2 Rubric

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In the corporate world presentations are almost a daily occurrence and being able to
develop an effective PowerPoint slide deck is a critical skill. While the PowerPoint will
contribute to communicating the intended message one must have the ability to speak
intelligently about the content of the slides as well. This rubric will be used as a tool to assess
ones ability to deliver an effective presentation.

PowerPoint Creation

Topic Development


Audience Engagement

Below Expectations
1-3 Points
Too much or too little
content on a single
slide. Graphics do not
compliment the content.
Color usage was
distracting. Used
animation (should not

Meets Expectations
4-6 Points
Proper amount of content
per slide but not
organized. Most
graphics were
complimentary of the
content. Color usage
was mostly effective.

Presenter was not able

to organize thoughts
and confused their
audience. The topic
was not clear and did
not coincide with the
slide content.

Presenter was able to

establish a main topic
and related the topic to
the slides but had
difficulty transitioning
from slide to slide. Had
to refer to the slides at
times to stay on track.
Most of the time
maintained good eye
contact with the
audience. Occasionally
displayed awkward body
language or hand
gestures that were
distracting. Spoke
clearly and at the proper
volume level. Used pet
words occasionally.

Presenter had
difficulties making eye
contact with the
audience. Body
language was closed off
and often turned away
from the audience. Did
not speak clearly or at
an appropriate volume
level. Use of hand
gestures was
distracting. Frequently
used pet words like
umm and you know.
Did not probe the
audience for input or
questions. Did not
encourage discussion.
Did not maximize the
space in the room for

Probed the audience on

occasion for input and
questions. Attempted to
engage the audience in
discussion but struggled
with maintaining control.

Exceeds Expectations
7-9 Points
Each slide was well
organized with the
appropriate amount of
content. Graphics
enhanced the content and
contributed to the
intended message. Color
was complimentary and
helped emphasize critical
Presenter fully developed
the topic and was able to
relate the topic to the
slides without relying on
them for information.

Maintained great eye

contact with the
audience. Body
language was comforting
and welcoming making
the audience feel relaxed.
Used hand gestures only
to accentuate critical
statements. Spoke
articulately and at the
proper volume level.
Little to no use of pet
Used probing questions
to solicit feedback from
the audience. Facilitated
discussions without
losing control, keeping
the presentation on track.

movement and isolated

parts of the audience.

Minimal movement
around the room.

Moved around the room

without favoring any one
spot keeping all audience
members engaged.

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