Syncope E:Manag Afp (Dragged) 3
Syncope E:Manag Afp (Dragged) 3
Syncope E:Manag Afp (Dragged) 3
Cardiac syncope
Arrhythmia (e.g., bradyar- Generally abrupt and unprovoked; palpitations Abnormal electrocardiographic findings, family history
rhythmias, ventricular may precede symptoms of sudden death, personal history of heart disease,
tachyarrhythmias, sudden onset of palpitations, symptoms during or
supraventricular tachyar- after exertion while in supine or prone position
rhythmias), pacemaker dys-
function, channelopathies
Obstructive cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or exertional Often asymptomatic; may cause arrhythmias, chest
syncope in persons with a family history of pain, shortness of breath, or syncope; dynamic
sudden cardiac death systolic murmur that intensifies from squatting to
standing or during Valsalva maneuver
Structural cardiac disease Acute myocardial infarction or ischemia Diaphoresis, exertional chest pain, nausea, shortness
of breath; rare cause of syncope
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular Asymptomatic, atypical chest pain, dizziness, exertional
cardiomyopathy syncope, family history of sudden cardiac death,
palpitations, right ventricular structural abnormalities
Infiltrative (e.g., amyloidosis, Arrhythmias, heart block, heart failure
hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis)
Valvular disease (e.g., aortic stenosis, mitral Symptoms dependent on severity; severe aortic
stenosis, pulmonary stenosis) stenosis can manifest with congestive heart failure,
exertional angina, or syncope
Other structural disease Acute aortic dissection Hypotension or shock, severe sharp chest pain with or
without radiation to the back, history of hypertension
Cardiac masses (e.g., atrial myxoma, cardiac Arrhythmia via direct invasion, embolization, heart
tumors) failure, systemic symptoms, valvular regurgitation
Cardiac tamponade Elevated jugular venous pressure, hypotension, pulsus
paradoxus, sinus tachycardia
Pulmonary hypertension Often asymptomatic; may cause fatigue and shortness
of breath
Saddle pulmonary embolus Acute shortness of breath, chest pain, hypoxia, right
heart strain, sinus tachycardia
Neurally mediated (reflex) syncope
Carotid sinus syndrome/ Head rotation or pressure on the carotid Ventricular pause or decreased systolic blood pressure
hypersensitivity sinus (e.g., from shaving or tight collar) can after carotid sinus massage; may coincide with
reproduce symptoms; consider in patients syncope
with unexplained falls
Situational Brought on by coughing, defecation, Absence of heart disease; history of similar syncope;
gastrointestinal stimulation, or urination; prolonged standing, eating, or voiding
may occur after exercise or meals
Vasovagal Mediated by fear, heat exposure, noxious Prodromal symptoms (e.g., diaphoresis, dizziness,
stimuli, pain, or stress nausea), precipitating factors
Orthostatic hypotension syncope
Drug induced Alcohol, antianginal agents, antidepressants, Initiation or change in dosage
antidiabetic agents, antihypertensives,
antiparkinsonian agents, diuretics, flibanserin
(Addyi), insulin
Postural tachycardia Young adults (predominantly female); Severe orthostatic intolerance with marked tachycardia
syndrome associated with chronic fatigue syndrome
and mitral valve prolapse
Primary autonomic failure Multiple sclerosis, multiple system atrophy Orthostatic hypotension with postural change
(e.g., Shy-Drager syndrome), Parkinson disease/
parkinsonism, Wernicke encephalopathy
Secondary autonomic failure Amyloidosis, chronic inflammatory Orthostatic hypotension with postural change
demyelinating polyneuropathy, connective
tissue diseases, diabetes mellitus, Lewy body
dementia, older age, spinal cord injury, uremia
Volume depletion Acute blood loss (e.g., gastrointestinal Hypotension, tachycardia, history of volume/blood
bleeding, ectopic pregnancy), diarrhea, loss, dehydration on examination
inadequate fluid intake, vomiting