Indian National Math Olympiad 1988: B B A A
Indian National Math Olympiad 1988: B B A A
Indian National Math Olympiad 1988: B B A A
1 #et m1$ m%$ m3 &&!$m 'e a rearra (eme t o) the um'ers 1$% &&!$ ! *uppose that is o++! ,ro-e that the pro+u.t (m 1/ 1) (m% / %) && (m 0 ) is a e-e i te(er! "! % ,ro-e that the pro+u.t o) 1 .o se.uti-e atural um'ers .a per)e.t .u'e! "! 3 2i-e me $ A$ B$ 3$ D$ D$ E are 4eari ( .aps o) 'lo.k or 4hite .olour 4ithout ea.h k o4i ( the .olour o) his .ap! 5t is k o4 that a ma 4eari ( 'la.k .ap al4a6s speaks the truth 4hile the o es 4eari ( 4hite al4a6s tell lies! 5) the6 make the )ollo4i ( stateme ts$ )i + the .olour 4or '6 ea.h o) them7 A 7 5 see three 'la.k .aps a + o e 4hite .ap! B 7 5 see )our 4hite .aps 3 7 5 see o e 'la.k .ap a + three 4hite .aps D 7 5 see 6our )our 'la.k .aps! "! 1 5) a a + ' are positi-e a + a 8 ' 9 1$ pro-e that
1 1 1 a + + b + 1% a b %
% %
ot 'e a
*ho4 that there +o ot exist a 6 +isti .t atural um'ers a$ '$ .$ + su.h that
a +
"! ; 5) a0$ a1$ &&&&! a:0 are .o )i+e ts o) the pol6 omial (18x8 x%)%: sho4 that a08a%8a18&&8 a:0 is e-e ! "! < =i-e a a (le " B , a + a poi t # outsi+e the a (le >B,! Dra4 a strai(ht li e throu(h # meeti ( B" i A a + B, i 3 su.h that the tria (le AB3 has a (i-e perimeter! "!? A ri-er )lo4s 'et4ee t4o houses A a + B$ the houses sta +i ( some +ista .es a4a6 )rom the 'a ks! @here shoul+ a 'ri+(e 'e 'uilt o the ri-er so that a perso (oi ( )rom A to B$ usi ( the 'ri+(e to .ross the ri-er ma6 +o so '6 the shortest pathA Assume that the 'a ks o) the ri-er are strai(ht a + parallel$ a + the 'ri+(e must 'e perpe +i.ular to the 'a ks! "! B *ho4 that )or a tria (le 4ith ra+ii o) a + i /.ir.le equal to C$ r respe.ti-el6$ the i equalit6 C > %r hol+s