Math Project 6 - Math Lesson Plan

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Name: Mary Smith Name of Lesson: Unit Rates Grade Level: 6th Grade Utah State Mathematics Core Domain: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Standard(s): o Standard 2: Understand the concept of a unit rate associated with a ratio and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. o Standard 3, Indicator B: Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant speed. Utah State Standards for Mathematical Practice only those addressed #1 - Make sense of problems and persevere #2 - Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively #6 - Attend to Precision #7 - Look for and make use of structure #8 - Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Learning Goal(s)/Essential Question(s) Essential Question: How can you use unit rates to make comparisons? Objective: Students will be able to create and use unit rates to compare ratios and solve-real world problems by completing problems in their math books. Background Information What do students need to know and be able to do prior to this lesson? Students will need to understand what a ratio is and how to write ratios Students will need to understand equivalent ratios Students will need to understand division (of whole numbers and decimals) Materials/Resources GoMath Math Book Crayola Washable Markers Rags (wet and dry) Uno Cards Journal Piece Pencil Invitation to Learn/ Focus Task How will you capture the attention of your students? Students will play Uno

Instruction Procedures How the lesson will be presented? 1. Students will play Uno 2. Discuss the objective of Uno to get down to ONE card o Spanish speakers what does uno mean? One! 3. What do you think unit means if it looks similar to the word uno? (one) 4. A unit rate is a ratio that compares a value to only a single unit (to only one) 5. Math Book page 169 go over first problem o You are buying star fruit and it costs $9.60 for 16 ounces. If you are finding a unit rate, you want to find out how much it costs for ONE ounce. o We now know about ratios which help us compare values. We can use equivalent ratios to find out how much it costs to purchase only ONE ounce. 6. Discuss how to create an equivalent ratio (aka: fraction) that results in a denominator of one (division of numerator and denominator both by the denominator) 7. Math Book page 171 o Do numbers 1, 2, and 3 together Walk them through step; ask them what to do o Students do 5-8 in math book o Students choose one problem (9, 10 or 11) o Go over answers as a whole group 8. Math Journal (see wrap up) Lesson Wrap Up Math Journaling review what a unit rate is and how to find it - Glue in unit rate journal piece - Draw Uno card to help them remember that a unit rate means to find a ratio compared to One Adaptations for different student needs Challenge: Math Book page 172 #s 12 and 14 Challenge: Change ratios from If You Could Hop Like a Frog (activity from last week) into unit ratios ELL: Help read story problems to them; draw on use of language to relate Uno to Unit and One At Risk: Reduced Work Load for Learning Disabled (IEP requires it) do fewer problems Assessment Whole group discussions and participation Individual work in math book Eventual chapter test

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