Infant and Toddlers Spaces: Design For A Quality Classroom

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Infant and Toddler Spaces

design for a quality classroom

A collaboration between WestEd’s

Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC)
and Community Playthings
I have always
been regretting
that I was not
as wise as the
day I was born.
- Henry David Thoreau
Infant and Toddler Spaces
d esign f o r a q ua l i t y classroo m

“Adults admire their environment; they can remember it and think about
it—but a child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they
form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself all in the world about him that
his eyes see and his ears hear.” – Maria Montessori
Educator, physician, philosopher

Importance of the Environment.................................2
Brain Development........................................................3
8 Considerations for Quality I/T Environments 4
Child-Size Space...............6
Group Size/Ratios..........................................................9
Considerations for the Architect..............................10
Infants: Guide to Room Planning...................................12
Toddlers: Guide to Room Planning................................14
Importance of the Environment

“Absorbing a host of impressions through his senses is almost the exclusive

task of the infant… Often the whole life of a person is not sufficient to ef-
face the impressions absorbed in childhood, because his whole being, like a
large eye, was open and wholly given to them. For this reason the care of an
infant is so important.”   – Friedrich Froebel, Educator,
founder of the Kindergarten

T he first months and years

of a child’s life are the most
formative in development of
mind, body, and spirit. Sleep,
emotional and physical nour-
ishment, and sensory stimula-
tion are more important in
infancy than at any other time.
The most vital need for these
youngest children is warm,
nurturing care from the adults
they depend on. We must also
provide them with secure
surroundings, and equipment
and playthings that meet their
needs and support their indi-
vidual development.
Brain Development

“Babies are busy ‘wiring’ their brains. They are born with all the brain cells
(neurons) they need, but they are not ‘intelligent’ as we understand that term….
they perceive but don’t think the way we do because they can’t retain images or
symbols in their minds. Babies construct intelligence through experience, welding
sparsely connected neurons into densely interconnected pathways.”
– Jim Greenman, Educator,
Sr. Vice President of Program Development,
Bright Horizons Family Solutions

T he first three years of

a child’s life are criti-
cal for brain development.
After birth, brain cells estab-
lish trillions of connections.
These connecting synapses
form the brain’s “maps” that
govern thought, feelings, and
behavior. Brain cells analyze,
coordinate, and transmit in-
formation. The brain learns
and remembers throughout
their genes, the environment lectual, emotional, social,
life by constantly changing
plays a major role in devel- and physical experiences
these networks as it receives
oping a child’s personality for the trillions of con-
input from its environment.
by shaping the expression of nections between brain
Although parents pass on those genes. External influ- cells that make learning
a variety of characteristics ences, from conception on- and memory possible.
to their children through ward, offer the brain intel-

Eight Considerations for Quality
Infant and Toddler Environments– adapted from PITC's Infant/Toddler Caregiving: A Guide to Setting Up Environments

S ince surroundings have such a powerful influence on infants and toddlers, there are eight
qualities to consider when setting up group care environments. These qualities can be
divided into two groups. Four relate to the needs of infants and their caregivers: Safety, Health,
Comfort, and Convenience. The second four support infant development: Child-Size Space,
Flexibility, Movement, and Choice.

1. Safety 2. Health
Safety is one of the most impor- “As soon as a baby Health is a fundamental issue
tant concerns in a group-care starts crawling, you can when caring for infants and tod-
setting. In a safe environment, dlers. Both children and adults
children move about freely and count on the fact that must be protected from infection
explore without the caregiver he will discover every and illness, above all by a well-
worrying about children getting kept environment.
hidden danger in the
hurt. She can spend her time in • Separate the diapering and toi-
positive interaction with the chil- environment. That means leting areas from food prepara-
dren, rather than patrolling a “no” his caregivers need to tion and feeding areas.
environment. • Keep these and all areas clean at
discover those hidden
Safe environments have: all times.
dangers first and elimi-
• developmentally appropriate • Have sufficient plumbing to
equipment made of non-toxic nate them.” allow children and caregivers to
materials such as wood. - Dr. Thelma Harms, wash hands regularly.
• non-slip floors. Director of Curriculum Development, • Make sure surfaces are easy to
Research Professor, UNC-CH
• stable shelves, objects and fix- clean and suitable for the activi-
School of Education
tures with rounded corners. ties in the area—walls, floors,
furniture, and toys.
• steps toddlers can use to reach
the changing table so that Heat, light, ventilation and
caregivers will not have to acoustics all have an impact on the
lift them. development of children’s health.
Since smell is one of the most
important indicators of a healthy
environment, clean floors and
furnishings are of utmost impor-
tance. A child care center needs an
efficient air exchange system, as
well as screened, openable win-
dows, if at all possible.

3. Comfort 4. Convenience Storage and Shelves
A comfortable environment A convenient environment is Storage is the caregiver’s strong
creates a calming atmosphere and one in which both the infants silent partner in a smoothly run
allows both infants and caregivers and adults can easily see, find, childcare program. Adequate
to function without stress, which and access materials. Make sure storage and proper placement of
is injurious to brain develop- the arrangement of equipment storage builds ease and efficiency
ment. Reducing clutter, giving is clear and visible to all who use into your environment.
attention to attractive display, and the space. Materials should be
introducing nature in the room grouped together logically. Since Entrance and Parent
are some ways to bring about a infants and toddlers cannot read Communication Area
harmonious and relaxing mood. labels, they take cues from the Entering and leaving the child
• Try soft and natural colors on way each area is organized, as well care setting are important activi-
walls and furnishings. as its mood, to stimulate their ties. A well-defined entrance gives
• Use natural light, lamps, and interaction with the environment. children a clear sense of space,
full-spectrum lights rather predictability and security. Both
than fluorescent lights. Feeding, Washing, children and parents can experi-
• Each room needs a steady flow and Toileting Areas ence separation anxiety, so an at-
of fresh air. Feeding and toileting areas must tractive and cheerful entrance can
• Acoustical tiles and rugs with be clean, bright and convenient. dispel their fears, inviting them
pads help to absorb noise. That means the environment to enter a special place designed
• Soft cushions, pillows and back must be easy to clean and easy to just for them. When parents feel
supports for adults sitting on work in. The equipment should welcome in the classroom, they'll
the floor help make the envi- be scaled so that picking up, have more confidence to visit,
ronment comfortable. bending over, and reaching are communicate, and make the tran-
kept to a minimum. sition that works for them.

Infants experience
Three Stages of

R egardless of age, infants are

searching for a sense of secu-
rity, are drawn to exploration of
their surroundings, and are carv-
ing out their own special identity.
The caregiver-help that children
require changes as they progress
through the stages of infancy. It is
important that the surrounding
environment supports both the 5. Child-Size Space
growing infants and the teachers When an environment is encourage them to new levels of
who care for them. designed to fit infants and tod- play. Since the quality of your in-
• Young or Immobile Infants (0-8 dlers, they can reach what they teractions has a direct bearing on
months) thrive on the warmth want, climb up what (to them) children's confidence and ability
and caring from a close rela- are challenging distances, and to learn, swings and walkers are
tionship with caregivers. This explore what interests them. not recommended. They inhibit
security prompts young infants Caregivers spend less time lifting the infant's natural need to move
to explore and begin to shape children, putting them in chairs, and explore, and prevent adults
their identity. getting toys for them, and pick- from interacting in the ways
ing up things they drop. that benefit children most. If the
• Mobile Infants (6-18 months) are space is child-scale and designed
more focused on exploration. Child-size space also takes into
for exploration, and if caregivers
Curious, the mobile infant learns account the role of the care-
are interactive, "babysitter equip-
to propel herself to explore the en- giver. Intentional and responsive
ment" will not be needed.
vironment when she feels secure. interaction with each child will
• Toddlers (16-36 months) are
establishing their identity. Who
am I, and who is in charge? Al- “Research shows that the more child-scaled the environmental
though a toddler is asserting his space, the higher the quality and complexity of children's play
own control and independence,
he still needs a strong sense of
will be, and the longer they will be preoccupied in the play. In
security in order to explore the other words, a child-scaled environment increases children's
world with more purpose. interest and concentration, and it delays boredom. In a large
space, children are encouraged through reading the environ-
ment to move about from one thing to another, whereas in
small contained areas, they are more focused.”
– Randy White, CEO,
White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, Inc.
Designing facilities for children's development, learning and play

On a Child's Level
It’s such a big world. Your class-
room may be the one place where
a child can reach, sit, play and
work without constantly asking
an adult for access.

To create a child-size
environment, use:
• tables and chairs that are small
and low.
• 24" shelves so children can see
and reach toys.
• mirrors and pictures at

6. Flexibility child-height.
• easels at infants’ eye level, 10"-
To create a flexible room: the caregiver can see and respond 14" off the ground for toddlers.
• Use equipment that is easy to to any child who needs attention. • steps 4"-5" high.
move—lightweight and mobile. An open center creates maxi-
• some adult-size furniture, so
• Use adjustable equipment that mum flexibility and lets children caregivers can rock and cuddle
will keep up with growing navigate easily between areas and children in comfort.
children. explore their independence.
• Store a variety of toys, materi- Activity Areas
als, and equipment in a conven- Working with
Think of activity areas as separate
ient place. Limited Space
places, like little islands. Then
• Combine some activity areas When a small area must meet work to make them feel separate.
to maximize the use of your the varied needs of infants and You can do that by making sure
space: for example, the messy toddlers, you have the challenge each activity area has these three
activities can take place in the of limited space. Strategies for qualities:
mealtime area. designing a limited space include:
1. A separate physical location.
• A changeable environment.
An Open Center 2. Boundaries that separate it
• Lightweight, easy-to-move from other areas.
No matter what type of set- boundaries.
ting you have, plan to keep part 3. A mood, feeling or personality.
• Multi-use, multi-purpose
of it open. Placing all the large equipment. Each part of the environment has
equipment around the edge of an impact on the children and
• Optimal storage and creative
the room allows you to keep the adults who use the space, so con-
use of space.
center open and to alter it as sider the kind of effect you would
needed. An open center lets the Tables that serve two or three like each area to have, and how it
children see what activities are purposes, such as feeding, art play, reflects your program’s goals.
available throughout the room. and messy activities, are examples
The children can also see the of multi-purpose equipment.
caregiver across the room, and

“Toddlers will move whether moving is safe or not. They constantly
try out new movement skills and explore their independence. A well-
designed environment encourages safe exploration but gives toddlers
the feeling of risk, of expanding their limits.”
– Infant/Toddler Caregiving: A Guide to Setting Up Environments,
by Ron Lally & Jay Stewart

7. Movement
Infants and toddlers need an steps to climb; surfaces with points and numerous chances for
environment that encourages a variety of textures, tunnels, movement. By creating various
movement. The first three years slides, mattresses, rocking boats, levels, you also expand the space.
are what Piaget calls the sensori- play pits, balance beams, ham- For example, you can place a big
motor period, where infants and mocks, risers, lofts and easy chair or playhouse on the floor
toddlers learn through sensory access to outdoors. level, then use a loft over the same
exploration. They develop physi- floor space for a climbing appara-
cal and cognitive skills, and learn Multiple Levels tus with a platform to play on.
about people and objects by be- Set up your environment so that Researchers have found that
coming fully involved with their crawlers and walkers can both see fixed equipment such as climb-
surroundings. and get to many levels. Use slopes, ers and slides, rather than toys
Encourage infants and toddlers stairs, or small ladders. Create a and planned activities, stimulate
to move freely and explore with: shallow play-pit. Different levels cooperative peer play.
open pathways for crawling; low provide variety, diverse view-

Know your
group size/ratios

T he regulations for group size

and caregiver-to-child ratios
vary from state to state. Be sure to
check your state’s requirements.
The Program for Infant/Toddler
Care recommended Group Sizes
for Same-Age Groups are:

8. Choice Age Ratio

Minimum # Square
Feet Per Group*
An environment that allows Caregivers need to be able to 0–8 months 1:3 6 350
infants and toddlers to make observe and respond to cues in 6–18 months 1:3 9 500
choices supports their develop- the children’s behavior in order 16-36 months 1:4 12 600
ment because it is predictable to arrange and rearrange the
and provides children opportu- environment. The Program for Infant/Toddler
nities to discover what they find Care recommended Group Size
interesting or challenging. Set up Rest and Sleeping Areas
for Mixed-Age Groups are:
different areas of the room with Infants and toddlers in child care
a variety of activities, textures, should be able to rest or sleep Total Minimum # Square
when they are tired. An infant Age Ratio Size Feet Per Group*
and equipment. There should be
spaces for large group activities who wakes up often during the 0–36 months 1:4** 8 600

as well as small, private spaces, night may need more sleep the
active and quiet play areas and following day. A toddler just get- *The space guidelines represent
room for messy activities. Your ting over the flu may need two minimum standards of adequate
space can support your program, naps instead of the usual one. The square footage per group; the
providing stimulation and a environment should have places amounts shown do not include
balance between challenge and where children can relax and a space for entrance areas, hallways,
comfort, so children can “push place where they can take a nap diapering, or napping areas.
their limits” and expand them. with their own bedding whenever
**Of the four infants assigned to a
they are sleepy.
caregiver, only two should be un-
der twenty-four months of age.

“Babies and toddlers usually play most happily with a few

toys that are changed frequently. When a toy that has been
put away for a short time reappears, it again captures the
For more information, visit:
child’s attention because it seems new and exciting.”
– Dr. Thelma Harms, Search for:
Director of Curriculum Development, Recommendations for Group Size
Research Professor, UNC-CH School of Education

Considerations for the Architect
1. Involve teachers, parents 3. Long-term flexibility is valuable space, and can
and children in the design of utmost importance. make the environment
process, and allow enough For this reason mobile feel exposed.
time for the design process. storage is preferable to 7. Floor surfaces: consider
2. Licensing standards do built-in storage. material, color, ease of
not always support the de- 4. Follow the children's ADA cleaning, sound absorp-
velopmental needs of chil- standards rather than using tion, and visual effect.
dren. For instance, while 35 the adult ADA standards in 8. Ceiling surfaces: acoustic
square feet per child may children's areas. tiles absorb sound, where-
be your state's minimum 5. Doors: keep to a mini- as hard surfaces reflect
space requirement, it is not mum, as they take space sound. Pay attention to the
enough for children's opti- and generate traffic. acoustics. A loud environ-
mal use of indoor environ- 6. Windows: Natural light ment hinders develop-
ments. Quality programs is excellent, and children ment and increases stress.
make decisions based on love to look out; but A quiet environment
what nurtures the child too much glass creates a encourages calm behavior
and his development. harsh environment, takes and focused play.

Play is an
expression of
our creativity,
and creativity
is at the very
root of our
ability to learn,
to cope, and
to become
whatever we
may be.
– Fred Rogers of
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
As seen on PBS, and

Infants: A Quick Guide to Room Planning

active zone

messy zone Carpet


Dry Region


Wet Region


Infant Room Infant Room
8 Children 8 Children

Entry Entry

1. Make a Room Plan: 4. Divide into Wet & Dry Regions.

• Draw the room (to scale) on graph paper. • Wet Region: Identify using the “3F” rule: flow, flooring
• Add: windows, doors, sinks, floor surfacing. and fixed plumbing.
• Dry Region: Should contain at least one protected corner,
and can be carpeted.

5. Divide into Zones:

• In Wet Region: Entry Zone, Messy Zone
• In Dry Region: Active Zone (should include a protected
corner), Quiet Zone (must include a protected corner).

6. Plan Activity Areas in the

appropriate zone.
Here are some suggestions:

Entry Messy Active Quiet
Children’s Feeding Gross Motor: Nap Area
Storage ramp, shallow
steps, foam
shapes, balls,
mirrors, tunnel,
pull-to-stand bars
Staff Storage Diapering Nursing Corner

Infant Room Parent Water Play Cozy space:

8 Children
& (older infants) for quiet play
Entry Communication (separate from
Nap Area)
2. Mark in the flow paths: soft toys, cozy
surfaces, infant/
• Draw the most direct routes between the entry and all caregiver “cuddle
other doors, water sources and storage closets.
Transition Finger-
space – (adult Painting
3. Circle the Protected Corners: “farewell chair”
or Glider)
(older infants)

• Reserve prime space for quiet or traffic-free activities.

• Protected corners should be as distant as possible from
doors and flow-paths.

G28 Wall- mo unt ed Sh elf

H3 0A Ut ility Car t

J9 01 Glider

C 3

F6 32 Sh elf with Do ors [24 H]

TL r 1 0"


J4 23

G24 1 C han ging Ta ble 4" Pan


A8 55 Half M oo n T ab le 4 8
Active Play
G28 Wall- mo unt ed Sh elf


J42 3 Ch r 1 0"
G24 2 Acce ssor ies Sh elf

D12 0 Pu shca rt

G71 8 N urs ery Gym 1 w/R amp L

F 756 Post

F 75 6 Pos t
P61 Push Me Pu llMe
F 71 1 Bu le tin Pa nel

F 621 Adj She lf 2 4"

F7 53 Post

J901 Glid er

F 64 3 F ixed She lf 4' x 24"


F 754 Post

F7 54 Po st

0 le
-4 C
32 28
e F 835 T eac her Doo r 7
av F
F 73 3 Solid Pan el C
F 75 6 Po st

F 72 3 Cle ar Pa nel F
F 839 Min i Arch Pane l

F 75 6 Pos t
F7 56 Po st
r F7

Entry Area
D F 33
G25 5 D ewdr op Clear View Cr ib 73
h 3 So li

ac oli d P

Te d a
• This space includes storage for items used in that area.

P ne

A727 Wall Pe gs with Pock ets 6

35 an l

F8 el
S he
The layout should communicate activities and boundaries.


F 75 6 Po st 01
G F7 55 Po st
7. Create a space for each area:

A727 Wall Pe gs with Pock ets 6

G2 56 D ewdr op Evac C rib
F 675 Cor ne r 3 2"
F7 19 Bulletin Pane l

F 749 Clea r Wa ve 3 2- 40

F7 54 Po st Tu
Nap Area

F7 56 Po st ym
G 256 Dewd ro p Eva c Crib G
Cozy Corner/

F 759 Wall Ad apt er ry

Protected Play

F6 78


F7 53 Po st

G25 5 De wdro p Cl ear View Cr ib

F 728 Cle ar Wave 24- 32

G25 5 De wdro p Cl ear View Cr ib t

ee p

2 4"

1 F7
F6 74

J43 2 T LC


S he

lf 24

F 751

F7 53 Po st F7 53 Post
G2 55 Dewd rop Clea r View Crib
G 255 Dewd ro p Clea r Vie w Crib
F7 78 Br owse r Bo x
G 255 Dewd ro p Clea r Vie w Crib
F8 43 Mir ror Cov er

F 621 Adj She lf 24 "


Toddlers: A Quick Guide to Room Planning

Outdoors Outdoors

messy zone active zone

Tile Carpet

Tile Carpet

Dry Region
Wet Region

entry zone zone

Toddler Room Toddler Room
10 Children 10 Children

Entry Entry

1. Make a Room Plan: 4. Divide into Wet & Dry Regions.

• Draw the room (to scale) on graph paper. • Wet Region: Identify using the “3F” rule: flow, flooring
• Add: windows, doors, sinks, floor surfacing. and fixed plumbing.
• Dry Region: Should contain at least one protected corner,
and can be carpeted.

5. Divide into Zones:

• In Wet Region: Entry Zone, Messy Zone
• In Dry Region: Active Zone, Quiet Zone
(use protected corners).

6. Plan Activity Areas in the


appropriate zone.
Here are some suggestions:

Entry Messy Active Quiet

Carpet Children’s Feeding Gross Motor: Cozy Corner:
Storage ramp, slide, shal- books, Glider
low steps, foam for caregiver,
shapes, balls, cushions and low
mirrors, tunnel, soft seating,
Toddler Room
pull-to-stand furry friends
10 Children bars, push-wag-
Entry ons, rocking toys,
riding toys
Staff Storage Diapering/ Dramatic Play: Manipulatives:
2. Mark in the flow paths: Toileting simple costumes,
toys & games,
small wooden
• Draw the most direct routes between the entry and all other furniture blocks
doors, water sources and storage closets. Parent Sand & Music &
& Water Play Movement:
Communication open space,
3. Circle the Protected Corners: simple rhythm
• Reserve prime space for quiet or traffic-free activities. CD player
• Protected corners should be as distant as possible from Transition Art: floor Nap Space:
doors and flow-paths. space – (adult easels or usually cots or
“farewell chair” tables mats are placed
or Glider) around the room


7. Create a space for each area:

• This space includes storage for items used in that area.
The layout should communicate activities and boundaries..
Ou td oo rs

Sink Cabinet
F661 F ixed Sh elf [24H]

F 844 M ir ror Cover

T 74 Small Flatbe d
T77 Sm F ir e Tr uck

T72 Small Dump T ruck


C231 T able
A74 2 Coathooks 00
A627 La rge Sand & Water Min 10

T7 3 Sm all Sem i
iA J4

Cor nwall Kit

rt Is

Low Cab in et

Sto rag e F75 3 Po st 0

San d/Water Area J41

F 728 Clear Wave 24 -32

P61 PushMePullMe

C140 Cr adle
Art Area
F 634 Shelf wit h Do ors [32H] 0 D120 Pushcart

A825 Roun d Table 3 6

F 754 Post Dra matic Pla y
Are a
G28 Wall-mo unted Shelf


St acke d Cots (M16 's)



S to


H559 Peg T ree

G2 61 Chng T ble w/ste ps 4" Pan
F754 Post

G750 Nurser y Gym 5

F 836 Roomsca pes Gate
D ia peri ng

J40 Gro ss Motor

V4 3 Ro cking Boat

A821 Roun d Table 48

F75 4 Po st
Toil etin g
A723 Welcome Cu bbies 6F 711 Bulle tin Pan el

08 T17 Lo wKiddie Car
F 621 Adj Shelf 2 4"

F 756 Post



J4 32

F7 53 Po st

F 643 Fixed Shelf 4' x 24 "
F75 6 Po st
Me al ti me Are a

F 778 Browser Box

F 713 Bulletin Pa nel
J410 J900 Glider

F794 Islan d 24"

J22 We-Do-It Bench

A723 Welcome Cu bbies 6

F753 Post
24" st

24" Man ip ula tive s


A821 Rou nd Tab le448 Sw eep

J side


8 In


En try Are a

Co zy C orn er r


8 In


F 67

F775 L ib rary Rack

F 751 B
F7 53 Po st F753 Post J9
F 621 Adj Shelf 24"

J651 Child's Sofa, blue


En try

Cryer, Debby & Harms, Thelma & Riley, Cathy. Mangione, Peter L. & Lally, J. Ronald & Signer,
All About the ITERS-R. Kaplan PACT House Sheila. The Ages of Infancy: Caring for Young,
Publishing 2004 Mobile and Older Infants, California Department
Greenman, Jim. Caring Spaces, Learning Places: of Education 1990
Children's Environments That Work, Exchange Mangione, Peter L. & Lally, J. Ronald & Signer,
Press, Inc. 2005 Sheila. Meeting the Intimacy Needs of Infants and
Toddlers in Groups, Far West Laboratory 1992
Greenman, Jim & Stonehouse, Anne & Schweik-
ert, Gigi. Prime Times, Redleaf Press 2008 National Research Council Institute of Medi-
cine (2000) From Neurons to Neighborhoods, The
Koralek, Derry G. & Dombro, Amy Laura &
Science of Early Childhood Development, Com-
Dodge, Diane Trister. Caring for Infants & Tod-
mittee on Integrating the Science of Early Child-
dlers, Teaching Strategies, Inc. 2005
hood Development. Jack P. Shonkoff & Deborah
Lally, J. Ronald & Stewart, Jay. Infant/Toddler A. Phillips, eds.
Caregiving: A Guide to Setting up Environments,
Olds, Anita Rui. Child Care Design Guide,
California Department of Education 1990
McGraw-Hill 2000
Lally, J. Ronald & Butterfield, G.O. & Mangione
Schor, E.L. Early Brain Development and Child
Peter. L. & Signer, Sheila. Space to Grow: Creat-
Care, in Health in Child Care: A Manual for
ing A Child Care Environment for Infants and
Health Professionals (4th Edition), American
Toddlers, (video, 2nd ed.) CA Dept. of Education
Academy of Pediatrics, 2005
& WestEd, 2004

We thank WestEd's Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) We thank these quality early childhood vendors
for their research contribution. for some of the props in our photo images:
They have developed the most widely used training system for
The Book Vine for Children
infant and toddler caregivers in the United States, and their
team is at the forefront of national efforts to improve infant/
classic children's books
toddler care. We depended on the PITC staff for much of the
information in this booklet, and much more is available on their Folkmanis Puppets
quality hand puppets
We thank the children and staff of the Children’s Learning Learning Materials Workshop
Center in Kingston NY, especially Michele Conklin, for their
time, patience and charm as the cameras flashed. The children
colored arches and towers
were great models because they simply showed up and played!

Prime Times Caring for
Achieve quality care and Infants &
education in your infant Toddlers
or toddler program with
this practical guide—a
in Groups
sourcebook for establishing, organizing, and Caring for Infants and Toddlers in Groups is
maintaining a quality program. This edition includes designed to help caregivers, program directors,
topics such as developmental issues; infants and coordinators, administrators, trainers, licensers,
toddlers with special needs; staffing and staff train- families, and leaders in the field of early care
ing; creating learning and nurturing environments; and education recognize the special knowledge
establishing routines; discipline; health, nutrition, and skills needed to offer a nurturing group care
and safety policies; curriculum; partnering with environment to very young children.
parents; assessment; and program evaluation.
By: J. Ronald Lally, Abbey Griffin, Emily Fenichel,
By: Jim Greenman, Anne Stonehouse, Gigi Schweikert. Marilyn Segal, Eleanor Szanton, Bernice Weissbourd.
Redleaf Press, 2008. Zero to Three Press, 2004.

Community Spaces Collage,

Playthings Room Layout for Early our quarterly e-mail
Childhood Education newsletter, provides
catalog valuable articles on
The companion volume
Community Playthings to the booklet you’re timely subjects for
makes solid maple furniture and toys reading, Spaces is the room design busy early childhood educators. Each
designed for childcare settings. We handbook for 3 to 5-year-old environ- issue includes 3 hand-picked articles on
create environments that welcome ments. This 16-page booklet walks you a single topic such as:
children into a space of beauty, simplic- through 6 easy steps to create a quality · Block Play
This publication © 2008 by Community Products, LLC. 05/08

ity, and stability, where they can explore, classroom. Available free from Com- · Celebrating Culture in the Classroom
discover and learn through play. munity Playthings: · Infant/Toddler Care
For a free catalog, call 800-777-4244, or call 800-777-4244, or visit Collage can be a valuable staff de-
visit velopment tool for your program. We
include the theory behind each topic,
practical applications and lots of links
to resources you won’t want to miss.
Working on a Start-up or Renova
Best of all, it’s free.
service. Our
Give us a call about our free room planning to subscribe.
planners can work with you to design deve
appropriate classrooms that match your
For other free resources: 1-800-777-4244
“Community Playthings has brought to life the eight major concepts
PITC recommends be considered when planning environments for
children under three. They suggest thoughtful designs that meet the
young child's need for intimate care, foster relationships with adults
and other children, and support development.”
– J. Ronald Lally, Ed.D.
Co-director, Program for Infant Toddler Care, WestEd

We thank the children and staff of the Children’s Learning Center,

(Kingston NY) for sharing their photogenic talent and beautiful
center in the pages of this booklet.

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