An Appeal for Solos for Baritone Horn Author(s): Leonard Falcone Reviewed work(s): Source: Music Educators Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Dec., 1939), p. 38 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of MENC: The National Association for Music Education Stable URL: . Accessed: 09/12/2012 19:00
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to marchor run or gallop in timeto the childto clap or stamp, the music,or sometimes just to sit and listen. are such as "Soldiers' March" Amongthe recordssuggested by Schumann;"Run, Run, Run" by Concone; "Skating" (Victor 20401); "The LittleHunters"(Victor 20153); "The Mirror Dance" (Victor 20399); "Songs for Children," by Neidlinger (Victor 20349B). "Small Songs for Small Singers"by Neidthe records); "MotherGoose Piclinger (meantto accompany ture Book" by Berta and Elmer Hader; "Singing Time" and
"Another SingingTime" by Colemanand Thornare well chosen of songs which Mrs. Coit has found helpfulfor collections to use withtheirchildren. mothers are Parents who followthe general plan outlinedinvariably whichtheirchildren and interest withthe enthusiasm delighted show and the progressthey make. Certainit is that, if the music startedso easily then is continued throughthe school which music can benefits years,it will lead to the maximum the individual afford duringyouthand adulthood.
natureof the instrument, at instrument. the masculine hornhas long wondered in the baritone interested Therefore, its wide dynamic as coupledwithits technical of thebaritone almostinexplicable range,and the composers' flexibility, neglect medium. a splendid the composer that its warmtone,offer to the wealthof material In comparison a solo instrument. I shouldlike to digressfrom the subjectat handfora moment of the number for the otherbrass instruments, has been written for sayinga few wordsconsolos that have been especially writtenfor the baritone is and hope that I may be pardoned brass solos in general. To be sure,thereare a large but the adventof the cerning negligible. This lack has always existed, bothas to musical of brass solos whichare outstanding, the country number festivals innumerable solo and ensemble throughout and effective into greaterreliefand content condition this unsatisfactory has brought writing;but thereis also a good deal of trivial. The musicalideas, the forms, thatis decidedly an effort to material of thosewho are making the concern has stimulated and the manner in whichthe materialhas been handledleaves developthis phase of musicaleducation. Surely the neglectaccorded the baritoneby the composers muchto be desired. Is thereany real reasonwhybrass instruforwood-wind to the solos written as a solo mentsolos shouldbe inferior cannotbe due to its lack of the necessary qualifications instrument. well acquainted withthe instru- instruments, merelybecause the brasses do not have quite the anyone For, indeed, of the wood winds-even if the latterfactors mentcannotdenythatthe baritone is one of the most,if not the rangeand fluency of the brass Then why this dis- shouldbe held as the excuse? The shortcomings of the brass instruments. most,expressive withtechnical flexiare not in connection of is thatthe solos underdiscussion regard? The onlyplausiblereasonone can think the uninteresting musicalideas and and range,but concern in its heritageas have, for bility baritone has not been as fortunate the material. In this respect, in presenting the cornetand the trombone.The latterinstruments lack of ingenuity instance, thanthe bari- some of the betterFrench solos may be cited as examplesof of well-known have had a largernumber exponents These solos do not make tone. Herbert L. Clarke, Herman Bellstedt,Joseph Arban, desirablesolos for brass instruments. technical butthemusical ideas are always W. M. Eby, Ernest Williams,and a host of otheroutstanding extraordinary demands, If a solo is to be of an advancednature, it should cornetists not only have made the corneta very popular solo interesting. of but these same men have also been able to make take accountin liberal measureof the technical possibilities instrument, but thesetechnical demands shouldbe employed of theirchoseninstru- the instrument, liberalcontributions to the solo literature in Arthur in such manneras to make their inclusionappear a natural ment. Likewise,the trombone has had its luminaries of the originalmusicalidea. Likewise,a solo of a to development Pryor,Gardell Simons,Clay Smithand SerafinAlschausky, and technimention only a few. It is true,the baritonehas had Joseph less advancednatureshouldbe made as melodically as possible. In otherwords,regardless of the DeLuca, Simone Manita, and FortunatoSordillo to extol its cally interesting or simplicity of thematerial, it shouldalways the only con- degreeof difficulty glories,but thesethreemen have been practically for the baritone. If this is be musical, and not just a displayof musicalgymnastics. tributors of solos written especially in the amountof solo material solos emthe reason for the difference We do not lack composers fullycapable of writing thenit is easilyseenthatthe field bodying availablefortheseinstruments, such meritsas have been described. But I am of the of creativework for brass instruments has been leftentirely for the brass instruments to opinionthat manywho have written the virtuosiof these instruments. For some reason,composers (and thosecomposers fromwritwho have refrained completely have seen fitnot to enterthis field. of established that reputation ing for brasses) have been laboringunderthe impression baritone is too As a resultof thiscondition, playershave to borrow the range of musical expressionof these instruments solos written for otherbrass instruments. They even make an limitedto permitserious treatment.A careful study of the and cello solo "language"of theseinstruments intothe realmof the clarinet will reveal,I am sure,thattheir occasional"invasion" literature in searchof adequatematerial. While somegratifying scopeof expression as it appearsto be. is notnearlyas limited cornet have been,and are beingobtained results by transcribing of solos forthebaritone. NaturTo return now to thematter alone ally,a sincereand inspired continuous solos for the baritone, "borrowing" naturally, musicalworkdoes not admitof any of theproblem- kindof dictation; abouta real solution to bring cannot be expected butif I wereto be giventhe liberty of making forthebaritone. a humblesuggestion, needforsolos written hencethecrying especially I would say that,in additionto the full of an instrument is, no doubt utilization a playingknowledge Although technical of the instrument's greateruse capabilities, who wishesto writefor that particular shouldbe made of the baritone's an asset to a composer natural"singing" styleof playnecessary. An ing. This latterattribute it is not by any means absolutely instrument, is perhapsits most of the instrument does notalwayspossessadequatecreative valuableasset. Stressing artiston an instrument this particular qualityof the baritone ability; whereas, on the other hand, there have been many (whichhas not always been fullyutilized) mightbe the means not having a playing of instanceswhere really fine composers, for this typeof solo literature evolvinga new and distinct have written musicof far greater instrument. of the instrument, knowledge for comIn fact,it mightnot be a disadvantage instrument. of thatparticular merit thanthatwritten by virtuosi in to think in termsof the cello. forthe baritone the com- posers writing Of course,in orderto writewell for an instrument, have been expressedin the hope that These few thoughts theoretical fundamental a have understanding must good poser and talents may devotemoreof theirinterest facilities. He should seriouscomposers and technical character of thatinstrument's medium. Since the a almost far to the baritone-thus neglected in knowwhat will soundwell and whatwill not. For instance, in a virgin is practically for the baritone of solo literature field such be should various the for baritone, things avoided, writing of this to the development who contributes as certain whole-tone trills,and too wide intervalsin rapid state,the composer and gratitude appreciation the fieldwill have not only everlasting brokenchords. Aside fromtheseminorrestrictions, slurred horn,but playersand loversof the baritone In additionto all fromthe numerous of treatment. a wide freedom offers baritone to contribution a made of the satisfaction also noteworthy the an having of brass the baritone has technical the family, dexterity tonal rangethat is not exceededby any otherbrass themusicalrealm. expressive
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