Research Michel Burillo 8-874-2187 7/26/2013: Questions
Research Michel Burillo 8-874-2187 7/26/2013: Questions
Research Michel Burillo 8-874-2187 7/26/2013: Questions
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Investigate the development of internet in panama until today(when was used, developers, first company providers) How many users of internet has panama now Law of ecommerce in panama Who invented the internet, when how How many hotels in panama use ecommerce, explain
Answers 1) The first Internet connections begin in June 1994, by RedHUCyT (Interuniversity Hemispheric Network of Scientific and Technological) and PANNet, (Academic and Research Network National). However, the final leap to a massive use of this medium was due to the creation of Internet Panama in 1995, following the Restructuring Act INTEL. The paid service is offered by several companies. -Columbus Networks -C&W Panam -Cableonda -Wipet -Mobilnet E-commerce continues to grow in Latin America and the end of 2011 accounted for 0.76% of gross domestic product (GDP) of the region. And in Panama, in particular, has grown 156% in the last five years. A recent study of electronic commerce conducted by America Economic Intelligence commissioned by Visa revealed that online sales in Central America during 2011 were $ 1,051 million, marking an increase of 2.4% over the previous year. And of that amount $ 274.2 million related to transactions in Panama. In 2007 e-commerce in Panama reached $ 107 million, but by 2011 the figure was $274.2, the report said. Panama has being developing through time since the growth of users has being rising and people are learning how to dominate it. 2) Number of Internet users: 45,000 (2000) Number of Internet users: 120,000 (2002) Number of Internet users: 300,000 (2005) Number of Internet users: 934,500 (2008) Number of Internet users: 959,800 (2009) Number of Internet users: 959,900 (2010) Number of Internet users: 1,586,537 (2012) 3) The General Directorate of Electronic Commerce, DGCE, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, was established by Act No. 43 of 2001, which will be responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of activities related to e-commerce, specifically in terms of certification of electronic signatures. Under the provisions of Law No. 51 of July 22, 2008, "which defines and regulates electronic documents and electronic signatures and storage services technology and certification of electronic signatures and adopts other provisions for the development of electronic commerce ", extending the powers of the DGCE and establish regulatory powers and more defined audit to promote the development of service provision technological storage of documents and / or certification of electronic signatures and Internet use as a platform for e-commerce development. This law is meant to regulate and control the technological storage of documents, certification of electronic signatures and electronic commerce, based on principles of freedom to provide services, competition, technology neutrality, international compatibility, functional equivalence and safety of high technical standards, with the purpose of promoting and facilitating the use of ICT as a tool to boost the competitiveness of the productive sectors and socio-economic
development across the country. 4) The initial idea is credited as being Leonard Kleinrock's after he published his first paper entitled "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets" on May 31, 1961. In 1962 J.C.R. Licklider becomes the first Director of IPTO and gave his vision of a galactic network. In addition to the ideas from Licklider and Kleinrock, Robert Taylor helped create the idea of the network, which later became ARPANET. The Internet as we know it today first started being developed in the late 1960's. In the summer of 1968, the Network Working Group (NWG) held its first meeting chaired by Elmer Shapiro with the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) with attendees: Steve Carr, Steve Crocker, Jeff Rulifson, and Ron Stoughton. In the meeting the group discussed solving issues related to getting hosts to communicate with each other. In December 1968, Elmer Shapiro with SRI released a report "A Study of Computer Network Design Parameters." Based on this work and earlier work done by Paul Baran, Thomas Marill and others; Lawrence Roberts and Barry Wessler helped to create the final version of the Interface Message Processor (IMP) specifications. Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN) was later awarded the contract to design and build the IMP sub network. August 29, 1969 the first network switch and the first piece of network equipment called "IMP", which is short for (Interface Message Processor) is sent to UCLA. On September 2, 1969 the first data moves from UCLA host to the switch. In the picture to the right, is a picture of Leonard Kleinrock next to the IMP. On Friday October 29, 1969 at 10:30 p.m., the first Internet message was sent from computer science Professor Leonard KleinRock's laboratory at UCLA, after the second piece of network equipment was installed at SRI. This connection not only enabled the first transmission to be made, but is also considered to be the first Internet backbone. The first message to be distributed was "LO", which was an attempt at "LOGIN" by Charley S. Kline to log into the SRI computer from UCLA. However, the message was unable to be completed because the SRI system crashed. Shortly after the crash, the issue was resolved and he was able to log into the computer. Bob Metcalfe develops Ethernet idea in 1973. In 1978 TCP splits into TCP/IP driven by Danny Cohen, David Reed, and John Shoch to support real-time traffic. This allows the creation of UDP. TCP/IP is later standardized into ARPANET in 1983 and is still the primary protocol used for the Internet. Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel introduce DNS in 1984. In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee develops HTML, which made a huge contribution to how we navigate and view the Internet today. Tim Berners-Lee introduces WWW to the public on August 6, 1991. 5) The Internet has consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the way we communicate, and the way we do business. Over the last decade the population of Internet users has increased rapidly. The hospitality industry has always been among the first to capitalize on new technologies. Costumers are constantly seeking new sources of information to help them make decisions before purchasing services. E-commerce has been defined as "the buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers over the Internet." With hotel e-commerce, the landscape of the hospitality industry is forever changed. Online sales are an important part of the business. The growing importance of e-commerce in the modern hospitality industry has created an urgent need for simple solutions to manage companies' online presence.
Just to mention few hotels that use e-commerce would be: Hardrock Hotel Bristol Panama Hotel Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Manrey Hotel Veneto Hotel Country Inn & Suites Panama Riu Hotel Sizable Send