Eng1d Verbal Visual Essay Assignment

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ENG1D1 Independent Reading Assignment

Verbal-Visual Collage
Step #1: Choose your novel Choose a novel (minimum 250 pages) and have it read by ________________________. Your teacher will give you reading periods, so be sure to bring your novel to class. Step #2: Identify the main ideas & themes As you read: Determine the major themes, ideas or conflicts that are being developed in your novel. Record FIVE quotations from the novel that reveal these themes & ideas. Write FIVE personal statements that relate to these themes & ideas. Finally, choose images (drawings, graphics, magazine or computer images, etc) that depict these themes, ideas and conflicts. Avoid literal depictions of the plot or characters; rather, choose images that have symbolic value. Step #3: Design your collage Using the principles of design and media techniques discussed in class, arrange your visual images and verbal statements (five quotations & five personal statements) on a Bristol board to create a collage. Be sure to include the title and author of the novel. N.B. This collage should communicate the main themes, ideas and conflicts in the novel; therefore, your images and statements should work together to convey this unified message. Arrange your images and words purposefully! On the back of your collage: List your FIVE quotations and FIVE personal statements. Write a detailed, one-paragraph explanation of the meaning and intentions behind your visual elements. This explanation will help you to complete the final step. Step #4: Present your Verbal-Visual Collage You will briefly present your verbal-visual collage to the class on an assigned date. During your presentation, you will: Give a brief synopsis of your novel. State the major themes, ideas and/or conflicts of the novel. Explain how your collage communicates these themes and ideas. Your presentation should be about 5 minutes in length.

My presentation date is ______________________________________.

ENG1D1 VERBAL-VISUAL ESSAY RUBRIC I. MEDIA Criterion Form Choice of images and verbals to communicate the novels themes, ideas and/or conflicts, including title & author Placement of verbals in relation to visual images Conventions and Techniques Use of media techniques and principles of design (for both images and words) to communicate the novels themes, ideas & conflicts LEVEL ______= /10

Level 1 Limited

Level 2 Level 3 Adequate Considerable

Level 4 Skillful




II. READING Criterion Analysis of Text Demonstration of understanding the novels themes, ideas and conflicts LEVEL ______= /5

Level 1 Limited

Level 2 Level 3 Adequate Considerable

Level 4 Skillful




Level 1 Limited

Level 2 Level 3 Adequate Considerable

Level 4 Skillful


Clarity & Coherence Communicates in a clear and coherent manner Appropriate choice of language Delivery (Vocal Strategies & Non-Verbal Cues) Effectiveness of body language, posture & eye contact Effectiveness of volume, pace & quality of voice LEVEL ______= /10



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