Redwood Viscometer - Viscosity Estimation
Redwood Viscometer - Viscosity Estimation
Redwood Viscometer - Viscosity Estimation
corresponding variation with respect to temperature. APPARATUS REQUIRED Red wood viscometer with accessories Measuring flask Thermometer Stop watch THEORY Red wood viscometer is based on the principle of laminar flow through the capillary tube of standard dimension under falling head. The viscometer consists of vertical cylinder with an orifice at the center of the base of inner cylinder. The cylinder is surrounded by a water bath, which can maintain temperature of the liquid to be tested at required temperature. The water bath is heated by electric heater. Cylinder which is filled up to a fixed height with liquid whose viscosity is to be determined is heated by water bath to the desired temperature. Then orifice is opened and the time required to pass the 50cc of oil is noted. With this arrangement variation of viscosity with temperature can be studied. FORMULA In this case of red wood viscometer, the kinematic viscosity (v) of liquid and the time (t) required to pass 50cc of liquid are correlated by expression. =0.0026 1.175/t Where, = Kinematic viscosity t =time in seconds to collect 50cc of oil. OBSERVATION Sl.No. Temperature (0C) Time taken to collect 50cc of oil (sec) Kinematic viscosity (centistokes) SIGNIFICANCE Pump design can be done with the help of viscosity.
Pump operation of the engine depends on the proper viscosity of the liquid fuel. Its very important to know about the fluid flow through various objects. Conveying of fluid can be done effect by means of viscosity data. PROCEDURE The instrument was leveled with the help of the circular bubble and by leveling foot screws. The water bath was filled with water. The orifice is closed with the ball valve and the cylinder is filled up to index mark with oil. The steady state temperature of oil was recorded. The procedure is repeated for different by heating oil with water bath. RESULT The kinematic viscosity for the given sample was determined and the graph is plotted and it was observed that the kinematic viscosity of the given sample decreases with increases in temperature.