Francesco Lamp - Erti: Mer'S

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Vol. 1587


The Art of Singing

Revised Edition with Translation by



Printed In the U. S. A.
IT is a sau, but nevertheless undeniable truth, that the art of singing is in
a terrible state of decadence; and this fact is all the more to be regretted, inas-
much as it is not only the opinion of intelligent persons, but also that of the less
educated public, that it results from the inferior quality of the musical works
represented as much in our leading as in our minor theatres.
This decadence has for some time occupied my attention. I have sought to
unravel its cause, and, therefore, I have thought it well to begin this treatise with
some reflections on that subject.
It is not· to be supposed that the human voice, since the time of the great
artistic celebrities has undergone any change for the worse; though certainly it
is possible that some vocal phenomena should be developed at one period rather
than at another; yet these are extraordinary exceptions, and it is not on them
that we have to dwel1. On the other hand, bearing in mind the moral and in-
tellectual development of the population from that epoch to the present, it seems
to me that the intelligence of those who devote themsel,res to singing should
have also undergone that improvement which the flight of time and the force of
progress have extended to all classes of society.
Notwithstanding this, forty yea,rs ago we could muster a numerous body of
distinguished artists-a thing which in the present day we are unfortunately un-
able to do; and hence we must suppose that the music of that period, and the
thorough grounding in the fundamental principles of the art undergone by sing-
ers before appearing on the stage, were the real causes through which we were
then able to boast of so many artistic celebrities, striving not only for mere per-
sonal success, but also devoted to singing for the love of the art itself.
It is to these two points that I wish to call the attention of my readers.
The famous singer Pacchiarotti wrote in his memoirs セ "He who knows how
to breathe and pronounce well, knows how to sing well," and .this is one of the
greatest truths which study and experience have ever suggested to the successful
cultivators of the art of singing.
At the time when the music of Rossini was in. vogue, and was represented
in all the theatres, was it possible, think you, for a mnn, though gifted with a
beautiful voice and musical ability, to sing that music without knowing how to
breathe well? Certainly not. It was necessary to make of that branch of the
art a thorough and, and at every performance the -singer made
gradual but sure progress in developing his voice, in pronunciation, in respiration,
in correcting faulty intonation and emission, both of which defects were rendered
more apparent and, therefore, the more intolerable by the delicacy of the orches-
tral instrumentation, which was limited for the most part to a simple accom-
Apart from previous training, by virtue of the above-mentioned repertoire,
a singer, who might have had only the gift of a naturally good voice and a
certain musical talent, found in the music itself the best and surest master; for
supposing him to be wanting in pecuniary means or previous study, he could
cultivate the art equally well, it not heing considered at all to his disadvantage
to begin in the secondary characters, the less so when his fellow-artists were the
great singers of the day. AmI thus, with patience and application, it then was
possible to supply the want of a regular training under the care of a master. At
the present day it is different.
Vocal music, in order to assume a more dramatic character, is almost entirely
despoiled of agility of every kind; this' is carried to such an extent that by
degrees it will become little else than musical declamation, to the total exclusion
of melody. Without entering here into the question w:hethel' or not any advan-
tage may accrue to musical science through these innovations, I shall 0111y briefly
observe that as the singing of melodies, though not absolutely tru'e to nature, is
yet pt'oducti,'e of much pleasure to the audience; it seems to me a pity that the
melodramatic system should be exchanged for one perhaps more realistic, but
which tends to the exclusion of melody, and is hence detrimental to the art of
Let the admirers of declamation frequent the theatres of dI'ama and tragedy,
where there is no need of Ol:chestral music to intensity the desired expression.
Owing to the fact that singers no longer find the best of methods and
masters in the music itself, and either do not wish or are unable to begin their
careers in the slow but sure way of their predecessors, they rarely attain more
than mediocrity in their art, and their singing is usually defective and unsatis-
Another cause of the decadence of singing is the absence of the musici, a
class of singers incompatible with modern civilization. This, while it presents
on the side of humanity a just and necessary progress, leaves on the side of art
an irreparable void by depriving it of its most assiduous cultivators.
Pacchiarotti, Crescentini, Vel uti, Marchesi, etc., aU most celebrated artists,
havin6 left the stage, appeared again in their pupils. The very fact of their re-
tiring, while it deterred them from other distractions, ohliged them to dedicate
their affections, minds, and whole attention to the cultimtion of the art, which
they had made th.e sole occupation of their lives.
At one time famous singers, they afterward became ュ 。 セ エ ・ イ ウ of incalcula·
ble ability and experience, in whose school were educated that large number .0£
great artistic celebrities, upon whose day we now look back as upon a glorious
The deficiency of good singers is also due in a great measure to the impre-
8arios, in my OpInIOn. Modern operas present more facilities than those of
former times, to artists venturing immaturely upon the· stage; a theatrical spec-
ulator hearing a good voice, even though it be wanting in the first principles
of art, eng{l.ges it, offers and sub·lets it in the musical market, and the treasure
of a voice soon becomes badly worn, through the waste of the most beautiful
notes emitted without rule, modulation, or support; the middle notes become
weakened, .the rest uneven, and the voice, which the music of former days would
have of itself educated and preserved, is lost for ever.
To these reasons may be added what I shall term the ウ ー ッ ウ エ 。 ュ セ ョ エ ッ della voce,
by which I mean the present habit of considering as mezzo-soprano the dramatic
soprano of the ー セ ウ エ L alld of making mezzo·sopranos sing also the parts written
for contraltos, hence the almost total disappearance of music written for the true
contralto voice in the modern repertoire.
The same applies to the so·called tenol'i serii of the past, who now sing the
baritone, to the tenopi di mezzo carattere, who now strain their voices by singing
the parts written for tenori 881'ii, and to the little use made of the basso cantante.
Those who suffer most from this displacement are. the sopranos, whose voices,
to enable them to sing modern music at all, ought to be exceptional. Obliged
as they are to sing habitually on the bighest notes of the 8rpmno sfogato and on
few strong low ones, their medium register becomes weakened and assumes a
character of disagreeable inequality.
What is the result セ Why, that the true sopranos, obliged by the rules of
the profession to sing these parts, in a short time abandon themselves to emitting
forced and fatigning notes, and so destroy the rnezze-voci, instead of which, had _
the music been properly adapted to the capabilities of the organ, nature would
have improved and strengthened these, the most important notes of the whole
'1'0 the raising of themusical pitch much of this displacement is also due,
that again adds to the difficulties of p)'ime donne.
At the present day one would consider as mezzo sopranos those who sang
in Otello and Semiramide, and almost all the operas which Rossini wrote for so-
pranos, as also in the earlier operas of Donizetti and Mercadante.
Bellini was the first to write parts of an exceptional range, and what was
more, he introduced the system of putting a· syllable to every note, thus
rendering his music more fatiguing to the voice. His successors exaggerated his
mannerism, as much in respect to range as in the arrangement of the words.
Much of this displacement may be attributed to these reasons, coupled with the

fact that syllabication in this music had in a great part to be executed by the
head notes, which in men's voices, on account of their limited compass, was im-
practicable, and in women's, productive of much harm. .
The fact that modern music affords such facilities to artists contented with
mediocrity, is one of the chief reasons why the ranks of the art are crowded with
worthless and haH-taught singers, and is the origin of the general ruin of voices
or want of fundamental study.
It seems to me that now,more than ever-as much in the interest of art, as for
the benefit of singers-a man should apply himself to severe and caref):tl study,
and that, independently of the kind of music which the public taste may demand,
he should strive to train his カ ッ ゥ セ ・ by singing the music of the old masters, more
suited as it is to the development of his natural talents than that of the present
Here, I would observe that singing, being but an ・ ク エ ・ ョ ウ ゥ ッ セ ッ ヲ speaking,
the notes which we use in speaking are naturally animated, as they express rage,
irony, love, pity, etc., and the words with which these feelings are expressed are
emitted clearly. But without the necessary study, how would one emit, with equal
clearness of tone and pronunciation, those notes on which one does not spea.k 1
how could one support them by regular and natural respiration, and failing that,
how could one animate them so as to express the passions and feelings mentioned
abovel No matter how exquisite the taste or beautiful the voiee a man might
have, it would be impossible.
Granted that a man be gifted with these excellent qualities, but without a
fundamental education, he may become a snouter, but a singer never. His, per-
haps. extraordinary but uncultivated notes will always be cold, and in spite of
their strength and sonority, always without expression, always wanting in· true
dramatic accent, monotonous, and incapable of \rarying their character, according
to the meaning which the poet or the composer has conceived; wanting alike in
thorough education and artistic experience, he will certainly run the risk of
ilJjuring and .perhaps of totally ruining his voice.
In such times as these, when new music, new composers, and new singers are
taking the place of old ones, I have determined to check, if not all at least a
part of the abuses as regards singing, and to counterbalance the influence which
modern music exercises to the prejudice of good singing, by some practical and
fundamental rules, the result of experience gained in many years of teaching.
By means of these I hope to avert the ruin of voices and to obtain happy and
fruitful results for those who devote their attention to vocal music.
1 do not wish this guide to be considered as a new method of teaching sing-
ing; I would rather suggest it as counsel, which, if wanting in scientific merit,
will, as the fruit of my expel'ienca and study, be of some value.

Q. What is the voice セ
A. The voice is the sound produced by the air expelled from the lungs
and passing through the apparatus in the throat called the larynx.
Q. Are all voices suitable for cultivation'?
A. No; only those' which possess extension, equality, force, and flexibility.
Q. Is it enough to possess a beautiful voice and extensive compass to
become a good singer?
A. No; besides the voice it is necessary to 11ave a good ear-that ゥ セ L a
Jlatural aptitude for con'ectly seizing and repeating sounds, he they of another
voice or of any instrument; wanting in this, a singer must not expect success.


Q. Are all the notes of the voice of the same quality?

A. No; only those which belong to the same register; the others, no matter
how even the voice may be, differ from each other, as does the mechanism of'the
throat in producing them.
Q. Of how many registers does the female voice consist?
A. Of three: the chest, mixed, and head registers.
Q. Of how many registers is the male voice composed?
A. Of two only: the chest and mixed registers.


J Mixed. I 'i9- L2- セ

セ ] ] ] __
] ] ] ] ] M M G G Z Z ] Z Z Z ェ ] ] _ _ M ⦅ M セ ⦅ M c l Z Z ] M ] 、 M セ ⦅ 」 N エ M ] M A A G N Z Z ] A R ___セ h
"?7 ::e:M M M M セ セ ᄋ セ ッ セ セ セ ᄋ
'0 M セ


I Head. セ

I Chest register. I

, Chest register: Nセ⦅ N セ セ セ 1: . -tS>-..t2..:!: :a..

セ G. ] Q -
セ ⦅ q ⦅
セ a
M セ セ セ M - = : : : tG =M - 。- -N - M - -M M

M セ -M -
_ _ __
M M `

ッ M M セ L Mixed イ ・ ァ ゥ セ エ ・ イ N I


Q. How should 'the pupil stand while singing?

A. He should hold himself erect, with the chest expanded and the shoulders
easy-in a word, in the position of a soldier.
Q. 'What should be the expression of the mouth to most facilitate the
elllission of the voice?
A. The mouth should be sllliling, the lips should be drawn sufficiently
tight to merely show the upper row of teeth, that the sound, striking on a
hard surface, may vibrate with greater intensity, and thus give a ring and brin-
iancy to the voice.
Q. How shouM the tongue and the rest of the vocal appJ.ratus be dis.
A. The tongue should remain extended, in order to leave the largest
possible space in the mouth, and that the throat may be easy and, open.


Q. 'What is meant by respiration?

A. It means the double action of the muscles of the thorax in receiving
into and expelling air from the lungs.
Q. It is, then, an important thing that the singer should know how to take
hreatli properly?
A. It is of the yery utmost importance, for, if he has not a perfect mastery
of the respiratory orgalls, he can neither develop the voice nor ever execute any
piece of music artistically.
Q. How is a perfect respiration to be obtained?
A. By standing in the position, and observing closely the directions pointed
out in Article IlL, and then inhaling the air, first through the nose, so that the
lungs may dilate gradually and without strain; a breath thus taken may be
held for a considerable time without fatigue.
Q' What is this gradual and complete respiration called?
A. A full breath.

Q. In singing an exercise or melody in strict time, should one always take a

full breath セ
A. No, only when it is interrupted hy long rests; when this i:3 not the
case, and especially. when written "allegro," one is obliged to breathe quickly,
introducing only a small quantity of air into the lungs for the necessities of the
Q. What is this instantaneous breathing called セ
A. A half breath.
Q. Is there any general rule for the duration of the breath セ
A. No, a long or short breath depends upon the capacity of the lungs of the
individual singer, and so it would not only be impossible, but useless, to fix the
hreathing places in vocal music.
Q. For how long can a pupil, well practised in this manner of breathing, con-
tinue a given note?
A. Up to twenty seconds, and sometimes more.



Q. How many different qualities are there in the voice?

A. The ,principal are two, the 'open and. t.he closed.
Q. Which of these should the pupil use for the purpose of daily study?
A. The open.
, Q. What reason have you for saying so?
A. He should use the open in preference to the closed quality, because in it
defects are more apparent, and hence do not escape detection; the emission of
high notes is rendered more easy, the notes become sweeter, and what is of more
importance, he does not fatigue his voice.
Q. How are notes produced in the open quality?
A. By following the directions given with reference to position and respira-
tion, and opening the throat with the vowel A.
Q. 'Vhy the vowel A in preference to any other?
A. Because that is the vowel which, more than all the others, opens the throat,
and so when the pupil can vocalize with ease on A, he will find no difficulty 111
doing the same on the other vowels.

NOte8 and Observation8 O'n Article V.

I mentioned above that, for the purposes of study, the pupil should make use
only of the" timbro aperto;" I would here warn him to be careful" lest, by inatten-
tion to the rules in respiration, he should confound this with singing MancO'
and 8guaiato.
The open quality, as Duprez observes, should be produced by the vowel A,
as in the word anima. It should be formed in the bottom of the throat, care, how-
ever, being taken that it does not change into 0; sinc.e such an inflection, though·
it might give to the voice a more full and rounded character in a room, would
render it smaller and without brilliancy in a theatre.
A most important point to observe in teaching, especially women, is the
development of the medium notes 1 these, generally weak by nature, are rendered
more defective still, in the case of sopranos, by the mania for forcing high notes,
and vice versa the low notes in the case of contraltos.
With some few exceptions, this weakness in the middle notes is more pro-
ductive of failure than any other defect, as it is with these very notes that the
artiste has to perform the greater part of her singing, and with them produce the
more important effects.
Of naturally defective timbri, the least adapted to singing is that caused by
a goitrous formation of the throat, 」 ッ ュ ュ セ ョ ャ ケ called throaty singing, and accord.
ing to :Mancini, the one least unfitted is the nasal tim bro.


Q. What is meant by エ ィ セ
just em.ission of the voice セ
A. It means attacking a note, with the greatest possible clearness, with a
pure and correct intonation, and sustaining it to the full extent of the breath.
Q. In how many different ways may one practise the messa or tenuta of the
カ ッ ゥ 」 ・ セ
A. In four ways;
Q. Which is the nrst セ
A. After having slowly and quietly taken breath, in the manner shown in
Article IV., the note should be attacked cleanly with the full voice, and without
forcing should be sustained witli equal loudness to the full extent of the breath,
care, however, being taken to finish the sound before the air in the lungs is com-
pletely exhausted.

Q. Why should the note from the beginning be emItted with the full voice,
instead of commencing it piano and aftel'ward making a C'l'eso8'rulo '!
.A. Because the beginner neither can nor ought to attack notes piano; by
trying to force him to do so, instead of favoring his progress, it will only retard
him, and besides tiring the muscles of the chest, he may acquire a cramped man-
ner of singing. .
Q. Which is the second way of practising the me88a or tenuta of the voice t
A. The ウ ・ 」 ッ ョ セ should only be attempted when the pupil is sufficiently
a.d vanced ; it consists in attacking the note with the full voice, as mentioned above,
and then making a gradual diminuendo to pianissimo, retaining throughout a
.firm control over the breath, and finishing before it is exhausted.
Q. Which is the third way?
A. The third way consists in commencing the note pianissimo, and without
forcing, to gradually increase in strength, finishing, to avoid the lungs.
before the breath is exhausted.
Q. 'Vhich is the fourth and last method, and when only should it be practised?
..A. The last, the most important, and most difficult method should only be
practised when the pupil is well advanced in vocalization, and consists in attack-
ing a note pianissimo, reinforcing it to the full extent of the voice, and then
gradually diminishing it, sO,as to end pianissimo, retaining the same quality of
sound in all the gradations of crescendo and diminuendo.
Q. How are notes thus produced called?
A. They are called note jilate.

Notes and Observations on Article VL

A good rendering is necessary, and should be carefully studied, as upon it

depends the grace of good singing, and without it a pleasing impression can
never be conveyed to the public.
Just as Socrates, when asked, What are the qualities necessary for an orator?
answered, " Delivery, Delivery, and Delivery;" so it is for a singer.
And as an easy emission of the voice depends much upon the respiration, the
pupil should, generally speaking, breathe in as large a quantity of air as the lungs
can contain, avoiding noises and all movements of the figure, especially raising
the shoulders, and strive to give always to his singing a semblance of ease and
elegance. To attain this end, the mouth should retain a smiling expression; but
if Ly exaggeration the pupil should assume an affected air, it will be better to
change that expression for one of supplication.
It is also of the very utmost importance that the voice emitted should be less
iD force than the force of breath which supports it; this will render the singing

more natural, even and spontaneous, and will also convey to the audience a feel-
ing of security and pleasure.
Mancini is of the opinion that the master should exaggerate all defects of
emission on the part of the pupil, to render them more apparent to him, and thus
more easy to avoid.



Q. What is the appoggio or support which should be given to the voice to

enable one to study without fatigue to the throat 1
A. The suppott afforded to the voice by the muscles of the chest, especially
the diaphragm, acting upon the air contained in the lungs.
Q. How is this support to be obtained 1
A. By .observing the rules in Article III., with regard to position, and then
opening the lower part of the thr6at with the vowel A. The sound thus pro-
duced will be clear :weI sympathetic; but if the pupil is not able to pronounce the
vowel A with a full tone, let him first begin with LA, which will renaer its
emission more easy and secure. This is a most important point for an artist to
observe, as on it will depend, in the majority of cases, the success of his future

Notes and Observations on Article VIL

It is by singing with the voice well appoggiata, that the pupil, under careful
supervision, will leal'll what is the true character and the capabilities of his own
voice; he will know what music to sing, how to render his singing elegant, and
remedy defects of intonation. In this, ゥ セ my ゥ 、 セ 。 L lies the great secret of the art
of singing.
He who does not snpport his voice in the manner here indicated does not
sing; he may be able to emit lond, resonant sounds; but they will be with-
out expression, they will never be living sonnds, by which he can convey the
emotions of the soul or express the various feelings of the human passions.
Expression is wholly wanting in a voice not appoggiata. Love, haterQ1' revenge
produces a sound of one and the same character; the singing is monotonous, and
though loud notes may surprise, they can never convey ー ャ ・ 。 ウ オ イ ・ ᄋ セ ッ the lover of
good singing.


Q. What. is meant by vocalization and agility?

A. It means the execution of a series of notes on the vowels, with more
or less quickness.
Q. In how many different ways may it be studied?
A. Agility may be studied in many different ways, though the principal
are four.
Q. Which are they?
A. Pol'tamento, Legato, Picchettato, and Martellato.
Q. Of these, which'is the most useful?
A. Legato.
Q. vVhy the Legato in preference to the others?
A. Because Legato is the predominating quality, not only of all agility, but
of good singing in general; so the singer would do well not to study the others
until he shall have mastered the art of singing Legato.

Notes and ObseJ'vations on A?·tide VIIL

Agility s7wuld be 8tudied slowly. The exercises should be executed so

that the intervals are clearly distinguishable. The hreath should be held
steady iu the pas!'\age from one note to the other, and the notes should be pro·
duced clearly and with a shock of the (}lottis. By this means the pupil will
acquire the power of taking the exact note without sliding' up to it, a fault
whirb a beginner is very likely to confound with singing Legato.
When once this is mastered, he may proceed to the study of these other
kinds of agility, but Jet him hear in mind that the possession of a clear and
secure agility depends always on a thorough proficiency in the primary rules of
I have said that agility in the case of begiJ;mers should be practised slowly.
This maxim I intend to apply to those pupils who have a natural agility, as
well as to those who are not so gifted; I should recommend cltution and
moderation in the study of agility as the voice by too rapid exercises is apt to
become tremulous and weak, and thus, what otherwise would have been one
of the most beautiful embellishments of singing, becomes one of its most serious
In conc1usion, I may add that I consider the enormous quantity of exercises
which one finds in many books OIl, singing superfluous, and more likely to injure
than preserye the voice, or cultivate a clear and beautiful agility.

Exercises to be useful should be melodious and tastefully written, as it is

their quality and not their quantity which makes the pupil a good singer.
The singer should accustom himself when practising exercises to begin the
notes of an ascending scale, and gradually crescendo to the highest note, and
vice versd. Songs may be practised the same, except in passages where the
composer has marked otherwise.


Q. What is meant by P01'tamento!

A. It means passing from one note to the other by slurring the vorce, hut
in such a manner that the intervening notes are heard as little as possible. This
is done by leaving the first note before the end of its value, so as to anticipate
with the vocal organ the other, to which the voice is to be carried.

Q. What do you infer from this example セ

A. I infer that if I want to execute these two notes by means of a Porta-
mento, I should continue the vowel of the first note to the second, before pro-
nouncing the syllable of the second.
Q. Should Portamentobe executed quickly or slowly?
A. There is no fixed nile; it depends upon the movement of the passage to .
which it belongs.
Q. What is meant by Legato '!
A. It means passing from one note to 'another quickly, so t11at the voice
does not dwell upon the' intervening notes, just as if it were executed upon a
piano or any other keyed instrument.

Note8 alul Ob8ervation8 on Artiole IX

The power of sustaining notes being one of the peculiar attrihutes セ ヲ the
human voice, the pupil should make Legato singing a special study. He who

cannot sing Legato cannot sing well; but let me here warn the pupil lest he
fall into the error of singing Stl'isciato-that is, slurring up to his notes in mis-
take for Legato. For instance, when the interval is a minor second, he is very
apt to take the intermediate qnarter tone first before arriving at the semitone
instead of making a diminuendo on the first note and then clearly and securely
taking the semitone.
He should guard, too, against abandoning the control over the breath in the
passage from one note to another, as the second will always be wanting in
character and color, without which two qualities singing can neither be artistic
nor capable of expression.
In singing of all kinds, due regard should be paid to the just value of the
notes; there should be no slUl'ring up to intervals; the sound should be emitted
pure, and g7'eat attention paid to the rules of respiration.


See Article 12. The application of the rule for the appoggto of the voice.

eエ e セ ゥ セ M M M M u Z BM [ Z I .G l ᆪ セ ] ` WM B i \ M] エ ] ⦅ セ セ ⦅ セ ⦅ - セ ⦅ セ セ M N ] ] ⦅ ] セ

e セ
E M M⦅ [ セ ゥ f セ エ M セ イ M エ j ] N L セ ャ j セ [ B [ [ B N セ G M \ i ] M セ M ] M セ B セ ]M セ \ W Z Z セ セ --

--- < '...... -1-- M i ヲ M エ ャ ᄋ M セ

{ セ ・ ャ M ア M M M ャ M e セ M M T ] ] ャ ] e b
セ V <>ャ ] <>] ᄋ <>M ] <>
ᄆ ] e <..>セ セ<>M M <>] セ
Only in singing portamento legato, may it be allowed to anticipate the
second note, deducting, however, the value from the first, either in ascending or
Good. Defective. Good. Defective.

セ A セ M o o J セ Z M ] イ エ Z セ -M -] ャ ] セ r I M セ ェ D ゥ ] エ イ セ ] ...M- セ .,,-
M M セ - -- ---;- U M セ - - -'- - -lr.:! -I


M セ

M セ

mi mi
- セ


The master may transpose and vary this exercise according to the voice,
intelligence, and capacity of the pupil.


Q. What is the first thing a singer has need of to enable hiIQ. to study
with ad vantage セ
. A. A pianoforte in perfect tune and at the. proper orchestral pitch, so that
he may accustom his ear to the' COITect intonation of intervals.
Q. セ ィ 。 エ is the best time for exercising the voice?
A. After the peri04 of digestion"whether it be in the morning 01' afternoon,
and particularly in the evening, as it is then ,that the pupil will find himself in
the fulness of his physical and mental powers.
Q. W ouId it be hurtful to practise on an empty stomach, or during
A. Yes; because in both cases it would be necessary to take breath too
frequently, which would fatigue the chest to the detriment of the voice.
Q. What is the most advantageous way of studying?
A. Singing with the voice full and clear, with as much grace and ease as
possible, ,and being very careful to avoid forcing.
Q. Should singing be practised for long or short periods at a time セ
A. The general rule is to study moderately, and with a variety of exercises,
always finishing before feeling tired.
Q. What extent of the voice ought to be. the subject of daily ー イ 。 」 エ ゥ 」 ・ セ
A. The middle part only, exempting the two highest and two lowest notes
of the voice altogether.
Q. What else is necessary for the purpose of study セ
A. A looking-glass, which the pupil should place before him while singing,
so that he may avoid grimaces and other bad habits.
Q. How should the pupil study his exercises?
A. He should study them mentally, until he has thoroughly understood
their true nature and then he may sing them.

Notes dnd Observations on Artick X.

On the choice of a good master depends entirely the successful result of
what I have said in Article X. It is a false idea to consider that any teacher is
good enough :Cor a beginner. It is of far greater importance that the beginning
should be made under the guidance of an experienced and capable mll8ter, even
though it costs more than under an inferior one; for in case the second one lIe
inferior, the pupil will easily pE'l'ceive it, while he will always consider as good
his,fiI'Rt instructor, no matter how worthless he may be.
The art of singing cannot be learned cheaply. The money expended in:

lessons should be considered as an in vestment, and though for a year or so the

expense may pI ess heavily on the student, he is certain to gain m.any hundreds
per cent upon his outlay.
The pupil is recommended to pay great attention to the rules I have laid
down with regard to the b}'eatn, appoggio, and mes/Sa di voce, until habit becomes
in him a second nature; let him guard against forcing or using more voice than
he has breath to sustain, so he will avoid the danger of rendering his voice
tremulous, a defect almost always produced by forcing. It is causea by a weak·
ness of the nerves of the vocal organ, and, if taken in time, may be remedie(l by
rest and careful study, but if deferred paralysis attacks the nerves, and cure is
hopeless. .
The pupil is also warned to avoid .humming, as, wanting in the support of
the chest, there is nothing which more fatigues the throat, or renders more
uncertain the intQnation.
Piano should in all respects, with the exception of intensity, resemble the
forte; it should ー ッ ウ ウ ・ セ ウ the same depth, character, and feeling; it should be
supported by an equal quantity of breath, and should have the same quality of
tone, so that even when reduced to pianis8imo it may be heard at as great a
distance as the·forte.
In order to preserve the voice fresh and unworn for the profession1!l career,
the pupil s.hould make much use of the mental method of study; hy this means
he may do much toward tJducating his voice without drawirrgupon its valuable
In conclusion, I would put the pupil on his guard once more against the
trembling of the voice, a defect which in the beginninK of this century was
sufficient to exclude any singer from the stage. I would not have him confound
this, however, with the oscillation produced by expressing an impassioned


Q. What peculiar attribute has the human voice?

A. The human voice, more than any instrumentr has the power of convey-
ing feeling to the soul of another, and in .Ql'der to take every advantage of this
important quality, the voice should be emitted with a full and sustained sound
taking care, however, not to sacrifice the clear articulation of the words to mere
sonority of voice.
Q. Under how many heads may Pronurwiation be considered?
A. Under two-A1'ticulation and Sound.
Q. What is the effect of bad articulation in singing?
A. Bad articulation is apt to produce hardness and harshness.

Q. ·What is the effect of a faulty emission of the voice セ

A. It detracts from the purity and elegance of the pronunciation.
Q. What study forms the surest foundation for a good pronunciation?
A. The study of Bolfeggio, the importance of which cannot be overrated.
Q. By what means may the ー オ ー セ ャ guard against defects of articulation セ
A. He should be very careful in singing Bolfeggio not to pronounce the
consonants double when they are single, and vice vel'sa, he should support the
notes well with the breath, and strive to sing the vowels on the various notes
as pure as possible. ,
Q. ,Vhen does one meet with double consonants in Bolfeggio r
A. Every time that Bot is either followed by itselt or any other note.
Q. Of how many kinds are the consonants which one meets with ll1
Bolfeggio r
A. Of four-Linguo-dental, Linguo-palatal, Labial, and LabbJ'o-dental.
Q. Tell me the notes of the scale, and mention to which class each con·
sonant helongs ?
A, ])0, wllich has D as its consonant, a Linguo-dental, on account of its
being formed hy the contact of the tongue and teeth.
r ・ セ with the consonant R, a Lingttopalatal, formed by the contact of the
tongue and palate.
Ml:, with the consonant M, a Labial, fonned by the pressure of the lips.
Ji"'rt, with the consonant F, a Labbro·iltntal, formed by the lips and teeth.
Bol, La, and Bi, like Be, have for their consonants Lingllo-palatals.
Q. How, in the study of Solfeggio, should the pupil seek to render with
clearness the double consonants?
A. As consonants have no sound of their own, but are only hear9. when
applied to a vowel, it will be necessary, as in the case of singing Sol, La, to
leave an almost imperceptible silence between the two notes in the following
How it should be sung

セ Z イ イ M ⦅ B B ⦅ M i ⦅ セ Z Z Z Z Z ェ ⦅ M M セ ] s N 3 ....セ M M セ セ エ s G M N
セ ] ] セ ] ] ] セ ] セ
セ M セ M ᄋ M M セ セ Z M セ M M セ ] ] セ セ ] ] Z i i
Do - Re -I -"Vi - Fa - I- So - 1 -
1 i I
La - \ - Si - Do

M M セ M イtS'-

Q M セ S M M M [ j ] エ ] N N t=:t:-I=-


The pupil should arrange solfeggi so that they will present the greatest
number of d(nble consonants. I would also recommend him to pay great
attention to the purity of the voweli'\ in order to avoid singing Fua for FA, or
Lor for La, and to begin consonant and vowel together; he would do well also
to study the vowels A, セ セ I, 0, U, either alone or preceded by a consonant.


NOTE.-The sign! marks the silence between the double consonants.

⦅ RM -
セ MZ -
]MZ .
Z B j G ] セ ] -] M Z セ ェ -] M -セ -M -セ .M -ャ
*--- M セ M イ オ Z Z Z [ Z セM M ] ] i セ] セ ] M セ M ] ⦅ M M セセ ] M ] ヲ M Q ャ ] M セ セ
セ ----:,=- --- -.- 4(-=-=:
---.= M M セ
-1""- - --.- - -
. - --1""-- - --
-==- -
-- -

i セ セ セ N [ \ ] セ セ ;<=ffl=FJ
, , , , ,

By singing appoggiata, is meant that all notes, from the lowest to the highest,
are produced by a column of air over which the singer has perfect command,
by holding back the breath, and not permitting more air than is absolutely'
necessary for the formation of the note to escape from the lungs. By practice
he will be able to do this without any effort, and so avoid those defects caused
by straining the breath, such as frowning, contraction of the tongue, and a fixed
expression of the eyes; for the voice will never be either well appoggiata nor
capable of expression until the pupil is able to render his features calm and
natural while singing.

The student should hold his mouth natural and still while singing; it may
be allowable in the very highest notes to open it キ ゥ 、 セ イ [ but the difference should
be very slight, and made without the least shock or sound of the air escaping.
To avoid this, let him keep a firm hold upon the breath.
He should, thereforf'!, under the guidance of his master, and by dint of study
and patience, strive to gain the power of retaining the mouth immovable; or,
notwithstanding the beauty and strength of bis voice, he can never become other-
wise than a bad singer.

Q. To what should the pupil principally pay attention in singing his exer
A. To the attack of the notes and the control over the breath.

Q. How may he know that the sound has been emitted with a fu}] respi-
A. By measuring first the lengt:h of the respiration, and then that of the
breath; as a breath slowly inhaled will last much longer than one hurriedly
Q. How can you best give an idea of the right moment for attacking a ョ ッ エ セ L
,0 that it may have the proper ア オ セ ョ エ ゥ エ ケ of breath for its support l
A. I should take the sign in use for crescendo, and placing it vertically,
mark upon it the seconds for which the breath of an ordinary person may be


= 12- Sound emitted with 'a full breath
EX.A:lIPLE :.'

8 9- as a rule 18 seconds.

Q. Would it be prejudicial to attack it on the lower numbers, as 6, 9, and

12 ?
A. Certainly, as the sound thus emitted would be found wanting in steadi.
ness and feeling.
Q. What are the advantages to be obtained by following the rules of Arti·
cle VII. and· the hints I have given here? .
A. The fullest development of tone, the union of the registers, legato sing.
ing sweetness of quality, security of intonation, an even agility, and a general
elegance of execution, which qualities combined are necessa,ry for good singing.
It is of the utmost importance that the pupil should, under the guidance of
his master, study the true character of his own voicel so that he may not deceive
ilimself as to its extension or character, and also that he may know what kind of
music he ought to sing. One can セ 。 ウ ゥ j ケ see what is the true character of a voice
by paying attention to the length of the breath on a given extension of notes,
and up to what in these notes the singer can pronounce distinctly, and modulate
their character, so as to convey the expression of love, hate, etc.


As my opiniol1s with regard to respiration coincide with those expressed hy

the cele bl'ated DR. MAND L of PARIS, in llis treatise on the maladies of the
larynx, I quote a few passages from his valuable work bearing upon that subject:
Respiration is of three types-the DiaphmiJmatic or Abdoniinal, the Lateml
and the Clavic1tlar.
In abdominal respimtion, the diaphragm, a large muscle at the base of the
thorax, IS the motive agent; its action is shown by the movement of the stomach.
Lateml1'espimtion is caused by the dilation of the middle part of the thorax,
and is shown by the movement of the ribs and breastbone.
ClaviculaI' 1'e8pi1'ation is caused by the dilation of the upper part of the
thorax, and ·is shown l)y the movement of the breastbone, ribs, collar·bones,
shouldel's, vertebrm, and sometimes also the head.
These different types of respiration are ·often combined, or rather succeed
one another; for instance, a continued abdominal respiration will become also
A prolonged lateral respiration may become either abdominal or clavicular,
and a prolonged clavicular respiration will become lateral.
In abdominal respiration the only muscle made use of is the diaphragm; it
enlarges and deepens the base of the thorax, pressing down upon the liver,
stomach and intestines, which, yielding to the pressure, leave a larger space for the
dilation of the lungs, the larynx also remaining perfectly natural and uncon·
strained; for which l'easbn good singers invariably make use of this type of
breathing.. .
To obtain a respiration purely abdominal, let the reader, for the sake of ex·
periment, seat himself on a chair, and cross his hands behind the back of it as
high up as possible; then the shoulders and upper part of the chest being
rendered immovable, a breath so taken cannot be other than abdominal.
Clavicular respiration is very different; the displacement of the upper ribs,
shoulders, vertebrm, etc., necessary for the expansion of the higher portion of
the cavity of the chest, entails the use of a considerable amount of force, on
account of the resistance offered by the inflexibility of these parts; the muscles
of the throat and larynx are thereby considerably cramped in their action, and
the emission of the voice is thus rendered very fatiguing to the vocal organs.
It is a mistake to suppose that the clavicular type of breathing is natural to
women; on the contrary, it never exists in nature; that which has given rise to
this erroneous impression is the following circumstance:
The pressure of the corset upon the abdomen,o1' in some cases the abnormal
development of the stomach not permitting of the natural descent of the

diaphragm, the respiration becomes lateral; the movement of the ribs and breast.
bone causes the rise and fall of the bosom, thus leadillg one to believe that the
breathing is clavicular; but it will be seen that there is no movement of the
collar-bones, and so we may be sure that the natural type of respiration in the
case of women, if not abdominal, is lateral.
The voice is the sound produced by the passage of セ ィ ・ air expelled from the
lungs through the larynx.
To sustain a given note the air should be expelled slowly; to attain this end,
the respiratory muscles, by continuing their action, strive to retain the air in the
lungs, and oppose their action to that of the expiratol'y muscles, which, at the
same time, drive it out for the production of the note. There is thus
established a balance of power between these two agents, which is called the
lutte vocale, or vQcal struggle. On the retention of this equilibrium depends
the just emission of the voice, ,and by means of it alone can true expression
be given to the sound produced.

The relation of art and nature to singing.

Every art may'be divided into two parts-the Natural and the Acquired.
The mind conceives the iuea, and the instrument represents to others the mind's
A painter conceives the subject of a picture, but it is necessary that his hand
and eye be educated by art to enable him to paint it. This argument we will
apply to singing, and in the following pages we shall endeavor to see what it
owes to nature and what to art.
Singing, being the art of expressing the various emotions of the soul by means
of the voice, with the help of words and music, we shall seek to. discover the
means by which the voice may be so brought under the influence of the will as
to convey to others the sentiments and passions felt, and the ideas conceived by
the mind of the singer.
In Article I., we have. seen that the voice is エ ィ セ sound produced by the pas-
sage of the air expelled from the lungs through the larynx; hence, we see that
the groundwork of singing is the respiration.
To obtain a natural emission of エ ィ セ voice, it is necessary "that the respiration
be natural also, for which reason we must make use of the abdominal type of
respiration explained in the preceding note.
The great fathers of the art of singing, Pacchiarotti, ...Yar.chesi, Veluti and
Orescentini were all of the opinion that, apart from, a thorough
study of respiration and pronunciation was necessary to ensure success in the


These exercises may be adapted by transposition to any class of voice..

All sIngers should make daily use of these, or other such exercises, for the
preservation of the voice, especially during an operatic engagement.
I particularly recommend these exercises to sopranos. and mezzo-sopranos
while singing dramatic work, for if they do not entirely check they will, at any
rate, greatly retard the deterioration of the voice, to which dramatic singers are
so liable.
To avoid weakening the centre of the v6ice, I should re<:.ommend all begin-
ners, in daily practice, not to let the compass of voice exercised exceed the range
I have here given.

To place the voice A A A A A

t 1'4 -44 -4 r;; r;; r;; r;; r.-

la lit la la
Ia la la la la la la la la la la
For practisiNg' the voice. A A A A A

r;; r;; r;; r;; r;;

t.. 4 6- --6---6- -tfr
la Ie 'Ii 10 lu la Ie Ii 10 lu la Ie Ii 10 lu
セ Adagio.

-e-- u -w
........ セ U

r--.. _____
co '8' >5

, -----
r--.. .,--


r セ セ M F セ セ


t. I I

la la la Ill. la lit la la la la lit la la lit la la la la,la la

セ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
.. - .
la Ie Ii 10 III la Ie Ii 10 lu la Ie Ii 10 lu la Ie Ii 10 III

t.. "tf tt 'z -& "& 'IS

-&---- セ セ

'U.._ セ pi
. -" セ セ ,,-

- L セ


N セ

B B B セ


セ イ [ セ !!r


la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
A A A A A A, A A A A A A A A A A ! ! ! !
la Ie li 10 lu la Ie Ii 10 III la Ie li 10 III la Ie Ii 10 lu

, セ W セ
'" '-II セ
セ '6- セ -&' :e:- セ

--- - ..-
-- セ セ


セ セ セ セ
セ セ
'035 Copyrt"glzt, セ X N Y ッ L lJy 6. Scldrmer.
,Printed in the U. S. It..
As the beauty of scale passages, etc. depends In a great mt'asure upon the correct intonation of the various In-
tervals, I have lIlarkt:d with the si/ol'n 0 those notes whieh are generally found most difficult.


0 o

o 0
---- _--...IIiiiiiii!I

. la la la la la lala 1<1
. ::..()
>0 :::..Q :>0 >0 >0 >0 :::-0

n_RNセ セ -& "l: tt- :\t- -...:::::

, - , .


a セ
---- r
a tempo


- ---,.....
-- "---


セ >0 セ :::-0 :::-0 :::-0" ==-<> :::-0 :::-Q I

la 101 lala la la lala la

セ i M M M M M M エ 06 ' セ i'& 06 We
,セ , セ

u-___ ,
--r i'
M M セ r

101 la la la la

-------- ---------
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---- la la la la la

t..1/" セ
t : \t- - --:::
--- - -- ..セ


--r -r :::- :::- :::- :::- :::- :::-


L セ
- la la la la la
1t..1--t 06 -& e- ':s

- .- セ セ
----*- MMMMセ

0 o 00 ....... ....-....-
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t. -&
- - t---
u ___ _ __'-J ___

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00 00 00 00
"l o Q セ セ セ セ - ,..,.
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- .-
I --- - .--- _or 11'

セ ,... ,..,. ,... 0


la r:-- セ セ セ
la la la- la

t.I G セ '., ....,.. 15F" 'tt tt

-- r-
- r-

__ "tf-__
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-- --
la la la la la la

t. tI'_ tI':: tt
* セ
*-- -

-- 0 o 0 o
--- ----
----- -&

o 0


セ N

la la la la la la

.t. セ M M N N N N N N 」 N ."9 tt tt tt-.... _tt- N セ


.>-:6' ___
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セ . ... I•

. .. セ
.---- r--.., I( L L ....-::::= ......
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'"l Moderato. _----_-


htlaltt Itt
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セ O セ

n P U N セ t -&. "u M セ
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t ".U

t. , la la la la
.1 ----

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, .. If 'I-J..-U'
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N セ

to セ N
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. セ


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As it is impossible to lay down a code of absolute and infallible rules suited to
all Yoicl's, that 「 ャ G ゥ ョ セ res;ryed for mech'anical il1!'trunwnts, which han' a セ ゥ カ ・ ョ and
オ ョ 」 ャ エ 。 ョ セ エ G 。 「 ャ ・ rt'g:ister, so it is impossible to wrih' ウ ッ ャ ヲ ・ セ セ ゥ adapted to all voices,
without reg:ard 10 character or r<tnA't'. "
In spite of this axiolll, I haw 'yet thoug:ht fit to close this my treatise on the
art of sing'ing with f(llir solfeg'g-i, which are not progressive, but written to gh'e
the pupil an idea of the modl'rn style; It'aving to the judgment of fhe master the
option of either 、 | o H I ウ ゥ エ ャ セ from them that one which he may cOtlsid,rr most adaptpd
to the voice an!l capahilitl·s of his pupil, or else of keeping to those solfeggi,which
so many famons mash'rs have already written.
I do not considl'r it snperfluous here to remind the master that he should never
either in solf!'g"!!."i or ext'rci!'es, allow his pupil to ウ ゥ ョ セ on either the two lowest
notes of his voicl'; but confin!' him to exercising' tht' middle notes, so as to rendt'r
the ,"oice ('yen and ag:reeable throughout its full extension.
In case the pl1pil finds a difficulty in syllibating on certain notes, he should
return to エ G ュ ゥ Q エ ゥ ョ セ them on a simple vowel, and continue only syllibation on those
notes which he finds easy. The master should be yery careful 10 allow the pupil
to sing: only those solfeg'g:i which are of such a medium rang:e, as to enable the
pupil to articulate the notes with clearness.
In conclusioll, I would advise the pupil to inspire his ·so 1fl'g:g'i with somf> senti-
ment, loye, prayer, irony, etc., and to realise also the dramatic situation, Let him
make an analysis of the feeling of some piece of poetry, and embody the ex -
pression of it in his solfeggio; by this means he will cultivate a g-raceful method
of ウ ゥ ョ セ ゥ ョ ァ M L 。 ョ 、 render each ウ ッ ョ セ an artistic composition.
Let him remember that feeling in singing must be subordinate to art, for untutored
feelinA' chokes the Yoicp; let him never abandon himself to his feelings, but instead.
strive always to ウ ゥ ョ セ with a warm heart, yet a cool head.
If ケ ッ オ ョ セ masters ,and those who have not had much experience in teaching, will have
thp patience to read attentively the rules, hints and suggestions, contained in this
trpatise, they may continue the studies of their pupils without fear of spoiling"
their yoices. I キ ッ セ ャ 、 now again for the last time warn them to avoid teaching
modern dramatic operas, so destructive t.o voices in セ ・ ョ ヲ G イ 。 ャ L and to femalt' voiet's
in particular; but in their stead, urge them to teach 1he operas of Be 11 illi and
Donizetti. and in preference to all, those of Rossini .
The only exception I can make is in favour of baritones, a イ ・ セ ゥ ウ エ ・ イ of voice
so to say, created by Gior-gio Ronconi, by the combination of the tenor- serio and
basso - cantante.
These may study modf>rn operas, as music was not written for their voices in
the Rossinian repertoire. Some rare exceptions may be made in favor of tenors
and basses, but the old repertoire will alway be found more fruitful of good
results, and less dangerous.
To prevent the ruin' of yoices was the object which I had in view in writ -
ing this treatise, if I succeed I shall df>em myself very fortunate in having been
the means, whereby ad"vantag'e has accrued to an art, the cultivation of which has
been the occupation of mv life.


Andante . pp

It.. portal/do la voce. --

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of Musical Classics

The Library Volume Number i. given in bracket.: 14531

ABT, F. CONCONE, J .-Continued
Op. 474. Practical Singing Tutor. For all Op.l1. 30 Daily Exercises. H[294];L[555}. .75
Voices (Spicker). Op. 12. 15 Vocalises. Finishing Studies.
For Soprano or Tenor. Complete [453] 1.75 H [275}; M or L [.l76]................... 1.00
Part I: Production of Tone. Intervals Op. 17. 40 Lessons. Alto [247]; Bass or
[454] .60 Bar. [24S] .......... , .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00
Part II: Exercises for the Cultivation of
Fluency [455} ................ ....... .60 The School of s ゥ セ ィ エ M s ゥ ョ ャ Q ゥ ョ ァ N Practical
Part III: )0 Solfeggi [456}. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Method for Young Beginners (Lutgen) [245} .. 1.25
Part IV: 12 Exercises on Vocalization
[457}. .60 DANNHAUSER, A. L.
For Mezzo-Soprano or Alto. c:::omplete [45S]. 1.75 Solfege des Solfeges.
Part I: Production of Tone. Intervals Bk. I [1289]; Bk. II [1290]; Bk. III [1291].ea. . 75
[459} .60 The same. sp. Bk. I [lOSS] .............. .75
Part II: Exercises for the Cultivation of
Fluency [460] . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .... .. .60 ESLAVA, D. H.
Part III: 20 Solfeggi [461}. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 Metodo de Solfeo (Carrillo). sp. CJrnp:ete
Part IV: 12 Exercises on Vocalization [1366] 1.50
[462] .60
For Baritone or Bass. Complete [463} 1.75 The same, Bk. 1[1376]; Bk, II [1377];
Part I: Production of Tone. Intervals Bk. III [137S]; Bk. IV [1379} ........ ,.ea. .50
[464] .60
Part II: Exercises for the Cultivation of LAMPERTI, F.
Fluency [465}.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 The Art of Singing [1587}, ...... ' .. , . . . . . . .. .75
Part III: Solfeggi and Exercises on Vocali-
zation [466]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 Daily Exercises in Singing [570].. . . . . . . . . . .. .75
Vocal Studies in Bravura (Liebling) [1633].. .. ,75
30 Voice-Training Exercises.
For Soprano [1090]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 LAMPERTI, G. B.
For Mezzo-Soprano [1091]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 30 Preparatory Vocalises. Sop. [568J, . . . . . .. 1.25
For Alto [1092].. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 29 Preparatory Vocalises. Alto [569]. ...... 1.25
For Tenor [1093] ......................... 100
For Baritone [1094}. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00
For Bass [1095]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 LUTGEN, B.
Vocalises (Spicker).
,BONA, P. Bk. I: 20 Daily Exercises. H [654]; M [655];
Rhythmical Articulation. A Complete L [656] ............. , ............. . ..... .75
Method [1170] .... , ...... , ......... ,...... .;)0 Bk. II: 20 Openific Vocalises. M [930];'
L [931}........................... . .... . .75
Exercises in Vocalization. MARCHESI, M. C.
Sop. [117}; M.-Sop. [l1S]; Alto [119] .......... 60 Op. 1. Elementary Progressive Exercises
[384] 1.00
2S Easy Vocalises in Progressive Order [S2].. .75 Op. 2. 24 Vocaliselt for Soprano or Mezzo-
36 VocaUses in Modem Style (Spicker) Soprano [391] ................. , . . . . . . . . .. 1.00
For Soprano (432). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... 1.50 Op. 3. 24 Vocalises for Soprano [597]. . . . .. 1.50
For Mezzo-Soprano or Baritone [433] .... , .... 1.50
Op. 21. The Art of Singing. Bk. I: Ele-
CONCONE, J. mentary and Graduated Exercises [793]; Bk. II:
30 Vocalises for Mezzo-Soprano [794] ...... ea. 1.00
Op. 9. 50 Les8ons. H[146S};M[242};L[243] 1.00
Op. 10. 25 Lessons. M [244}; L [246} ........ 1.00 Op. 32. 30 Vocalises (Liebling) H or M [126}.. 1.00
(LanlUalel of texts are shown in small letters: e. _ EaKlilb; i. _ Italian; sp. -Spanish. Where there is no other indication. texts are in English
only. Otbel abbreviations ueed.: H-Hilb. M- Medium; L- Low; Bar.- Baritone; M.·SoD.- Mezzo-Soprano; Sop.-Soprano; Ten. "" Tenor.)

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