Nursery Schedule For: April 2009: Sunday Service 8:45 Sunday Service 10:15 Subs April 5 1 Sunday Greeters

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Nursery Schedule for: April 2009

Sunday Greeters


1.Dave Couture 2.Cheryl Couture


1Bertha Langeger 2.Andrea Johnson 3. oss Lustig !. Faith Lustig

! ease "irst try t# s$it%& $it& s#'e#ne $&# $#r(s an#t&er Sunday #r Saturday and t&en %a subs) *&ere are 'any %#up es $&# sub t#+et&er s# at ti'es it 'ay be &ard t# sp it t&e' up) Adu t Subs Brandi "il#er Frances Linton Bo$$y %ru&e Jane 'ru(rie )hirley Bur#halter Bryn )tau**er %ricia +as,ueBo$ and Janel 'ess Anne "alsh Jenny )choles Lisa "ay&a Cheryl Bissonette .ancy /a0#inson %i( )0ed$erg Cassidy 1atch )te&hanie Butler %a$iatha 1ierce Greeters /olly 2unch Bryn )tau**er )hirley Bur#halter Faith Lustig )ha0n Linton Bertha Langeger %a(i Langlois

Apri 5 1st Sunday Greeters

9:00 Catriece Fast 10:30 Bertha Langeger

Students: Ada( and Jessie Couture

Apri 1, EAS*ER ,nd Sunday Greeters

9:00 Jenni*er "e$ster 10:30 Jane Allard

1.2arilee .othnagel 31*arr 2.%i( .othnagel 3. %a(ra "heeler

1.'aren )&ears 2.'ellie )chu(acher 3 Dustin 4ua( !. Johanna 4ua( 5. %i( )0ed$erg e$ecca and 7ach Dant-(an Jesse Allard 1. Lynn hodes 2. )ue 2en-el 3. Jesse Lindsay !. Lisa "ay&a

Students: )ara 6l(an

Yulia Devitarani- staying with Parks

Apri 1.rd Sunday Greeters

9:00 Janel 'ess 10:30 %anya Larson

1. Janel 'ess 2. Bo$ 'ess

Students: 'atie 8c#ard

o9anne 2en-el 1. 'i( Ada(son 2. Dee Dee Lindsay 3.)ara Jaco$s !. 2ar# Langlois 5. %a(i Langlois

Apri ,/ 4t& Sunday Greeters

9:00 Lori /ol(es 10:30 %a(i Langlois

1.%rent Fast 2. A(y )hornoc#

'atie 'e(&ton A$$y /ol(es Yulia Devitarani- Staying with Parks

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