Quickly Pretty Terribly Good Easily Terrible Well Careful Carefully Loudly

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1) He quickly reads a book. 2) Mandy is a pretty girl. 3) The class is terribly loud today. 4) Max is a good singer.

5) You can easily open this tin. 6) It's a terrible day today. 7) She sings the song well. 8) He is a careful driver. 9) He drives the car carefully. 10) The dog barks loudly.

1) The bus driver was seriously injured. 2) Kevin is extremely clever. 3) This hamburger tastes awful. 4) Be careful with this glass of milk. It's hot. 5) Robin looks sad. What's the matter with him? 6) Jack is terribly upset about losing his keys. 7) This steak smells good. 8) Our basketball team played badly last Friday. 9) Don't speak so fast. I can't understand you. 10) Maria slowly opened her present.

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