Writing A News Article
Writing A News Article
Writing A News Article
A catchy Headline and sometimes a Sub-Headline: reflects the focus of the article; usually touches on at least one of the 5 Ws
Byline and Place Line: identifies the individual journalist who wrote the article and where the events occurred
Leadfirst paragraph(s): in your first one or two sentences tell WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. Give the specific details; capture reader interest and list the pertinent information related to the articles headline. a. Hook the reader by beginning with an effectively clever statement that provides details related to the news article
Body Paragraphs: second, third, fourth, etc paragraphs Gives readers the details: the facts. INCLUDE QUOTATIONS FROM EYE-WITNESSES, IMPORTANT INDIVIDUALS, ETC ! a. Discuss details related to the 5 Ws; answering the Why & How b. Write in the third person: he, she, they, the individuals, the people, etc c. Be objectivedo not state your personal opinions: only provide facts d. Use quotations to express and convey the eyewitnesss comments/ideas e. Opinions should only be expressed through quotations
Last paragraph: a. Wrap it up somehow: don't leave the reader hanging b. Don't say...."In conclusion" or "To finish..." c. Try ending with a quotation or with a catchy phrase, obviously strongly related to the articles content; leave reader with follow up details: possible next steps; no opinions
Provide the most relevant and related information first: info related specifically to the headline and sub-headline; 5Ws Use the top down approach INVERTED PYRAMID most important to least important information Use active words: verbs that show what really happened Write newspaper articles in the immediate past tense: obviously, the events occur in the past! WRITE AS IF THE EVENTS OCCURRED YESTERDAY Write down specific words from the eyewitness; important people: use quotations Give the really interesting and eye-catching information first