Group Short Story Presentation Rubric

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Group Short Story Presentation Rubric

Name: __________________________________ Oral Skills 1. Student projects, enunciates, and pronounces words clearly and so t at t e entire class can ear t e presentation. 2. T e pace o$ speec is modulated so t at all students can $ollow alon%, and &oca'ulary is appropriate to t e %rade le&el. ". Student uses 'ody lan%ua%e, posture, and e(pressions appropriate to a $ormal presentation. #. Student makes consistent eye contact wit t e entire class ). Student participates e*ually in t e presentation, and in$ormation is presented in a lo%ical order. +. Student makes %ood use o$ notes, does not ,read- t e presentation, and seems com$orta'le wit t e material. !1 !1 !1 !1 !1 !1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mark

Total Mark: _____/20 Level 2 2 2 2 2 2 " " " " " " # # # # # # /10

Reading 1. Students correctly use literary terminolo%y, and identi$y all major, rele&ant issues re*uired $or t e presentation 2. Students %i&e appropriate te(tual re$erences to support t eir points. ". Students are a'le to e(plain t e si%ni$icance o$ t eir points .e.%. to clearly e(plain w at somet in% $ores adows, etc./ #. Students are a'le to correctly make connections 'etween t eir topic and t e t eme.s/ o$ t e story. !1 !1 !1 !1 1 1 1 1

Level 2 2 2 2 " " " " # # # # /10

Mark Co ents!

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