Beginning (3 pts) Student oversimplifi es topic and fails to present major points.
Developing (5 pts) Student present majors points but fails to support them with convincing arguments and ideas. Audience has difficulty following presentation. Layout shows some structure. Images are too small or large in size.
Accomplished (7 pts) Students presents major points and partially supports them with convincing arguments and ideas. Student presents information in a logical sequence which audience can follow. Layout uses most space appropriately. Most slides contain highquality image which helps audience to understand content. Font on most slides is large enough to be read at a distance.
Exemplary (10 pts) Students presents major points and fully supports them with convincing arguments and ideas. Student presents information in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Layout is visually pleasing. All slides contain high-quality image which helps audience to understand the content.
Scor e 10
Organisatio Audience n & Layout cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Layout is cluttered and confusing. Images are distracting and detract from content Font Font on all slides is too small to be read at a distance. The lack of contrast between the font and background makes the text impossible to read. Does not have a grasp of the information required to complete the task. Makes no eye contact and spends most time reading from
The lack of contrast between the font and background makes the text difficult to read.
There is a good contrast between the font and background on most slides.
There is good 10 contrast between the font and background on all slides.
Subject knowledge
Uncomfortable with information and covers only a few of the criteria required to complete the task.
At ease with the information and covers most criteria for the task.
Demonstrates full knowledge with explanations and elaborations. All task criteria completed.
Oral presentatio n
Occasionally uses eye contact. Spends more time reading from the presentation.
Maintains eye contact most of the time. Most terms pronounced correctly. Most
Maintains eye contact. All terms pronounced correctly. All audience can
the slides. Terms incorrectly pronounced. Audience has difficult hearing. Citation
Student does Bibliography/wor not list ks cited list is sources incomplete used for research.