Earmark Request
Earmark Request
Earmark Request
FAX (828~ 252-8734
l'tnul.lc nf 1!tcjJreI.lCt1tutiu£u SMALL BUSINESS
April 2, 2009
I am requesting funding for the National Textile Center/TC 2. The entity to receive funding for this
project is the National Textile Center and the Textile/Clothing Technology C01poration (rC 2),
located in Cary, NC and Raleigh, NC 27695. The funding would be used for for developing new
materials; providing ttained personnel, industtial partnerships and technology ttansfer mechanisms;
strengthening the nation's textile research and education efforts; and improving textile and apparel
production techniques. I certify d,at neither I nor my spouse has any financial interest in this project.
If you have any questions, please contact Sean O'Brien of my staff at 202-225-6401.
Heath Shuler
Member of Congress