Muh Fadrulrohman Al Ihsani

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(A Classroom Action Research of the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Muhammadiyah 2
Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2016/2017)

Submitted as A Partial Requirements for degree of Sarjana in
State Islamic Institute of Surakarta

Muh Fadrulrohman Al Ihsani





Subject: Thesis of : Muhammad Fadrulrohman A

SRN : 123221190
To :
The Dean of Islamic Education
and Teacher Training Faculty
IAIN Surakarta
In Surakarta

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, herewith, as the advisor, we state
that the thesis of
Name : Muhammad Fadrulrohman A
SRN : 123221190
Title : Improving Student Vocabulary Mastery Using Song Lyric of the seventh grade
of MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar in the academic year 2016/2017
has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before The Board of Examiners
Comprehensif to gain Bachelor Degree in English Education.
Thank you for the attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Surakarta, 12, Januari 2017 Advisor

Zainal Arifin, S.Pd, M.Pd.

NIP. 19730820 200312 1 003


This is to certify the undergraduate thesis entitled “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY

MASTERY USING SONG LYRIC (A Classroom Action Research of the Seventh Grade Students of
MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2016/2017” By Muh Fadrulrohman
Al Ihsani has been approved by the Board of Thesis Examiners as the requirements for
undergraduate degree in English Education Department.

Chairman I : Rochmat Budi Santoso S.Pd, M.Pd (………………….)

NIP. 19691111 200212 1 001

Chairman II : Zainal Arifin M.Pd. S.Pd, M.Pd (………………….)

NIP. 19730820 200312 1 003

Main Examiner : Noviani Anggraini, S.Pd, M.Pd (………………….)

NIP. 19830130 201101 2 008

Surakarta, 12th February 2017

Approved by

The Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty

Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum

NIP. 196702242000031001


This thesis is dedicated for:


1. My beloved Father and Mother (Suparman and Sarmini). In the heaven

2. My beloved granny (wongso Jeweh and Satiyem) Who always pray for me and gives all of

their life

3. My beloved brothers and Sister (Zain mutawakil and syahidatul marfu’ah)

4. My beloved Big Family especially for my uncle dwi basuki and sri lestari.

5. My beloved Fantastic Class.

6. My beloved person that give me inspiration and spirit.



You never know tomorrow, because tomorrow is still a mystery

~Uzumaki Naruto~

Nuun, Wal Qolami Wama Yasturun

(Nuun, dan demi pena yang telah dituliskan)

Hope is a Waking Dream



Name : Muh Fadrulrohaman Al Ihsani


Study Program : English Education Department

Faculty : Islamic Education and Teacher Training

I hereby sincerely state that the thesis titled “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY

MASTERY USING SONG LYRIC (A Classroom Action Research of the Seventh Grade Students of

MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2016/2017” is my real masterpiece.

The things out of my masterpiece in this are signed by citation and referred in the bibliography.

If later proven that my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic sanctions in the

form of repealing my thesis and academic degree.

Surakarta, 12th February 2017

Stated by,

Muh Fadrulrohman Al Ihsani



Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the universe, master

of the Day of Judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and mercies so the researcher was able


LYRIC (A Classroom Action Research of the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Muhammadiyah 2

Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2016/2017”. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the

great leader and good inspiration of world revolution. The researcher is sure that this thesis would

not be completed without the helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus the

researcher would like to express his deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and

suggested his during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Mudofir, S.Ag. M.Pd as the Head of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty.

3. Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Study Program

4. Zainal Arifin, S.Pd, M.Pd the advisor. Thanks for guidance, precious advices and correction for

the researcher.

5. Drs. Budi Santoso, S.Pd as the headmaster of. Thanks for giving permission to do this research.

6. Tetra S.Pd as the English teacher of MTs Muh 2 Karanganyar. Thanks for helping the researcher

to do this research

7. Wachid anang Mustofa S.S as the boarding teacher of. Thanks for helping the researcher to do

this research

8. All of the students of VII B MTs Muh 2 Karanganyar as the subject of the research.

9. The researcher’s beloved mother, father, and family who always pray for the best support and

give motivation.

10. The researcher’s brothers, sister and big family who always support.

11. Fantastic Class of English Education Study Program 2012, for the togetherness and


12. The person that always support and give me spirit Latifah Fatmawati, S.Pd.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. She hopes that this thesis is

useful for the researcher in particular and readers in general.

Surakarta, 12th February 2017

The researcher,

Muh Fadrulrohman Al Ihsani

NIM. 123221190


TITLE ........................................................................................................... i

PACE OF APPROVAL ............................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION.......................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION.............................................................................................. iv

MOTTO ........................................................................................................ v

PRONOUNCMENT .................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. xii


A. Background of Study................................................................................. 1

B. Limitation of The Problem ........................................................................ 5

C. Problem Statement .................................................................................... 6

D. Objective of the Study ............................................................................... 6

E. The Benefit of the Study ........................................................................... 6

F. Definition of Key Terms ........................................................................... 7


A. The Definition of Vocabulary ................................................................... 9

B. Vocabulary Mastery .................................................................................. 10

C. The Importance of Vocabulary.................................................................. 11

D. Types of vocabulary .................................................................................. 12

E. Teaching and Learning Strategies ............................................................. 14


F. Problems in teaching and learning vocabulary.......................................... 15

G. The Roles of Language Learners ............................................................. 16

H. Teaching Vocabulary of Song ................................................................. 17

I. The Structural Approach .......................................................................... 22

J. The advantages and disadvantages of song ............................................. 23

K. Previous study .......................................................................................... 25


A. Research Design ........................................................................................ 26

B. Setting of the Study ................................................................................... 27

C. The Subject of the Study ........................................................................... 28

D. Research of Collecting Data...................................................................... 29

E. The Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................................ 33

F. The Trustworthiness of Data ..................................................................... 35


A. Research Finding ....................................................................................... 37

B. Discussion ................................................................................................. 54

C. Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................... 57


A. Conclusions ............................................................................................... 58

B. Implication ................................................................................................ 59

C. Suggestions ............................................................................................... 60

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................ 62

APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 64



USING SONG LYRIC (A Classroom Action Research of the Seventh Grade Students of MTs
Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2016/2017” Thesis. English Education,
Islamic Education. State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

Advisor : M. Zainal Arifin, S.Pd, M. Pd

Key Word : Improving Students’ Vocabulary mastery, Song Lyric.

The Objectives of this research are (1) to improve student’s vocabulary mastery using song
lyric, (2) To identify the advantages and disadvantages using song lyric. Therefore the researcher
formulated the problem statement. Can Song lyric improve the student’s vocabulary mastery and
what are the advantages of implementation of lyric song in improving student’s vocabulary
This research was conducted in the Seventh Grade students’ of MTs Muh 2 Karangnayar.
It was Class Room Action Research of qualitative research. The subjects of this research were the
students in seventh grade B of Mts Muh 2 Karanganyar. The seventh Grade students in Mts Muh
2 Boyolali. VII B Class consisted 18 students. The data was collected from the Test (Pre-test and
Post-test), interview, and observation. The data were analyzed by reducing the data, presenting the
data, analyzing the data This research used methodological triangulation which compared from the
result of the test (Pre-Test and Post-test), interview, and observation in order to get the valid data.
The findings of the study showed that using song lyric can improve that, the score of post-
test is 49,88 only 4 person that passed the assignment. After the researcher did the action, the
average from the score is 73,05. From the first treatment, it shows the progress, only 4 students
that failed the test. Then, the researcher did the second cycle, from this cycle, the students showed
the good response and more enthusiast, and the score average from this research is 80.41. Based
on the test in each cycles, from the score in cycle 1 is 73,05 and score in cycle 2 is 80,41. Based
on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that there is improvement in student’s
achievement. The researcher concludes that the advantages of using song lyric can reach the
students’ attitude or behavior to the lesson, there were some positive progressions that supported
them in mastering the vocabulary. Based on those findings, the ability of the students in vocabulary
mastery was good.



In this chapter the researcher discusses Background of Study, Limitation of the

Problems, Problem Statement, Objective of the Study, Benefit of The Study, Definition of

Key Term.

A. Background of the Study

English has functions as a communication means in which people from different

nations interact. We all do communicate all the time, every days. Anyone can

communicate, but they can't always communicate well. Good communication is how

to get the message across without ambiguity. The fact when tourist visit this country,

the native people can’t communicate well because the people didn’t understanding the


Actually, English has been included and decided as the first foreign language

since 1945, further, since the issue of the degree of minister of education and culture

No. 096/1967, English has been incorporated into secondary-school curriculum as

compulsory subject. Prior to the launching of the 1999 curriculum, English was only

introduced at the secondary schools (Rachmajanti, 2008: 161).

Teaching English different between the other subjects, such as teaching

Indonesia Language or Javaness language. Teaching English must involve the four

skills mentioned above. There are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The

evidences can be encountered in daily English teaching, which gives much attention to

teaching grammar, and vocabulary to complete an english language skill.


Vocabulary refers to the collection of words a particular person, group of

people, socioeconomic group, profession, and soon, knows and uses the technical term

for vocabulary is lexis (Crystal : 2006) Vocabulary can make the student convey their

idea both in oral and written form effectively. Language teacher should possess

considerable knowledge on how to manage an interesting classroom activity so that the

learners can gain a great success in their vocabulary learning. Therefore, hopefully the

student can improve their interest in vocabulary learning. Usually teaching vocabulary

only write in the whiteboard, and then they asked the student to read it after them, the

teacher thought that the student memorized it, the students asked to copy it to their note


The teacher assumes that it was successful, but in fact most of the students

forgot it. It is the problems which the researcher found, that must have increasing

vocabulary mastery in English. Brown. (1995:2) stated that viewed under three

headings: the first is the lack of opportunity to use the language, the second is

misunderstanding the synonym or antonym, and the third is the lack of understanding

the topic.

Songs can be useful tools in the learning of vocabulary, sentence structure, and

sentence patterns, not to mention their reflectivity of mother tongue culture (Murphy,

1992). Song as a media is easy to remember the vocabulary because, it is familiar to

them. Media provides an enjoyable atmosphere for the student; hopefully the students

will master the vocabulary better. From kind of songs, the student can understand and

learn new vocabulary. There are the one of kind of songs that researcher used a song

lyric to increasing the vocabularies. Dale (1992:5) states that songs are good at

introducing vocabulary because song provides a meaningful context for the vocabulary.

Many people who learn English especially for the Junior high school levels are

often faced with the problem of vocabulary mastery. They cannot just comprehend and

master it well. It is proved from the research observation by the researcher in the

seventh grade students in MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar.

Based on observation the instructional process at the seventh grade students of

MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar in 3th November 2016, it can be identified that

several problems occurred during the teaching- learning activity. They are: (1) The

media applied by the teacher is not appropriate enough related to the topic or material,

situation and condition, (2) The teacher only focuses on the writing and speaking skill.

The students are asked to remember letter of words, write the words mentioned by the

teacher, and (3) the students have no chance to mastering the meaning or less challenge

in finding the meaning of words. The English teacher is teaching language as same as

with in teaching Indonesian language. The teacher thought that the students has known

the meaning. In other hand, students has difficulties to accept the material

From the pre-research did at that school, the researcher found many aspect

causing the students difficult in study English especially vocabulary mastery, the

indicators are: (1) they have limited number of vocabularies, (2) students has

difficulties in memorizing the meaning of words, and (3) their score of English test are

low. From the result of the students’ English scores, their average score is 6.43. It is

still lower than the minimum standard. The minimum standard of English is 7.0. There

were 18 students in seventh grade, the students who got score more than 7,0 only 6

students or 30,1% who reach the KKM score. It means that there were 12 students or

69,9% who got score under the minimum standard. It means that they could not fulfill

the passing grade of english material.

By considering the problems as mentioned above, the researcher conducted

more observation to the students in the class to get more information. By doing so, the

researcher found some factors causing those problems. They are: (1) the teacher’s way

of teaching the material is conventional. Students are just asked to read, repeat and

write all the times. It can also be said that teacher’s media is less varied, (2) the students

assume that English is a difficult subject. It makes their motivation be low, and (3) they

are bored with monotonous class’ atmosphere.

From all the explanation above, it can be concluded that the teacher applies a

less varied media in transferring materials. It effects on the students’ motivation in

learning English. As a result, they are bored with the monotonous class. Therefore, the

researcher proposes a media to solve the problems with a song. Using song lyric as

media has many advantages, such as: 1). song is easy to remember 2) song change the

class atmosphere to be enjoyable 3) song lyric can motivated and inspired the students.

The research used song lyric as to know how to teach vocabulary and the

technique used is ALM (Audio Lingual Method). Based on the background above, the

researcher intends to conduct an action research entitled Improving Students’

Vocabulary Mastery using song lyric (A Classroom Action Research on the seventh

Grade of MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2015/ 2016).

B. Limitation of the Problem


In the activities, there are many subject learned by the teacher. There are:

Popular song from www.// , taken only the lyric of that song, and teaching

about verb and kind of part of speech, and also students of seventh grade of MTs

Muhammadiyah 2 karanganyar. This research, the researcher limits the scope of the

research into, “Improving Students’ Vocabulary mastery Using Songs at MTs

Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar”.

C. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the problem as


1. Can Lyric Song improve the student’s vocabulary mastery?

2. What are the advantages of implementation of lyric song in improving student’s

vocabulary mastery?

D. Objectives of the study

This study attempts to solve the problems which need positive solutions, they are:

1. To know whether Song lyric can improve students vocabulary mastery in MTs

Muhammadiyah 2 Karangnayar

2. To identify the advantages of Song lyric in improving students vocabulary mastery

in MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar.

E. Benefits of the Study

The researcher is expected to give some benefits for the students, the teachers, and

other researchers.

1. For Students.

Through Song lyric, the students will get an enjoyable situation and get clear words

and meaning and their meanings, pronunciation, spelling and use of them. The

result of this study, hopeful, will improve their vocabulary mastery.

2. For the teachers.

For the teachers, by understanding the result of this study, they can be careful in

selecting teaching techniques and methods in their class. It is hoped that the result

of this study helps teachers to teach vocabulary properly by using Song lyric.

3. For other researchers.

For other researchers, the result of the study helps them in teaching vocabulary

mastery. In conducting researcher process, the data offer the literature for the

researchers. It is hoped that the data can open their mind in completing vocabulary

field research.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

Avoiding some incorrect interpretation of this research title, the researcher

wants to clarify and explain the term used.

a. Improving

To become or make something better, to increase the value or good qualities of


b. Students

Student is a person attending an educational department, for example high school,

one studying anything, one devoted to careful and systematic study (Grolier, 1974:


c. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is a total number of words which (with roles for combining them) make

up a language”. (S. Hornby: 959)

d. Lyric

Lyrics is a words that make up a song usually consisting of verses and choruses.

The words to an extended musical composition such as an opera are, however,

usually known as a "libretto" and their writer, as a "librettist". The meaning of

lyrics can either be explicit or implicit. Some lyrics are abstract, almost

unintelligible, and, in such cases, their explication

emphasizes form, articulation, meter, and symmetry of expression. Rappers can

also create lyrics with a variation of rhyming words or words that create and tell a

story or song.

e. Song

Song is a piece of music sung or composed for singing. (Michael Agnes,




In this chapter the researcher discusses the Definition of vocabulary, Kind of

Vocabulary, Vocabulary Mastery, Technique and Learning strategies, Problems in Teaching

Learning Vocabulary, The Role of Language Learner, Method, Teaching Vocabulary of song,

The Structural Approach, The Advantages and Disadvantages of Song, Previous Study

A. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a best important for human interaction activities. Students should

tech vocabulary mastery, because vocabulary is a basic of the language. Vocabulary is

central of language teaching and learning. It means that by mastering vocabulary, of course

with grammar, the learners will produce so many sentences easily either in spoken or

written also. They can also communicate with other people fluently and express their

opinion or ideas conveniently. The problem that usually students did is a lack of vocabulary

when they are using foreign language.

According to Kridalaksana (2008) vocabulary is a component of a language that

maintains all of information about meaning and using word in a language. Based on

definition above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a group of words which have been

mastered and used in communications by the people. So, teaching vocabulary is so

important to improve their language ability.

B. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary Mastery is a great knowledge about or understanding of a particular

thing. Sunarti (2010:9) she stated that

9 vocabulary means a group of words, which have

been mastered by the students after the process of teaching and learning. Mastering a large

number of vocabularies is very important for foreign language learners. Without mastering

it, of course, foreign language learners will get some difficulties in developing the four

language skills.

According to Hatch and Brown (1995: 1), the term vocabulary refers to a list or set

of words for particular language or a list of words that individual speakers of language use.

The choice in vocabulary selection and methods used in teaching vocabulary are important

factors. It needs the process of learning in context to get the meaning of words as stated by

Allen French (1983: 4). Vocabulary is a fundamental component of second language

proficiency; one of the primary goals of language learning is to know the meanings of the

words. It is needed to communicate successfully in the second language. The importance

of mastering vocabulary in learning is also stated by Nunan.

Nunan (1998: 118) says that, the development of a rich vocabulary is an important

element in the acquisition of a second language. From the definition above, it can be

concluded that vocabulary is the total numbers of words, a list or set of words in a particular

language that a person knows or uses. It is more than grammar for communication purpose,

particularly in the early stage when students are motivated to learn the basic words. Without

having proportional English vocabulary, students will get some difficulties in using

English. Vocabulary mastery can be measured by the requirements of generalization (being

able to define words) and application (selecting an appropriate use of it).

C. The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one element of the language that should be learnt and taught. It will

be hard to master the language without mastering or understanding a certain number of

vocabularies. Vocabulary is the first step to be taught before teaching other aspects of

language. Zimmerman in Coady and Huckin (1997: 5) states that vocabulary is central to

language and critical importance to the typical language learner. McCharty (1990: 8) states

that the importance of vocabulary in language learning is as follows: “no matter how

successfully sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wider range of

meanings, communication in an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way. According

to Burns and Broman (1975: 295) the position of an individual in society may be

determined by the extent of his knowledge of words and how to use them in manner

appropriate to a particular place, time, and situation.

Wilkins (1982: 111) says that without grammar very little can be conveyed; without

vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It has to be realized that the student’s ability to read,

to write, to listen, and to speak is conditioned by their vocabulary. In reading ability,

vocabulary helps learners in comprehending the text. In writing, it helps them to expand

their ideas based on the topic sentence that they want. In listening, they comprehend and

understand what other person speaks. In speaking ability, vocabulary facilitates the learners

to explain their ideas orally.

In addition, Coady and Huckin (1997: 5) argue that vocabulary is central and

critical importance to typical language learner. It makes vocabulary becomes the basic

element to master the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Without having adequate vocabulary, a language learner will not be able to master the

language skills. The meaning shows that vocabulary mastery has important roles in


D. Types of Vocabulary

Some experts have classified types of vocabulary. Shepherd (1980: 1) classifies

vocabulary into two kinds: a receptive vocabulary and expressive vocabulary (productive

vocabulary). Further, he defines the receptive vocabulary as the words known when the

learner listens and reads. The receptive vocabulary is also called a passive process because

the learner only receives thought from others. In language application, the receptive

vocabulary is considered as the basic vocabulary. Later, expressive vocabulary is defined

as the words used when the learner speaks and writes.

Harmer (1998: 159) adds that active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that students

have been tought or learnt and which the students will recognize when they meet then but

which they will probably not be able to produce. Haycraft quoted by Hatch & Brown (1995)

divides two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive and productive vocabulary

1. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is words that the learners recognize and understand when

they occur in context, but which cannot produce correctly. It is vocabulary that the

learners recognize when they see it in reading context but do not use it in speaking and

writing. The receptive vocabulary is also called a passive process because the learner

only receives thought form others. In language application, the receptive vocabulary is

considered the basic vocabulary. It is much larger than productive vocabulary because

there are many words recognized when the learner hears or reads but do not use when

he speaks or writes. In these respects, Richards and Rodgers (1987: 308) give a

profound explanation that the listening vocabulary is larger than speaking vocabulary

and similarly to the reading vocabulary that is relatively larger than writing vocabulary.

2. Productive Vocabulary

Productive Vocabulary is the words, which the learners understand, can pronounce

correctly, and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves what is needed

for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write the appropriate time.

Therefore, productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the

learners can produce the words to express their thought to others.

E. Teaching and Learning Strategies

1. Vocabulary Strategy

It is important to know about learner’s strategies. Brown and Payne (in Hatch &

Brown, 1995: 373) mention five essential steps in vocabulary learning that represent

what learners must do. The five steps are: “(1) having sources for encountering new

words, (2) getting a clear image, either visual or auditory or both, for the forms of the

new words, (3) learning the meaning of the words, (4) making a strong memory

connection between the forms and meanings of the words; and (5) using the words.

2. Discovery Strategies
In this stage, when learners do not know the words, they must discover their

meaning by guessing from structural knowledge of the language.

3. Social Strategies

A second way to discover new meaning employs the social strategy of asking

someone who knows. Teachers are often in this position. They can be asked to help in

a variety of ways. They can be asked to help in a variety of ways: giving the L1 or L2

translation, giving a synonym, definition, and paraphrase.

4. Memory Strategies

Most memory strategies involve relating the word to be retained with some

previously learners’ knowledge, using some from of imagery or grouping. The

strategies used in this stage are pictures/imagery, related words, unrelated words,

grouping, etc.

5. Cognitive Strategies

Language strategies in this taxonomy are similar to memory strategies, but are not

focused specially on manipulative mental processing; they include sorting, classifying,

comparing, predicating, repeating and using mechanical means to study vocabulary.

F. Problems in teaching and learning vocabulary

There are some problems in learning vocabulary faced by the students. Roger

(1995: 43) states that the ease or difficulty of vocabulary items depends on a number of

factors. They are:

1. Similarity to L1

The difficulty of vocabulary items often depends on how a similar item is in form and

meaning to the students’ first language. There are many examples of these: someone

described as sensible in English will be understood sensitive by many European and if

you say an embarrased to a Spanish speaker, they may will think that you are expecting

a baby. Similarity to English words already known once the students have some English

words that relate to an English word that they are already familiar which is easier than

one, which is not. For example, if students have already met the word friendly, they

should be able to guess the meaning of unfriendly.

2. Connotation

Connotation of the word is another difficult aspect that the learners have to get to grip.

For example, either skinny or slim could be used to describe someone who is thin. But

these two words have very different in their connotation and by choosing one of them

however; the speaker actually conveys a particular attitude. Skinny is negative

connotation, while slim is positive connotation.

3. Spelling and pronunciation

The spelling of English word can cause problems for students who speak languages

with very regular spelling systems. Particular spelling patterns can also cause confusion

where the pronunciation concerned. For example: through, though, tough.

4. Multi- word items

A lexical item may consist of more than one word, as in a compound like tennis shoes,

or rally car or a phrasal verb such as to put some one up.

5. Collocation

How a lexical item collocates can also cause difficulty. For example we say that people

injured or wounded but things are damaged.

G. The Roles of Language Learners

In term of oral communication, Johnson and Paulston (cited in Richards and

Rodgers, 2001:128) suggest five possible learner roles that can make language learners

more autonomous. Following are the roles of language learners, which are suggested by

advocates of different methods:


1. Learners plan their own learning program and thus ultimately assume responsibility for

what they do in classroom.

2. Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress.

3. Learners are members of a group and learn by interacting with others.

4. Learners tutor other learners.

5. Learners learn from the teacher, from other students and from other teaching sources.

To conclude, there are the roles of language learners. Teacher can choose the

method will be implemented for designing classroom through knowing this roles of

language learners.

H. Teaching Vocabulary of Song

In this study, the researcher uses one of teaching media to teach vocabulary to make

it pleasing and interesting to the students. The media is song lyrics. By using song lyrics,

students feel something new and different from what they usually got in their class.

(Thornbury, 2002:3-12). State that teaching vocabulary of song divided into four. They


1. Definition of song

Song is short of music with words that be sung. Song is a short musical work set a

poetic text with equal importance given to music and to the words. It may be written

for one or several voices and it is generally performed with instrument accompaniment.

The language song usually easy to be understood. It gives motivation and makes the

relation between the teacher and students closer. The relation will make the students

have bravery to ask the teacher about everything including new vocabularies in song

that they learn. Siti Tarwiyah states that song in foreign language classes maybe use to

motivate students and to create a more relaxing foreign language classes.

2. Definition of lyrics

Lyrics are set of words that make up a song. Lyric can be studied from an academic

perspective. Lyric can also be analyzed with respect to sense of unity it has with its

supporting music. Lyric is simple word of song. The lyric or song texts do not only as

a complement of the song, but also as an important part of the music elements which

determine the theme, character and mission of the song. It can also make sense be

stable. To know the sense of the song, we can feel the rhythm and melody, harmony

and voice of the singer by the singing of the song.

A music composition is not always a sequence of melody with a lyric. The

composition without a lyric on its melody called an instrumental music. On the

contrary, the one with lyric is called a song. The music composition performed by a

song contains an attractive aspect. The attractive aspect is language. The language

which consists of a sequence of words, give new dimension of the music, which cannot

be found in the other composition, instrumental music. The lyric in a song is actually

nonmusical aspect. However, besides giving new unique dimension, its presence in

music is not only as an embedded element but also as a part of the music. Many songs

are created from text or beautiful poem.

Basically a lyric of song is the same as lyric of a poem. The difference is that a lyric

of a song is written and combined with music. A song lyric describes and show felling,

experience, imagination and etc and a poem lyric does too. In this research, the

researcher used three songs, entitled days of the week, mouth of the days Researcher

chooses these songs because the songs are very easy listening, not too fast and slow. It

is hoped that students will enjoy with all songs.

3. Song lyrics as media to teach vocabulary

Teaching media is important in teaching learning process not only determined by

teacher and students’ competence but also with in appropriate media. Song is very

effective especially when one needs to memorize something. Often, when music is used

learning a certain concept or lesson is more easily to be understood by the students.

In Indonesia, most of English students have difficulties in learning English; they

are less motivation in studying English because they believe that English is hard

subject. In that case, an English teacher needs to be responsive to the students’

condition, the teacher should make students enthusiastic in learning English. Teacher

also should consider some factors in teaching and learning process, Brown states that

teaching is helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding

in study of something, providing with knowledge, and causing to know or understand.

So, teacher as facilitator in learning process should keep looking for way to make

learning vocabulary easier and more pleasant.

English is foreign language, so English learning for Indonesian students is not easy.

The teacher is asked to use suitable media to teach effectively because an affective

teaching is basic factor for the success learning process that is including in learning


There are many kinds of teaching media to teach English, one of them is song. Song

could be used to teach vocabulary because of its lyrics, teacher could choose song

which has appropriate vocabulary that would be taught. According to Asnawir and

Usman There are many teaching media can be divided into various forms, they can be

classified in three kinds, and they are:

1) Visual aids, it is media that can be seen such as picture, realia, Google earth,

flashcard, newspaper, etc.

2) Audio aids, it is teaching media that can be heard such as radio, music or song, tape,

MP3 player, etc.

3) Audio visual aid, it is teaching media that can be seen and can be heard such as video

clips, film, TV news etc.

From the explanation above, the researcher uses song lyrics. It can be classified as

audio visual aids because it can be seen and can be heard. In Arsyad’s Sudjana and

Rifai said that they have benefits in it, they are:

1) The teaching process will be more interesting so that the students are motivated to

learn the material given by the teacher. By using media, the teacher can attract the

students’ attention to the material given by him/ her. From explanations above, it is

expected that by using media in teaching learning process, students will be

motivated in the learning the material given by the teacher by heart. If they learn

by heart automatically they will get maximum result.

2) The material will be clear if the students can understand the material easily. Media

make students easy in catching the material given by the teacher. Here, media acts

as the means used by the teacher to make the teaching material easily. If the students

can catch the material easily so, automatically they can understand too.

3) The teaching and learning process will be variety. It makes students enjoying the

teaching learning process. Students will bored if the teacher only uses the

explanation when present the material during teaching and learning process.

Students will not feel bored if the teacher uses media in teaching learning process.

From references and definition above, the researcher concluded that teaching media

are needed in teaching learning process because students are motivated to study.

Students easily to catch the material from the material clearly. The teaching learning

process will be more varieties so that the students enjoy it. Students also will be more

active in giving responses to the material given by the teacher.

4. The application of song lyrics in teaching vocabulary

In this case the researcher will apply song lyrics in teaching vocabulary of verbs by

using procedures as follow: first, teacher explains about kind of vocabularies, and then

teacher gives paper of song lyric, and then he plays the song and he asks the students

to identify the vocabulary of song lyric and asks students to answer on their work sheet.

After submit their worksheet, the teacher gives correction and explain the correct


I. The Audio Lingual Method as the Technique

Audio Lingual Method was widely used in the 1950 and 1960s, and the emphasize

was not on the understanding of words, but rather on the acquisition of structures and

patterns in common everyday dialog. These patterns are elicited, repeated and tasted until

the responses given by the students in the foreign language are automatic. Some

characteristic of this method are:

1. Drills are used to teach structural patterns.

2. Set phrases are memorized with a focus on intonation

3. Grammatical explanations are keep to a minimum.


4. Vocabulary is taught in contact

5. Audio-visual aids are used

6. Focus is on pronunciation.

7. Correct responses are positively reinforced immediately.

J. The advantages and disadvantages of song

Dale (1992:5) As a teaching media, song prevents students’ boredom in language

classroom. The use of song in teaching learning process has good implication, those are:

1. Create a welcoming atmosphere. It is the function of song as a warmer, students are

expected to be enthusiastic in the learning process.

2. Facilitate a positive learning mood and motivate students to learning. Music helps

students to focus on the material discussed and raise their concentration in the learning


3. Connect students to content topics. Students are expected to understand the topic that

they studied through song lyrics.

4. Reduce learning stress levels. As a filler, when students are boring teacher can stimulate

them by playing music to make they active again.

5. Deepen understanding and reinforce memory through emotional association because

songs are familiar with students live. So, students are easy to understand the material.

6. Stimulate imagination and creativity. Music is good stimulus to imagine and it can

explore students’ creativity.


7. Reinforce grammatical structures. Students are easy to understand the grammatical

structure of a song by analyze the tenses from the lyrics of a song. Embed new

vocabulary. Students can enrich their vocabulary after listen to a song.

8. Teach pronunciation efficiently. It is possible to us to imitate the native speaker

pronunciation by listening English song.

9. Make learning English fun for learners. They create a relaxed atmosphere and get

learners motivated with enthusiasm for learning.

In other hand, the use of song in teaching learning process has disadvantages. Those


1. Music disturbs concentrations when applying to people who hate a genre of music.

2. Music can hurt eardrums if it is set up so loud. According the advantages and the

disadvantages above, the researcher concluded that the use of song in teaching learning

process has good effect than bad effect. It gives good effects to activate understanding

and make students easy to memorize the material.

K. Previous study

The previous reseaches that used by the reseacher are:

1. A thesis by Kustiana Dewi, student’s number 05420142, English Education of IKIP

PGRI Semarang 2009. The title is Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through

Listening English Song of the Eighth Year Students of SMPN 25 Semarang 2009/ 2010.

She was using listening English song to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The

population of her study was the eighth year students of SMPN 25 Semarang 2009/

2010. She chooses two classes to be result. One class as a control class and one class

as experimental class. For the experimental class, she used listening English song for

students and other class she did not use game. And the result was significant. There is

significance difference in score of Vocabulary test achieved by the students after they

have been taught using Listening English Song. Song could give contribution in

teaching vocabulary. Song that used in this study can motivate the students to learn

more about vocabulary. The differences between this research and my research will be

in specification of the vocabulary, she did the research to know the vocabulary mastery

of students and to find out whether listening to English song can improve their

vocabulary mastery where as the researcher will do the research to know whether or

not scouting song is effective to improve students’ Vocabulary mastery. Besides that,

this research was conducted with eighth grade of SMPN 25 Semarang 2009/ 2010 and

the researcher will do the research with seventh grade of MTs. Muhammadiyah 02

karanganyar in the academic year of 2015/2016.

2. International Journal of English Language Teaching by Mohammad Javad Rezai at the



Assistant Professor, TEF\L Department of English, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran Vol.2,

No.4, pp. 16-32, December 2014

Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK


The acquisition of vocabulary items constitutes a major bulk of second language

learning. The studies investigating the most appropriate method of presenting and

teaching vocabulary have proliferated in recent years. However, the effect of proverbs

on the acquisition of lexical items has not been explored yet. This investigation

attempted to explore the influence of learning vocabulary through proverbs and to find

out whether proverbs can be used to improve vocabulary learning through time. In

addition, the study explored to what extent the visual organizers and picture cues can

facilitate the learning of lexical items and their retention. To this end, 90 pre-

intermediate EFL learners were assigned to two experimental and one control groups.

The first experimental group was instructed through proverb whereas the second

experimental group was instructed via proverbs accompanied by pictures in five

different sessions. Results indicated that the proverb plus picture and the proverb group

outperformed the control group in the immediate perception and production tasks.

Additionally, the proverb plus picture had the highest gain of word and retention in the

delayed tasks. The study reveals the effectiveness and higher rate of retention of

learning lexical items through proverbs especially via pictures compared to the

traditional method.



In this chapter the researcher discusses the research methodology covering research

design, setting of the research, subject of the research, technique of collecting data, data

analysis, and trustworthiness.

A. The Research Design

The writer chooses qualitative data research to conduct the final project of this

research. Although the writer chooses qualitative data research, the writer still uses the

action research to do this observation about this case. Besides to know the real output from

observation, the writer also wants to know the effect of the applying Song Lyric Methode

in the seventh grade of junior high school.

Qualitative research is aimed to get deep understanding about organization or

particular event rather than describing in surface of large sampling from population.

Furthermore, Qualitative research is aimed to reach the basic understanding through

researcher experience that is directly processed and integrated with the subject and location

that is in the form of real report with no additional or reduction, and factual field note.

This research includes qualitative research, because it is relying on the collection

of qualitative data. In contrast with quantitative data research, qualitative research tends to

emphasize meaning and context more than specific findings in the form of facts or

particular element of knowledge. The different between quantitative and qualitative

research is the interest of researcher in the context and completeness of the interpretation

and description rather than the relativity narrower focus on dependent and independent


variables and hypothesis testing under controlled condition that categorized much

qualitative research. (Basrowi, 2008:91)

In this research, the researcher used classroom action research design. Surachmad

(1991:199) gives statement that “a classroom action research is a method in which the

researcher collects, classifies and then analysis the data”. The researcher used classroom

action research research design to obtain the answer of researcher question. It means that

researcher want to give about the improving students vocabulary mastery using Song Lyric

method for students’ of the seventh years students of MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Karanganyar

by describing it in details. The main characteristic of this research is giving attentions to

the present time of an event or the actual problems that are investigate, accompanying, with

an adequate rational interpretation.

B. The Setting of the Study

The research will conduct at MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Karanganyar in the academic

year 2015/2016. This school is located at Jaten, Karanganyar. This school has three grades

of classes, which are first grade, second grade and third grade. This study is carried out

from September - January 2017, second semester in the academic year of 2015/2016.

Activities September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016 January 2016
1 Observation
2 Interview
3 Pre-test
4 Cycle 1
(treatment )

5 Cycle 1
(posttest 1)
6 Cycle 2
(treatment and
post test 2)
8 Analizing the
9 Final report


C. The Subject of the Study

This research is about improving students vocabulary mastery by using Song Lyric

method. It is conduct in MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Karanganyar. There are many junior high

schools in Jaten, Karanganyar, the researcher chooses to did research in MTs

Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar Junior High School, because the student difficult to

memorize vocabulary. This study will carry out at the seventh B students of MTs

Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar. It consist of 18 students, they are 8 females and 10 males.

This research is conducted from Septermber - January 2017, at the second semester of

academic year 2016/2017.

D. Research of Collecting Data

In developing the data base from which to make a representation the researcher

would be involved primarily in:

1. Interview

In this research, the researcher interview the students to identify the problem of

vocabulary ability after method was implemented and the source of the problem faced

by the students in learning english so that he can decide the most appropriate ways in

solving it.

2. Test

The test consist of pre test and post test. Pre test is done before Teaching Learning

Process. This pre test is a test on students understanding the meaning from vocabulary

mastery. its is used to know the students vocabulary ability before the method is done.

Post test is done after method implied in the Teaching Learning Process.

The wholeness of the research process would be drawn in the Chart below:


Cycle 1 Reflecting Observing

Planning Acting

Chart by: The Kurt Lewins’s Design of CAR. (Suharismi Arikunto,

Prosedur Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010), p. 137.)

In General, there are many Classroom Action Research designed by some experts.

Otherwise, in this research used Kurt Lewin’s design for many Planning Acting Reflecting

Observing Planning Acting Reflecting. Teacher is possible to find a new problem or the

previous unfinished problems yet after applying first cycle. If it happens, it is necessary to

do same way to submit the second cycle. Here some explanations about each phase and

how it works.

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning

In this season, the researcher was conducted as a real action. Its aim was to

know what problems of the students in learning English in terms of vocabulary

mastery. So, the researcher would know what I should do. Therefore, in this phase,

there are many things should prepared to start the action. Firstly, lesson plan to

make a scenario of the action. Then, choosing teaching materials, after that, making

time table, preparing all of media which needed, the researcher using 3 song that

will used, they are (Mouth of the days, days of the week, mouth of the year), this

song is was take from, and the researcher also preparing

evaluation sheet to measure the students’ achievement in the end of this cycle.

b. Acting

In this phase, everything which was determined on the lesson plan and was

create on the scenario. Firstly, the researcher asked the students about some kind of

meaning from vocabulary. Then, the researcher give students songs about

vocabulary that the researcher asked before. Then students should sing a song

together lead by the researcher include the meaning also.

c. Observing

In this phase, the teacher observed the process worked also the students’

response, participation, achievement and everything which was found during in

teaching and learning process. While the observing, the researcher should notice all

of activities in the classroom. Its can be in order to get accurate result in the end of

the research and to prepare for the next agenda.

d. Reflecting

In this last phase, the teacher reflected the whole action based on data that was

collected in the learning process, and then it necessary to give some evaluation

before continue to the next cycle. This phase to carry out collaboratively, then the

researcher discuss some further problems in the class with the students. Its aim, the

reflection was able to be determined after implementing the action and observation

outcomes. If there were still some problems, so it was needed to start the next cycle.

By continuing to the next cycle, it expected that the unfinished problems yet can be

overcome and the target can be achieved. The researcher try to find some more

interesting subject based on material of the research.

2. Cycle 2

a. Planning

Cycle 2 begin from making new lesson plan with some revised part. It aim to

get better of implementation the method. As the planning phase in Cycle1, Also the

teacher made preparation of teaching aids. Evaluation and posttest 2 was prepared

to know students' achievements in the end of this cycle. The teacher also re-selected

the topics and teaching aids to motivate students, so they would get a better collect

and understanding vocabulary mastery.

b. Acting

In this phase, the researcher apply the new lesson plan. The researcher also ask

the students to make a sentence using a new vocabulary that they get to make them

getting better understanding not only the meaning, but the functions also.

Generally, all the activities in cycle 1, to make sure the students understand well

about the concept and the functions.

c. Observing

The researcher observed students’ participation and achievement in this phase.

Here, the researcher try to make sure whether students improve their understanding

or not and differed their achievements between cycle 1 and cycle 2.

d. Reflecting

The teacher discusses about the implementation of the method also the result of

the implementation of the modified action and decides whether the action should

be continued or not.

E. Technique of Analyzing Data

Data analysis is a process of managing the sequenced of data, organized the data

into a pole, category, and unit of basic explanation (Patton, 1980:268). Further, Bog and

Taylor (1975:79) defines data analysis as a process which details and effort formally to

find the theme and to formulate the work hypotheses as suggested by the data and as an

effort to give a help to the theme and the work hypotheses. From the definition above, the

conclusion is that the data analysis is a process to organize and to arrange the data into a

structure, category, and unit of basic explanation so that it can be found the theme and can

be formulated by the data.

By principle data analysis of qualitative research is done together with the process

of data collecting. The technique of analysis which is used in the qualitative is by using

technique of data analysis that suggested by Miles and Huberman (1994:19-20).

1. Data Reduction

Reduction of data means a process of choosing, centering attention, abstracting and

transforming the hard data which is taken from field of research. This process runs

since the research happened, from the beginning of the research to the end of research.

In the process of data reduction researcher has to find the real valid data. When the

researcher knows the trustworthiness of data is still less, the data will be rechecked to

other informant as the source of data.


Reduction of data is done as a process of selecting, focusing, shortening and abstracting

the data collected from the research location. Making a note, summary and coding the

data source, and focusing collecting data are needed when we are doing research. It

means that, reduction process aims to reduce, to shorten, and to reject which one is

important and which one is not. Then researcher analyzes with detail to get conclusion

of data.

2. Data serving

Is the data that will be arrange. The data possible to give the possibility of taking the

conclusion and action. The data arrange as the description data in order to decribe the

improvement students.

3. Taking the conclusions

Based on the data serving, the reseracher takes the conclusion. Simply the process of

the data analysis can be describe as follow:

Data Collecting

Data Reduction

Data serving


F. The Trustworthiness of the Data

A qualitative research needs the validity of data. The validation of the data analysis

uses to design the quality of the research result. The data or information gathered from the

research were in the form of digital photos/ videos, some documents, and the data taken

from interview to see whether the research findings are credible or not, it should be

checked. In this research, the checking of the research findings is use triangulation

technique. According to Sugiyono (2006: 372), “Triangulation is qualitative cross-

validation. It assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the convergence of multiple

data sources or multiple data collection procedures”.

According to Paton (in Sutopo, 2002: 78) there are four kinds of triangulation. They

are (1) data triangulation, (2) investigator triangulation, (3) methodological triangulation,

and (4) theoretical triangulation. This research uses two kinds of triangulation. They are:

1. Data triangulation; it is a triangulation which uses many sources of data to validate it.

The data taken from informant was compared to the data from the other informant.

2. Methodological triangulation; it is a triangulation which uses many method to validate

data. For instance, the data taken from interview was compared to the data taken from

observation which has the same source.




This chapter covers research finding and discussion of the research. The finding is the

information found from the field, while the discussion is process of making a decision or a

conclusion about the topic of this research that is Vocabulary activities.


In this chapter, the researcher describes about the Improving students vocabularies

mastery using Song Lyric in teaching at 7/A class of MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar

and also describes about the improvement the action research, interview of the data, and

reflection of the object and data presentation.

1. Data Description

Based on the interview with the students at that school on Wednesday 30

November 2016, how the English teacher is teaching vocabulary at that school, the

students said that the teacher only used usual or less varied media such as translation.

He did the same way from one meeting to the next meeting covering: explaining in

Indonesian about some vocabulary in target language, translating them in English,

asking students to repeat the words after her, and doing the tasks from the book. It is

relevant with the teacher said. From the interviewed with the teacher on Wednesday 30

November 2016 the teacher said that when her teach the material only focusing in the

writing and speaking skill, the teacher explain in Indonesia language and translate at

that moment, and students should repeated after her and the teachers not used the media

in the teaching learning process. 39


Before both cycles, the researcher gave a post test. The test had 25 questions to

be answered. Each cycle consisted of one meeting for delivering the material. A

meeting took 90 minutes. In cycle 1, month of the days was used as teaching material.

Every cycle consisted of steps consisting of identifying the problem, planning the

action, the action research, observing or monitoring the action, reflecting and

evaluating the result of the observation and revising plan.

The result of the pre-test showed that the students’ vocabulary mastery was still

low. It was showed from the mean score of pre-test 49,88. It is still lower than the

minimum standard. The minimum standard of English is 7.0. There were 4 students

who got score more than 7,0. It meant that there were 13 students who got score under

the minimum standard. The highest score in pretest was 7.8, and the lowest score was

3,0. The more detail result of pre-test could be seen from the table below.

Table 1. The Student’s Pretest Score before treatment

Passing FAIL/
NO NAME Pre Test 1
Grade PASS
1 AY 75 70 Pass
2 AF 30 70 Fail
3 AMA 45 70 Fail
4 AFZ 30 70 Fail
5 CP 75 70 Pass
6 DWP 45 70 Fail
7 D I A. 78 70 Pass
8 DA 30 70 Fail
9 LI 45 70 Fail
10 MR 70 70 Pass

11 MI 65 70 Fail
12 MS 50 70 Fail
13 N A S. 45 70 Fail
14 RS 50 70 Fail
15 SW 30 70 Fail
16 T B M. 30 70 Fail
17 V I A N. 55 70 Fail
SUM 848
MEAN 49.88

Based on pre-test that the researcher was done in 30 November 2016. the score

average is 49,88 it can be concluded that 1) students got low vocabulary mastery, 2)

Students got difficulties in memorizing the meaning of words 3) Students difficult in

mastering synonym and antonym. The students’ problem as mentioned above, which

were got from several ways such as interview and pre-test, came from the rising

indicators and some factors causing those problems during the teaching-learning

process. The indicators were: (1) They have limitation number of vocabulary mastered,

(2) It was difficult for them to memorize the meaning of words, (3) Their scores of

English tests were low, It shown from the KKM, the score of KKM in that school is 70

and from 18 students only 9 students can reach that minimum and 9 students not reach

that minimum.

Those were mostly coming from the students’ point of view. While some factors

came from the teacher himself such as: (1) The technique applied by the teacher was

not appropriate related to the topic or material, situation and condition, (2) The teacher

only focused on the reading and listening skill. The students were only asked to read

and asked to remember words and wrote the vocabularies mentioned on the white


The research improvement of using Song lyric in improving students’

vocabulary was divided in two cycles. Every cycle was held in three meetings. Both

for the first and second cycle, the researcher took the same topic which was about part

of speech. The difference was on the material, for the first cycle, it discussed “Days of

the week while on the second cycle, it talked about month of the week. It was held in

November 3rd until 10th, 2016. Meanwhile, the second cycle was held in January 4th

until 15rd 2017.

a. Cycle 1

1) Planning The action

In this stage, the researcher made the plans for the cycle 1. This planning

was made based on interview, and identified on pre research. Indicators of the

problem experience by the students were low score and lack of vocabularies.

Therefore, the researcher believed that the used of song lyric could solve the

problem that occurred in teaching vocabularies to the seventh grade students of

MTs Muhammdiyah 2 Karangnayar.

Based on research, the researcher identified that the students’ vocabulary

mastery should be improved by implementing a teaching learning process that

could overcome the problems. Therefore, the researcher designed the teaching

learning process by using song lyric media.

Afterward, the researcher made lesson plan for the first cycle with the

material of part of speech for the first cycle, the researcher planned two

meetings, and the indicators showed that the students successfully achieved the

learning objectives. The students are able to use and remembered the name days

of the week.

Before improving the action, the researcher planned pre-test and post-test

to know the students vocabulary improvement before and after action. The post

test was given in the end of cycle, so that the researcher knew the differences

between the results of those tests. Relating to the topic discussed, the researcher

took one topic, namely “days of the week”. The form of test examined to the

students was eassy tests with 10 questions. The pre-test was conducted on 31

November 2016. From the pre-test result, the mean of the students’ score was

49,88. Then, the researcher made lesson plan for cycle 1. He planned two

meetings for cycle 1 based on the topic. The meetings were conducted twice a

week with a regular schedule “Wednesday and Sunday”. Meanwhile, the pre-

test and post-test were conducted in those days. The researcher made one lesson

plan for one meeting. As a result, there were two lesson plans in cycle 1. Each

meeting involved different activities which there were still relation and

continuation between one meetings to the others.

The second meeting was continuation of the first meeting was the

continuation of the second meeting. In the first meeting, the teacher gave

orientation and presentation to the students based on the topic. Here, the

researcher provided the objective of the lesson and the level of performance of

the students. He explained about what they were going to learn and what kind

of activities that they would done. The teacher also described the content of the

lesson and its relationship to the prior knowledge if there was any. Next, the

researcher discussed the procedures of the lesson that was; the different parts of

the lesson and students responsibilities during those activities. Soon after the

teacher finished giving the orientation, he continued the lesson by making the

presentation. The researcher explained the new concept or skill and provided

demonstration and example. He also made sure that students have understood

the information before they applied it in the practice phase by checking them.

In the second meeting, the teacher led students through practice examples.

The students practiced as a person, offering to oral answers. The researcher give

a song to listen by the students, then the researcher ask the students to listen


The song (Days of the week) demonstrated the actions based on the topic,

the researcher asked students to read the days of the week. The first song is a

song with full subtitle and the second song a blank subtitle, it is would increase

curious they remembered of the vocabularies of the song. Then the researcher

followed up the lesson by conducting a guide practice. It gave students

opportunity to practice on their own while the teacher was still around them to


2) Action

In implementing the action, the teacher and collaborator entered the class

stated the lesson plan. It means that the instructional process in the classroom

using song lyric.


a) The first meeting was conducted on Wednesday, 30 november 2016 (12.45-


The reseacher greeted the students, asked their condition and checking

their attendance. The teacher got into the lesson by asking the students about

the number of the year. There would be several vocabularies that they were

going to learn. When the teacher asked about the meaning of the number of

the year, almost all of the students confused. Then, the teacher told to the

students what number of the year were and continued with explaining the

instructional goal of the lesson. They were going to learn about some

number – number of each mouth. Next, the teacher asked the students to

read the mouth of a year and the number of the day in Indonesian first. Some

students stated the objects such as: januari, febuari, maret, ect. The teacher

asked the students to mention those name of mouth as stated previously in


The reseacher play a songs about number of day and name of the month,

and asked them to singing together. The lyric of song that on the song

repeated by the reseacher and ask the students to repeat after him. In the

end of the lesson, the teacher explained that in learning about number of the

days and name of the month.

b) The second meeting was conducted on sunday, 4 December 2016 (09.00 –


The researcher greeted and checked the students’ attendance. The

researcher reviewed the previous lesson by asking some questions. The


researcher asked the students to mention the days of the moth and number

of days. The researcher asked the students to open the book. The researcher

stated a days and asked the students to answer the days. The researcher gave

a song to play at the moment. The researcher asked students to sing together

and ask one by one to singing in front of the class or stand upon the chair.

The students who not sing in front of the class should continuing the song

that the first person sang.

3) Observation

Observing is an aspect which can help the researcher to understand her

research. Both the researcher and the collaborator discussed the teaching

learning process of the research in the first cycle. The results of the observation

in the first cycle, that it was still not optimal yet. The findings reveal that the

action research is still gone on with further cycle because from seventeen

students only 13 students were passed of the post test in first cycle. It means

that the students are not success in learning. It is proved by the data presented

in table below.

Table 2. The Comparison between the Pre Test’s Score before treatment and Post
Test’s Score in Cycle 1
1 AY 75 78 Pass
2 AF 30 76 Pass
3 AMA 45 64 Fail
4 AFZ 30 76 Pass
5 CP 75 77 Pass
6 DWP 45 76 Pass

7 D I A. 78 79 Pass
8 DA 30 66 Fail
9 LI 45 76 Pass
10 MR 70 70 Pass
11 MI 65 74 Pass
12 MS 50 65 Pass
13 N A S. 45 76 Pass
14 RS 50 76 Pass
15 SW 30 69 Fail
16 T B M. 30 65 Fail
17 V I A N. 55 79 Pass
SUM 848 1242
MEAN 49.88 73.05

Table 3. The improvement of students’ achievement in cycle 1

Score Explanation Pree Test Post Test-1

Sum of the score 848 1242

The number of the students 17 17

Students’ mean score 49,88 73,05

Mean score improvement 23,17

4) Reflection

After analyzing the observation result in cycle, the writer reflected several

positive results and some weaknesses in the first cycle. They were described as


a) Positive result

(1) Using song lyric in explaining the topic of “days of the week” attracted

students’ curiosity. They paid attention carefully to the teachers’

explanation in how to act and guess the action.

(2) They enjoyed the lesson. It could be seen from their happiness, smile

and press less when the class started. Their English score increased

significantly compared with the pretest. In the post-test, there was an

improvement. It means that there was an improvement of students’

vocabulary mastery as well. The mean score of pre-test was 49,88 and

the mean score of the posttest was 73,05 There was an improvement of

the students’ vocabulary mastery after cycle 1.

(3) There was a changing on students’ behavior to the lesson. They were so

active and enthusiastic to be involved in the lesson.

b) Weaknesses

(1) Some of the students were still busy with themselves. They did not listen

to teachers’ explanation. They preferred to look at their friends’ action

rather than try to practice.

(2) Some of the students were still shy, when the teacher asked to practice

the action both in group and individually. Some of them were afraid to

make a mistake as the teacher instructed to do the action. It made them

be passive one.

(3) In taking the object asked by the teacher or grasping the meaning of the

word, the students still made mistakes. They took the different object

from the instruction stated. Dealing with the pronunciation, they still

made error as well. Based on the fact, the writer thought that it was

necessary to conduct the second cycle.

b. Cycle II

1) Revised Plan

Considering the problems that appeared in cycle 1, the researcher revised

the plan in order to minimize or even complete the weaknesses so that it would

not come up again. The plan for the next cycle- would focus more on the way

to get students’ attention and concentration including classroom management

to reduce students’ noise, their comprehension with the instruction, improving

students’ participation on the lesson which was from passive to be active and

improving students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on those problems, the

researcher who was also as the teacher proposed to conduct the second cycle.

The implementation of the researcher in this cycle would be held in two

meetings. The topic discussed was the same with the first topic but the material

was different.

2) Implementation

The implementation of lyric song media was described in a whole of Two

meetings. The first and the next meeting still had relation and continuation from

one to another. The teacher and the collaborator entered the class

a) The first meeting was conducted on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 (12.45-


Soon after the bell rang, the students sat on their chair and looked very

excited to welcome me. To cheer up the situation, the teacher asked the

students to sing a song “days of the week” together. They sang the song

loudly and happily. After having finished, the teacher asked the students

about some activity of the week. The researcher said “what are doing at

Monday until Saturday?” The students answered “work or school”. The

researcher asked the students to mention about other activity of the week.

When the researcher asked the students about what were the “activity when

not school or work?”, they answered just the meaning of school and work.

Then, the teacher explained that they were going to learn about activity

when not work or school. The researcher stated that there would be an action

to practice the instruction. The researcher give the song and the students

were asked to follow the song. The researcher pointed certain student, gave

the question to fill the blank. In the end of the lesson, the researcher asked

the students to write down and read some activity when not work or school.

The researcher drilled the vocabularies and asked the students to repeat after


b) The second meeting was conducted on Sunday, 18 December 2016 (09.30-


In starting the lesson, The researcher asked the students about the topic

discussed previously. The researcher asked about the activity when not

work or school. Then, the teacher divided the students into several groups.

The members of the group were different from the previous one to have a

variation. The researcher stated to play the song and asked the students to

lift the right pictures as the instruction. Here, The researcher also combined

with game by taking each group to perform the action in front of the class.

One of the students played a role as the instructor who gave the command,

while other members tried to guess the answer. In the end of the lesson, the

teacher asked them about what they had learnt.

3) Observation

In the first meeting of the cycle 2 the students looked enthusiasts in

following the teaching learning process. The students paid more attention and

become more active. Moreover they looked happy and enjoy to the teaching

learning process.

Based on the result of the post test 2, there were improvements of student’s

mean score. The students ‘mean score increased from 6.94 in the post test 1 up to

7.72 in the post test 2. The increasing of the mean score is 0.78. It is proved by the

data presented in table below.

Table 4. The Comparison between the Post Test’s Score in Cycle 1 and Post
Test’s Score in Cycle 2
1 AY 78 88 Pass
2 AF 76 80 Pass
3 AMA 64 76 Pass
4 AFZ 76 75 Pass
5 CP 77 79 Pass
6 DWP 76 82 Pass
7 D I A. 79 82 Pass

8 DA 66 76 Pass
9 LI 76 80 Pass
10 MR 70 84 Pass
11 MI 74 84 Pass
12 MS 65 75 Pass
13 N A S. 76 86 Pass
14 RS 76 80 Pass
15 SW 69 82 Pass
16 T B M. 65 76 Pass
17 V I A N. 79 82 Pass
SUM 1242 1367
MEAN 73.05 80.41

Table 5. The improvement of students’ achievement in cycle 2

Score Explanation Post Test-1 Post Test-2

Sum of the score 1242 1367

The number of the students 17 17

Students’ mean score 73,05 80,41

Mean score improvement 7,36

4) Reflection

The researcher decided to stop the cycle since the result of the cycle 2

showed good improvement of student’s vocabulary and student’s behavior.

After analyzing the cycle, the writer found that the students still remembered

the vocabulary taught. They could give the correct response or answer every

time the teacher asked them to predict the action as well the pronunciation. It

meant that they could remember the meaning of vocabulary.

a) In cycle 2, the writer could have a better classroom management. He could

reduce students noisiness and be more manageable. The students were not

busy with themselves. They could put their concentration more on the

lesson. Although there was still a little bit noise from back, generally they

listened to the teachers’ explanation enthusiastically. Some of the students

who were previously shy showed up their action confidently and actively.

They said that it was fun.

b) Compared with the cycle 1, there were several progressions in cycle 2. The

students actively took a part on the lesson. It seemed that they did not feel

bored anymore with the teaching learning activity. They could express

freely in line with the topic in doing the action. The classroom atmosphere

was also much better. To support the data, in the end of cycle 2, the writer

conducted the post-test. The mean score of the post-test was 80.41. There

was an improvement of the student’s vocabulary mastery after cycle.

2. The Advantages using song lyric

Based on the interview with the students and the teacher also, Related to the

students’ attitude or behavior to the lesson, there were some positive progressions that

supported them in mastering the vocabulary taught. Using new media called lyric song

media could create more comfortable atmosphere inside the class. During the teaching-

learning process, the students were more active, enthusiastic and also interested to take

a part in the lesson. They were not shy anymore and they were highly motivated to join

the instructional process. It also increased their confidence. It can be seen from their

bravery in demonstrating some actions or giving some instructions as well in front of

the class to reflect certain vocabulary meaning. As the final result, they could remember

the meaning of words easily.


This section presents discussion of the research findings during the research. The

research findings were from the observation, test and interview.

1. Interview

The researcher conducted an interview to the seventh grade class teacher and

students. The teacher here also became the observer while he researcher improve the

song lyric media. The researcher said that in the first cycle some of the students were

still busy with themselves. He also stated that they were still shy when the teacher asked

them to do the instruction while doing the action.

In the second cycle, the researcher said that there were several significant

improvements. The students looked very active in the teaching learning process. There

was a change of behavior from passive to be active. They felt happy with the class


2. Test

The result of students’ vocabulary mastery achievement test showed that the

implementation of song lyric can improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. It can be

concluded by analyzing the student’s score before the research and students mean

score of each cycle. In the pre-test, the mean score was 49,88. In cycle 1, the mean

score of post-test was 73,05 while in cycle 2, the mean score of posttest was 80,41.

From the explanation above, it can be seen that the students’ mean score improved in

the second cycle. The researcher can conclude that the implementation of lyric song in

teaching vocabulary can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery on the seventh

grade of MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar. It is the improvement of the students

mean score after the students were given treatments by using Song lyric media.

Table 6. The improvement of Students ‘Score from Pre test to Post test 2
1 AY 75 78 88
2 AF 30 76 80
3 AMA 45 64 76
4 AFZ 30 76 75
5 CP 75 77 79
6 DWP 45 76 82
7 D I A. 78 79 82
8 DA 30 66 76
9 LI 45 76 80
10 MR 70 70 84
11 MI 65 74 84
12 MS 50 65 75
13 N A S. 45 76 86
14 RS 50 76 80
15 SW 30 69 82
16 T B M. 30 65 76
17 V I A N. 55 79 82
SUM 848 1242 1367
MEAN 49.88 73.05 80.41

Table 7. The Students, mean score in every cycle


Score explanation Pre test Post-test 1 Post test-2

Sum of the score 848 1242 1367
The number of the
17 17 17
Students’ mean score 49.88 73.05 80.41

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that there is improvement

in student’s achievement. The researcher concludes that the implementation of Song

lyric can improve the student’s vocabulary mastery of the MTs Muhammadiyah 2




This chapter covers research finding and discussion of the research. The finding is the

information found from the field, while the discussion is process of making a decision or a

conclusion about the topic of this research that is Vocabulary activities.


Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher draws some

conclusion of this research.

1. The Implementation of Lyric Song improve the student’s vocabulary mastery at

seventh class B of MTs Muh 2 Karanganyar.

Having conducted the research of teaching English vocabulary at the Junior High

school level, it can be shown that the implementation of song Lyric can improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery. There were several improvements reached by the

students, not only on their academic score, but also on their behavior to the lesson.

Dealing with the score that the students got, there was a significant improvement. The

use of lyric song improves the seventh grade of students’ achievement in learning

English especially in vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from the comparison between

the mean score of pre- test and post- test in cycle 1 and cycle 2. For pre- test, the mean

score of was 49,88. The mean score increased on post- test 1 and to become 73.o5. In

cycle 2, the mean score of post- test 2 was 80.41. It was higher than the mean score of

post- test 1.

2. The advantages using song Lyric to teaching learning Vocabulary mastery.


Related to the students’ attitude or behavior to the lesson, there were some positive

progressions that supported them in mastering the vocabulary taught. Using new media

called lyric song media could create more comfortable atmosphere inside the class.

During the teaching- learning process, the students were more active, enthusiastic and

also interested to take a part in the lesson. They were not shy anymore and they were

highly motivated to join the instructional process. It also increased their confidence. It

can be seen from their bravery in demonstrating some actions or giving some

instructions as well in front of the class to reflect certain vocabulary meaning. As the

final result, they could remember the meaning of words easily.


In the instructional process, it is necessary for the researcher to apply certain media

in order to obtain students’ successfulness in vocabulary mastery. By choosing a media

which can increase students’ activeness and involving it into the teaching learning process,

it can lead them in mastering vocabulary easily.

Based on the conclusion on the study, there is a significant improvement in the

students’ vocabulary mastery after they are taught using lyric song. It is one of the effective

media in teaching English in Junior high school since it can improve the students’

vocabulary mastery.


In the end of this chapter, the researcher would like to give suggestions related to

this research which will hopefully be useful for other English teachers in Junior high school

and other researchers. The suggestions are as follows:

1. To other English teachers in Junior school


The teachers in junior high school should be able to find the most suitable

technique or media to be applied in the teaching learning process. It becomes the

important point as the key of success for the students in learning. The teacher should

make a supporting classroom atmosphere as interesting as possible. It means that they

can enjoy and relax in learning English without feeling reluctant to be involved into the

lesson conducted. In applying lyric song media in English teaching, English teacher

should consider some aspects such as: the material, the clearness of the instructions,

students’ understanding with the commands, and the time allotment. The teacher should

also think about the lesson sequence consisting of orientation, presentation, guided

practice, structure practice, and independent practice in order to make the instructional

process run well.

2. To other researchers

In teaching English for children, this research can be used as the source in

gaining more information in how to teach them with direct instruction. It can also be

used as this media to improve students’ vocabulary by applying it in a different topic.

In this research, it can be found the way of presenting certain topics by using the lyric

song to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. It involves some steps which are done

orderly with fun activity for each meeting to attract students’ participation to the lesson.


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John Willey and Sons

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Cambridge University Press

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Subject : English
School : MTs Muh 2 KARANGANYAR
Grade/ Semester : VII / 1
Topic : Activity of Weeks
Skills : Listening and Writing
Allocation of time : 45 minutes

I. Basic Competence
1.1 Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion
2.1 Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance,
mutual aid), polite, confident, to interact effectively with the social and natural
environment within reach of the association and its existence.
2.2 Students have a polite behavior, care, and carry out communication with teachers and
3.1 Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity about
science, technology, arts, culture and events related phenomena seem eye.
3.2 Understand the social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements to ask and respond
the name of days and months according to the context of its use.
4.1 Trying, processing, and present in the realm of concrete (using, parse, compose, modify,
and create) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and making
up) in accordance with the learned in school and other similar sources in viewpoint / theory.
4.3 Develop oral and written the name of days and months to ask and respond, with attention
to the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements are correct and
appropriate context.
II. Indicators
1. Students are able to identify Activity of the weeks
2. Students are able to write Activity of the weeks well.
3. Students are able to pronounce Activity of the weeks well

III. Objectives

1. Based on the recorder that played, students can identify the Activity of the weeks.
2. Based on the recorder that played, students can write the Activity of the weeks.
3. Based on the recorder that played, students are able to pronounce the Activity of the
week well
IV. Learning materials
1. The recorder about Activity of the weeks
2. The recorder about name of months in a year.
V. Learning Method
Approach : Scientific approach
Method : Communicative Language Teaching
Strategy : Observing, practice, discussion.
VI. Equipment/ Source of Study
Equipment : Handout, song, speaker, white-board and marker.
Source of study :
a) English book, When English Rings the Bell,
b) “Days a week” song,
VII. Procedures/ activity steps
1. Opening the lesson
a. Give greeting to all students and ask their condition.
b. Let’s the student pray together.
c. Explain the goal and competency of the lesson.
d. Dividing the students in three groups which was consisted of four groups. Each
group got 1 envelope mix of words in Indonesia language and English.
e. Tell the students to listen the recorder.
2. Main activity
2.1 Observing :
a. Students listens the recorder
b. Students observes the Activity of the weeks in the recorder
c. Students do an exercise in a group
d. Students pay attention teacher’s explanation
2.2 Questioning :

a. Give times to students to ask something

b. Answer the student’s questions
c. Students discuss with their group about Activity of the weeks
2.3 Experimenting :
a. Give work sheet to students
b. Students get the work sheet from teacher
c. Request two students to read their work sheet
d. Students read the work sheet
2.4 Associating :
a. Students get an incomplete essay about Activity of the weeks
b. Students listen an explanation about Activity of the weeks
c. Replay the recorder about the text and let the students to complete their answer
d. Students get an incomplete song lyric about name of the days and months
e. Students listen the song about name of the days and months
f. Replay the recorder about the song and let the students to complete their answer
2.5 Communicating
a. Students volunteer to write their answer in white board
b. Teacher and students correction the answer that written in white board
c. Students submit their work-sheet to teacher
3. Closing lesson
a. The students and the teacher conclude the lesson today.
b. Teachers inform the material for the next meeting.
c. The teacher closes the class.
VIII. Assessment and Result of Study
1. Techniques : Writing test and Speaking test
2. Form : Essay & Pronunciation
3. Instrument : Fill in the blank
4. Scoring rubric
A. Cognitive Assessment
Student’s Monitoring Paper
Subject : English

Grade/ Semester : VII/ 1

Year : 2016/2017

Instrument 1
Listen to the following statements and answer the questions below!
On _______, I play ________. On _______, I learn to play the _______. On
_______, I go _______. On _______, I go to the _______. On _______, I _______ my
grandmother. On _______, I go _______. On _______, I go to the _______.

Kartasura, 18 December,
English Teacher of MTs 2 Karanganyar Researcher

Tetra S. Spd Muh. Fadrulrohman A


Subject : English
School : MTs Muh 2 KARANGANYAR
Grade/ Semester : VII / 1
Topic : The Number of the Year
Skills : Listening and Writing
Allocation of time : 45 minutes

IX. Basic Competence

1.1 Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion
2.3 Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance,
mutual aid), polite, confident, to interact effectively with the social and natural
environment within reach of the association and its existence.
2.4 Students have a polite behavior, care, and carry out communication with teachers and
3.3 Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity about
science, technology, arts, culture and events related phenomena seem eye.
3.4 Understand the social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements to ask and respond
the name of days and months according to the context of its use.
4.2 Trying, processing, and present in the realm of concrete (using, parse, compose, modify,
and create) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and making
up) in accordance with the learned in school and other similar sources in viewpoint / theory.
4.4 Develop oral and written the name of days and months to ask and respond, with attention
to the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements are correct and
appropriate context.
X. Indicators
4. Students are able to identify the number of the year
5. Students are able to write the number of the year well.
6. Students are able to pronounce the number of the year well

XI. Objectives
4. Based on the recorder that played, students can identify the number of the year.
5. Based on the recorder that played, students can write the number of the year.
6. Based on the recorder that played, students are able to pronounce the number of the
year well
XII. Learning materials
3. The recorder about the number of the year
4. The recorder about the number of the year.
XIII. Learning Method
Approach : Scientific approach
Method : Audio Lingual Method
Strategy : Observing, practice, discussion.
XIV. Equipment/ Source of Study
Equipment : Handout, song, speaker, white-board and marker.
Source of study :
a) English book, When English Rings the Bell,
b) “Days a week” song,
XV. Procedures/ activity steps
4. Opening the lesson
f. Give greeting to all students and ask their condition.
g. Let’s the student pray together.
h. Explain the goal and competency of the lesson.
i. Dividing the students in three groups which was consisted of four groups. Each
group got 1 envelope mix of words in Indonesia language and English.
j. Tell the students to listen the recorder.
5. Main activity
5.1 Observing :
e. Students listens the recorder
f. Students observes the Activity of the weeks in the recorder
g. Students do an exercise
h. Students pay attention teacher’s explanation

5.2 Questioning:
d. Give times to students to ask something
e. Answer the student’s questions
f. Students discuss with their group about the number of the year
5.3 Experimenting :
e. Give work sheet to students
f. Students get the work sheet from teacher
g. Request two students to read their work sheet
h. Students read the work sheet
5.4 Associating :
g. Students get an incomplete essay about the number of the year
h. Students listen an explanation about the number of the year
i. Replay the recorder about the text and let the students to complete their answer
j. Students get an incomplete song lyric about the number of the year
k. Students listen the song about name of the number of the year
l. Replay the recorder about the song and let the students to complete their answer
5.5 Communicating
d. Students volunteer to write their answer in white board
e. Teacher and students correction the answer that written in white board
f. Students submit their work-sheet to teacher
6. Closing lesson
d. The students and the teacher conclude the lesson today.
e. Teachers inform the material for the next meeting.
f. The teacher closes the class.
XVI. Assessment and Result of Study
5. Techniques : Writing test and Speaking test
6. Form : Essay & Pronunciation
7. Instrument : Multiple choice
8. Scoring rubric
B. Cognitive Assessment
Student’s Monitoring Paper

Subject : English
Grade/ Semester : VII/ 1
Year : 2016/2017

Kartasura, 30 November,
English Teacher of MTs 2 Karanganyar Researcher

Tetra S. Spd Muh. Fadrulrohman A


Subject : English
School : MTs Muh 2 KARANGANYAR
Grade/ Semester : VII / 1
Topic : Days of the Weeks
Skills : Listening and Writing
Allocation of time : 45 minutes

XVII. Basic Competence

1.1 Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion
2.5 Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance,
mutual aid), polite, confident, to interact effectively with the social and natural
environment within reach of the association and its existence.
2.6 Students have a polite behavior, care, and carry out communication with teachers and
3.5 Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity about
science, technology, arts, culture and events related phenomena seem eye.
3.6 Understand the social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements to ask and respond
the name of days and months according to the context of its use.
4.3 Trying, processing, and present in the realm of concrete (using, parse, compose, modify,
and create) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and making
up) in accordance with the learned in school and other similar sources in viewpoint / theory.
4.5 Develop oral and written the name of days and months to ask and respond, with attention
to the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements are correct and
appropriate context.
XVIII. Indicators
7. Students are able to identify the name of days and months.
8. Students are able to write the name of days and months well.
9. Students are able to pronounce the name of days and months well
XIX. Objectives
7. Based on the recorder that played, students can identify the name of days and months.

8. Based on the recorder that played, students can write the name of days and months.
9. Based on the recorder that played, students are able to pronounce the name of days and
months well
XX. Learning materials
5. The recorder about name of days in a week
6. The recorder about name of months in a year.
XXI. Learning Method
Approach : Scientific approach
Method : Audio Lingual Method
Strategy : Observing, practice, discussion.
XXII. Equipment/ Source of Study
Equipment : Handout, song, speaker, white-board and marker.
Source of study :
a) English book, When English Rings the Bell,
b) “Days a week” song,
XXIII. Procedures/ activity steps
7. Opening the lesson
k. Give greeting to all students and ask their condition.
l. Let’s the student pray together.
m. Explain the goal and competency of the lesson.
n. Dividing the students in three groups which was consisted of four groups. Each
group got 1 envelope mix of words in Indonesia language and English.
o. Tell the students to listen the recorder.
8. Main activity
8.1 Observing :
i. Students listens the recorder
j. Students observes the name of the days and months in the recorder
k. Students do an exercise in a group
l. Students pay attention teacher’s explanation
8.2 Questioning :
g. Give times to students to ask something

h. Answer the student’s questions

i. Students discuss with their group about name of days and months
8.3 Experimenting :
i. Give work sheet to students
j. Students get the work sheet from teacher
k. Request two students to read their work sheet
l. Students read the work sheet
8.4 Associating :
m. Students get an incomplete essay about name of days and months
n. Students listen an explanation about name of days and months
o. Replay the recorder about the text and let the students to complete their answer
p. Students get an incomplete song lyric about name of the days and months
q. Students listen the song about name of the days and months
r. Replay the recorder about the song and let the students to complete their answer
8.5 Communicating
g. Students volunteer to write their answer in white board
h. Teacher and students correction the answer that written in white board
i. Students submit their work-sheet to teacher
9. Closing lesson
g. The students and the teacher conclude the lesson today.
h. Teachers inform the material for the next meeting.
i. The teacher closes the class.
XXIV. Assessment and Result of Study
9. Techniques : Writing test and Speaking test
10. Form : Essay & Pronunciation
11. Instrument : Multiple choice
12. Scoring rubric
C. Cognitive Assessment
Student’s Monitoring Paper
Subject : English
Grade/ Semester : VII/ 1

Year : 2016/2017

Kartasura, 30 November, 2016

English Teacher of MTs 2 Karanganyar Researcher

Tetra S. Spd Muh. Fadrulrohman A



No : 01

Topic : Introduction and pre-test

Day, Date : November 3rd until 10th, 2016

Time : 10.30-11.45

The researcher and miss Tetra who is the English teacher came into the class. The teacher

greeted “ Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, good morning class?”, then the

students respond greeting by saying “Wa’alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Good

morning, sir”. The teacher checked the attandance list and tried to make the class into a good

condition. Then he explained that there would be a new comer i this class to teach speaking.

Miss Tetra gave the researcher opportunity to introduce herself and explained her purpose.

The researcher introduce herself to the students. He mentioned the name, the address, the

university, the purpose in coming to the class as the researcher that will do research in that class

for about two months in completing the reserach’s thesis. The researcher said that she would

implement students vocabulary using song. Before implementing the new media, he would do pre

test to know the students’ vocabulary skill. In pre test the researcher gives the students question

about. They had to answer the questions given by the researcher.

After the researcher finished the pre test, he gave the spirit to the students in order that they

always study hard. The researcher gave the time to Miss. tetra after giving those explanation. The

time showed that the lesson time was up, then Miss. Tetra ended the class. But before that, he gave

some motivations to the students.



No : 02

Topic : Implementing reciprocal teaching technique of cycle 1

Day, Date : Wednesday, 30 november 2016 (12.45-13.20)

Time : 12.45-13.20

The reseacher greeted the students, asked their condition and checking their

attendance. The teacher got into the lesson by asking the students about the number of the

year. There would be several vocabularies that they were going to learn. When the teacher

asked about the meaning of the number of the year, almost all of the students confused.

Then, the teacher told to the students what number of the year were and continued with

explaining the instructional goal of the lesson. They were going to learn about some

number – number of each mouth. Next, the teacher asked the students to read the mouth of

a year and the number of the day in Indonesian first. Some students stated the objects such

as: januari, febuari, maret, ect. The teacher asked the students to mention those name of

mouth as stated previously in English..

The reseacher play a songs about number of day and name of the mouth, and asked

them to singing together. The lyric of song that on the song repeated by the reseacher and

ask the students to repeat after him. In the end of the lesson, the teacher explained that in

learning about number of the days and name of the mouth.

Before finished the lesson, the researcher evaluated the teaching learning process.

He asked the students about the material today. After finished conducted the lesson, the

researcher suggested the students to study hard for lesson next week. The researcher asked

the students to pray together. After praying together the researcher said to thanks to them.

Then the researcher closed the class by saying hamdallah and salam.


No : 03

Topic : post-test 1 of cycle 1

Day, Date : Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Time : 12.45 – 13.20

The lesson started at 12.45 – 13.20 in class of seventh B. The step in second meeting

was similar in the first meeting. The researcher started the lesson by greeting and checking the

students’ attendance list. In the exploration, the researcher gave the materials about narrative text

more. The researcher prepared all of materials and reviewed the material in previous meeting.

Because last day the test didn’t yet do by the students, today the post-test 1 would be held.

The researcher explain how the students should do. In this case, before doing the post test,

the researcher gave students an opportunity to read the text for a while. This case purposed to make

easy in prepare do the task in the reciprocal teaching technique. Then the researcher asked the

students to do the task by their self and focus. The researcher gave all of time in 2 x 45 minutes of

schedule time.

The last, the researcher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not during

the teaching learning process and the material. Then the researcher explained to the students what

they should prepare for the next meeting.

The researcher suggested the students to study hard. The researcher did not forget in

giving motivation to the students so they can enjoying the lesson. The researcher closed the

meeting by saying hamdalah and salam.


No : 05

Topic : Implementing reciprocal teaching technique of cycle 2

Day, Date : Thursday, May 2nd 2013

Time : 08.15 – 09.45

In the cycle 2 was held on Thursday, May 2nd 2013 at 09.15 – 09.45 in the class X-I. in

this meeting the researcher gave the same material for discuss. The resarcher asked to the students

to made a group, each group there were 4-5 students. The researcher divided class into groups.

Each group consisted of four until five students. The researcher gave them a text with the questions

related to the text. The text entitled “Me and My Mom’s One eye”. There are 5 multiple choice

and the instruction to diveded the text based on the parts of narrative related to “Me and My Mom’s

One eye” text.

In this meeting, the students seemed to be more active than in the previous cycle. They

gave opinion or comment to other groups. They asked about the generic structure of the text, main

idea of each paragraph, and sometimes they argued about the moral value that they got from the

story. It was motivated by the extra score given to the active students. In the end of the lesson, the

students solved the text by using 4 method in reciprocal teaching technique


And the next, the researcher conducted post –test 2. The post test 2 was held to know the

students’ achievements in reading comprehension after they had been given two cycle of treatment.

The mean of the students ‘score improved in the post test 2. Moreover the result of the action in

the second cycle showed good improvement of the students ‘reading comprehension. By

considering the improvements, the researcher concluded that reciprocal teaching technique could

improve the tenth students’ reading comprehension of MA Negeri Klaten. Therefore, the

researcher decided to stop the cycle.




Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 30 Novemeber 2016

Jam : 09.15 Am
Location : Ruang Guru MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar
Peneliti : Muh Fadrulrohman A
Metode : Wawancara
Narasumber : TETRA, S.Pd

Researcher : “Selamat siang, Bu”.

Teacher : “Selamat siang, Mas. Silakan duduk”.
Researcher : “Terima kasih. Maaf ibuk, saya sudah mengganggu waktu Ibu”.
Teacher : “Oh, tidak apa-apa, Mas. Sekarang masih jam istirahat, lagipula setelah ini saya
tidak ada jadwal mengajar. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?”
Researcher : “Begini, ibuk, saya mau mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan mengenai proses
pembelajaran bahasa inggris di sekolah ini khususnya pengajaran vocabulary,
karena saya sedang mengerjakan skripsi yang berhubungan dengan vocabulary
Teacher : “Oh ya silakan”.
Researcher : “Langsung saja ya, ibuk. Kalau pengajaran bahasa inggris di sekolah ini
bagaimana, ibuk?”
Teacher : “Baik, Mas”.
Researcher : “Baik, kalau pengajaran vocabulary sendiri apakah juga ada pelajarannya
Teacher : “Kalau untuk pelajaran vocabulary memang tidak diajarkan secara khusus
disekolah ini, karena di materi pembelajanya tidak di khususkan pelajaran
vocabulary nya.

Researcher : “Berarti anak-anak tidak diajarkan tentang materi vocabulary?”

Teacher : “Kalau untuk vocabulary sendiri biasanya dimasukkan di setiap materi, contohnya
waktu mengerjakan materi report, anak-anak saya menuruh untuk menulis kata
yang mereka bingung kemudian saya tuliskan di papan tulis nanti anak-anak saya
suruh nulis di bukunya sendiri-sendiri. Biasanya cuman begitu mas”
Researcher : “Kalau biasanya ibu mengajar itu pakai media apa?”
Teacher : “Biasanya saya pakai LKS, bacaan-bacaan yang ada di LKS atau di handbook,
kemudian saya suruh mencari kata-kata sulit, kemudian saya suruh menulis
kemudian nanti di buat PR”.
Researcher : “Kenapa tidak mencoba memakai media untuk mengajar buk,?”
Teacher : “Begini mas, kalau media itu kan memerlukan LCD, Gambar, atau semacamnya,
nah disini LCD cuman ada 5 dan saya sendri aja tidak bisa makai nya”, jadi
sebisanya saya kasih materinya. takutnya anak-anak tidak paham dengan
Researcher : “Kalau kemampuan siswa dalam memahami teks bacaan dalam bahasa inggris itu
bagaimana, ibuk?”

Teacher : “Kemampuan siswa memahami teks, baik, hanya biasanya teks pendek-pendek,
kalau teks yang panjang dan agak kompleks biasanya mereka sulit memahaminya
karena keterbatasan vocabulary mereka.
Researcher : “Kemudian bagaimana minat/motivasi siswa ketika pelajaran bahasa inggris?”
Teacher : “Baik, menurut saya baik, karena rata-rata anak atau siswa senang dengan teks
daripada grammar, tapi kadang mereka kalau disuruh benar-benar memahami isi
teks agak membutuhkan waktu yang lama karena mereka biasanya mengartikan
teks dari kata perkata. Kalo dibatasi waktu tertentu untuk memahami isi teks
biasanya mereka asal-asalan saja.
Researcher : “Lalu, hambatan apa yang biasanya dihadapi ketika mengajar bahasa Inggris?”
Teacher : “Hambatan kalau untuk guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu ya ada, contohnya
jarang menggunakan media atau tekhnik yang beragam, biasanya guru-guru pakai
materi yang sudah disediakan yaitu pakai LKS/ handbook dan sedikit materi dari
buku paket.
Researcher : Apakah ibuk pernah melakukan pengajaran khusus agar anak dapat meningkatkan
vocabulary mereka?”
Teacher : Pernah mas, waktu itu anak-anak saya suruh mereka mencari kosa kata kemudian
saya suruh mereka menghafalkan satu-satu, yang bisa menghafalkan kosa katanya
boleh pulang duluan, tapi itu kurang berjalan dengan baik, karena anak-anaknya
bosan, mungkin kurang variatif aja caranya.
Researcher : “Kalau untuk standar nilai minimum untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sendiri
berapa, buk?”
Teacher : “Kalau untuk nilai Mapel Bahasa Inggris nilai minimum 7.0”.
Researcher : “Apa nilai minimum itu tercapai buat anak-anak?”
Teacher : “Ada yang sudah mencapai, tapi ada juga yang belum memenuhi kriteria
minimum, nya. Kalau yang belum tuntas biasanya saya kasih remidi agar mencapai
kriteria minimum.
Researcher : “Saya rasa cukup. Terima kasih, ibuk”.
Teacher : “Ya sama-sama. Kapan akan mulai penelitiannya, Mas?”
Researcher : “Kira-kira November sampai Januari ibuk”.
Teacher : “Oh begitu. Terus nanti prosesnya penelitian bagaimana, Mas?”
Researcher : “Nanti saya melakukan penelitian classroom action research untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan vocabulary siswa dengan menggunakan media lirik lagu, jadi nanti
siswa saya kasih lagu dan mencari lirik yang rumpang, kemudian mereka saya
suruh mengisi kemudian saya kasih lirik secara penuh kemudian saya kasih tau arti
dari kosa kata dari lirik rumpang itu . Ya kira-kira begitu, buk”.
Teacher : “Oh begitu. Ya sudah, semoga sukses ya, Mas”.
Researcher : “Terima kasih, buk. Selamat siang”.



Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 7 Januari 2017

Jam : 09.15 Am

Location : Ruang Guru MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar

Peneliti : Muh Fadrulrohman A
Metode : Wawancara
Narasumber : Tetra, S.Pd

Researcher : “Selamat siang, ibuk, maaf mengganggu. Bisa minta waktunya sebentar, buk?”
Teacher : “Oh ya, Mas, silakan. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?”
Researcher : “Begini, ibuk, saya mau wawancara lagi dengan Ibu sebentar saja”.
Teacher : “Ya, Silakan. Apa yang mau ditanyakan?”
Researcher : “Begini, ibuk, menurut ibuk ada tidak perbedaan antara vocabulary siswa sebelum
dan sesudah saya memberikan treatment di kelas Ibuk?”
Teacher : “Menurut saya ada. Karena mas telah membantu anak-anak untuk mengetahui arti
bacaan dan nilainya anak-anak juga lebih bagus dari sebelumnya”.
Researcher : “Apakah ibuk sendiri pernah menggunakan media lirik lagu selama mengajar?”
Teacher : “Belum pernah”.
Researcher : “Lalu menurut ibuk, selama memakai media ini dengan cara mengajar yang
selama ini ibuk pakai yaitu dengan LKS, itu lebih effektif yang mana?”
Teacher : “Kalau menurut saya lebih effektif yang memakai lagu itu mas, karena anak-anak
lebih aktif dan tidak passif di kelas, karena kadang yang aktif hanya murid tertentu
Researcher : “Oh begitu ya, ibuk”.
Teacher : “Iya, Mas”.
Researcher : “Saya rasa cukup itu saja, ibuk. Terima kasih waktunya”.
Teacher : “Iya, Mas. Sama-sama”.

The List of Students MTs Muh 2 Karanganyar

In Academic Year 2016/2017

Class 7-B

1 A Y.
2 A F.
3 A M A.
4 A F Z.
5 C P.
6 D W P.
7 D I A.
8 D A.
9 L I.
10 M R.
11 M I.
12 M S.
13 N A S.
14 R S.
15 S W.
16 T M.
17 V I A N.
18 W M.


Personal Details
Name : Muh. Fadrulrohman A
Place, Date of Birth : Karanganyar, September 18th, 1992
Address : Simo Kidul Rt 03 Rw 03 Kebak, Kebakkramat Karanganyar
Email : [email protected]

Educational Background
2012-2017 : IAIN Surakarta
2009-2011 : SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Jaten Karanganyar
2006-2009 : MTs Al-Mujahidin Banjarsari Surakarta
1999-2006 : SDN Kebak 2 Kebakkramat Karanganyar

Course and Education

- 2009 : BBLKI Surakarta
- 2009 : Pelatihan POSKESTREN Kebumen
- 2011 : LPK Giyang Pacing Bendosari Sukoharjo

Organization Experience
- 2006-2007 : IST (Imarotu Syu’ni Tholabah) MTs AL -
- 2009-2011 : OSIS SMK Muh 5 Karanganyar
- 2009-2012 : IPM Cabang Karanganyar
- 2012-2013 : RACANA IAIN Surakarta
- 2012-2013 : OLAHRAGA IAIN Surakarta
- 2014-2019 : DKR Pramuka Ranting Kebakkramat
Working Experience
- Teacher’s Room of SDIT Hidayaturrahman Masaran
- Scout Teacher of MTs Muh 2 Karanganyar

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