Introduction To Parasitology
Introduction To Parasitology
Introduction To Parasitology
A. Parasitology
- dependence of one living organism on another.
Clinical Parasitology
- Concerned with animal parasites of man
Divisions of Parasitology
1. Protozoology
2. Helminthology
a. Roundworms (nematodes)
b. Flatworms –Cestodes (tapeworm)
Trematode (fluke)
3. Medical Entomology
B. Host
- Organism upon which parasites live
- Types of hosts:
1. Final Host or Definitive Host
- Harbors the sexual stage
2. Intermediate Host
- Harbors the larval or asexual stage
3. Reservoir Host
- Harbors the same species or parasites as man
4. Carriers
5. Vectors
- Hosts that transmit parasites to man
- An insect that carries the infective stage of an
organism to another person.
C. Parasite
- An organism living upon or within another organism for
- Types:
1. Obligate parasite
- Organism which cannot exist without a host.
2. Facultative Parasite
- Organism which may live either a parasitic or
free-living existence
3. Incidental parasite
- lives on another host other than its present host
- animal parasites which occur in human beings.
4. Spurious parasite
- parasitizes other hosts and are recovered in
living or dead state from human feces
5. Endo vs. Ectoparasites
a. Endoparasites---- produces an
b. Ectoparasites---- Attached to the
skin or temporarily invade the superficial
D.tissues of the host’s body. Produces an
Host- Parasite Relationships
1. Parasitism
a relationship between 2 living
organisms of different species
one of the members lives at the
expense of the other and at the same
time causes it harm.
2. Commensalism- parasite benefits without
reciprocating but without injury to the host.
4. Symbiosis
close association of 2 organism
both members are so dependent upon
each other that life apart is impossible.
Life Cycle
Trophozoite Cyst
Trophozoite– feeding stage
-- absorbs nutrients from the plasma
-- Motile stage
-- Have organ of locomotion
Cyst--- non feeding stage
-- rely on stored food (chromatoidal bodies)
--- Non motile stage
- Metronidazole
- Personal hygiene
-Environmental sanitation
Life cycle
Entamoeba coli
Stages: 5 developmental stages
-- Eccentric karyosome
-- Dirty looking sytoplasm
-- 8 nuclei
-- whisk broom shaped chromatoidal body
Non- pathogenic commensal tissue dweller
Life cycle like E. histolytica
Infective stage: cyst
S/sx: none
Treatment: None
1. Naegleria fowleri
-- found in freshwater lake or ponds, swimming pools
-- life cycle:
a. trophozoite– amoeboid form and flagellate form
b. Cyst
Portal of entry: olfactory neuroepithelium
-- causes primary amebic meningoencephalitis
-- seen in healthy individuals
-- Diagnosis:
-- amebas in tissues are present only as
-- no cysts seen in tissues
-- Treatment: Amphotericin B
-- Prevention: Avoid contact with stagnant or
thermal waters
Hyperchlorination not effective
2. Acanthamoeba
-- Most common species: Acanthamoeba
-- Found in soil or stagnant waters
-- Source of infection: dust or water
-- Resistant to chlorine and drying
-- Life cycle:
a. trophozoite ----- no flagellate form
b. cyst
-- Pathogenesis:
Portal of entry: broken or ulcerated
skin/eyes, lungs and GIT
Disease: Chronic meningoencephalitis in
immunocompromised host, Corneal ulceration
-- Treatment: Sulfadiazine
-- Prevention: early diagnosis
Prompt treatment of lesions
Balantidium coli
4. Giardia lamblia
a. Trophozoite– pear shaped, pathogenic stage
b. Cyst --- Infective stage
-- Do not drink from fresh water streams or lakes
without boiling or filtering the water.
-- Do not use ice or drink beverages made from tap
water that may be contaminated.
-- Do not eat uncooked or unpeeled fruits or
vegetables grown in conditions in which
contamination with Giardia might occur.
-- Wash hands before eating food, after changing
diapers, using the bathroom, or touching pets.
-- Avoid oral/anal sex.
Trophozoite emerging from cyst
Trophozoite emerging division
2. Trihomonas tenax (T. buccalis)
- non-pathogenic, found in mouth and gums
- trophozoite stage only
- transmission: droplet spray, kissing, sharing of
- treatment: none
- prevention: oral hygiene
3. Trichomonas vaginalis
- found in vagina and prostate gland
- trophozoite stage only: infective and
pathogenic stage
- transmission:
unhygienic practices in females
- alkaline vaginal pH
sexual intercourse in males
“- disease: STD
- pruritus vulvae
- mucopurolent discharge
- dysparenuria, dysuria
- “strawberry cervix”
- species:
Leishmania donovani: kala-azar or visceral leishmaniasis
Leishmania tropica: oriental sore or cutaneous leishmaniasis
Leishmania braziliense: espundia or mucocutaneous
- stages:
amastigote promastigote
(pathogenic stage) (infective stage)
Plasmodium species
- strain: Plasmodium falciparum
Plamodium vivax
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium ovale
- Transmission:
ingestion of uncooked infected meat containing cysts
fecal-oral transmission
transplacental (TORCHES)
organ or blood transplantation
accidental inoculation
inhalation of cyst----- most common
- Manifestations:
fever, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, pneumonia
encephalitis, chorioretinitis
- Prevention:
cook meats completely
cleaning kitty liter with precaution
do not allow cats to scavenge for food
wash vegetables thoroughly
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