Nontraditional Lesson Plan
Nontraditional Lesson Plan
Nontraditional Lesson Plan
Grade Level:
Materials Needed: 1. Men and Women Signs (3) included in lesson materials 2. Sticky notes 3. Career List -- included 4. Box
5. Copies of Nontraditional Careers brochures found at:
Time in Minute s 5
Activity Starter Activity. As students come in, teacher will give each student two (2) sticky notes. On ONE sticky note the teacher will write one career from
the list of careers provided. On the other sticky note, have the student write a career he/she is interested in pursuing. Teacher will hang up the men and women signs on opposite walls of the classroom and ask students to place their sticky notes under the man sign if the job is typically held by men or under the women sign if it is traditionally held by women. If a student feels the job is gender neutral, have the student place it under the sign with both figures. 10 Discussion. Pull a sticky note from each sign and discuss the following questions. Then, if applicable, move the note to the gender neutral sign. Do this for several sticky notes. Sample discussion questions are listed on the following page. Discussion questions: 30 Why do you think this career is mostly filled by men (women)? Could anyone do this job or are there restrictions based on gender? Why would a man (woman) consider this as a career? Should gender always determine career or job choice?
Brochure Activity Writing Exercise Working individually or in pairs, students should pick a brochure from the box at random. Students should look through the brochure and answer the questions on the handout. OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: Each pair or individual could create a poster of the career area they chose and give a short presentation to the class regarding that nontraditional career pathway.
Career List
Carpenter Video Game Designer Park Ranger Dentist Medical Assistant Forklift Operator Bank Manager Photographer Engineer Auto Mechanic Nurse Engineer Insurance Agent Mental Health Counselor Sales Clerk Locksmith Concrete Finisher Interior Designer Preschool Teacher Rock DJ Legal Secretary Farmer Electrician Cable Installer Physical Therapist Checkout Clerk Fire Fighter Hair Stylist Judge Wedding Planner Professor Veterinarian Pharmacist Security Guard Cabinet Maker Financial Manager
4. List three reasons someone may be interested in a nontraditional career path. 5. List three tasks that are part of this type of a career. 6. What is the average wage for this career? 7. What is the outlook for this career path? Is the career growing? 8. List three occupations in this career area. 9. In your opinion, what is the one most interesting fact regarding this career path from the back of the brochure?
10. What career path most interests you? Is it traditional or nontraditional for your gender?