Lesson Plan: Target Competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main Skills Subsidiary Skills

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Lesson Plan

Level :3rd years all the streams

Unit: Ill Gotten Gains Never Prosper.

Topic: Ethics in Business

Rubric: Introducing the Unit

General aims: by the end of this unit, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a charter of ethics
Target competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
produce Interpret – Interact Speaking – Writing Listening - Reading
Project Workshop:
Writing a charter of ethics p-71

Stages Timing Procedure Aims

Warmin 30mnts Brainstorming
g T tries to introduce the idea of ethics in business before To interact about the
Up she moves to project presentation. She may ask Ls some theme of the project
questions to help them understand the theme of the unit. as
the following :
What is meant by Ethics? What is business?
Why do we do business? Is business a good way to
get money? How should we be when doing
business? Are all the practices acceptable in
business?...What is the relationship between ethics and
-Teacher opens a discussion with learners about the To access and activate
meaning of The theme: Ethics in Business. students’ background
-Ethics; are a set of moral values, principles, beliefs and and knowledge of the
standards of what is morally correct or wrong topic.
-Business; is any relationship between people.
-Do you think that business is a good way to get money To open discussion on the
topic of the course & unit
or no? in general.
-to be able to answer this question; we should know the
relationship between ethics and business
-Teachers asks what are the ethical and unethical
practices , activities , actions or deed in doing a business?
-with an interaction with learners and to answer this
question the teacher gives this activity.

Activity ; classify these words in the table .

To check learners’
-Bribery= It is giving a bribe. understanding of the
-Bribe =it is any illegal payment to get an illegal favour . theme of the unit
Honesty=the quality or fact of being honest
-corruption: it is a process of doing an illegal action
-loyalty=the state or the equality of being loyal
-Embezzlement=stealing a public funds
-Nepotism=it is favouring close relations to get a specific
-Militating in an anti-corruption associations or society
- False accounting: it is to hide the right financial position
of the company to steal.
- Whistle blowing=it is to pass an information to police or
newspaper concerning a wrong action.
-Responsibility: the state or fact of having a duty to deal
with something or of having control over someone.
-tax evasion: not to pay taxes.
-smuggling= the transportation of things or people across
-Money laundering= it is the illegal process of concealing
the origins of money obtained illegally
-Fighting child labour
-Child labour= the employment of children under the age
of 18years
. –Counterfeiting: Imitating an original brand but not with
the same quality
Ethical practices Unethical practices
Honesty=the quality or Bribery= It is giving a
fact of being honest bribe.
-loyalty=the state or the -Bribe =it is any illegal
equality of being loyal payment to get an illegal
-Responsibility: the state favour .
or fact of having a duty to -corruption: it is a process
deal with something or of of doing an illegal action
having control over -Embezzlement=stealing a
someone. public funds
- Whistle blowing=it is to -Nepotism=it is favouring
pass an information to close relations to get a
police or newspaper specific job..
concerning a wrong - False accounting: it is to
action. hide the right financial
-Fighting child labour position of the company to
-Militating in an anti- steal.
corruption associations or -tax evasion: not to pay
society taxes.
-smuggling= the
transportation of things or
people across borders.
-Money laundering= it is
the illegal process of
concealing the origins of
money obtained illegally
-Child labour= the
employment of children
under the age of 18years
–Counterfeiting: Imitating
an original brand but not
with the same quality

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