Casting Question Set-2014

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Q ti set Question t2014

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The main purpose of chaplets is

M t lC Metal Casting ti
B SKMondal By M d l

(a) To ensure directional solidification (b) To provide efficient venting (c) For aligning the mold boxes (d) To T support the h cores

Which of the following methods are used for obtaining bt i i directional di ti l solidification lidifi ti for f riser i design d i 1. 2. 3. Suitable placement of chills Suitable placement of chaplets Employing padding

Which one of the following is the correct statement? t t t? Gate is provided in moulds to (a) Feed the casting at a constant rate (b) ( ) Give p passage g to g gases (c) Compensate for shrinkage (d) Avoid cavities

MatchtheitemsinColumnIandColumnII. ColumnIColumnII P MetallicChills1. P. 1 Supportforthecore Q.MetallicChaplets2.Reservoirofthemoltenmetal R Riser3. R. 3 Controlcoolingofcritical sections S ExothermicPadding4. S. 4 Progressivesolidification (a) P1,Q3,R2,S4 (b) P1,Q4,R2,S3 (c) P3, 3 Q4, 4 R2, 2 S1 (d) P4, 4 Q1, 1 R2, 2 S3

Select the correct answer. ( ) 1 and (a) d 2 (b) 1 and d 3 (c) ( ) 2 and d 3 (d) 1, 2 and d3

Inagreensandmouldingprocess,uniform rammingleadsto (a) Lesschanceofgasporosity (b) Uniformflowofmoltenmetalintothemould cavity (c) Greaterdimensionalstabilityofthecasting (d) Lesssandexpansiontypeofcastingdefect

Green sand mould indicates that (a) polymeric mould has been cured (b) mould has been totally dried (c) ( ) mould is g green in colour (d) mould contains moisture

Which one of the following materials will require the largest size of riser for the same size of casting? (a) ( ) Aluminium (b) Cast iron (c) Steel (d) Copper.

For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

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Which of the following materials requires the l largest t shrinkage hi k allowance, ll while hil making ki a pattern for casting? ( ) Aluminium (a) l (b) Brass (c) Cast Iron (d) Plain Carbon Steel

In of casting, I solidification lidifi ti f metal t l during d i ti compensation p for solid contraction is (a) Provided by the oversize pattern (b) Achieved by properly placed risers (c) Obtained solidification lidifi i (d) Made by providing chills by promoting directional

Shrinkage allowance is made by ( ) Adding (a) dd to external l and d internal l dimensions d (b) Subtracting from external and internal dimensions (c) ( ) Subtracting g from external dimensions and adding to internal dimensions (d) Adding to external dimensions and subtracting from internal dimensions

Shrinkage allowance on pattern is provided to p for shrinkage g when compensate (a) The temperature of liquid metal drops from pouring to freezing temperature (b) The metal changes from liquid to solid state at freezing temperature (c) The temperature of solid phase drops from f freezing i to room temperature (d) The temperature of metal drops from pouring to room temperature

Gray cast iron blocks 200 x 100 x 10 mm are to be cast t in i sand d moulds. ld Shrinkage Sh i k allowance ll f for pattern making is 1%. The ratio of the volume of pattern tt t that to th t of f the th casting ti will ill be b (a) 0.97 (b) 0.99 (c) 1.01 (d) 1.03

While cooling, a cubical casting of side 40 mm undergoes 3%, 4% and 5% volume shrinkage during the liquid state, phase transition and solid state state, respectively respectively. The volume of metal

compensated from the riser is (a) 2% (b) 7% (c) 8% (d) 9%

A cubic casting of 50 mm side undergoes volumetric solidification shrinkage and volumetric solid contraction of 4% and 6% respectively. respectively No riser is used. Assume uniform cooling in all directions. The side of the cube after solidification and contraction is (a) 48.32 mm (b) 49.90 mm (c) 49 49.94 94 mm (d) 49.96 mm
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

Assertion (A): A i (A) A pattern is i made d exactly l similar i il to the part to be cast. R Reason (R) Pattern (R): P i used is d to make k the h mould ld cavity for pouring in molten for casting. ( ) Both (a) B h A and d R are individually i di id ll true and d R is i the h correct explanation of A (b) Both B h A and d R are individually i di id ll true but b R is i not the h correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true but b R is i false f l (d) A is false but R is true
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Match I (Material II M h List Li (M i l to be b cast) ) with i h List Li (Shrinkage Allowance in mm/m) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: ListI ListII (MaterialtoCast)(ShrinkageAllowanceinmm/m) (A) Greycastiron 1. 7 10 (B) Brass 2 2. 15 (C) Steel 3. 20 (D) Zinc 4 4. 24 Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 3 2 1 4

Which of the following materials can be used for making patterns? 1. Aluminium 2. Wax 3. Mercury 3 y 4 4. Lead

Disposablepatternsaremadeof (a) (b) (c) (d) Wood Rubber Metal P l Polystyrene

The pattern adopted for those castings where there are some portions ti which hi h are structurally t t ll weak k and d are likely to break by the force of ramming are called: ll d (a) Loose piece pattern (b) Follow board pattern (c) ( ) Skelton p pattern (d) Single piece pattern

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: (a) 1,3 and 4 (b) 2,3 and 4 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3

( ) GATE2012(PI)
In sand casting, fluidity of the molten metal i increases with ith (A) increase in degree of superheat (B) decrease in pouring rate (C) ( ) increase in thermal conductivity y of the mould (D) increase in sand grain size

Fluidity in casting (CI) operation is greatly i fl influenced d by b a) Melting temperature of molten metal b) Pouring temperature of molten metal c) ) Finish of the mould d) Carbon content of molten metal


25stopass2000cm3 ofairatapressureof5g/cm2 through thestandardsample.

p = 5.0 g / cm 2 T = 1 min 25 s = 1.417 1 417 min 501.28 R= = 70.75 5 1.417 1 417

Whatispermeability?Permeabilityismoreimportant inthebasicprocessofsandcastingthanporosity.Give oneimportant i t treasonf forthi thisf feature. t [2marks]

Assertion (A): In CO2 casting process, process the mould or core attains maximum strength. Reason (R): The optimum gassing time of CO2 through the mould or core forms Silica Gel which imparts sufficient strength to the mould or core. core (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is i false f l but b t R is i true t Page 3 of 17

GATE 2008(PI)
g of a hollow p , a cylindrical y In sand casting part of lead, core of diameter 120 mm and height 180 mm is placed inside the mould cavity. The densities of core material and lead are 1600 kg/m3 and 11,300 11 300 kg/m3 respectively. respecti el The net force ( (in N) ) that tends to lift the core during gp pouring g of molten metal will be (a) 19.7 (b) 64.5 (c) 193.7 (d) 257.6

For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

Small amount of carbonaceous material sprinkled on the inner surface of mould cavity is called (a) Backing sand ( ) Facing sand (b) (c) Green sand (d) Dry sand

In the grain size determination using standard charts, the relation between the given size number n and the average number of grains 'N' per square inch at a magnification of 100 X is ( ) N = 2n (a) (b) N = 2nl (c) N = 2n + 1 (d) N = 2n + 1

In light metal casting, casting runner should be so designed that: 1. It avoids id aspiration i ti 2. It avoids turbulence 3. The path of runner is reduced in area so that q volume of flow through g each g gate unequal takes place (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

G 20 0( ) GATE 2010 (PI)

During the process of sand D i h filling filli f a given i d mould ld cavity i by b molten metal through a horizontal runner of circular cross section the frictional head loss of the molten metal in the runner will increase with the (a) increase in runner diameter (b) decrease in internal surface roughness of runner (c) decrease in length of runner (d) increase in average velocity of molten metal

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists : ListI A.Topgate B.Bottomg gate C.Partinggate D.Stepgate Codes C d A ( ) 3 (a) (c) 3 B 4 2 ListII 1.Heavyandlargecastings 2.Mostwidely yusedandeconomical 3.Turbulence 4.Unfavourable temperaturegradient C 2 4 D 1 1 A 1 1 B 4 2 C 2 4 D 3 3

A sand casting mould assembly is shown in the above figure. The elements marked A and B are respectively (a) Sprue and riser (b) Ingate I t and d riser i (c) Drag and runner (d) Riser and runner

(b) (d)

The primary purpose of a sprue in a casting mould ou d is s to (a)Feed the casting at a rate consistent with the rate of solidification (b)Act as a reservoir for molten metal ( ) d molten (c)Feed l metal l from f the h pouring i basin b i to the h gate (d)Help feed the casting until all solidification takes place
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

Whichofthefollowingaretherequirementsofanideal gatingsystem? 1 Themoltenmetalshouldenterthemouldcavitywithas 1. highavelocityaspossible. 2 Itshouldfacilitatecompletefillingofthemouldcavity. 2. cavity 3. Itshouldbeabletopreventtheabsorptionofairorgases fromthesurroundingsonthemoltenmetalwhile flowingthroughit. Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow: (a)1,2and3 (b)1and2 (c)2and3 (d)1and3
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Consider thefollowing C id th f ll i statements: t t t 1.Theactualentrypointthroughwhichthemolten metalentersthemouldcavityiscalledingate. 2.Bottomg gateincaseofamouldcreatesunfavourable temperaturegradient. 3.Sprueincaseofamouldismadetaperedtoavoidair inclusion. Whichoftheabovestatementsis/arecorrect? (a)1only (b)1and2 (c)2and3 (d)1and3

The height of the downsprue is 175 mm and its crosssectional ti l area at t the th base b i 200 mm2. The is Th crosssectional area of the horizontal runner is also l 200 mm2. Assuming A i no losses, l i di t the indicate th correct choice for the time (in seconds) required to fill a mould cavity ca it of volume olume 10 06 mm3. (Use g = 10 0 2 m/s ). ( ) (a)2.67 (b) (b)8.45 ( ) (c)26.72 (d) (d)84.50

g down sprue p A 200 mm long has an area of cross section of 650 mm2 where the pouring basin meets the p (i.e. at the beginning ( g g of the down sprue). p ) down sprue A constant head of molten metal is maintained by the pouring p g basin. The Molten metal flow rate is 6.5 5 105 3 mm /s. Considering the end of down sprue to be open p and an acceleration due to g gravity y of to atmosphere 104mm/s2, the area of the down sprue in mm2 at its end (avoiding ( g aspiration p effect) ) should be (a)650.0 (b)350.0 (c)290.7 (d)190.0

A gating ratio ti ti of f 1: 2: 4 is i used d to t design d i the th gating ti system for magnesium alloy casting. This gating ratio refers to the cross section areas of the various gating elements as given below: 1 1. Down sprue 2. 2 Runner bar 3. 3 Ingates The correct sequence of the above elements in the ratio 1: 2: 4 is (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1,3 and d2 (c) 2, 3 and 1 (d) 3, 1 an 2

The gating ratio 2: 8: 1 for copper in gating system d i refers design f to t the th ratio ti of f areas of: f (a) Sprue: Runner: Ingate (b) Runner: Ingate: Sprue (c) ( ) Runner: Sprue: p Ingate g (d) Ingate: Runner: Sprue

Inagatingsystem,theratio1:2:4represents (a) Sprue basearea:runnerarea:ingate area (b) Pouringbasinarea:ingate area:runnerarea (c) Sprue basearea:ingate area:castingarea (d) Runner R area:ingate i area:casting i area

Assertion of A i (A): (A) The Th rate of f flow fl f metal l through h h sprue is NOT a function of the crosssectional areas of sprue runner and gate. sprue, gate Reason (R): If respective crosssectional areas of p , runner and g gate are in the ratio of 1: 2: 2, , the sprue, system is known as unpressurised gating system. y true and R is the correct (a) Both A and R are individually explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation l i of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false f l but b R is true For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

Assertion (A): In a mould, a riser is designed and placed so that the riser will solidify after the casting has solidified. Reason (R): A riser is a reservoir of molten metal which will supply molten metal where a shrinkage cavity would have occurred. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation p of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation p of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Page 5 of 17

The relationship between total freezing time t, t volume of the casting V and its surface area A, g to Chvorinovs rule is : according
V (a ) t = k A A (b ) t = k V A (c ) t = k V

Where K is a constant

V (d ) t = k A

A spherical drop of molten metal of radius 2 mm was found to solidify in 10 seconds. A similar drop of radius 4 mm would solidify in (a) 14.14 seconds (b) 20 seconds (c) 28.30 seconds (d) 40 seconds

A cube solidifies in The b shaped h d casting ti lidifi i 5 min. i Th solidification time in min for a cube of the same material, which is 8 times heavier than the original casting, will be ( ) 10 (a) (b) 20 ( ) 24 (c) (d) 40

With a solidification factor of 0.97 x 106 s/m2, the solidification time (in seconds) for a spherical casting of 200 mm diameter is ( ) 539 (a) (b) 1078 8 ( ) 4311 (c) (d) 3233

According to Chvorinov's equation, the solidification lidifi ti time ti of f a casting ti is i proportional ti l to: t (a) v2 (b) v (c) 1/v (d) 1/v2 Where, v = volume of casting

GATE 2010(PI)
Solidification of S lidifi ti time ti f a metallic t lli alloy ll casting ti is i (a) Directly proportional to its surface area (b) Directly yp proportional p to the specific p heat of the cast material (c) Directly proportional to the thermal diffusivity of the h molten l metal l (d)Inversely temperature. proportional to the pouring
(a )

Volume of a cube of side 'l' and volume of a sphere of radius r are equal. Both the cube and the sphere are solid and d of f same material. t i l They Th are being b i cast. t The Th ratio ti of f the th p is: solidification time of the cube to the same of the sphere
4 r 6 l
3 6

( b)

4 r 6 l


4 r 6 l

(d )

4 r 6 l

( ) GATE2011(PI)
In a sand casting process, a sphere and a cylinder of equal volumes are separately cast from the same molten metal under identical conditions. The eg ta and dd diameter a ete o of t the e cy cylinder de a are e equa equal. . The e height ratio of the solidification time of the sphere to that of the cylinder is (a) 1.14 (b) ( ) 0.87 7 (c) 1.31 (d) 0.76 0 76
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

A solid D and l d cylinder l d of f diameter d d height h h equal l to D, and d a solid ld cube of side L are being sand cast by using the same material. Assuming there is no superheat in both the cases, the ratio of solidification time of the cylinder to the solidification time of the cube is (a) (L/D)2 (b) (2L/D)2 (c) (2D/L)2 (d) (D/L)2

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IES 2012
The foraunit Th ratio ti of fsurface f areaof fvolume l f itvolume l of f riserisminimumincaseof (a)Cylindricalriser (b)Sphericalriser (c)Hemisphericalriser (d)Cuboidsriser

A round casting is 20 mm in diameter and 50 mm in

Compare the solidification time of two optimum side risers of the same volume with one has cylindrical shape and other is parallopiped. [30 Marks]

length. Another casting of the same metal is elliptical in cross section, i with i h a major j to minor i axis i ratio i of f 2, and d has the same length and crosssectional area as the round casting. Both pieces are cast under the same conditions. What is the difference in the solidification times i of f the h two castings i ?
Area of ellipse = ab

[ Marks] [10 M k ]
( 3a + b )( a + 3b ) (approx.)

Ci Circumference f = 3 ( a + b ) = 2


+ b2 ) / 2

ConventionalQ QuestionIES2008
Calculate the size of a cylindrical riser (height and diameter

Conventional Q QuestionIES2007
Calculate the size of a cylindrical riser (height and

Directional solidification in castings can be improved by using (a) Chills and chaplets ( ) Chills and padding (b) (c) Chaplets and padding (d) Chills, chaplets and padding.

equal) necessary to feed a steel slab casting of dimensions 30 x 30 x 6 cm with a side riser, riser casting poured horizontally into the mould. [Use Modulus Method] [ 0 Marks] [10

diameter equal) ) necessary to feed a steel slab casting of dimensions 25 x 25 x 5 cm with a side riser, casting poured horizontally into the mould. [Use Caines Method] [ For steel a = 0.10, b = 0.03 and c = 1.00 ]

Chills are used in moulds to (a) Achieve directional solidification (b) Reduce the possibility of blowholes (c) Reduce freezing time (d) Smoothen S h metal l flow fl for f reducing d i splatter. l
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

Chillsareusedincastingmouldsto (a) Achievedirectionalsolidification (b) Reducepossibilityofblowholes (c) Reducethefreezingtime (d) Increasethesmoothnessofcastsurface

Assertion (A): ( ) Steel l can be b melted l d in hot h blast bl cupola. l Reason (R): In hot blast cupola, the flue gases are used to preheat the air blast to the cupola so that the temperature in the furnace is considerably higher than that in a conventional i l cupola. l (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l i of fA (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation l i of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true

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IES 2012
) Cupola C p p y Statement ( (I): furnace is not employed for melting steel in foundry (II): ) The temperatures p generated within a g Statement ( cupola are not adequate for melting Steel (a) ( ) Both Statement ( (I) ) and Statement ( (II) ) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Light impurities in the molten metal are prevented f from reaching hi the th mould ld cavity it by b providing idi a (a) Strainer (b) Button well (c) ( ) Skim bob (d) All of the above

A mould has a downsprue whose length is 20 cm and d the th cross sectional ti l area at t the th base b of f the th downsprue is 1cm2. The downsprue feeds a h i horizontal t l runner leading l di into i t the th mould ld cavity it of f volume 1000 cm3. The time required to fill the mould cavity ca it will ill be (a)4.05 s (b)5.05 s (c)6.05 s (d)7.25 s

A mould having dimensions 100 mm 90 mm 20 mm is filled with molten metal through a gate as shown in the figure. For height g h and crosssectional area A, the mould filling g time is t1. The height is now quadrupled and the crosssectional area is halved. The corresponding filling time is t2. The ratio t2/t1 is

(a) (b)1

1 2

In a sand casting operation, the total liquid head is maintained i i d constant such h that h it i is i equal l to the h mould ld height. The time taken to fill the mould with a top gate i tA. If the is h same mould ld is i filled fill d with i h a bottom b gate, then the time taken is tB. Ignore the time required to fill the h runner and d frictional fi i l effects. ff A Assume atmospheric pressure at the top molten metal surfaces. Th relation The l i between b tA and d tB is i
(A) tB = 2 t A tB = 2 t A tB = tA 2 (B) (C) ( ) (D)


k dS1 GATE 2007(PI)Li Linked

In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base diameter and 250 mm height leads to a runner which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size The volume flow rate (in mm3/s) is (a) 0.8 x 105 (b) 1.1 x 105 (c) 1.7 1 7 x 105 (d) 2.3 2 3 x 105

(c ) 2 (d ) 2

tB = 2 2 t A

k dS2 GATE 2007(PI)Li Linked

In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base diameter and 250 mm height leads to a runner which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size The mould filling time (in seconds) is (a) 2.8 (b) 5.78 (c) 7.54 7 54 (d) 8.41 8 41


Sketch a mould for two hollow components to be cast. On the diagram, indicate runner, gate, riser, core, cope, sprue, pouring basin, sprue well, drag, parting line. line [10Marks] [ ]

For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

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Misrun is a casting defect which occurs due to (a) Very high pouring temperature of the metal (b) Insufficient fluidity of the molten metal (c) Absorption of gases by the liquid metal (d) Improper I alignment li of f the h mould ld flasks fl k

Two streams of liquid metal which are not hot enough h to t fuse f properly l result lt into i t a casting ti defect d f t known as (a) Cold shut (b) Swell (c) Sand wash (d) Scab

Mold ldShift hf
The mold shift defect occurs when cope and drag or molding ldi boxes b h have not t been b properly l aligned. li d

Scabisa (a) Sandcastingdefect (b) Machiningdefect (c) Weldingdefect (d) Forging F i d defect f

MatchListI(CastingDefects)withListII(Explanation)andselectthecorrect answerusingthecodesgivenbelowthelists: ListI ListII (CastingDefects) (Explanation) A.Metallicprojections 1.Consistofroundedorroughinternalorexposedcavities includingblowholesandpinholes B.Cavities 2.Formedduringmelting,solidificationandmoulding. C.Inclusions 3.Includessinglefolds,laps,scarsadheringsandlayersand oxidescale D.Discontinuities 4.Includecracks,coldorhottearingandcoldshuts 5.Consist Consistoffins, fins flashormassive massi eprojectionsandrough surfaces Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 1 5 3 2 (b) 1 5 2 4 (c) 5 1 2 4 (d) 5 1 3 2

Hardnessofgreensandmouldincreaseswith (a) Increaseinmoisturecontentbeyond y 6percent p (b) Increaseinpermeability (c) Decreaseinpermeability (d) Increaseinbothmoisturecontentand permeability bilit

Assertion (A):S Stiffening A i (A) iff i members, b such haswebs b andribs,usedonacastingshouldbeliberally provided provided. Reason(R):Theywillprovideadditionalstrength toacastmember. member (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe correctexplanationofA (b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot the correctexplanationofA (c) AistruebutRisfalse (d) Ais i false f l but b tRis i true t
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

In gating system design, which one of the following is the correct sequence in which choke area, pouring time, pouring basin and sprue sizes are calculated? (a) Chokearea Pouringtime Pouringbasin Sprue (b) Pouring ou gbas basin Sp Sprue ue C Choke o earea a ea Pouring ou gt time e (c) Chokearea Sprue Pouringbasin Pouringtime (d) Pouring P i b basin i Pouring P i ti time Choke Ch k area Sprue S
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Ifthemeltingratioofacupolais10:1,thenthe cokerequirementforonetonmeltwillbe (a) 0.1ton (b) 10tons (c) 1ton (d) 11tons t

Inwhichoneofthefollowingfurnacesmostofthe nonferrousalloysaremelted? (a) Reverberatory furnace (b) Inductionfurnace (c) Cruciblefurnace (d) Pot P tf furnace

Whichofthefollowingpatternmaterialsareused inPrecisionCasting? 1. PlasterofParis 2. Plastics 3. AnodizedAluminium Alloy 4. Frozen F Mercury M Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow: (a)1and2(b) 2and4(c)3and4(d)1and3

Whichoneofthefollowinggatingsystemsisbest suitedtoobtaindirectionalsolidification? (a) Topgrating (b) Partlinegrating (c) Bottomgrating (d) Stepped St dgrating ti

In the designation of Aluminium casting A514.0 A514 0 indicates : ( ) Aluminium (a) Al i i purity it (b) Aluminium content (c) Percentage of alloy element (d) Magnesium Content A Ans. (d)


Considerthefollowingadvantagesofshell mouldcasting: 1.Close Cl dimensional di i ltolerance. t l 2.Goodsurfacefinish. 3.Lowcost. 4.Easier. E i Whichofthesearecorrect? (a)1,2and3only (b)2,3and4only ( )1,2and4only (d) (c) ( )1,2,3and4
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

Consider the following ingredients used in moulding: 1. Dry silica sand 2.Clay 3.Phenol formaldehyde 4.Sodium S di silicate ili t Those used for shell mould casting include (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) ( ) 1and 3 (d) ( ) 1, , 2, , 3 and 4
Page 10 of 17

In I shell h llmoulding, ldi how h canthe th shell h llthickness thi k beaccuratelymaintained? ( )Bycontrollingthetimeduringwhichthepattern (a) isincontactwithmould (b)Bycontrollingthetimeduringwhichthepattern isheated (c)Bymaintainingthetemperatureofthepatternin therangeof175oC 380oC (d)Bythetypeofbinderused

Shellmouldingcanbeusedfor: (a) Producing gmilling gcutters (b) Makinggoldornaments (c) Producingheavyandthickwalledcasting (d) Producingthincasting

Which of the following are employed in shell moulding? ldi ? 1. Resin binder 2. Metal pattern 3. Heating coils Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 1 2 and 3

The mould in shell moulding process is made up of f which hi h of f the th following? f ll i ? (a) Gypsum + setting agents (b) Green sand + clay y (c) Sodium silicate + dried sand (d) Dried silica + phenolic resin

Match Process) M t h List Li t I (Moulding (M ldi P ) with ith List Li t II (Binding (Bi di Agent) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: g List I List II A. Green sand 1. Silicate B. Core sand 2. Organic C. Shell moulding 3. Clay D CO2 D. CO process 4. Plaster Pl of f Paris P i 5. Plastic Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 3 2 5 1 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 2 3 5 4 (d) 2 3 4 5


The proper sequence of investment casting steps is : (a) Slurry coating pattern melt outShakeout Stucco coating ti (b) Stucco coating Slurry coating Shakeout Pattern melt out (c) Slurry y coating g Stucco coating g Pattern melt out Shakeout (d) Stucco coating Shakeout Slurry coating Pattern melt out

An expendable pattern is used in ( ) Slush (a) l h casting (b) Squeeze casting (c) Centrifugal casting (d) Investment casting

Which of the following casting processes uses expendable pattern and expendable mould? (a) Shell mould casting ( ) Investment casting (b) (c) Pressure die casting (d) Centrifugal casting

Investment casting is used for (a) Shapes which are made by difficulty using complex patterns tt i sand in d casting ti (b) Mass production p (c) Shapes which are very complex and intricate and can't be cast by any other method (d) There is nothing like investment casting

For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

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Themostpreferredprocessforcastinggasturbine bladesis: (a) Diemoulding (b) Shellmoulding (c) Investmentmoulding (d) Sand S dcasting ti

20 0 JWM2010
gmaterials: Considerthefollowing 1.Wax 2 Wood 2. 3.Plastic Whichofthesematerialscanbeusedaspatternin investmentcastingprocess? (a)1,2and3 (b)1and2only (c)2and3only (d)1and3only

( ) The investment casting g is used for Assertion (A): precision parts such as turbine plates, sewing machines etc. Reason (R): The investment castings have a good surface finish and are exact reproductions of the master pattern. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both B th A and d R are individually i di id ll true t b t R is but i NOT the th correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true

Consider the following statements in respect of investment castings: 1. The pattern or patterns is/are not joined to a stalk or sprue also of wax to form a tree of patterns. 2.The prepared moulds are placed in an oven and heated gently to dry off the invest and melt out the bulk of wax. 3.The moulds are usually poured by placing the moulds in a vacuum chamber. Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c)2 and 3 only y (d) 1, 2 and 3

Which of the following materials are used for making patterns in investment casting method? 1. Wax 2. Rubber 3. Wood 4. Plastic Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) Only 1 and 3 (b) Only 2 and 3 ( ) Only (c) O l 1, 2 and d4 (d) Only O l 2, 3 and d4

Light and intricate parts with close dimensional tolerances of the order of 0.005 mm are produced by (a) Investment casting g (b) Die casting (c) Centrifugal casting (d) Shell mould casting

Statement (I): Mould walls of a permanent mould are kept thick. thick Statement (II): The thicker mould walls retain maximum i h heat i increasing i flow fl of f molten l metal. l (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually (II) ) is not the correct explanation p of true but Statement ( Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) (d) Statement For (I) is false but Statement (II) is true


Consider the following advantages of die casting over sand casting : 1 Rapidity of the process 1. 2. Smooth surface 3 Strong dense metal structure 3. Which of these advantages are correct ? ( ) 1, 2 and (a) d3 (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only y (d) 1 and 3 only
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Which of the following are the most suitable materials for die casting? (a) Zinc and its alloys (b) Copper and its alloys (c) Aluminium and its alloys (d) Lead L d and d its it alloys ll

20 0 JWM2010
( ) : In die casting g method, , small Assertion (A) thickness can be filled with liquid metal. Reason (R) : The air in die cavity trapped inside the casting causes problems. (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe correctexplanationofA (b) Both B hAand dRareindividually i di id ll truebut b Ris i not the h correctexplanationofA (c) AistruebutRisfalse (d) ( ) AisfalsebutRistrue

Which one of the following processes produces a casting when pressure forces the molten metal into the mould cavity? (a) Shell moulding g (b) Investment casting g (c) Die casting (d) Continuous casting

In which of the following are metal moulds used? (a) Greensand mould (b) Dry sand mould (c) Die casting process (d) Loam moulding

Assertion (A): alloy is A i (A) An A aluminium l i i ll with i h 11 % silicon ili i used for making engine pistons by die casting technique. technique Reason (R): Aluminium has low density and addition p its fluidity y and therefore its of silicon improves castability. y true and R is the correct (a) Both A and R are individually explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation l i of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false f l but b R is true

MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswertakingthehelp ofcodesgivenbelowthelists: ListI ListII (Products) (Processofmanufacture) A. Automobilepistoninaluminium alloy 1.Pressurediecasting B. Enginecrankshaftinspheroidal graphite hi i iron 2.Gravity G i di diecasting i C. Carburettor housinginaluminium alloy 3.Sandcasting D. Casttitaniumblades 4.Precisioninvestment casting i 5.Shellmoulding Code: A B C D A B C D (a) 2 3 1 5 (b) 3 2 1 5 (c) 2 1 3 4 (d) 4 1 2 3

Considerthefollowingstatements: 1. Zincdiecastings g havelowstrength. g 2. Inthediecastingprocess,verythinsectionsor complexshapescanbeobtainedeasily. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? ( ) 1only (a) l (b) 2only (c) Both1and2 (d) ( ) Neither1nor2

Assertion of A i (A): (A) Die Di casting i yields i ld a product d f good d accuracy and finish. R Reason (R) Low (R): L melting li alloys ll used d in i die di casting. ( ) Both (a) B h A and d R are individually i di id ll true and d R is i the h correct explanation of A (b) Both B h A and d R are individually i di id ll true but b R is i not the h correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true but b R is i false f l (d) A is false but R is true
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

Consider the following statements : 1. Hot chamber machine is used for casting zinc, tin and other th low l melting lti alloys. ll 2. Cold chamber machine is used for die casting of ferrous alloys 3. Rapid 3 p cooling g rate in die casting g p produces high g strength and quality in many alloys. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only ( ) 2 and (c) d 3 only l (d) 1 and d 3 only l
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Which of the following engineering materials is th most the t suitable it bl candidate did t for f hot h t chamber h b die di casting? ( ) Low carbon (a) b steel l (b) Titanium (c) Copper (d) Tin

Assertion (A): alloys are cast in A i (A) Aluminium Al i i ll i hot h chamber die casting machine. Reason (R): Aluminium alloys require high melting when compared to zinc alloys. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) ( ) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true

( ) GATE2009(PI)
Hot chamber die casting process is NOT suited for (a) Lead and its alloy (b) Zinc and its alloy ( ) Tin (c) Ti and d its it alloy ll (d) ( ) Aluminum and its alloy y

In centrifugal casting, the impurities are ( ) Uniformly (a) f l distributed d b d (b) Forced towards the outer surface (c) Trapped near the mean radius of the casting (d) Collected at the centre of the casting

Centrifugally cast products have (a) Large g g grain structure with high g p porosity y (b) Fine grain structure with high density (c) Fine grain structure with low density (d) Segregation of slug towards the outer skin of the casting ti

( ) GATE2008(PI)
In hollow cylindrical parts, made by centrifugal casting, the density of the part is ( ) maximum (a) i at the h outer region i (b) maximum at the inner region (c) ( ) maximum at the midp point between outer and inner surfaces (d) uniform throughout

Which of the following casting processes does not /do not require central core for producing pipe? 1 Sand casting process 1. 2. Die casting process 3 Centrifugal casting process 3. Select the correct answer using the code given below: ( ) 1 and (a) d2 (b) 2 only (c) 2 and 3 y (d) 3 only

Which one of the following casting processes is b t best suited it d t to make k bi bigger size i h ll hollow

Which one of the following is the correct statement? In a centrifugal casting method (a) No core is used (b) Core may be made of any metal ( ) Core (c) C i made is d of f sand d (d) Core is made of ferrous metal

Poormachinability ofcentrifugallycastironpipe isdueto (a) Chilling (b) Segregation (c) Densestructure (d) High Hi hmould ldrotation t ti speed d

symmetrical y pipes? p p (a) Die casting (b) Investment casting (c) Shell moulding (d) Centrifugal casting
For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

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Which of the following are the most likely characteristics in centrifugal casting? (a) Fine grain size and high porosity (b) Coarse grain size and high porosity (c) Fine grain size and high density (d) Coarse C grain i size i and d high hi h density d it

MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegiven belowtheLists: ListI ListII (CastingProcess) (Principle) A. Diecasting 1.Themetalsolidifiesinarotatingmould B. Investmentcasting 2.Thepatternclusterisrepeatedlydipped intoaceramicslurryanddustedwith refractory f C. Shellmoulding 3.Moltenmetalisforcedbypressureinto ametallicmould D D. Centrifugalcasting 4 Aftercooling 4. cooling,theinvestisremoved fromthe Castingbypressurejettingor vibratorycleaning Code: A B C D A B C D (a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 3 4 2 1 (c) 2 4 3 1 (c) 3 1 2 4

Match M t hList Li tI(Process) (P )with ithList Li tII(Products/materials) (P d t / t i l ) andselectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgiven belowtheLists: ListI ListII A. Diecasting 1.Phenolformaldehyde B. Shellmolding 2.C.I.pipes C. CO2 molding 3.Nonferrousalloys D Centrifugal D. C if lcasting i 4.Sodium S di silicate ili Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 3 1 4 2 (c) 3 1 2 4 (d) 1 3 2 4

MatchListI(NameoftheProcess)withListII(Advantage)andselectthecorrect answerusingthecodesgivenbelowthelists: ListI ListII (NameoftheProcess) (Advantage) A. SandCasting 1.Largecylindricalpartswithgoodquality B B. C Ceramic i mold ldcasting ti 2.Excellent E ll tdimensional di i laccuracyand dsurface f finish C. Diecasting 3.Intricateshapesandclosetoleranceparts D D. C Centrifugal if lcasting i 4.Almost Al anymetal lis i castand dthere h ifnolimit li i to size,shapeandweight 5.Gooddimensionalaccuracy,finishandlow porosity Codes:A B C D A B C (a) 2 3 5 1 (b) 4 1 2 (c) 2 1 5 3 (d) 4 3 2

Assertion (A): Semi process is A i (A) S icentrifugal if l casting i i similar to true centrifugal casting except that the central core is used in it to form inner surface. surface Reason (R): In semicentrifugal casting process the p is always y vertical axis of spin (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct p of A explanation (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true

D 3 1

Statement (I): In semi centrifugal casting a particular p of the casting g is p y mould, core and the produced by shape centrifugal force of molten metal. Statement (II): The centrifugal force aids to proper feeding to produce the casting free from porosity. (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually t true b t Statement but St t t (II) is i not t the th correct t explanation l ti of f Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) ( ) is true but b Statement (II) ( ) is false f l (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true


Match List (Typeof M t hLi tI(T fcasting) ti )with ithList Li tII(Working (W ki principles) i i l ) andselectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelowthe Lists: Li tI List Li tII List A. Diecasting 1.Moltenmetalisforcedintothedie underpressure B. Centrifugalcasting 2.Axisofrotationdoesnotcoincidewith axisofmould C. Centrifuging g g 3.Metalsolidifieswhenmouldisrotating 3 g D. Continuouscasting 4.Continuouslypouringmoltenmetal intomould Codes: A B C D A B C D (a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 2 3 1

Which of the following are produced by slush casting? (a) Hollow castings with thick walls (b) Hollow castings with thin walls (c) Thin castings (d) Thick Thi k castings ti

The method of casting for producing ornamental pieces are: ( ) Slush (a) Sl h and d gravity it casting ti (b) Pressed and slush casting (c) Gravity and semi permanent mould casting (d) Semi permanent mould and pressed casting

For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

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IES 2012
The process of making hollow castings of noncircular shape and desired thickness by permanent mould without the use of cores is known as (a) Die casting (b) Slush casting ( ) Pressed (c) P d casting ti (d) Centrifugal C t if l casting ti

Match M t hList Li tI(Casting (C ti Process) P )with ithList Li tII (Applications)andselectthecorrectanswerusingthe codesg givenbelowtheLists: ListI ListII (CastingProcess) (Applications) A. Centrifugalcasting 1. Carburetor B. Squeezecasting 2. Pipes C Die C. Di C Casting i 3. Wh l f Wheels for automobiles 4 4. Gearhousings Codes:A B C A B C (a) 2 3 1 (b) 4 1 3 (c) 2 1 3 (d) 4 3 1



Whichofthefollowingpairsarecorrectlymatched? 1. Pitmoulding g ..................Forlarge g jobs. j 2. Investmentmoulding ...Lostwaxprocess. 3 PlastermouldingMouldpreparedin 3. gypsum. ( ) 1,2and (a) d3 (b) 1and d2 (c) 1and3 (d) 2and3

Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (a) Aluminium alloy piston Pressure die casting (b) Jewellery.. Lost wax process (c) Large pipes ..Centrifugal casting (d) Large L b ll Loam bells L moulding ldi

List Li tI (A) Sandcasting circularshapesonly (B) Plastermouldcasting skinsandsoftinterior (C) Shellmouldcasting castingprocessing (D) Investmentcasting List Li tII (1) Symmetricaland (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Partshavehardened Minimumpost Partshaveatendency towarp Partshavesoftskin andhardinterior Suitableonlyfornon f ferrous metals t l

Match M hthe h following f ll i moulding/casting ldi / i processeswith i h theproduct: Moulding/Castingprocesses Product (A) Slushcasting (P)Turbineblade (B) Shellmoulding (Q)Machinetoolbed (C) Drysandmoulding (R)Cylinderblock (D) Centrifugal C t if lcasting ti (S)Hollow H ll castings ti likelampshades (T)Rainwaterpipe (U)Castironshoe brake For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs)

ListI ListII (A) Rivetsforaircraftbody y 1. Forging g g (B) Carburettor body 2. Coldheading (C) Crankshafts 3 3. Aluminiumbased alloy (D) Nails N il 4. P Pressure die di casting ti 5. Investmentcasting

Match List (Products) (Casting Process) M t hLi tI(P d t )with ithList Li tII(C ti P )and dselect l t thecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists: ListI ListII (Products) (CastingProcess) A. Hollowstatues 1. CentrifugalCasting B B. Dentures 2 2. InvestmentCasting C. Aluminium alloypistons 3. SlushCasting D. Rockerarms 4. ShellMoulding 5. G i Di Gravity DieCasting C i Codes: A B C D A B C D (a) ( ) 3 2 4 5 (b) ( ) 1 3 4 5 (c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 3 2 5 4

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Match (Equipment) M hthe h items i of fList Li I(E i )with i hthe h items i ofListII(Process)andselectthecorrectanswerusing thegivencodes. codes ListI(Equipment) ListII(Process) P HotChamberMachine 1. 1 Cleaning Q Muller 2. Coremaking R DielectricBaker 3 3. Diecasting S SandBlaster 4. Annealing 5 5. Sandmixing (a) P2,Q1,R4,S5 (b) P4,Q2,R3,S5 (c) P4, 4 Q5, 5 R1, 1 S2 (d) P3, 3 Q5, 5 R2, 2 S1

Match ListI(Name of Definition) M hLi (N fthe h Casting C i Process) P )with i hList Li II(Process (P D fi i i )and dselect l thecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelowthelists: ListI ListII (NameoftheCasting Castin Process) (ProcessDefinition) A. Diecasting 1.Thisprocessinvolvesuseofamouldmadeof Driedsilicasandandphenolic resinmixture B B. El t l casting Electroslag ti 2.In I thi thisprocess,molten lt metal t li isf forced db by Pressureintoametalmould C. Centrifugalcasting 3.Thisprocessemploysaconsumableelectrode D D. P i i casting Precision i 4.This Thi processi involves l rotating i amould ldwhile hil the h metalsolidifies 5.Thisprocessproducesverysmooth,highly Accuratecastingsfrombothferrousandnon ferrousalloys Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 5 4 1 2 (b) 2 3 4 5 (c) 5 3 4 2 (d) 2 4 1 5

GATE 2007(PI)
Match the lists

Group1 P.SandCasting Q CentrifugalCasting Q. R.InvestmentCasting S.DieCasting

(a) P 4, Q 1, R 3, S 2 (c) ( ) P 3, Q 4, R 1, ,S2

Group2 1.Turbineblades 2 ICEnginePistons 2. 3.Largebells 4.Pulleys

(b) P 2, Q 4, R 3, S 1 (d) ( ) P 3, Q 2, , R 1, ,S4

Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Option A A C A D A D C B D A B Q.No 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Option p C D D B B B D A A

Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Option D C C B C A D C B D Q.No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Option A A D A A B A

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