Matrix Filled Out
Matrix Filled Out
Matrix Filled Out
Main goal for this week: introduced to canonical views of love Monday Introduce topic of love Write what !ove "eans #tart watching Pride and Prejudice Tuesday Watch Pride and Prejudice Wednesday Finish "ovie and discuss as a class Write a $log post Thursday %ead and discuss "ulticultural poe"s a$out love and #hakespeare $lack lady sonnets Friday %ead and discuss #hakespeare&s sonnets that can $e seen as a$out a "ale 'o"parative analysis of #hakespeare and "ulticultural poe"s %eading)discussing Thinking critically and writing a$out the two different kinds of poe"s
Write a short response a$out what love "eans to the" $efore starting the unit Watching a "ovie
(articipating in class discussion a$out the way love was portrayed in the "ovie Write a $log post a$out what they think a$out the relationship $etween the "ain characters Facilitate class discussion +ssign $log post
Facilitate a short discussion* and lay out the plan of the upco"ing unit
E,plain what is $eing talked a$out in the poe"s Try to connect to students life
E,plain what is $eing talked a$out in the poe"s -elp students $rainstor" for co"parative analysis -ow ho"ose,uality can $e seen in early works
3nowledge of how other cultures view love 3nowledge on canonical views of love in a different era
Week two videos Description of activities Monday %ead part one of Boy Meets Boy Watch video one 4There #he is5
Main goal for this week: %ead Boy Meets Boy $y David !evithan and watch 4There #he5 Is Tuesday %ead part two of Boy Meets Boy Watch video two 4There #he is5 Wednesday %ead part three of Boy Meets Boy Watch video three 4There #he is5 Thursday %ead part four of Boy Meets Boy Watch video four 4There #he is5 Friday %ead part five of Boy Meets Boy Watch video five 4There #he is5
%eading* "aking predictions* participating in discussion Writing a $log post every night responding to video and "aking prediction and co""enting on another students post #hared reading
%eading* "aking predictions* participating in discussion Writing a $log post every night responding to video and "aking prediction and co""enting on another students post #hared reading
%eading* "aking predictions* participating in discussion Writing a $log post every night responding to video and "aking prediction and co""enting on another students post #hared reading
%eading* "aking predictions* participating in discussion Writing a $log post every night responding to video and "aking prediction and co""enting on another students post #hared reading
%eading* "aking predictions* participating in discussion Writing a $log post every night responding to video and "aking prediction and co""enting on another students post #hared reading Facilitate discussion a$out end of $ook
Main goal for this week: Finish ro"antic love and $egin fa"ilial love Tuesday Introduction to final pro6ect Introduction to youtu$e day Wednesday Watch Beauty and the Beast .the Disney version0 Thursday Finish Beauty and the Beast Make chart co"paring ro"antic love to fa"ilial love Write $log post Friday %ead a story fro" First Crossing: Stories About Teen Immigrants edited $y Donald % 7allof a$out an adopted girl searching for her $irth parents Discussing the content and how if represents or doesn&t represent fa"ilial love
8rainstor"ing ideas for final pro6ect #tart finding youtu$e videos to share at end of unit
Watching for connections to what they have learned a$out ro"antic love and the ways fa"ilial love shows itself
Watching "ovie (articipating in "aking the chart Write $log post a$out how realistic love has $een portrayed in the "ovie
E,plain what the final pro6ect is 7ive e,a"ples fro" previous classes -elp students think of ideas for their pro6ect 7ive e,a"ples of videos for youtu$e day
(ause the "ovie to point out ti"es when nota$le things happen* either with ro"antic or fa"ilial love
Further e,plain the idea of fa"ilial love through the "ovie content !ead discussion on co"paring the two kinds of love and help students if they get confused
#hared reading* point out any connections to the way 8elle acted in the "ovie
3nowledge a$out love in another culture* and involved people with disa$ilities
Infor"ation a$out how the unit will end and what they need to do $etween now and then
-ow ro"antic love and fa"ilial love e,ist at the sa"e ti"e and can cause conflict $etween each other
#i"ilarities and differenced $etween ro"antic and fa"ilial love 3nowledge a$out how realistically love tends to $e portrayed
-ow people who are adopted can still have fa"ilial love The pro$le"s that arise when children are adopted with regards to fa"ilial love
Week four Description of activities Monday %ead 4Mother and Daughter5 fro" Baseball in April (and ther Short Stories0 $y 7ary #oto
Main goal for this week: Finish fa"ilial love and go over friend love Tuesday 47uy !ove5 fro" Scrubs $ro"ance article $ro"ance poe"s Wednesday Watch (ersona 9* episode 9 4We +re Friends* +ren&t We/5 %esponse paper Thursday %ead 48iology: :our 8rain in !ove5 fro" Time Maga!ine Friday Work on final pro6ect
%eading along and discussing Trying to "ake personal connections to the content
Watching and discussing the fe"ale friendship dyna"ic and co"paring it to $ro"ance Write short response on paper e,plaining the diffrenced !ead discussion a$out the content in the video 8ring up the idea of gender differences and how that is apparent in the two types of friendship
Working on final pro6ect in the co"puter la$ (reparing for pro6ect proposal and workshop on Monday
#hared reading 7iving ver$al pro"pts to have students think a$out their own e,periences with parents
#hared reading #howing "ultiple kinds of sources to show how this concept has developed in our culture
#hared reading E,plaining how love is "ore than what is shown in all of the works we have gone over
-elping students with their final pro6ects 7iving ideas to "ake pro6ects $etter or the $est way to co"plete an idea
3nowledge a$out love in fe"ale friendships The differences $etween genders in ter"s of friend love
The science $ehind all love -ow love is "isrepresented in literature $ased on the $iological pheno"enon
+ deeper understanding a$out all of the concepts of love that have $een covered in class
Main goal for this week: Finish pro6ect and wrap up the unit Tuesday Work on final pro6ect in co"puter la$ Wednesday Work on)finish final pro6ect in co"puter la$ Thursday (resentations of $asic outline of pro6ect Friday Turn in final pro6ects Watching you2tu$e videos a$out the love that has $een covered in the unit
#howing what they have done for their pro6ect so far)their ideas -elping other students develop their ideas "ore fully
(ulling up the videos of love that they found Discussing)e,plainin g why they picked that video to the class
-elp students who are clearly struggling to co"e up with ideas (rovide ver$al feed$ack after student share their proposals
8e checking in on students to "ake sure they are on track and on task -elp students who are having pro$le"s with aspects of the pro6ect
8e checking in on students to "ake sure they are on track and on task -elp students who are having pro$le"s with aspects of the pro6ect
#how a few of your own videos 'o""ent on the videos students $ring in and how well they illustrate concepts covered
What all the class"ates are doing for their pro6ects -ow to i"prove their own pro6ects
+ deeper understanding a$out all of the concepts of love that have $een covered in class
+ deeper understanding a$out all of the concepts of love that have $een covered in class
+ deeper understanding a$out all of the concepts of love that have $een covered in class
The ways love is displayed through se"i2per"anent "ediu"s like you2 tu$e