January: 25th-June 1st Week of Solidarity With The Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories

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27th International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust

4th World Cancer Day 20th World Day of Social Justice 21st International Mother Language Day

8th International Women's Day and United Nations Day for Women's ights and International !eace 21st International Day for the "limination of acial Discrimination 21st#$%th Wee& of Solidarity 'ith the !eo(les Struggling against acism and acial Discrimination 22nd World Water Day 23rd World Meteorological Day 24th World )u*erculosis Day

4th International Day for Mine +'areness and +ssistance in Mine +ction 7th World Health Day 23rd World ,oo& and Co(yright Day

1st International La*or Day 3rd World !ress -reedom Day 5th World +thletics Day 8th World ed Cross Day 12th International Nurses Day 15th International Day of -amilies 17th World Information Society Day 21st World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Develo(ment 22nd International Day for ,iological Diversity $5th-June 1st Wee& of Solidarity 'ith the !eo(les of Non#Self#.overning )erritories 29th International Day of United Nations !eace&ee(ers 31st World No#)o*acco Day 1st Tuesday of May World Asthma Day

1st International children's day 4th International Day of Innocent Children /ictims of +ggression 5th World "nvironment Day 17th World 0cean Day 17th World Day to Com*at Desertification and Drought 20th World efugee Day 21st World Music Day 23rd United Nations !u*lic Service Day 26th International +nti Drugs Day and International Day in Su((ort of /ictims of )orture

6th World 1onnosis Day 11th World !o(ulation Day First Saturday International Day of Cooperatives 2nd Saturday World Sports Journalists Day

Au ust
9th International Day of the World's Indigenous !eo(le 12th International 2outh Day 23rd International Day for the emem*rance of the Slave )rade and its +*olition

8th International Literacy Day 15th International Day of Democracy 16th International Day for the !reservation of the 03one Layer 19th International )al& Li&e + !irate Day 21st International Day of !eace 24th World Heart Day 27th World )ourism Day During last Wee World Maritime Day

1st World /egetarian Day and International Day for 0lder !ersons 2nd World -arm +nimals Day 4th World +nimal Day 4th # 45th World S(ace Wee& 5th World )eacher's Day 9th World !ost Day 10th World "gg Day and World Mental Health Day 15th .lo*al Hand#'ashing Day 16th World -ood Day 17th International Day for the "radication of !overty 24th United Nations Day and World Develo(ment Information Day 24th # 65th Disarmament Wee& 25th World !asta Day First Monday World !a"itat Day First Monday of #$to"er World !a"itat Day Se$ond Wednesday International Day for %atural Disaster &edu$tion

6th International Day for !reventing the "7(loitation of the "nvironment in War and +rmed Conflict 14th World Dia*etes Day 16th International Day of )olerance 20th Universal Children's Day8 and +frica Industriali3ation Day 21st World )elevision Day 25th International Day for the "limination of /iolence against Women 29th International Day of Solidarity 'ith the !alestinian !eo(le Third Sunday World Day of &emem"ran$e for &oad Traffi$ 'i$tims

1st World +IDS Day 2nd International Day for the +*olition of Slavery 3rd International Day of Disa*led !ersons 5th International /olunteer Day for "conomic and Social Develo(ment 7th International Civil +viation Day 9th International +nti Corru(tion Day 10th Human ights Day 11th International Mountain Day 18th International Migrants Day 19th United Nations Day for South#South Coo(eration 20th International Human Solidarity Day

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