Earmark Request
Earmark Request
Earmark Request
Consistent Witll ti,e Republican Leadership's policy on earmarks, r hereby certify tllat to tbe
hest of my knowledge iliis request (1) is not directed to an entity or program tllat will be
named afrer a sitting Member of Congress; (2) is not intended to be used by an entity to
secure funds for otber entities wuess the use o f funding is consistent willi ti,e specified
purpose o f ti,e earmark; and (3) meets or exceeds all statutory requirements for matching
funds where applicable. I furtller certify tllar should tlus request be included in ti,e bill, I will
place a statement in tbe Congressional Record describing how ti,e fund s will be spent and
justifying ti,e use of fed eral taxpayer fund s. [n addition, [ have posted informatio n regarding
tlus request o n my official House website in complia nce witll Chairman Obey's new rules.
t-,·like Sinlpson
Member o f Congress