Important Days
Important Days
Important Days
15 Jan 23 Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 28 Jan 30 Jan 31 Army Medical Corps Establishment Day African National Congress Foundation Day World Laughter Day Pravasi haratiya Divas Death anniversary of Lal ahadur !hastri National youth Day " irth Day of !#ami $ive%anand& Army Day Neta'i !ubhash Chandra ose(s birth anniversary )nternational Customs Duty Day* )ndia +ourism Day* )ndian $oter Day ,epublic Day irth anniversary of Lala La'pat ,ai "Martyr(s day& Mahatma -andhi(s Martyrdom Day. World Leprosy Eradication Day World Leprosy Eradication Day
Inportant Days in February Feb 2 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 13 Feb 14 Feb 24 Feb 28 World Wetlands Day National Day of !rilan%a /ashmir Day "0rganised by Pa%istan& !aro'ini Naidu(s irth Anniversary !t1 $alentine(s Day Central E2ise Day National !cience Day ar!"
Important Days in ar 3
ar 4 ar 8 ar 9 ar 12 ar 15 ar 16 ar 21 ar 22 ar 23 ar 24 ar 26
National !ecurity Day )nternational Women(s Day C)!F ,aising Day Mauritius Day. Central )ndustrial !ecurity Force Day World Consumer Day National $accination Day World Forestry Day World Day of Water World Meterological Day World + Day angaladesh Liberation Day
Important Days in #pril #pril 1 #pril 5 #pril $ #pril 13 #pril 14 #pril 0rissa Day Natinal Meritime Day World 3ealth Day 4allian#allah agh Massacre Day "5656& 1,1 Ambed%ar ,emembrance Day World 3eritage Day
Important Days in ay 1 ay 3 ay 8 ay 11 ay 15 ay 1$ ay 24 ay 31
)nternational Labour Day* Maharashtra Day )nternational Energy Day )nternational ,ed Cross Day ")t is celebraed to commemorate the birth anniversary of the founder of the ,ed Cross 0rgani7ation 4ean 3enry Dunant& National +echnology Day )nternational Family Day World +elecom Day Common#ealth Day World No +obacco Day
Important Days in July July 1 July 4 July 11 July 26 Doctor(s Day American )ndependence Day World Population Day /argil $ictory Day
Important Days in #u%ust #u% 6 #u% 9 #u% 12 #u% 14 #u% 15 #u% 19 #u% 20 #u% 29 #u% 30 3iroshima Day 8uit )ndia Movement Day )nternational youth Day Pa%istan(s )ndependence Day )ndia(s )ndependence Day World Photography Day !adbhavana Di#as National !ports Day of )ndia "Dhyanchand(s irth Day& !mall )ndustry Day
Important Days in &eptember &ept 5 &ept $ &ept 8 &ept 14 &ept 15 &ept 16 &ept 21 &ept +eacher(s Day "Dr1 ,adha%rishnan(s irth Day& Forgiveness Day )nternational Literacy Day 3indi day*World First Aid Day )nternational Day of Democracy World 07one Day )nternational Day of Peace* World Al7heimer(s day !ocial 4ustice Day
Important Days in '!tober '!t 1 '!t 2 '!t 3 '!t 4 '!t 5 '!t 6 '!t 8 '!t 9 '!t 10 '!t 12 '!t 13 '!t 14 '!t 15 '!t 1$ '!t 20 '!t 24 '!t 30 '!t 31 )nternational Day for the Elderly"9N& -andhi 4ayanti* )nternational Day of Non:$iolence World Nature Day* World 3abitat Day World Animal Day World +eacher(s Day World Wildlife Day* World Food !ecurity Day )ndian Airforce day World Postal Day World Mental 3ealth day. National Post Day World !ight day World Calamty Control Day"9N& World !tandard Day World White cane day"guiding the blind& )nternational poverty National !olidarity Day "China attac%ed )ndia on that day& 9nited Nations Day World +hrift Day National )ntegration Day ")n memory of )dira -andhi&
Important Days in No(ember No( $ No( 9 )nfant Protection day. World Cancer A#areness Day Legal !ervice Day
+ransport Day Children(s day; World Diabetics day -uru Nana% Dev(s irth Anniverrsary La# Day Flag Day
Important Days in De!ember De!1 De! 3 De! 4 De! $ De! 10 De! 11 De! 14 De! 19 De! 23 World A)D! Day World Disability Day Navy Day Armed Force Flag Day 3uman ,ights day 9N)CEF Day National Energy Conservation Day -oa(s Liberation day /isan Divas "Farmer(s Day&