Fredrick and Ophelia Tate Ogier Gardens 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, Fla. 32224 Contact: Brittney Darner (904) 303-2348 B.darner@unf - Edu
Fredrick and Ophelia Tate Ogier Gardens 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, Fla. 32224 Contact: Brittney Darner (904) 303-2348 B.darner@unf - Edu
Fredrick and Ophelia Tate Ogier Gardens 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, Fla. 32224 Contact: Brittney Darner (904) 303-2348 B.darner@unf - Edu
Organic Garden Club President Ross Keen plays ukulele and sings for students on the University of North Florida campus in Jacksonville on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. Keen sits alongside his fellow Ogier Gardens staff while students carve pumpkins for the Halloween festivities. Keen, a college junior, has been working in the gardens since his freshman year.
Student and Department of Health Promotion employee, Alee Heaston, plays guitar with fellow student gardeners and organic living activists on the University of North Florida campus on Wednesday Oct. 30 in Jacksonville. Heaston promotes the Ogier Gardens while students partake in Halloween festivities such as pumpkin carving. Heaston, 21, promotes the gardens weekly during campus market days.
Rows of organic corn dry out in the late autumn sun on Friday, Oct. 9, 2013 in Jacksonville, Fla. University of North Florida students working in the gardens use the corn for harvest decorations. The student-run Ogier Gardens, located on the college campus, comprises of a half-acre of land and 15 raised beds.
Bright yellow and orange marigolds grow wild at the Ogier Gardens on Friday, Oct. 9, 2013, in Jacksonville. University of North Florida student gardeners prepare for the fall harvest while the flowers bloom in the warm sun.
Ross Keen, Organic Garden Club President, relaxes in a hammock on a perfect sunny morning at the University of North Floridas Ogier Gardens on Friday, Oct. 9, 2013 in Jacksonville. The student gardeners host Farm Fridays every week with morning yoga sessions, compost lessons, harvesting, cooking, and other fun activities. The gardens are student-run and home to 15 raised beds.
Basil and Thyme are just a few of the herbs growing in the seedling pots at the University of North Floridas Ogier Gardens located in Jacksonville on Oct. 9, 2013. The organic gardens produce a variety of 50 different types of crops such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots, apples, and pears. The crops are then used in the cafeteria facilities on campus and served to students.