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Welcome to an exciting school year!
I am happy to have your child with me
this school year, and looking forward to meeting and working with you. To get the year off to a smooth start, several things would be very helpful. The three ring binder will serve as your childs basic organiational tool as well as your place to check his or her progress in each class. To assist you in helping your child succeed, I would like to explain our class procedures at this time. !ssignments will be documented in the student planner which your child will keep in the front of his"her binder. It is important for you as a parent to check your childs assignments daily. #uture pro$ects and tests will also be noted. %onse&uently, you will be able to help prepare your child for upcoming events. LANGUAGE ARTS '()**I+, - We will begin each week with a set of spelling words that will be tested on Thursday or Friday. It is your childs responsibility to be prepared for the spelling test. .)!/I+,"*!+,0!,) 1 .eading and language assignments will be given daily. There will be times that the assignments will have to be completed as homework. We will be doing a great deal of writing this year. 'ome of this will be kept in a portfolio in the classroom. !. .)!/I+, - 2our child will be expected to participate in the !ccelerated .eading program. 3e or she will be re&uired to read a book that has met teacher approval. ! reading calendar will be forthcoming. 'ince we encourage reading as much as possible, we will give each student who completes and turns in the monthly reading calendar sponsored by PTA a !! in the grade boo".
#AT$E#AT%&S The primary components of the math program will include algorithm maintenance, problem1solving strategies, and vocabulary development. !n emphasis will be placed on measurement concepts throughout the school year. S&%EN&E 2our child will be keeping a Interactive 'cience +otebook 4I'+5. This tool is used to strengthen your childs learning of the curriculum including the following categories6 7atter 8 )nergy, #orce, 7otion, 8 )nergy, )arth 8 'pace, and 9rganisms 8 )nvironment. The I'+ will serve as the primary reference for each unit. %9+'):0)+T*2, T3I' T99* 70'T ;) T!<)+ 397) /!I*2 T9 .)=I)W. S'&%AL STU(%ES This year in fifth grade, our social studies curriculum covers 0nited 'tates history. The children will be exposed to this information through the 'tudies Weekly periodical. ,rades will come from worksheets, maps, tests, activities, and pro$ects. GRA(%NG %NF'R#AT%'N #ifth grade is a year of many changes> there is an increased volume of work, many new concepts, and a marked shift, as well, to a more lecture1oriented, independent1work environment. ;ecause of this, there are some instances when students will experience academic difficulties. In fifth grade, we always re1teach any concept not mastered. We do this through a variety of ways such as small groups, one1on1one with the teacher, peer teaching, or practice material sent home. !ny graded papers that have a grade below a ?@ will need to be signed and returned to the sub$ect teacher. These signed papers will be filed by the teacher. The first nine weeks all papers with a grade below ?@A will be returned to the student to redo for an average of both grades, not to include assessments. 7idway through each grading period, we will be sending home a progress report to every student. 2ou must sign this and return it to your childs homeroom teacher. This is to keep you informed of your childs progress and to allow time to correct any problems before report cards are issued. 9ur goal at (olk has always been one of providing our students with many opportunities for success. ASS%GN#ENTS) $'#E*'R+) AN( #A+E UP *'R+ %ompleting assignments is the students responsibility. !ll assigned work is due by the end of the class period unless otherwise specified. !ssignments received a day after its due date will receive a grade of no higher than a ?@. !n assignment that is more than a day late will not be accepted at all, but will be entered in the grade book as a ero. 'tudents must make up any work missed while absent. The number of days allowed to make up the work is the same number of days the student was absent. It may be necessary for a student to arrive at ?6B@ or stay after school to complete missed assignments. It is the students responsibility to copy missed notes, collect necessary worksheets, and complete the makeup work in the allotted time. If the student is absent the day of the test but was present when the test was announced, the student must take the test on the day of return. N' E,TRA &RE(%T %S G%-EN T' %N(%-%(UAL STU(ENTS. 9n occasion an extra credit assignment might be given to the whole class. &'NNE&T%'NS Identified ,ifted and Talented students will participate in the %onnections program at (olk 'chool. The %onnections curriculum is only offered at selected schools. It is a program that incorporates the gifted, talented student into a specialied classroom, where literature, social studies, language arts, and fine arts are integrated. (UAL LANGUAGE The /ual *anguage classroom integrates )nglish *anguage learners and +ative *anguage speakers to provide academic instruction in both languages. 9ur students follow a C@1C@ model designed by our district. The C@1C@ model program is followed throughout the )l (aso Independent 'chool /istrict. The programDs goal is to achieve bilingualism and biculturalism. (olk students, who have participated in the program since kindergarten, demonstrated academic achievement in both )nglish and 'panish.
(%S&%PL%NE In order to guarantee your child and all other students in our classrooms the excellent educational climate they deserve, we will tolerate no student stopping us from teaching or any student stopping another from learning. This will help the student to develop the responsibility needed to succeed in middle school and future lifelong pursuits. Therefore, we are utiliing the following discipline management plan. &lassroom E.pectations 'tudent %ode of %onduct is to be followed 4refer to the 'tudent 3andbook5. Respect others <eep negative comments, hands, feet, and ob$ects to yourself. /o not borrow or touch the property of others without permission. *isten and follow directions when they are given by teachers, substitutes, and guests. .aise hand for permission to speak or leave seat. 'how good character. Respect yoursel/ 3ave supplies, including appropriate reading materials, ready immediately. %omplete and turn in all assigned tasks on time. !ny signed communication must be returned. 4)xamples include office and teacher literature, progress reports, report cards, permission slips, and Eblue slipsF.5 %heating of any kind, such as forgery, plagiarism 4including copying from the internet, another student, or any other source5, will not be tolerated. This type of activity will result in a ero for that grade and G *unch detentions. Respect school and property Take care and have pride in our school. 'tudents need to be in their seat at the beginning of the class period. There will be N' food or beverages other than water in the classroom. This includes gum, vitamin water, and sports drinks. &onse0uences /or (isregarding E.pectations If a student chooses to break a rule, these are the conse&uences per day6 ;reaking H rule - =erbal warning ;reaking G rules - 7ark in discipline binder ;reaking B rules 1 *unch /etention I ;reaking J rules - (arent, !dministrator, Teacher %onference 4(!T5 I*unch detention will automatically be given if a students behavior with a substitute is unsatisfactory. #AR+S %N T$E (ES&%PL%NE 1%N(ER *%LL (ETER#%NE T$E 1E$A-%'R GRA(E AT T$E EN( 'F EA&$ GRA(%NG PER%'(. ;ehavior ,rade @1C marks 'utstanding K1HL Satisfactory G@1BJ Needs Improvement BC or more Unsatisfactory A SE-ERE (%SRUPT%'N *%LL 1E SENT %##E(%ATEL2 T' T$E 'FF%&E. Re3ards =erbal or written praise and encouragement to students (ositive parental contact .ecognition of student achievement )nd of year awards I hope to be in communication with you as fre&uently as possible throughout the year. The learning environment for your child is a combination of both home and school. We look forward to this $oint venture. 9ur C th grade motto is Stri4e and 1elie4e and *e &an Succeed. Together we can make a difference! I hope this letter has been helpful since the beginning of a new school year can be so hectic. This letter has very important information that will help your child be successful this school year. (lease sign the contact form below and I will receive a message stating you have read and agreed to the information on my website. Please include your child5s name under the comment bo. belo3 so % can mar" your response accordingly. If there is any additional information that is important for me to know, please include that as well. Thank you and here is to a great school year!