EP1 Rainbow Week9 Term2
EP1 Rainbow Week9 Term2
EP1 Rainbow Week9 Term2
Activity Time
Vocabulary$ %umbers$ &ero to t irty' (orty' (i(ty' si)ty' seventy' eig ty' ninety' one undred' count' ow many *egetables$ tomato' +otato' carrot' cucumber' sweet +e++er' c ili' onion' garlic' mus room' corn' broccoli' cauli(lower' lettuce' cabbage' long bean Songs: , -an #a!e a Picture 1.2.3 /!inna.merin! Games: Pass t e bag$ using t e vegetables +lay +ass t e bag" W en t e bag lands on a student w en t e music sto+s t e student as to +ull out a vegetable and tell t e class w at it is" %umber unt$ +lace random numbers around t e room and ave students run to t e correct number teac er as called out"
We will continue to review all letters sounds' blended two letter sounds and t e 0at1 word (amily" We will +ractice 0at1 (amily brea!ing it down into two sections" c and at" # en we will blend t em toget er to ma!e t e word cat"
ew !letters"soun#s"vocabulary$
# ere will not be any new material introduced t is wee!"
Writing %ractice
We will continue +racticing in our writing boo!s" We will +ractice bot u++er and lower case letters"
Sight Wor#s
2s we ave not +racticed sig t words in a w ile and it is a s ortened wee! we will continue to review t e 0at1 (amily" Words include$ bat' cat' (at' at' mat' rat