Exp. 1.8 (Form 5)
Exp. 1.8 (Form 5)
Exp. 1.8 (Form 5)
8 Studying the effect of air movement on the rate of transpiration Problem Statement: How does the movement of air affect the rate of transpiration? Hypothesis: The faster the movement of air, the greater the rate of transpiration. Variable: Manipulated: Air movement Responding: The distance travelled by the air bubbles in 5 minutes Constant: Time taken for the movement of air bubbles, surrounding temperature, light intensity, relative humidity, type of plant Materials and apparatus: A leafy shoot, Vaseline, a piece of cloth, dilute eosin solution, a rubber tubing (5 cm), a capillary tube(40 cm), a 250 ml beaker, secateurs, a retort stand, a stopwatch, a ruler, table fan and a basin Procedure:
Choose a leafy shoot from a plant. Cut of a shoot and immediately immerse the cut end in water. (P1, P2) Cut the shoot again. This time cut about 1 cm of the stem obliquely under the water. (P1) Fix the rubber tubing into the capillary tube under the water. (P1, P5) Fix the stem to the rubber tubing under the water. Make sure the leaves are kept out of the water as much as possible. (P1, P5) Fill the rubber tubing and capillary tube with eosin solution. Make sure there are no bubbles trapped inside the capillary tube and set up the apparatus. (P1) Immerse the end of the capillary tube in a beaker of eosin solution. (P1) Wipe the leaves and apparatus dry with dry cloth. (P5) Grease the joint between the stem and the potometer with Vaseline to prevent leakage of water and make the apparatus airtight. (P5) Remove the capillary tube from the beaker and press the rubber tubing to remove a drop or eosin solution from the capillary tube. Allow a bubble of air to enter and place the capillary tube back into the beaker. (P1) Place the potometer under different air movement with the fan speed 1, 2 and 3. (P1, P4). Start the stopwatch and record the time taken for the bubble to move in 5 minutes. (P3, P2) Draw a graph of the rate of transpiration against the speed of fan.
Result: Fan speed 1 2 3 Distance travelled by the air bubble in 5 minutes, (cm) Rate of transpiration (cm/min.)