May 2009
May 2009
May 2009
A New Face
Last Sunday at around 10:30 pm (M other’s
Day) I was watering our garden when I
noticed lights from a police truck at our gate. I
did not think much about it until the officer got
out and I heard the horn blow. I went to the
gate and was told that the President had sent
them (the president is like the M ayor of the
town). Then I noticed a little boy sitting in the
police truck. I understood that they had been
told we could take care of the boy for a while.
The boy seemed remarkably calm but
apprehensive. The police tried to hand him
over to me but then the boy started to cry. I
called for Kristi and the girls to come quick as William and I went straight to the Presidency to
I tried to get some more information from the find out what Arturo’s story was. The police had
police. I was silently praising God that we gotten a call that there was a child in the street
were here and able to care for this little one. unattended. They found and took him to his
The girls seemed to have a calming effect on father’s home but the father was passed out drunk.
the scared little boy. As we got him out of the The police took him to his mother and dropped
truck the Cookes pulled up in their van (they him off but then the mother took him back to the
had just returned from Guadalajara). This was father so Arturo was back on the street. Another
great timing, as they could understand more of call came in so the police picked him up again and
the details. The police explained that the boy is the President told them to bring him to us. It turns
only 6 years old, was picked up on the street out that the dad is an alcoholic and has been
and we could find out more from the President struggling for over a month. The mom has some
in the morning. They told us the boys name is difficulties taking care of the boy. (continued on
Jesus Arturo. What amazed me was how calm next page)
Arturo was at this point. He had only cried a
little at first and was now talking a lot. We
showed him the playroom and he was really
amazed at the toys. Jossie and Annie were just
like two little doting mothers and Arturo really
took to Jossie. M eanwhile Katie and Kristi
were looking for clothes and getting a bed
ready. We really had not expected it to happen
without any notice but everything was in place
and ready. We gave Arturo a peanut butter
sandwich and milk, which he really liked.
The President told us that the dad takes care of him
well when he is sober. We were asked if we could ! "
take care of Arturo until his dad or mom are able
! ! #$
to. # %
We have some clothing and supplies to help him
out but we will need some financial support for &
kids like him. If you would like to help out please $$ # & &&
mark your donation to the operating fund. The ($ &&
& # )
money will be used to help support this little one &&& #
and others that come our way. * $ & && $
Here is a list that we are praying for this situation: + &&&
, # ! %
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# ------
• -----
$ -------
$ !
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" ! #
Kristi is busy with homeschooling the girls. Jossie
will be starting high school this fall and Annie will
+ 0$
be in 7th grade. Every year we are amazed at how $! $ 1 ! %
much the girls get completed. It seems just 2 3 %
yesterday Genna was learning how to read and do
simple math. We are ordering some new books
from TEACHING TEXTBOOKS this year,
Algebra 2 and Geometry. We love this curriculum 1 $ $%
as it includes all answer keys demonstrated on 3 %
DVD’s. That makes Kristi’s job much easier! 44 3 %
! 1 5263 %
7 % 3 %
" ! 89 1 $ $ # %
Support Form or you may go to our website and donate there. Thank you very much.
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Please return form to: Our Mexico Address: U.S Contact Information
Good Measure Face Of My Father Children’s Home Good Measure International
785 Harrison Ave. Tod & Kristi Ramey 785 Harrison Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920 AP #10 Charleston, IL 61920
San Marcos, Jalisco 46540 (217)-348-1587
Return address
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