Chapter 7 - Casting Process
Chapter 7 - Casting Process
Chapter 7 - Casting Process
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Sand Casting
a method of producing a device or component a production process in which the materials needed, heated until molten and then poured into molds and allowed to solidify by cooling its own before being released for the machine to be cleaned or re can be categorized according to how filling molten metal into a mold and the mold material types used
can produce complex components or complicated very small-sized goods until sized items can be produced economically
The most popular casting process since time immemorial to the present a mold produced by compacting molding sands This mold is divided into two or more parts called "COPE" and "DRAG" a feed system that involves the construction of a feed channel (runner), gate (gate) and risers (riser) was built in the mold casting hollow (hollow castings) can be made by placing a core (core) in the mold
suitable for producing cast various forms for almost all metals in any size with a low cost mold defects that may occur: Inclusion sand - Less messy mold grafting Cool cover - Casting at a temperature that is too low hot tearing - Inappropriate mold design porosity gas - The result of steam when there is moisture, low permeability mold and chemical reactions.
- Sand must be able to meet four basic requirements: Refractory nature To maintain shape when compacted in a mold Permeability Realibility -Most of the casting operation using silica sand (SiO2) and red sand -It is unable to resist high temperatures, has a range of sizes and a large range of grain shape
- It also can be used repeatedly in a long time but do not have the feature to maintain good form - To obtain the required quality, clay is mixed up to 30% of the total weight of the mixture - Total mixed clay is different depending on the type and use of sand molds
1. SAND mold - consisting of 85% silica sand, clay 8% and 7% water. 2. Mold box, a container used for making molds in it. Box mold comprising mold box above (Cope) and the mold box (Drag). It is made of wood or metal. 3. PATTERN - is a model or replica products made according to the original product in the form of castings. Made of wood, metal, plastic, wax and plaster. 4. CORE - to produce a mold cavity mold on the inside of casting products. Made of plaster, metal or ceramic. 5. BELLOWS - used to produce wind to produce grains of sand are on the ronggan mold or mold.
6. BAR roller - used to smooth sand in the top or bottom of the mold box. Made of steel. 7. Spatula - for mold finishing work such as repairing a damaged mold, groove metal flow, make additions or penguarangan on the mold. 8. Casting spoon - used to repair minor damage to the mold cavity and groove metal flow. 9. Ram - used to compact the sand when making molds. Made of wood or metal. 10.WIRE vents - ventilation is used to produce pores in order to produce heat and gas contained with in the mold.
11.DUST BAGS - filled with the powder to be sprinkled separation between the surface of the mold box up or down. 12.SPRUE - is used to form the inlet and outlet of the molten metal. 13.RISERS SCREW PATTERN - used to draw out the pattern from the sand. 14.DIPPER PROP - to remove the prop or impurities that float on the surface of the molten metal. 15.TOOL PENYAHGAS - to remove gases trapped in the molten metal.
STEP 1 Patterns generated using paraffin wax-like, beeswax, and resin acrawax Wax pattern is dipped into the concentrated heat-resistant coating material to produce a smooth surface on the inside of the mold wall
STEP 2 Pattern wax coated heat-resistant material is placed into a container of metal mold Melting material (material hardener and silica sand) poured into a mold and allowed to harden former in overall container mold for forming mold
STEP 3 Wax mold is heated in a furnace at a temperature range of 100 C to 200 C Candlestick patterns are melting and flowing out to produce a mold cavity.
STEP 4 Mold is removed from the furnace and reversed Molten metal is poured into the mold cavity When the molten metal has solidified, casting products may be released.
for materials that have a low melting temperature carried out by means of injection of a liquid metal into metal molds under pressure action high pressure 0.7MPa - 700MPa used to force molten metal into the mold cavity higher cooling rate can produce a uniform crystal structure with fine grain
properties such as strength and yield point is better mold made of special steel and are known as die suitable to produce large-scale can produce complex-shaped and have a smooth surface finish Examples such as automotive components, toys, jewelry and household goods
STEP 1 Molten metal is inserted into the chamber
STEP 4 Pin pusher will push out of the die casting products
Alloy / metal can be poured / processed Comparative mechanical properties surface finish Possibility to form complex shapes
Medium Good