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Tartaria - Orphan Trains
Tartaria - Orphan Trains
Tartaria - Orphan Trains
Ebook157 pages1 hour

Tartaria - Orphan Trains

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About this ebook

Many people around the world have discovered that a few generations ago, their great grandparents were orphans

There is much evidence to show that many of these orphans had been kidnapped away from their families and sold

They were selling the children

Did they create wars on purpose to create orphans?

Researchers do not believe what historians say about these orphans and many researchers believe that the children were kidnapped or forced away from their families

Release dateJun 16, 2021
Tartaria - Orphan Trains

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    Tartaria - Orphan Trains - David Ewing Jr


    Orphan Trains

    David Ewing Jr


    Many people around the world have discovered that a few generations ago, their great grandparents were orphans

    There is much evidence to show that many of these children had been kidnapped away from their families and then they were sold

    They were stealing children

    They were selling children

    The children were forced to become slaves

    The Church of God was involved in stealing children

    This book will show what happened to children during the wars of the 19th and 20th centuries. Many children were kidnapped or taken by force away from their families and then they were sold as slaves. Did they create wars on purpose to steal children?

    David Ewing Jr has travelled to over 2500 cities and places worldwide and has done much historical research over 20 years and has great knowledge of world history

    Tartaria - Orphan Trains

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    What are orphan trains?


    Between 1850 and 1930, an estimated 250 000 children from cities in America and Europe were sent to the middle and the west of the North American continent (the Midwest) by train.

    These trains are known as the Orphan Trains

    They were sent by train to so-called foster homes to take care of them. Many other children went to the Midwest by other means of transportation including boat and horse travel. Many of the children were kidnapped or forced away from their mothers and fathers from cities in America and in Europe and the Middle East.


    Many of these children were then sold. It was big money. Many children were used as slaves in farms and factories. Many historians try to show this slavery, - as a type of adoption. But it was slavery.

    Historians say that these children were orphans. It is estimated that millions of children worldwide were orphans (or foundlings) between 1850 and 1930.


    Photo above - Wickham Skeith School - 1913 - England

    This place was a school alleged to be for orphans. It was organised by Dr Barnardo.


    Dr Barnardo was charged over 80 times for the kidnapping of children

    Kidnapping children?

    Researchers found this very strange. According to historians there were millions of orphans worldwide at the time, something that we do not see in the western world today. Millions of orphans, not a few thousand

    Many of these children were given false family names such as Smith and Jones. In other languages, they were given random names also


    Evidence clearly shows that there were too many orphans or children who were abandoned

    If there were so many orphans, why would there be claims of kidnapping? If there were millions of orphans, then there would be no need for kidnapping

    The history did not seem to make sense. Researchers began an investigation to see what was going on during those times. Researchers soon discovered that kidnapping children on a large global scale was going on at the time. Evidence showed that it was deliberately planned and organised by the ruling powers of the time

    Many children were sent from Europe to America and Canada and Australia and Scandinavia and Latin America and other places. Who was paying for all the transportation? The shipping costs were not cheap. Who paid for the shipping costs and the costs to maintain and look after all the children?


    Historians say that many of the orphans came from the city areas. Historians say that many of them ran away or had been abused or abandoned. Many of these orphans worldwide were not sent in trains, but were taken by other means of transportation and also to places nearby

    Did these things happen naturally or accidentally?

    The number of orphans seen in Europe and America during that time period was very high. What made so many children run away? Why and how were the children abused? Why were the children abandoned?


    Why were so many children in city areas running away or being abandoned? Did war have anything to do with this?

    In Europe and America, we do not see such things today in big numbers. Something seemed to be wrong. It is not normal for people to abandon their own children, - and it is not normal for children aged: - 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, to run away in large numbers.

    Who was feeding the children before they were 5 years old? Did the children have mothers and families? Many of the children were alive and were looked after for the first few years and then mysteriously they became orphans. Other children were abandoned when they were babies. Why did such things happen?


    In 1800, more than 90 percent of the people of the world lived in the countryside. The result of so many wars and conflicts, most of which involved the great ruling powers, was the great destruction of the countryside and lifestyle of the people of the world

    Evidence also shows that the people in the European countryside and in Asia and America were not controlled by nation states in 1700 and borders did not exist the way they do today. The people were free from the laws in city areas, which were made by leaders, who claimed to be the master in those areas. These masters in the city areas - united and formed nation states. The cities that resisted were attacked and destroyed and taken over. This process took

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