Interrupts in Lf207: BY D.Manikandan M.E (PED)

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The interrupts on the LF2407 allow the device hardware to trigger the CPU of the LF2407 (CPU=C2xx DSP core) to break from the current task, branch to a new section of code and start a new task, then return back to the initial task. The new task referred to in the previous sentence is known as the Interrupt Service Routine(ISR). The ISR is simply a separate user-written subroutine, which the core will branch to every time a certain interrupt occurs

Interrupt Hierarchy
Interrupt Request Sequence Reset and Non-Maskable Interrupts

Interrupt Request Sequence

There are two levels of interrupt hierarchy in the LF2407 as seen in Figure below. There is an interrupt flag bit and an interrupt enable bit located in each peripheral configuration register for each event that can generate an interrupt. The peripheral interrupt flag bit is the first bit to be set when an interrupt generating event occurs. The interrupt enable bit acts as a gate. If the interrupt enable bit is not set, then the setting of the peripheral flag bit will not be able to generate an interrupt signal. If the enable bit is set, then the peripheral flag bit will generate an interrupt signal. That interrupt signal will then leave the peripheral level and go to the next hierarchal level.

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