #old the
Ferd $a$d ha# $o r ght to reco!er the la$d. +t # true that the do$at o$ wa# re!oca,le ,ecau#e of ,reach of the co$d t o$#. Nut u$t l a$d u$le## the do$at o$ wa# re!o9ed* t rema $ed !al d. He$ce* .pou#e# 0 chael a$d " $da had $o r ght to #ell the la$d to Ferd $a$d. /$e ca$$ot g !e what he doe# $ot ha!e. 2hat the do$or# #hould ha!e do$e f r#t wa# to ha!e the do$at o$ a$$ulled or re!o9ed. &$d after that wa# do$e* they could !al dly ha!e d #po#ed of the la$d $ fa!or of Ferd $a$d.
&. L$t l the co$tract of do$at o$ ha# ,ee$ re#ol!ed or re#c $ded u$der &rt cle 1191 of the C ! l Code or re!o9ed u$der &rt. 764 of the C ! l Code* the do$at o$ #ta$d# effect !e a$d !al d. &ccord $gly* the #ale made ,y the do$or to Ferd $a$d ca$$ot ,e #a d to ha!e co$!eyed t tle to Ferd $a$d* who* there,y* ha# $o cau#e of act o$ for reco!ery of the la$d act $g for a$d $ h # ,ehalf.
N. @he do$at o$ # o$erou#* &$d ,e $g o$erou#* what appl e# # the law o$ co$tract#* a$d $ot the law o$ do$at o$ 4He "u$a u#. &,r go* 81 .CJ& 1507. &ccord $gly* the pre#cr pt !e per od for the f l $g of #uch a$ act o$ would ,e the ord $ary pre#cr pt !e per od for co$tact# wh ch may e ther ,e # - or te$ depe$d $g upo$ whether t # !er,al or wr tte$. @he f l $g of the ca#e f !e year# later # w th $ the pre#cr pt !e per od a$d* therefore* the act o$ ca$ pro#per*
Alternati1e Answer:
@he law o$ do$at o$ lay# dow$ a #pec al pre#cr pt !e per od $ the ca#e of ,reach of co$d t o$* wh ch # four year# from $o$>compl a$ce thereof 4&rt cle 764 C ! l Code7. . $ce the act o$ ha# pre#cr ,ed* the #u t w ll $ot pro#per* Donations; Effect; illegal & immoral con0itions (1997) &re the effect# of llegal a$d mmoral co$d t o$# o$ # mple do$at o$# the #ame a# tho#e effect# that would follow whe$ #uch co$d t o$# are mpo#ed o$ do$at o$# co$ cau#a o$ero#a%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1o* they do$Gt ha!e the #ame effect. +llegal or mpo## ,le co$d t o$# $ # mple a$d remu$eratory do$at o$# #hall ,e co$# dered a# $ot mpo#ed. He$ce the do$at o$ # !al d. @he do$at o$ w ll ,e co$# dered a# # mple or pure. @he co$d t o$ or mode # merely a$ acce##ory d #po# t o$* a$d t# $ull ty doe# $ot affect the do$at o$* u$le## t clearly appear# that the do$or would $ot ha!e made the do$at o$ w thout the mode or co$d t o$.
Ho$at o$# co$ cau#a o$ero#a # go!er$ed ,y law o$ o,l gat o$# a$d co$tract#* u$der wh ch a$ mpo## ,le or +ll c t co$d t o$ a$$ul# the o,l gat o$ depe$de$t upo$ the co$d t o$ where the co$d t o$ # po# t !e a$d #u#pe$# !e. +f the mpo## ,le or ll c t co$d t o$ # $egat !e* t # # mply co$# dered a# $ot wr tte$* a$d the o,l gat o$ # co$!erted $to a pure a$d # mple o$e. Howe!er* $ order that a$ llegal co$d t o$ may a$$ul a co$tract* the mpo## , l ty
mu#t e- #t at the t me of the creat o$ of the o,l gat o$3 a #uper!e$ $g mpo## , l ty doe# $ot affect the e- #te$ce of the o,l gat o$.
A##I$I!'AL A'(WE":
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llegal or
mpo## ,le co$d t o$ # co$# dered $ot wr tte$ ,ut the do$at o$ rema $# !al d a$d ,ecome# free from co$d t o$#. @he co$d t o$ or mode ,e $g a mere acce##ory d #po# t o$. +t# $ull ty doe# $ot affect the do$at o$ u$le## t clearly appear# that the do$or would $ot ha!e made the do$at o$ w thout the mode or co$d t o$. /$ the other ha$d* o$erou# do$at o$ # go!er$ed ,y the rule# o$ co$tract#. L$der &rt cle 1183* +mpo## ,le or llegal co$d t o$# #hall a$$ul the o,l gat o$ wh ch depe$d# upo$ them. +$ the#e ca#e#* ,oth
the o,l gat o$ a$d the co$d t o$ are !o d. Donations; ,ormalities; *ortis Ca%sa (199#)
e-cept o$ # the clau#e wh ch re#er!e# the do$orG# r ght to #ell the property at a$y t me ,efore h # death. .uch a re#er!at o$ ha# ,ee$ held to re$der the do$at o$ re!oca,le a$d* therefore* ,ecome# a do$at o$ mort # cau#a ( .",
vs. enN*lor"%a, 17 SCRA $(6, at '. $86). @hat the r ght wa# $ot
e-erc #ed # mmater al3 t# re#er!at o$ wa# a$ mpl ed recog$ t o$ of the do$orG# power to $ull fy the do$at o$ a$yt me he w #hed to do #o. Co$#e?ue$tly* t #hould ha!e ,ee$ em,od ed $ a la#t w ll a$d te#tame$t. @he #u t for
$ull ty w ll thu# pro#per. Donations; )nter @ivos; 2cceptance (199() /$ <a$uary 21* 1986* & e-ecuted a deed of do$at o$ $ter
! !o# of a parcel of la$d to Hr. N who had earl er co$#tructed thereo$ a ,u ld $g $ wh ch re#earche# o$ the
$#trume$t a$d 0 accepted the do$at o$ $ the #ame docume$t. +t wa# pro! ded $ the deed that the la$d
do$ated #hall ,e mmed ately del !ered to 0 a$d that 0
#hall ha!e the r ght to e$8oy the fru t# fully. @he deed al#o
pro! ded that N wa# re#er! $g the r ght to d #po#e of #a d
la$d dur $g h # 4NO#7 l fet me* a$d that 0 #hall $ot reg #ter the deed of do$at o$ u$t l after NO# death. Lpo$ NO# death* 2* NO# w dow a$d #ole he r* f led a$ act o$ for the reco!ery of the do$ated la$d* co$te$d $g that the do$at o$ made ,y N # a do$at o$ mort # cau#a a$d $ot a do$at o$ $ter ! !o#.
2 ll #a d act o$ pro#per% 5-pla $ your a$#wer.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
dreaded d #ea#e &+H. were ,e $g co$ducted. @he deed* ac9$owledged ,efore a $otary pu,l c* wa# ha$ded o!er ,y & to Hr. N who rece !ed t. & few day# after* & flew to Ha!ao
C ty. L$fortu$ately* the a rpla$e he wa# r d $g cra#hed o$
la$d $g 9 ll $g h m. @wo day# after the u$fortu$ate acc de$t. Hr. N* upo$ ad! ce of a lawyer* e-ecuted a deed
mort # cau#a ,ecau#e the re#er!at o$ # to d #po#e of all the property do$ated a$d* therefore* the do$at o$ # re!oca,le
at w ll. &ccord $gly* the do$at o$ re?u re# the e-ecut o$ of a
,efore a $otary
pu,l c accept $g
1o* the do$at o$ # $ot effect !e. @he law re?u re# that the #eparate accepta$ce of the do$ee of a$ mmo!a,le mu#t ,e do$e $ a pu,l c docume$t dur $g the l fet me of the do$or
4&rt. 746 X 749* C ! l Code7 +$ th # ca#e* N e-ecuted the deed of accepta$ce ,efore a $otary pu,l c after the do$or had already d ed.
5r$e#to do$ated $ a pu,l c $#trume$t a parcel of la$d to Hemetr o* who accepted t $ the #ame docume$t. +t # there declared that the do$at o$ #hall ta9e effect mmed ately*
w th the do$ee ha! $g the r ght to ta9e po##e## o$ of the la$d a$d rece !e t# fru t# ,ut $ot to d #po#e of the la$d
wh le 5r$e#to # al !e a# well a# for te$ year# follow $g h # death. 0oreo!er* 5r$e#to al#o re#er!ed $ the #ame deed h # r ght to #ell the property #hould he dec de to d #po#e of t at
,rother* <o#e* a re# de$t of +lollo C ty* offer $g to do$ate a ! $tage #port# car wh ch the latter had lo$g ,ee$ wa$t $g to ,uy from the former. /$ &ugu#t 5* 1997* <o#e called Pedro
,y cellular pho$e to tha$9 h m for h # ge$ero# ty a$d
a$y t me > a r ght wh ch he d d $ot e-erc #e at all. &fter h # death* 5r$e#toG# he r# #ea#o$a,ly ,rought a$ act o$ to reco!er the property* alleg $g that the do$at o$ wa# !o d a# t d d $ot comply w th the formal t e# of a w ll. 2 ll the #u t
pro#per% ;5EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$form h m that he wa# #e$d $g ,y ma l h # letter of accepta$ce. Pedro $e!er rece !ed that letter ,ecau#e t wa#
$e!er ma led. /$ &ugu#t 14* 1997* Pedro rece !ed a
w th the formal t e# of a w ll. +$ th # $#ta$ce* the fact that the do$or d d $ot $te$d to tra$#fer ow$er#h p or
po##e## o$ of the do$ated property to the do$ee u$t l the
1. +# there a perfected do$at o$% ;2EA 2. 2 ll your a$#wer ,e the #ame f <o#e d d ma l h#
accepta$ce letter ,ut t wa# rece !ed ,y Pedro $ 0a$ la
do$orG# death* would re#ult $ a do$at o$ mort # cau#a a$d $ th # 9 $d of d #po# t o$* the formal t e# of a w ll #hould ,e compl ed w th* otherw #e* the do$at o$ # !o d. +$ th # +$#ta$ce* do$at o$ mort # cau#a em,od ed o$ly $ a pu,l c $#trume$t w thout the formal t e# of a w ll could $ot ha!e
tra$#ferred ow$er#h p of d #puted property to a$other.
1. 1o$e. @here # $o perfected do$at o$. L$der &rt cle 748 of the C ! l Code* the do$at o$ of a mo!a,le may ,e made
orally or $ wr t $g. +f the !alue of the per#o$al property
do$ated e-ceed# f !e thou#a$d pe#o#* the do$at o$ a$d the accepta$ce #hall ,e made $ wr t $g. &##um $g that the
!alue of the th $g do$ated* a ! $tage #port# car* e-ceed#
P5*000.00 the$ the do$at o$ a$d the accepta$ce mu#t ,e $ wr t $g. +$ th # $#ta$ce* the accepta$ce of <o#e wa# $ot $
wr t $g* therefore* the do$at o$ # !o d. Lpo$ the other
Page 54 of 119
ha$d* a##um $g that the #port# car co#t# le## tha$ P5*000.00
the$ the do$at o$ may,e oral* ,ut #t ll* the # multa$eou# del !ery of the car # $eeded a$d there ,e $g $o$e* the do$at o$ wa# $e!er perfected.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Code wh ch re?u re# the do$at o$ a$d the accepta$ce thereof to ,e $ a pu,l c $#trume$t $ order to ,e !al d. @he accepta$ce $ot ,e $g $ a pu,l c $#trume$t* the part
2. Be#* the a$#wer # the #ame. +f <o#eG# ma l co$ta $ $g h # accepta$ce of the do$at o$ wa# rece !ed ,y Pedro after the formerG# death* the$ the do$at o$ # #t ll !o d ,ecau#e u$der &rt cle 734 of the C ! l Code* the do$at o$ # perfected the mome$t the do$or 9$ow# of the accepta$ce ,y the do$ee. @he death of <o#e ,efore Pedro could rece !e the accepta$ce $d cate# that the do$at o$ wa# $e!er perfected. L$der &rt cle 746 accepta$ce mu#t ,e made dur $g the
l fet me of ,oth the do$or a$d the do$ee. Donations; 1e$%isites; )mmovable 4ropert" &$a#tac a purcha#ed a hou#e a$d lot o$ $#tallme$t# at a
co$#truct thereo$ a place of wor#h p w th $ 1 year from the accepta$ce of the do$at o$. +$ a$ aff da! t he e-ecuted o$
,ehalf of the co$gregat o$* the 0 $ #ter accepted the do$at o$. @he Heed of Ho$at o$ wa# $ot reg #tered w th
hou# $g pro8ect $ Pue:o$ C ty. .u,#e?ue$tly* #he wa# employed $ Cal for$ a a$d a year later* #he e-ecuted a deed of do$at o$* duly authe$t cated ,y the Ph l pp $e Co$#ulate
$ "o# &$gele#* Cal for$ a* do$at $g the hou#e a$d lot to
re!o9ed the do$at o$ a$d dema$ded that he !acate the prem #e# mmed ately. Nut the 0 $ #ter refu#ed to lea!e*
cla m $g that a# de from u# $g the ,u$galow a# h # re# de$ce* he # al#o u# $g t a# a place for wor#h p o$
left u$pa d $#tallme$t# a$d real e#tate ta-e#. &ma$da pa d the#e #o that the do$at o$ $ her fa!or ca$ ,e reg #tered $ the pro8ect ow$erG# off ce. @wo mo$th# later* &$a#tac a d ed* lea! $g her mother Jo#a a# her #ole he r. Jo#a f led a$
act o$ to a$$ul the do$at o$ o$ the grou$d that &ma$da d d $ot g !e her co$#e$t $ the deed of do$at o$ or $ a
#eparate pu,l c $#trume$t. &ma$da repl ed that the do$at o$ wa# a$ o$erou# o$e ,ecau#e #he had to pay u$pa d $#tallme$t# a$d ta-e#3 he$ce her accepta$ce may ,e mpl ed. 2ho # correct% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#pec al occa# o$#. L$der the c rcum#ta$ce#* ca$ Al*re%o an% Ra+N.el ev"+t t!e M"n"ster an% re+over 'ossess"on o* t!e 'ro'erty1 I* yo. 9ere t!e +o.'leDs +o.nsel, 9!at a+t"on yo. taEe to 'rote+t t!e "nterest o* yo.r +l"ents1 (74)
Be#* &lfredo a$d Jac?uel ca$ ,r $g a$ act o$ for e8ectme$t aga $#t the 0 $ #ter for reco!ery of po##e## o$ of the
property e! ct the 0 $ #ter a$d reco!er po##e## o$ of the property. &$ act o$ for a$$ulme$t of the do$at o$* reco$!eya$ce a$d damage# #hould ,e f led to protect the
Jo#a # correct ,ecau#e the do$at o$ # !o d. @he property do$ated wa# a$ mmo!a,le. For #uch do$at o$ to ,e !al d* &rt cle 749 of the 1ew C ! l Code re?u re# ,oth the
do$at o$ a$d the accepta$ce to ,e $ a pu,l c $#trume$t.
@here ,e $g $o #how $g that &ma$daG# accepta$ce wa# made $ a pu,l c $#trume$t* the do$at o$ # !o d. @he co$te$t o$ that the do$at o$ # o$erou# a$d* therefore* $eed
$ot comply w th &rt cle 749 for !al d ty # w thout mer t.
@he do$at o$ # $ot o$erou# ,ecau#e t d d $ot mpo#e o$ &ma$da the o,l gat o$ to pay the ,ala$ce o$ the purcha#e pr ce or the arrear# $ real e#tate ta-e#. &ma$da too9 t upo$ her#elf to pay tho#e amou$t# !olu$tar ly. For a do$at o$ to
,e o$erou#* the ,urde$ mu#t ,e mpo#ed ,y the do$or o$ the do$ee. +$ the pro,lem* there # $o #uch ,urde$ mpo#ed
,y the do$or o$ the do$ee. @he do$at o$ $ot ,e $g
Cat!ol"+ G"s!o', ;.R. 0o. 133(07, Mar+! 31, $007C Ae"rs o*Ro@en%o Sev"lla v. Fe 5eon, ;.R. 0o. 1497(0, Mar+! 1$, $004).
@he port o$ $ e-ce## thereof # $ot o$erou#. @he o$erou# port o$ # go!er$ed ,y the rule# o$ co$tract# wh ch do $ot re?u re the accepta$ce ,y the do$ee to ,e $ a$y form. @he
o$erou# part* therefore* # !al d. @he port o$ wh ch # $ot o$erou# mu#t comply w th &rt cle 749 of the 1ew C ! l
Donations; @ali0it"; Effectivit"; for /nborn C&il0 (1999) 5lated that her # #ter who had ,ee$ marr ed for f !e year# wa# preg$a$t for the f r#t t me* &lma do$ated P100*000.00 to the u$,or$ ch ld. L$fortu$ately* the ,a,y d ed o$e hour after del !ery. 0ay &lma reco!er the P100.000.00 that #he
Page 55 of 119
that the ,a,y d ed% .tated otherw #e* # the do$at o$ !al d
a$d , $d $g% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$ot ,ee$ f -ed $ the Heed of Ho$at o$* the do$ee # $ot yet default $ h # o,l gat o$ u$t l the per od # f -ed ,y order
of the court u$der &rt cle 1197 of the 1ew C ! l Code.
@he do$at o$ # !al d a$d , $d $g* ,e $g a$ act fa!ora,le to the u$,or$ ch ld* ,ut o$ly f the ,a,y had a$ $tra>uter $e l fe of $ot le## tha$ #e!e$ mo$th# a$d pro! ded there wa# due accepta$ce of the do$at o$ ,y the proper per#o$ repre#e$t $g #a d ch ld. +f the ch ld had le## tha$ #e!e$ mo$th# of $tra>uter $e l fe* t # $ot deemed ,or$ # $ce t d ed le## tha$ 24 hour# follow $g t# del !ery* $ wh ch ea#e the do$at o$ $e!er ,ecame effect !e # $ce the do$ee $e!er
,ecame a per#o$* , rth ,e $g determ $at !e of per#o$al ty.
. $ce the per od ha# $ot ,ee$ f -ed a# yet* the do$ee # $ot yet default* a$d therefore the do$or ha# $o cau#e of act o$ to re!o9e the do$at o$. (F"ssent"n, o'"n"on o* Fav"%e, C-,
Central !"l"''"ne >n"vers"ty v. Co.rt o* A''eals, $46 SCRA 711 [1997])
2ccretion; 2ll%vion ('##1) For ma$y year#* the J o )ra$de r !er depo# ted #o l alo$g t# ,a$9* ,e# de the t tled la$d of <o#e. +$ t me* #uch depo# t
reached a$ area of o$e thou#a$d #?uare meter#. 2 th the perm ## o$ of <o#e* 6 ce$te cult !ated the #a d area. @e$
5!e$ f the ,a,y had a$ $tra>uter $e l fe of more tha$ #e!e$ mo$th# a$d the do$at o$ wa# properly accepted* t would ,e !o d for $ot ha! $g co$formed w th the proper
form. +$ order to ,e !al d* the do$at o$ a$d accepta$ce of per#o$al property e-ceed $g f !e thou#a$d pe#o# #hould ,e
$ wr t $g. 4&rt cle 748* par. 37
+$ 1950* Hr. &l,a do$ated a parcel of la$d to Ce$tral L$ !er# ty o$ co$d t o$ that the latter mu#t e#ta,l #h a med cal college o$ the la$d to ,e $amed after h m. +$ the year 2000* the he r# of Hr. &l,a f led a$ act o$ to a$$ul the do$at o$ a$d for the reco$!eya$ce of the property do$ated to them for the fa lure* after 50 year#* of the L$ !er# ty to
e#ta,l #hed o$ the property a med cal #chool $amed after
cla m# ow$er#h p ,y pre#cr pt o$. 2ho #hould pre!a l*% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,elo$g# ,y r ght of accret o$ to <o#e* the r par a$ ow$er 4&rt. 457 CC7. 2he$* a# g !e$ $ the pro,lem* the !ery #ame area' wa# 'tra$#ferred' ,y flood water# to the
the r father. @he L$ !er# ty oppo#ed the act o$ o$ the grou$d of pre#cr pt o$ a$d al#o ,ecau#e t had $ot u#ed the
property for #ome purpo#e other tha$ that #tated $ the do$at o$. .hould the oppo# t o$ of the L$ !er# ty to the act o$ of Hr. &l,aO# he r# ,e #u#ta $ed% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
oppo# te ,a$9* t ,ecame a$ a!ul# o$ a$d ow$er#h p thereof # reta $ed ,y <o#e who ha# two year# to remo!e t 4&rt. 459* CC7. 6 ce$teG# cla m ,a#ed o$ pre#cr pt o$ # ,a#ele## # $ce h # po##e## o$ wa# ,y mere tolera$ce of <o#e a$d* therefore*
d d $ot ad!er#ely affect <o#eG# po##e## o$ a$d ow$er#h p
4&rt. 537* CC7. +$a#much a# h # po##e## o$ # merely that of a holder* he ca$$ot ac?u re the d #puted area ,y pre#cr pt o$. 2ccretion; 2v%lsion ('##() &$dre# # a r par a$ ow$er of a parcel of reg #tered la$d. H# la$d* howe!er* ha# gradually d m $ #hed $ area due to the curre$t of the r !er* wh le the reg #tered la$d of 0ar o o$
the oppo# te ,a$9 ha# gradually $crea#ed $ area ,y 200>
e#ta,l #hed of the med cal college* the fa lure of the do$ee
to e#ta,l #h the med cal college after f fty 4507 year# from the ma9 $g of the do$at o$ #hould ,e co$# dered a# occurre$ce of the re#olutory co$d t o$* a$d the do$at o$
may $ow ,e re!o9ed. 2h le the ge$eral rule # that $ ca#e the per od # $ot f -ed $ the agreeme$t of the part e#* the per od mu#t ,e f -ed f r#t ,y the court ,efore the o,l gat o$ may ,e dema$ded* the per od of f fty 4507 year# wa# more
tha$ e$ough t me for the do$ee to comply w th the
#?uare meter#. 4a7 2ho ha# the ,etter r ght o!er the 200>#?uare meter area that ha# ,ee$ added to 0ar oO# reg #tered la$d* 0ar o or &$dre#% 4,7 0ay a th rd per#o$ ac?u re #a d 200>#?uare meter
la$d ,y pre#cr pt o$%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he do$at o$ may $ot a# yet re!o9ed. @he e#ta,l #hme$t of a med cal college # $ot a re#olutory or #u#pe$# !e co$d t o$
,ut a CchargeD* o,l gat o$D* or a CmodeD. @he $o$>
$crea#e $ area ,y rea#o$ of accret o$* apply $g &rt cle 457 of the 1ew C ! l Code* wh ch pro! de# that Cto the ow$er# of la$d# ad8o $ $g the ,a$9# of r !er# ,elo$g the accret o$
wh ch they gradually rece !ed from the effect# of the
compl a$ce w th the charge or mode w ll g !e the do$or the r ght to re!o9e the do$at o$ w th $ four 447 year# from the t me the charge wa# #uppo#ed to ha!e ,ee$ compl ed w th* or to e$force the charge ,y #pec f c performa$ce w th $ te$ 4107 year# from the t me the cau#e of act o$ accrued. +$a#much a# the t me to e#ta,l #hed the med cal college ha#
la$d # h # ow$* ,ecau#e #uch # a$ accret o$ a$d $ot re#ult of the #udde$ detachme$t of a 9$ow$ port o$ of h # la$d
a$d t# attachme$t to 0ar oO# la$d* a proce## called
Ca!ul# o$D. He ca$ $o lo$ger cla m ow$er#h p of the port o$ of h # reg #tered la$d wh ch wa# gradually a$d $aturally eroded due to the curre$t of the r !er* ,ecau#e he
Page 56 of 119
rea#o$a,le re$t* f the ow$er of the la$d doe# $ot choo#e to appropr ate the ,u ld $g after proper $dem$ ty. @he part e# #hall agree upo$ the term# of the lea#e a$d $ ca#e of d #agreeme$t* the court f - the term# thereof.
;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& vs. ;a0 ,ait& (1999) Necau#e of co$fu# o$ a# to the ,ou$dar e# of the 4a7 ad8o $ $g lot# that they ,ought from the #ame #u,d ! # o$
the 200
P.H. 1o. 1529. @he fact that the r par a$ la$d # reg #tered
doe# $ot automat cally ma9e the accret o$ thereto a reg #tered la$d. (;ran%e v. CA, 117 7$1 (196$)C -a,.al"n, v.
CA, 194 SCRA 60( (1991).
compa$y* = co$#tructed a hou#e o$ the ad8o $ $g lot of B $ the ho$e#t ,el ef that t # the la$d that he ,ought from the #u,d ! # o$ compa$y. 2hat are the re#pect !e r ght# of = a$d B w th re#pect to =G# hou#e% 43E7 4,7 .uppo#e = wa# $ good fa th ,ut B 9$ew that = wa# co$#truct $g o$ h # 4BG#7 la$d ,ut # mply 9ept ?u et a,out t* th $9 $g perhap# that he could get =G# hou#e later. 2hat are
the re#pect !e r ght# of the part e# o!er =G# hou#e $ th # ca#e% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
& ow$# a parcel of re# de$t al la$d worth P500*000.00 u$9$ow$ to &* a re# de$t al hou#e co#t $g P 100*000.00 # ,u lt o$ the e$t re parcel ,y N who cla m# ow$er#h p of the la$d. &$#wer all the follow $g ?ue#t o$# ,a#ed o$ the prem #e that N # a ,u lder $ good fa th a$d & # a
la$dow$er $ good fa th.
a7 ,7
0ay & ac?u re the hou#e ,u lt ,y N% +f #o* how% +f the la$d $crea#ed $ !alue to P500*000.00 ,y rea#o$
of the ,u ld $g of the hou#e thereo$* what amou$t
d7 +f N !olu$tar ly ,uy# the la$d a# de# red ,y &* u$der what c rcum#ta$ce# may & $e!erthele## ,e e$t tled to ha!e the hou#e remo!ed%
co$# dera,ly more tha$ the !alue of the hou#e. +f t #* the$ = ca$$ot ,e o,l ged to ,uy the la$d ,ut he #hall pay rea#o$a,le re$t* a$d $ ca#e of d #agreeme$t* the court #hall f - the term# of the lea#e.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the lea#e%
#ow$ or pla$ted $ good fa th* #hall ha!e the r ght to appropr ate a# h # ow$ the wor9#* #ow $g or pla$t $g* after payme$t of the $dem$ ty pro! ded for $ &rt cle# 546 a$d
546 of the C ! l Code.
4,7 . $ce the lot ow$er B # deemed to ,e $ ,ad fa th 4&rt 4537* = a# the party $ good fa th may 4a7 remo!e the hou#e a$d dema$d $dem$ f cat o$ for damage# #uffered ,y h m* or 4,7 dema$d payme$t of the !alue of the hou#e plu# reparat o$ for damage# 4&rt 447* $ relat o$ to &rt 4547. B co$t $ue# a# ow$er of the lot a$d ,ecome#* u$der the #eco$d opt o$* ow$er of the hou#e a# well* after he pay# the
#um# dema$ded. ;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& vs. ;a0 ,ait& ('###) +$ good fa th* Pedro co$#tructed a f !e>door commerc al
4,7 & #hould pay N the #um of P50*000. &rt cle 548 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that u#eful e-pe$#e# #hall ,e refu$ded
to the po##e##or $ good fa th w th the r ght of rete$t o$*
the per#o$ who ha# defeated h m $ the po##e## o$ ha! $g the opt o$ of refu$d $g the amou$t of the e-pe$#e# or of
appropr ate the ,u ld $g ,y pay $g Pedro the co#t thereof. Howe!er* Pedro $# #t# that he #hould ,e pa d the curre$t
pay $g the $crea#e $ !alue wh ch the th $g may ha!e ac?u red ,y rea#o$ thereof. @he $crea#e $ !alue amou$t#
to P50*000.00.
mar9et !alue of the ,u ld $g* wh ch wa# much h gher ,ecau#e of $flat o$.
17 2ho # correct Pedro or Pa,lo%41E7 27 +$ the mea$t me that Pedro # $ot yet pa d* who # e$t tled to the re$tal# of the ,u ld $g* Pedro or Pa,lo% 41E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4c7 Be#* & may re?u re N to ,uy the la$d. &rt cle 448 of the
C ! l Code pro! de# that the ow$er of the la$d o$ wh ch
a$yth $g ha# ,ee$ ,u lt $ good fa th #hall ha!e the r ght to o,l ge the o$e who ,u lt to pay the pr ce of the la$d f t# !alue # $ot co$# dera,ly more tha$ that of the ,u ld $g* 4d7 +f N agree# to ,uy la$d ,ut fa l# to pay* & ca$ ha!e the
4e7 &rt cle 448 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that the ,u lder ca$$ot ,e o,l ged to ,uy the la$d f t# !alue # co$# dera,ly
more tha$ that of the ,u ld $g. +$ #uch ca#e* he #hall pay
Pa,lo # correct. L$der &rt cle 448 of the 1ew C ! l Code $ relat o$ to &rt cle 546* the ,u lder $ good fa th # e$t tled to a refu$d of the $ece##ary a$d u#eful e-pe$#e# $curred ,y h m* or the $crea#e $ !alue wh ch the la$d may ha!e ac?u red ,y rea#o$ of the mpro!eme$t* at the opt o$ of the la$dow$er. @he ,u lder # e$t tled to a refu$d of the
e-pe$#e# he $curred* a$d $ot to the mar9et !alue of the
Page 57 of 119
@he ca#e of e+son v. CA, $44 SCRA 40(* # $ot appl ca,le to the pro,lem. +$ the Pec#o$ ca#e* the ,u lder wa# the ow$er of the la$d who later lo#t the property at a pu,l c #ale due to
$o$>payme$t of ta-e#. @he Court ruled that &rt cle 448
#?uare meter#. <o#e cla m# that 0 9e # a ,u lder $ ,ad fa th ,ecau#e he #hould 9$ow the ,ou$dar e# of h # lot* a$d
dema$d# that the port o$ of the hou#e wh ch e$croached o$ h # la$d #hould ,e de#troyed or remo!ed. 0 9e repl e#
doe# $ot apply to the ca#e where the ow$er of the la$d # the ,u lder ,ut who later lo#t the la$d3 $ot ,e $g appl ca,le* the $dem$ ty that #hould ,e pa d to the ,uyer mu#t ,e the
fa r mar9et !alue of the ,u ld $g a$d $ot 8u#t the co#t of
that he # a ,u lder $ good fa th a$d offer# to ,uy the la$d occup ed ,y the ,u ld $g $#tead.
17 +# 0 9e a ,u lder $ good fa th or ,ad fa th% 2hy% 43E7
27 2ho#e prefere$ce #hould ,e followed% 2hy% 42E7 17 Be#* 0 9e # a ,u lder $ good fa th. @here # $o #how $g that whe$ he ,u lt h # hou#e* he 9$ew that a port o$ thereof e$croached o$ <o#eG# lot. L$le## o$e # !er#ed $ the #c e$ce of #ur!ey $g* he ca$$ot determ $e the prec #e ,ou$dar e# or locat o$ of h # property ,y merely e-am $ $g h # t tle. +$ the a,#e$ce of co$trary proof* the law pre#ume# that the e$croachme$t wa# do$e $ good fa th ;Te+!no,as !"ls, v.
CA, $68 SCRA 7, 17 (199()].
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Pedro # correct. +$ Pec#o$ !#. C&* t wa# held that &rt cle 546 of the 1ew C ! l Code doe# $ot #pec f cally #tate how the !alue of u#eful mpro!eme$t# #hould ,e determ $ed $ f - $g the amou$t of $dem$ ty that the ow$er of the la$d #hould pay to the ,u lder $ good fa th. . $ce the o,8ect !e
of the law # to ad8u#t the r ght# of the part e# $ #uch $ #uch a way a# $e ther o$e $or the other may e$r ch
ma$$er a# 'to adm $ #ter complete 8u#t ce to ,oth of them h m#elf of that wh ch doe# $ot ,elo$g to h m'* the Court
ruled that the ,a# # of re m,ur#eme$t #hould ,e the fa r mar9et !alue of the ,u ld $g.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
2M 1o$e of the prefere$ce# #hall ,e followed. @he prefere$ce of 0 9e ca$$ot pre!a l ,ecau#e u$der &rt cle 448
ow$er of the la$d* Pa,lo # al#o the ow$er of the ,u ld $g ,e $g a$ acce## o$ thereto. Howe!er* Pedro who # e$t tled
to reta $ the ,u ld $g # al#o e$t tled to reta $ the re$tal#.
opt o$ ,elo$g# to <o#e* he ca$$ot dema$d that the port o$ of the hou#e e$croach $g o$ h # la$d ,e de#troyed or remo!ed ,ecau#e th # # $ot o$e of the opt o$# g !e$ ,y law to the ow$er of the la$d. @he ow$er may choo#e ,etwee$
the appropr at o$ of what wa# ,u lt after payme$t of $dem$ ty* or to compel the ,u lder to pay for the la$d f
He* howe!er* #hall apply the re$tal# to the $dem$ ty paya,le to h m after deduct $g rea#o$a,le co#t of repa r a$d
ma $te$a$ce.
the !alue of the la$d # $ot co$# dera,ly more tha$ that of
the ,u ld $g. /therw #e* the ,u lder #hall pay re$t for the
Pa,lo # e$t tled to the re$tal#. Pedro ,ecame a po##e##or $ ,ad fa th from the t me he lear$ed that the la$d ,elo$g# to Pa,lo. &# #uch* he lo#e# h # r ght to the ,u ld $g* $clud $g
the fru t# thereof* e-cept the r ght of rete$t o$. ;%il0er; Boo0 ,ait& vs. ;a0 ,ait&; 2ccession ('###)
0 9e ca$$ot ,e co$# dered a ,u lder $ good fa th ,ecau#e he ,u lt h # hou#e w thout f r#t determ $ $g the cor$er# a$d ,ou$dar e# of h # lot to ma9e #ure that h # co$#truct o$ wa# w th $ the per meter of h # property. He
a7 Hemetr o 9$ew that a p ece of la$d ,order $g the ,each ,elo$ged to 5r$e#to. Howe!er* # $ce the latter wa# #tudy $g $ 5urope a$d $o o$e wa# ta9 $g care of the la$d* Hemetr o occup ed the #ame a$d co$#tructed thereo$ $ pa #hed# w th ta,le# a$d ,e$che# wh ch he re$ted out to people who wa$t to ha!e a p c$ c ,y the ,each. 2he$ 5r$e#to retur$ed* he dema$ded the retur$ of the la$d. Hemetr o agreed to do #o after he ha# remo!ed the $ pa #hed#. 5r$e#to refu#ed to let Hemetr o remo!e the $ pa #hed# o$ the grou$d that the#e
5r$e#to # correct* Hemetr o # a ,u lder $ ,ad fa th ,ecau#e he 9$ew ,eforeha$d that the la$d ,elo$ged to 5r$e#to* u$der &rt cle 449 of the 1ew C ! l Code* o$e who
,u ld# o$ the la$d of a$other lo#e# what # ,u lt w thout
po##e## o$ ,elo$g# to the de,tor. & chattel mortgage # a formal co$tract wh le a pledge # a real co$tract. & co$tract of chattel mortgage mu#t ,e recorded $ a pu,l c $#trume$t to , $d th rd per#o$# wh le a co$tract of pledge mu#t ,e $ a pu,l c $#trume$t co$ta $ $g de#cr pt o$ of the th $g pledged a$d the date thereof to , $d th rd per#o$#.
Page 58 of 119
from &$drea. He chattel mortgaged the la$d to Fel c a. 2he$ he could $ot pay Fel c a. Fel c a $ t ated foreclo#ure proceed $g#. 6 $ cla med that the ,u ld $g he had co$#tructed o$ the lea#ed la$d ca$$ot ,e !al dly foreclo#ed
,ecau#e the ,u ld $g wa#* ,y law* a$ mmo!a,le. +# 6 $ correct%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE"(:
h m =O# hou#e or pay =O# loa$ to h m plu# $tere#t#. +# IO# dema$d aga $#t the ,a$9 !al d a$d #u#ta $a,le% 2hy% 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
l ght mater al#* the chattel mortgage may ,e co$# dered a# !al d a# ,etwee$ the part e# a$d t may ,e co$# dered $
re#pect to them a# mo!a,le property* # $ce t ca$ ,e remo!ed from o$e place to a$other. Nut f the ,u ld $g # of
#tro$g mater al a$d # $ot capa,le of ,e $g remo!ed or
the chattel mortgage doe# $ot e- #t. 0oreo!er* the chattel mortgage # !o d ,ecau#e t wa# $ot reg #tered. &##um $g
that t # !al d* t doe# $ot , $d the Na$9 ,ecau#e t wa# $ot a$$otated o$ the t tle of the la$d mortgaged to the ,a$9. I ca$$ot dema$d that the Na$9 pay h m the loa$ I e-te$ded
to =* ,ecau#e the Na$9 wa# $ot pr !y to #uch loa$
c7 +f t wa# the la$d wh ch 6 $ chattel mortgaged* #uch mortgage would ,e !o d* or at lea#t u$e$forcea,le* # $ce he
wa# $ot the ow$er of the la$d.
tra$#act o$. 1o* IO# dema$d aga $#t the ,a$9 # $ot !al d. H # dema$d that the ,a$9 reco$!ey to h m =O# hou#e pre#uppo#e# that he ha# a real r ght o!er the hou#e. &ll that I ha# # a per#o$al r ght aga $#t = for damage# for ,reach of the
co$tract of loa$. @he treatme$t of a hou#e* e!e$ f ,u lt o$ re$ted la$d* a#
A'!$.E" (+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+f what wa# mortgaged a# a chattel # the ,u ld $g* the chattel mortgage # !al d a# ,etwee$ the part e# o$ly* o$
grou$d# of e#toppel wh ch would preclude the mortgagor from a##a l $g the co$tract o$ the grou$d that t# #u,8ect> matter # a$ mmo!a,le. @herefore 6 $ G# defe$#e #
u$te$a,le* a$d Fel c a ca$ foreclo#e the mortgage o!er the ,u ld $g* o,#er! $g* howe!er* the procedure pre#cr ,ed for
the e-ecut o$ of #ale of a 8udgme$t de,torG# mmo!a,le
mo!a,le property # !o d $#ofar a# th rd per#o$#* #uch a# the ,a$9* are co$cer$ed. /$ the other ha$d* the Na$9
already had a real r ght o!er the hou#e a$d lot whe$ the mortgage wa# a$$otated at the ,ac9 of the @orre$# t tle.
u$der Jule 39* Jule# of Court* #pec f cally* that the $ot ce of auct o$ #ale #hould ,e pu,l #hed $ a $ew#paper of
ge$eral c rculat o$.
@he ,a$9 later ,ecame the ow$er $ the foreclo#ure #ale. I ca$$ot a#9 the ,a$9 to pay for =O# loa$ plu# $tere#t. @here
# $o pr ! ty of co$tract ,etwee$ I a$d the ,a$9.
$$oce$t mortgagee $ good fa th or a mortgagee $ ,ad fa th. +$ the former ca#e* IO# dema$d # $ot !al d. +$ the latter ca#e* IO# dema$d aga $#t the ,a$9 # !al d a$d
Nut o$ the a##umpt o$ that what wa# mortgaged ,y way of chattel mortgage wa# the ,u ld $g o$ lea#ed la$d* the$ the
#u#ta $a,le. L$der the @orre$# #y#tem of la$d reg #trat o$* e!ery per#o$
deal $g w th reg #tered la$d may rely o$ the correct$e## of the cert f cate of t tle a$d the law w ll $ot $ a$y way o,l ge to h m to loo9 ,eh $d or ,eyo$d the cert f cate $ order to
determ $e the co$d t o$ of the t tle. He # $ot ,ou$d ,y
= co$#tructed a hou#e o$ a lot wh ch he wa# lea# $g from B. "ater* = e-ecuted a chattel mortgage o!er #a d hou#e $
fa!or of I a# #ecur ty for a loa$ o,ta $ed from the latter.
a$yth $g $ot a$$otated or reflected $ the cert f cate. +f he proceed# to ,uy the la$d or accept t a# a collateral rely $g o$ the cert f cate* he # co$# dered a ,uyer or a mortgagee $ good fa th. /$ th # grou$d* the Na$9 ac?u re# a clea$ t tle to the la$d a$d the hou#e. Howe!er* a ,a$9 # $ot a$ ord $ary mortgagee. L$l 9e
pr !ate $d ! dual#* a ,a$9 # e-pected to e-erc #e greater
.t ll later* = ac?u red ow$er#h p of the la$d where h # hou#e wa# co$#tructed* after wh ch he mortgaged ,oth hou#e a$d la$d $ fa!or of a ,a$9* wh ch mortgage wa# a$$otated o$
the @orre$# Cert f cate of @ tle. 2he$ = fa led to pay h #
care a$d prude$ce $ t# deal $g#. @he a#certa $me$t of the co$d t o$ of a property offered a# collateral for a loa$ mu#t
,e a #ta$dard a$d $d #pe$#a,le part of t# operat o$. @he ,a$9 #hould ha!e co$ducted further $?u ry regard $g the
Page 59 of 119
#ta$d $g there ,efore = ac?u red the t tle to the la$d. @he ,a$9 ca$$ot ,e co$# dered a# a mortgagee $ good fa th. /$ th # grou$d* IO# dema$d aga $#t the Na$9 # !al d a$d
#u#ta $a,le. C&attel *ortgage; 4ossession (199()
wa# the$ !alued o$ly at P1 0 ll o$. "awre$ce wa# declared $#ol!e$t. &##um $g that the a rcraft wa# #old for Pl 0 ll o$* g !e the order of prefere$ce of the cred tor# of "awre$ce a$d d #tr ,ute the amou$t of P1 0 ll o$.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&* a,out to lea!e the cou$try o$ a fore g$ a## g$me$t* e$tru#ted to N h # ,ra$d $ew car a$d t# cert f cate of reg #trat o$. Fal# fy $g &G# # g$ature. N #old &G# car to C for P200*000.00. C the$ reg #tered the car $ h # $ame. @o complete the $eeded amou$t* C ,orrowed P100.000.00
from the #a! $g# a$d loa$ a##oc at o$ $ h # off ce*
,a$9 a# a chattel mortgagee ,ecau#e a chattel mortgage u$der &rt. 2241 447 1CC defeat# &rt. 2244 4127 a$d 414M. &rt. 2241 437 a$d 457 are $ot appl ca,le ,ecau#e the a rcraft # $o lo$ger $ the po##e## o$ of the cred tor. Easement vs. /s%fr%ct (1999) 1. 2hat # ea#eme$t% H #t $gu #h ea#eme$t from u#ufruct.
2. Ca$ there ,e 4a7 a$ ea#eme$t o!er a u#ufruct% 4,7 a u#ufruct o!er a$ ea#eme$t% 4c7 a$ ea#eme$t o!er a$other
ea#eme$t% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
wh ch the #a! $g# a$d loa$ a##oc at o$ wa# the lo$e , dder.
&ccord $gly* the car wa# #old to t. & few day# later* &
1. &$ 5&.5051@ or #er! tude # a$ e$cum,ra$ce mpo#ed upo$ a$ mmo!a,le for the ,e$ef t of a$other mmo!a,le ,elo$g $g to a d ffere$t ow$er. 4&rt. 613* 1CC7
Ca$ & reco!er h # car from the #a! $g# a$d loa$
u$le## the t tle co$#t tut $g t or the law otherw #e pro! de#.
4&rt. 562* 1CC7.
L$der the pre!a l $g rul $g# of the .upreme Court* & ca$ reco!er the car from the .a! $g# a$d "oa$ &##oc at o$ pro! ded he pay# the pr ce at wh ch the &##oc at o$ ,ought
the car at a pu,l c auct o$. L$der that doctr $e* there ha# ,ee$ a$ u$lawful depr !at o$ ,y N of & of h # car a$d* therefore* & ca$ reco!er t from a$y per#o$ $ po##e## o$
per#o$# $ wh ch ca#e t # 9$ow$ a# a per#o$al ea#eme$t. @he d #t $ct o$# ,etwee$ u#ufruct a$d ea#eme$t are( purpo#e#* $clud $g 8u# frue$d . 5a#eme$t # l m ted to a #pec f c u#e. ,7 L#ufruct may ,e co$#t tuted o$ mmo!a,le or mo!a,le property. 5a#eme$t may ,e co$#t tuted o$ly o$ a$
mmo!a,le property. a7 L#ufruct $clude# all u#e# of the property a$d for all
Be#* & ca$ reco!er h # car from the .a! $g# a$d "oa$ &##oc at o$. +$ a Chattel 0ortgage* the mortgagor mu#t ,e
the a,#olute ow$er of the th $g mortgaged. Furthermore* the per#o$ co$#t tut $g the mortgage mu#t ha!e the free
the#e e##e$t al re?u # te# d d $ot apply to the mortgagor N* he$ce the Chattel 0ortgage wa# $ot !al d.
5a#eme$t # $ot e-t $gu #hed ,y the death of the ow$er of the dom $a$t e#tate wh le u#ufruct # e-t $gu #hed ,y the death of the u#ufructuary u$le## a
co$trary $te$t o$ appear#.
d7 to
&$ ea#eme$t co$template# two 427 e#tate# ,elo$g $g two 427 d ffere$t ow$er#3 a u#ufruct co$template# o$ly o$e property 4real or per#o$al7 where,y the u#ufructuary u#e# a$d e$8oy# the property a# well a# t#
fru t#* wh le a$other ow$# the $a9ed t tle dur $g the
"awre$ce* a ret red a r force capta $* dec ded to go $to the a r tra$#port ,u# $e##. He purcha#ed a$ a rcraft $ ca#h e-cept for a$ out#ta$d $g ,ala$ce of P500*000.00. He $curred a$ $de,ted$e## of P300*000.00 for repa r# w th a$ a rcraft repa r compa$y. He al#o ,orrowed P1 0 ll o$ from a ,a$9 for add t o$al cap tal a$d co$#t tuted a chattel
mortgage o$ the a rcraft to #ecure the loa$. 2h le o$ a te#t fl ght the a rcraft cra#hed cau# $g phy# cal
Page 60 of 119
there # a degree of regular ty to $d cate co$t $u ty of po##e## o$ a$d that f coupled w th a$ appare$t # g$* #uch ea#eme$t of way may ,e ac?u red ,y pre#cr pt o$.
Be#* 5r$ e could clo#e the pathway o$ h # la$d. Ho$ ha# $ot ac?u red a$ ea#eme$t of r ght of way e ther ,y
#er! tude ca$$ot ,e the o,8ect of a u#ufruct ,ecau#e t ha# $o e- #te$ce $depe$de$t of the property to wh ch +t
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE"(:
agreeme$t or ,y 8ud c al gra$t. 1e ther d d the ,uyer#. @hu#* e#ta,l #hme$t of a road or u$lawful u#e of the la$d of 5r$ e
would co$#t tute a$ $!a# o$ of po##e##ory r ght# of the
per#o$ from the e$8oyme$t a$d d #po#al of the la$d. @h # # a$ attr ,ute of ow$er#h p that 5r$ e e$8oy#. Be#* 5r$ e may clo#e the pathway* #u,8ect howe!er* to the
r ght# of the lot ,uyer#. . $ce there # $o acce## to the
d ffere$t per#o$# a$d the r ght attache# to the te$eme$t a$d $ot to the ow$er. 2h le a u#ufruct g !e# the u#ufructuary a r ght to u#e* r ght to e$8oy* r ght to the fru t#* a$d r ght to po##e##* a$ ea#eme$t g !e# o$ly a l m ted u#e of the #er! e$t
Howe!er* a u#ufruct ca$ ,e co$#t tuted o!er a property that ha# $ t# fa!or a$ ea#eme$t or o$e ,urde$ed w th #er! tude. @he u#ufructuary w ll e-erc #e the ea#eme$t
dur $g the per od of u#ufruct.
them a r ght of way. +$ tur$* they ha!e the o,l gat o$ to pay the !alue of the port o$ u#ed a# a r ght of way* plu# damage#.
)!at are t!e r",!ts o* t!e lot /.yers, "* any1 +) 23'la"n. 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4c7 @here ca$ ,e $o ea#eme$t o!er a$other ea#eme$t for the #ame rea#o$ a# $ 4a7. &$ ea#eme$t* although t # a real r ght
o!er a$ mmo!a,le* # $ot a corporeal r ght. @here # a
Pr or to the gra$t of a$ ea#eme$t* the ,uyer# of the dom $a$t e#tate ha!e $o other r ght tha$ to compel gra$t of
ea#eme$t of r ght of way.
. $ce the propert e# of the ,uyer# are #urrou$ded ,y other mmo!a,le# a$d ha# $o ade?uate outlet to a pu,l c h ghway a$d the #olat o$ # $ot due to the r act#* ,uyer# may
dema$d a$ ea#eme$t of a r ght of way pro! ded proper $dem$ ty # pa d a$d the r ght of way dema$ded # the #horte#t a$d lea#t pre8ud c al to 5r$ e. (#"llan.eva v.
#elas+o, ;.R. 0o. 130847, 0ove&/er $(, $000).
5r$ e w th the latterG# ac?u e#ce$ce for o!er 20 year#. .u,#e?ue$tly* Ho$ #u,d ! ded h # property $to 20
re# de$t al lot# a$d #old them to d ffere$t per#o$#. 5r$ e
,loc9ed the pathway a$d refu#ed to let the ,uyer# pa## through h # la$d. a) F"% Fon a+N."re an ease&ent o* r",!t o* 9ay1
23'la"n. ($4)
1o* Ho$ d d $ot ac?u re a$ ea#eme$t of r ght of way. &$ ea#eme$t of r ght of way # d #co$t $uou# $ $ature W t # e-erc #ed o$ly f a ma$ pa##e# o!er #ome,odyG# la$d. L$der &rt cle 622 of the C ! l Code* d #co$t $uou# ea#eme$t#* whether appare$t or $ot* may o$ly ,e ac?u red ,y ! rtue of a t tle. @he .upreme Court* $ A/ellana, Sr. v. Co.rt o*
A''eals (;.R. 0o. 9(039, A'r"l $4, 199$), ruled that a$
$crea#ed the ac d ty of the #o l $ the pla$tat o$* cau# $g the tree# to w ther a$d d e. "auro #ue# for damage# cau#ed to h # pla$tat o$. Her$a$do $!o9e# h # r ght to the ,e$ef t of a $atural ea#eme$t $ fa!or of h # h gher e#tate* wh ch
mpo#e# upo$ the lower e#tate of "auro the o,l gat o$ to rece !e the water# de#ce$d $g from the h gher e#tate. +#
$ot ac?u ra,le ,y pre#cr pt o$. Further* po##e## o$ of the ea#eme$t ,y Ho$ # o$ly
perm ## !e* tolerated or w th the ac?u e#ce$ce of 5r$ e. +t # #ettled $ the ca#e of C.ay+on, v. Gene%"+to (;.R. 0o. 9989,
Mar+! 13, 1918) that a perm ## !e u#e of a road o!er the la$d
w th the $atural ea#eme$t to accept or rece !e the water wh ch $aturally a$d w thout $terrupt o$ of ma$ de#ce$d#
of a$other* $o matter how lo$g co$t $ued* w ll $ot create a$ ea#eme$t of way ,y pre#cr pt o$.
Be#* Ho$ ac?u red a$ ea#eme$t of r ght of way. &$ ea#eme$t that # co$t $uou# a$d appare$t ca$ ,e ac?u red
,y pre#cr pt o$ a$d t tle. &ccord $g to Profe##or @ole$t $o* a$ ea#eme$t of r ght of way may ha!e a co$t $uou# $ature f
from a h gher e#tate to a lower e#tate. Howe!er* Her$a$do ha# co$#tructed a wa#te d #po#al lagoo$ for h # p ggery a$d t # th # wa#te water that flow# dow$ward to "auroO# la$d. Her$a$do ha#* thu#* $terrupted the flow of water a$d ha# created a$d # ma $ta $ $g a $u #a$ce. L$der &ct. 697 1CC* a,ateme$t of a $u #a$ce doe# $ot preclude reco!ery of damage# ,y "auro e!e$ for the pa#t e- #te$ce of a $u #a$ce.
Page 61 of 119
@he cla m for damage# may al#o ,e prem #ed $ &rt. 2191 447 1CC.
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
to t me. &# @oma#G ,u# $e## grow#* the $eed for u#e of
@he fact# #how that the $eed for a w der r ght of way aro#e from the $crea#ed product o$ ow $g to the ac?u # t o$ ,y
@oma# of a$ add t o$al area. L$der &rt. 626 of the C!l Code* the ea#eme$t ca$ ,e u#ed o$ly for the mmo!a,le
wor9# wh ch w ll $crea#e the ,urde$ o$ the #er! e$t e#tate. (Re&&an 2nter'r"ses, In+. v. CA, 330 SCRA 147 [$000]). @he ow$er of the h gher e#tate may ,e compelled to pay
damage# to the ow$er of the lower e#tate.
or g $ally co$templated. He$ce* the $crea#e $ w dth # 8u#t f ed a$d #hould ha!e ,ee$ gra$ted. Easements; 1ig&t of 8a" ('###) @he coco$ut farm of Feder co # #urrou$ded ,y the la$d# of Jomulo. Feder co #ee9# a r ght of way through a port o$ of
the la$d of Jomulo to ,r $g h # coco$ut product# to the
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a$y act of ma$* wh le H+.C/1@+1L/L. 5&.5051@. are tho#e wh ch are u#ed at $ter!al# a$d depe$d upo$ the
act# of ma$. 4&rt. 615* C ! l Code7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the d #ta$ce from the dom $a$t e#tate to a pu,l c h ghway # the #horte#t. !n case of conflict4 t/e criterion of least pre=u2ice pre6ails
o6er t/e criterion of s/ortest 2istance. . $ce the route cho#e$ ,y
Feder co w ll pre8ud ce the hou# $g pro8ect of Jomulo* Jomulo ha# the r ght to dema$d that Feder co pa## a$other way e!e$ though t w ll ,e lo$ger. Easements; 1ig&t of 8a"; )nseparabilit" ('##1)
5mma ,ought a parcel of la$d from 5?u ta,le>PC+ Na$9* wh ch ac?u red the #ame from Fel #a* the or g $al ow$er.
upo$ the ow$er of the #er! e$t e#tate the o,l gat o$ of allow $g #ometh $g to ,e do$e or of do $g t h m#elf* wh le
15)&@+65 5&.5051@. are tho#e wh ch proh , t the ow$er of the #er! e$t e#tate from do $g #ometh $g wh ch
where he ha# a pla$t $ur#ery* # located 8u#t ,eh $d &$ ceta 0ag# $oG# two hectare parcel la$d. @o e$a,le @oma# to ha!e acce## to the h ghway* &$ ceta agreed to gra$t h m a
road r ght of way a meter w de through wh ch he could pa##. @hrough the year# @oma#G ,u# $e## flour #hed wh ch
u$der the @orre$# #y#tem. 5mma the$ f led a compla $t for ca$cellat o$ of the r ght of way* o$ the grou$d that t had ,ee$ e-t $gu #hed ,y #uch fa lure to a$$otate. How would you dec de the co$tro!er#y% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
mu#t fa l. @he fa lure to a$$otate the ea#eme$t upo$ the t tle of the #er! e$t e#tate # $ot amo$g the grou$d# for
e$a,led h m to ,uy a$other port o$ wh ch e$larged the area of h # pla$t $ur#ery. Nut he wa# #t ll la$dloc9ed. He could $ot ,r $g $ a$d out of h # pla$t $ur#ery a 8eep or del !ery
pa$el much le## a truc9 that he $eeded to tra$#port h #
e-t $gu #h $g a$ ea#eme$t u$der &rt. 631 of the C ! l Code. L$der &rt cle 617* ea#eme$t# are $#epara,le from the
e#tate to wh ch they act !ely or pa## !ely ,elo$g. /$ce t attache#* t ca$ o$ly ,e e-t $gu #hed u$der &rt. 631* a$d they e- #t e!e$ f they are $ot #tated or a$$otated a# a$
#eedl $g#. He $ow a#9ed &$ ceta to gra$t h m a w der port o$ of her property* the pr ce of wh ch he wa# w ll $g to pay* to e$a,le h m to co$#truct a road to ha!e acce## to h # pla$t $ur#ery. &$ ceta refu#ed cla m $g that #he had already
allowed h m a pre! ou# road r ght of way. +# @oma# e$t tled to the ea#eme$t he $ow dema$d# from &$ ceta%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&rt. 651 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that the w dth of the
ea#eme$t mu#t ,e #uff c e$t to meet the $eed# of the dom $a$t e#tate* a$d may accord $gly cha$ge from t me to t me. +t # the $eed of the dom $a$t e#tate wh ch determ $e# the w dth of the pa##age. @he#e $eed# may !ary from t me
adm t# of e-cept o$#. L$der &ct 496* a# ame$ded ,y &ct 1o. 2011* a$d .ect o$ 4*
&ct 3621* a$ ea#eme$t f $ot reg #tered #hall rema $ a$d #hall ,e held to pa## w th the la$d u$t l cutoff or
Page 62 of 119
e-t $gu #hed ,y the reg #trat o$ of the #er! e$t e#tate.
Howe!er* th # pro! # o$ ha# ,ee$ #uppre##ed $ .ect o$ 44* PH 1o. 1529. +$ other word#* the reg #trat o$ of the #er! e$t e#tate d d $ot operate to cut>off or e-t $gu #h the r ght of way. @herefore* the compla $t for the ca$cellat o$
of the r ght of way #hould ,e d #m ##ed. Easements; 1ig&t of 8a"; 1e$%isites (199-)
1o* Ha! d # $ot e$t tled to the r ght of way ,e $g cla med. @he #olat o$ of h # #u,d ! # o$ wa# due to h # ow$ act or om ## o$ ,ecau#e he d d $ot de!elop $to a$ acce## road the r ce f eld wh ch he wa# #uppo#ed to purcha#e accord $g to
h # ow$ repre#e$tat o$ whe$ he appl ed for a l ce$#e to
l ce$#e to e#ta,l #h the #u,d ! # o$* Ha! d repre#e$ted that he w ll purcha#e a r ce f eld located ,etwee$ h # la$d a$d the h ghway* a$d de!elop t $to a$ acce## road. Nut. whe$ the
l ce$#e wa# already gra$ted* he d d $ot ,other to ,uy the r ce f eld* wh ch rema $# u$ut l :ed u$t l the pre#e$t.
+$#tead* he cho#e to co$$ect h # #u,d ! # o$ w th the $e gh,or $g #u,d ! # o$ of 1e#tor* wh ch ha# a$ acce## to
the h ghway. 1e#tor allowed h m to do th #* pe$d $g $egot at o$# o$ the compe$#at o$ to ,e pa d. 2he$ they
latter a#9 for the ca$cellat o$ of Ho$G# t tle co$# der $g that he 4Ce#ar7 # the r ghtful ow$er of the lot% 5-pla $. 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
fa led to arr !e at a$ agreeme$t* 1e#tor ,u lt a wall acro## the road co$$ect $g w th Ha! dG# #u,d ! # o$. Ha! d f led a compla $t $ court* for the e#ta,l #hme$t of a$ ea#eme$t of
r ght of way through the #u,d ! # o$ of 1e#tor wh ch he cla m# to ,e the mo#t ade?uate a$d pract cal outlet to the h ghway.
Ce#ar ca$$ot a#9 for the ca$cellat o$ of Ho$G# t tle e!e$ f he # the r ghtful ow$er of the lot. +$ a$ act o$ for
e8ectme$t* the o$ly ##ue $!ol!ed # o$e of po##e## o$ de
facto* the purpo#e of wh ch # merely to protect the ow$er from a$y phy# cal e$croachme$t from w thout. @he t tle of the la$d or t# ow$er#h p # $ot $!ol!ed* for f a per#o$ # $ actual po##e## o$ thereof* he # e$t tled to ,e ma $ta $ed a$d re#pected $ t e!e$ aga $#t the ow$er h m#elf. (;ar+"a
v. Anas, ;.R. 0o. 56$061(, May 31, 1967)
ca#e* the latter ca$$ot a#9 for the ca$cellat o$ of Ho$G# t tle.
He ha# to f le the proper act o$ where the of ##ue
#urrou$ded ,y other mmo!a,le# perta $ $g to other per#o$# a$d w thout ade?uate outlet to a pu,l c h ghway* # e$t tled to dema$d a r ght of way through the $e gh,or $g
e#tate#* after payme$t of the property $dem$ ty.
ow$er#h p o!er the property ca$ ,e ra #ed. E5ectment %it; Commo0at%m ('##-)
&l,erto a$d <a$ $e m grated to the L$ ted .tate# of &mer ca* lea! $g ,eh $d the r 4 ch ldre$* o$e of whom #
.hould th # ea#eme$t ,e e#ta,l #hed $ #uch a ma$$er that t# u#e may ,e co$t $uou# for all the $eed# of the dom $a$t e#tate* e#ta,l #h $g a perma$e$t pa##age* the $dem$ ty #hall co$# #t of the !alue of the la$d occup ed a$d the amou$t of
the damage cau#ed to the #er! e$t e#tate.
0a$$y. @hey ow$ a duple- apartme$t a$d allowed 0a$$y to l !e $ o$e of the u$ t#. 2h le $ the L$ ted .tate#*
&l,erto d ed. H # w dow a$d all h # ch ldre$ e-ecuted a$ 5-tra8ud c al .ettleme$t of &l,ertoG# e#tate where $ the 2> door apartme$t wa# a## g$ed ,y all the ch ldre$ to the r
mother* <a$ $e. .u,#e?ue$tly* #he #old the property to )eorge. @he latter re?u red 0a$$y to # g$ a prepared "ea#e Co$tract #o that he a$d h # fam ly could co$t $ue occupy $g the u$ t. 0a$$y refu#ed to # g$ the co$tract alleg $g that h#
pare$t# allowed h m a$d h # fam ly to co$t $ue occupy $g the prem #e#.
I* yo. 9ere ;eor,eDs +o.nsel, 9!at le,al ste's 9"ll yo. taEe1 23'la"n. (74)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
po $t lea#t pre8ud c al to the #er! e$t e#tate* a$d $#ofar a# co$# #te$t w th th # rule* where the d #ta$ce from the
dom $a$t e#tate to a pu,l c h ghway may ,e the #horte#t 4Art. 670, 0CCB #%a. %e Galta@ar v. CA. $47 SCRA 333M
+f + were )eorgeG# cou$#el* + would f r#t dema$d that 0a$$y !acate the apartme$t. +f 0a$$y refu#e#* + w ll f le a$ e8ectme$t #u t. 2he$ 0a$$y wa# allowed ,y h # pare$t# to occupy the prem #e#* w thout compe$#at o$* the co$tract of
commodatum wa# created. Lpo$ the death of the father*
@he re?u # te# for a compul#ory ea#eme$t of r ght of way are( 4a7 the dom $a$t e#tate # #urrou$ded ,y other mmo!a,le# a$d # w thout a$ ade?uate outlet to a pu,l c
Page 63 of 119
&fter the death of B* = marr ed I a$d they ,egot a# ch ldre$* H* 5 a$d F. &fter the death of =* the ch ldre$ of the f r#t a$d #eco$d marr age# e-ecuted a$ e-tra8ud c al part t o$ of the afore#tated property o$ 0ay 1* 1970. H* 5 a$d F were g !e$ a o$e thou#a$d #?uare meter port o$ of the property. @hey were m $or# at the t me of the e-ecut o$ of the docume$t. H wa# 17 year# old* 5 wa# 14 a$d F wa# 123 a$d they were made to ,el e!e ,y &* N a$d C that u$le## they # g$ the docume$t they w ll $ot get a$y #hare. I wa#
$ot pre#e$t the$. +$ <a$uary 1974* H* 5 a$d F f led a$ act o$ $ court to $ull fy the #u t alleg $g they d #co!ered the fraud o$ly $ 1973.
#hare allotted ,y law to the f $der # $ce the phra#e ',y cha$ce' mea$# ',y acc de$t'* mea$ $g a$ u$e-pected d #co!ery. @he l ,eral ! ew* howe!er* would #u#ta $ @ mG# r ght to the allocated #hare $terpret $g the phra#e $
?ue#t o$ a# mea$ $g ',y a #tro9e of good fortu$e'* wh ch doe# $ot rule out del ,erate or $te$t o$al #earch. +t # #u,m tted that the l ,eral ! ew #hould pre!a l # $ce $
pract cal real ty* h dde$ trea#ure # hardly e!er fou$d
w thout co$#c ou# effort to f $d t* a$d the #tr ct ! ew would te$d to re$der the codal pro! # o$ $ ?ue#t o$ llu#ory. Ai00en =reas%res (1997)
0arcel $o* a trea#ure hu$ter a# 8u#t a ho,,y* ha# fou$d a
4a7 Be#* m $or ty ca$ ,e a ,a# # to $ull fy the part t o$ ,ecau#e H* 5 a$d F were $ot properly repre#e$ted ,y the r pare$t# or guard a$# at the t me they co$tracted the e-tra>
8ud c al part t o$. 4&rt cle# 1327. 1391* C ! l Code7.
that the ow$er of the la$d* "eopoldo* # a perma$e$t re# de$t of Ca$ada* 1o,ody* howe!er* could g !e h m "eopoldoG# e-act addre##. Llt mately* a$yway* he e$ter# the la$d a$d co$duct# a #earch. He #ucceed#.
"eopoldo lear$ $g of 0arcel $oG# 'f $d'* #ee9# to reco!er
4,7 +$ the ca#e of fraud* whe$ through $# d ou# word# or mach $at o$# of o$e party the other # $duced to e$ter $to
the co$tract w thout wh ch he would $ot ha!e agreed to*
0arcel $o for the reco!ery of the property. 0arcel $o co$te#t# the act o$. How would you dec de the ca#e%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Ai00en =reas%re (1999) @ m came $to po##e## o$ of a$ old map #how $g where a
purported cache of gold ,ull o$ wa# h dde$. 2 thout a$y
+ would dec de $ fa!or of 0arcel $o # $ce he # co$# dered a f $der ,y cha$ce of the h dde$ trea#ure* he$ce* he # e$t tled to o$e>half 41S27 of the h dde$ trea#ure. 2h le 0arcel $o may ha!e had the $te$t o$ to loo9 for the
h dde$ trea#ure* #t ll he # a f $der ,y cha$ce # $ce t # e$ough that he tr ed to loo9 for t. Ny cha$ce $ the law
author ty from the go!er$me$t @ m co$ducted a rele$tle## #earch a$d f $ally fou$d the trea#ure ,ur ed $ a $ew r !er
,ed formerly part of a parcel of la$d ow$ed ,y #pou#e#
doe# $ot mea$ #heer luc9 #uch that the f $der #hould ha!e $o $te$t o$ at all to loo9 for the trea#ure. Ny cha$ce mea$# good luc9* mply $g that o$e who $te$t o$ally loo9# for the trea#ure # em,raced $ the pro! # o$. @he rea#o$ # that t #
e-tremely d ff cult to f $d h dde$ trea#ure w thout loo9 $g for t del ,erately. 0arcel $o # $ot a tre#pa##er # $ce there # $o proh , t o$
@he trea#ure wa# fou$d $ a property of pu,l c dom $ o$* the $ew r !er ,ed. . $ce @ m d d $ot ha!e author ty from
for h m to e$ter the prem #e#* he$ce* he # e$t tled to half of the trea#ure.
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE"(:
&rt. 438 of the 1CC $ order that the f $der ,e e$t tled to the 1S2 #hare* the trea#ure mu#t ,e fou$d ,y cha$ce* that #
1. 0arcel $o d d $ot f $d the trea#ure ,y cha$ce ,ecau#e he had a map* he 9$ew the locat o$ of the h dde$ trea#ure a$d he $te$t o$ally loo9ed for the trea#ure* he$ce* he # $ot
,y #heer luc9. +$ th # ca#e* # $ce @ m fou$d the trea#ure $ot ,y cha$ce ,ut ,ecau#e he rele$tle##ly #earched for t* he #
$ot e$t tled to a$y #hare $ the h dde$ trea#ure.
@he law gra$t# a o$e>half #hare to a f $der of h dde$ trea#ure pro! ded he # $ot a tre#pa##er a$d the f $d $g # ,y cha$ce. +t # #u,m tted that @ m # $ot a tre#pa##er de#p te h # $ot gett $g author ty from the go!er$me$t* ,ecau#e the $ew r !er ,ed where he fou$d the trea#ure # property for
pu,l c u#e 4&rt. 420 1CC7* to wh ch the pu,l c ha# leg t mate acce##. @he ?ue#t o$* therefore* ,o l# dow$ to
2. 0arcel $o appear# to ,e a tre#pa##er a$d although there may ,e a ?ue#t o$ of whether he fou$d t ,y cha$ce or $ot* a# he ha# fou$d the h dde$ trea#ure ,y mea$# of a trea#ure map* he w ll $ot ,e e$t tled to a f $derG# #hare. @he h dde$ trea#ure #hall ,elo$g to the ow$er.
3. @he ma $ rule # that h dde$ trea#ure ,elo$g# to the
whether or $ot the f $d $g wa# ,y cha$ce $ ! ew of the fact that @ m 'co$ducted a rele$tle## #earch' ,efore f $d $g the
trea#ure. @he #tr ct or l teral ! ew hold# that del ,erate or
ow$er of the la$d* ,u ld $g or other property o$ wh ch t # fou$d. +f t # fou$d ,y cha$ce ,y a th rd per#o$ a$d he # $ot a tre#pa##er* he # e$t tled to o$e>half 41S27. +f he # a tre#pa##er* he lo#e# e!eryth $g. *ortgage; 4act%m Commissori%m (1999)
Page 64 of 119
= ,orrowed mo$ey from B a$d ga!e a p ece of la$d a# #ecur ty ,y way of mortgage. +t wa# e-pre##ly
agreed ,etwee$ the part e# $ the mortgage co$tract
&re the r ght of redempt o$ a$d the e?u ty of redempt o$ g !e$ ,y law to a mortgagor the #ame% 5-pla $. 42E7 @he e?u ty of redempt o$ # d ffere$t from the r ght of redempt o$. 5PL+@B /F J5H50P@+/1 # the r ght of
the mortgagor after 8udgme$t $ a 8ud c al foreclo#ure to
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
that upo$ $o$payme$t of the de,t o$ t me ,y =* the mortgaged la$d would already ,elo$g to B. +f = defaulted $ pay $g* would B $ow ,ecome the ow$er
of the mortgaged la$d% 2hy% 43E7
redeem the property ,y pay $g to the court the amou$t of the r ght of the mortgagor to redeem the property #old at a$ e-tra>8ud c al foreclo#ure ,y pay $g to the ,uyer $ the
foreclo#ure #ale the amou$t pa d ,y the ,uyer w th $ o$e year from #uch #ale. the 8udgme$t de,t ,efore the #ale or co$f rmat o$ of the #ale. /$ the other ha$d* J+)H@ /F J5H50P@+/1 #
mortgage de,t o$ t me* the de,t #hall ,e pa d w th the la$d mortgaged ,y = to B. 2ould your a$#wer ,e the
#ame a# $ the preced $g ?ue#t o$% 5-pla $. 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#t pulat o$ # $ the $ature of pactum comm ##or um wh ch # proh , ted ,y law. @he property #hould ,e #old at pu,l c
auct o$ a$d the proceed# thereof appl ed to the $de,ted$e##. &$y e-ce## #hall ,e g !e$ to the mortgagor.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
.%isance; ,amil" Ao%se; .ot .%isance per se ('##-) & drug lord a$d h # fam ly re# de $ a #mall ,u$galow where they #ell #ha,u a$d other proh , ted drug#. 2he$ the pol ce
fou$d the llegal trade* they mmed ately demol #hed the
4d7 1o* the a$#wer would $ot ,e the #ame. @h # # a !al d #t pulat o$ a$d doe# $ot co$#t tute pactum comm ##or um.
+$ pactum comm ##or um* the ac?u # t o$ a$other act # automat c
5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1o* the demol t o$ ca$$ot ,e #u#ta $ed. @he hou#e # $ot a $u #a$ce per #e or at law a# t # $ot a$ act* occupat o$* or
#tructure wh ch # a $u #a$ce at all t me# a$d u$der a$y
co$!eya$ce of the property a# payme$t 4dac o$ e$ pago7. *ortgage; 4act%m Commissori%m ('##1)
c rcum#ta$ce#* regardle## of locat o$ or #urrou$d $g#. & $u #a$ce per #e # a $u #a$ce $ a$d of t#elf* w thout regard to c rcum#ta$ce# [Tolent"no, '. 697, +"t"n, )!eeler v. R"ver
8alls o9er Co., $17 Ala. 677, 111 So. 90(].
@o #ecure a loa$ o,ta $ed from a rural ,a$9* Pur ta a## g$ed her lea#ehold r ght# o!er a #tall $ the pu,l c mar9et $ fa!or of the ,a$9. @he deed of a## g$me$t pro! de# that $ ca#e of default $ the payme$t of the loa$* the ,a$9 #hall ha!e the r ght to #ell Pur taG# r ght# o!er the mar9et #tall a# her attor$ey> $>fact* a$d to apply the proceed# to the payme$t
of the loa$.
.%isance; 4%blic .%isance vs. 4rivate .%isance ('##9) .tate w th rea#o$ whether each of the follow $g a
health or #afety of other#* or a$$oy# or offe$d# the #e$#e#* or #hoc9#* def e# or d #regard# dece$cy or moral ty or
o,#truct# or $terfere# w th the free pa##age of a$y pu,l c
27 &##um $g the a## g$me$t to ,e a mortgage* doe# the pro! # o$ g ! $g the ,a$9 the power to #ell Pur taG# r ght# co$#t tute pactum comm ##or um or $ot% 2hy%
h ghway or #treet or a$y ,ody of water or h $der# or mpa r# the u#e of property.
+t # a pu,l c $u #a$ce or f t affect# a commu$ ty
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$e gh,orhood or a$y co$# dera,le $um,er of per#o$#. +t # a d rect e$croachme$t upo$ pu,l c r ght# or property wh ch
the ,a$9 to #ell the lea#ehold r ght# $ ca#e of default # proof that $o #uch ow$er#h p wa# tra$#ferred a$d that a
re#ult# $8ur ou#ly to the pu,l c. +t # a pr !ate $u #a$ce* f t affect# o$ly a per#o$ or #mall $um,er of per#o$#. +t ! olate# o$ly pr !ate r ght#. a) A sN.atterDs !.t (14)
+f co$#tructed o$ pu,l c #treet# or r !er,ed#* t # a pu,l c
$6073, 8e/r.ary $1,196() +f co$#tructed o$ pr !ate la$d* t #
$u #a$ce ,ecau#e t o,#truct# the free u#e ,y the pu,l c of #a d place#. (C"ty o* Man"la v. ;ar+"a, ;.R. 0o. 56
$ ?ue#t o$
# $ot a pactum
comm ##or um. !t is pactum commissorium 3/en 2efault in t/e pa7ment of t/e loan automaticall7 6ests o3ners/ip of t/e encum1ere2
propert7 in t/e 1an>. +$ the pro,lem g !e$* the ,a$9 doe# $ot
automat cally ,ecome ow$er of the property upo$ default of the mortgagor. @he ,a$9 ha# to #ell the property a$d apply the proceed# to the $de,ted$e##. *ortgage; 1ig&t of 1e0emption vs. E$%it" of 1e0emption
a pr !ate $u #a$ce ,ecau#e t h $der# or mpa r# the u#e of the property ,y the ow$er. A s9"&&"n, 'ool (14) @h # # $ot a $u #a$ce $ the a,#e$ce of a$y u$u#ual co$d t o$ or art f c al feature other tha$ the mere water. +$
A"%al,o 2nter'r"ses v. Galan%an (;.R. 0o. 5634$$, 13, 197$), the .upreme Court ruled that a #w mm $g pool #
Page 65 of 119
4,7 @he mortgage #hall $ot , $d the 1S3 r ght a$d $tere#t
of & a$d #hall ,e deemed to co!er o$ly the r ght# a$d $tere#t# of N a$d C $ the hou#e a$d lot. @he mortgage
$u #a$ce.
+) A ! o* 'rost"t.t"on (14)
+rre#pect !e of t# locat o$ a$d how t# ,u# $e## # co$ducted* t # a $u #a$ce # $ce t def e#* #hoc9# a$d d #regard# dece$cy a$d moral ty. +t # a pu,l c $u #a$ce ,ecau#e of t# $8ury to the pu,l c.
%) A no"sy or %an,ero.s *a+tory "n a 'r"vate lan% (14) +f the $o #e $8ur ou#ly affect# the health a$d comfort of
#hall ,e l m ted to the port o$ 42S37 wh ch may ,e allotted to N a$d C $ the part t o$ 4&rt. 493* C ! l Code7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
, $d $g upo$ & a$d C. 5-pe$#e# to mpro!e the th $g ow$ed $ commo$ mu#t ,e dec ded upo$ ,y a ma8or ty of the co>ow$er# who repre#e$t the co$troll $g $tere#t 4&rt#. 489 a$d 492. C ! l Code7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4d7 CG# #ole dec # o$ to ,u ld the grotto # $ot , $d $g upo$ & a$d N who ca$$ot ,e re?u red to co$tr ,ute to the e-pe$#e# for the em,ell #hme$t of the th $g ow$ed $
commo$ f $ot dec ded upo$ ,y the ma8or ty of the co>
+t w ll ,ecome a $u #a$ce f t #u,#ta$t ally mpa r# the comfort a$d e$8oyme$t of the ad8ace$t occupa$t#. @he a$$oya$ce a$d the #mell mu#t ,e #u,#ta$t al a# to $terfere #e$# ,ly w th the u#e a$d e$8oyme$t ,y per#o$# of ord $ary #e$# , l t e#. +t # a pu,l c $u #a$ce ,ecau#e of t# $8ury to the pu,l c.
Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip (199')
4e7 @he #ale to = #hall $ot , $d the 1S3 #hare of N a$d #hall ,e deemed to co!er o$ly the 2S3 #hare of & a$d C $ the la$d 4&rt. 493* C ! l Code7. N #hall ha!e the r ght to redeem the 2S3 #hare #old to = ,y & a$d C # $ce = # a th rd per#o$ 4&rt. 1620* C ! l Code7. Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; 4rescription ('###) +$ 1955* Jamo$ a$d h # # #ter Jo#ar o $her ted a parcel of
la$d $ &l,ay from the r pare$t#. . $ce Jo#ar o wa# ga $fully employed $ 0a$ la* #he left Jamo$ alo$e to po##e## a$d cult !ate the la$d. Howe!er* Jamo$ $e!er #hared the
collap# $g.
27 N a$d C mortgaged the hou#e a$d lot to #ecure a loa$. 37 N e$gaged a co$tractor to ,u ld a co$crete fe$ce all arou$d the lot.
& a$d C #old the la$d to = for a !ery good pr ce. 4a7 +# &G# #ole dec # o$ to repa r the fou$dat o$ of the hou#e , $d $g o$ N a$d C% 0ay & re?u re N
pare$t#. Ha! $g reached ret reme$t age $ 1990 Jo#ar o retur$ed to the pro! $ce a$d upo$ lear$ $g what had tra$#p red* dema$ded that the rema $ $g half of the la$d ,e g !e$ to her a# her #hare. Jamo$ oppo#ed* a##ert $g that he ha# already ac?u red ow$er#h p of the la$d ,y pre#cr pt o$* a$d that Jo#ar o # ,arred ,y lache# from dema$d $g
part t o$ a$d reco$!eya$ce. Hec de the co$fl ct $g cla m#.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
deemed ,e$ef c al to them ( on,on v. ;A, 166 SCRA 3(7). Jamo$G# po##e## o$ w ll ,ecome ad!er#e o$ly whe$ he ha# repud ated the co>ow$er#h p a$d #uch repud at o$ wa#
made 9$ow$ to Jo#ar o. &##um $g that the #ale $ 1985 where Jamo$ cla med he wa# the #ole he r of h # pare$t# amou$ted to a repud at o$ of the co>ow$er#h p* the
4e7 2hat are the legal effect# of the co$tract of #ale e-ecuted ,y &. C a$d =% Jea#o$#.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 Be#.
, $d $g upo$ N a$d C. N a$d C mu#t co$tr ,ute 2S3 of the e-pe$#e. 5ach co>ow$er ha# the r ght to compel the other co>ow$er# to co$tr ,ute to the e-pe$#e of pre#er!at o$ of
the th $g 4the hou#e7 ow$ed $ commo$ $ proport o$ to the r re#pect !e $tere#t# 4&rt#. 485 a$d 488* C ! l Code7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Jo#ar o ha# $ot a# yet pre#cr ,ed. @he cla m of lache# # $ot al#o mer tor ou#. L$t l the repud at o$ of the co> ow$er#h p wa# made 9$ow$ to the other co>ow$er#* $o r ght ha# ,ee$ ! olated for the #a d co>ow$er# to ! $d cate. 0ere delay $
! $d cat $g the r ght* #ta$d $g alo$e* doe# $ot co$#t tute
Page 66 of 119
Jamo$ ha# ac?u red the la$d ,y ac?u # t !e pre#cr pt o$* a$d ,ecau#e of lache# o$ the part of Jo#ar o. Jamo$G# po##e## o$ of the la$d wa# ad!er#e ,ecau#e he a##erted #ole ow$er#h p thereof a$d $e!er #hared the har!e#t therefrom. H # ad!er#e po##e## o$ ha! $g ,ee$ co$t $uou# a$d u$ $terrupted for more tha$ 30 year#* Jamo$ ha# ac?u red the la$d ,y pre#cr pt o$. Jo#ar o # al#o gu lty of lache# $ot ha! $g a##erted her r ght to the har!e#t for more tha$ 40 year#. Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; 4rescription ('##')
.e$e$ a$d Peter are ,rother#. .e$e$ m grated to Ca$ada early wh le #t ll a tee$ager. Peter #tayed $ Nulaca$ to ta9e care of the r w dowed mother a$d co$t $ued to wor9 o$ the Fam ly farm e!e$ after her death. Jetur$ $g to the cou$try #ome th rty year# after he had left* .e$e$ #ee9# a part t o$ of the farm to get h # #hare a# the o$ly co>he r of Peter. Peter $terpo#e# h # oppo# t o$* co$te$d $g that ac?u # t !e pre#cr pt o$ ha# already #et $ a$d that e#toppel l e# to ,ar the act o$ for part t o$* c t $g h # co$t $uou# po##e## o$ of the property for at lea#t 10 year#* for almo#t 30 year# $ fact. +t # u$d #puted that Peter ha# $e!er ope$ly cla med #ole ow$er#h p of the property. +f he e!er had the $te$t o$ to do #o* .e$e$ wa# completely g$ora$t of t. 2 ll .e$e$O# act o$ pro#per% 5-pla $. 45E7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
)o!er$me$t* a$d ut l :ed the #ame $ agr ,u# $e##. +$ 1960* a# NG# ,u# $e## flour #hed* C a$d H #ued N for part t o$ a$d accou$t $g of the $come of the property* cla m $g that a# he r# of the r father they were co> ow$er#
.e$e$O# act o$ w ll pro#per. &rt cle 494 of the 1ew C ! l Code pro! de# that C$o pre#cr pt o$ #hall ru$ $ fa!or of a co>ow$er or co>he r aga $#t h # co>ow$er# or co>he r# #o lo$g a# he e-pre##ly or mpl edly recog$ :e# the co> ow$er#h p $or $ot f ed .e$e$ of h # ha! $g repud ated the #ame.
.e$e$O# act o$ w ll pro#per. @h # # a ca#e of mpl ed tru#t. 4&rt 1441* 1CC7 For purpo#e# of pre#cr pt o$ u$der the co$cept of a$ ow$er 4&rt. 540* 1CC7. @here # $o #uch co$cept here. Peter wa# a co>ow$er* he $e!er cla med #ole ow$er#h p of the property. He # therefore e#topped u$der &rt. 1431* 1CC. Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; 1e0emption (199()
+$ 1937* & o,ta $ed a loa$ of P20*000.00 from the 1at o$al C ty Na$9 of 1ew Bor9* a$ &mer ca$>ow$ed ,a$9 do $g ,u# $e## $ the Ph l pp $e#. @o guara$tee payme$t of h # o,l gat o$* & co$#t tuted a real e#tate mortgage o$ h # 30> hectare parcel of agr cultural la$d. +$ 1939* ,efore he could pay h # o,l gat o$. & d ed $te#tate lea! $g three ch ldre$. N* a #o$ ,y a f r#t marr age* a$d C a$d H* daughter# ,y a #eco$d marr age. +$ 1940* the ,a$9 foreclo#ed the mortgage for $o$>payme$t of the pr $c pal o,l gat o$. &# the o$ly , dder at the e-tra8ud c al foreclo#ure #ale* the ,a$9 ,ought the property a$d wa# later ##ued a cert f cate of #ale. @he war #uper!e$ed $ 1941 w thout the ,a$9 ha! $g ,ee$ a,le to o,ta $ actual po##e## o$ of the property wh ch rema $ed w th &G# three ch ldre$ who appropr ated for them#el!e# the $come from t. +$ 1948* N ,ought the property from the ,a$9 u# $g the mo$ey he rece !ed a# ,ac9 pay from the L. ..
thereof a$d offer $g to re m,ur#e N for whate!er he had pa d $ purcha# $g the property from the ,a$9. +$ ,r ef* how w ll you a$#wer the compla $t of C a$d H* f you were e$gaged ,y H a# h # cou$#el%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
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&# cou$#el of N* + #hall a$#wer the compla $t a# follow#( 2he$ N ,ought the property* t wa# $ot ,y a r ght of redempt o$ # $ce the per od therefore had already e-p red. He$ce* N ,ought the property $ a$ $depe$de$t u$co$d t o$al #ale. C a$d H are $ot co> ow$er# w th N of the property. @herefore* the #u t of C a$d H ca$$ot pro#per.
&# cou$#el of N* + #hall a$#wer the compla $t a# follow#( From the fact# de#cr ,ed* t would appear that the Cert f cate of #ale ha# $ot ,ee$ reg #tered. @he o$e>year per od of redempt o$ ,eg $# to ru$ from reg #trat o$. +$ th # ca#e* t ha# $ot yet e!e$ comme$ced. L$der the Jule# of Court* the property may ,e relea#ed ,y the <udgme$t de,tor or h # #ucce##or $ $tere#t. 29* Jule 277. +t ha# ,ee$ held that th # $clude# a 8o $t ow$er. (Re*. Ma,no vs.C"ola,
61 !"l. 80).
.yl! a # $ot correct. @he 3 daughter# are the co>ow$er# of the hac e$da ,e $g the o$ly he r# of &m,ro# o. 2he$ the property wa# foreclo#ed* the r ght of redempt o$ ,elo$g# al#o to the 3 daughter#. 2he$ .yl! a redeemed the e$t re property ,efore the lap#e of the redempt o$ per od* #he al#o e-erc #ed the r ght of redempt o$ of her co>ow$er# o$ the r ,ehalf. &# #uch #he # hold $g the #hare# of her two # #ter# $ the property* a$d all the fru t# corre#po$d $g thereto* $ tru#t for them. Jedempt o$ ,y o$e co>ow$er $ure# to the ,e$ef t of all (A%"lle v. CA.17( SCRA 477). .yl! a* howe!er* # e$t tled to ,e re m,ur#ed the #hare# of her two # #ter# $ the redempt o$ pr ce. Owners&ip; Co?Owners&ip; 1e0emption ('##')
&$to$ o* Nart* a$d Carlo# are ,rother#. @hey purcha#ed from the r pare$t# #pec f c port o$# of a parcel of la$d a# e! de$ced ,y three #eparate# deed# of #ale* each deed referr $g to a part cular lot $ meter a$d ,ou$d#. 2he$ the deed# were pre#e$ted for reg #trat o$* the Jeg #ter of Heed# could $ot ##ue #eparate cert f cate# of @ tle had to ,e ##ued* therefore* $ the $ame# of three ,rother# a# co> ow$er# of the e$t re property. @he # tuat o$ ha# $ot cha$ged up to $ow* ,ut each of the ,rother# ha# ,ee$ rece ! $g re$tal# e-clu# !ely from the lot actually purcha#ed ,y h m. &$to$ o #ell# h # lot to a th rd per#o$*
.al!ador* a t m,er co$ce## o$a re* ,u lt o$ h # lot a warehou#e where he proce##e# a$d #tore# h # t m,er for #h pme$t. &d8o $ $g the warehou#e # a fur$ ture factory ow$ed ,y 1&JJ&0+= of wh ch .al!ador # a ma8or ty #toc9holder. 1&JJ&0+= lea#ed #pace $ the warehou#e
where t placed t# fur$ ture>ma9 $g mach $ery. 1. How would you cla## fy the fur$ ture>ma9 $g mach $ery
a# property u$der the C ! l Code% 5-pla $.
2. .uppo#e the lea#e co$tract ,etwee$ .al!ador a$d 1&JJ&0+= #t pulate# that at the e$d of the lea#e the mach $ery #hall ,ecome the property of the le##or* w ll your
a$#wer ,e the #ame% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he r pare$t# already part t o$ed the la$d $ #ell $g #eparate port o$# to them. @he # tuat o$ # the #ame a# $ the ca#e S"
v. Co.rt o* A''eals, (34$ SCRA 673 [$000]).
4ossession (1993)
,ecau#e t wa# $ot $#talled ,y the ow$er of the te$eme$t. @o ,ecome mmo!a,le u$der &rt. 415 457 of the 1CC* the mach $ery mu#t ,e $#talled ,y the ow$er of the te$eme$t.
8u#t ,ought from L$ ted Car .ale# +$c. @he #ale wa# reg #tered w th the "a$d @ra$#portat o$ /ff ce. & wee9 later* the #eller lear$ed that the chec9 had ,ee$ d #ho$ored* ,ut ,y that t me* <u#t $e wa# $owhere to ,e #ee$. +t tur$ed out that <u#t $e had #old the car to <er co* the pre#e$t po##e##or who 9$ew $oth $g a,out the fal# f ed chec9. +$ a #u t ,y L$ ted Car .ale#* +$c. aga $#t <er co for reco!ery of the car* pla $t ff allege# t had ,ee$ u$lawfully depr !ed of t# property through fraud a$d #hould* co$#e?ue$tly* ,e allowed to reco!er t w thout ha! $g to re m,ur#e the defe$da$t for the pr ce the latter had pa d. .hould the #u t
pro#per% ;5EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+t depe$d# o$ the c rcum#ta$ce# of the ca#e. +f the mach $ery wa# attached $ a f -ed ma$$er* $ #uch a way
that t ca$$ot ,e #eparated from the te$eme$t w thout ,rea9 $g the mater al or cau# $g deter orat o$ thereof* t #
mmo!a,le property ;&rt. 415 437* 1CCA. Howe!er* f the
mach $ery ca$ ,e tra$#ported from place to place w thout mpa rme$t of the te$eme$t to wh ch they were f -ed* the$ t # mo!a,le property. ;&rt. 416 447* 1CCA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he #u t #hould pro#per a# to the reco!ery of the car. Howe!er* # $ce <er co wa# $ot gu lty of a$y fraud a$d appear# to ,e a$ $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue* he #hould ,e re m,ur#ed for the pr ce he pa d. @h # # w thout pre8ud ce to L$ ted Car .ale#* +$c. r ght of act o$ aga $#t <u#t $e. &#
#hould #uffer the lo##. @herefore* L$ ted Car .ale#* +$c. #hould #uffer the lo##.
2. +t # mmo!a,le property. 2he$ there # a pro! # o$ $ the lea#e co$tract ma9 $g the le##or* at the e$d of the lea#e* ow$er of the mach $ery $#talled ,y the le##ee* the #a d mach $ery # co$# dered to ha!e ,ee$ $#talled ,y the le##or through the le##ee who acted merely a# h # age$t. Ha! $g ,ee$ $#talled ,y the ow$er of the te$eme$t* the mach $ery
,ecame mmo!a,le .u$der &rt. 415 of the 1CC. (Favao
Sa9&"ll v. Cast"llo 61 !"l. (09)
,etwee$ two $$oce$t part e#* the party cau# $g the $8ury
4ropert"; 1eal vs. 4ersonal 4ropert" (1997) Pedro # the reg #tered ow$er of a parcel of la$d # tuated $
0alolo#* Nulaca$. +$ 1973* he mortgaged the la$d to the Ph l pp $e 1at o$al Na$9 4P1N7 to #ecure a loa$ of
Be#* the #u t w ll pro#per ,ecau#e the cr m $al act of e#tafa #hould ,e deemed to come w th $ the mea$ $g of u$lawful
depr !at o$ u$der &rt. 559* C ! l Code* a# w thout t pla $t ff would $ot ha!e parted w th the po##e## o$ of t#
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
P100.000.00. For PedroG# fa lure to pay the loa$* the P1N foreclo#ed o$ the mortgage $ 1980* a$d the la$d wa# #old at pu,l c auct o$ to P1N for ,e $g the h ghe#t , dder. P1N #ecured t tle thereto $ 1987. +$ the mea$wh le* Pedro* who wa# #t ll $ po##e## o$ of the la$d* co$#tructed a warehou#e o$ the property. +$ 1988* the
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
L$der the law o$ .ale#* whe$ the th $g #old # del !ered ,y the #eller to the ,uyer w thout re#er!at o$ of ow$er#h p* the ow$er#h p # tra$#ferred to the ,uyer. @herefore $ the #u t of L$ ted Car .ale#* +$c. aga $#t <er co for the reco!ery of
the car* the pla $t ff #hould $ot ,e allowed to reco!er the
P1N #old the la$d to Pa,lo* the Heed of .ale wa# ame$ded $ 1989 to $clude the warehou#e.
Pedro* cla m $g ow$er#h p of the warehou#e* f le# a compla $t to a$$ul the ame$ded Heed of .ale ,efore the
car w thout re m,ur# $g the defe$da$t for the pr ce that the latter pa d. (2FCA ./l"s!"n, an% F"str"/.t"n, Cor'. vs.
Santos, 184 SCRA 614, A'r"l $6, 1990)
Jeg o$al @r al Court of Pue:o$ C ty* where he re# de#* aga $#t ,oth the P1N a$d Pa,lo. @he P1N f led a mot o$
to d #m ## the compla $t for mproper !e$ue co$te$d $g
that the warehou#e # real property u$der &rt cle 415417 of the C ! l Code a$d therefore the act o$ #hould ha!e $#tead ,ee$ f led $ 0alolo#* Nulaca$. Pedro cla m# otherw #e. @he ?ue#t o$ aro#e a# to whether the warehou#e #hould ,e
co$# dered a# real or a# per#o$al property.
Page 68 of 119
a$ mmo!a,le ,y $ature u$der &rt. 415 417 a$d the proper !e$ue of a$y ca#e to reco!er ow$er#h p of the #ame* wh ch # what the purpo#e of the compla $t to a$$ul the ame$ded
Heed of .ale amou$t# to* #hould ,e the place where the property # located* or the J@C of Nulaca$.
A##I$I!'AL A'(WE"(:
latter !acate the prem #e# a$d del !er the #ame to the former. Petro$ la refu#ed to !acate the place o$ the grou$d that the u#ufruct $ her fa!or would e-p re o$ly o$ 1 <u$e
1998 whe$ 0a$uel would ha!e reached h # 30th , rthday
a$d that the death of 0a$uel ,efore h # 30th , rthday d d $ot e-t $gu #h the u#ufruct. 2ho#e co$te$t o$ #hould ,e accepted%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1. Nu ld $g# are alway# mmo!a,le property* a$d e!e$ $ the $#ta$ce# where the part e# to a co$tract #eem to ha!e
dealt w th t #eparate a$d apart from the la$d o$ wh ch t
#tood $ $o w #e doe# t cha$ge t# character a# mmo!a,le property. & ,u ld $g # a$ mmo!a,le e!e$ f $ot erected ,y the ow$er of the la$d. @he o$ly cr ter o$ # u$ o$ or $corporat o$ w th the #o l. (5a%era vs. Ao%,es (CA) 48 <.;. 43(4) (Reyes an% .no, <.tl"ne o* !"l"''"ne C"v"l 5a9,
#ol. $. '.()
C ! l Code* a u#ufruct gra$ted for the t me that may elap#e ,efore a th rd per#o$ reache# a certa $ age #hall #u,# #t for the $um,er of year# #pec f ed e!e$ f the th rd per#o$ #hould d e u$le## there # a$ e-pre## #t pulat o$ $ the co$tract that #tate# otherw #e. +$ the ca#e at ,ar* there # $o e-pre## #t pulat o$ that the co$# derat o$ for the u#ufruct # the e- #te$ce of Petro$ laG# #o$. @hu#* the ge$eral rule a$d $ot the e-cept o$ #hould apply $ th # ca#e.
property # real property w th $ the co$te-t of &rt cle 415 of the 1ew C ! l Code* although t wa# ,u lt ,y Pedro after the foreclo#ure #ale w thout the 9$owledge a$d co$#e$t of the
$ew ow$er wh ch ma9e# h m a ,u lder $ ,ad fa th* th #
@h # # a u#ufruct wh ch # clearly $te$ded for the ,e$ef t of 0a$uel u$t l he reache# 30 yr#. of age w th Petro$ la #er! $g o$ly a# a co$du t* hold $g the property $ tru#t for h#
,e$ef t. @he death of 0a$uel at the age of 26 therefore*
doe# $ot alter the character of the warehou#e a# a real property ,y $corporat o$. +t # a #tructure wh ch ca$$ot ,e remo!ed w thout cau# $g $8ury to the la$d. .o* my ad! ce
to Pedro # to f le the ca#e w th the J@C of Nulaca$* the
Fel - cult !ated a parcel of la$d a$d pla$ted t to #ugar ca$e* ,el e! $g t to ,e h # ow$. 2he$ the crop wa# e ght mo$th# old* a$d har!e#ta,le after two more mo$th#* a re#ur!ey of
the la$d #howed that t really ,elo$ged to Fred. 2hat are the opt o$# a!a la,le to Fred% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Ca$ad a$ c t :e$#. @hereafter* $ 1990* they appl ed* oppo#ed ,y the Jepu,l c*
for the reg #trat o$ of the afore#a d la$d $ the r $ame#.
&# to the pe$d $g crop# pla$ted ,y Fel - $ good fa th* Fred ha# the opt o$ of allow $g Fel - to co$t $ue the cult !at o$ a$d to har!e#t the crop#* or to co$t $ue the cult !at o$ a$d
har!e#t the crop# h m#elf. +$ the latter opt o$* howe!er*
.hould the appl cat o$ of the #pou#e# de la Cru: ,e gra$ted o!er the Jepu,l cO# oppo# t o$% 2hy% 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Co$#t tut o$ proh , t# al e$# from ow$ $g pr !ate la$d# $ the Ph l pp $e#. @h # rule* howe!er* doe# $ot apply to the
#pou#e# <ua$ a$d <ua$a de la Cru: ,ecau#e at the t me they ac?u red ow$er#h p o!er the la$d* al,e t mperfect* they were #t ll F l p $o c t :e$#. @he appl cat o$ for reg #trat o$ #
. $ce #ugarca$e # $ot a pere$$ al crop. Fel - # co$# dered a #ower $ good fa th. Ne $g #o* &rt. 448 appl e#. @he opt o$# a!a la,le to Fred are( 4a7 to appropr ate the crop after pay $g Fel - the $dem$ ty u$der &rt. 546* or 4,7 to re?u re Fel - to
pay re$t.
mperfect t tle wh ch
#pou#e# ha!e already ac?u red ,efore they ,ecame Ca$ad a$ c t :e$#. (Re'./l"+ v. CA, $37 SCRA 76( [1994]). 20verse Claims; .otice of Lev" (1993) .ect o$ 70 of Pre# de$t al Hecree 1o. 1529* co$cer$ $g ad!er#e cla m# o$ reg #tered la$d* pro! de# a 30>day per od of effect ! ty of a$ ad!er#e cla m* cou$ted from the date of
t# reg #trat o$. .uppo#e a $ot ce of ad!er#e cla m ,a#ed
/s%fr%ct (1997) /$ 1 <a$uary 1980* 0 $er!a* the ow$er of a ,u ld $g* gra$ted Petro$ la a u#ufruct o!er the property u$t l 01 <u$e 1998 whe$ 0a$uel* a #o$ of Petro$ la* would ha!e reached
h # 30th , rthday. 0a$uel* howe!er* d ed o$ 1 <u$e 1990
e-t $gu #hed ,y the death of 0a$uel a$d dema$ded that the
upo$ a co$tract to #ell wa# reg #tered o$ 0arch 1* 1997 at the $#ta$ce of the NLB5J* ,ut o$ <u$e 1* 1997* or after the lap#e of the 30>day per od* a $ot ce of le!y o$ e-ecut o$ $ fa!or of a <LH)051@ CJ5H+@/J wa# al#o reg #tered to e$force a f $al 8udgme$t for mo$ey aga $#t the reg #tered ow$er. @he$* o$ <u$e 15* 1997 there ha! $g ,ee$ $o formal ca$cellat o$ of h # $ot ce of ad!er#e cla m* the NLB5J pay#
Page 69 of 119
to the #eller>ow$er the agreed purcha#e pr ce $ full a$d reg #ter# the corre#po$d $g deed of #ale. Necau#e the
a$$otat o$ of the $ot ce of le!y # carr ed o!er to the $ew t tle $ h # $ame* the NLB5J ,r $g# a$ act o$ aga $#t the <LH)051@ CJ5H+@/J to ca$cel #uch a$$otat o$* ,ut the latter cla m# that h # l e$ # #uper or ,ecau#e t wa# a$$otated after the ad!er#e cla m of the NLB5J had p#o
facto cea#ed to ,e effect !e. 2 ll the #u t pro#per% ;5EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
purpo#e#* a$d o$ly ,y lea#e whe$ $ot $eeded ,y the go!er$me$t for pu,l c #er! ce. 427 +f the la$d # #u ted or actually u#ed for f #hpo$d or a?uaculture purpo#e#* t come# u$der the <ur #d ct o$ of the Nureau of F #her e# a$d &?uat c Je#ource# 4NF&J7 a$d ca$ o$ly ,e ac?u red ,y lea#e. 4P.H. 7057 437 Free Pate$t # a mode of co$ce## o$ u$der .ect o$ 41*
Chapter 6++ of the Pu,l c "a$d &ct* wh ch # appl ca,le
@he #u t w ll pro#per. 2h le a$ ad!er#e cla m duly a$$otated at the ,ac9 of a t tle u$der .ect o$ 7/ of P.H. 1529 # good
o$ly for 30 day#* ca$cellat o$ thereof # #t ll $ece##ary to re$der t $effect !e* otherw #e* the $#cr pt o$ thereof w ll
o$ly for agr cultural la$d#. 447 @he cert f cate of the d #tr ct fore#ter that the la$d #
already 'al e$a,le a$d d #po#a,le' # mply mea$# that the
rema $ a$$otated a# a l e$ o$ the property. 2h le the l fe of ad!er#e cla m # 3/ day# u$der P.H. 1529* t co$t $uou# to ,e effect !e u$t l t # ca$celed ,y formal pet t o$ f led w th
the Jeg #ter of Heed#.
la$d # $o lo$ger $eeded for fore#t purpo#e#* ,ut the Nureau of "a$d# could $o lo$ger d #po#e of t ,y free pate$t
,ecau#e t # already co!ered ,y a lea#e co$tract ,etwee$
@he ca$cellat o$ of the $ot ce of le!y # 8u#t f ed u$der .ect o$ 108 of P.H. 1529 co$# der $g that the le!y o$ e-ecut o$ ca$ $ot ,e e$forced aga $#t the ,uyer who#e
ad!er#e cla m aga $#t the reg #tered ow$er wa# recorded ahead of the $ot ce of le!y o$ e-ecut o$.
NF&J a$d Jeg $a. @hat co$tract mu#t ,e re#pected. 457 a, @he free pate$t of <orge # h ghly rregular a$d !o d
$ t o* $ot o$ly ,ecau#e the Nureau ha# $o #tatutory author ty to ##ue a free pate$t o!er a fore#hore area* ,ut
2nnotation of Lis 4en0ens; 8&en 4roper ('##1) 0ar o #old h # hou#e a$d lot to Carme$ for P1 m ll o$ paya,le $ f !e 457 e?ual a$$ual $#tallme$t#. @he #ale wa# reg #tered a$d t tle wa# ##ued $ Carme$G# $ame. Carme$
appl cat o$ that he ha# occup ed a$d cult !ated the la$d
fa led to pay the la#t three $#tallme$t# a$d 0ar o f led a$.
act o$ for collect o$* damage# a$d attor$ey# fee# aga $#t
her. Lpo$ f l $g of the compla $t* he cau#ed a $ot ce of l # pe$de$# to ,e a$$otated o$ Carme$G# t tle. +# the $ot ce of
l # pe$de$# proper or $ot% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
# $ce <uly 4* 1945* a# re?u red ,y the free pate$t law. L$der .ect o$ 91 of the Pu,l c "a$d &ct* a$y pate$t co$ce## o$ or t tle o,ta $ed thru fal#e repre#e$tat o$ # !o d a, $ t o. +$ ca#e# of th # $ature* t # the go!er$me$t that #hall $#t tute a$$ulme$t proceed $g# co$# der $g that the #u t carr e# w th t a prayer for the re!er# o$ of the la$d to the #tate.
Howe!er* Jeg $a # a party $ $tere#t a$d the ca#e w ll
pro#per ,ecau#e #he ha# a lea#e co$tract for the #ame la$d w th the go!er$me$t. ,orger"; )nnocent 4%rc&aser; Aol0er in ;a0 ,ait& ('##9) Jod* the ow$er of a$ F= ta- * fou$d $ h # !eh cle a$ e$!elope co$ta $ $g @C@ 1o. 65432 o!er a lot reg #tered $ Ce#arG# $ame. Po# $g a# Ce#ar* Jod forged Ce#arG# # g$ature
o$ a Heed of .ale $ JodG# fa!or. Jod reg #tered the #a d
&$$otat o$ of a l # pe$de$# ca$ o$ly ,e do$e $ ca#e# $!ol! $g reco!ery of po##e## o$ of real property* or to
?u et t tle or to remo!e cloud thereo$* or for part t o$ or
a$y other proceed $g affect $g t tle to the la$d or the u#e or occupat o$ thereof. @he act o$ f led ,y 0ar o doe# $ot fall
o$ a$yo$e of the#e. ,ores&ore Lan0s ('###)
$ h # $ame.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
la$d* o$ the ,a# # of a cert f cat o$ ,y the H #tr ct Fore#ter that the #ame # already 'al e$a,le a$d d #po#a,le'. 0oreo!er* <orge had already reg #tered the pate$t w th the
Jeg #ter of Heed# of the pro! $ce* a$d he wa# ##ued a$ /r g $al Cert f cate of @ tle for the #ame. Jeg $a f led a$ act o$ for a$$ulme$t of <orgeG# t tle o$ the grou$d that t wa# o,ta $ed fraudule$tly. 2 ll the act o$ pro#per% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
e-te$d to a tra$#feree who ta9e# the cert f cate of t tle w th $ot ce of a flaw. & holder $ ,ad fa th of a cert f cate of t tle
# $ot e$t tled to the protect o$ of the law* for the law
&$ act o$ for the a$$ulme$t of <orgeG# /r g $al Cert f cate of @ tle w ll pro#per o$ the follow $g grou$d#( 417 L$der Chapter += of C .&* 1o. 141* otherw #e 9$ow$ a# the Pu,l c "a$d &ct* fore#hore la$d# are d #po#a,le for
+$ the ca#e at ,ar* Jod o$ly forged Ce#arG# # g$ature o$ the >Heed of .ale. +t # !ery appare$t that there wa# ,ad fa th o$ the part of Jod from the !ery ,eg $$ $g. &# #uch* he # $ot e$t tled to the protect o$ of the "a$d Jeg #trat o$ &ct. /) F" t!e r",!ts o* Fon, "* any, over t!e
'ro'erty. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Page 70 of 119
@he mortgage to He# der o #hould ,e ca$celled w thout pre8ud ce to h # r ght to go after Catal $o a$dSor the
go!er$me$t for compe$#at o$ from the a##ura$ce fu$d.
co$cer$ed ha# actual 9$owledge of fact# a$d c rcum#ta$ce# that would mpel a rea#o$a,ly caut ou# ma$ to ma9e #uch
$?u ry. (0aa9an Co&&.n"ty R.ral GanE v. Co.rt o*
A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 1$87(3, -an.ary 13, $003)
+$ the g !e$ pro,lem* the property wa# already reg #tered $ the $ame of Jod whe$ he ,ought the #ame from the latter. @hu#* Ho$ could ,e co$# dered a# a ,uyer $ good fa th a$d for !alue. Howe!er* # $ce Jod d d $ot actually #ell a$y property to h m* Ho$ ha# $o r ght to reta $ ow$er#h p o!er the property. He ha# o$ly the r ght to reco!er the purcha#e
pr ce plu# damage#.
,ra%0; 4roc%rement of 4atent; Effect ('###) +$ 1979* 1e#tor appl ed for a$d wa# gra$ted a Free Pate$t o!er a parcel of agr cultural la$d w th a$ area of 30 hectare#* located $ )e$eral .a$to# C ty. He pre#e$ted the Free Pate$t to the Jeg #ter of Heed#* a$d he wa# ##ued a corre#po$d $g /r g $al Cert f cate of @ tle 4/C@7 1o. 375* .u,#e?ue$tly* 1e#tor #old the la$d to 5dd e. @he deed of
#ale wa# #u,m tted to the Jeg #ter of Heed# a$d o$ the ,a# # thereof* /C@ 1o* 375 wa# ca$celled a$d @ra$#fer
Cert f cate of @ tle 4@C@7 1o. 4576 wa# ##ued $ the $ame of 5dd e. +$ 1986* the H rector of "a$d# f led a compla $t for a$$ulme$t of /C@ 1o* 375 a$d @C@ 1o. 4576 o$ the grou$d that 1e#tor o,ta $ed the Free Pate$t through fraud. 5dd e f led a mot o$ to d #m ## o$ the grou$d that he wa#
a$ $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue a$d $ good fa th a$d a#
pay# the real e#tate ta-e# a$d collect# the re$tal# therefrom.
"ater* Catal $o* the o$ly ,rother of Nruce* f led a pet t o$
where he* m #repre#e$t $g to ,e the attor$ey> $>fact of Nruce a$d fal#ely alleg $g that the cert f cate of t tle wa# lo#t* #ucceeded $ o,ta $ $g a #eco$d ow$erG# dupl cate copy of
the t tle a$d the$ had the #ame tra$#ferred $ h # $ame
#uch* he ha# ac?u red a t tle to the property wh ch # !al d* u$a##a la,le a$d $defea# ,le. Hec de the mot o$. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a$$ulme$t of /.C.@. 1o. 375 a$d @.C.@. 1o. 4576 #hould ,e de$ ed for the follow $g rea#o$#(
17 5dd e ca$$ot cla m protect o$ a# a$ $$oce$t
through a # mulated deed of #ale $ h # fa!or. Catal $o the$ mortgaged the property to He# der o who had the mortgage a$$otated o$ the t tle. Lpo$ lear$ $g of the fraudule$t
tra$#act o$* Nruce f led a compla $t aga $#t Catal $o a$d
purcha#er for !alue $or ca$ he $terpo#e the defe$#e of $defea# , l ty of h # t tle* ,ecau#e h # @C@ # rooted o$ a !o d t tle. L$der .ect o$ 91 of C& 1o. 141* a#
ame$ded* otherw #e 9$ow$ a# the Pu,l c "a$d &ct*
He# der o to ha!e the t tle of Catal $o a$d the mortgage $ fa!or of He# der o declared $ull a$d !o d. 2 ll the compla $t pro#per* or w ll the t tle of Catal $o a$d
the mortgage to He# der o ,e #u#ta $ed%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#tateme$t# of mater al fact# $ the appl cat o$# for pu,l c la$d mu#t ,e u$der oath. .ect o$ 91 of the #ame act pro! de# that #uch #tateme$t# #hall ,e co$# dered a#
e##e$t al co$d t o$# a$d part# of the co$ce## o$* t tle* or perm t ##ued* a$y fal#e #tateme$t there $* or
om ## o$ of fact# #hall
!o d a, $ t o* the ow$erG# copy thereof ha! $g $e!er ,ee$ lo#t* let alo$e the fact that #a d #eco$d ow$erG# copy of the t tle wa# fraudule$tly procured a$d mpro! de$tly ##ued ,y the Court. +$ the #eco$d place* the @ra$#fer Cert f cate of @ tle procured ,y Catal $o # e?ually $ull a$d !o d* t ha! $g ,ee$ ##ued o$ the ,a# # of a # mulated or forged Heed of
.ale. & forged deed # a$ a,#olute $ull ty a$d co$!ey# $o
hectare# wh ch # far ,eyo$d the ma- mum of 24 hectare# pro! ded ,y the free pate$t law.
27 @he go!er$me$t ca$ #ee9 a$$ulme$t of the or g $al
t tle . @he mortgage $ fa!or of He# der o # l 9ew #e $ull a$d !o d ,ecau#e the mortgagor # $ot the ow$er of the mortgaged
property. 2h le t may ,e true that u$der the ')irror Principle' of the @orre$# .y#tem of "a$d Jeg #trat o$* a ,uyer or mortgagee ha# the r ght to rely o$ what appear# o$
the Cert f cate of @ tle* a$d $ the a,#e$ce of a$yth $g to
the la$d ha# ,ee$ t tled thru 8ud c al proceed $g# where the ##ue of fraud ,ecome# academ c after the lap#e of
o$e 417 year from the ##ua$ce of the decree of reg #trat o$. +$ pu,l c la$d gra$t#* the act o$ of the
e-c te #u#p c o$* # u$der $o o,l gat o$ to loo9 ,eyo$d the cert f cate a$d $!e#t gate the mortgagorG# t tle* th # rule doe# $ot f $d appl cat o$ $ the ca#e at ha$d ,ecau#e here.
Catal $oG# t tle #uffer# from two fatal $f rm t e#* $amely(
go!er$me$t to a$$ul a t tle fraudule$tly o,ta $ed doe# $ot pre#cr ,e #uch act o$ a$d w ll $ot ,e ,arred ,y the tra$#fer of the t tle to a$ $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue.
Aomestea0 4atents; @oi0 ale (1999)
procured or mpro! de$tly ##ued #eco$d ow$erG# copy* the real ow$erG# copy ,e $g #t ll $tact a$d $ the
po##e## o$ of the true ow$er* Nruce.
+$ 1950* the Nureau of "a$d# ##ued a Home#tead pate$t to &. @hree year# later* & #old the home#tead to N. & d ed $ 1990* a$d h # he r# f led a$ act o$ to reco!er the home#tead
from N o$ the grou$d that t# #ale ,y the r father to the
latter # !o d u$der .ect o$ 118 of the Pu,l c "a$d "aw. N co$te$d#* howe!er* that the he r# of & ca$$ot reco!er the
Page 71 of 119
home#tead from h m a$ymore ,ecau#e the r act o$ ha# pre#cr ,ed a$d that furthermore* & wa# $ par del cto.
Hec de. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he #ale of the la$d ,y & to N 3 year# after ##ua$ce of the home#tead pate$t* ,e $g $ ! olat o$ of .ect o$ 118 of the
Pu,l c "a$d &ct* # !o d from t# $cept o$.
J #e Co. a$d pa d the pr ce $ full. He mo!ed $to the u$ t* ,ut #omehow he wa# $ot g !e$ the Co$dom $ um Cert f cate of @ tle co!er $g the property. L$9$ow$ to h m*
H gh J #e Co. #u,#e?ue$tly mortgaged the e$t re
@he act o$ f led ,y the he r# of N to declare the $ull ty or $e- #te$ce of the co$tract a$d to reco!er the la$d #hould
,e g !e$ due cour#e. NG# defe$#e of pre#cr pt o$ # u$te$a,le ,ecau#e a$ act o$
the ,a$9 foreclo#ed the mortgage. &t the foreclo#ure #ale* the ,a$9 ac?u red the ,u ld $g* ,e $g the h ghe#t , dder.
wh ch #ee9# to declare the $ull ty or $e- #te$ce of & co$tract doe# $ot pre#cr ,e. (Art"+le 1410C Gana,a vs. Soler, $
8CRA (67)
2he$ Ce#ar lear$ed a,out th #* he f led a$ act o$ to a$$ul the foreclo#ure #ale $#ofar a# h # u$ t wa# co$cer$ed. @he ,a$9 put up the defe$#e that t rel ed o$ the co$dom $ um cert f cate# of t tle pre#e$ted ,y H gh J #e Co.* wh ch were clea$. He$ce* t wa# a mortgagee a$d ,uyer $ good fa th. +# th # defe$#e te$a,le or $ot% 2hy% 45E.7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
ha!e $o recour#e aga $#t each other o$ the pr $c ple that a tra$#gre##or ca$$ot prof t from h # ow$ wro$gdo $g* #uch rule doe# $ot apply to ! olat o$# of .ect o$ 118 of the Pu,l c "a$d &ct ,ecau#e of the u$derly $g pu,l c pol cy $ the #a d &ct 'to conser6e t/e lan2 3/ic/ a /omestea2er /as ac5uire2
17 ;ratuitous ;rant from t/e ;o6ernment for /imself an2 /is famil7'.
purcha#er for !alue ac?u re# a good a$d a clea$ t tle to the property. Howe!er* t # #ettled that o$e who clo#e# h # eye# to fact# that #hould put a rea#o$a,le ma$ o$ guard # $ot a$
$$oce$t purcha#er for !alue. +$ the pre#e$t pro,lem the ,a$9 # e-pected* a# a matter of #ta$dard operat $g procedure* to ha!e co$ducted a$ ocular $#pect o$* of the
+$ 9eep $g w th th # pol cy* t ha# ,ee$ held that o$e who purcha#e# a home#tead w th $ the f !e>year proh , tory per od ca$ o$ly reco!er the pr ce wh ch he ha# pa d ,y f l $g a cla m aga $#t the e#tate of the decea#ed #eller (5a/ra%or vs.
Felos Santos 66 !"l. 7(9) u$der the pr $c ple that $o o$e
d #co!ered that the co$dom $ um u$ t $ ?ue#t o$ wa# occup ed ,y Ce#ar a$d that fact #hould ha!e led t to ma9e further $?u ry. L$der the c rcum#ta$ce#* 0etro,a$9 ca$$ot ,e co$# dered a mortgagee a$d ,uyer $ good fa th. *irror 4rinciple (199#) +$ 1950G#* the )o!er$me$t ac?u red a , g la$ded e#tate $
Ce$tral "u:o$ from the reg #tered ow$er for #u,d ! # o$
#hall e$r ch h m#elf at the e-pe$#e of a$other. &pply $g the pari 2elicto rule to ! olat o$ of .ect o$ 118 of the Pu,l c "a$d &ct* the Court of &ppeal# ha# ruled that 'the home#teader #uffer# the lo## of the fru t# real :ed ,y the !e$dee who $
tur$ forfe t# the mpro!eme$t that he ha# $troduced $to the la$d.' 4</ot vs. San%a%">as, 69 <;, A'r"l 37, 1966M
I"($ AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE":
$to #mall farm# a$d red #tr ,ut o$ of ,o$af de occupa$t#* F wa# a former le##ee of a parcel of la$d* f !e hectare# $ area. &fter complet o$ of the re#ur!ey a$d #u,d ! # o$* F appl ed to ,uy the #a d la$d $ accorda$ce w th the gu del $e# of the
the he r# of & #uch that the r reco!er $g the property would e$ha$ce the pu,l c pol cy regard $g ow$er#h p of la$d#
ac?u red ,y home#tead pate$t 4&rt. 14167. @he defe$#e of
1957* the corre#po$d $g deed of a,#olute #ale wa# e-ecuted $ h # fa!or a$d wa# reg #tered* a$d $ 1961* a $ew t tle wa# ##ued $ h # $ame. +$ 1963* F #old the #a d la$d to =3 a$d $ 1965 = #old t to B* $ew t tle# were #ucce## !ely ##ued $ the $ame# of the #a d purcha#er#. +$ 1977* C f led a$ act o$ to a$$ul the deed# of #ale to F* =
par del cto # $ot appl ca,le e ther* # $ce the law t#elf allow# the home#teader to reac?u re the la$d e!e$ f t ha#
,ee$ #old.
(EC!'# AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE":
Pre#cr pt o$ doe# $ot ar #e w th re#pect to act o$# to declare a !o d co$tract a $ull ty 4&rt cle 14107. 1e ther # the doctr $e of par del cto appl ca,le ,ecau#e of pu,l c pol cy. @he law # de# g$ed for the protect o$ of the pla $t ff #o a# to e$ha$ce the pu,l c pol cy of the Pu,l c "a$d &ct to g !e
la$d to the la$dle##.
a$d B a$d the r t tle#* o$ the grou$d that he 4C7 had ,ee$ $ actual phy# cal po##e## o$ of the la$d* a$d that the #ale to F a$d the #u,#e?ue$t #ale# #hould ,e #et a# de o$ the grou$d
of fraud. Lpo$ mot o$ of defe$da$t#* the tr al court d #m ##ed the compla $t* uphold $g the r defe$#e# of the r ,e $g $$oce$t purcha#er# for !alue* pre#cr pt o$ a$d lache#. Pla $t ff appealed.
+f the he r# are $ot allowed to reco!er* t could ,e o$ the grou$d of lache# $a#much a# 40 year# had elap#ed a$d the ow$er had $ot ,rought a$y act o$ aga $#t N e#pec ally f the latter had mpro!ed the la$d. +t would ,e detr me$tal to N f
the pla $t ff # allowed to reco!er. )nnocent 4%rc&aser for @al%e ('##1)
4a7 +# the #a d appeal mer tor ou#% 5-pla $ your a$#wer 4,7 .uppo#e the go!er$me$t age$cy co$cer$ed 8o $ed C $ f l $g the #a d act o$ aga $#t the defe$da$t#* would that cha$ge the re#ult of the l t gat o$% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 @he appeal # $ot mer tor ou#. @he tr al court ruled correctly $ gra$t $g defe$da$tG# mot o$ to d #m ## for the follow $g rea#o$#( 1. 2h le there # the po## , l ty that F* a former le##ee of the la$d wa# aware of the fact that C wa# the ,o$a f de
Page 72 of 119
occupa$t thereof a$d for th # rea#o$ h # tra$#fer cert f cate of t tle may ,e !ul$era,le* the tra$#fer of the #ame la$d a$d
the ##ua$ce of $ew @C@# to = a$d B who are $$oce$t
purcha#er# for !alue re$der the latterG# t tle# $defea# ,le. &
per#o$ deal $g w th reg #tered la$d may #afely rely o$ the
correct$e## of the cert f cate of t tle a$d the law w ll $ot $ a$y way o,l ge h m to go ,eh $d the cert f cate to determ $e the co$d t o$ of the property $ #earch for a$y h dde$ defect or $choate r ght wh ch may later $!al date or d m $ #h the r ght to the la$d. @h # # the m rror pr $c ple of
the @orre$# .y#tem of la$d reg #trat o$. 2. @he act o$ to a$$ul the #ale wa# $#t tuted $ 1977 or
re?u red to e-plore ,eyo$d what the record $ the reg #try $d cate# o$ t# face $ ?ue#t for a$y h dde$ defect or $choate r ght wh ch may #u,#e?ue$tly defeat h # r ght thereto. @h # # the '&"rror 'r"n+"'leG of the @orre$# #y#tem wh ch ma9e# t po## ,le for a forged deed to ,e the root of a good t tle. Ne# de#* t appear# that #pou#e# = a$d B are gu lty of
co$tr ,utory $egl ge$ce whe$ they del !ered th # /C@ to the mortgagee w thout a$$otat $g the mortgage thereo$. Netwee$ them a$d the $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue* they
+f the ,uyer N* who rel ed o$ the teller &G# t tle* wa# $ot
aware of the ad!er#e po##e## o$ of the la$d ,y the #pou#e# = a$d B* the$ the latter ca$$ot reco!er the property from N. N ha# $ h # fa!or the pre#umpt o$ of good fa th wh ch
ca$ o$ly ,e o!erthrow$ ,y ade?uate proof of ,ad fa th. Howe!er* $o,ody ,uy# la$d w thout #ee $g the property* he$ce* N could $ot ha!e ,ee$ u$aware of #uch ad!er#e po##e## o$. +f after lear$ $g of #uch po##e## o$* N # mply clo#ed h # eye# a$d d d $oth $g a,out t* the$ the #u t for
la$d. & t tle u$der &ct 496 # $defea# ,le a$d to pre#er!e that character* the t tle # clea$#ed a$ew w th e!ery tra$#fer for !alue 4Fe -es.s v C"ty o* Man"laC $9 !"l. (3C 5a'eral v
C"ty o* Man"la, 6$ !"l 313C en.llar v 0G 1$0 S 1117.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
reco$!eya$ce w ll pro#per a# the ,uyerG# ,ad fa th w ll ha!e ,ecome e! de$t. .otice of Lis 4en0ens (1999) Jommel wa# ##ued a cert f cate of t tle o!er a parcel of la$d $ Pue:o$ C ty. /$e year later Jachelle* the leg t mate
ow$er of the la$d* d #co!ered the fraudule$t reg #trat o$
e-pre## pro! # o$ $ .ec 45 of &ct 496 a$d .ec 31 of PH 1529 that a decree of reg #trat o$ a$d the cert f cate of t tle ##ued $ pur#ua$ce thereof C#hall ,e co$clu# !e upo$ a$d
aga $#t all per#o$#* $clud $g the $at o$al go!er$me$t a$d all ,ra$che# thereof* whether me$t o$ed ,y $ame $ the
o,ta $ed ,y Jommel. .he f led a compla $t aga $#t Jommel for reco$!eya$ce a$d cau#ed the a$$otat o$ of a $ot ce of
l # pe$de$# o$ the cert f cate of t tle ##ued to Jommel.
appl cat o$ or $ot.D *irror 4rinciple; ,orger"; )nnocent 4%rc&aser (1999) @he #pou#e# = a$d B mortgaged a p ece of reg #tered la$d
to &* del !er $g a# well the /C@ to the latter* ,ut they co$t $ued to po##e## a$d cult !ate the la$d* g ! $g 1S2 of each har!e#t to & $ part al payme$t of the r loa$ to the
Jommel $ow $!o9e# the $defea# , l ty of h # t tle co$# der $g that o$e year ha# already elap#ed from t# ##ua$ce. He al#o #ee9# the ca$cellat o$ of the $ot ce of "# pe$de$#. 0ay the court ca$cel the $ot ce of l # pe$de$# e!e$ ,efore f $al 8udgme$t # re$dered% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
latter* &* howe!er* w thout the 9$owledge of = a$d B* forged a deed of #ale of the afore#a d la$d $ fa!or of h m#elf* got a @C@ $ h # $ame* a$d the$ #old the la$d to N* who ,ought the la$d rely $g o$ &G# t tle* a$d who thereafter
al#o got a @C@ $ h # $ame. +t wa# o$ly the$ that the
#pou#e# = a$d B lear$ed that the r la$d had ,ee$ t tled $ NG# $ame. 0ay #a d #pou#e# f le a$ act o$ for reco$!eya$ce
of the la$d $ ?ue#t o$ aga $#t ,% Jea#o$. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
f $al <udgme$t upo$ proper #how $g that the $ot ce # for the purpo#e of mole#t $g or hara## $g the ad!er#e party or that the $ot ce of l # pe$de$# # $ot $ece##ary to protect the r ght of the party who cau#ed t to ,e reg #tered. 4.ect o$ 77* P.H. 1o. 15297 +$ th # ca#e* t # g !e$ that Jachelle # the leg t mate ow$er of the la$d $ ?ue#t o$. +t ca$ ,e #a d* therefore* that whe$ #he f led her $ot ce of l # pe$de$# her purpo#e wa# to
protect her $tere#t $ the la$d a$d $ot 8u#t to mole#t Jommel. +t # $ece##ary to record the " # pe$de$# to protect her $tere#t ,ecau#e f #he d d $ot do t* there # a po## , l ty that the la$d w ll fall $to the ha$d# of a$
$$oce$t purcha#er for !alue a$d $ that e!e$t* the court
@he fact that the forged deed wa# reg #tered a$d a cert f cate of t tle wa# ##ued $ h # $ame* d d $ot operate to !e#t upo$ a$ ow$er#h p o!er the property of = a$d B. @he
reg #trat o$ of the forged deed w ll $ot cure the $f rm ty.
lo#e# co$trol o!er the la$d ma9 $g a$y fa!ora,le 8udgme$t thereo$ moot a$d academ c. For the#e rea#o$#* the $ot ce of l # pe$de$# may $ot ,e ca$celed. .otice of Lis 4en0ens; =ransferee 4en0ente Lite ('##') .a$cho a$d Pac f co are co>ow$er# of a parcel of la$d. .a$cho #old the property to Nart. Pac f co #ued .a$cho a$d
Nart for a$$ulme$t of the #ale a$d reco$!eya$ce of the
Howe!er* o$ce the t tle to the la$d # reg #tered $ the $ame
of the forger a$d t tle to the la$d thereafter fall# $to the
Page 73 of 119
the o,l gat o$. Howe!er* the act o$ wa# ,rought w th $ the
te$>year pre#cr pt !e per od pro! ded ,y law where $ act o$# ,a#ed o$ wr tte$ co$tract# ca$ ,e $#t tuted. a7 2 ll the defe$#e pro#per% Jea#o$. 43E7
half pro> $d ! #o #hare. Pac f co had a $ot ce of l # pe$de$# a$$otated o$ the t tle co!er $g the property a$d ordered the ca$cellat o$ of the $ot ce of l # pe$de$#. @he $ot ce of l #
pe$de$# could $ot ,e ca$celled mmed ately ,ecau#e the
t tle o!er the property wa# w th a ,a$9 to wh ch the property had ,ee$ mortgaged ,y Nart. Pac f co appealed the ca#e. 2h le the appeal wa# pe$d $g a$d w th the $ot ce of l # pe$de$# #t ll u$ca$celled* Nart #old the property to Carlo#* who mmed ately cau#ed the ca$cellat o$ of the $ot ce of l # pe$de$#* a# well a# the ##ua$ce of a $ew t tle $
h # $ame. +# Carlo# 4a7 a purcha#er $ good fa th* or 4,7 a tra$#feree pe$de$te l te% +f your a$#wer # 4a7* how ca$ the r ght of Pac f co a# co>ow$er ,e protected% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a$ act o$* #ta$d $g alo$e* doe# $ot co$#t tute lache# (A,ra
part of the defe$da$t or of o$e u$der whom he cla m#* g ! $g r #e to the # tuat o$ of wh ch compla $a$t #ee9# a remedy3 427 delay $ a##ert $g the compla $a$tG# r ght#* the compla $a$t ha! $g had 9$owledge or $ot ce of the defe$da$tG# co$duct a$d ha! $g ,ee$ afforded a$ opportu$ ty to $#t tute #u t3 437 lac9 of 9$owledge o$ the
t me he ,ought the la$d from Nart. @he u$ca$celled $ot ce of l # pe$de$# operate# a# co$#truct !e $ot ce of t# co$te$t# a# well a# $tere#t#* legal or e?u ta,le* $cluded there $. &ll
per#o$# are charged w th the 9$owledge of what t co$ta $#. +$ a$ earl er ca#e* t wa# held that a $ot ce of a$ ad!er#e
part of the defe$da$t that the compla $a$t would a##ert the r ght o$ wh ch he ,a#e# h # #u t3 a$d 447 $8ury or pre8ud ce to the defe$da$t $ the e!e$t rel ef # accorded to the compla $a$t* or the #u t # $ot held to ,e ,arred. 4rescription & Lac&es; )n0efeasibilit" 1%le of =orrens =itle ('##') 2ay ,ac9 $ 1948* 2 $daO# hu#,a$d #old $ fa!or of 6erde
.port# Ce$ter Corp. 46erde7 a 10>hectare property
cla m rema $# effect !e a$d , $d $g $otw th#ta$d $g the lap#e of the 30 day# from t# $#cr pt o$ $ the reg #try. @h #
rul $g # e!e$ more appl ca,le $ a l # pe$de$#.
N. Pac f co ca$ protect h # r ght a# a co>ow$er ,y pur#u $g h # appeal3 a#9 $g the Court of &ppeal# to order
2 $da lear$ed of the #ale* whe$ #he d #co!ered the deed of #ale amo$g the docume$t# $ her hu#,a$dO# !ault after h # dem #e. .oo$ after* #he $ot ced that the co$#truct o$ of the
#port# comple- had #tarted. Lpo$ complet o$ of the co$#truct o$ $ 1952* #he tr ed ,ut fa led to get free
mem,er#h p pr ! lege# $ 6erde. 2 $da $ow f le# a #u t aga $#t 6erde for the a$$ulme$t of the #ale o$ the grou$d that #he d d $ot co$#e$t to the #ale. +$ a$#wer* 6erde co$te$d# that* $ accorda$ce w th the .pa$ #h C ! l Code wh ch wa# the$ $ force* the #ale $ 1948
of the property d d $ot $eed her co$curre$ce. 6erde co$te$d# that $ a$y ca#e the act o$ ha# pre#cr ,ed or #
good fa th ha# ,ee$ def $ed a# Co$e who # u$aware that there e- #t# a flaw wh ch $!al date# h # ac?u # t o$ of the th $gD 4&rt. 526* 1CC7. )ood fa th co$# #t# $ the po##e##orO# ,el ef that the per#o$ from whom he rece !ed
,arred ,y lache#. 2 $da re8o $# that her @orre$# t tle co!er $g the property # $defea# ,le* a$d mpre#cr pt ,le.
&. Hef $e or e-pla $ the term Clache#D. 42E7
the #u,8ect property from Nart wh le a $ot ce of l # pe$de$# wa# #t ll a$$otated thereo$* there wa# al#o a$ e- #t $g court order ca$cel $g the #ame. He$ce* Carlo# ca$$ot ,e co$# dered a# ,e $g Caware of a flaw wh ch $!al date#
N. Hec de the ca#e* #tat $g your rea#o$# for your dec # o$. 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
;the rA the ac?u # t o$ of the th $gD # $ce the alleged flaw* the $ot ce of l # pe$de$#* wa# already ,e $g ordered
ca$celled at the t me of the purcha#e. /$ th # grou$d alo$e* Carlo# ca$ already ,e co$# dered a ,uyer $ good fa th. ( o
5a& v. Co.rt o* A''eals, 34( SCRA 86, [$000]).
,y e-erc # $g due d l ge$ce* could or #hould ha!e ,ee$ do$e earl er. +t # $egl ge$ce or om ## o$ to a##ert a r ght w th $ a
rea#o$a,le t me. (Fe #era v. CA, 307 SCRA 6$4 [1999])
Pac f co #hould ha!e t mely f led a$ act o$ for reco$!eya$ce a$d re $#tated the $ot ce of l # pe$de$#.
4rescription & Lac&es; Elements of Lac&es ('###)
$ot re?u re the co$#e$t of the w fe for the !al d ty of the #ale* a$ al e$at o$ ,y the hu#,a$d $ fraud of the w fe #
&##um $g that the al e$at o$ $ 1948 wa# $ fraud of 2 $da a$d* therefore* ma9e# the #ale to 6erde !o d* the act o$ to #et a# de the #ale* $o$ethele##* # already ,arred ,y
cla m wa# f led more tha$ #e!e$ year# from the matur ty of
Page 74 of 119
pre#cr pt o$ a$d lache#. 0ore tha$ 52 year# ha!e already elap#ed from her d #co!ery of the #ale $ 1950.
property # $defea# ,le a$d mpre#cr pt ,le ;doe# $ot hold waterA # $ot te$a,le. @he r.le o* "n%e*eas"/"l"ty o* a Torrens T"tle mea$# that after o$e year from the date of
##ue of the decree of reg #trat o$ or f the la$d ha# falle$
property. @he act o$ to a$$ul the #ame $#t tuted $ 1977* or ele!e$ year# after the e-ecut o$ of the #her ffG# f $al #ale* ha#
o,! ou#ly pre#cr ,ed ,ecau#e(
&$ act o$ to a$$ul a co$tract o$ the grou$d of fraud mu#t ,e ,rought w th $ four 447 year# from the date of d #co!ery of the fraud. . $ce th # # $ e##e$ce a$ act o$ to reco!er ow$er#h p* t mu#t ,e rec9o$ed from the date of e-ecut o$ of the co$tract or from the the a##e##orG# off ce for the purpo#e of tra$#ferr $g the
ta- declarat o$* th # ,e $g u$reg #tered la$d* (Gael ..
Inter&e%"ate A''ellate Co.rt ;. R. 56(44$3 -an.30, 1989 169 SCRA 61().
!)P #%C !PT!?!(!T,* o$ the other ha$d* mea$# that $o t tle to the la$d $ derogat o$ of that of the reg #tered ow$er
may ,e ac?u red ,y ad!er#e po##e## o$ or ac?u # t !e pre#cr pt o$ or that the reg #tered ow$er doe# $ot lo#e ,y e-t $ct !e pre#cr pt o$ h # r ght to reco!er ow$er#h p a$d po##e## o$ of the la$d.
27 +f the act o$ # to ,e treated a# a$ act o$ to reco!er ow$er#h p of la$d* t would ha!e pre#cr ,ed 8u#t the
#ame ,ecau#e more tha$ 10 year# ha!e already elap#ed # $ce the date of the e-ecut o$ of the #ale.
(EC!'# AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE":
pre#cr pt o$ $ fa!or of 0 co$# der $g that 0 ha# po##e##ed the la$d u$der a cla m of ow$er#h p for te$ 4107 year# w th a 8u#t t tle.
4,7 +f 0 had #ecured a @orre$# @ tle to the la$d* all the
acted through h # attor$ey> $>fact* #o$ .* who wa# duly author :ed ,y way of a #pec al power of attor$ey* where $ / declared that he wa# the a,#olute ow$er of the la$d* that the
ta- declarat o$#Srece pt# were all ##ued $ h # $ame* a$d
ca$ ,e a!a led of w th $ o$e 417 year from>the e$try thereof* ,ut o$ly upo$ the ,a# # of 'actual fraud.' @here # $o #how $g that 0 comm tted actual fraud $ #ecur $g h # t tle
to the la$d3 or
&# / wa# u$a,le to pay ,ac9 the loa$ plu# $tere#t for the pa#t f !e ;57 year#* 0 had to foreclo#e the mortgage. &t the
foreclo#ure #ale* 0 wa# the h ghe#t , dder. Lpo$ ##ua$ce
of the #her ffO# f $al deed of #ale a$d reg #trat o$ $ <a$uary*
1966* the mortgage property wa# tur$ed o!er to 0G#
po##e## o$ a$d co$trol 0 ha# # $ce the$ de!eloped the #a d property. +$ 1967* / d ed* #ur! !ed ,y #o$# . a$d P. +$ 1977* after the te$th 410th7 death a$$ !er#ary of h # father /. #o$ P f led a #u t to a$$ul the mortgage deed a$d #u,#e?ue$t #ale of the property* etc.* o$ the grou$d of
fraud. He a##erted that the property $ ?ue#t o$ wa# co$8ugal $ $ature actually ,elo$g $g* at the t me of the
2. &$ act o$ $ per#o$am aga $#t 0 for the reco$!eya$ce of the t tle $ the r fa!or. &ga $* th # remedy # a!a la,le w th $ four year# from the date of the d #co!ery of the fraud ,ut $ot later tha$ te$ 4107 year# from the date of reg #trat o$ of the t tle $ the $ame of 0.
4rescription; 1eal 1ig&ts (199')
,rother N ow$ed the ad8o $ $g parcel of u$reg #tered la$d o$ the Pa$ga# $a$ # de.
& #old the @arlac parcel to = $ a deed of #ale e-ecuted a# a pu,l c $#trume$t ,y & a$d =. &fter = pa d $ full the* pr ce of the #ale* = too9 po##e## o$ of the Pa$ga# $a$ parcel $ the ,el ef that t wa# the @arlac parcel co!ered ,y the deed
of #ale e-ecuted ,y & a$d =.
1966 $ th # ca#e* a##um $g that 0 appl ed for reg #trat o$ u$der the @orre$# .y#tem a$d wa# ##ued a @orre$# @ tle to
the #a d property $ ?ue#t o$* would that added fact ha!e a$y # g$ f ca$t effect o$ your co$clu# o$% .tate your rea#o$.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 L$der &rt. 173 of the C ! l Code* the act o$ # ,arred ,y pre#cr pt o$ ,ecau#e the w fe had o$ly te$ 4107 year# from the tra$#act o$ a$d dur $g the marr age to f le a #u t for the a$$ulme$t of the mortgage deed.
Alternati1e Answers to
&fter twel!e 4127 year#* a co$tro!er#y aro#e ,etwee$ N a$d = o$ the ##ue of the ow$er#h p of the Pa$ga# $a$ parcel* N cla m# a !e#ted r ght of ow$er#h p o!er the Pa$ga# $a$ parcel ,ecau#e N $e!er #old that parcel to = or to a$yo$e el#e.
/$ the other ha$d* = cla m# a !e#ted r ght of ow$er#h p o!er the Pa$ga# $a$ parcel ,y ac?u # t !e pre#cr pt o$*
,ecau#e = po##e##ed th # parcel for o!er te$ 410A year# u$der cla m of ow$er#h p.
Page 75 of 119
$c de$t of ow$er#h p.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
po##e## o$ $ good fa th a$d 427 8u#t t tle. '<u#t t tle' mea$# that the ad!er#e cla ma$t came $to po##e## o$ of the property through o$e of the mode# recog$ :ed ,y law for
the ac?u # t o$ of ow$er#h p ,ut the gra$tor wa# $ot the
0 9aeloG# defe$#e of lache#* howe!er* appear# to ,e more #u#ta $a,le. Je$re$ ,ought the la$d a$d had the #ale reg #tered way ,ac9 $ 1965. From the fact#* t appear# that t wa# o$ly $ 1998 or after a$ $e-pl ca,le delay of 33 year# that he too9 the f r#t #tep a##ert $g h # r ght to the la$d. +t wa# $ot e!e$ a$ act o$ to reco!er ow$er#h p ,ut o$ly
,7 po##e## o$ of the la$d. Ny ord $ary #ta$dard#* 33 year# of
ow$er or could $ot tra$#m t a$y r ght 4&rt. 1129. C ! l Code7. +$ th # ca#e* there # $o '8u#t t tle' a$d $o 'mode'
that ca$ ,e $!o9ed ,y = for the ac?u # t o$ of the Pa$ga# $a$ parcel. @here wa# $o co$#truct !e del !ery of
$eglect or $act o$ # too lo$g a$d may,e co$# dered u$rea#o$a,le. &# ofte$ held ,y the .upreme Court* the pr $c ple of mpre#cr pt , l ty #omet me# ha# to y eld to the e?u ta,le pr $c ple of lache# wh ch ca$ co$!ert e!e$ a reg #tered la$d ow$erG# cla m $to a #tale dema$d.
0 9aeloG# cla m of lache#* howe!er* # wea9 $#ofar a# the
the Pa$ga# $a$ parcel ,ecau#e t wa# $ot the #u,8ect>matter of the deed of #ale. He$ce* N reta $# ow$er#h p of the
Pa$ga# $a$ parcel of la$d.
4rimar" Entr" ;oo+; 2c$%isitive 4rescription; Lac&es (1993) +$ 1965* Je$re$ ,ought from Jo,y$ a parcel of reg #tered la$d e! de$ced ,y a duly e-ecuted deed of #ale. @he ow$er pre#e$ted the deed of #ale a$d the ow$erG# cert f cate of t tle to the Jeg #ter of Heed#. @he e$try wa# made $ the day,oo9 a$d corre#po$d $g fee# were pa d a# e! de$ced ,y
off c al rece pt. Howe!er* $o tra$#fer of cert f cate of t tle
eleme$t of e?u ty # co$cer$ed* there ,e $g $o #how $g $ the fact# how he e$tered $to the ow$er#h p a$d po##e## o$ of the la$d. 1eclamation of ,ores&ore Lan0s; Limitations ('###)
Jepu,l c &ct 1899 author :e# mu$ c pal t e# a$d chartered
wa# ##ued to Je$re$ ,ecau#e the or g $al cert f cate of t tle $ Jo,y$G# $ame wa# temporar ly m #placed after f re partly gutted the /ff ce of the Jeg #ter of Heed#. 0ea$wh le* the la$d had ,ee$ po##e##ed ,y Jo,y$G# d #ta$t cou# $* 0 9aelo* ope$ly* ad!er#ely a$d co$t $uou#ly $ the co$cept of ow$er # $ce 1960. +t wa# o$ly $ &pr l 1998 that Je$re$ #ued 0 9aelo to reco!er po##e## o$. 0 9aelo $!o9ed a7 ac?u # t !e pre#cr pt o$ a$d ,7 lache#* a#9 $g that he ,e
declared ow$er of the la$d. Hec de the ca#e ,y e!aluat $g the#e defe$#e#* ;5EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
agreeme$t w th the F l>5#tate Jealty Compa$y* author : $g the latter to recla m 300 hectare# of la$d from the #ea ,order $g the c ty* w th 30E of the la$d to ,e recla med to
,e ow$ed ,y F l>5#tate a# compe$#at o$ for t# #er! ce#.
@he .ol c tor )e$eral ?ue#t o$ed the !al d ty of the agreeme$t o$ the grou$d that t w ll mea$ recla m $g la$d u$der the #ea wh ch # ,eyo$d the commerce of ma$. @he
C ty repl e# that th # # author :ed ,y J&. 1899 ,ecau#e t author :e# the co$#truct o$ of doc9# a$d har,or#. 2ho #
correct% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
pro#per. +$ 1965* after ,uy $g the la$d from Jo,y$* he #u,m tted the Heed of .ale to the Jeg #try of Heed# for
fore#hore la$d#. @he &ct d d $ot author :e t to recla m la$d from the #ea. '@he reclamat o$ ,e $g u$author :ed* the C ty of Ca! te d d $ot ac?u re ow$er#h p o!er the
.ect o$ 56 of PH 1o. 1529* the Heed of .ale to Je$re$ # co$# dered reg #tered from the t me the #ale wa# e$tered $
the Hay Noo9 4$ow called the Pr mary 5$try Noo97.
recla med la$d. 1ot ,e $g the ow$er* t could $ot ha!e co$!eyed a$y port o$ thereof to the co$tractor.
+t depe$d#. +f the reclamat o$ of the la$d from the #ea #
For all legal $te$t# a$d purpo#e#* Je$re$ # co$# dered the reg #tered ow$er of the la$d. &fter all* t wa# $ot h # fault
that the Jeg #try of Heed# could $ot ##ue the
corre#po$d $g tra$#fer cert f cate of t tle. 0 9aeloG# defe$#e of pre#cr pt o$ ca$ $ot ,e #u#ta $ed. &
@orre$# t tle # mpre#cr pt ,le. 1o t tle to reg #tered la$d $ derogat o$ of the t tle of the reg #tered ow$er #hall ,e ac?u red ,y pre#cr pt o$ or ad!er#e po##e## o$. 4.ect o$ 47*
P.H. 1o* 15297
$ece##ary $ the co$#truct o$ of the doc9# a$d the har,or#* the C ty of Ca! te # correct. /therw #e* t # $ot. . $ce J& 1899 author :ed the c ty to co$#truct doc9# a$d har,or#* all wor9# that are $ece##ary for #uch co$#truct o$ are deemed author :ed. +$clud $g the reclamat o$ of la$d from the #ea. @he reclamat o$ ,e $g author :ed* the c ty # the ow$er of the recla med la$d a$d t may co$!ey a port o$ thereof a# payme$t for the #er! ce# of the co$tractor.
A'!$.E" AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE":
e$tered $to ,efore J& 1899 wa# repealed ,y PH 3>&* the C ty of Ca! te # correct. "a$d# u$der the #ea are ',eyo$d the commerce of ma$' $ the #e$#e that they are $ot #u#cept ,le of pr !ate appropr at o$* ow$er#h p or
Page 76 of 119
al e$at o$. @he co$tract $ ?ue#t o$ merely call# for the reclamat o$ of 300 hectare# of la$d w th $ the coa#tal water# of the c ty. Per #e* t doe# $ot !e#t* al e$ate or
tra$#fer ow$er#h p of la$d u$der the #ea. @he c ty merely
e$gaged the #er! ce# of F l>5#tate to recla m the la$d for the c ty.
1egistration; Dee0 of *ortgage (199!)
a$#wer or #how up o$ the date of $ t al hear $g* doe# $ot guara$tee the #ucce## of the appl cat o$. +t # #t ll $cum,e$t upo$ the appl ca$t to pro!e w th well $ gh $co$tro!ert ,le e! de$ce that he ha# ac?u red a t tle to the la$d that # f t for reg #trat o$. &,#e$t #uch reg #tra,le t tle* t # the clear duty
of the "a$d Jeg #trat o$ Court to d #m ## the appl cat o$
a$d declare the la$d a# pu,l c la$d. &$ appl cat o$ for la$d reg #trat o$ # a proceed $g $ rem. +t# ma $ o,8ect !e # to e#ta,l #h the #tatu# of the re# u$der the Jegal a$ doctr $e or ha# ac?u red the character of
a pr !ate property. +t to # the duty of the appl ca$t whether t # #t ll part of our pu,l c doma $ a# pre#umed
a7 &fter the .pa$ #h 0ortgage "aw wa# a,rogated ,y P.H. 892 o$ Fe,ruary 16* 1976* all la$d# co!ered ,y .pa$ #h t tle# that were $ot ,rought u$der the @orre$# #y#tem w th $ # 16A mo$th# from the date thereof ha!e ,ee$ co$# dered a#
'u$reg #tered pr !ate la$d#.'
o!ercome that pre#umpt o$ w th #uff c e$t e! de$ce. 1eme0ies; 7%0icial 1econstit%tion of =itle (199-) +$ 1989* the he r# of )a! $o* who d ed o$ &ugu#t 10* 1987*
#y#tem of reg #trat o$ of tra$#act o$# or $#trume$t# affect $g u$reg #tered la$d u$der .ect o$ 194 of the Je! #ed &dm $ #trat !e Code a# ame$ded ,y &ct 1o. 3344. L$der th # law* the $#trume$t or tra$#act o$ affect $g u$reg #tered la$d # e$tered $ a ,oo9 pro! ded for the purpo#e ,ut the
reg #trat o$ thereof # purely !olu$tary a$d doe# $ot
la$d ,y a #er e# of #ale#. .he cla med that )a! $o had #old the property to Ner$ardo way ,ac9 $ 1941 a$d a# e! de$ce
thereof* #he pre#e$ted a @a- Heclarat o$ $ 1948 $ the $ame of Ner$ardo* wh ch ca$celled the pre! ou# @a-
Heclarat o$ $ the $ame of )a! $o. @he$ #he pre#e$ted two deed# of #ale duly reg #tered w th the Jeg #ter of Heed#* the
f r#t o$e e-ecuted ,y Ner$ardo $ 1954 #ell $g the #ame
property to Carlo#* a$d the #eco$d o$e e-ecuted ,y Carlo# $ 1963* #ell $g the #ame property to her. .he al#o cla med that #he a$d her predece##or# $ $tere#t ha!e ,ee$ $
po##e## o$ of the property # $ce 1948. +f you were the 8udge* how w ll you dec de the pet t o$%
5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
pu,l c doma $ wh ch wa# al e$a,le a$d d #po#a,le* u$der a ,o$a f de cla m of ow$er#h p. &fter ##ua$ce of the $ot ce
of $ t al hear $g a$d pu,l cat o$* a# re?u red ,y law* the pet t o$ wa# heard o$ <uly 29* 1987. /$ the day of the hear $g $o,ody ,ut the appl ca$t appeared. 1e ther wa#
the follow $g rea#o$#( a7 <ud c al reco$#t tut o$ of a cert f cate of t tle u$der J&. 1o. 26 parta9e# of a la$d reg #trat o$ proceed $g a$d # perforce a proceed $g $ rem. +t de$ote# re#torat o$ of a$ e- #t $g $#trume$t wh ch ha# ,ee$ lo#t or de#troyed $ t# or g $al form a$d co$d t o$. @he purpo#e of
reco$#t tut o$ of t tle or a$y docume$t # to ha!e the
there a$yo$e who oppo#ed the appl cat o$. @hereupo$* o$ mot o$ of the appl ca$t* the J@C ##ued a$ order of ge$eral
default a$d allowed the appl ca$t to pre#e$t h # e! de$ce. @hat he d d. /$ .eptem,er 30* 1989* the J@C d #m ##ed
#ame reproduced* after proceed $g#. +$ the #ame form they were whe$ the lo## or de#truct o$ occurred. ,7 +f the Court goe# ,eyo$d that purpo#e* t act# w thout
or $ e-ce## of 8ur #d ct o$. @hu#* where the @orre$#
&G# appl cat o$ for lac9 of #uff c e$t e! de$ce. & appealed to
the Court of &ppeal#.
@ tle #ought to ,e reco$#t tuted # $ the $ame of )a! $o* the court ca$$ot rece !e e! de$ce pro! $g that
0ar lou # the ow$er of the la$d. 0ar louG# dom $ cal @he appella$t urged that the J@C erred $ d #m ## $g h #
appl cat o$ for reg #trat o$ a$d $ $ot order $g reg #trat o$ of h # t tle to the parcel of la$d $ ?ue#t o$ de#p te the fact that there wa# $o oppo# t o$ f led ,y a$y,ody to h # appl cat o$. H d the J@C comm t the error attr ,uted to t%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
cla m to the la$d #hould ,e !e$t lated $ a #eparate c ! l act o$ ,efore the Jeg o$al @r al Court $ t# capac ty a#
a court of ge$eral 8ur #d ct o$.
#$# #"C#%. +eirs of Pe2ro Pinate 6s. Dula7. 187 %C ' 12@20 91990:A ?una;an 6s. C$1 Ce1u ?ranc/ B!. 97 %C ' 72 91980:A
epu1lic 6s. !'C. 157 %C ' 62466 91988:A )ar;olles 6s. C'4 230
1o* the J@C d d $ot comm t the error attr ,uted to t. +$ a$ appl cat o$ for <ud c al co$f rmat o$ of mperfect or $complete t tle to pu,l c agr cultural la$d u$der .ect o$ 48
of the Pu,l c "a$d &ct* the lac9 of oppo# t o$ a$d the
Page 77 of 119
@he Jeg #ter of Heed# #hall $ot fy the $tere#ted party $ wr t $g* #ett $g forth the defect# of the $#trume$t or
the legal grou$d rel ed upo$ for de$y $g the
docume$t# from the Jeg #try* ele!ate the matter ,y Co$#ulta to the &dm $ #trator of the "a$d Jeg #trat o$
4a7 &$ act o$ for reco$!eya$ce aga $#t Huey # $ot the proper remedy* ,ecau#e Huey # a$ $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue. @he proper recour#e # for "ou e to go after Hewey for damage# ,y rea#o$ of the fraudule$t reg #trat o$ a$d #u,#e?ue$t #ale of the la$d. +f Hewey # $#ol!e$t* "ou e may f le a cla m aga $#t the &##ura$ce Fu$d (Ae"rs
e%ro 5o'e@ v. Fe Castro 3$4 SCRA 791 [$000] +"t"n, S's.
&fter rece pt of the Co$#ulta a$d payme$t of the corre#po$d $g fee the Jeg #ter of Heed# ma9e# a$ a$$otat o$ of the pe$d $g co$#ulta at the ,ac9 of the
cert f cate of t tle.
4,7 Be#* the remedy w ll pro#per ,ecau#e the act o$ pre#cr ,e# $ te$ 4107 year#* $ot w th $ o$e 417 year whe$ a pet t o$ for the reope$ $g of the reg #trat o$ decree may ,e f led. @he act o$ for reco$!eya$ce # d #t $ct from the pet t o$ to reope$ the decree of reg #trat o$ 4)rey &l,a !. He la Cru:* 17 Ph l. 49 ;1910M7. @here # $o $eed to reope$ the reg #trat o$ proceed $g#* ,ut the property #hould 8u#t ,e reco$!eyed to the real ow$er.
@he act o$ for reco$!eya$ce # ,a#ed o$ mpl ed or co$#truct !e tru#t* wh ch pre#cr ,e# $ te$ 4107 year# from
#ummary of the fact# a$d ##ue# $!ol!ed. @he "J& &dm $ #trator the$ co$duct# hear $g# after due $ot ce or may 8u#t re?u re part e# to #u,m t the r memora$da.
pre#cr , $g the #tep to ,e ta9e$ or the memora$dum to ,e made. H # re#olut o$ $ co$#ulta #hall ,e co$clu# !e
a$d , $d $g upo$ all Jeg #ter# of Heed# u$le##
the date of ##ua$ce of the or g $al cert f cate of t tle. @h # rule a##ume# that the defe$da$t # $ po##e## o$ of the la$d. 2here t # the pla $t ff who # $ po##e## o$ of the la$d* the act o$ for reco$!eya$ce would ,e $ the $ature of a #u t for ?u et $g for the t tle wh ch act o$ # mpre#cr pt ,le (Fav"%
v. Malay, 318 SCRA (11 [1999]).
@he procedure of co$#ulta # a mode of appeal from de$ al ,y the Jeg #ter of Heed# of the reg #trat o$ of the $#trume$t to the Comm ## o$er of "a$d
1eme0ies; 1econve"ance; Elements (1999) Jommel wa# ##ued a cert f cate of t tle o!er a parcel of la$d $ Pue:o$ C ty. /$e year later Jachelle* the leg t mate
ow$er of the la$d* d #co!ered the fraudule$t reg #trat o$
o,ta $ed ,y Jommel. .he f led a compla $t aga $#t Jommel for reco$!eya$ce a$d cau#ed the a$$otat o$ of a $ot ce of Jommel $ow $!o9e# the $defea# , l ty of h # t tle co$# der $g that o$e year ha# already elap#ed from t# ##ua$ce. He al#o #ee9# the ca$cellat o$ of the $ot ce of "# pe$de$#. 2l l JachelleG# #u t for reco$!eya$ce pro#per% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
e$ter a$ order pre#cr , $g the #tep to ,e ta9e$ or memora$dum to ,e made. Je#olut o$ $ co$#ulta #hall
,e , $d $g upo$ all Jeg #ter# of Heed# pro! ded that
Be#* JachelleG# #u t w ll pro#per ,ecau#e all eleme$t# for a$ act o$ for reco$!eya$ce are pre#e$t* $amely(
4rescriptive 4erio0 ('##() "ou e* ,efore lea! $g the cou$try to tra $ a# a chef $ a f !e> #tar hotel $ 1ew Bor9* L...&.* e$tru#ted to h # f r#t>degree cou# $ Hewey a$ appl cat o$ for reg #trat o$* u$der the "a$d Jeg #trat o$ &ct* of a parcel of la$d located $ Nacolod C ty. & year later* "ou e retur$ed to the Ph l pp $e# a$d d #co!ered that Hewey reg #tered the la$d a$d o,ta $ed a$ /r g $al Cert f cate of @ tle o!er the property $ h #
HeweyO# $ame. Compou$d $g the matter* Hewey #old the
cla m $g dom $ cal r ght# o!er the Jachelle # #ame la$d. ,7 Jommel procured h # t tle to the la$d ,y fraud. c7 @he act o$ wa# ,rought w th $ the #tatutory per od of four 447 year# from d #co!ery of the fraud a$d $ot later a7
tha$ te$ 410M year# from the date of reg #trat o$ of JommelG# t tle.
d7 @ tle to the la$d ha# $ot pa##ed $to the ha$d# of a$
$$oce$t purcha#er for !alue. Jommel ca$ $!o9e the $defea# , l ty of h # t tle f Jachelle had f led a pet t o$ to reope$ or re! ew the decree of reg #trat o$. Nut Jachelle $#tead f led a$ ord $ary act o$ $ per#o$am for reco$!eya$ce. +$ the latter act o$* $defea# , l ty # $ot a !al d defe$#e ,ecau#e* $ f l $g #uch act o$* Jachelle # $ot #ee9 $g to $ull fy $or to mpug$ the $defea# , l ty of JommelG# t tle. .he # o$ly a#9 $g the court to compel Jommel to reco$!ey the t tle to her a# the
leg t mate ow$er of the la$d.
la$d to Huey* a$ $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue. "ou e promptly f led a$ act o$ for reco$!eya$ce of the parcel of
la$d aga $#t Huey.
4a7 4,7
w ll the act o$ pro#per f the ca#e wa# f led ,eyo$d o$e year* ,ut w th $ te$ year#* from the e$try of the decree of reg #trat o$% 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Page 78 of 119
Be#. @he property reg #tered # deemed to ,e held $ tru#t for the real ow$er ,y the per#o$ $ who#e $ame t # reg #tered. @he @orre$# #y#tem wa# $ot de# g$ed to #h eld
o$e who had comm tted fraud or m #repre#e$tat o$ a$d
@h # act o$ doe# $ot pre#cr ,e. 2 th re#pect to Perc !alG# act o$ for reco$!eya$ce* t would ha!e pre#cr ,ed* ha! $g ,ee$ f led more tha$ te$ 4107 year# after reg #trat o$ a$d
1eme0ies; 1econve"ance; 4rescriptive 4erio0 (1997) /$ 10 .eptem,er 1965* 0el! $ appl ed for a free pate$t
co!er $g two lot# > "ot & a$d "ot N > # tuated $ .a$t ago*
+#a,ela. Lpo$ cert f cat o$ ,y the Pu,l c "a$d +$#pector
that 0el! $ had ,ee$ $ actual* co$t $uou#* ope$* $otor ou#* e-clu# !e a$d ad!er#e po##e## o$ of the lot# # $ce 1925* the H rector of "a$d appro!ed 0el! $G# appl cat o$ o$ 04 <u$e
1967. /$ 26 Hecem,er 1967* /r g $al Cert f cate of @ tle 4/C@7 1o. P>2277 wa# ##ued $ the $ame of 0el!l$.
toto the t tle of 0el! $* the court* $ the e-erc #e of e?u ty a$d 8ur #d ct o$* may gra$t prayer for the reco$!eya$ce of "ot N to Perc !al who ha# actually po##e##ed the la$d u$der a cla m of ow$er#h p # $ce 1947. &fter all* f 0el! $G# t tle # declared !o d a, $ t o a$d the la$d # re!erted to the pu,l c
doma $* Perc !al would 8u#t the #ame ,e e$t tled to
1947 wa# $cluded $ the Free Pate$t ##ued $ the $ame of 0el! $. @he H rector of "a$d# ordered the $!e#t gat o$ of
Perc !alG# prote#t. @he .pec al +$!e#t gator who co$ducted
Pu,l c "a$d &ct* the #ame p#o 8ure cea#e# to ,e pu,l c a$d la$d. @hu#* reco$!eya$ce of the la$d from 0el! $ to Perc !al would ,e the ,etter procedure* (#"tale vs. Anore,
90 !"l. 877C ena, 5an% T"tles an% Fee%s, 198$, a,e 4$()
the $!e#t gat o$ fou$d that Perc !al had ,ee$ $ actual cult !at o$ of "ot N # $ce 1947. /$ 28 1o!em,er 1986* the .ol c tor )e$eral f led $ ,ehalf of the Jepu,l c of the Ph l pp $e# a compla $t for
ca$cellat o$ of the free pate$t a$d the /C@ ##ued $ the $ame of 0el! $ a$d the re!er# o$ of the la$d to pu,l c doma $ o$ the grou$d of fraud a$d m #repre#e$tat o$ $
@he act o$ of the .ol c tor )e$eral #hould pro#per* co$# der $g that the doctr $e of $defea# , l ty of t tle doe# $ot apply to free pate$t #ecured through fraud. & cert f cate
of t tle ca$$ot ,e u#ed a# #h eld to perpetuate fraud. @he .tate # $ot ,ou$d ,y the per od of pre#cr pt o$ #tated $
o,ta $ $g the free pate$t. /$ the #ame date* Perc !al #ued 0art $ for the reco$!eya$ce of "ot N. 0el! $ f led h # a$#wer# $terpo# $g the #ole defe$#e $
,oth ca#e# that the Cert f cate of @ tle ##ued $ h # $ame
$$oce$t th rd party for !alue (Fa/lo .s. Co.rt o* A''eals. $$6 SCRA 618)* a$d pro! ded that the act o$ # f led w th $ the pre#cr pt !e per od of te$ year# (Tale vs. Co.rt o*
A''eals. $08 SCRA $66). . $ce the act o$ wa# f led ,y
#u,m tted that the #ame # already ,arred ,y pre#cr pt o$. AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE" 4to #eco$d part of ?ue#t o$7 @he act o$ for reco$!eya$ce f led ,y Perc !al w ll pro#per*
,ecome# p#o facto $ull a$d !o d. @hu#* $ a ca#e where a per#o$ who o,ta $ed a free pate$t* 9$ow $gly made a fal#e
#tateme$t of mater al a$d e##e$t al fact# $ h # appl cat o$
,ecau#e the la$d ha# cea#ed to ,e pu,l c la$d a$d ha# ,ecome pr !ate la$d ,y ope$* co$t $uou#* pu,l c* e-clu# !e po##e## o$ u$der a ,o$a f de cla m of ow$er#h p for more
tha$ th rty year#* a$d Perc !al # #t ll $ po##e## o$ of the property at pre#e$t. H # act o$ for reco$!eya$ce ca$ ,e
for the #ame* ,y #tat $g there $ that the lot $ ?ue#t o$ wa# part of the pu,l c doma $ $ot occup ed or cla med ,y a$y other per#o$* h # t tle ,ecome# p#o facto ca$celed a$d
co$#e?ue$tly re$dered $ull a$d !o d.'
'+t # to the pu,l c $tere#t that o$e who #ucceed# +$ fraudule$tly ac?u r $g t tle to pu,l c la$d #hould $ot ,e
allowed to ,e$ef t therefrom a$d the .tate* through the
.ol c tor )e$eral* may f le the corre#po$d $g act o$ for a$$ulme$t of the pate$t a$d the re!er# o$ of the la$d $!ol!ed to the pu,l c doma $' (F"nero .s. F"re+tor o* 5an%sC Paya/an vs. Re'./l"+ 563330(,86$06(3C F"re+tor o*
5an%s .s. Aon. e%ro Sa&son An"&as, 563(68$, 36$96(4.)
@he e##e$t al eleme$t# are( 417 that the pet t o$er ha# a real
or dom $ cal r ght3 427 that he ha# ,ee$ depr !ed thereof through fraud3 437 that the pet t o$ # f led w th $ o$e 417
year from the ##ua$ce of the decree3 a$d 447 that the
property ha# $ot yet ,ee$ tra$#ferred to a$ $$oce$t
Page 79 of 119
&dm $ #trat !e Code of 1987 wh ch proh , t# off cer# a$d employee# of the go!er$me$t from purcha# $g d rectly or
Pet t o$ for re! ew of the Hecree of Jeg #trat o$. & remedy
e-pre##ly pro! ded $ .ect o$ 32 of P. H. 1o. 1529 4formerly .ect o$ 38. &ct 4967* th # remedy ha# the follow $g eleme$t#(
@he pet t o$ mu#t ,e f led ,y a per#o$ cla m $g dom $ cal or other real r ght# to the la$d reg #tered $
the $ame of re#po$de$t. wa# procured
4a7 +# the #ale to <ua$ !al d% +f #o* what # the effect of the +##ua$ce of the Cert f cate of @ tle to 0ar a% 4,7 +f the #ale # !o d* may <ua$ reco!er the P10*000.00% +f
$ot* why $ot%
Fraud #
actual f the reg #trat o$ wa# made through dece t or a$y other $te$t o$al act of dow$r ght d #ho$e#ty to
e$r ch o$e#elf at the e-pe$#e of a$other. +t # e-tr $# c whe$ t # #ometh $g that wa# $ot ra #ed* l t gated a$d
pa##ed upo$ $ the ma $ proceed $g#.
&. @he #ale of the la$d to <ua$ # $ot !al d* ,e $g co$trary to law. @herefore* $o tra$#fer of ow$er#h p of the la$d wa# effected from the del $?ue$t ta-payer to h m. @he or g $al cert f cate# of t tle o,ta $ed ,y 0ar a thru a free pate$t gra$t
from the Nureau of "a$d# u$der Chapter 6++* C& 141 #
pro! de# that e!ery reg #tered ow$er rece ! $g a Cert f cate
of @ tle #hall hold the #ame free from a$ e$cum,ra$ce#*
H #t $gu #h the @orre$# #y#tem of la$d reg #trat o$ from the #y#tem of record $g of e! de$ce of t tle.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
! olat o$ of the law. C. 1o* the #ale d d $ot d !e#t 0ar a of her t tle prec #ely ,ecau#e the #ale # !o d. +t # a# good a# f $o #ale e!er too9 place. +$ ta- #ale#* the ow$er # d !e#ted of h # la$d $ t ally upo$ award a$d ##ua$ce of a Cert f cate of .ale* a$d f $ally after the lap#e of the 1 year per od from date of reg #trat o$* to
redeem* upo$ e-ecut o$ ,y the trea#urer of a$ $#trume$t
0ortgage "aw or the #y#tem u$der .ect o$ 194 of the Je! #ed &dm $ #trat !e Code a# ame$ded ,y &ct 3344
where o$ly the e! de$ce of #uch t tle # recorded. +$ the latter #y#tem* what # recorded # the deed of co$!eya$ce from he$ce the ow$erG# t tle ema$atedWa$d $ot the t tle
#uff c e$t $ form a$d effect# to co$!ey the property. 0ar a rema $ed ow$er of the la$d u$t l a$other ta- #ale # to ,e performed $ fa!or of a ?ual f ed ,uyer.
t#elf. ,7 @orre$# #y#tem of la$d reg #trat o$ # that wh ch # pre#cr ,ed $ &ct 496 4$ow PH 15297* wh ch # e ther <ud c al or ?ua# >8ud c al. .y#tem or record $g of e! de$ce of t tle # merely the reg #trat o$ of e! de$ce of ac?u # t o$# of la$d w th the Jeg #ter of Heed#* who a$$otate# the #ame o$ the e- #t $g t tle* ca$cel# the old o$e a$d ##ue# a $ew t tle
Consens%al vs. 1eal Contracts; Ein0s of 1eal Contracts
(1993) H #t $gu #h co$#e$#ual from real co$tract# a$d $ame at lea#t four 447 9 $d# of real co$tract# u$der the pre#e$t law. ;3EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
C/1.51.L&" C/1@J&C@. are tho#e wh ch are perfected ,y mere co$#e$t 4&rt. 1315. C ! l Code7. J5&" C/1@J&C@. are tho#e wh ch are perfected ,y the del !ery of the o,8ect of the o,l gat o$. 4&rt. 1316* C ! l Code7
5-ample# of real co$tract# are depo# t* pledge*
@rea#urerG# /ff ce of #a d C ty* who#e , d at P10*000.00 wa# the h ghe#t. +$ due t me* a f $al , ll of #ale wa# e-ecuted $
h # fa!or.
a free pate$t a$d o$ the ,a# # thereof a$ /r g $al Cert f cate of @ tle wa# ##ued to her* a$d 427 the #ale $ fa!or of <ua$ #
!o d from the ,eg $$ $g $ ! ew of the pro! # o$ $ the
could $ot accou$t for the fu$d# e$tru#ted to her* #he wa# charged w th e#tafa a$d ordered arre#ted. +$ order to #ecure her relea#e from 8a l* her pare$t# e-ecuted a prom ##ory $ote
to pay the f $a$ce compa$y the amou$t allegedly m #appropr ated ,y the r daughter. @he f $a$ce compa$y
Page 80 of 119
CIVIL LAW Answers to the BAR as Arranged by Topics (Year 19902006) the$ e-ecuted a$ aff da! t of de# #ta$ce wh ch led to the
w thdrawal of the $format o$ aga $#t "ol ta a$d her relea#e from 8a l. @he pare$t# fa led to comply w th the r
prom ##ory $ote a$d the f $a$ce compa$y #ued them for #pec f c performa$ce. 2 ll the act o$ pro#per or $ot% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
0y a$#wer w ll $ot ,e the #ame a# to damage#. 0ar! $ w ll ,e l a,le for damage# for ,reach of co$tract of opt o$. 2 th the payme$t of the co$# derat o$ for the opt o$ g !e$* a$d
w th the co$#e$t of the part e# a$d the o,8ect of co$tract ,e $g pre#e$t* a perfected co$tract of opt o$ wa# created. the performa$ce of the r o,l gat o$
@he act o$ w ll pro#per. @he prom ##ory $ote e-ecuted ,y "ol taG# pare$t# # !al d a$d , $d $g* the co$# derat o$ ,e $g the e-t $gu #hme$t of "ol taG# c ! l l a, l ty a$d $ot the
#t fl $g of the cr m $al pro#ecut o$.
(San M",.el, In+. v.,, ;.R. 0o. 13($90, 31, $000) L$der &rt cle 1170 of the C ! l Code* tho#e who $
are gu lty of
@he act o$ w ll $ot pro#per ,ecau#e the co$# derat o$ for the prom ##ory $ote wa# the $o$>pro#ecut o$ of the
cr m $al ca#e for e#tafa. @h # ca$$ot ,e do$e a$ymore ,ecau#e the $format o$ ha# already ,ee$ f led $ court a$d to do t # llegal. @hat the co$# derat o$ for the prom ##ory
$ote # the #t fl $g of the cr m $al pro#ecut o$ # e! de$t
from the e-ecut o$ ,y the f $a$ce compa$y of the aff da! t of de# #ta$ce mmed ately after the e-ecut o$ ,y "ol taG#
pare$t# of the prom ##ory $ote. @he co$# derat o$ ,e $g e$forced ,y court act o$. Contract of Option; Elements ('##9)
0y a$#wer w ll $ot ,e the #ame f Carlo# pa d 0ar! $ P10*000.00 ,ecau#e a$ opt o$ co$tract wa# perfected. @hu#* f 0ar! $ w thdrew the offer pr or to the e-p rat o$ of the 10>day per od* he ,reached the opt o$ co$tract. 4&rt cle 1324* C ! l Code7 +) S.''os"n, t!at Carlos a++e'te% t!e o**er /e*ore Marv"n +o.l% +o&&.n"+ate !"s 9"t!%ra9al t!ereo*1 F" t!e le,al +onseN.en+es. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
w th $ wh ch to accept or re8ect the offer. /$ the f fth day* ,efore Carlo# could ma9e up h # m $d* 0ar! $ w thdrew h #
offer. a) )!at "s t!e e**e+t o* t!e 9"t!%ra9al o* Marv"nDs o**er1 ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Co$tract# are perfected ,y mere co$#e$t ma$ fe#ted ,y the meet $g of the offer a$d the accepta$ce upo$ the th $g a$d the cau#e wh ch are to co$#t tute the co$tract. (;o&e@ v. Co.rt o* A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 1$0(4(, Se'te&/er $1, $000)
L$der &rt cle 1315 of the C ! l Code* Carlo# a$d 0ar! $ are ,ou$d to fulf ll what ha# ,ee$ e-pre##ly #t pulated a$d all
@he w thdrawal of 0ar! $G# offer w ll cau#e the offer to cea#e $ law. He$ce* e!e$ f #u,#e?ue$tly accepted* there
co$#e?ue$ce# thereof. L$der &rt cle 1167* f 0ar! $ would refu#e to co$#truct the hou#e* Carlo# # e$t tled to ha!e the
co$#truct o$ ,e do$e ,y a th rd per#o$ at the e-pe$#e of
could ,e $o co$curre$ce of the offer a$d the accepta$ce. +$ the a,#e$ce of co$curre$ce of offer a$d accepta$ce* there
ca$ ,e $o co$#e$t. (5a.%"+o v. Ar"as Ro%r",.e@, ;.R.
0ar! $. 0ar! $ $ that ca#e w ll ,e l a,le for damage# u$der &rt cle 1170. )ne<istent Contracts vs. 2nn%llable Contracts ('##!) H #t $gu #h ,r efly ,ut clearly ,etwee$ +$e- #te$t co$tract# a$d a$$ulla,le co$tract#.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
0o. 16730, Mar+! 31, 19$$) 2 thout co$#e$t* there # $o perfected co$tract for the co$#truct o$ of the hou#e of Carlo#. (Salon,a v. 8arrales, ;.R. 0o. 564(088, 10, 1981) &rt cle 1318 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that there ca$
,e $o co$tract u$le## the follow $g re?u # te# co$cur( 417
$ot create a$y o,l gat o$ a$d ca$$ot ,e rat f ed or !al dated* a# there # $o agreeme$t to rat fy or !al date. /$ the other ha$d* &11L""&N"5 or 6/+H&N"5 C/1@J&C@. are
!al d u$t l $!al dated ,y the court ,ut may ,e rat f ed. +$
gra$ted. +$ th # ca#e* $o co$# derat o$ wa# g !e$ ,y Carlo# for the opt o$ g !e$* thu# there # $o perfected co$tract of
$e- #te$t co$tract#* o$e or more re?u # te# of a !al d co$tract are a,#e$t. +$ a$ulla,le co$tract#* all the eleme$t#
of a co$tract are pre#e$t e-cept that the co$#e$t of o$e of the co$tract $g part e# wa# ! t ated or o$e of them ha# $o capac ty to g !e co$#e$t.
.at%re of Contracts; Obligatoriness (1991)
0y a$#wer w ll ,e the #ame a# to the perfect o$ of the co$tract for the co$#truct o$ of the hou#e of Carlo#. 1o perfected co$tract ar #e# ,ecau#e of lac9 of co$#e$t. 2 th
Jola$d* a ,a#9et,all #tar* wa# u$der co$tract for o$e year to play>for>play e-clu# !ely for "ady "o!e* +$c. Howe!er* e!e$ ,efore the ,a#9et,all #ea#o$ could ope$* he wa# offered a
more attract !e pay plu# fr $ge# ,e$ef t# ,y .weet @a#te* +$c. Jola$d accepted the offer a$d tra$#ferred to .weet
@a#te. "ady "o!e #ue# Jola$d a$d .weet @a#te for ,reach of co$tract. Hefe$da$t# cla m that the re#tr ct o$ to play for
"ady "o!e alo$e t # !o d* he$ce* u$e$forcea,le* a#
Page 81 of 119
co$#t tute# a$ u$due $terfere$ce w th the r ght of Jola$d to e$ter $to co$tract# a$d the mpa rme$t of h # freedom
to play a$d e$8oy ,a#9et,all.
a$y payme$t at all. Pr $tado ha# al#o a #ta$d $g co$tract w th pu,l #her Pu,l co for the pr $t $g of 10*000 !olume#
of #chool te-t,oo9#. .upl co wa# aware of #a d pr $t $g co$tract. &fter pr $t $g 1*000 !olume#* Pr $tado al#o fa l# to
perform u$der t# pr $t $g co$tract w th Pu,l co. .upl co #ue# Pr $tado for the !alue of the u$pa d del !er e# u$der
Ca$ Jola$d ,e ,ou$d ,y the co$tract he e$tered $to w th "ady "o!e or ca$ he d #regard the #ame% +# he l a,le at all%
How a,out .weet @a#te% +# t l a,le to "ady "o!e%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Jola$d # ,ou$d ,y the co$tract he e$tered $to w th "ady "o!e a$d he ca$$ot d #regard the #ame* u$der the pr $c ple# of o,l gator $e## of co$tract#. /,l gat o$# ar # $g from
co$tract# ha!e the force of law ,etwee$ the part e#.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the r order agreeme$t. &t the #ame t me Pu,l co #ue# Pr $tado for damage# for ,reach of co$tract w th re#pect to
the r ow$ pr $t $g agreeme$t. +$ the #u t f led ,y .upl co*
Be#* Jola$d # l a,le u$der the co$tract a# far a# "ady "o!e # co$cer$ed. He # l a,le for damage# u$der &rt cle 1170 of the C ! l Code # $ce he co$tra!e$ed the te$or of h # o,l gat o$. 1ot ,e $g a co$tract $g party* .weet @a#te # $ot ,ou$d ,y the co$tract ,ut t ca$ ,e held l a,le u$der &rt. 1314. @he ,a# # of t# l a, l ty # $ot pre#cr ,ed ,y co$tract
,ut # fou$ded o$ ?ua# >del ct* a##um $g that .weet @a#te
.upl co ha# completed performa$ce u$der #a d co$tract3 4,7 .upl co #hould pay damage# for ,reach of co$tract3 a$d 4c7
w th Pu,l co #hould ,e l a,le for Pr $tadoO# ,reach of h#
co$tract w th Pu,l co ,ecau#e the order agreeme$t ,etwee$ .upl co a$d Pr $tado wa# for the ,e$ef t of Pu,l co. &re the co$te$t o$# of Pr $tado te$a,le% 5-pla $ your a$#wer# a# to each co$te$t o$. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
9$ew of the co$tract. &rt cle 1314 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that a$y th rd per#o$ who $duce# a$other to ! olate h # co$tract #hall ,e l a,le for damage# to the other
co$tract $g party.
,e $g co$trary to law moral#* good cu#tom#* pu,l c order or pu,l c pol cy.
.at%re of Contracts; 4rivit" of Contract (199-)
co$tract* a# t wa# $ot he who ! olated the order agreeme$t* ,ut Pr $tado. .upl co ca$$ot ,e held l a,le for Pr $tadoO# ,reach of e$tered $to ,y a$d ,etwee$ Pr $tado a$d Pu,l co. @he r# #
$ot a #t pulat o$ pour atru . ;&fore#a dA .uch co$tract# do could $ot affect th rd per#o$# l 9e .upl co ,ecau#e of the co$tract w th Pu,l co. He # $ot a party to the agreeme$t
Naldomero lea#ed h # hou#e w th a telepho$e to <o#e. @he lea#e co$tract pro! ded that <o#e #hall pay for all electr c ty* water a$d telepho$e #er! ce# $ the lea#ed prem #e# dur $g the per od of the lea#e. . - mo$th# later. <o#e #urrept t ou#ly !acated the prem #e#. He left ,eh $d u$pa d telepho$e , ll# for o!er#ea# telepho$e call# amou$t $g to o!er P20*000.00. Naldomero refu#ed to pay the #a d , ll# o$ the grou$d that
<o#e had already #u,#t tuted h m a# the cu#tomer of the telepho$e compa$y. @he latter ma $ta $ed that Naldomero
,a# c c ! l law pr $c ple of relat ! ty of co$tract# wh ch pro! de# that co$tract# ca$ o$ly , $d the part e# who
e$tered $to t* a$d t ca$$ot fa!or or pre8ud ce a th rd
per#o$* e!e$ f he # aware of #uch co$tract a$d ha# acted w th 9$owledge thereof. (Inte,rate% a+Ea,"n, Cor'orat"on
v. CA, s.'ra.)
where $ the former agreed to #ell h # 2*000 #?uare meter lot $ Ca $ta* J :al* to the latter for the pr ce of P1*000*000.00*
t co$tracted w th wa#
paya,le P100*000.00 dow$* a$d the ,ala$ce 60 day# after the #?uatter# $ the property ha!e ,ee$ remo!ed. +f the #?uatter# are $ot remo!ed w th $ # - mo$th#* the
agreeme$t u$der wh ch .upl co , $d# h m#elf to del !er the #ame !olume of paper e!ery mo$th for a per od of 18
mo$th#* w th Pr $tado $ tur$ agree $g to pay w th $ 60
that he # u$a,le to remo!e the #?uatter# o$ the property. ..C refu#ed to accept the mo$ey a$d dema$ded that .al!ador e-ecute a deed of a,#olute #ale of the property $ t# fa!or* at wh ch t me t w ll pay the ,ala$ce of the pr ce.
+$c de$tally* the !alue of the la$d had dou,led ,y that t me.
Page 82 of 119
&rt cle 2016 of the C ! l Code f #he a$d the fam ly $eeded
the mo$ey for #upport.
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE" 345:
&. 427. 0r#. IB ca$$ot f le a #u t to reco!er what her hu#,a$d lo#t. &rt 2014 of the C ! l Code pro! de# that a$y
lo#er $ a game of cha$ce may reco!er h # lo## from the
co$d t o$al o,l gat o$* he # $ot the aggr e!ed party who
f le
the act o$
re#c ## o$
the .tar
,or$e e-clu# !ely ,y the lo#er>#pou#e. @herefore* the#e ca$$ot ,e charged aga $#t a,#olute commu$ ty property or
co$8ugal part$er#h p of ga $#. @h # ,e $g #o* 0r#. IB ha#
$o $tere#t $ law to pro#ecute a$d reco!er a# #he ha# $o
$ot comm tted a$y ,reach* let alo$e a #u,#ta$t al or #er ou# o$e* to warra$t the re#c ## o$Sre#olut o$ #ought ,y the
!e$dor. /$ the co$trary* t # the !e$dor who appear# to ha!e fa led to comply w th the co$d t o$ mpo#ed ,y the
legal #ta$d $g $ court to do #o. Con0itional Obligations ('###) Pedro prom #ed to g !e h # gra$d#o$ a car f the latter w ll
pa## the ,ar e-am $at o$#. 2he$ h # gra$d#o$ pa##ed the #a d e-am $at o$#* Pedro refu#ed to g !e the car o$ the
dema$da,le. Further* far from ,e $g u$a,le to comply w th what # $cum,e$t upo$ t* e.* pay the ,ala$ce of the pr ce >
the ,uyer ha# offered to pay t e!e$ w thout the !e$dor
grou$d that the co$d t o$ wa# a purely pote#tat !e o$e. +# he correct or $ot% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
well a# the 60>day term $ t# fa!or @he #t pulat o$ that the P100*000.00 dow$ payme$t #hall ,e retur$ed ,y the !e$dor
to the !e$dee f the #?uatter# are $ot remo!ed w th $ # mo$th#* # al#o a co!e$a$t for the ,e$ef t of the !e$dee* wh ch the latter ha# !al dly wa !ed ,y mpl cat o$ whe$ t
1o* he # $ot correct. F r#t of all* the co$d t o$ # $ot purely pote#tat !e* ,ecau#e t doe# $ot depe$d o$ the #ole w ll of
o$e of the part e#. .eco$dly* e!e$ f t were* t would ,e
!al d ,ecau#e t depe$d# o$ the #ole w ll of the cred tor 4the do$ee7 a$d $ot of the de,tor 4the do$or7. Con0itional Obligations ('##()
&re the follow $g o,l gat o$# !al d* why* a$d f they are
2leator" Contracts; Bambling ('##!) &. 0r. IB lo#t P100*000 $ a card game called Ju## a$
c7 a
mea$# to pay3 +f the de,tor prom #e# to pay whe$ he l 9e#3 +f the de,tor prom #e# to pay whe$ he ,ecome# lawyer3 w th ca$cer* doe# $ot d e w th $ o$e year. 5E
4a7 @he o,l gat o$ # !al d. +t # a$ o,l gat o$ #u,8ect to a$ $def $ te per od ,ecau#e the de,tor , $d# h m#elf to
pay whe$ h # mea$# perm t h m to do #o 4&rt cle 1180*
1CC7. 2he$ the cred tor 9$ow# that the de,tor already ha#
&. 1. @he #u t ,y P= to collect the ,ala$ce of what he wo$ from IB w ll $ot pro#per. L$der &rt cle 2014 of the C ! l
Code* $o act o$ ca$ ,e ma $ta $ed ,y the w $$er for the
fu$dame$tally a game of cha$ce. 27 +f the mo$ey pa d ,y IB to P= wa# co$8ugal or commu$ ty property* the w fe of IB could #ue to reco!er t
,ecau#e &rt cle 117477 of the Fam ly Code pro! de# that lo##e# $ gam,l $g or ,ett $g are ,or$e e-clu# !ely ,y the
co$d t o$*
lo#er>#pou#e. He$ce* co$8ugal or commu$ ty fu$d# may $ot ,e u#ed to pay for #uch lo##e#. +f the mo$ey were e-clu# !e
Page 83 of 119
$ot depe$d #olely o$ the w ll of the de,tor ,ut al#o o$ other factor# out# de the de,torO# co$trol.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
He$ce* upo$ 5!aG# pa## $g the Nar* the r ght# of the other
,uyer term $ated a$d 5!a ac?u red ow$er#h p of the
@he o,l gat o$ # !al d. @he death of the #o$ of # made a $egat !e #u#pe$# !e
(EC!'# AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE":
co$d t o$ to h # ma9 $g the payme$t. @he o,l gat o$ # dema$da,le f the #o$ doe# $ot d e w th $ o$e year 4&rt cle
1185* 1CC7. Con0itional Obligations; 4romise (1997) +$ two #eparate docume$t# # g$ed ,y h m* <ua$ 6ale$t $o 'o,l gated' h m#elf each to 0ar a a$d to Perla* thu# >
G@o 0ar a* my true lo!e* + o,l gate my#elf to g !e you my
0a$uel # !al d* a# the co$tract ,etwee$ 0a$uel a$d 5!a # a mere prom #e to #ell a$d 5!a ha# $ot ac?u red a real r ght o!er the la$d a##um $g that there # a pr ce #t pulated $ the co$tract for the co$tract to ,e co$# dered a #ale a$d there wa# del !ery or trad t o$ of the th $g #old. 4,7 1o* #he # $ot e$t tled to the re$tal# collected ,y 0a$uel wa# $ot yet the ow$er of the property.
I"($ AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE": (+&&E($E# A'(WE":
o$e a$d o$ly hor#e whe$ + feel l 9e +t.' > a$d >
&##um $g that 5!a # the o$e e$t tled to ,uy the hou#e a$d
0o$th# pa##ed ,ut <ua$ $e!er ,othered to ma9e good h # prom #e#. 0ar a a$d Perla came to co$#ult you o$ whether
or $ot they could reco!er o$ the ,a# # of the forego $g #ett $g#. 2hat would your legal ad! ce ,e%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
lot* #he # $ot e$t tled to the re$tal# collected ,y 0a$uel ,efore #he pa##ed the ,ar e-am $at o$#. 2hether t # a
happe$ $g of the co$d t o$* the fru t# of the th $g a$d the $tere#t# o$ the mo$ey are deemed to ha!e ,ee$ mutually
compe$#ated u$der &rt cle 1187.
(EC!'# AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE":
re#ult $g from #uch prom #e. & prom #e doe# $ot create a$ o,l gat o$ o$ the part of <ua$ ,ecau#e t # $ot #ometh $g wh ch ar #e# from a co$tract* law* ?ua# >co$tract# or ?ua# > del ct# 4&rt* 11577A. L$der &rt. 1182* <ua$G# prom #e to
0ar a # !o d ,ecau#e a co$d t o$al o,l gat o$ depe$d# upo$ the #ole w ll of the o,l gor.
L$der &rt. 1164* there # $o o,l gat o$ o$ the part of 0a$uel to del !er the fru t# 4re$tal#7 of the th $g u$t l the o,l gat o$ to del !er the th $g ar #e#. &# the #u#pe$# !e co$d t o$ ha# $ot ,ee$ fulf lled* the o,l gat o$ to #ell doe# $ot ar #e. E<ting%is&ment; 2ssignment of 1ig&ts ('##1)
@he #ugar ca$e pla$ter# of Nata$ga# e$tered $to a lo$g> term m ll $g co$tract w th the Ce$tral &:ucarera de Ho$
&# regard# Perla* the docume$t # a$ e-pre## ac9$owledgme$t of a de,t* a$d the prom #e to pay what he owe# her whe$ he feel# l 9e t # e?u !ale$t to a prom #e to pay whe$ h # mea$# perm t# h m to do #o* a$d # deemed to ,e o$e w th a$ $def $ te per od u$der &rt. 1180. He$ce the amou$t # reco!era,le after Perla a#9# the court to #et the
per od a# pro! ded ,y &rt. 1197* par. 2. Con0itional Obligations; 1esol%tor" Con0ition (1999)
Pedro +$c. @e$ year# later* the Ce$tral a## g$ed t# r ght# to the #a d m ll $g co$tract to a @a wa$e#e group wh ch would ta9e o!er the operat o$# of the #ugar m ll. @he pla$ter# f led a$ act o$ to a$$ul the #a d a## g$me$t o$ the grou$d that the @a wa$e#e group wa# $ot reg #tered w th the Noard of +$!e#tme$t#. 2 ll the act o$ pro#per or $ot% 5-pla $ ,r efly. 45E7
9"ote. T/e 5uestion presupposes >no3le2;e an2 re5uires t/e application of t/e pro6isions of t/e Omni1us !n6estment Co2e4
+$ 1997* 0a$uel ,ou$d h m#elf to #ell 5!a a hou#e a$d lot wh ch # ,e $g re$ted ,y a$other per#o$* f 5!a pa##e# the
1998 ,ar e-am $at o$#. "uc9 ly for 5!a* #he pa##ed #a d
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a$other ,efore 5!a pa##ed the 1998 ,ar e-am $at o$#* # #uch #ale !al d% 2hy% 42E7
@he act o$ w ll pro#per $ot o$ the grou$d $!o9ed ,ut o$ the grou$d that the farmer# ha!e $ot g !e$ the r co$#e$t to the a## g$me$t. @he m ll $g co$tract mpo#e# rec procal
o,l gat o$# o$ the part e#. @he #ugar ce$tral ha# the o,l gat o$ to m ll the #ugar ca$e of the farmer# wh le the
0a$uel ,efore #he pa##ed the 1998 ,ar e-am $at o$#% 2hy% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
latter ha!e the o,l gat o$ to del !er the r #ugar ca$e to the #ugar ce$tral. &# to the o,l gat o$ to m ll the #ugar ca$e* the
#ugar ce$tral # a de,tor of the farmer#. +$ a## g$ $g t#
4a7 Be#* the #ale to the other per#o$ # !al d a# a #ale w th a re#olutory co$d t o$ ,ecau#e what operate# a# a #u#pe$# !e
co$d t o$ for 5!a operate# a re#olutory co$d t o$ for the
r ght# u$der the co$tract* the #ugar ce$tral w ll al#o tra$#fer to the @a wa$e#e t# o,l gat o$ to m ll the #ugar ca$e of the farmer#. @h # w ll amou$t to a $o!at o$ of the co$tract ,y
#u,#t tut $g the de,tor w th a th rd party. L$der &rt cle
I"($ AL$E"'A$IVE A'( WE":
Be#* the #ale to the other per#o$ # !al d. Howe!er* the ,uyer ac?u red the property #u,8ect to a re#olutory
1293 of the C ! l Code* #uch #u,#t tut o$ ca$$ot ta9e effect w thout the co$#e$t of the cred tor. @he former#* who are cred tor# a# far a# the o,l gat o$ to m ll the r #ugar ca$e #
Page 84 of 119
co$cer$ed* may a$$ul #uch a## g$me$t for $ot ha! $g g !e$
the r co$#e$t thereto.
@he a## g$me$t # !al d ,ecau#e there # a,#olute freedom to tra$#fer the cred t a$d the cred tor $eed $ot get the
refu#al* compe$#at o$ d d $ot ta9e place ,ecau#e the cla m # u$l ?u dated. E<ting%is&ment; Compensation vs. 4a"ment (1993)
Hef $e compe$#at o$ a# a mode of e-t $gu #h $g a$
@= f led a #u t for e8ectme$t aga $#t NH for $o$>payme$t of co$dom $ um re$tal# amou$t $g to P150*000. Hur $g the pe$de$cy of the ca#e* NH offered a$d @= accepted the full amou$t due a# re$tal# from NH* who the$ f led a mot o$ to d #m ## the e8ectme$t #u t o$ the grou$d that the act o$ # already e-t $gu #hed. +# NHO# co$te$t o$ correct% 2hy or
why $ot% Jea#o$. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
C/0P51.&@+/1 # a mode of e-t $gu #h $g to the co$curre$t amou$t* the o,l gat o$# of tho#e per#o$# who $
the r ow$ r ght are rec procally de,tor# a$d cred tor# of
each other (Tolent"no, 1991 e%., '. 367, +"t"n, $ Castan 760
an% 8ran+"a vs. IAC. 16$ SCRA (73). +t
# multa$eou# ,ala$c $g of two o,l gat o$# to co!ered ,y that of the other.
+"t"n, 8 Manresa 401).
#u t for e8ectme$t. @he accepta$ce ,y the le##or of the payme$t ,y the le##ee of the re$tal# $ arrear# e!e$ dur $g
the pe$de$cy of the e8ectme$t ca#e doe# $ot co$#t tute a
performa$ce of a$ o,l gat o$ 4&rt cle 1232* C ! l Code7. +$ payme$t* capac ty to d #po#e of the th $g pa d a$d capac ty
to rece !e payme$t are re?u red for de,tor a$d cred tor* re#pect !ely( $ compe$#at o$* #uch capac ty # $ot $ece##ary* ,ecau#e the compe$#at o$ operate# ,y law a$d
.toc9to$ # a #toc9holder of Core Corp. He de# re# to #ell h # #hare# $ Core Corp. +$ ! ew of a court #u t that Core Corp. ha# f led aga $#t h m for damage# $ the amou$t of P 10 m ll o$* plu# attor$eyO# fee# of P 1 m ll o$* a# a re#ult of
#tateme$t# pu,l #hed ,y .toc9to$ wh ch are allegedly
$ot ,y the act of the part e#. +$ payme$t* the performa$ce mu#t ,e complete3 wh le $ compe$#at o$ there may ,e
part al e-t $gu #hme$t of a$ o,l gat o$ 4@ole$t $o* #upra7
&ccord $gly*
wr tte$
$ot ce
tr e# to w thdraw h # depo# t* B Na$9 allow# o$ly P200.000.00 to ,e w thdraw$* le## #er! ce charge#* cla m $g that compe$#at o$ ha# e-t $gu #hed t# o,l gat o$ u$der the
#a! $g# accou$t to the co$curre$t amou$t of =G# de,t. = co$te$d# that compe$#at o$ # mproper whe$ o$e of the
@he re#po$#e of Core corp. wa# a$ accepta$ce of the offer $ the e-erc #e of t# r ght# of f r#t refu#al* offer $g for the
purpo#e payme$t $ form of compe$#at o$ or #et>off aga $#t the amou$t of damage# t # cla m $g aga $#t h m*
e-clu# !e of the cla m for attor$eyO# fee#. .toc9to$ re8ected the offer of the corporat o$* argu $g that compe$#at o$ ,etwee$ the !alue of the #hare# a$d the amou$t of damage# dema$ded ,y the corporat o$ ca$$ot legally ta9e effect. +#
.toc9to$ correct% ) !e rea#o$ for your a$#wer. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE"(:
de,t#* a# here* ar #e# from a co$tract of depo# t. &##um $g that the prom ##ory $ote # g$ed ,y = to e! de$ce the loa$ doe# $ot pro! de for compe$#at o$ ,etwee$ #a d loa$ a$d h # #a! $g# depo# t* who # correct% ;3EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the re?u # te# of &rt. 1279* C ! l Code are pre#e$t. +$ the ca#e of ;.llas vs. 0G [6$ !"l. 719), the .upreme Court
u$l ?u dated cla m for damage#. +$ order that compe$#at o$ may ,e proper* the two de,t# mu#t ,e l ?u dated a$d
dema$da,le. @he ca#e for the P 10m ll o$ damage# ,e $g #t ll pe$d $g $ court* the corporat o$ ha# a# yet $o cla m
compe$#at o$ 4#et off7 a$d depo# t. @he#e port o$# of Ph l pp $e law pro! de that compe$#at o$ #hall ta9e place whe$ two per#o$# are rec procally cred tor a$d de,tor of each other. +$ th # co$$ect o$* t ha# ,ee$ held that the
@he r ght of f r#t refu#al wa# $ot perfected a# a r ght for the rea#o$ that there wa# a co$d t o$al accepta$ce e?u !ale$t to a cou$ter>offer co$# #t $g $ the amou$t of damage# a# ,e $g cred ted o$ the purcha#e pr ce. @herefore* compe$#at o$ d d $ot re#ult # $ce there wa# $o !al d r ght
of f r#t refu#al 4&rt. 1475 X 1319* 1CC7
A'!$.E" )AI' A'(WE":
r ght of #et off of the depo# t# $ t# ha$d# for the payme$t of a$y $de,ted$e## to t o$ the part of a depo# tor.' He$ce* compe$#at o$ too9 place ,etwee$ the mutual o,l gat o$# of = a$d B ,a$9. E<ting%is&ment; Con0onation ('###) &rturo ,orrowed P500*000.00 from h # father. &fter he had
pa d P300*000.00* h # father d ed. 2he$ the adm $ #trator of h # fatherG# e#tate re?ue#ted payme$t of the ,ala$ce of P200*000.00. &rturo repl ed that the #ame had ,ee$
Page 85 of 119
,ac9 of h # chec9 payme$t for the P300*000.00 read $g( '+$ full payme$t of the loa$'. 2 ll th # ,e a !al d defe$#e $ a$
act o$ for collect o$% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
mpl ed* t $eed $ot comply w th the formal t e# of a do$at o$ to ,e effect !e. @he defe$#e of full payme$t w ll*
therefore* ,e !al d.
e-cha$ge rate to dou,le. . $ce the co$tract t#elf author :e# the $crea#e $ re$tal $ the e!e$t of a$ $flat o$ or de!aluat o$ of the Ph l pp $e pe#o* the dou,l $g of the mo$thly re$t # rea#o$a,le a$d # therefore a !al d act u$der the !ery term# of the co$tract. Nr a$G# refu#al to pay # thu#
a grou$d for e8ectme$t.
2he$* howe!er* the $otat o$ wa# wr tte$ ,y &rturo h m#elf. +t merely pro!e# h # $te$t o$ $ ma9 $g that payme$t ,ut $ $o way doe# t , $d h # father (?a& v. CA, ;.R 0o. 104($6.
11 8e/r.ary 1999). +$ #uch ca#e* the $otat o$ wa# $ot the act
of h # father from wh ch co$do$at o$ may ,e $ferred. @here ,e $g $o co$do$at o$ at all the defe$#e of full payme$t w ll $ot ,e !al d.
E<ting%is&ment; Loss (199!) H $o #ued Ne$ for damage# ,ecau#e the latter had fa led to del !er the a$t ?ue 0arcede# Ne$: car H $o had purcha#ed from Ne$* wh ch wa#W ,y agreeme$tWdue for del !ery o$ Hecem,er 31* 1993. Ne$* $ h # a$#wer to H $oG# compla $t* #a d H $oG# cla m ha# $o ,a# # for the #u t* ,ecau#e a# the car wa# ,e $g dr !e$ to ,e del !ered to H $o o$ <a$uary 1* 1994* a rec9le## truc9 dr !er had rammed $to the 0ercede#
Ne$:. @he tr al court d #m ##ed H $oG# compla $t* #ay $g
+f the $otat o$ wa# wr tte$ ,y &rturoG# father* t amou$ted to a$ e-pre## co$do$at o$ of the ,ala$ce wh ch mu#t comply w th the formal t e# of a do$at o$ to ,e !al d u$der the 2$d paragraph of &rt cle 1270 of the 1ew C ! l Code. . $ce the amou$t of the ,ala$ce # more tha$ 5*000 pe#o#* the accepta$ce ,y &rturo of the co$do$at o$ mu#t al#o ,e $ wr t $g u$der &rt cle 748. @here ,e $g $o accepta$ce $
wr t $g ,y &rturo* the co$do$at o$ # !o d a$d the o,l gat o$ to pay the ,ala$ce #u,# #t#. @he defe$#e of full payme$t #* therefore* $ot !al d. +$ ca#e the $otat o$ wa#
Ne$G# o,l gat o$ had $deed* ,ee$ e-t $gu #hed ,y force ma8eure. +# the tr al court correct%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a7 1o. &rt cle 1262* 1ew C ! l Code pro! de#* '&$ o,l gat o$ wh ch co$# #t# $ the del !ery of a determ $ate
th $g #hall ,e e-t $gu #hed f t #hould ,e lo#t or de#troyed w thout the fault of the de,tor* a$d ,efore he ha# $curred
$ delay.
defe$#e for a de,tor o$ly whe$ the de,tor ha# $ot $curred
delay. 5-t $gu #hme$t of l a, l ty for fortu tou# e!e$t
re?u re# that the de,tor ha# $ot yet $curred a$y delay. +$ the pre#e$t ca#e* the de,tor wa# $ delay whe$ the car wa# de#troyed o$ <a$uary 1* 1993 # $ce t wa# due for del !ery
o$ Hecem,er 31* 1993. 4&rt. 1262 C ! l Code7
mo$th. @he co$tract of lea#e co$ta $ed the pro! #o that ' $ ca#e of $flat o$ or de!aluat o$ of the Ph l pp $e pe#o* the mo$thly re$tal w ll automat cally ,e $crea#ed or decrea#ed depe$d $g o$ the de!aluat o$ or $flat o$ of the pe#o to the dollar.' .tart $g 0arch 1* 2001* the le##or $crea#ed the re$tal to P2*000 a mo$th* o$ the grou$d of $flat o$ pro!e$
court erred $ d #m ## $g H $oG# compla $t. Jea#o$( @here # default ma9 $g h m re#po$# ,le for fortu tou# e!e$t#
$clud $g the a##umpt o$ of r #9 or lo##.
@he u$lawful deta $er act o$ w ll $ot pro#per. 5-traord $ary $flat o$ or deflat o$ # def $ed a# the #harp decrea#e $ the purcha# $g power of the pe#o. +t doe# $ot $ece##ar ly refer to the e-cha$ge rate of the pe#o to the dollar. 2hether or $ot there e- #t# a$ e-traord $ary $flat o$ or deflat o$ # for the court# to dec de. @here ,e $g $o #how $g that the
purcha# $g power of the pe#o had ,ee$ reduced
d #t $gu #h whether the pr ce ha# ,ee$ pa d or $ot. +f t ha# ,ee$ pa d* the #u t for damage# #hould pro#per ,ut o$ly to
e$a,le the ,uyer to reco!er the pr ce pa d. +t #hould ,e
$oted that Ne$* the #eller* mu#t ,ear the lo## o$ the
pr $c ple of res perit 2omino. He ca$$ot ,e held a$#wera,le
for damage# a# the lo## of the car wa# $ot mputa,le to h # fault or fraud. +$ a$y ca#e* he ca$ reco!er the !alue of the car from the party who#e $egl ge$ce cau#ed the acc de$t. +f $o pr ce ha# ,ee$ pa d at all* the tr al court acted correctly $ d #m ## $g the compla $t.
E<ting%is&ment; Loss; )mpossible ervice (199()
Page 86 of 119
+$ 1971* &,le Co$#truct o$* +$c. e$tered $to a co$tract w th @rop cal Home He!eloper#* +$c. where,y the former
ha# ,ee$ e-t $gu #hed ,y the $o!at o$ or e-t $ct o$ of the pr $c pal o,l gat o$ $#ofar a# th rd part e# are co$cer$ed. E<ting%is&ment; 4a"ment (1999) +$ 1983 PH+"CJ5H+@ e-te$ded loa$# to J !ett>.trom
0ach $er e#* +$c. 4J+65@@@>.@J/07* co$# #t $g of L.Q10 0 ll o$ for the co#t of mach $er e# mported a$d
w th $ f !e year#. +$ 1973* &,le fou$d that t could $o lo$ger co$t $ue w th the 8o, due to the $crea#e $ the pr ce
of o l a$d t# der !at !e# a$d the co$com ta$t worldw de #p ral $g of pr ce# of all commod t e#* $clud $g ,a# c raw mater al# re?u red for the co$#truct o$ of the hou#e#. @he
co#t of de!elopme$t had r #e$ to u$a$t c pated le!el# a$d to #uch a degree that the co$d t o$# a$d factor# wh ch formed the or g $al ,a# # of the co$tract had ,ee$ totally cha$ged. &,le ,rought #u t aga $#t @rop cal Home# pray $g that the
Court rel e!e t of t# o,l gat o$. +# &,le Co$#truct o$ e$t tled to the rel ef #ought%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,a# # of the !alue thereof computed at the rate of e-cha$ge of the L... dollar ! #>]>! # the Ph l pp $e pe#o at the t me of payme$t.
J+65@@>.@J/0 made payme$t# o$ ,oth loa$# wh ch f ,a#ed o$ the rate of e-cha$ge $ 1983 would ha!e fully
Be#* the &,le Co$#truct o$. +$c. # e$t tled to the rel ef #ought u$der &rt cle 1267* C ! l Code. @he law pro! de#( '2he$ the #er! ce ha# ,ecome #o d ff cult a# to ,e
rece ! $g a$y amou$t from Ch to* e-ecuted a$other prom ##ory $ote wh ch wa# worded e-actly a# the 1978 prom ##ory $ote* e-cept for the date thereof* wh ch wa# the
date of t# e-ecut o$. 17 Ca$ Ch to dema$d payme$t o$ the 1991 prom ##ory $ote $ 1994%
curre$cy computed o$ the ,a# # of the e-cha$ge rate at the @+05 /F P&B051@ of each $#tallme$t* a# held $ Palalo v. 5.@, 34 SCRA 33(. &# regard# the P5 0 ll o$ loa$ $ Ph l pp $e pe#o#* PH+"CJ5H+@ # wro$g. @he payme$t
thereof ca$$ot ,e mea#ured ,y the pe#o>dollar e-cha$ge rate. @hat w ll ,e ! olat !e of the L$ form Curre$cy &ct 4J&* 529A wh ch proh , t# the payme$t of a$ o,l gat o$ wh ch* although to ,e pa d $ Ph l pp $e curre$cy* #
27 Ca$ Ch to foreclo#e the real e#tate mortgage f No,,y fa l# to ma9e good h # o,l gat o$ u$der the 1991 prom ##ory $ote%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Liabilit"; Lease; 7oint Liabilit" ('##1) Four fore g$ med cal #tude$t# re$ted the apartme$t of @helma for a per od of o$e year. &fter o$e #eme#ter* three
of them retur$ed to the r home cou$try a$d the fourth tra$#ferred to a ,oard $g hou#e. @helma d #co!ered that
prom ##ory $ote dated $ 1991 a$d paya,le two year# later*
or $ 1993. &ll the eleme$t# of a$ mpl ed real $o!at o$ are pre#e$t(
they left u$pa d telepho$e , ll# $ the total amou$t of P80*000.00. @he lea#e co$tract pro! ded that the le##ee# #hall pay for the telepho$e #er! ce# $ the lea#ed prem #e#.
@helma dema$ded that the fourth #tude$t pay the e$t re
a7 a$ old !al d o,l gat o$3 ,7 a $ew !al d o,l gat o$3
c7 capac ty of the part e#3 d7 a$ mu# $o!a$d or $te$t o$ to $o!ate3 a$d
amou$t of the u$pa d telepho$e , ll#* ,ut the latter # w ll $g to pay o$ly o$e fourth of t. 2ho # correct% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he old a$d the $ew o,l gat o$ #hould ,e $compat ,le
w th each other o$ all mater al po $t# 4&rt cle 12927. @he two prom ##ory $ote# ca$$ot #ta$d together* he$ce* the
per od of pre#cr pt o$ of te$ 4107 year# ha# $ot yet lap#ed.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
co$tract of lea#e $ the pro,lem doe# $ot* $ a$y way* #t pulate #ol dar ty. Liabilit"; oli0ar" Liabilit" (1993) <oey* <o!y a$d <o8o are #ol dary de,tor# u$der a loa$
o,l gat o$ of P300*000.00 wh ch ha# falle$ due. @he cred tor
27 1o. @he mortgage ,e $g a$ acce##ory co$tract pre#cr ,ed w th the loa$. @he $o!at o$ of the loa$* howe!er* d d $ot e-pre##ly $clude the mortgage* he$ce* the mortgage #
e-t $gu #hed u$der &rt cle 1296 of the 1CC. @he co$tract
ha#* howe!er* co$do$ed <o8oG# e$t re #hare $ the de,t. . $ce <o!y ha# ,ecome $#ol!e$t* the cred tor ma9e# a
dema$d o$ <oey to pay the de,t.
Page 87 of 119
prom ##ory $ote a# a re#ult of the foreclo#ure of the chattel mortgage. 4c7 @he th rd defe$#e of B # u$te$a,le. B # a #urety of = a$d the e-tra8ud c al dema$d aga $#t the pr $c pal de,tor # $ot $co$# #te$t w th a 8ud c al dema$d aga $#t the #urety. & #urety#h p may co>e- #t w th a mortgage. 4d7 @he fourth defe$#e of B # u$te$a,le. B # l a,le for the e$t re pre#tat o$ # $ce B $curred a #ol dary o,l gat o$ w th =.
(Arts. 1$0(, 1$16. 1$7$ an% $04( C"v"l Co%eC G"+ol Sav"n,s an% 5oan Asso+"ates vs. ;."n!a9a 188 SCRA 64$)
@o what e-te$t* f at all* ca$ <o8o ,e compelled ,y <oey to co$tr ,ute to #uch payme$t% ;3EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
2. <o8o ca$ ,e compelled ,y <oey to co$tr ,ute P50.000 &rt. 1217. par. 3* C ! l Code pro! de#. '2he$ o$e of the #ol dary
de,tor# ca$$ot* ,ecau#e of h # $#ol!e$cy* re m,ur#e h # #hare to the de,tor pay $g the o,l gat o$* #uch #hare #hall
. $ce the $#ol!e$t de,torG# #hare wh ch <oey pa d wa# P100*000* a$d there are o$ly two rema $ $g de,tor# >
$amely <oey a$d <o8o > the#e two #hall #hare e?ually the ,urde$ of re m,ur#eme$t. <o8o may thu# ,e compelled ,y <oey to co$tr ,ute P50.000.00. Liabilit"; oli0ar" Obligation (199')
&*N*C*H* a$d 5 made them#el!e# #ol dar ty $de,ted to = for the amou$t of P50*000.00. 2he$ = dema$ded payme$t from &* the latter refu#ed to pay o$ the follow $g grou$d#. a7 N # o$ly 16 year# old.
,7 C ha# already ,ee$ co$do$ed ,y =
H # $#ol!e$t.
+$ <u$e 1988* = o,ta $ed a loa$ from & a$d e-ecuted w th B a# #ol dary co>ma9er a prom ##ory $ote $ fa!or of & for the #um of P200*000.00. @he loa$ wa# paya,le at
P20*000.00 w th $tere#t mo$thly w th $ the f r#t wee9 of
the co$#e$t of the other four co>de,tor#. .tate the effect of each of the a,o!e defe$#e# put up ,y & o$ h # o,l gat o$ to pay =* f #uch defe$#e# are fou$d to ,e true.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE"(:
& may a!a l the m $or ty of N a# a defe$#e* ,ut o$ly for NO# #hare of P 10*000.00. & #ol dary de,tor may
amou$t of the loa$* the car wa# e-tra8ud c ally foreclo#ed. &
ac?u red the car at &G# h ghe#t , d of P120*000.00 dur $g the auct o$ #ale.
a!a l h m#elf of a$y defe$#e wh ch per#o$ally ,elo$g# to a #ol dary co>de,tor* ,ut o$ly a# to the #hare of that co> de,tor. 4,7 & may a!a l of the co$do$at o$ ,y = of CO# #hare of P 10* 000.00. & #ol dary de,tor may* $ act o$# f led ,y the cred tor* a!a l h m#elf of all defe$#e# wh ch are der !ed per#o$al to h m or perta $ to h # ow$ #hare. 2 th re#pect to tho#e wh ch per#o$ally ,elo$g to other#* he may a!a l
h m#elf thereof o$ly a# regard# that part of the de,t for
&fter #e!eral fru tle## letter# of dema$d aga $#t = a$d B* & #ued B alo$e for the reco!ery of P80.000.00 co$#t tut $g the
def c e$cy. B re# #ted the #u t ra # $g the follow $g defe$#e#(
wh ch the latter are re#po$# ,le. 4&rt cle 1222* 1CC7. 4c7 & may $ot $terpo#e the defe$#e of $#ol!e$cy of H a# a defe$#e. &pply $g the pr $c ple of mutual guara$ty amo$g #ol dary de,tor#* & guara$teed the payme$t of HO# #hare a$d of all the other co>de,tor#. He$ce* & ca$$ot a!a l of the defe$#e of HO# $#ol!e$cy. 4d7 @he e-te$# o$ of # - 467 mo$th# g !e$ ,y = to 5
@hat B #hould $ot ,e held l a,le for the def c e$cy of P80*000.00 ,ecau#e he wa# $ot a co>mortgagor $ the
chattel mortgage of the car wh ch co$tract wa#
e-ecuted ,y = alo$e a# ow$er a$d mortgagor. @hat a##um $g that B # l a,le* he #hould o$ly pay the
4a7 @h # f r#t defe$#e of B # u$te$a,le. B # #t ll l a,le a# #ol dary de,tor. @he cred tor may proceed aga $#t a$y o$e of the #ol dary de,tor#. @he dema$d aga $#t o$e doe# $ot
preclude further dema$d aga $#t the other# #o lo$g a# the de,t # $ot fully pa d.
may ,e a!a led of ,y & a# a part al defe$#e ,ut o$ly for the #hare of 5* there # $o $o!at o$ of the o,l gat o$ ,ut o$ly a$ act of l ,eral ty gra$ted to 5 alo$e. Loss of t&e t&ing 0%e; ,orce *a5e%re ('###)
Rr #t $a ,rought her d amo$d r $g to a 8ewelry #hop for
clea$ $g. @he 8ewelry #hop u$dertoo9 to retur$ the r $g ,y Fe,ruary 1* 1999.' 2he$ the #a d date arr !ed* the 8ewelry
#hop $formed Rr #t $a that the <o, wa# $ot yet f $ #hed. @hey a#9ed her to retur$ f !e day# later. /$ Fe,ruary 6*
4,7 @he #eco$d defe$#e of B # u$te$a,le. B # #t ll l a,le. @he chattel mortgage # o$ly g !e$ a# a #ecur ty a$d $ot a# payme$t for the de,t $ ca#e of fa lure to pay. B a# a #ol dary co>ma9er # $ot rel e!ed of further l a, l ty o$ the
1999* Rr #t $a we$t to the #hop to cla m the r $g* ,ut #he wa# $formed that the #ame wa# #tole$ ,y a th ef who
e$tered the #hop the $ ght ,efore. Rr #t $a f led a$ act o$
Page 88 of 119
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he act o$ w ll pro#per. . $ce the defe$da$t wa# already $ default $ot ha! $g del !ered the r $g whe$ del !ery wa# dema$ded ,y pla $t ff at due date* the defe$da$t # l a,le for
the lo## of the th $g a$d e!e$ whe$ the lo## wa# due to
+$ a deed of #ale of a realty* t wa# #t pulated that the ,uyer would co$#truct a commerc al ,u ld $g o$ the lot wh le the
#eller would co$#truct a pr !ate pa##ageway ,order $g the
force ma8eure. .on?4a"ment of 2morti>ations; 5%stifie0 ('##9) Ner$ e ,ought o$ $#tallme$t a re# de$t al #u,d ! # o$ lot from H56"&1H. &fter ha! $g fa thfully pa d the $#tallme$t# for 48 mo$th#* Ner$ e d #co!ered that $ %b0ivision ;%"er; 8&en
Co$#e?ue$tly* H56"&1H ca$celled the #ale a$d wrote Ner$ e* $form $g h m that h # payme$t# are forfe ted $ t#
fa!or. a) ($4)
lot. @he ,u ld $g wa# e!e$tually f $ #hed ,ut the #eller fa led to complete the pa##ageway a# #ome of the #?uatter#* who were already 9$ow$ to ,e there at the t me they e$tered $to the co$tract* refu#ed to !acate the prem #e#. +$ fact* pr or to t# e-ecut o$* the #eller f led e8ectme$t ca#e# aga $#t the #?uatter#. @he ,uyer $ow #ue# the #eller for #pec f c performa$ce w th damage#. @he defe$#e # that the o,l gat o$ to co$#truct the pa##ageway #hould ,e w th a per od wh ch* $c de$tally* had $ot ,ee$ f -ed ,y them* he$ce* the $eed for f - $g a 8ud c al per od. 2 ll the act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce of the ,uyer aga $#t the #eller pro#per%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1o. the act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce f led ,y the ,uyer # premature u$der &rt. 1197 of the C ! l Code. +f a per od ha#
$ot ,ee$ f -ed although co$templated ,y the part e#* the part e# them#el!e# #hould f - that per od* fa l $g $ wh ch*
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1o* the act o$ of H56"&1H # $ot proper. L$der .ect o$ 23 of Pre# de$t al Hecree 1o. 957* otherw #e 9$ow$ a# the
.u,d ! # o$ a$d Co$dom $ um NuyerG# Protect o$ Hecree* $o$>payme$t of amort :at o$# ,y the ,uyer # 8u#t f ed f
the Court may,e a#9ed to f - t ta9 $g $to co$# derat o$ the pro,a,le co$templat o$ of the part e#. Nefore the per od #
f -ed* a$ act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce # premature.
to de!elop the #u,d ! # o$ pro8ect accord $g to the appro!ed pla$# a$d w th $ the l m t for comply $g.
(2.,en"o v. Fr"lon, ;.R. 0o. 109404, -an.ary $$, 1996)
+t ha# ,ee$ held $ Gorro&eo vs. CA (4( SCRA 697* that the .upreme Court allowed the # multa$eou# f l $g of act o$ to
f - the pro,a,le co$templated per od of the part e# where $o$e # f -ed $ the agreeme$t f th # would a!o d
mult pl c ty of #u t#. +$ add t o$* tech$ cal t e# mu#t ,e #u,ord $ated to #u,#ta$t al 8u#t ce.
L$der P.H. 1o. 957* a ca$cellat o$ opt o$ # a!a la,le to Ner$ e. +f Ner$ e opt# to ca$cel the co$tract* H56"&1H
@he act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce w ll $ot pro#per. @he f l $g of the e8ectme$t #u t ,y the #eller wa# prec #ely $
compl a$ce w th h # o,l gat o$# a$d #hould $ot* therefore* ,e faulted f $o dec # o$ ha# yet ,ee$ reached ,y the Court o$ the matter.
E<press =r%st; 4rescription (1997) /$ 01 <a$uary 1980* Jede$tor a$d Jemed e# e$tered $to a$ agreeme$t ,y ! rtue of wh ch the former wa# to reg #ter a parcel of la$d $ the $ame of Jemed e# u$der the e-pl c t co!e$a$t to reco$!ey the la$d to Jem g o* #o$ of Jede$tor*
upo$ the #o$G# graduat o$ from college. +$ 1981* the la$d
+) S.''os"n, F2#5A0F !a% *.lly %evelo'e% t!e s./%"v"s"on /.t Gern"e *a"le% to 'ay *.rt!er "nstall&ents a*ter 4 years %.e to /.s"ness reverses.
F" t!e r",!ts an% o/l",at"ons o* t!e 'art"es. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+$ th # ca#e* pur#ua$t to .ect o$ 24 of P.H. 1o. 957* J.&. 1o. 6552 otherw #e 9$ow$ a# the Jealty +$#tallme$t Nuyer Protect o$ &ct* #hall go!er$. L$der .ect o$ 3 thereof*
Ner$ e # e$t tled( 17 to pay w thout add t o$al $tere#t the u$pa d $#tallme$t# due w th $ a grace per od of four 447
wa# reg #tered $ the $ame of Jemed e#. Jede$tor d ed a year later or $ 1982. +$ 0arch 1983* Jem g o graduated from college. +$ Fe,ruary 1992* Jem g o acc de$tally fou$d a copy of the docume$t #o co$#t tut $g Jemed e# a# the tru#tee of the la$d. +$ 0ay 1994* Jem g o
f led a ca#e aga $#t Jemed e# for the reco$!eya$ce of the
mo$th# or o$e mo$th for e!ery year of $#tallme$t pa d3 27 f the co$tract # ca$celled* Ner$ e # e$t tled to the refu$d of the ca#h #urre$der !alue e?ual to 50E of the total
payme$t# made.
la$d to h m. Jemed e#* $ her a$#wer* a!erred that the dec ded%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Page 89 of 119
@he matter #hould ,e dec ded $ fa!or of Jem g o 4tru#tee7 ,ecau#e the act o$ ha# $ot pre#cr ,ed. @he ca#e at ,ar $!ol!e# a$ e-pre## tru#t wh ch doe# $ot pre#cr ,e a# lo$g
a# they ha!e $ot ,ee$ repud ated ,y the tru#tee (F"a@ vs.
;orr"+!o. 103 !"l, $61).
)mplie0 =r%st (1993) <ua$ a$d h # # #ter <ua$a $her ted from the r mother two parcel# of farmla$d w th e-actly the #ame area#. For
1. <ua$a ha# the r ght of act o$ to reco!er 4a7 her o$e>half #hare $ the proceed# of the #ale w th legal $tere#t thereof* a$d 4,7 #uch damage# a# #he may ,e a,le to pro!e a# ha! $g ,ee$ #uffered ,y her* wh ch may $clude actual or compe$#atory damage# a# well a# moral a$d e-emplary damage# due to the ,reach of tru#t a$d ,ad fa th (I&'er"al vs. CA, $79 SCRA 67). /f cour#e* f the ,uyer 9$ew of the co>ow$er#h p o!er the lot he wa# ,uy $g* <ua$a ca$ #ee9 4c7
reco$!e$ya$ce of her o$e>half #hare $#tead ,ut #he mu#t
co$!e$ e$ce* the @orre$# cert f cate# of t tle co!er $g ,oth lot# were placed $ <ua$G# $ame alo$e. +$ 1996* <ua$ #old to a$ $$oce$t purcha#er o$e parcel $ t# e$t rety w thout the
9$owledge a$d co$#e$t of <ua$a* a$d wro$gfully 9ept for h m#elf the e$t re pr ce pa d.
mplead the ,uyer a# co>defe$da$t a$d allege h # ,ad fa th $ purcha# $g the e$t re lot. F $ally* co$# #te$t w th the
rul $g $ +mper al u#. C&. <ua$a may #ee9 $#tead 4d7 a declarat o$ that #he # $ow the #ole ow$er of the e$t re
1. 2.
2hat r ght# of act o$* f a$y* doe# <ua$a ha!e aga $#t . $ce the two lot# ha!e the #ame area* #uppo#e <ua$a
rema $ $g lot o$ the theory that <ua$ ha# forfe ted h # o$e> half #hare there $.
A##I$I!'AL A'(WE":
ha! $g fraudule$tly #old o$e of the two parcel# wh ch he partly held $ tru#t for <ua$aG# ,e$ef t. <ua$a may cla m
1. 2he$* for co$!e$ e$ce* the @orre$# t tle to the two parcel# of la$d were placed $ <oa$G# $ame alo$e* there wa# created a$ mpl ed tru#t 4a re#ult $g tru#t7 for the ,e$ef t of
<ua$a w th <ua$ a# tru#tee of o$e>half u$d ! ded or deal
port o$ of each of the two lot#. @herefore* <ua$a ca$ f le a$ act o$ for damage# aga $#t <oa$ for ha! $g fraudule$tly #old
o$e of the two parcel# wh ch he partly held $ tru#t for <ua$aG# ,e$ef t. <ua$a may cla m actual or compe$#atory
e-emplary damage ,y way of e-ample for the commo$ good* a$d attor$eyG# fee#. <ua$a ha# $o cau#e of act o$ aga $#t the ,uyer who ac?u red the la$d for !alue a$d $ good fa th* rely $g o$ the tra$#fer cert f cate #how $g that <ua$ # the reg #tered ow$er of the la$d.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
damage for the lo## of her #hare $ the la$d3 moral damage# for the me$tal a$gu #h* a$- ety* moral #hoc9 a$d wou$ded feel $g# #he had #uffered3 e-emplary damage ,y way of
e-ample for the commo$ good* a$d attor$eyG# fee#.
the e$t re rema $ $g area w ll $ot pro#per ,ecau#e wh le <ua$G# act $ #ell $g the other lot wa# wro$gful. +t d d $ot
<ua$a ha# $o cau#e of act o$ aga $#t the ,uyer who ac?u red the la$d for !alue a$d $ good fa th* rely $g o$ the tra$#fer cert f cate of t tle #how $g that <ua$ # the reg #tered ow$er
of the la$d.
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
part t o$ or term $at o$ of the co>ow$er#h p w th a prayer that the lot #old ,e ad8ud cated to <ua$* a$d the rema $ $g lot ,e ad8ud cated a$d reco$!eyed to her.
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
2. @he #u t w ll pro#per* apply $g the rul $g $ +mper al !#. C& c ted a,o!e. Noth law a$d e?u ty author :e #uch a re#ult* #a d the .upreme Court.
.tr ctly #pea9 $g* <ua$aG# co$te$t o$ that her ,rother had
act o$ for damage# aga $#t <ua$* ,ecau#e the #ettled rule #
two lot# ha!e the #ame area* t doe# $ot follow that they
ha!e the #ame !alue. . $ce the #ale of the f r#t lot o$ the @orre$# t tle $ the $ame of <ua$ wa# !al d* all that <ua$a
r ght to her #hare $ the property ,y way of $her ta$ce* #he ca$ dema$d the part t o$ of the th $g ow$ed $ commo$* u$der &rt cle 494 of the C ! l Code* a$d a#9 that the t tle to
the rema $ $g property ,e declared a# e-clu# !ely her#.
may reco!er # the !alue of her u$d ! ded $tere#t there $* plu# damage#. +$ add t o$* #he ca$ a#9 for part t o$ or
reco$!eya$ce of her u$d ! ded $tere#t $ the #eco$d lot* w thout pre8ud ce to a$y agreeme$t ,etwee$ them that $
l eu of the payme$t of the !alue of <ua$aG# #hare $ the f r#t lot a$d damage#* the #eco$d lot ,e reco$!eyed to her.
Howe!er* # $ce the farmla$d wa# #old to a$ $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue* the$ <ua$a ha# $o cau#e of act o$
aga $#t the ,uyer co$# #te$t w th the e#ta,l #hed rule that
the r ght# of a$ $$oce$t purcha#er for !alue mu#t ,e re#pected a$d protected $otw th#ta$d $g the fraud
poc9et $g the e$t re proceed# of the #ale of the f r#t lot # $ot a grou$d for d !e#t $g h m of h # r ght# a# a co>ow$er
of the #eco$d lot. +$deed* #uch wro$gdo $g ,y <ua$ doe#
$ot co$#t tute* for the ,e$ef t of <ua$a* a$y of the mode# of ac?u r $g ow$er#h p u$der &rt. 712* C ! l Code.
Page 90 of 119
(Year 1990-2006)
=r%st; )mplie0 1es%lting =r%st (1999) +$ 1960* 0auree$ purcha#ed two lot# $ a plu#h #u,d ! # o$ reg #ter $g "ot 1 $ her $ame a$d "ot 2 $ the $ame of her ,rother 2alter w th the latterG# co$#e$t. @he dea wa# to c rcum!e$t a #u,d ! # o$ pol cy aga $#t the ac?u # t o$ of more tha$ o$e lot ,y o$e ,uyer. 0auree$ co$#tructed a hou#e o$ "ot 1 w th a$ e-te$# o$ o$ "ot 2 to #er!e a# a gue#t hou#e. +$ 1987* 2alter who had #uffered #er ou# ,u# $e## lo##e# dema$ded that 0auree$ remo!e the e-te$# o$ hou#e # $ce the lot o$ wh ch the e-te$# o$ wa# ,u lt wa# h # property. +$ 1992* 0auree$ #ued for the reco$!eya$ce to her of "ot 2 a##ert $g that a re#ult $g tru#t wa# created whe$ #he had the lot reg #tered $ 2alterG# $ame e!e$ f #he pa d the purcha#e pr ce. 2alter oppo#ed the #u t argu $g that a##um $g the e- #te$ce of a re#ult $g tru#t the act o$ of 0auree$ ha# already pre#cr ,ed # $ce te$ year# ha!e already elap#ed from the reg #trat o$ of the t tle $ h # $ame. Hec de. H #cu## fully.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@h # # a ca#e of a$ mpl ed re#ult $g tru#t. +f 2alter cla m# to ha!e ac?u red ow$er#h p of the la$d ,y pre#cr pt o$ or f he a$chor# h # defe$#e o$ e-t $ct !e pre#cr pt o$* the te$ year per od mu#t ,e rec9o$ed from 1987 whe$ he dema$ded that 0auree$ remo!e the e-te$# o$ hou#e o$ "ot 1o. 2 ,ecau#e #uch dema$d amou$t# to a$ e-pre## repud at o$ of the tru#t a$d t wa# made 9$ow$ to 0auree$. @he act o$ for reco$!eya$ce f led $ 1992 # $ot yet ,arred ,y pre#cr pt o$. (S', v. Co.rt o* A''eals, Se't.
13, 1994).
2ssignment of Cre0it vs. %brogation (199() Peter Co* a trader from 0a$ la* ha# dealt ,u# $e## w th &ll ed Commod t e# $ Ho$g9o$g for f !e year#. &ll through the year#* Peter Co accumulated a$ $de,ted$e## of P500*000.00 w th &ll ed Commod t e#. Lpo$ dema$d ,y t# age$t $ 0a$ la* Peter Co pa d &ll ed Commod t e# ,y chec9 the amou$t owed. Lpo$ depo# t $ the payeeG# accou$t $ 0a$ la* the chec9 wa# d #ho$ored for $#uff c e$cy of fu$d#. For a$d $ co$# derat o$ of P1.00* &ll ed Commod t e# a## g$ed the cred t to Had8 Nutu who ,rought #u t aga $#t Peter Co $ the J@C of 0a$ la for reco!ery of the amou$t owed. Peter Co mo!ed to d #m ## the compla $t aga $#t h m o$ the grou$d that Had8 Nutu wa# $ot a real party $ $tere#t a$d* therefore* w thout legal capac ty to #ue a$d that he had $ot agreed to a #u,rogat o$ of cred tor.
1o* CoG# defe$#e w ll $ot pro#per. @h # # $ot a ca#e of #u,rogat o$* ,ut a$ a## g$me$t of cred t. '%%!*")#"T O$ C #D!T # the proce## of tra$#ferr $g the r ght of the a## g$or to the a## g$ee. @he a## g$me$t may ,e do$e e ther gratu tou#ly or o$erou#ly* $ wh ch ca#e* the a## g$me$t ha# a$ effect # m lar to that of a #ale (0y+o Sales Cor'.v.GA 8"nan+e Cor'. ;.R 0o.(1694. A.,.16, 1991 $00 SCRA 63(). &# a re#ult of the a## g$me$t* the pla $t ff ac?u red all the r ght# of the a## g$or $clud $g the r ght to #ue $ h # ow$ $ame a# the legal a## g$ee. +$ a## g$me$t* the de,torG# co$#e$t # $ot e##e$t al for the !al d ty of the a## g$me$t
(Art. 16$4C 14(7. CCC Ro%r",.e@ v. CA, et al, ;. R 0o. 84$$0, Mar+! $7. 199$ $0( SCRA 773).
1o* the defe$#e of Peter Co w ll $ot pro#per. Had8 Nutu !al dly ac?u red h # r ght ,y a$ a## g$me$t of cred t u$der &rt cle 1624 of the C ! l Code. Howe!er* the pro! # o$# o$ the co$tract of #ale 4&rt cle 1475 C ! l Code7 w ll apply* a$d the tra$#act o$ # co!ered ,y the .tatute of Fraud#. 4&rt. 1403 par. 427 C ! l Code7 Con0itional ale vs. 2bsol%te ale (1997) H #t $gu #h ,etwee$ a co$d t o$al #ale* o$ the o$e ha$d* a$d a$ a,#olute #ale* o$ the other ha$d.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
& C/1H+@+/1&" .&"5 # o$e where the !e$dor # gra$ted the r ght to u$ laterally re#c $d the co$tract pred cated o$ the fulf llme$t or $o$>fulf llme$t* a# the ca#e may ,e* of the pre#cr ,ed co$d t o$. &$ &N./"L@5 .&"5 # o$e where the t tle to the property # $ot re#er!ed to the !e$dor or f the !e$dor # $ot gra$ted the r ght to re#c $d the co$tract ,a#ed o$ the fulf llme$t or $o$> fulf llme$t* a# the ca#e may ,e* of the pre#cr ,ed co$d t o$.
Contract of ale vs. 2genc" to ell (1999) & gra$ted N the e-clu# !e r ght to #ell h # ,ra$d of 0ao$g pa$t# $ +#a,ela* the pr ce for h # mercha$d #e paya,le w th $ 60 day# from del !ery* a$d prom # $g N a comm ## o$ of 20E o$ all #ale#. &fter the del !ery of the mercha$d #e to N ,ut ,efore he could #ell a$y of them* NO# #tore $ +#a,ela wa# completely ,ur$ed w thout h # fault* together w th all of &G# pa$t#. 0u#t N pay & for h # lo#t pa$t#% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he co$tract ,etwee$ & a$d N # a #ale $ot a$ age$cy to #ell ,ecau#e the pr ce # paya,le ,y N upo$ 60 day# from del !ery e!e$ f N # u$a,le to re#ell t. +f N were a$ age$t* he # $ot ,ou$d to pay the pr ce f he # u$a,le to re#ell t. &# a ,uyer* ow$er#h p pa##ed to N upo$ del !ery a$d* u$der &rt. 1504 of the C ! l Code* the th $g per #he# for the ow$er. He$ce* N mu#t #t ll pay the pr ce. Contract of ale; *arital Comm%nit" 4ropert"; ,ormalities ('##-)
.pou#e# N o$g a$d " $da wa$ted to #ell the r hou#e. @hey fou$d a pro#pect !e ,uyer* Jay. " $da $egot ated w th Jay for the #ale of the property. @hey agreed o$ a fa r pr ce of P2 0 ll o$. Jay #e$t " $da a letter co$f rm $g h # $te$t o$ to ,uy the property. "ater* a$other couple* Ner$ e a$d 5le$a* offered a # m lar hou#e at a lower pr ce of P 1.5 0 ll o$. Nut Jay $# #ted o$ ,uy $g the hou#e of N o$g a$d " $da for #e$t me$tal rea#o$#. Jay prepared a deed of #ale to ,e # g$ed ,y the couple a$d a ma$agerG# chec9 for P2 0 ll o$. &fter rece ! $g the P2 0 ll o$* N o$g # g$ed the deed of #ale. Howe!er* " $da wa# $ot a,le to # g$ t ,ecau#e #he wa# a,road. /$ her retur$* #he refu#ed to # g$ the docume$t #ay $g #he cha$ged her m $d. " $da f led #u t for $ull f cat o$ of the deed of #ale a$d for moral a$d e-emplary damage# aga $#t Jay.
Page 91 of 119
1o* the #u t w ll $ot pro#per. @he co$tract of #ale wa# perfected whe$ " $da a$d Jay agreed o$ the o,8ect of the #ale a$d the pr ce ;&rt. 1475* 1ew C ! l CodeA. @he co$#e$t of " $da ha# already ,ee$ g !e$* a# #how$ ,y her agreeme$t to the pr ce of the #ale. @here # therefore co$#e$t o$ her part a# the co$#e$t $eed $ot ,e g !e$ $ a$y #pec f c form. He$ce* her co$#e$t may ,e g !e$ ,y mpl cat o$* e#pec ally # $ce #he wa# aware of* a$d part c pated $ the #ale of the property ( elayo v. CA, ;.R. 0o. 1413$3, 8, $007). Her act o$ for moral a$d e-emplary damage# w ll al#o $ot
pro#per ,ecau#e the ca#e doe# $ot fall u$der a$y of tho#e me$t o$ed $ &rt. 2219 a$d 2232 of the C ! l Code.
+$ a C/1@J&C@ /F .&"5* ow$er#h p # tra$#ferred to the ,uyer upo$ del !ery of the o,8ect to h m wh le $ a
del !ery of the o,8ect doe# $ot co$fer ow$er#h p upo$ the ,uyer. +$ a co$tract of #ale* there # o$ly o$e co$tract e-ecuted ,etwee$ the #eller a$d the ,uyer* wh le $ a co$tract to #ell* there are two co$tract#* f r#t the co$tract to #ell 4wh ch # a co$d t o$al or preparatory #ale7 a$d a
#eco$d* the f $al deed of #ale or the pr $c pal co$tract wh ch # e-ecuted after full payme$t of the purcha#e pr ce.
Contract to ell; 2cceptance; 1ig&t of ,irst 1ef%sal (1991) & # the le##ee of a$ apartme$t ow$ed ,y B. & allowed h# marr ed ,ut employed daughter N* who#e hu#,a$d wor9# $
Ruwa t* to occupy t. @he relat o$#h p ,etwee$ B a$d &
#oured. . $ce he ha# $o rea#o$ at all to e8ect &* B* $ co$$ !a$ce w th the C ty 5$g $eer* #ecured from the latter a$ order for the demol t o$ of the ,u ld $g. & mmed ately
f led a$ act o$ $ the Jeg o$al @r al Court to a$$ul the order
Foes Ray !ave any o* a+t"on a,a"nst G"on, an% 5"n%a1 Can !e also re+over %a&a,es *ro& t!e s'o.ses1
23'la"n. ($.74) Co$# der $g that the co$tract ha# already ,ee$ perfected
a$d to e$8o $ t# e$forceme$t. B a$d & were a,le to forge a comprom #e agreeme$t u$der wh ch & agreed to a twe$ty perce$t 420E7 $crea#e $ the mo$thly re$tal#. @hey further agreed that the lea#e w ll e-p re two 427 year# later a$d that $ the e!e$t that B would #ell the property* e ther & or h #
daughter N #hall ha!e the r ght of f r#t refu#al. @he
a$d ta9e$ out of the operat o$ of the #tatute of fraud#* Jay ca$ compel " $da a$d N o$g to o,#er!e the form re?u red ,y law $ order for the property to ,e reg #tered $ the $ame of Jay wh ch ca$ ,e f led together w th the act o$ for the reco!ery of hou#e ;&rt. 1357 1ew C ! l CodeA. +$ the alter$at !e* he ca$ reco!er the amou$t of @wo m ll o$ pe#o#
4P2*000*000.007 that he pa d. /therw #e* t would re#ult $ #olut o $de, t or u$8u#t e$r chme$t. Jay ca$ reco!er moral damage# o$ the grou$d that the
the property to the 6 #orro Jealty Corp. w thout $ot fy $g N. N the$ f led a$ act o$ to re#c $d the #ale $ fa!or of the
corporat o$ a$d to compel B to #ell the property to her
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
re?u re# that the th rd per#o$ $te$ded to ,e ,e$ef ted mu#t commu$ cate h # accepta$ce to the o,l gor ,efore the re!ocat o$. @here # $o #how $g that N ma$ fe#ted her
accepta$ce to B at a$y t me ,efore the death of & a$d ,efore the #ale. He$ce* N ca$$ot e$force a$y r ght u$der
Nala$ce paya,le( 12S30S01........ P50 000.00 .eptem,er 15* 2001. &rturo Hoe# th # rece pt e! de$ce a co$tract to #ell%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,7 2hy% 45E7
the #eco$d #ale # reg #tered ahead of the f r#t #ale* w th 9$owledge of the latter% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 @he f r#t ,uyer ha# the ,etter r ght f h # #ale wa# f r#t
.tate the ,a# c d ffere$ce 4o$ly $ the r legal effect#7 > Netwee$ a co$tract to #ell* o$ the o$e ha$d* a$d a co$tract
of #ale* o$ the other.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#eco$d #ale. @he fact that he 9$ew of the #eco$d #ale at the t me of h # reg #trat o$ doe# $ot ma9e h m a# act $g $ ,ad fa th ,ecau#e the #ale to h m wa# ahead $ t me* he$ce* ha# a pr or ty $ r ght. 2hat create# ,ad fa th $ the ca#e of dou,le #ale of la$d # 9$owledge of a pre! ou# #ale.
Page 92 of 119
,7 @he f r#t ,uyer # #t ll to ,e preferred* where the #eco$d #ale # reg #tered ahead of the f r#t #ale ,ut w th 9$owledge of the latter. @h # # ,ecau#e the #eco$d ,uyer* who at the t me he reg #tered h # #ale 9$ew that the property had already ,ee$ #old to #omeo$e el#e* acted $ ,ad fa th.
4&rt cle 1544* C.C.7 Do%ble ales ('##!)
that #hould the 6e$dor 4<ul et7 fa l to e-erc #e her r ght to redeem w th $ the #a d per od* the co$!eya$ce #hall ,e deemed a,#olute a$d rre!oca,le. Jomeo d d $ot ta9e po##e## o$ of the property. He d d $ot pay the ta-e# thereo$. <ul et d ed $ <a$uary +973 w thout ha! $g repurcha#ed the property. Her o$ly #ur! ! $g he r* her #o$ =* fa led to repurcha#e the property o$ or ,efore 3 <u$e 1973. +$ 1975*
Jomeo #old the property to B for P50*000.00. Lpo$
<6* ow$er of a parcel of la$d* #old t to PP. Nut the deed of #ale wa# $ot reg #tered. /$e year later* <6 #old the parcel
aga $ to JJ* who #ucceeded to reg #ter the deed a$d to
lear$ $g of the #ale* = f led a$ act o$ for the $ull f cat o$ of the #ale a$d for the reco!ery of the property o$ the grou$d that the #o>called deed of a,#olute #ale e-ecuted ,y h#
mother wa# merely a$ e?u ta,le mortgage* ta9 $g Jomeo to ta9e po##e## o$ of the property a$d to pay the $to
accou$t the $ade?uacy of the pr ce a$d the fa lure of ta-e# thereo$. Jomeo a$d B ma $ta $ that there wa# a !al d
a,#olute #ale a$d that the docume$t # g$ed ,y the former o$ 3 <u$e 1973 wa# merely a prom #e to #ell.
author ty to the Jeg #ter of Heed# to ma9e the reg #trat o$. +t # the reg #trat o$ of the deed or the $#trume$t that # the operat !e act that co$!ey# or affect# the la$d. 51* P.H.
1o. 15297.
&. + w ll $ot uphold the theory of = for the $ull f cat o$ of the #ale a$d for the reco!ery of the property o$ the grou$d that the #o>called #ale wa# o$ly a$ e?u ta,le mortgage. &$ e?u ta,le mortgage may ar #e o$ly f* $ truth* the #ale wa# o$e w th the r ght of repurcha#e. @he fact# of the ca#e #tate that the r ght to repurcha#e wa# gra$ted after the a,#olute deed of #ale wa# e-ecuted. Follow $g the rule $ Cr.@o vs.
Carr"a,a (1(4 SCRA 330)* a deed of repurcha#e e-ecuted
a,out* or ought to ha!e 9$ow$ the pr or #ale of the la$d to PP or that he acted $ ,ad fa th* a$d ,e $g f r#t to reg #ter the #ale* JJ ac?u red a good a$d a clea$ t tle to the property a# aga $#t PP.
E$%itable *ortgage (1991) /$ 20 Hecem,er 1970* <ul et* a w dow* ,orrowed from
$depe$de$tly of the deed of #ale where the two #t pulat o$# are fou$d $ two $#trume$t# $#tead of o$e docume$t* the r ght of repurcha#e would amou$t o$ly to o$e opt o$ gra$ted ,y the ,uyer to the #eller. . $ce the co$tract
ca$$ot ,e upheld a# a co$tract of #ale w th the r ght to repurcha#e* &rt. 1602 of the C ! l Code o$ e?u ta,le
mortgage w ll $ot apply. @he rule could ha!e ,ee$ d ffere$t f ,oth deed# were e-ecuted o$ the #ame occa# o$ or date*
$ wh ch ca#e* u$der the rul $g $ #pou#e# Claravall v. CA (190 SCRA 439), the co$tract may #t ll ,e #u#ta $ed a# a$ e?u ta,le mortgage* g !e$ the c rcum#ta$ce# e-pre##ed $
wh ch ha# a mar9et !alue of P15*000.00. @he docume$t a$d the cert f cate of t tle of the property were del !ered to
e-erc #ed ,efore a w thdrawal or de$ al thereof. 5!e$ a##um $g the fact# g !e$ at the e$d of the ca#e* there
would ha!e ,ee$ $o #eparate co$# derat o$ for #uch
after read $g the dupl cate copy of the deed* $formed her
that what #he # g$ed wa# $ot a mortgage ,ut a deed of a,#olute #ale. /$ the follow $g day* 3 <u$e 1971* <ul et*
accompa$ ed ,y =* we$t ,ac9 to Jomeo a$d dema$ded the reformat o$ t* Jomeo prepared a$d # g$ed a docume$t where $* a# !e$dee $ the deed of #ale a,o!e me$t o$ed* he
o,l gated a$d ,ou$d h m#elf to re#ell the la$d to <ul et or
prom #e to #ell. @he co$tract would at mo#t amou$t to a$ opt o$ wh ch aga $ may $ot ,e the ,a# # for a$ act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce.
E$%itable *ortgage vs. ale ('##9)
her he r# a$d #ucce##or# for the #ame co$# derat o$ a# reflected $ the deed of #ale 4P7*0007 w th $ a per od of two
/$ <uly 14* 2004* Pedro e-ecuted $ fa!or of <ua$ a Heed of &,#olute .ale o!er a parcel of la$d co!ered ,y @C@ 1o.
Page 93 of 119
from <ua$ P120*000.00 a# purcha#e pr ce. Howe!er* Pedro reta $ed the ow$erG# dupl cate of #a d t tle. @hereafter* <ua$* a# le##or* a$d Pedro* a# le##ee* e-ecuted a co$tract of lea#e o!er the property for a per od of o$e 417 year w th a mo$thly re$tal of Pl*000.00. Pedro* a# le##ee* wa# al#o o,l gated to pay the realty ta-e# o$ the property dur $g the
per od of lea#e.
= #old a parcel of la$d to B o$ 01 <a$uary 2002* payme$t a$d del !ery to ,e made o$ 01 Fe,ruary 2002. +t wa# #t pulated that f payme$t were $ot to ,e made ,y B o$ 01 Fe,ruary 2002* the #ale ,etwee$ the part e# would automat cally ,e re#c $ded. B fa led to pay o$ 01 Fe,ruary 2002* ,ut offered to pay three day# later* wh ch payme$t =
refu#ed to accept* cla m $g that the r co$tract of #ale had
.u,#e?ue$tly* Pedro f led a compla $t aga $#t <ua$ for the reformat o$ of the Heed of &,#olute .ale* alleg $g that the tra$#act o$ co!ered ,y the deed wa# a$ e?u ta,le mortgage. +$ h # !er f ed a$#wer to the compla $t* <ua$ alleged that the property wa# #old to h m u$der the Heed of &,#olute .ale* a$d $terpo#ed cou$tercla m# to reco!er po##e## o$ of the
property a$d to compel Pedro to tur$ o!er to h m the ow$erG# dupl cate of t tle. Je#ol!e the ca#e w th rea#o$#. 46E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
re#c ## o$ of the co$tract #hall of r ght ta9e place* the !e$dee may pay* e!e$ after the e-p rat o$ of the per od* a# lo$g a# $o dema$d for re#c ## o$ of the co$tract ha# ,ee$ made upo$ h m e ther 8ud c ally or ,y a $otar al act 4&rt cle 1592* 1ew C ! l code7. . $ce $o dema$d for re#c ## o$ wa# made o$ B* e ther 8ud c ally or ,y a $otar al act* = ca$$ot
refu#e to accept the payme$t offered ,y B three 437 day#
@he compla $t of Pedro aga $#t <ua$ #hould ,e d #m ##ed. @he $#ta$ce# whe$ a co$tract W regardle## of t# $ome$clature W may ,e pre#umed to ,e a$ e?u ta,le mortgage are e$umerated $ &rt cle 1602 of the C ! l Code( '&rt. 1602. @he co$tract #hall ,e pre#umed to ,e a$
e?u ta,le mortgage* $ a$y of the follow $g ca#e#( 1. 2he$ the pr ce of a #ale w th r ght to repurcha#e # u$u#ually $ade?uate( 2. 2he$ the !e$dor rema $# $ po##e## o$ a# le##ee or otherw #e3
after the e-p rat o$ of the per od. @h # # a co$tract to #ell a$d $ot a co$tract of a,#olute #ale* # $ce a# there ha# ,ee$ $o del !ery of the la$d. &rt cle 1592
of the 1ew C ! l code # $ot appl ca,le. +$#tead* &rt cle 1595 of the 1ew C ! l Code appl e#. @he #eller ha# two
A'!$.E" (+&&E($E# A'(WE":
alter$at !e remed e#( 417 #pec f c performa$ce* or 427 re#c ## o$ or re#olut o$ u$der &rt cle 1191 of the 1ew C!l code. +$ ,oth remed e#* damage# are due ,ecau#e of default.
2he$ upo$ or after the e-p rat o$ of the r ght to repurcha#e a$other $#trume$t e-te$d $g the per od of
redempt o$ or gra$t $g a $ew per od # e-ecuted3 2he$ the purcha#er reta $# for h m#elf a part of the purcha#e pr ce3 +$ a$y other ca#e where t may ,e fa rly $ferred that
Be#* the co$tract wa# automat cally re#c $ded upo$ BO# fa lure to pay o$ 01 Fe,ruary 2002. Ny the e-pre## term# of the co$tract* there # $o $eed for = to ma9e a dema$d $
order for re#c ## o$ to ta9e place. (Art"+le 1191, 0e9 C"v"l
Co%e, S.r"a v. IAC 171 SCRA 661 [198(]C >. . v. %e los An,eles 37 SCRA 10$ [19(0]).
2he$ the !e$dor , $d# h m#elf to pay the ta-e# o$ the th $g #old3 the real $te$t o$ of the part e# # that the tra$#act o$ #hall #ecure the payme$t of a de,t or the performa$ce of a$y other o,l gat o$.
*ace0a Law ('###) Pr #c lla purcha#ed a co$dom $ um u$ t $ 0a9at C ty from the C t la$d Corporat o$ for a pr ce of P10 0 ll o$* paya,le
P3 0 ll o$ dow$ a$d the ,ala$ce w th $tere#t thereo$ at 14E per a$$um paya,le $ # -ty 4607 e?ual mo$thly
'+$ a$y of the forego $g ca#e#* a$y mo$ey* fru t#* or other
,e$ef t to ,e rece !ed ,y the !e$dee a# re$t or otherw #e
$#tallme$t# of P198*333.33. @hey e-ecuted a Heed of !e$dee fa l to pay three 437 #ucce## !e $#tallme$t#* the #ale #hall ,e deemed automat cally re#c $ded w thout the
&rt cle 1604 #tate# that 'the pro! # o$# of art cle 1602 #hall
al#o apply to a co$tract purport $g to ,e a$ a,#olute #ale.'
For &rt cle# 1602 a$d 1604 to apply* two re?u # te# mu#t
co$cur( 17 the part e# e$tered $to a co$tract de$om $ated a# a co$tract of #ale3 a$d 27 the r $te$t o$ wa# to #ecure a$ e- #t $g de,t ,y way of mortgage. (Ae"rs o* Gal"te v. 5"&,
;.R. 0o. 17$168, Fe+e&/er 10, $004)
mo$th#* #he fa led to pay. /$ the 49th mo$th* #he tr ed to pay the $#tallme$t# due ,ut the !e$dor refu#ed to rece !e
Co$d t o$al .ale pur#ua$t to the #t pulat o$ for automat c
re$tal for the u#e a$d occupa$cy of the u$ t a$d a# l ?u dated damage#. For 46 mo$th#* Pr #c lla pa d the mo$thly $#tallme$t# rel g ou#ly* ,ut o$ the 47th a$d 48th
!e$dor #e$t her a $ot ce that t wa# re#c $d $g the Heed of re#c ## o$* a$d dema$ded that #he !acate the prem #e#. .he
the C ! l Code.
+$ the g !e$ ca#e* although Pedro reta $ed po##e## o$ of the property a# le##ee after the e-ecut o$ of the Heed of .ale* there # $o #how $g that the $te$t o$ of the part e# wa# to
#ecure a$ e- #t $g de,t ,y way of mortgage. He$ce* the
8ud c al dema$d or $otar al act pur#ua$t to &rt cle 1592 of a7 +# &rt cle 1592 appl ca,le% 43E7 ,7 Ca$ the !e$dor re#c $d the co$tract% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Page 94 of 119
&rt cle 1592 of the C ! l Code doe# $ot apply to a co$d t o$al #ale. +$ #alarao v. CA, 304 SCRA 177* the
where the #eller ha# re#er!ed t tle to the property u$t l full
payme$t of the purcha#e pr ce. @he law appl ca,le # the 0aceda "aw.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,uy or #ell w th $ a$ agreed t me a$d at a determ $ed pr ce. pr ce. 4&rt. 1479 a$d 1482* 1CC7 Option Contract; Earnest *one" (199() "@ appl ed w th NP+ to purcha#e a hou#e a$d lot $ Pue:o$
1o* the !e$dor ca$$ot re#c $d the co$tract u$der the ,7 c rcum#ta$ce#. L$der the 0aceda "aw* wh ch # the law
appl ca,le* the #eller o$ $#tallme$t may $ot re#c $d the
Pl*000*000.00 paya,le* a# follow#( P200*000.00 dow$ payme$t* the ,ala$ce of P800*000.00 paya,le w th $ 90 day# from <u$e 1* 1985. NP+ accepted the offer* whereupo$ "@
drew a chec9 for P200*000.00 $ fa!or of NP+ wh ch the
#eller to accept payme$t from the ,uyer o$ the 49th mo$th wa# $ot 8u#t f ed ,ecau#e the ,uyer wa# e$t tled to 60 day# grace per od a$d the payme$t wa# te$dered w th $ that
per od. 0oreo!er* the $ot ce of re#c ## o$ #er!ed ,y the
#eller o$ the ,uyer wa# $ot effect !e ,ecau#e the $ot ce wa# $ot ,y a $otar al act. Ne# de#* the #eller may #t ll pay w th $ 30 day# from #uch $otar al $ot ce ,efore re#c ## o$ may ,e effected. &ll the#e re?u reme$t# for a !al d re#c ## o$ were
$ot compl ed w th ,y the #eller. He$ce* the re#c ## o$ #
latter thereafter depo# ted $ t# accou$t. /$ .eptem,er 5* 1985* "@ wrote NP+ re?ue#t $g e-te$# o$ u$t l /cto,er 10* 1985 w th $ wh ch to pay the ,ala$ce* to wh ch NP+ agreed. /$ /cto,er 5* 1985* due to the e-pected delay $ the rem tta$ce of the $eeded amou$t ,y h # f $a$c er from the L$ ted .tate#* "@ wrote NP+ re?ue#t $g a la#t e-te$# o$
u$t l /cto,er 30* 1985* w th $ wh ch to pay the ,ala$ce.
$!al d.
*ace0a Law; 1ecto Law (1999)
NP+ de$ ed "@# re?ue#t ,ecau#e a$other had offered to ,uy the #ame property for P1*500*000.00. NP+ ca$celled t# agreeme$t w th "@ a$d offered to retur$ to h m the amou$t
of P200*000.00 that "@ had pa d to t. /$ /cto,er 20*
1985* upo$ rece pt of the amou$t of P800*000.00 from h # L. f $a$c er* "@ offered to pay the amou$t ,y te$der $g a
ca#h erG# chec9 therefor ,ut wh ch NP+ refu#ed to accept.
mporta$t feature# of each law. 45E7 @he )ACE*A "AW 4J.&. 6557 # appl ca,le to #ale# of mmo!a,le property o$ $#tallme$t#. @he mo#t mporta$t feature# are (R"llo v. CA, $4( SCRA 461)B
"@ the$ f led a compla $t aga $#t NP+ $ the J@C for #pec f c performa$ce a$d depo# ted $ court the amou$t of P800*000.00. +# NP+ legally correct $ ca$cel $g t# co$tract
w th "@%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
417 &fter ha! $g pa d $#tallme$t# for at lea#t two year#* the ,uyer # e$t tled to a ma$datory grace per od of o$e mo$th
for e!ery year of $#tallme$t payme$t# made* to pay the
held that the ear$e#t mo$ey # part of the purcha#e pr ce a$d # proof of the perfect o$ of the co$tract. .eco$dly* $otar al or
8ud c al re#c ## o$ u$der &rt. 1592 a$d 1991 of the C!l
427 +$ ca#e the $#tallme$t# pa d were le## tha$ 2 year#* the #eller #hall g !e the ,uyer a grace per od of $ot le## tha$ 60
day#. +f the ,uyer fa l# to pay the $#tallme$t# due at the e-p rat o$ of the grace per od* the #eller may ca$cel the co$tract after 30 day# from rece pt ,y the ,uyer of the
1169* C ! l Code7 # a grou$d to re#c $d* o$ly f t me # of the e##e$ce. /therw #e* the court may refu#e the re#c ## o$ f there # a 8u#t cau#e for the f - $g of a per od.
e-act fulf llme$t3 ,7 ca$cel the #ale f two or more $#tallme$t# ha!e $ot
,ee$ pa d3 foreclo#e the chattel mortgage o$ the th $g# #old* al#o $ ca#e of default of two or more $#tallme$t#* w th $o
further act o$ aga $#t the purcha#er.
cleara$ce of the property of all llegal occupa$t#. @he opt o$ mo$ey # promptly pa d a$d . meo$ clear# the property of
llegal occupa$t# $ $o t me at all. Howe!er* whe$ Nert
te$der# payme$t of the ,ala$ce a$d a#9 . meo$ for the deed
Page 95 of 119
cla m $g that the deal # d #ad!a$tageou# to h m a# he ha# fou$d out that the property ca$ fetch three t me the agreed purcha#e pr ce. Nert #ee9# #pec f c performa$ce ,ut . meo$
co$te$d# that he ha# merely g !e$ Nert a$ opt o$ to ,uy a$d $oth $g more* a$d offer# to retur$ the opt o$ mo$ey wh ch Nert refu#e# to accept. N. 2 ll NertO# act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce
Be#* &dela may #t ll e-erc #e her r ght of redempt o$
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
ca#e may ,e. +$ th # ca#e* the $ot ce of the #ale wa# g !e$ ,y
the !e$dee a$d the Jeg #ter of Heed#. @he per od of 30
h m% 5-pla $. 44E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
NertO# act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce w ll pro#per ,ecau#e there wa# a , $d $g agreeme$t of #ale* $ot 8u#t a$
co>ow$er* #he had o$ly 30 day# from the t me #he rece !ed wr tte$ $ot ce of the #ale wh ch $ th # ca#e too9 the form of a copy of the deed of #ale ,e $g g !e$ to her (Cone:ero
CA, 16 SCRA ((7 [1966]). @he law doe# $ot pre#cr ,e
opt o$ co$tract. @he #ale wa# perfected upo$ accepta$ce ,y . meo$ of 10E of the agreed pr ce. @h # amou$t # $ really ear$e#t mo$ey wh ch* u$der &rt. 1482* C#hall ,e co$# dered
a# part of the pr ce a$d a# proof of the perfect o$ of the
a$y part cular form of wr tte$ $ot ce* $or a$y d #t $ct !e method for $ot fy $g the redempt o$er (2t+./an v. CA, 148 SCRA 70( [198(]). .o lo$g a# the redempt o$er wa# $formed $ wr t $g* he ha# $o cau#e to compla $ (F"str"to v. CA, 19(
SCRA 606, 609 [1991]). +$ fact* $ H #tr to* a wr tte$ $ot ce
. meo$ ca$$ot 8u#t fy h # refu#al to proceed w th ,y the fact that the deal # f $a$c ally
the #ale
d #ad!a$tageou# to h m. Ha! $g made a ,ad ,arga $ # $ot a legal grou$d for pull $g out a , d $g co$tract of #ale* $ the a,#e$ce of #ome act o$a,le wro$g ,y the other party (#ales
v. #"lla, 37 !"l (69 [1916])* a$d $o #uch wro$g ha# ,ee$
1ig&t of ,irst 1ef%sal; Lessee; Effect (199-) L,aldo # the ow$er of a ,u ld $g wh ch ha# ,ee$ lea#ed ,y
Jem g o for the pa#t 20 year#. L,aldo ha# repeatedly
1e0emption; Legal; ,ormalities ('##1) Netty a$d "yd a were co>ow$er# of a parcel of la$d. "a#t <a$uary 31* 2001* whe$ #he pa d her real e#tate ta-* Netty
a##ured Jem g o that f he #hould dec de to #ell the ,u ld $g* he w ll g !e Jem g o the r ght of f r#t refu#al. /$ <u$e 30* 1994* L,aldo $formed Jem g o that he wa# w ll $g to #ell the ,u ld $g for P5 0 ll o$. @he follow $g day* Jem g o #e$t a letter to L,aldo offer $g to ,uy the ,u ld $g at P4.5 0 ll o$. L,aldo d d $ot reply. /$e wee9 later* Jem g o
rece !ed a letter from .a$to# the $form $g h m that
5mma* the ,uyer* # $ot correct. Netty ca$ #t ll e$force her r ght of legal redempt o$ a# a co>ow$er. &rt cle 1623 of the
,u ld $g ha# ,ee$ #old to h m ,y L,aldo for P5 0 ll o$* a$d that he w ll $ot re$ew Jem g oG# lea#e whe$ t e-p re#. Jem g o f led a$ act o$ aga $#t L,aldo a$d .a$to# for ca$cellat o$ of the #ale* a$d to compel L,aldo to e-ecute a
deed of a,#olute #ale $ h # fa!or* ,a#ed o$ h # r ght of f r#t refu#al. a7 2 ll the act o$ pro#per% 5-pla $. ,7 +f L,aldo had g !e$ Jem g o a$ opt o$ to purcha#e the
,u ld $g $#tead of a r ght of f r#t refu#al* w ll your a$#wer ,e the #ame% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
promptly $ot f ed &dela of the #ale a$d fur$ #hed the latter a copy of the deed of a,#olute #ale. 2he$ =a$dro pre#e$ted the deed for reg #trat o$* the reg #ter of deed# al#o $ot f ed
&dela of the #ale* e$clo# $g a copy of the deed w th the $ot ce. Howe!er* &dela g$ored the $ot ce#. & year later* =a$dro f led a pet t o$ for the part t o$ of the property.
huma$ relat o$# a$d* therefore* t# ! olat o$ # pred cated o$ ?ua# >del ct. .eco$dly* the r ght of f r#t refu#al mpl e# that the offer of the per#o$ $ who#e fa!or that r ght wa# g !e$ mu#t co$form w th the #ame term# a$d co$d t o$# a# tho#e
g !e$ to the offeree. +$ th # ca#e* howe!er* Jem g o wa#
Lpo$ rece pt of #ummo$#* &dela mmed ately te$dered the re?u # te amou$t for the redempt o$. =a$dro co$te$d# that &dela lo#t her r ght of redempt o$ after the e-p rat o$ of 30 day# from her rece pt of the $ot ce of the #ale g !e$ ,y h m.
1o* the act o$ w ll $ot pro#per. @he le##eeG# r ght of f r#t refu#al doe# $ot go #o far a# to g !e h m the power to
Page 96 of 119
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
17 & ca$ e-erc #e h # r ght of repurcha#e w th $ four 447 year# from the date of the co$tract 4&rt. 1606* C ! l Code7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
le##eeG# cou$ter>offer of a le##er amou$t a# a re8ect o$ of h # offer to #ell at P5 0 ll o$. @hu#* he wa# free to f $d a$other ,uyer upo$ rece pt of #uch u$accepta,le cou$ter>offer 4&rt.
1319. 1CC7.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Code7. =ransfer of Owners&ip; .on?4a"ment of t&e 4rice (1991) Pa,lo #old h # car to &lfo$#o who ##ued a po#tdated chec9 $ full payme$t therefor. Nefore the matur ty of the chec9* &lfo$#o #old the car to )regor o who later #old t to )a,r el. 2he$ pre#e$ted for payme$t* the chec9 ##ued ,y &lfo$#o wa# d #ho$ored ,y the drawee ,a$9 for the rea#o$ that he* &lfo$#o* had already clo#ed h # accou$t e!e$ ,efore
he ##ued h # chec9.
le##or #old the property to a th rd per#o$ who 9$ew a,out the lea#e a$d $ fact agreed to re#pect t. Co$#e?ue$tly* the le##ee ,r $g# a$ act o$ aga $#t ,oth the le##or>#eller a$d the
,uyer 4a7 to re#c $d the #ale a$d 4,7 to compel #pec f c
performa$ce of h # r ght of f r#t refu#al $ the #e$#e that the le##or #hould ,e ordered to e-ecute a deed of a,#olute #ale
$ fa!or of the le##ee at the #ame pr ce. @he defe$da$t#
depr !ed of the pr ce. @he perfect o$ of the #ale a$d the del !ery of the car wa# e$ough to allow &lfo$#o to ha!e a r ght of ow$er#h p o!er the car* wh ch ca$ ,e lawfully
tra$#ferred to )regor o. &rt. 559 appl e# o$ly to a per#o$
co$te$d that the pla $t ff ca$ $e ther #ee9 re#c ## o$ of the #ale $or compel #pec f c performa$ce of a 'mere' r ght of
f r#t refu#al. Hec de the ca#e. ;5EA
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
to del !er a th $g # d ffere$t from the o,l gat o$ to pay t# pr ce. 2FCA ./l"s!"n, Co. v. Santos (1990) =ransfer of Owners&ip; 1is+ of Loss (199#) H #old a #eco$d>ha$d car to 5 for P150*000.00 @he agreeme$t ,etwee$ H a$d 5 wa# that half of the purcha#e pr ce* or P75*000.00* #hall ,e pa d upo$ del !ery of the car
to 5 a$d the ,ala$ce of P75*000.00 #hall ,e pa d $ f !e
r ght# of act o$ ,ecau#e the ,uyer $ the #u,#e?ue$t #ale 9$ew the e- #te$ce of r ght of f r#t refu#al* he$ce $ ,ad
fa th.
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
f r#t refu#al w ll $ot pro#per. (An, ?. As.n+"on vs. CA, $38 SCRA 60$). @he Court ruled $ a u$a$ mou# e$ ,a$c dec # o$ that the r ght of f r#t refu#al # $ot fou$ded upo$ co$tract ,ut o$ a ?ua# >del ctual relat o$#h p co!ered ,y the
pr $c ple# of huma$ relat o$# a$d u$8u#t e$r chme$t 4&rt.
e?ual mo$thly $#tallme$t# of P15*000.00 each. @he car wa# del !ered to 5* a$d 5 pa d the amou$t of P75.000.00 to H. "e## tha$ o$e mo$th thereafter* the car wa# #tole$ from 5G# garage w th $o fault o$ 5G# part a$d wa# $e!er reco!ered. +#
5 legally ,ou$d to pay the #a d u$pa d ,ala$ce of
pro#per accord $g to the .upreme Court # a$ 'act o$ for damage# $ a proper forum for the purpo#e.' 1ig&t of 1ep%rc&ase (199()
@he ow$er#h p of the car #old wa# ac?u red ,y 5 from the mome$t t wa# del !ered to h m. Ha! $g ac?u red ow$er#h p* 5 ,ear# the r #9 of the lo## of the th $g u$der the doctr $e of re# per t dom $o. ;&rt cle# 1496. 1497* C!l Code7.
co$# derat o$ of P10.000.00. & re#er! $g to h m#elf the r ght to repurcha#e the #ame. Necau#e they were fr e$d#* $o
per od wa# agreed upo$ for the repurcha#e of the property. 17 L$t l whe$ mu#t & e-erc #e h # r ght of repurcha#e% 27 +f & fa l# to redeem the property w th $ the allowa,le
E<ting%is&ment; =otal Distr%ction; Lease0 4ropert" (199()
per od* what would you ad! #e N to do for h # ,etter protect o$%
& # the ow$er of a lot o$ wh ch he co$#tructed a ,u ld $g $ the total co#t of P10*000*000.00. /f that amou$t N
Page 97 of 119
whole would ,e lea#ed to h m 4N7 for a per od of te$ year# from <a$uary 1. 1985 to Hecem,er 31* 1995 at a re$tal of P100*000.00 a year. @o #uch co$d t o$* & agreed. /$ Hecem,er 20* 1990* the ,u ld $g wa# totally ,ur$ed. .oo$
thereafter* &G# wor9er# cleared the de,r # a$d #tarted
phe$ome$o$ are #t ll u$pred cta,le de#p te the ad!a$ce# $ #c e$ce* the phe$ome$o$ # co$# dered u$fore#ee$.
Leasee & Lessor; 1ig&ts an0 Obligations (199#)
& !aca$t lot #e!eral ,loc9# from the ce$ter of the tow$ wa# lea#ed ,y t# ow$er to a you$g ,u# $e##ma$ N for a term of
f ftee$ 4157 year# re$ewal upo$ agreeme$t of the part e#.
co$#truct o$ of a $ew ,u ld $g. N the$ #er!ed $ot ce upo$ & that he would occupy the ,u ld $g ,e $g co$#tructed
upo$ complet o$* for the u$e-p red port o$ of the lea#e
term* e-pla $ $g that he had #pe$t partly for the co$#truct o$ of the ,u ld $g that wa# ,ur$ed. & re8ected NG#
dema$d. H d & ha# a r ght $ re8ect $g NG# dema$d%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&fter ta9 $g po##e## o$ of the lot* the le##ee ,u lt thereo$ a ,u ld $g of m -ed mater al# a$d a #tore. &# the year# pa##ed* he e-pa$ded h # ,u# $e##* ear$ $g more prof t#. Ny the te$th 410th7 year of h # po##e## o$* he wa# a,le to ,u ld a
three 437>#tory ,u ld $g worth at lea#t P300*000.00. Nefore the e$d of the term of the lea#e* N $egot ated w th the #o* they could $ot agree o$ the $ew co$d t o$# for the
Be#. & wa# correct $ re8ect $g the dema$d of N. &# a re#ult of the total de#truct o$ of the ,u ld $g ,y fortu tou# e!e$t*
the lea#e wa# e-t $gu #hed. 4&rt. 1655* C ! l Code.7 )mplie0 .ew Lease (1999)
L$der what c rcum#ta$ce# would a$ mpl ed $ew lea#e or a 42E7 ta+"ta re+on%.++"on ar #e%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
re$ewal. Lpo$ the e-p rat o$ of the term of the lea#e* the la$dow$er a#9ed N to !acate the prem #e# a$d remo!e h # ,u ld $g a$d other mpro!eme$t#. N refu#ed u$le## he wa#
re m,ur#ed for $ece##ary a$d u#eful e-pe$#e#. N cla med
&$ mpl ed $ew lea#e or tac ta reco$ducc o$ ar #e# f at the e$d of the co$tract the le##ee #hould co$t $ue e$8oy $g the th $g lea#ed for 15 day# w th the ac?u e#ce$ce of the le##or*
a$d u$le## a $ot ce to the co$trary ,y e ther part e# ha# pre! ou#ly ,ee$ g !e$ 4&rt. 16707. +$ #hort* $ order that
re#olut o$ $ a pe$d $g l t gat o$. a7 2hat are the r ght# of N% ,7 2hat are the r ght# of the la$dow$er%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
N ha# the r ght to remo!e the ,u ld $g a$d other mpro!eme$t# u$le## the la$dow$er dec de# to reta $ the
,u ld $g at the t me of the term $at o$ of the lea#e a$d pay the le##ee o$e>half of the !alue of the mpro!eme$t# at that t me. @he le##ee may remo!e the ,u ld $g e!e$ though the pr $c pal th $g may #uffer damage ,ut N #hould $ot cau#e a$y more mpa rme$t upo$ the property lea#ed tha$ # $ece##ary. @he cla m of N that he wa# a po##e##or a$d ,u lder $ good fa th w th the r ght of rete$t o$ # $ot te$a,le. N # $ot a ,u lder $ good fa th ,ecau#e a# le##ee he
doe# $ot cla m ow$er#h p o!er the property lea#ed.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1o* 0ar9 # $ot e$t tled to a reduct o$. L$der &rt cle 1680 of the C ! l Code* the le##ee of a rural la$d # e$t tled to a reduct o$ of the re$t o$ly $ ca#e of lo## of more tha$ 1S2
of the fru t# through e-traord $ary a$d u$fore#ee$
remo!e the mpro!eme$t#. ;&rt cle 1678* C ! l Code7* Leasee; Deat& =&ereof; Effects (1997) .tat $g ,r efly the the# # to #upport your a$#wer to each of
the follow $g ca#e#* w ll the death > a7 of the le##ee
fortu tou# e!e$t#. 2h le the drought ,rought a,out ,y the '5l 1 $o' phe$ome$o$ may ,e cla## f ed a# e-traord $ary* t # $ot co$# dered a# u$fore#ee$.
1o. @he death of the le##ee w ll $ot e-t $gu #h the lea#e
#hould ,e fore#eea,le ,y the part e# #o that the le##ee ca$ cha$ge the t me for h # pla$t $g* or refra $ from pla$t $g* or ta9e #tep# to a!o d the lo##. @o ,e fore#eea,le* the t me a$d the place of the occurre$ce* a# well a# the mag$ tude of the
ad!er#e effect# of the fortu tou# e!e$t mu#t ,e capa,le of ,e $g pred cted. . $ce the e-act place* the e-act t me* a$d
for a per od of three year# at a mo$thly re$tal of P1*000.00* w th a$ opt o$ to purcha#e the #ame dur $g the per od of the lea#e for the pr ce of P500*000.00. &fter the e-p rat o$ of the three>year per od* 0ar o allowed 1e#tor to rema $ $
the lea#ed prem #e# at the #ame re$tal rate. /$ <u$e 15*
the e-act mag$ tude of the ad!er#e effect# of the '5l 1 $o'
1983* 1e#tor te$dered the amou$t of P500*000.00 to 0ar o a$d dema$ded that the latter e-ecute a deed of a,#olute #ale of the f #hpo$d $ h # fa!or. 0ar o refu#ed* o$ the grou$d that 1e#tor $o lo$ger had a$ opt o$ to ,uy the f #hpo$d.
Page 98 of 119
1e#tor f led a$ act o$ for #pec f c performa$ce. 2 ll the act o$ pro#per or $ot% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
#u,le##ee ca$ $!o9e $o r ght #uper or to that of h # #u,le##or* the mome$t the #u,le##or # duly ou#ted from the
prem #e#* the #u,le##ee ha# $o leg to #ta$d o$. @he #u,le##eeG# r ght* f a$y* # to dema$d reparat o$ for damage# from h # #u,le##or* #hould the latter ,e at fault.
(Ae"rs o*Sev"lla v. Co.rt o* A''eals ;.R. 0o. 498$3, 8e/r.ary
$6, 199$).
1o* the act o$ w ll $ot pro#per. @he mpl ed re$ewal of the lea#e o$ a mo$th>to>mo$th ,a# # d d $ot ha!e the effect of e-te$d $g the l fe of the opt o$ to purcha#e wh ch e-p red at the e$d of the or g $al lea#e per od. @he le##or # correct $ refu# $g to #ell o$ the grou$d that the opt o$ had e-p red. %blease vs. 2ssignment of Lease; 1escission of Contract ('##9)
L$der a wr tte$ co$tract dated Hecem,er 1* 1989* 6 ctor lea#ed h # la$d to <oel for a per od of f !e 457 year# at a mo$thly re$tal of Pl*000.00* to ,e $crea#ed to Pl*200.00 a$d Pl*500.00 o$ the th rd a$d f fth year* re#pect !ely. /$ <a$uary 1* 1991* <oel #u,lea#ed the la$d to Co$rad for a per od of two 427 year# at a mo$thly re$tal of Pl*500.00.
+$ <a$uary 1993* Four>) !e# Corporat o$ lea#ed the e$t re twel!e floor# of the )P. @ower# Comple-* for a per od of
te$ year# at a mo$thly re$tal of P3*000*000.00. @here # a
pro! # o$ $ the co$tract that the mo$thly re$tal# #hould ,e pa d w th $ the f r#t f !e day# of the mo$th. For the mo$th
of 0arch* 0ay* <u$e* /cto,er a$d Hecem,er 1993* the
/$ Hecem,er 31* 1992* <oel a## g$ed the lea#e to h # compadre* 5r$ e* who acted o$ the ,el ef that <oel wa# the r ghtful ow$er a$d po##e##or of the #a d lot. <oel ha# ,ee$ fa thfully pay $g the #t pulated re$tal# to 6 ctor. 2he$
6 ctor lear$ed o$ 0ay 18* 1992 a,out the #u,lea#e a$d a## g$me$t* he #ued <oel* Co$rad a$d 5r$ e for re#c ## o$ of
floor# to wholly>ow$ed #u,# d ar e#. @he lea#e co$tract e-pre##ly proh , t# the a## g$me$t of the lea#e co$tract or
a$y port o$ thereof. @he re$tal !alue of the ,u ld $g ha#
$crea#ed ,y 50E # $ce t# lea#e to Four>) !e# Corporat o$. 17 Ca$ the ,u ld $g ow$er e8ect Four>) !e# Corporat o$ o$
grou$d# of the repeated delay# $ the payme$t of the re$t% 2M Ca$ the ,u ld $g ow$er a#9 for the ca$cellat o$ of the
aggr e!ed party may a#9 for re#c ## o$ of the co$tract a$d
17 a7 @he 'repeated delay#' $ the payme$t of re$tal# would* at ,e#t* ,e a #l ght or ca#ual ,reach wh ch doe# $ot fur$ #h a grou$d for e8ectme$t e#pec ally ,ecau#e the delay# were o$ly due to hea!y paper wor9. 1ote that there wa# $ot e!e$
a dema$d for payme$t o,! ou#ly ,ecau#e the delay la#ted
$dem$ f cat o$ for damage#* or o$ly the latter* allow $g the co$tract to rema $ $ force.' &rt cle 1649 of the #ame Code pro! de# that 'the le##ee ca$$ot a## g$ the lea#e w thout the
co$#e$t of the le##or* u$le## there # a #t pulat o$ to the co$trary.' Co$#e$t # $ece##ary ,ecau#e a## g$me$t would cau#e $o!at o$ ,y the #u,#t tut o$ of o$e of the part e#.
(Gan,ayan v. Co.rt o* A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 1$3781, A.,.st $9,
199() Howe!er* the rule
for o$ly a few day# 410 day# ,e $g the lo$ge#t7* at the e$d of wh ch t me payme$t# were pre#uma,ly made a$d were
accepted. @here wa#* therefore* $o default. 1ote al#o that there wa# $o dema$d made upo$ the le##ee to !acate the prem #e# for $o$>payme$t of the mo$thly re$t. @here #*
# d ffere$t
$ the ca#e of
@he ,u ld $g ow$er ca$$ot e8ect Four>) !e# ,7 Corporat o$ o$ the grou$d of repeated delay# $ the payme$t of re$tal#. @he delay $ the payme$t of the re$tal#
# m $ mal a$d ca$$ot ,e made the ,a# # of a$ e8ectme$t
+$ the g !e$ ca#e* whe$ <oel a## g$ed the lea#e to 5r$ e* the
#ame wa# do$e w thout the co$#e$t of 6 ctor. @he
a## g$me$t # !o d. Howe!er* there # $o $d cat o$ that $ the wr tte$ co$tract of lea#e ,etwee$ 6 ctor a$d <oel* that
#u,lea# $g the prem #e# # proh , ted. He$ce* the #u,lea#e
of <oel w th Co$rad # !al d. +$ ! ew of the forego $g* 6 ctor ca$ f le the ca#e of re#c ## o$ a$d damage# o$ly
aga $#t <oel a$d 5r$ e ,ut he ca$$ot $clude Co$rad. /) In +ase o* res+"ss"on, %" t!e r",!ts an% o/l",at"ons o* t!e 'art"es. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
le##ee w ll ,e $ delay f he fall# to pay w th $ the agreed per od w thout $eed of dema$d. +$ th # ca#e he ca$
1673427* 1ew C ! l Code7* c7 1o. Je#olut o$ of a co$tract w ll $ot ,e perm tted for a
#l ght or ca#ual ,reach* ,ut o$ly for #uch #u,#ta$t al a$d
Je#c ## o$ of the lea#e $ece##ar ly re?u re# the retur$ of the th $g to the le##or. He$ce* the 8udgme$t gra$t $g re#c ## o$
of the co$tract #hould al#o order the le##ee to !acate a$d
retur$ the lea#ed prem #e# to the le##or. Howe!er* # $ce the
Page 99 of 119
co$tract of lea#e #pec ally #o whe$ the delay wa# due to the
hea!y paperwor9 $ proce## $g the chec9#.
&* a$d that he ha# $ot ,ee$ rem ## $ the payme$t of re$t. 2 ll the act o$ pro#per% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
27 a7 1o. .u,lea#e # d ffere$t from a## g$me$t of lea#e. .u,lea#e* $ot ,e $g proh , ted ,y the co$tract of lea#e # therefore allowed a$d ca$$ot ,e $!o9ed a# a grou$d to
Be#* the act o$ w ll pro#per. L$der &rt cle 1651 of the C!l Code* the #u,le##ee # ,ou$d to the le##or for all act# wh ch refer to the u#e a$d pre#er!at o$ of the th $g lea#ed $ the ma$$er #t pulated ,etwee$ the le##or a$d the le##ee. %blease; @ali0it"; 2ssignment of %blease (199#) & lea#ed a parcel of la$d to N for a per od of two year#. @he
lea#e co$tract d d $ot co$ta $ a$y e-pre## proh , t o$
ca$cel the lea#e* ,7 1o* the le##or ca$$ot ha!e the lea#e ca$celled for alleged ! olat o$ of the pro! # o$ aga $#t a## g$me$t. @he le##ee d d
$ot a## g$ the lea#e* or a$y port o$ thereof* to the
#u,# d ar e#. . $ce the pro,lem doe# $ot #tate that the co$tract of lea#e co$ta $# a proh , t o$ aga $#t #u,lea#e* the #u,lea#e # lawful* the rule ,e $g that $ the a,#e$ce of a$ e-pre## proh , t o$ a le##ee may #u,let the th $g lea#ed* $ whole or $ part* w thout pre8ud ce to h #S t# re#po$# , l ty
to the le##or for the performa$ce of the co$tract. %blease; %blessee; Liabilit" (1999)
re#c ## o$ of the co$tract of lea#e o$ the grou$d that N ha# ! olated the term# a$d co$d t o$# of the lea#e agreeme$t. +f you were the 8udge* how would you dec de the ca#e*
part cularly w th re#pect to the !al d ty of(
4a7 NG# #u,lea#e to C% a$d 4,7 CG# a## g$me$t of the #u,lea#e to H%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
0ay a le##ee #u,lea#e the property lea#ed w thout the co$#e$t of the le##or* a$d what are the re#pect !e l a, l t e#
of the le##ee a$d #u,>le##ee to the le##or $ ca#e of #uch #u,lea#e% 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
<hough the or g $al per od of two year# for the lea#e co$tract ha# e-p red* the lea#e co$t $ued w th the ac?u e#ce$ce of the le##or dur $g the
#u,lea# $g. L$der the law* whe$ $ the co$tract of lea#e of th $g# there # $o e-pre## proh , t o$* the le##ee may #u,let
the th $g lea#ed w thout pre8ud ce to h # re#po$# , l ty for the performa$ce of the co$tract toward the le##or. ;&rt* 16507
le##ee may #u,let the th $g lea#ed* $ whole or $ part* whe$ the co$tract of lea#e doe# $ot co$ta $ a$y e-pre## ;&rt cle proh , t o$. # 1650* 1670 C ! l Code7. &G#
act o$ for re#c ## o$ #hould $ot pro#per o$ th # grou$d.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+$ ca#e there # a #u,lea#e of the prem #e# ,e $g lea#ed* the #u,le##ee # ,ou$d to the le##or for all the act# wh ch refer to the u#e a$d pre#er!at o$ of the th $g lea#ed $ the
ma$$er #t pulated ,etwee$ the le##or a$d the le##ee. 4&rt. 1651M
&rt. 1649* of the C ! l Code* the le##ee ca$$ot a## g$ the lea#e w thout the co$#e$t of the le##or* u$le## there # a #t pulat o$ to the co$trary. @here # $o #uch #t pulat o$ $
the co$tract.
w thout the co$#e$t of the le##or* all the more would the a## g$me$t of a #u,lea#e ,e proh , ted w thout #uch co$#e$t. @h # # a ! olat o$ of the co$tract a$d # a !al d
C!))!' CA""IE"(
out upo$ the th $g lea#ed3 ad! #e the ow$er the $eed for all repa r#3 to retur$ the th $g lea#ed upo$ the term $at o$ of the lea#e 8u#t a# he rece !ed t* #a!e what ha# ,ee$ lo#t or mpa red ,y the lap#e of t me or ,y ord $ary wear a$d tear
or from a$ $e! ta,le cau#e3 re#po$# ,le for the deter orat o$ or lo## of the th $g lea#ed* u$le## he pro!e# that t too9 place w thout h # fault.
He#p te a war$ $g from the pol ce that a$ attempt to h 8ac9 a P&" pla$e w ll ,e made $ the follow $g wee9* the a rl $e d d $ot ta9e e-tra precaut o$#* #uch a# fr #9 $g of
pa##e$ger#* for fear of ,e $g accu#ed of ! olat $g huma$ r ght#. @wo day# later* a$ armed h 8ac9er d d attempt to
%blease; %blessee; Liabilit" ('###) & lea#ed h # hou#e to N w th a co$d t o$ that the lea#ed
a$d 9 lled a female pa##e$ger. @he ! ct mG# pare$t# #ued the a rl $e for ,reach of co$tract* a$d the a rl $e ra #ed the defe$#e of force ma8eure. +# the a rl $e l a,le or $ot% 42E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the$ f led a$ act o$ for e8ectme$t aga $#t C* who ra #ed the defe$#e that there # $o pr ! ty of co$tract ,etwee$ h m a$d
@he a rl $e # l a,le. +$ ca#e of death of a pa##e$ger* commo$ carr er# are pre#umed to ha!e ,ee$ at fault or to ha!e acted $egl ge$tly* u$le## they pro!e that they o,#er!ed
e-traord $ary d l ge$ce 4&rt cle 1756* C ! l Code7. @he
fa lure of the a rl $e to ta9e e-tra precaut o$# de#p te a pol ce war$ $g that a$ attempt to h 8ac9 the pla$e would ,e made* wa# $egl ge$ce o$ the part of the a rl $e. Ne $g
$egl ge$t* t # l a,le for the death of the pa##e$ger. @he
u$ t# wa# $e!er $te$ded to tra$#fer to the d #tr ,utor. 2genc"; co%ple0 wit& an interest ('##1) J chard #old a large parcel of la$d $ Ce,u to "eo for P100 m ll o$ paya,le $ a$$ual $#tallme$t# o!er a per od of te$ year#* ,ut t tle w ll rema $ w th J chard u$t l the purcha#e pr ce # fully pa d. @o e$a,le "eo to pay the pr ce* J chard ga!e h m a power>of>attor$ey author : $g h m to #u,d ! de the la$d* #ell the $d ! dual lot#* a$d del !er the proceed# to J chard* to ,e appl ed to the purcha#e pr ce. F !e year# later*
J chard re!o9ed the power of attor$ey a$d too9 o!er the
#tep# that could ha!e pre!e$ted the h 8ac9er from ,oard $g the pla$e.
pre!e$t $g $8ury to t# pa##e$ger# o$ accou$t of the w llful act# or $egl ge$ce of other pa##e$ger# or of #tra$ger#. @he commo$ carr er* $ that ca#e* # re?u red to e-erc #e o$ly the d l ge$ce of a good father of a fam ly3 he$ce* the fa lure of the a rl $e to ta9e 5=@J& precaut o$# $ fr #9 $g the
pa##e$ger# a$d ,y lea! $g that matter to the #ecur ty per#o$$el of the a rport* doe# $ot co$#t tute a ,reach of
#ale of the #u,d ! # o$ lot# h m#elf. +# the re!ocat o$ !al d or $ot% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
that duty #o a# to ma9e the a rl $e l a,le. Ne# de#* the u#e of rre# #t ,le force ,y the h 8ac9er# wa# farce ma8eure that could $ot ha!e ,ee$ pre!e$ted e!e$ ,y the o,#er!a$ce of
e-traord $ary d l ge$ce.
@he re!ocat o$ # $ot !al d. @he power of attor$ey g !e$ to the ,uyer # rre!oca,le ,ecau#e t # coupled w th a$ $tere#t( the age$cy # the mea$# of fulf ll $g the o,l gat o$ of the ,uyer to pay the pr ce of the la$d 4&rt cle 1927* CC7. +$ other word#* a , lateral co$tract 4co$tract to ,uy a$d #ell
the la$d7 # depe$de$t o$ the age$cy.
2genc" ('##()
2genc"; B%arantee Commission ('##!) &# a$ age$t* &" wa# g !e$ a guara$tee comm ## o$* $ add t o$ to h # regular comm ## o$* after he #old 20 u$ t# of refr gerator# to a cu#tomer* H@ Hotel. @he cu#tomer*
howe!er* fa led to pay for the u$ t# #old. &"O# pr $c pal*
<o>&$$ a#9ed her clo#e fr e$d* & ##a* to ,uy #ome grocer e#
for her $ the #upermar9et. 2a# there a $om $ate co$tract e$tered $to ,etwee$ <o>&$$ a$d & ##a% +$ the aff rmat !e*
what wa# t% 5-pla $. 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
HJN+* dema$ded from &" payme$t for the cu#tomerO# accou$ta, l ty. &" o,8ected* o$ the grou$d that h # 8o, wa# o$ly to #ell a$d $ot to collect payme$t for u$ t# ,ought ,y
the cu#tomer. +# &"O# o,8ect o$ !al d% Ca$ HJN+ collect from h m or
/$ the a##umpt o$
that & ##a accepted the re?ue#t of her clo#e fr e$d <o>&$$ to ,ut #ome grocer e# for her $ the #upermar9et* what they e$tered $to wa# a $om $ate co$tract of &ge$cy. &rt cle 1868 of the 1ew C ! l Code pro! de# that ,y the co$tract of age$cy a per#o$ , $d# h m#elf to re$der #ome #er! ce or to
do #ometh $g $ repre#e$tat o$ or o$ ,ehalf of a$other* w th the co$#e$t or author ty of the latter.
1o* &"G# o,8ect o$ # $ot !al d a$d HJN+ ca$ collect from &". . $ce &" accepted a guara$tee comm ## o$* $ add t o$
to h # regular comm ## o$* he agreed to ,ear the r #9 of
collect o$ a$d to pay the pr $c pal the proceed# of the #ale o$ the #ame term# agreed upo$ w th the purcha#er 4&rt cle 1907* C ! l Code7
2genc"; 1eal Estate *ortgage ('##!)
C= e-ecuted a #pec al power of attor$ey author : $g HB to #ecure a loa$ from a$y ,a$9 a$d to mortgage h # property co!ered ,y the ow$erO# cert f cate of t tle. +$ #ecur $g a loa$ from 0Na$9* HB d d $ot #pec fy that he wa# act $g for C=
$ the tra$#act o$ w th #a d ,a$9.
+# C= l a,le for the ,a$9 loa$% 2hy or why $ot% <u#t fy your a$#wer. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he co$tract # o$e of age$cy* $ot #ale. @he $ot o$ of #ale # $egated ,y the follow $g $d c a( 417 the pr ce # f -ed ,y the
ma$ufacturer w th the 10E mar9>up co$#t tut $g the
l a,le to pay. Howe!er* h # l a, l ty # l m ted to the e-te$t of the !alue of the #a d property. &"@5J1&@+65 &1.25J( C= # $ot per#o$ally l a,le to the ,a$9 loa$ ,ecau#e t wa#
co$tracted ,y HB $ h # per#o$al capac ty. /$ly the property of C= # l a,le. He$ce* wh le C= ha# author :ed
comm ## o$3 427 the ma$ufacturer reac?u re# the u$#old u$ t# at e-actly the #ame pr ce3 a$d 437 warra$ty for the u$ t# wa# ,or$e ,y the ma$ufacturer. @he forego $g
$d c a
the mortgage o$ h # property to #ecure the loa$ of HB* the ,a$9 ca$$ot #ue C= to collect the loa$ $ ca#e HB default# thereo$. @he ,a$9 ca$ o$ly foreclo#e the property of C=.
&$d f the proceed# of the foreclo#ure are $ot #uff c e$t to pay the loa$ $ full* the ,a$9 ca$$ot ru$ after C= for the def c e$cy.
co$f $ed due to ll$e## $ the 0a9at 0ed cal Ce$ter. Jule
o$ the !al d ty a$d , $d $g effect of each of the a,o!e
doe# $ot apply f the co$tract $!ol!e# a th $g ,elo$g $g to the pr $c pal. +$ #uch ca#e* the pr $c pal # l a,le u$der
&rt cle 1883 of the C ! l Code. @he co$tract # deemed made o$ h # ,ehalf (Sy6:.+o v. Sy6:.+o 40 !"l. 634 [19$0]).
o$ the 0a$ la parcel # $ot !al d* $ot e$forcea,le a$d $ot , $d $g upo$ &. For N to lea#e the property to C* for more tha$ o$e 417 year* & mu#t pro! de N w th a #pec al power of attor$ey 4&rt. 1878. C ! l Code7. @he lea#e of the Calooca$ C ty property to H # !al d a$d , $d $g upo$ &. . $ce the lea#e # w thout a f -ed term* t # u$der#tood to ,e from mo$th to mo$th* # $ce the re$tal # paya,le mo$thly 4&rt. 1687* C ! l Code7. @he #ale of the Pue:o$ C ty parcel to 5 # $ot !al d a$d $ot
, $d $g upo$ &. N $eeded a #pec al power of attor$ey to
would al#o $ot ,e l a,le o$ the mortgage. . $ce HB d d $ot #pec fy that he wa# act $g for C= $ the tra$#act o$ w th the
,a$9* HB $ effect acted $ h # ow$ $ame. +$ the ca#e of
R.ral GanE o* Go&/on v. CA, $1$ SCRA, (199$)* the .upreme
Court* u$der the #ame fact#* ruled that ' $ order to , $d the
pr $c pal ,y a mortgage o$ real property e-ecuted ,y a$
the age$t o$ly. +t # $ot e$ough merely that the age$t wa# $ fact author :ed to ma9e the mortgage* f he* ha# $ot acted $ the $ame of the pr $c pal. 1e ther # t ord $ar ly #uff c e$t that $ the mortgage the age$t de#cr ,e# h m#elf a# act $g ,y ! rtue of a power of attor$ey* f $ fact the age$t ha# acted $ h # ow$ $ame a$d ha# #et h # ow$ ha$d a$d #eal to the
mortgage. @here # $o pr $c ple of law ,y wh ch a per#o$
!al dly #ell the la$d 4&rt#. 1877 a$d 1878* C ! l Code7. @he #ale of the la$d at a !ery good pr ce doe# $ot cure the defect of the co$tract ar # $g from lac9 of author ty 4owers of t&e 2gent (199!)
Pr me Jealty Corporat o$ appo $ted 1e#tor the e-clu# !e
age$t $ the #ale of lot# of t# $ewly de!eloped #u,d ! # o$. Pr me Jealty told 1e#tor that he could $ot collect or rece !e payme$t# from the ,uyer#. 1e#tor wa# a,le to #ell te$ lot# to <e#u# a$d to collect the dow$ payme$t# for #a d lot#. He d d $ot tur$ o!er the collect o$# to Pr me Jealty. 2ho #hall ,ear the lo## for 1e#torG# defalcat o$* Pr me Jealty or <e#u#%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Be#* the age$t may appo $t a #u,#t tute or #u,>age$t f the pr $c pal ha# $ot proh , ted h m from do $g #o* ,ut he #hall
,e re#po$# ,le for the act# of the #u,#t tute( 417 whe$ he wa# $ot g !e$ the power to appo $t o$e3
mu#t $?u re $to the author ty of that age$t. +$ the pre#e$t ca#e* f <e#u# d d $ot $?u re $to that author ty* he # l a,le for the lo## due to 1e#torG# defalcat o$ u$le## &rt cle 1900*
C ! l Code go!er$#* $ wh ch ca#e the de!eloper corporat o$
,ear# the lo##. &rt. 1900 C ! l Code pro! de#( '.o far a# th rd per#o$# are co$cer$ed* a$ act # deemed to ha!e ,ee$ performed w th $ the #cope of the age$tG# author ty* f #uch act # w th $ the term# of the power of attor$ey* a# wr tte$* e!e$ f the age$t ha# $ fact e-ceeded the l m t# of h # author ty accord $g to a$ u$der#ta$d $g ,etwee$ the pr $c pal a$d the age$t.
427 whe$ he wa# g !e$ #uch power* ,ut w thout de# g$at $g the per#o$* a$d the per#o$ appo $ted wa# $otor ou#ly $compete$t or $#ol!e$t.
& a# pr $c pal appo $ted N a# h # age$t gra$t $g h m ge$eral a$d u$l m ted ma$ageme$t o!er &G# propert e#* #tat $g that & w thhold# $o power from N a$d that the age$t may e-ecute #uch act# a# he may co$# der appropr ate. &ccord $gly* N lea#ed &G# parcel of la$d $ 0a$ la to C for
four 447 year# at P60*000.00 per year* paya,le a$$ually $ ad!a$ce.
Howe!er* $ot
N lea#ed a$other parcel of la$d of & $ Calooca$ C ty to H w thout a f -ed term at P3*000.00 per mo$th paya,le
N #old to 5 a th rd parcel of la$d ,elo$g $g to & located $ Pue:o$ C ty for three 437 t me# the pr ce that wa# l #ted $
the $!e$tory ,y & to N.
collect $g payme$t# # deemed to ha!e ,ee$ performed w th $ the #cope of h # author ty V&rt cle 1900. C ! l Code7. He$ce* the pr $c pal # l a,le.
Howe!er* f <e#u# wa# aware of the l m tat o$ of 1e#torG#
rat fy the #ale co$tract* the$ <e#u# #hall ,e l a,le 4&rt cle 1898. C ! l Code7. =ermination; Effect of Deat& of 2gent (1997)
allow $g the other ge$eral part$er to , $d the corporat o$ w ll ! olate the corporat o$ law pr $c ple that o$ly the ,oard of d rector# may , $d the corporat o$. 37 1o* for the #ame rea#o$# g !e$ $ the &$#wer to 1um,er 2 a,o!e.
Conve"ance of a 4artnerFs &are Dissol%tion (1993) H elle* Rarlo a$d L$a are ge$eral part$er# $ a mercha$d # $g f rm. Ha! $g co$tr ,uted e?ual amou$t# to
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
.tat $g ,r efly the the# # to #upport your a$#wer to each of the follow $g ca#e#* w ll the death > 4c7 of a$ age$t e$d a$ age$cy%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
the cap tal* they al#o agree o$ e?ual d #tr ,ut o$ of whate!er
Composition of 4artners&ips; po%ses; Corporations
$et prof t # real :ed per f #cal per od. &fter two year# of
operat o$* howe!er* L$a co$!ey# her whole $tere#t $ the part$er#h p to <u#t $e* w thout the 9$owledge a$d co$#e$t of H elle a$d Rarlo. 1. +# the part$er#h p d ##ol!ed% 12EA 2. 2hat are the r ght# of <u#t $e* f a$y* #hould #he de# re to part c pate $ the ma$ageme$t of the part$er#h p a$d $
the d #tr ,ut o$ of a $et prof t of P360.000.00 wh ch wa#
part$er#h p%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1. 1o* a co$!eya$ce ,y a part$er of h # whole $tere#t $ a part$er#h p doe# $ot of t#elf d ##ol!e the part$er#h p $
the a,#e$ce of a$ agreeme$t. 4&rt. 1813. C ! l Code7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
17 a7 Be#. @he C ! l Code proh , t# a hu#,a$d a$d w fe from co$#t tut $g a u$ !er#al part$er#h p. . $ce a l m ted part$er#h p # $ot a u$ !er#al part$er#h p* a hu#,a$d a$d w fe may !al dly form o$e. ,7 Be#. 2h le #pou#e# ca$$ot e$ter $to a u$ !er#al
<u#t $e ca$$ot $terfere r part c pate $ the ma$ageme$t or adm $ #trat o$ of the part$er#h p ,u# $e##
or affa r#. .he may* howe!er* rece !e the $et prof t# to wh ch L$a would ha!e otherw #e ,ee$ e$t tled. +$ th # ca#e* P120.000 4&rt. 1813* C ! l Code7 Dissol%tion of 4artners&ip (1999) Paul $e* Patr c a a$d Pr #c lla formed a ,u# $e## part$er#h p for the purpo#e of e$gag $g $ $eo$ ad!ert # $g for a term of f !e 457 year#. Paul $e #u,#e?ue$tly a## g$ed to Ph l p her $tere#t $ the part$er#h p. 2he$ Patr c a a$d Pr #c lla lear$ed of the a## g$me$t* they dec ded to d ##ol!e the part$er#h p ,efore the e-p rat o$ of t# term a# they had a$
u$product !e ,u# $e## relat o$#h p w th Ph l p $ the pa#t. /$ the other ha$d* u$aware of the mo!e of Patr c a a$d
1o* & corporat o$ # ma$aged ,y t# ,oard of +f the corporat o$ were to ,ecome a part$er*
d rector#.
part$er# are $ot age$t# #u,8ect to the co$trol of the Noard of H rector#. Nut a corporat o$ may e$ter $to a 8o $t
!e$ture w th a$other corporat o$ a# lo$g a# the $ature of the !e$ture # $ l $e w th the ,u# $e## author :ed ,y t# charter. (T.ason O Co., In+. v. Golano, 97 !"l. 106).
Pr #c lla ,ut #e$# $g the r $egat !e react o$ to h # ac?u # t o$ of Paul $eG# $tere#t* Ph l p # multa$eou#ly pet t o$ed for the d ##olut o$ of the part$er#h p.
1. +# the d ##olut o$ do$e ,y Patr c a a$d Pr #c lla w thout
Howe!er* a corporat o$ may form a ge$eral part$er#h p w th a$other corporat o$ or a$ $d ! dual pro! ded the
follow $g co$d t o$# are met( 17 @he &rt cle# of +$corporat o$ of the corporat o$ e-pre##ly allow# the corporat o$ to e$ter $to
2. Hoe# Ph l p ha!e a$y r ght to pet t o$ for the d ##olut o$ of the part$er#h p ,efore the e-p rat o$ of t# #pec f ed term% 5-pla $. 1* L$der &rt. 1830 417 4c7 of the 1CC* the d ##olut o$ ,y Patr c a a$d Pr #c lla # !al d a$d d d $ot ! olate the co$tract of part$er#h p e!e$ though Paul $e a$d Ph l p d d $ot
co$#e$t thereto. @he co$#e$t of Paul $e # $ot $ece##ary
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
part$er#h p#3
27 @he &rt cle# of Part$er#h p mu#t pro! de that all
#hall ,e 8o $tly a$d #e!erally l a,le3 a$d +$ ca#e of a fore g$ corporat o$* t mu#t ,e l ce$#ed to do ,u# $e## $ the Ph l pp $e#.
ca$ ,e performed ,y the duly appo $ted ma$ag $g part$er#* 2 a$d =. N ca$$ot ,e h red* ,ecau#e $ ca#e of a t e $ the dec # o$ of the ma$ag $g part$er#* the deadloc9 mu#t ,e dec ded ,y the
part$er# ow$ $g the co$troll $g $tere#t. +$ th # ca#e* the oppo# t o$ of = a$d B pre!a l# ,ecau#e B ow$# the
,ecau#e he doe# $ot ha!e the #ta$d $g of a part$er 4&rt. 1813 1CC7. Dissol%tion of 4artners&ip; =ermination (199()
<oe a$d Judy formed a part$er#h p to operate a car repa r #hop $ Pue:o$ C ty. <oe pro! ded the cap tal wh le Judy
co$tr ,uted h # la,or a$d $du#try. /$ o$e # de of the r
aga $#t h m o$ the grou$d that t wa# the &NC part$er#h p that # l a,le for the de,t. H repl ed that &NC part$er#h p
wa# d ##ol!ed upo$ complet o$ of the pro8ect for wh ch purpo#e the part$er#h p wa# formed. 2 ll you d #m ## the compla $t aga $#t & +f you were the <udge%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,ecau#e & # #t ll l a,le a# a ge$eral part$er for h # pro rata #hare of 1S3 4&rt. 1816* C. C.<. H ##olut o$ of a part$er#h p cau#ed ,y the term $at o$ of the part cular u$derta9 $g #pec f ed $ the agreeme$t doe# $ot e-t $gu #h o,l gat o$#*
wh ch mu#t ,e l ?u dated dur $g the 'w $d $g up' of the part$er#h p affa r# 4&rt cle# 1829 a$d 1830. par. 1>a* C ! l
e-pre##ly perm t# h m to do #o ,ecau#e a# a$ $du#tr al part$er he ha# to de!ote h # full t me to the ,u# $e## of the part$er#h p ;&rt. 1789* CC7.
Co66odatu6 , )utuu6
Commo0at%m (199() &* upo$ re?ue#t* loa$ed h # pa##e$ger <eep$ey to N to e$a,le N to ,r $g h # # c9 w fe from Pa$ ?u . @arlac to the Ph l pp $e )e$eral Ho#p tal $ 0a$ la for treatme$t. /$ the
way ,ac9 to Pa$ ?u * after lea! $g h # w fe at the ho#p tal*
Effect of Deat& of 4artner (1997)
.tat $g ,r efly the the# # to #upport your a$#wer to each of the follow $g ca#e#* w ll the death > of a part$er term $ate
the part$er#h p%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
2* =* B a$d I orga$ :ed a ge$eral part$er#h p w th 2 a$d = a# $du#tr al part$er# a$d B a$d I a# cap tal #t part$er#. B
co$tr ,uted P50*000.00 a$d I co$tr ,uted P20*000.00 to
the commo$ fu$d. Ny a u$a$ mou# !ote of the part$er#* 2 a$d = were appo $ted ma$ag $g part$er#* w thout a$y #pec f cat o$ of the r re#pect !e power# a$d dut e#. & appl ed for the po# t o$ of .ecretary a$d N appl ed for the
po# t o$ of &ccou$ta$t of the part$er#h p.
people #topped the pa##e$ger <eep$ey. N #topped for them a$d allowed them to r de o$ ,oard* accept $g payme$t from them 8u#t a# $ the ca#e of ord $ary pa##e$ger <eep$ey# ply $g the r route. &# N wa# cro## $g Nam,a$* there wa# a$ o$ru#h of "ahar from 0t P $atu,o* the <eep that wa# loa$ed to h m wa# wrec9ed. 17 2hat do you call the co$tract that wa# e$tered $to ,y & a$d N w th re#pect to the pa##e$ger <eep$ey that wa# loa$ed ,y & to N to tra$#port the latterG# # c9 w fe to 0a$ la%
27 +# N o,l ged to pay & for the u#e of the pa##e$ger
part e# 4,a lor7 del !er# to a$other 4,a lee7 #ometh $g $ot
oppo#ed ,y B a$d I. @he h r $g of N wa# dec ded upo$ ,y 2 a$d I* ,ut wa# oppo#ed ,y = a$d B.
co$#uma,le #o that the latter may u#e t for a certa $ t me a$d retur$ t. 27
1o* N # $ot o,l ged to pay & for the u#e of the pa##e$ger <eep$ey ,ecau#e commodatum # e##e$t ally gratu tou#. 4&rt. 1933. C ! l CodeA
1o* ,ecau#e a$ o,l gat o$ wh ch co$# #t# $ the del !ery of a determ $ate th $g #hall ,e e-t $gu #hed f t #hould ,e lo#t or de#troyed w thout the fault of the de,tor* a$d ,efore he ha# $curred $ delay. 4&rt. 1262. C ! l Code7 Commo0at%m ('##9)
Nefore he left for J yadh to wor9 a# a mecha$ c* Pedro left h # &d!e$ture !a$ w th @ to* w th the u$der#ta$d $g that the latter could u#e t for o$e year for h # per#o$al or fam ly u#e wh le Pedro wor9# $ J yadh. He d d $ot tell @ to that the ,ra9e# of the !a$ were faulty. @ to had the !a$ tu$ed up a$d the ,ra9e# repa red. He #pe$t a total amou$t of P15*000.00. &fter u# $g the !eh cle for two wee9#* @ to d #co!ered that t co$#umed too much fuel. @o ma9e up for the e-pe$#e#* he lea#ed t to &$$a,elle.
@wo mo$th# later* Pedro retur$ed to the Ph l pp $e# a$d a#9ed @ to to retur$ the !a$. L$fortu$ately* wh le ,e $g dr !e$ ,y @ to* the !a$ wa# acc de$tally damaged ,y a cargo truc9 w thout h # fault. a) )!o s!all /ear t!e 17,000.00 s'ent *or t!e re'a"r o* t!e van1 23'la"n. ($4)
@ to mu#t ,ear the P15*000.00 e-pe$#e# for the !a$. )e$erally* e-traord $ary e-pe$#e# for the pre#er!at o$ of the th $g loa$ed are pa d ,y the ,a lor* he ,e $g the ow$er of the th $g loa$ed. +$ th # ca#e howe!er* @ to #hould ,ear the e-pe$#e# ,ecau#e he $curred the e-pe$#e# w thout f r#t $form $g Pedro a,out t. 1e ther wa# the repa r #how$ to ,e urge$t. L$der &rt cle 1949 of the C ! l Code* ,a lor ge$erally ,ear# the e-traord $ary e-pe$#e# for the pre#er!at o$ of the th $g a$d #hould refu$d the #a d e-pe$#e# f made ,y the ,a lee3 Pro! ded* @he ,a lee ,r $g# the #ame to the atte$t o$ of the ,a lor ,efore $curr $g them* e-cept o$ly f the repa r # urge$t that reply ca$$ot ,e awa ted.
@he P15*000.00 #pe$t for the repa r of the !a$ #hould ,e ,or$e ,y Pedro. 2here the ,a lor del !er# to the ,a lee a $o$>co$#umma,le th $g #o that the latter may u#e t for a certa $ t me a$d retur$ the de$t cal th $g* the co$tract perfected # a Co$tract of Commodatum. 4&rt. 1933* C ! l Code7 @he ,a lor #hall refu$d the e-traord $ary e-pe$#e# dur $g the co$tract for the pre#er!at o$ of the th $g loa$ed pro! ded the ,a lee ,r $g# the #ame to the 9$owledge of the ,a lor ,efore $curr $g the #ame* e-cept whe$ they are #o urge$t that the reply to the $ot f cat o$ ca$$ot ,e awa ted w thout da$ger. 4&rt. 1949 of the C ! l Code7 +$ the g !e$ pro,lem* Pedro left h # &d!e$ture !a$ w th @ to #o that the latter could u#e t for o$e year wh le he wa# $ J yadh. @here wa# $o me$t o$ of a co$# derat o$. @hu#* the co$tract perfected wa# commodatum. @he amou$t of P15*000.00 wa# #pe$t ,y @ to to tu$e up the !a$ a$d to repa r t# ,ra9e#. .uch e-pe$#e# are e-tra> ord $ary e-pe$#e# ,ecau#e they are $ece##ary for the pre#er!at o$ of the !a$ @hu#* the #ame #hould ,e ,or$e ,y the ,a lor* Pedro.
)!o s!all /ear t!e +osts *or t!e vanDs *.el, o"l an%
@ to mu#t al#o pay for the ord $ary e-pe$#e# for the u#e a$d pre#er!at o$ of the th $g loa$ed. He mu#t pay for the ga#ol $e* o l* grea# $g a$d #pray $g. He ca$$ot a#9 for re m,ur#eme$t ,ecau#e he ha# the o,l gat o$ to retur$ the de$t cal th $g to the ,a lor. L$der &rt cle 1941 of the C ! l Code* the ,a lee # o,l ged to pay for the ord $ary e-pe$#e# for the u#e a$d pre#er!at o$ of the th $g loa$ed. +) Foes e%ro !ave t!e r",!t to retr"eve t!e van even /e*ore t!e la'se o* one year1 23'la"n. ($4)
1o* Pedro doe# $ot ha!e the r ght to retr e!e the !a$ ,efore the lap#e of o$e year. @he part e# are mutually ,ou$d ,y the term# of the co$tract. L$der the C ! l Code* there are o$ly 3 $#ta$ce# whe$ the ,a lor could !al dly a#9 for the retur$ of the th $g loa$ed e!e$ ,efore the e-p rat o$ of the per od. @he#e are whe$( 417 a precar um co$tract wa# e$tered 4&rt cle 194773 427 f the ,a lor urge$tly $eed# the th $g 4&rt cle 194673 a$d 437 f the ,a lee comm t# act# of $grat tude 4&rt cle 19487. 1ot o$e of the # tuat o$# # pre#e$t $ th # ca#e. @he fact that @ to had lea#ed the th $g loa$ed to &$$a,elle would $ot 8u#t fy the dema$d for the retur$ of the th $g loa$ed ,efore e-p rat o$ of the per od. L$der &rt cle 1942 of the C ! l Code* lea# $g of the th $g loa$ed to a th rd per#o$ $ot mem,er of the hou#ehold of the ,a lee* w ll o$ly e$t tle ,a lor to hold ,a lee l a,le for the lo## of the th $g loa$ed.
&# a rule* Pedro doe# $ot ha!e the r ght to retr e!e the !a$ ,efore the lap#e of o$e year. &rt cle 1946 of the Code pro! de# that 'the ,a lor ca$$ot dema$d the retur$ of the th $g loa$ed t ll after the e-p rat o$ of the per od #t pulated* or after the accompl #hme$t of the u#e for wh ch the commodatum ha# ,ee$ co$#t tuted. Howe!er* f $ the mea$t me* he #hould ha!e urge$t $eed of the th $g* he may dema$d t# retur$ or temporary u#e.' +$ the g !e$ pro,lem* Pedro allowed @ to to u#e the !a$ for o$e year. @hu#* he #hould ,e ,ou$d ,y the #a d agreeme$t a$d he ca$$ot a#9 for the retur$ of the car ,efore the e-p rat o$ of the o$e year per od. Howe!er* f Pedro ha# urge$t $eed of the !a$* he may dema$d for t# retur$ or temporary u#e. %) )!o s!all /ear t!e e3'enses *or t!e a++"%ental %a&a,e /y t!e +ar,o tr.+E, ,rant"n, t!at t!e tr.+E %r"ver an% tr.+E o9ner are "nsolvent1 23'la"n. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
)e$erally* e-traord $ary e-pe$#e# ar # $g o$ the occa# o$ of the actual u#e of the th $g loa$ed ,y the ,a lee* e!e$ f $curred w thout fault of the ,a lee* #hall ,e #houldered e?ually ,y the ,a lor a$d the ,a lee. 4&rt. 1949 of the C ! l Code7. Howe!er* f Pedro had a$ urge$t $eed for the !eh cle* @ to would ,e $ delay for fa lure to mmed ately retur$ the #ame* the$ @ to would ,e held l a,le for the e-traord $ary e-pe$#e#. Commo0at%m vs. /s%fr%ct (1993)
*%t%%m; )nterests ('##1) .amuel ,orrowed P300*000.00 hou# $g loa$ from the ,a$9 at 18E per a$$um $tere#t. Howe!er* the prom ##ory $ote
co$ta $ed a pro! #o that the ,a$9 're#er!e# the r ght to
/$ the other ha$d* C/00/H&@L0 # a co$tract ,y wh ch o$e of the part e# 4,a lor7 del !er# to a$other 4,a lee7 #ometh $g $ot co$#uma,le #o that the latter may u#e t for a
certa $ t me a$d retur$ t.
$crea#ed the $tere#t rate per od cally u$t l t reached 48E per a$$um. F $ally* .amuel f led a$ act o$ ?ue#t o$ $g the
r ght of the ,a$9 to $crea#e the $tere#t rate up to 48E. @he ,a$9 ra #ed the defe$#e that the Ce$tral Na$9 of the
Ph l pp $e# had already #u#pe$ded the L#ury "aw. 2 ll the act o$ pro#per or $ot% 2hy% 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
ce l $g# #et ,y the L#ury "aw are $o lo$ger $ force* t ha# ,ee$ held that PH 1o. 1684 a$d CN C rcular 1o. 905
merely allow co$tract $g part e# to #t pulate freely o$ a$y
purpo#e of the co$tract # $ot the co$#umpt o$ of the o,8ect* a# whe$ t # merely for e-h , t o$. 4&rt. 1936* C ! l
A'!$.E" A'(WE":
$tere#t rate ,y o$e party w thout the otherG# co$#e$t ( 0G v. CA, $38 SCRA $< [1994]]). @o #ay otherw #e w ll ! olate the pr $c ple of mutual ty of co$tract# u$der &rt cle 1308 of the C ! l Code. @o ,e !al d* therefore* a$y cha$ge of $tere#t mu#t ,e mutually agreed upo$ ,y the part e# (F"@on
Ma,saysay, 7( SCRA $7< [19(4]). +$ the pre#e$t pro,lem*
1. @here are #e!eral po $t# of d #t $ct o$ ,etwee$ u#ufruct a$d commodatum. L#ufruct # co$#t tuted ,y law* ,y co$tract* ,y te#tame$tary #ucce## o$* or ,y pre#cr pt o$ 4&rt. 1933. C ! l Code7. L#ufruct create# a real r ght to the fru t# of a$otherG# property* wh le commodatum create# o$ly a purely per#o$al r ght to u#e a$otherG# property* a$d re?u re# a #t pulat o$ to e$a,le the ,a lee to 'ma9e u#e' of the fru t# 4&rt#. 1939X 1940* C ! l Code7. L#ufruct may,e o$erou# wh le commodatum # alway# or e##e$t ally
@he co$tract gratu tou# 4&rt#. 1933 X 1935* C ! l Code7.
the de,tor $ot ha! $g g !e$ h # co$#e$t to the $crea#e $ $tere#t* the $crea#e # !o d. *%t%%m; )nterests ('##') Carlo# #ue# H $o for 4a7 collect o$ o$ a prom ##ory $ote for a loa$* w th $o agreeme$t o$ $tere#t* o$ wh ch H $o defaulted* a$d 4,7 damage# cau#ed ,y H $o o$ h # 4Carlo#O7 pr cele## 0 chaela$gelo pa $t $g o$ wh ch H $o # l a,le o$ the prom ##ory $ote a$d award# damage# to Carlo# for the damaged pa $t $g* w th $tere#t# for ,oth award#. 2hat rate# of $tere#t may the court mpo#e w th re#pect to ,oth award#% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
co$#t tut $g u#ufruct # co$#e$#ual* wh le commodatum # a real co$tract 4perfected o$ly ,y del !ery of the #u,8ect matter thereof7. Howe!er* ,oth $!ol!e the e$8oyme$t ,y a per#o$ of the property of a$other* d ffer $g o$ly a# to the e-te$t a$d #cope of #uch e$8oyme$t ;8u# frue$d $ o$e a$d
<u# ute$d e ther a$ $ the other73 ,oth may ha!e a# #u,8ect matter mmo!a,le or a mo!a,le3 a$d* ,oth may,e
2 th re#pect to the collect o$ of mo$ey or prom ##ory $ote* t ,e $g a for,eara$ce of mo$ey* the legal rate of $tere#t for
ha! $g defaulted o$ the payme$t of 12E w ll apply. 2 th re#pect to the damage# to the pa $t $g* t # 6E from the
& co$#uma,le th $g may ,e the #u,8ect>matter of a$ a,$ormal u#ufruct ,ut $ a $ormal u#ufruct* the #u,8ect>
*%t%%m; )nterests ('##!) @he part e# $ a co$tract of loa$ of mo$ey agreed that the yearly $tere#t rate # 12E a$d t ca$ ,e $crea#ed f there #
a law that would author :e the $crea#e of $tere#t rate#.
+$ 0L@LL0* the o,8ect ,orrowed mu#t ,e a co$#uma,le th $g the ow$er#h p of wh ch # tra$#ferred to the ,orrower who $cur# the o,l gat o$ to retur$ the #ame co$#uma,le to
the le$der $ a$ e?ual amou$t* a$d of the #ame 9 $d a$d ?ual ty. +$ C/00/H&@L0* the o,8ect ,orrowed #
!al d% 2hy% Ha# @B a remedy aga $#t the mpo# t o$ of the rate $crea#e% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
u#ually a $o$>co$#uma,le th $g the ow$er#h p of wh ch # $ot tra$#ferred to the ,orrower who $cur# the o,l gat o$ to retur$ the !ery th $g to the le$der.
CIVIL LAW Answers to the BAR as Arranged by Topics (Year 19902006) rate $ the a,#e$ce of #uch law ! olate# the pr $c ple of
mutual ty of co$tract#.
Compensation; ;an+ Loan (1997)
N would ha!e $o r ght to cla m the mo$ey. &rt cle 1990 of the C ! l Code # $ot appl ca,le. @he law refer# to a$other th $g rece !ed $ #u,#t tut o$ of the o,8ect depo# ted a$d # pred cated upo$ #ometh $g e-cha$ged. @he 0ayor of 0a$ la ca$$ot $!o9e. &rt cle 719 of the C!l Code wh ch re?u re# the f $der to depo# t the th $g w th the
0ayor o$ly whe$ the pre! ou# po##e##or # u$9$ow$.
+$ order to #ecure a ,a$9 loa$* =BI Corporat o$ #urre$dered t# depo# t cert f cate* w th a matur ty date of 01 .eptem,er 1997 to the ,a$9. @he corporat o$ defaulted o$ the due repayme$t of the loa$* prompt $g the ,a$9 to e$ca#h the depo# t cert f cate. =BI Corporat o$ ?ue#t o$ed the a,o!e act o$ ta9e$ ,y the ,a$9 a# ,e $g a ca#e of
pactum comm ##or um. @he ,a$9 d #agree#. 2hat # your op $ o$%
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1990. C ! l Code.7
1ecover" of Deficienc" (1997) &N #old to CH a motor !eh cle for a$d $ co$# derat o$ of P120*000.00 to ,e pa d $ twel!e mo$thly e?ual $#tallme$t#
of P10*000*00* each $#tallme$t ,e $g due a$d paya,le o$
Hepo# t# of mo$ey $ ,a$9# a$d # m lar $#t tut o$# are go!er$ed ,y the pro! # o$# o$ # mple loa$# 4&rt. 1980. C ! l Code7. @he relat o$#h p ,etwee$ the depo# tor a$d a ,a$9 #
o$e of cred tor a$d de,tor. Na# cally th # # a matter of
compe$#at o$ a# all the eleme$t# of compe$#at o$ are pre#e$t $ th # ca#e (G I vs. CA, $3$ SCRA 30$).
A##I$I!'AL A'(WE":
mortgage o$ the #u,8ect motor !eh cle* a$d 4,7 fur$ #hed a
#urety ,o$d ##ued ,y Ph lam l fe* CH fa led to pay more
2here the #ecur ty for the de,t # al#o mo$ey depo# ted $ a
,a$9* t # $ot llegal for the cred tor to e$ca#h the t me depo# t cert f cate# to pay the de,torG# o!erdue o,l gat o$.
(C!. .s. CA, et al., ;.R (8719, Se'te&/er $6, 1989).
tha$ two 427 $#tallme$t#* &N we$t after the #urety ,ut he wa# o$ly a,le to o,ta $ three>fourth# 43S47 of the total amou$t #t ll due a$d ow $g from CH. &N #ee9# your ad! ce
o$ how he m ght* f at all* reco!er the def c e$cy.
Deposit; E<c&ange (199') = a$d B #taged a dar $g ,a$9 ro,,ery $ 0a$ la at 10(30
P50*000*00. Hur $g the r fl ght to elude the pol ce* = a$d B e$tered the $ear,y loc9ed hou#e of &* the$ wor9 $g $ h # Pue:o$ C ty off ce. From &G# hou#e* = a$d B #tole a ,o- co$ta $ $g ca#h total $g P50*000.00 wh ch ,o- & had ,ee$ 9eep $g $
depo# t for h # fr e$d N.
Be#* he ca$ reco!er the def c e$cy. @he act o$ of &N to go after the #urety ,o$d ca$$ot ,e ta9e$ to mea$ a wa !er of h # r ght to dema$d payme$t for the whole de,t* @he amou$t rece !ed from the #urety # o$ly payme$t pro ta$to* a$d a$ act o$ may ,e ma $ta $ed for a def c e$cy de,t.
2ntic&resis (1999) /l ! a ow$# a !a#t ma$go pla$tat o$ wh ch #he ca$ $o lo$ger properly ma$age due to a l $ger $g ll$e##. . $ce #he # $de,ted to Peter $ the amou$t of P500.000.00 #he a#9# Peter to ma$age the pla$tat o$ a$d apply the har!e#t to the
payme$t of her o,l gat o$ to h m* pr $c pal a$d $tere#t*
2 th = a$d B $ow at large a$d $owhere to ,e fou$d* the ,ag co$ta $ $g P50.000.00 # $ow cla med ,y N* ,y the
0ayor of 0a$ la* a$d ,y the ,a$9.
depo# ted ,y N. @he 0ayor of 0a$ la* o$ the other ha$d* cla m# that the ,ag of mo$ey #hould ,e depo# ted w th the /ff ce of the 0ayor a# re?u red of the f $der ,y the pro! # o$# of the C ! l Code. @he ,a$9 re# #t# the cla m# of N a$d the 0ayor of 0a$ la.
a$d Peter% 5-pla $. 27 2hat #pec f c o,l gat o$# are mpo#ed ,y law o$ Peter a# a co$#e?ue$ce of the r co$tract% 37 Hoe# the law re?u re a$y #pec f c form for the !al d ty of the r co$tract% 5-pla $
47 0ay /l ! a re>ac?u re the pla$tat o$ ,efore her e$t re
/l ! a a$d Peter. L$der &rt cle 2132 of the 1ew C ! l Code* ,y a co$tract of a$t chre# # the cred tor ac?u re# the
r ght to rece !e the fru t# of a$ mmo!a,le of h # de,tor* w th the o,l gat o$ to apply them to the payme$t of the
payme$t of the loa$. Howe!er* the loa$ wa# $ot pa d o$ t me. & mo$th after 4 year#* may the #hare# of #toc9 pledged ,e deemed ow$ed ,y &NC or $ot% Jea#o$. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
Peter mu#t pay ta-e# a$d charge# upo$ the la$d a$d
default of 01/. @hey ha!e to ,e foreclo#ed. L$der &rt cle 2088 of the C ! l Code* the cred tor ca$$ot appropr ate the th $g# g !e$ ,y way of pledge. &$d e!e$ f the part e# ha!e
#t pulated that &NC ,ecome# the ow$er of the #hare# $
,ear the $ece##ary e-pe$#e# for pre#er!at o$ a$d repa r wh ch he may deduct from the fru t#. 4&rt* 2135* 1CC7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
ca#e 01/ default# o$ the loa$* #uch #t pulat o$ # !o d for ,e $g a pactum comm ##or um. 4le0ge; *ortgage; 2ntic&resis (199-) +$ the pro! $ce* a farmer couple ,orrowed mo$ey from the local mercha$t. @o guara$tee payme$t* they left the @orre$# @ tle of the r la$d w th the mercha$t* for h m to hold u$t l they pay the loa$. +# there a > a7 co$tract of pledge* ,7 co$tract of mortgage*
c7 co$tract of a$t chre# #* or d7 $o$e of the a,o!e%
1o. &rt. 2136 #pec f cally pro! de# that the de,tor 4. ca$$ot re>ac?u re the e$8oyme$t of the mmo!a,le w thout f r#t ha! $g totally pa d what he owe# the cred tor. Howe!er* t # pote#tat !e o$ the part of the cred tor to do #o $ order to e-empt h m from h # o,l gat o$ u$der &rt. 2135* 1CC* @he de,tor ca$$ot re>ac?u re the e$8oyme$t
5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4le0ge (199!)
+$ 1982* .te!e ,orrowed P400.000.00 from Ha$$y* collateral :ed ,y a pledge of #hare# of #toc9 of Co$cepc o$
Corporat o$ worth P800*000*00. +$ 1983* ,ecau#e of the
$ot of the la$d wh ch the t tle repre#e$t#. @here # $o mortgage ,ecau#e $o deed or co$tract wa#
e-ecuted $ the ma$$er re?u red ,y law for a mortgage
4&rt#. 2085 to 2092* 1CC3 2124 to 2131* 1CC7. @here # $o co$tract of a$t chre# # ,ecau#e $o r ght to the fru t# of the property wa# g !e$ to the cred tor 4&rt. 2132 1CC7.
& co$tract of # mple loa$ wa# e$tered $to w th #ecur ty
a7 1o. N lateral co$tract# ca$$ot ,e cha$ged u$ laterally. & pledge # o$ly a #u,# d ary co$tract* a$d .te!e # #t ll $de,ted to Ha$$y for the amou$t of P400*000.00 de#p te
the fall $ the !alue of the #toc9# pledged. ,7 1o. Ha$$yG# r ght a# pledgee # to #ell the pledged
#hare# at a pu,l c #ale a$d 9eep the proceed# a# collateral for the loa$. @here # $o #how $g that the fall $ the !alue of the pledged property wa# attr ,uta,le to the pledgerG# fault or fraud. /$ the co$trary* the eco$om c cr # # wa# the culpr t. Had the pledgee ,ee$ dece !ed a# to the #u,#ta$ce or ?ual ty of the pledged #hare# of #toc9* he would ha!e had
the r ght to cla m a$other th $g $ the r place or to the mmed ate payme$t of the o,l gat o$. @h # # $ot the ca#e
mortgage of real property. +t # $ot co!ered ,y the #tatute of fraud# $ &rt. 1403* 1CC a$d e!e$ a##um $g that t # co!ered* the del !ery of the t tle to the cred tor ha# ta9e$ t out of the co!erage thereof. & co$tract of mortgage of real property # co$#e$#ual a$d # , $d $g o$ the part e# de#p te
a,#e$ce of wr t $g. Howe!er* th rd part e# are $ot ,ou$d
here .
4le0ge ('##!)
&NC loa$ed to 01/ P40*000 for wh ch the latter pledged 400 #hare# of #toc9 $ =BI +$c. +t wa# agreed that f the pledgor fa led to pay the loa$ w th 10E yearly $tere#t w th $ four year#* the pledgee # author :ed to foreclo#e o$ the #hare# of #toc9. &# re?u red* 01/ del !ered
po##e## o$ of the #hare# to &NC w th the u$der#ta$d $g
the mortgage a$d* therefore the a,#e$ce of reg #trat o$. Nut th # doe# $ot affect the !al d ty of the mortgage ,etwee$ the part e# 4&rt. 2125* 1CC7* @he cred tor may compel the
de,tor to e-ecute the mortgage $ a pu,l c docume$t $
order to allow t# reg #trat o$ 4&rt. 1357.1CC $ relat o$ to &rt. 1358. 1CC7.
Page 108 of 119
upo$ the
+$ fear of repr #al# from lawle## eleme$t# ,e# eg $g h # ,ara$gay* = a,a$do$ed h # f #hpo$d* fled to 0a$ la a$d left for 5urope. .ee9 $g that the f #h $ the f #hpo$d were ready
for har!e#t* B* who # $ the ,u# $e## of ma$ag $g f #hpo$d# o$ a comm ## o$ ,a# #* too9 po##e## o$ of the property* har!e#ted the f #h a$d #old the e$t re har!e#t to I.
hou#e u$der the pr $c ple of $egot orum ge#t o. He wa# $ot l a,le a# the ,ur$ $g of the hou#e # a fortu tou# e!e$t. +# N l a,le to & for damage# u$der the forego $g c rcum#ta$ce#%
1o. N # $ot l a,le for damage#* ,ecau#e he # a ge#tor $
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
$egot orum ge#t o 4&rt. 2144* C ! l Code7 Furthermore* N # $ot l a,le to & ,ecau#e &rt cle 2147 of the C ! l Code # $ot appl ca,le. N d d $ot u$derta9e r #9y operat o$# wh ch the ow$er wa# $ot accu#tomed to em,ar9 upo$(
a7 he ha# $ot preferred h # ow$ $tere#t to that of the
=G# a,#e$ce% ,7 Lpo$ the retur$ of = to the ,ara$gay* what are the o,l gat o$# of B to = a# regard# the co$tract w th I% c7 Lpo$ =G# retur$* what are the o,l gat o$# of = a# regard# BG# co$tract w th 2%
ow$er3 ,7 he ha# $ot fa led to retur$ the property or ,u# $e## after dema$d ,y the ow$er3 a$d c7 he ha# $ot a##umed the ma$ageme$t $ ,ad fa th.
ma$ageme$t a$d what would ,e the o,l gat o$# of = $ fa!or of B% 5-pla $ all your a$#wer#.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
operator # $ot accu#tomed to* a$d $ #o do $g* he e-po#ed the hou#e to $crea#ed r #9* $amely the operat o$ of a pe$# o$ hou#e o$ the #eco$d floor a$d #tore# o$ the f r#t
floor 6%asi?Contracts; .egotiori%m Bestio (1999)
4,7 B mu#t re$der a$ accou$t of h # operat o$# a$d del !er to = the pr ce he rece !ed for the #ale of the har!e#ted f #h
4&rt* 2145* C ! l Code7.
0etro 0a$ la* wh ch he re$t# out to te$a$t#. /$ 1 &pr l 1991 he left for the L$ ted .tate# w thout appo $t $g a$y adm $ #trator to ma$age h # apartme$t# #uch that a $ ece of &rma$do* co$cer$ed w th the $tere#t of her
pre#er!e the property. 1. 2hat <ur d cal relat o$ ,etwee$ &mparo a$d &rma$do*
f a$y* ha# re#ulted from &mparoG# u$ lateral act of a##um $g the adm $ #trat o$ of &rma$doG# apartme$t#%
+$ .eptem,er* 1972* upo$ declarat o$ of mart al rule $ the Ph l pp $e#. &* together w th h # w fe a$d ch ldre$. d #appeared from h # re# de$ce alo$g &. 0a, $ .treet.
5rm ta* 0a$ la. N* h # mmed ate $e gh,or* $ot c $g that my#ter ou# d #appeara$ce of & a$d h # fam ly* clo#ed the door# a$d w $dow# of h # hou#e to pre!e$t t from ,e $g
5-pla $. 2. 2hat r ght# a$d o,l gat o$#* f a$y* doe# &mparo ha!e u$der the c rcum#ta$ce#% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
1egot orum ge#t o e- #ted ,etwee$ &mparo a$d .he !olu$tar ly too9 charge of the age$cy &rma$do* or
,urglar :ed. Bear# pa##ed w thout N hear $g from & a$d h # fam ly* N co$t $ued ta9 $g care of &G# hou#e* e!e$ cau# $g
m $or repa r# to ,e do$e at h # hou#e to pre#er!e t. +$
ma$ageme$t of the ,u# $e## or property of her u$cle w thout a$y power from her u$cle who#e property wa#
$eglected. .he # called the ge#tor $egot orum or off c ou# ma$ager* 4&rt. 2144* 1CC7
1976* whe$ ,u# $e## ,ega$ to per9 up $ the area* a$ e$terpr # $g ma$. C* approached N a$d propo#ed that they ,u ld #tore# at the grou$d floor of the hou#e a$d co$!ert t# #eco$d floor $to a pe$# o$ hou#e. N agreed to C# propo#al a$d together they #pe$t for the co$#truct o$ of #tore# at the grou$d floor a$d the co$!er# o$ of the #eco$d floor $to a
pe$# o$ hou#e. 2h le co$#truct o$ wa# go $g o$* f re
2. +t # recomme$ded ,y the Comm ttee that a$ e$umerat o$ of a$y two 427 o,l gat o$# a$d two 427 r ght# a# e$umerated $ &rt#. 2145 to 2152* 1CC* would e$t tle the e-am $ee to full cred t.
&rt. 2145. @he off c ou# ma$ager #hall perform h # dut e#
w th all the d l ge$ce of a good father of a fam ly* a$d pay the damage# wh ch through h # fault or $egl ge$ce may ,e
#uffered ,y the ow$er of the property or ,u# $e## u$der
ma$ageme$t .
$dem$ ty accord $g to the c rcum#ta$ce# of each ca#e. &rt. 2146. +f the off c ou# ma$ager delegate# to a$other per#o$ all or #ome of h # dut e#* he #hall ,e l a,le for the act# of the delegate* w thout pre8ud ce to the d rect o,l gat o$ of the latter toward the ow$er of the ,u# $e##.
6%asi?Contracts; ol%tio )n0ebiti ('##!) HP/ we$t to a #tore to ,uy a pac9 of c garette# worth
P225.00 o$ly. He ga!e the !e$dor* JJ&* a P500>pe#o , ll. @he !e$dor ga!e h m the pac9 plu# P375.00 cha$ge. 2a#
there a d #cou$t* a$ o!er# ght* or a$ error $ the amou$t g !e$% 2hat would ,e HP/O# duty* f a$y* $ ca#e of a$
&rt. 2147. @he off c ou# ma$ager #hall ,e l a,le for a$y fortu tou# e!e$t(
e-ce## $ the amou$t of cha$ge g !e$ ,y the !e$dor% How # th # # tuat o$al relat o$#h p ,etwee$ HP/ a$d JJ& de$om $ated% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
dema$d ,y the ow$er* 447 +f he a##umed the ma$ageme$t $ ,ad fa th. &rt. 2148. 5-cept whe$ the ma$ageme$t wa# a##umed to #a!e the property or ,u# $e## from mm $e$t da$ger* the off c ou# ma$ager #hall ,e l a,le for fortu tou# e!e$t#
tru#tee u$der &rt cle 1456 of the C ! l Code wh ch pro! de#( +f property # ac?u red through m #ta9e or fraud* the per#o$
o,ta $ $g t #* ,y force of law* co$# dered a tru#tee of a$
417 +f he # ma$ fe#tly u$f t to carry o$ the ma$ageme$t3 427 +f ,y h # +$ter!e$t o$ h e pre!e$ted a more compete$t per#o$ from ta9 $g up the ma$ageme$t. &rt. 2149. @he rat f cat o$ of the ma$ageme$t ,y the ow$er of the ,u# $e## produce# the effect# of a$ e-pre## age$cy*
e!e$ f the ,u# $e## may $ot ha!e ,ee$ #ucce##ful.
mpl ed tru#t for the ,e$ef t of the per#o$ from whom the
property come#. @here or #* $ th # ca#e* a$ mpl ed
$!"$( , #A)A&E(
Collapse of tr%ct%res; Last Clear C&ance (199#) 0r a$d 0r# J ow$ a ,ur$ed>out ,u ld $g* the f rewall of wh ch collap#ed a$d de#troyed the #hop occup ed ,y the fam ly of 0r a$d 0r# .* wh ch re#ulted $ $8ur e# to #a d
l a,le for o,l gat o$# $curred $ h # $tere#t* a$d #hall re m,ur#e the off c ou# ma$ager for the $ece##ary a$d
u#eful e-pe$#e# a$d for the damage# wh ch the latter may
ha!e #uffered $ the performa$ce of h # dut e#. @he #ame o,l gat o$ #hall ,e $cum,e$t upo$ h m whe$ the ma$ageme$t had for t# purpo#e the pre!e$t o$ of a$ mm $e$t a$d ma$ fe#t lo##* although $o ,e$ef t may ha!e
,ee$ der !ed.
couple a$d the death of the r daughter. 0r a$d 0r# . had ,ee$ war$ed ,y 0r X 0r# J to !acate the #hop $ ! ew of t# pro- m ty to the wea9e$ed wall ,ut the former fa led to do #o.
0r X 0r# . f led aga $#t 0r a$d 0r# J a$ act o$ for
reco!ery of damage# the former #uffered a# a re#ult of the collap#e of the f rewall. +$ defe$#e* 0r a$d 0r# J rely o$ the doctr $e of la#t clear cha$ce alleg $g that 0r a$d 0r# . had the la#t clear cha$ce to a!o d the acc de$t f o$ly they
heeded the formerO# war$ $g to !acate the #hop* a$d therefore 0r a$d 0r# JO# pr or $egl ge$ce #hould ,e
&rt. 2151. 5!e$ though the ow$er d d $ot der !e a$y ,e$ef t a$d there ha# ,ee$ $o mm $e$t a$d ma$ fe#t
da$ger to the property or ,u# $e##* the ow$er # l a,le a#
d #regarded. +f you were the 8udge* how would you dec de the ca#e%
u$der the f r#t paragraph of the preced $g art cle* pro! ded( 417 @he off c ou# ma$ager ha# acted $ good fa th* a$d
+ would dec de $ fa!or of 0r X 0r# .. @he propr etor of a ,u ld $g or #tructure # re#po$# ,le for the damage# re#ult $g from t# total or part al collap#e* f t #hould ,e due
to the lac9 of $ece##ary repa r# 4&rt 2190 C ! l Code7 &# regard# the defe$#e of Cla#t clear cha$ce*D the #ame # $ot te$a,le ,ecau#e accord $g to the .C $ o$e +ase (Fe
Roy v CA 5680(18, -an $9, 1988, 17( S (7() the doctr $e of
co$tract# wh ch he ha# e$tered $to w th th rd per#o$#* e!e$ though he acted $ the $ame of the ow$er* a$d there #hall ,e $o r ght of act o$ ,etwee$ the ow$er a$d th rd per#o$#.
@he#e pro! # o$# #hall $ot apply(
clear cha$ce # $ot appl ca,le to $#ta$ce# co!ered ,y &rt 2190 of the C ! l Code.
ma$ageme$t* or
CIVIL LAW Answers to the BAR as Arranged by Topics (Year 1990-2006) Further* $ !oen"3 Constr.+t"on, In+. v. Inter&e%"ate &!a l $g of that port o$ of .ect o$ 12 of &rt cle ++ of the A''ellate Co.rt (;.R. 5667$97, Mar+! 10, 198(. 148 SCRA
373) the .upreme Court held that the role of the commo$
o,ta $ed
a loa$
Pl*000*000.00 from h # fr e$d Jaffy. @he prom ##ory $ote d d $ot #t pulate a$y payme$t for +$tere#t. @he $ote wa#
due o$ <a$uary 5* 1993 ,ut ,efore th # date the two ,ecame pol t cal e$em e#. 1o$oy* out of #p te* del ,erately defaulted
$ pay $g the $ote* thu# forc $g Jaffy to #ue h m. 17 2hat actual damage# ca$ Jaffy reco!er% 27 37 47 57 Ca$ Jaffy a#9 for moral damage# from 1o$oy% Ca$ Jaffy a#9 for $om $al damage#% Ca$ Jaffy a#9 for temperate damage#% Ca$ Jaffy a#9 for attor$eyG# fee#%
1987 Co$#t tut o$ wh ch read#3 @he .tate - -- #hall e?ually protect the l fe of the mother a$d the l fe of the u$,or$ from co$cept o$* '---' wh ch he cla m# co$fer# a c ! l per#o$al ty o$ the u$,or$ from the mome$t of co$cept o$. Noy f led a ca#e for damage# aga $#t the a,ort o$ #t* pray $g there $ that the latter ,e ordered to pay h m( 4a7 P30*000.00 a# $dem$ ty for the death of the fetu#* 4,7 P100.000.00 a# moral damage# for the me$tal a$gu #h a$d a$- ety he
#uffered* 4d7 4c7 P50*000.00 a# e-emplary damage#*
Be#* pro! ded that the pecu$ ary lo## #uffered #hould ,e
#u,#ta$t ated a$d duly pro!ed. Damages arising from Deat& of /nborn C&il0 ('##() +f a preg$a$t woma$ pa##e$ger of a ,u# were to #uffer a$
a,ort o$ follow $g a !eh cular acc de$t due to the gro## $egl ge$ce of the ,u# dr !er* may #he a$d her hu#,a$d
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
of P1 m ll o$* together w th $tere#t at the legal rate from the date of 8ud c al or e-tra8ud c al dema$d. +$ add t o$*
howe!er* $a#much a# the de,tor # $ ,ad fa th* he # l a,le for all damage# wh ch may ,e rea#o$a,ly attr ,uted to the
$o$>performa$ce of the o,l gat o$. 4&rt. 2201427. 1CC7.
cla m damage# from the ,u# compa$y for the death of the r u$,or$ ch ld% 5-pla $. 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
37 1om $al damage# may $ot ,e reco!era,le $ th # ca#e ,ecau#e Jaffy may already ,e $dem$ f ed of h # lo##e# w th the award of actual a$d compe$#atory damage#. 1/0+1&" H&0&)5. are ad8ud cated o$ly $ order that a r ght of the pla $t ff* wh ch ha# ,ee$ ! olated or $!aded ,y the defe$da$t may ,e ! $d cated or recog$ :ed* a$d $ot
for the purpo#e of $dem$ fy $g the pla $t ff for a$y lo## #uffered ,y h m. 4&rt cle 2231. C ! l Code7
1o* the #pou#e# ca$$ot reco!er actual damage# $ the form of $dem$ ty for the lo## of l fe of the u$,or$ ch ld. @h # # ,ecau#e the u$,or$ ch ld # $ot yet co$# dered a per#o$ a$d the law allow# $dem$ ty o$ly for lo## of l fe of per#o$. @he mother* howe!er may reco!er damage# for the ,od ly $8ury #he #uffered from the lo## of the fetu# wh ch # co$# dered
part of her $ter$al orga$. @he pare$t# may al#o reco!er damage# for $8ur e# that are $fl cted d rectly upo$ them* e.g.* moral damage# for me$tal a$gu #h that atte$ded the . $ce there # gro## lo## of the u$,or$ ch ld. $egl ge$ce*
awarded temperate damage#* for the rea#o$ that h # actual damage# may already ,e compe$#ated upo$ proof thereof w th the prom ##ory $ote. @50P5J&@5 H&0&)5.
Deat& )n0emnit" (199!) <oh$$y 0ato$G# co$! ct o$ for hom c de wa# aff rmed ,y the Court of &ppeal# a$d $ add t o$* although the pro#ecut o$ had $ot appealed at all. @he appellate court $crea#ed the $dem$ ty for death from P30*000.00 to P50*000.00. /$ h # appeal to the .upreme Court* amo$g
from the $ature of the ca#e* ,e pro!ed w th certa $ty. 4&rt cle 2224* C ! l Code7 57 Be#* u$der paragraph 2* &rt cle 2208 of the C ! l Code*
Court of &ppeal# de#p te the clear fact that the People had $ot appealed from the appellate courtG# 8udgme$t.
co$# der $g that 1o$oyG# act or om ## o$ ha# compelled Jaffy to l t gate to protect h # $tere#t#. Furthermore.
a7 +$ A/e:a& v. Co.rt o* A''eals* the .upreme Court #a d that e!e$ f the ##ue of damage# were $ot ra #ed ,y the
w ll $ot d #tur, the f $d $g# of the Court of &ppeal#. ,7 1o* the co$te$t o$ of the accu#ed # $ot correct ,ecau#e upo$ appeal to the &ppellate Court* the court ac?u red
8ur #d ct o$ o!er the e$t re ca#e* cr m $al a# well a# c ! l.
Noy* for rea#o$# 9$ow$ o$ly to her* a$d w thout $form $g Noy* we$t to the cl $ c of =* a 9$ow$ a,ort o$ #t* who for a
fee* remo!ed a$d e-pelled the fetu# from her wom,* Noy
& !a$ ow$ed ,y /rla$do a$d dr !e$ ,y H ego* wh le $egot at $g a dow$h ll #lope of a c ty road* #udde$ly ga $ed
#peed* o,! ou#ly ,eyo$d the author :ed l m t $ the area*
appealed #hould apply. @herefore* t wa# error for the Court of &ppeal# to ha!e e-pa$ded the $dem$ ty # $ce the
8udgme$t o$ the c ! l l a, l ty had ,ecome f $al.
a$d ,umped a car $ fro$t of t* cau# $g #e!ered damage to the care a$d #er ou# $8ur e# to t# pa##e$ger#. /rla$do wa# $ot $ the car at the t me of the $c de$t. @he car ow$er a$d the $8ured pa##e$ger# #ued /rla$do a$d H ego for damage# cau#ed ,y H egoO# $egl ge$ce. +$ the r defe$#e* H ego cla m#
that the dow$h ll #lope cau#ed the !a$ to ga $ #peed a$d
d7 1o.
&# a re#ult of a coll # o$ ,etwee$ the ta- ca, ow$ed ,y & a$d a$other ta- ca, ow$ed ,y N* =* a pa##e$ger of the f r#t ta- ca,* wa# #er ou#ly $8ured. = later f led a cr m $al act o$
aga $#t ,oth dr !er#.
1o. 0echa$ cal defect# of a motor !eh cle do $ot co$#t tute fortu tou# e!e$t* # $ce the pre#e$ce of #uch defect# would
ha!e ,ee$ read ly detected ,y d l ge$t ma $te$a$ce chec9.
0ay ,oth ta- ca, ow$er# ra #e the defe$#e of due d l ge$ce $ the #elect o$ a$d #uper! # o$ of the r dr !er# to ,e
a,#ol!ed from l a, l ty for damage# to =% Jea#o$. 5E
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+t depe$d#. +f the c ! l act o$ # ,a#ed o$ a ?ua# >del ct the ta- ca, ow$er# may ra #e the defe$#e of d l ge$ce of a good
father of a fam ly $ the #elect o$ a$d #uper! # o$ of the dr !er3 f the act o$ aga $#t them # ,a#ed o$ culpa
Liabilit"; 2irline Compan"; .on?4erformance of an Obligation ('##!) H@ a$d 0@ were prom $e$t mem,er# of the fre?ue$t
tra!eler#O clu, of F= & rl $e#. +$ Ho$g9o$g* the couple were a## g$ed #eat# $ Nu# $e## Cla## for wh ch they had /$ chec9 $g $* howe!er* they were ,ought t c9et#. told
ra #e the defe$#e. ,iling of eparate Civil 2ction; .ee0 for 1eservation ('##()
they were upgraded ,y computer to F r#t Cla## for the fl ght to 0a$ la ,ecau#e the Nu# $e## .ect o$ wa# o!er,oo9ed. Noth refu#ed to tra$#fer de#p te ,etter #eat#* food* ,e!erage a$d other #er! ce# $ F r#t Cla##. @hey #a d they had gue#t# $ Nu# $e## Cla## they #hould atte$d to. @hey felt hum l ated* em,arra##ed a$d !e-ed* howe!er* whe$ the #tewarde## allegedly threate$ed to offload them f they d d $ot a!a l of the upgrade. @hu# they ga!e $* ,ut dur $g the tra$#fer of luggage H@ #uffered pa $ $ h # arm a$d wr #t.
&fter arr !al $ 0a$ la* they dema$ded a$ apology from F=O# ma$ageme$t a# well a# $dem$ ty payme$t. 2he$ $o$e wa# forthcom $g* they #ued the a rl $e for a m ll o$
&# a re#ult of a coll # o$ ,etwee$ the ta- ca, ow$ed ,y & a$d a$other ta- ca, ow$ed ,y N* =* a pa##e$ger of the f r#t ta- ca,* wa# #er ou#ly $8ured. = later f led a cr m $al act o$
+t depe$d#. +f the #eparate c ! l act o$ # to reco!er damage# ar # $g from the cr m $al act* re#er!at o$ # $ece##ary. +f the
c ! l act o$ aga $#t the ta- ca, ow$er# # ,a#ed o$ culpa co$tractual* or o$ ?ua# >del ct* there # $o $eed for
re#er!at o$.
pe#o# $ damage#. +# the a rl $e l a,le for actual a$d moral damage#% 2hy or why $ot% 5-pla $ ,r efly. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
act o$ to reco!er c ! l l a, l ty ar # $g from the cr me or edel cto. &ll the other c ! l act o$# u$der &rt cle# 32* 33* 34
a$d 2176 of the 1ew C ! l Code are $o lo$ger Cdeemed
H@ a$d 0@* o!er the r o,8ect o$#* to F r#t Cla## ,ecau#e they had co$tracted for Nu# $e## Cla## pa##age. Howe!er* although there # a ,reach of co$tract* H@ a$d 0@ are e$t tled to actual damage# o$ly for #uch pecu$ ary lo##e#
$#t tutedD* a$d may ,e f led #eparately a$d pro#ecuted $depe$de$tly e!e$ w thout a$y re#er!at o$ $ the cr m $al
act o$ 4.ect o$ 3* Jule 111* +, d7. @he fa lure to ma9e a
#uffered ,y them a# a re#ult of #uch ,reach. @here #eem# to ,e $o #how $g that they $curred #uch pecu$ ary lo##. @here # $o #how $g that the pa $ $ H@G# arm a$d wr #t re#ulted d rectly from the carr erG# act# compla $ed of. He$ce* they
are $ot e$t tled to actual damage#. 0oreo!er* H@ could
ha!e a!o ded the alleged $8ury ,y re?ue#t $g the a rl $e #taff to do the luggage tra$#fer a# a matter of duty o$ the r part.
@here # al#o $o ,a# # to award moral damage# for #uch
,reach of co$tract ,ecau#e the fact# of the pro,lem do $ot #how ,ad fa th or fraud o$ the part of the a rl $e. (Cat!ay
a+"*"+ v. #[email protected]@, 399 SCRA $0( [$003]). Howe!er* they
occa# o$ed ,y the tra$#fer of luggage wa# cau#ed ,y fault or $egl ge$ce o$ the part of the a rl $eG# #tewarde##* actual
damage# may ,e reco!ered.
they are the pro- mate re#ult of the defe$da$tG# wro$gful act or om ## o$. 0oral damage# pred cated upo$ a ,reach
#oc al hum l at o$* a$d # m lar $8ury. <hough $capa,le of pecu$ ary computat o$* moral damage# may ,e reco!ered f
a+"*"+ A"r9ays, 5t%. v. Co.rt o* A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 60701, Mar+! 7, 1993) 2here there # $o #how $g that the a rl $e
of co$tract of carr age are reco!era,le o$ly $ $#ta$ce# where the carr er # gu lty of fraud or ,ad fa th or where the m #hap re#ulted $ the death of a pa##e$ger. (Cat!ay
2219 4107 f the cau#e of act o$ # ,a#ed o$ &rt cle 21 or a$ act co$trary to moral# $ ! ew of the hum l at o$ #uffered ,y
H@ a$d 0@ whe$ they were #eparated from the r gue#t# a$d were threate$ed to ,e offloaded.
acted fraudule$tly or $ ,ad fa th* l a, l ty for damage# # l m ted to the $atural a$d pro,a,le co$#e?ue$ce# of the ,reach of
the co$tract of carr age wh ch the part e# had fore#ee$ or
could ha!e rea#o$a,ly fore#ee$. +$ #uch a ca#e the l a, l ty doe# $ot $clude moral a$d e-emplary damage#. +$ the $#ta$t ca#e* f the $!olu$tary upgrad $g of the &lmeda#G #eat accommodat o$ wa# $ot atte$ded ,y fraud or ,ad fa th* the award of moral damage# ha# $o leg to #ta$d o$. @hu#* #pou#e# would $ot al#o ,e e$t tled to e-emplary damage#. +t # a re?u # te $ the gra$t of e-emplary damage#
that the act of the offe$der mu#t ,e accompa$ ed ,y ,ad
Hr. a$d 0r#. &lmeda are prom $e$t c t :e$# of the cou$try
a$d are fre?ue$t tra!eler# a,road. +$ 1996* they ,oo9ed
rou$d>tr p ,u# $e## cla## t c9et# for the 0a$ la>Ho$g Ro$g> 0a$ la route of the P $oy & rl $e#* where they are holder# of )old 0a,alo# Cla## Fre?ue$t Fl er card#. /$ the r retur$
fl ght* P $oy & rl $e# upgraded the r t c9et# to f r#t cla##
w thout the r co$#e$t a$d* $#p te of the r prote#tat o$# to ,e allowed to rema $ $ the ,u# $e## cla## #o that they could ,e w th the r fr e$d#* they were told that the ,u# $e## cla## wa# already fully ,oo9ed* a$d that they were g !e$ pr or ty $ upgrad $g ,ecau#e they are el te mem,er#Sholder# of )old 0a,alo# Cla## card#. . $ce they were em,arra##ed at the d #cu## o$# w th the fl ght atte$da$t#* they were forced to ta9e the fl ght at the f r#t cla## #ect o$ apart from the r fr e$d# who were $ the ,u# $e## cla##. Lpo$ the r retur$ to
0a$ la* they dema$ded a wr tte$ apology from P $oy & rl $e#. 2he$ t we$t u$heeded* the couple #ued P $oy
f r#t or
e#ta,l #h
r ght
&lmeda# are $ot e$t tled to a$y of the#e damage#* the award for e-emplary damage# ha# $o legal ,a# #. 2here the award#
for moral a$d e-emplary damage# are el m $ated* #o mu#t
Be#* the act o$ w ll pro#per. &rt cle 2201 of the C ! l Code e$t tle# the per#o$ to reco!er damage# wh ch may ,e
attr ,uted to $o$>performa$ce of a$ o,l gat o$. +$ Al"tal"a
A"r9ays v. Co.rt o* A''eals (;.R. 0o. ((011, $4, 1990)*
pa##e$ger e-pect# that he would fly o$ that day. 2he$ the a rl $e del ,erately o!er,oo9ed* t too9 the r #9 of ha! $g to
depr !e #ome pa##e$ger# of the r #eat $ ca#e all of them would #how up. For the $d g$ ty a$d $co$!e$ e$ce of
co$tract of carr age* t could ,e l a,le for moral* e-emplary a# well a# attor$eyG# fee#. Liabilit"; Emplo"er; Damage ca%se0 b" Emplo"ees (1997) a7 2he$ would a$ employerG# l a, l ty for damage* cau#ed
,y a$ employee $ the performa$ce of h # a## g$ed ta#9#* ,e pr mary a$d whe$ would t ,e #u,# d ary $
$ ca#e of o!er,oo9 $g* a rl $e # $ ,ad fa th. @herefore* #pou#e# &lmeda are e$t tled to damage#.
4,7 @he defe$#e of d l ge$ce $ the #elect o$ a$d #uper! # o$ of the employee u$der &rt cle 2180 of the C ! l Code # a!a la,le o$ly to tho#e pr mar ly l a,le thereu$der* ,ut $ot to tho#e #u,# d ar ly l a,le u$der &rt cle 103 of the Je! #ed Pe$al Code (?.&.l vs. -.l"ano, ($ !"l. 94).
the !eh cle at the t me of the acc de$t* ,e held #ol dar ly
Be#. &rt may ,e held #ol dary l a,le w th <oh$* f t wa# pro!e$ that the former could ha!e pre!e$ted the
0arc al* who doe# $ot 9$ow how to dr !e* ha# alway# ,ee$ dr !e$ ,y Ne$* h # dr !er of te$ year# whom he had cho#e$ carefully a$d ha# $e!er f gured $ a !eh cular m #hap. /$e
day* 0arc al wa# r d $g at the ,ac9 #eat of h # 0ercede#
m #fortu$e w th the u#e of due d l ge$ce. &rt cle 2184 of the C ! l Code #tate#( '+$ motor m #hap#* the ow$er # #ol dary l a,le w th h # dr !er* f the former* who wa# $ the !eh cle* could ha!e* ,y the u#e of due d l ge$ce* pre!e$ted the
m #fortu$e* - - -'
Ne$: ,e $g dr !e$ alo$g 5H.& ,y Ne$. &,#or,ed $ read $g a ,oo9* 0arc al d d $ot $ot ce that they were approach $g the cor$er of Pue:o$ &!e$ue* whe$ the traff c
l ght had 8u#t tur$ed yellow. Ne$ #udde$ly #tepped o$ the ga# to cro## the $ter#ect o$ ,efore the traff c l ght could
1. +t depe$d#. @he .upreme Court $ C!a'&an vs, >n%er9oo% ($( !"l 3(4), held( '&$ ow$er who # t# $ h #
tur$ red. Nut* too late. 0 dway $ the $ter#ect o$* the traff c
l ght cha$ged* a$d a <eep$ey full of pa##e$ger# #udde$ly
automo, le* or other !eh cle* a$d perm t# h # dr !er to co$t $ue $ a ! olat o$ of law ,y the performa$ce of $egl ge$t act#* after he ha# had a rea#o$a,le opportu$ ty to o,#er!e them a$d to d rect that the dr !er cea#e therefrom*
,ecome# h m#elf re#po$# ,le for #uch act#* - - - /$ the
cro##ed the carG# path. & coll # o$ ,etwee$ the two !eh cle# wa# $e! ta,le. &# a re#ult* #e!eral 8eep$ey pa##e$ger# were
#er ou#ly $8ured. & #u t for damage# ,a#ed o$ culpa
a?u l a$a wa# f led aga $#t 0arc al a$d Ne$* #ee9 $g to hold
them 8o $tly a$d #e!erally l a,le for #uch $8ur e#. 0ay 0arc al ,e held l a,le% 5-pla $.
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
other ha$d* f the dr !er* ,y a #udde$ act of $egl ge$ce* a$d w thout the ow$er ha! $g a rea#o$a,le opportu$ ty to pre!e$t the act or t# co$t $ua$ce* $8ure# a per#o$ or ! olate# the cr m $al law* the ow$er of the automo, le* although pre#e$t there $ at the t me the act wa# comm tted # $ot re#po$# ,le* e ther c ! lly or cr m $ally* therefor. @he act compla $ed of mu#t ,e co$t $ued $ the pre#e$ce of the
ow$er for #uch a le$gth of t me that the ow$er* ,y h # ac?u e#ce$ce* ma9e# h # dr !erG# act h # ow$.' Liabilit"; owner w&o was in t&e ve&icle ('##')
the ow$er who # $ the !eh cle # $ot l a,le w th the dr !er f ,y the e-erc #e of due d l ge$ce he could ha!e pre!e$ted the $8ury. @he law doe# $ot re?u re the ow$er to #uper! #e
the dr !er e!ery m $ute that he wa# dr ! $g. /$ly whe$
that the ow$er wa# a,#or,ed $ read $g a ,oo9 doe# $ot co$clu# !ely #how that he lo#t the opportu$ ty to pre!e$t
+$ motor !eh cle m #hap#* the ow$er # made #ol dar ly l a,le w th h # dr !er f he 4the ow$er7 wa# $ the !eh cle a$d could ha!e* ,y the u#e of due d l ge$ce* pre!e$ted the m #hap. (Cae%o v. ?. P!e T!a", $6 SCRA 410 [1968]).
*oral Damages & 2tt" ,ees ('##') /rt llo co$tract# Fa,r cato* +$c. to #upply a$d $#tall t le
a$ ow$er of a motor !eh cle #ol dar ly l a,le w th the dr !er f* ,e $g $ the !eh cle at the t me of the m #hap* he could ha!e pre!e$ted t ,y the e-erc #e of due d l ge$ce. @he traff c co$d t o$# alo$g 5H.& at a$y t me of day or $ ght
are #uch a# to re?u re the o,#er!a$ce of utmo#t care a$d
mater al# $ a ,u ld $g he # do$at $g to h # pro! $ce. /rt llo pay# 50E of the co$tract pr ce a# per agreeme$t. +t # al#o agreed that the ,ala$ce would ,e paya,le per od cally after e!ery 10E performa$ce u$t l completed. &fter perform $g
a,out 93E of the co$tract* for wh ch t ha# ,ee$ pa d a$
add t o$al 40E a# per agreeme$t* Fa,r cato* +$c. d d $ot complete the pro8ect due to t# #udde$ ce##at o$ of
#uper! # $g the ma$$er $ wh ch h # car wa# ,e $g dr !e$. @hu# he fa led to pre!e$t h # dr !er from attempt $g to ,eat the traff c l ght at the 8u$ct o$ of Pue:o$ &!e$ue a$d 5H.&* wh ch 0arc al* w thout ,e $g a dr !er h m#elf could
ha!e ea# ly perce !ed a# a rec9le## cour#e of co$duct. Liabilit"; owner w&o was in t&e ve&icle (1993)
operat o$#. +$#tead* Fa,r cato* +$c. dema$d# payme$t of the la#t 10E of the co$tract de#p te t# $o$>complet o$ of the pro8ect. /rt llo refu#e# to pay* $!o9 $g the #t pulat o$ that payme$t of the la#t amou$t 10E #hall ,e upo$ complet o$. Fa,r cato* +$c. ,r $g# #u t for the e$t re 10E. Plu# damage#* /rt llo cou$ter# w th cla m# for 4a7 moral damage# for Fa,r cato* +$c.O# u$fou$ded #u t wh ch ha# damaged h#
reputat o$ a# a ph la$throp #t a$d re#pect ,u# $e##ma$ $ h # commu$ ty* a$d 4,7 attor$eyO# fee#.
&. Hoe# /rt llo ha!e a legal ,a# # for h # cla m for moral
damage#% 42E7
damage# aga $#t <oh$ a$d &rt. @here # $o dou,t that the
coll # o$ # due to <oh$G# $egl ge$ce. Ca$ &rt* who wa# $
&. @here # $o legal ,a# # to /rt lloO# cla m for moral damage#. +t doe# $ot fall u$der the co!erage of &rt cle 2219
of the 1ew C ! l Code. N. /rt llo # e$t tled to attor$eyO# fee# ,ecau#e Fa,r catoO# compla $t # a ca#e of mal c ou# pro#ecut o$ or a clearly
a) )!en a (6year ol% /oy "n:.res !"s 'lay&ate 9!"le 'lay"n, 9"t! !"s *at!erDs r"*le. 23'la"n. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
@he pare$t# of the 7>year old ,oy who cau#ed $8ury to h # playmate are l a,le u$der &rt cle 219 of the Fam ly Code* $ relat o$ to &rt cle 2180 of the C ! l Code # $ce they e-erc #e pare$tal author ty o!er the per#o$ of the ,oy. (Ta&ar,o v.
Co.rt o* A''eals, ;.R. 0o. 87044, 3, 199$C 2l+ano v. A"ll, ;.R. 0o. 56$4803, May $6, 19(()
L$der &rt cle 2219 of the C ! l Code* moral damage# may ,e reco!ered $ the ca#e# #pec f ed there $ #e!eral of wh ch are e$umerated ,elow. Choo#e the ca#e where $ you ca$$ot reco!er moral
damage#. 5-pla $. 42.5E7 a7 & cr m $al offe$#e re#ult $g $ phy# cal $8ur e# ,7 Pua# >del ct# cau# $g phy# cal $8ur e# c7
lo9er 'r"+e 9"t! a *"s! ven%or "n t!e +o.rse o* /.y"n, *oo%st.**s *or !er e&'loyerDs *a&"ly, sla's t!e *"s! ven%or, +a.s"n, !er to *all an% s.sta"n "n:.r"es. 23'la"n. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+mmoral ty or d #ho$e#ty
+llegal #earch
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
!e$dor. L$der &rt cle 2180* par. 5 of the C ! l Code* 'employer# #hall ,e l a,le for the damage# cau#ed ,y the r employee# a$d hou#ehold helper# act $g w th $ the #cope of
the r a## g$ed ta#9#* e!e$ though the former are $ot
are $ot amo$g tho#e ca#e# e$umerated $ &rt cle 2219 wh ch ca$ ,e the ,a# # of a$ act o$ for moral damage#. @he
law #pec f cally me$t o$# adultery or co$cu, $age* etc. ,ut $ot a$y a$d e!ery mmoral act. 6%asi?Delict (199') &# the re#ult of a coll # o$ ,etwee$ a pu,l c #er! ce
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
pa##e$ger ,u# a$d a cargo truc9 ow$ed ,y H* = #u#ta $ed phy# cal $8ur e# a$d B d ed. Noth = a$d B were pa##e$ger# of the ,u#. Noth dr !er# were at fault* a$d #o = a$d I* the
o$ly he r a$d leg t mate ch ld of the decea#ed B* #ued the ow$er# of ,oth !eh cle#.
d7 0ay I cla m moral damage# from ,oth defe$da$t#% ) !e rea#o$# for all your a$#wer#*
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
23'la"n. ($4)
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
4a7 1o. @he ow$er of the ,u# ca$$ot ra #e the defe$#e ,ecau#e the carr erG# l a, l ty # ,a#ed o$ ,reach of co$tract 4,7 Be#. H ca$ ra #e the defe$#e ,ecau#e h # l a, l ty #
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,a#ed o$ a ?ua# >del ct. 4c7 Necau#e = #uffered phy# cal $8ur e#* = ca$ cla m moral damage# aga $#t H* ,ut a# aga $#t the ow$er of the ,u#. =
ca$ cla m moral damage# o$ly f = pro!e# rec9le## $egl ge$ce of the carr er amou$t $g to fraud. 4d7 I ca$ cla m moral damage# aga $#t ,oth defe$da$t#
@he defe$#e that m ght ,e a!a la,le to them # the o,#er!a$ce of a good father of the fam ly to pre!e$t the
Je$t Co$trol "aw* her la$dlord could $ot $crea#e the re$tal a# much a# he wa$ted to* $or term $ate her lea#e a#
lo$g a# #he wa# pay $g her re$t. +$ order to force her to
lea!e the prem #e#* the la$dlord #topped ma9 $g repa r# o$ the apartme$t* a$d cau#ed the water a$d electr c ty #er! ce# to ,e d #co$$ected. @he d ff culty of l ! $g w thout
electr c ty a$d ru$$ $g water re#ulted $ Jo#aG# #uffer $g a $er!ou# ,rea9dow$. .he #ued the la$dlord for actual a$d
6%asi?Delict ('##9)
L$der the law o$ ?ua# >del ct* a# de from the per#o$# who cau#ed $8ury to per#o$#* who el#e are l a,le u$der the
follow $g c rcum#ta$ce#(
pro! # o$# of the 1ew C ! l Code 4&rt cle# 19* 20 a$d 217 ,ecau#e the act comm tted ,y the le##or # co$trary to moral#. 0oral damage# are reco!era,le u$der &rt cle 2219 4107 $ relat o$ to &rt cle 21. <hough the act o$ # ,a#ed o$ ?ua# >del ct a$d $ot o$ co$tract* actual damage# may ,e reco!ered f the le##ee # a,le to pro!e the lo##e# a$d
e-pe$#e# #he #uffered.
AL$E"'A$IVE A'(WE"(:
co$tract may al#o ,e a tort. @here # a f duc ary relat o$#h p ,etwee$ the ,a$9 a$d the depo# tor* mpo# $g utmo#t
d l ge$ce $ ma$ag $g the accou$t# of the depo# tor. @he
d #ho$or of the chec9 ad!er#ely affected the cred t #ta$d $g of @o$y* he$ce* he # e$t tled to damage# (S"n,son v. G I,
;.R. 0o. 56$493$, $(, 1968C A&er"+an 23'ress Internat"onal, In+. v. IAC, ;.R. 0o. ($383, 0ove&/er 9, 1988C Consol"%ate% GanE an% v. CA, ;.R. 0o. 56(0(66 0ove&/er 9,1998).
the co$tract 4&rt cle 1654. 1CC7. . $ce there wa# w llful ,reach of co$tract ,y the le##or* the le##ee # e$t tled to
@icario%s Liabilit" (1991) Joma$o wa# ,umped ,y a m $ !a$ ow$ed ,y the .olomo$ .chool of Pract cal &rt# 4..P&7. @he m $ !a$ wa# dr !e$ ,y Peter* a #tude$t a## #ta$t who#e a## g$me$t wa# to clea$ the
#chool pa##ageway# da ly o$e hour ,efore a$d o$e hour
w llfully ,reached h # o,l gat o$# u$der &rt cle 1654. 1CC* he$ce* he # l a,le for ,reach of co$tract. For #uch ,reach*
the le##ee may reco!er moral damage# u$der &rt. 2220 of
the 1CC* a$d actual damage# that #he may ha!e #uffered o$
accou$t thereof. &$d # $ce the co$duct of the le##or wa# co$trary to moral#* he may al#o ,e held l a,le for ?ua# >
after regular cla##e#* $ e-cha$ge for free tu t o$. Peter wa# a,le to dr !e the #chool !eh cle after per#uad $g the regular dr !er* Paul* to tur$ o!er the wheel to h m 4Peter7. Joma$o #uffered #er ou# phy# cal $8ur e#. @he acc de$t happe$ed at $ ght whe$ o$ly o$e headl ght of the !eh cle wa# fu$ct o$ $g a$d Peter o$ly had a #tude$t dr !erG# perm t. &# a co$#e?ue$ce* Peter wa# co$! cted $ the cr m $al ca#e.
@hereafter* Joma$o #ued for damage# aga $#t Peter a$d
a7 2 ll the act o$ for damage# aga $#t Peter a$d ..P&
del ct. @he le##ee may reco!er moral damage# u$der &rt cle
2219 4107 $ relat o$ to &rt cle 21* a$d all actual damage# wh ch #he may ha!e #uffered ,y rea#o$ of #uch co$duct u$der &rt cle# 9* 20 a$d 21.
c7 Be#* the act o$ #hould pro#per for ,oth actual a$d moral
damage#. +$ fact* e!e$ e-emplary damage# a$d attor$eyG#
l ce$#e.
fee# ca$ ,e cla med ,y Jo#a* o$ the author ty of Ma,/an.a vs. IAC (13( SCRA 3$8)* co$# der $g that* a# g !e$* the le##orG# w llful a$d llegal act of d #co$$ect $g the water a$d
electr c #er! ce# re#ulted $ Jo#aG# #uffer $g a $er!ou#
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
&. Be#. +t w ll pro#per 4&rt* 21807 ,ecau#e at the t me he dro!e the !eh cle* he wa# $ot perform $g h # a## g$ed ta#9# a# pro! ded for ,y &rt. 2180. 2 th re#pect to ..P&* t # $ot
l a,le for the act# of Peter ,ecau#e the latter wa# $ot a$ employee a# held ,y .upreme Court $ 8"la&er C!r"st"an
Inst"t.te vs. CA. (190 SCRA 487). Peter ,elo$g# to a #pec al
e-cha$ge for free tu t o$ fee#. N. + would ma $ta $ the #ame a$#wer ,ecau#e the $c de$t
'&ccou$t Clo#ed.' &fter a$ $!e#t gat o$* t wa# fou$d that a$ employee of the ,a$9 m #placed @o$yG# accou$t ledger.
@hu#* the ,a$9 erro$eou#ly a##umed that h # accou$t $o lo$ger e- #t#. "ater t tur$ed out that @o$yG# accou$t ha# more tha$ #uff c e$t fu$d# to co!er the chec9. @he dealer howe!er* mmed ately f led a$ act o$ for reco!ery of
t me* a$d $ a$y ca#e* there wa# $o $d cat o$ $ the pro,lem that he wa# perform $g h # dut e# a# a dr !er.
C. +$ the ca#e of Peter* f he were to ,e co$# dered a#
employee* the e-erc #e of due d l ge$ce $ the #elect o$ a$d #uper! # o$ of peter would $ot ,e a mater al ##ue # $ce the co$! ct o$ of Peter would re#ult $ a #u,# d ary l a, l ty where the defe$#e would $ot ,e a!a la,le ,y the employer. +$ the ca#e of Paul* # $ce the ,a# # of #u,# d ary l a, l ty # the pater fam l a# rule u$der &rt. 2180* the defe$#e of #elect o$ a$d #uper! # o$ of the employee would ,e a !al d defe$#e.
employee* the e-erc #e of due d l ge$ce $ the #elect o$ a$d #uper! # o$ of Peter would $ot ,e a mater al ##ue # $ce the co$! ct o$ of Peter would re#ult $ a #u,# d ary l a, l ty where the defe$#e would $ot ,e a!a la,le ,y the employer. +$ the ca#e of Paul* # $ce he wa# $ the performa$ce of h # wor9 at the t me the $c de$t occurred* the #chool may ,e held #u,# d ar ly l a,le $ot ,ecau#e of the co$! ct o$ of
Peter* ,ut ,ecau#e of the $egl ge$ce of Paul u$der &rt.
re$der# a per#o$ l a,le for the $egl ge$ce of other# for who#e act# or om ## o$ the law ma9e# h m re#po$# ,le o$ the theory that they are u$der h # co$trol a$d #uper! # o$. @icario%s Liabilit" ('##!) /< wa# employed a# profe## o$al dr !er of 00 @ra$# t ,u#
ow$ed ,y 0r. N@. +$ the cour#e of h # wor9* /< h t a pede#tr a$ who wa# #er ou#ly $8ured a$d later d ed $ the
@icario%s Liabilit" ('##1) &fter wor9 $g o!ert me up to m d$ ght* &l,erto* a$ e-ecut !e of a$ $#ura$ce compa$y dro!e a compa$y
ho#p tal a# a re#ult of the acc de$t. @he ! ct mO# he r# #ued the dr !er a$d the ow$er of the ,u# for damage#. +# there a pre#umpt o$ $ th # ca#e that 0r. N@* the ow$er* had ,ee$ $egl ge$t% +f #o* # the pre#umpt o$ a,#olute or $ot% 5-pla $. 45E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
a.m.* he dro!e home* ,ut $ do $g #o* he ,umped a tr cycle* re#ult $g $ the death of t# dr !er. 0ay the $#ura$ce
compa$y ,e held l a,le for the $egl ge$t act of &l,erto%
employer. Howe!er* #uch pre#umpt o$ # re,utta,le. @he l a, l ty of the employer #hall cea#e whe$ they pro!e that
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
+t # true that u$der &rt. 2180 4par. 57* employer# are l a,le
for damage# cau#ed ,y the r employee# who were act $g
w th $ the #cope of the r a## g$ed ta#9#. Howe!er* the mere fact that &l,erto wa# u# $g a #er! ce !eh cle of the employer
at the t me of the $8ur ou# acc de$t doe# $ot $ece##ar ly
" 9ew #e* f the dr !er # charged a$d co$! cted $ a cr m $al ca#e for cr m $al $egl ge$ce* N@ # #u,# d ar ly l a,le for the
damage# ar # $g from the cr m $al act.
mea$ that he wa# operat $g the !eh cle w th $ the #cope of h # employme$t. +$ Cast"le3 In%.str"al Cor'. v. #asN.e@ -r (3$1 SCRA393 [1999]). the .upreme Court held that
$otw th#ta$d $g the fact that the employee d d #ome o!ert me wor9 for the compa$y* the former wa#*
8am $ too9 the !eh cle ,ut d d $ot reg #ter the #ale w th the
"a$d @ra$#portat o$ /ff ce. He allowed h # #o$ Carlo#* a
per#o$al purpo#e whe$ he we$t to a re#taura$t at 2(00 a.m. after com $g out from wor9. @he t me of the acc de$t 4al#o 2(00 a. m.7 wa# out# de $ormal wor9 $g hour#.
m $or who d d $ot ha!e a dr !erG# l ce$#e* to dr !e the car to ,uy pa$ de #al $ a ,a9ery. /$ the way* Carlo# dr ! $g $ a
rec9le## ma$$er* # de#w ped He$$ #* the$ r d $g a , cycle. &# a re#ult* he #uffered #er ou# phy# cal $8ur e#. He$$ # f led a cr m $al compla $t aga $#t Carlo# for rec9le##
@he $#ura$ce compa$y # l a,le f &l,erto wa# $egl ge$t $ the operat o$ of the car a$d the car wa# a## g$ed to h m for the ,e$ef t of the $#ura$ce compa$y* a$d e!e$ though he
wa# $ot w th $ the #cope of h # a## g$ed ta#9# whe$ the acc de$t happe$ed. +$ o$e ca#e dec ded ,y the .upreme Court* where a$ e-ecut !e of a pharmaceut cal compa$y wa#
g !e$ the u#e of a compa$y car* a$d after off ce hour#* the e-ecut !e made per#o$al u#e of the car a$d met a$ acc de$t*
the employer wa# al#o made l a,le u$der &rt. 2180 of the
c ! l act o$ aga $#t Carlo# a$d h # father for damage# ,a#ed o$ ?ua# >del ct there ,e $g a$ act or om ## o$ cau# $g
damage to a$other w thout co$tractual o,l gat o$. L$der
.ect o$ 1 of Jule 111 of the 2000 Jule# o$ Cr m $al Procedure* what # deemed $#t tuted w th the cr m $al act o$ # o$ly the act o$ to reco!er c ! l l a, l ty ar # $g from
the act or om ## o$ pu$ #hed ,y law. &$ act o$ ,a#ed o$
compa$y wa# held l a,le e!e$ though the employee wa# $ot perform $g w th $ the #cope of h # a## g$ed ta#9# whe$ the acc de$t happe$ed [#[email protected] v. CA, $73 SCRA 3<3 (1996)].
@icario%s Liabilit" ('##') 5-pla $ the co$cept of ! car ou# l a, l ty $ ?ua# >del ct#.
?ua# >del ct # $o lo$ger deemed $#t tuted a$d may ,e f led #eparately ;.ect o$ 3* Jule 111* Jule# of Cr m $al ProcedureA.
$. Ass.&"n, Fenn"sD a+t"on "s tena/le, +an Gen:a&"n ra"se
t!e %e*ense t!at !e "s not l"a/le / t!e ve!"+le "s not
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
l a, l ty* ! car ou# $ character* # ,a#ed o$ &rt cle 2180 ,ecau#e he # the father of a m $or who cau#ed damage due
to $egl ge$ce. 2h le the #u t w ll pro#per aga $#t the
417 @he rec proc ty pr $c ple $ pr !ate $ter$at o$al law may
,e appl ed $ our 8ur #d ct o$. .ect o$ 3 of J.&. 8293* the +$tellectual Property Code* pro! de# for rec proc ty* a#
reg #tered ow$er* t # the actual ow$er of the pr !ate !eh cle who # ult mately l a,le (See F.av"t v. CA, ;.R. 0o. 56$9(79,
May 18, 1989). @he purpo#e of car reg #trat o$ # to reduce
follow#( '&$y per#o$ who # a $at o$al* or who # dom c led* or ha# a real a$d effect !e $du#tr al e#ta,l #hme$t $ a cou$try wh ch # a party to a$y co$!e$t o$* treaty or agreeme$t relat $g to $tellectual property r ght# or the repre## o$ of u$fa r compet t o$* to wh ch the Ph l pp $e# # al#o a party*
or e-te$d# rec procal r ght# to $at o$al# of the Ph l pp $e#
. l!e#tre lea#ed a car from &! #>Je$t>&>Car Co. at the 0acta$ +$ter$at o$al & rport. 1o #oo$er had he dr !e$ the car out# de the a rport whe$* due to h # $egl ge$ce* he
,umped a$ F= ta- ow$ed a$d dr !e$ ,y 6 ctor* cau# $g
damage to the latter $ the amou$t of P100*000.00. 6 ctor for damage# aga $#t ,oth . l!e#tre a$d &! #* f led a$ act o$ ,a#ed o$ ?ua# >del ct. &! # f led a mot o$ to d #m ## the compla $t aga $#t t o$ the grou$d of fa lure to #tate a cau#e
of act o$. Je#ol!e the mot o$. 43E7
(+&&E($E# A'(WE":
,y law* #hall ,e e$t tled to ,e$ef t# to the e-te$t $ece##ary to g !e effect to a$y pro! # o$ of #uch co$!e$t o$* treaty or rec procal law* $ add t o$ to the r ght# to wh ch a$y ow$er of a$ $tellectual property r ght # otherw #e e$t tled ,y th # &ct. 4$7' @o llu#trate( the Ph l pp $e# may refra $ from
mpo# $g a re?u reme$t of local $corporat o$ or
,ecau#e the Ph l pp $e# # a party to the @J+P. agreeme$t a$d the 2@/. @he pr $c ple $!ol!ed # the mo#t>fa!ored
$at o$ clau#e wh ch # the pr $c ple of $o$> d #cr m $at o$.
g !e$ $ the pro,lem that the cau#e of the acc de$t wa# the
$egl ge$ce of . l!e#tre.
"aw* the reg #tered ow$er of a pu,l c ut l ty # l a,le for the damage# #uffered ,y th rd per#o$# through the u#e of #uch pu,l c ut l ty. He$ce* the cau#e of act o$ # ,a#ed $ law* the
Pu,l c .er! ce "aw.
)ntellect%al Creation ('##!)
a$d a$ mal#' 4.ect o$ 22.4 +$tellectual Property Code* J.&. 1o. 82937. @he 'o$comou#e' $ the pro,lem # $ot a$
huma$ ge$ome pro8ect. &mo$g h # p o$eer $g effort# co$cer$ #tem cell re#earch for the cure of &l:he merO# d #ea#e. L$der corporate #po$#or#h p* he helped de!elop a
m cro,e that ate a$d d ge#ted o l #p ll# $ the #ea. 1ow he lead# a college team for ca$cer re#earch $ 0..
e##e$t ally , olog cal proce## for the product o$ of a$ mal#. +t # a real $!e$t o$ ,ecau#e t# ,ody cell# do $ot $aturally
occur $ $ature ,ut are the product of ma$G# $ge$u ty* $tellect a$d $du#try.
.tate. @he team ha# e-per me$ted o$ a mou#e who#e ,ody cell# repl cate a$d ,ear ca$cerou# tumor. Called
Co$comou#eD* t # a l fe>form u#eful for med cal re#earch a$d t # a $o!el creat o$. +t# ,ody cell# do $ot $aturally
@he ,reed $g of o$comou#e ha# $o!elty* $!e$t !e #tep a$d $du#tr al appl cat o$. @he#e are the three re?u # te# of pate$ta, l ty. 29* +PC7 @here are $o eth cal rea#o$# why Hr. &H= a$d h # college
team ca$$ot ,e g !e$ e-clu# !e ow$er#h p o!er the r
occur $ $ature ,ut are the product of ma$O# $tellect* $du#try a$d $ge$u ty. Howe!er* there # a dou,t whether
local property law# a$d eth c# would allow r ght# of
$!e$t o$. @he u#e of #uch ge$et cally mod f ed mou#e* u#eful for ca$cer re#earch* outwe gh# co$# derat o$# for
a$ mal r ght#.
@here are $o legal a$d eth cal rea#o$# that would fru#trate Hr. &"=G# cla m of e-clu# !e ow$er#h p o!er 'o$comou#e'.
&$ mal# are property capa,le of ,e $g appropr ated a$d
whether there are legal a$d eth cal rea#o$# that could fru#trate h # cla m of e-clu# !e ow$er#h p o!er the l fe>form
ow$edG. +$ fact* o$e ca$ ow$ pet dog# or cat#* or a$y other
a$ mal. +f w ld a$ mal# are capa,le of ,e $g ow$ed* w th
,y ma$G# $!e$t o$ or $du#try are #u#cept ,le to e-clu# !e ow$er#h p ,y the $!e$tor.
@he o$comou#e # a h gher l fe form wh ch doe# $ot fall w th $ the def $ t o$ of the term ' $!e$t o$'. 1e ther may t fall w th $ the am, t of the term 'ma$ufacture' wh ch u#ually mpl e# a $o$> l ! $g mecha$ #t c product. @he o$comou#e # ,etter regarded a# a 'd #co!ery' wh ch # the commo$ patr mo$y of ma$.
@he 'o$comou#e' # a $o$>pate$ta,le $!e$t o$. He$ce* ca$$ot ,e ow$ed e-clu# !ely ,y t# $!e$tor. +t # a method for the treatme$t of the huma$ or a$ mal ,ody ,y #urgery or therapy a$d d ag$o#t c method# pract ced o$ #a d ,od e# are $ot pate$ta,le u$der .ec. 22 of the +PC.