An Introduction To Vibration Aspects of Two-Stroke Diesel Engines I, N Ships
An Introduction To Vibration Aspects of Two-Stroke Diesel Engines I, N Ships
An Introduction To Vibration Aspects of Two-Stroke Diesel Engines I, N Ships
The purpose of this paper is to give a provide a straight-forward description of the vibration characteristics of twostroke low speed diesel engines, and of countermeasures to be taken in connection with their use in ships. For those who want to study the subject in more detail, we refer to our publication Vibration Characteristics of Twostroke Low Speed Diesel Engines. Copies of this publication are available on request. First, a number of general terms used in vibration terminology are explained:
Excitation Sources
An excitation source is the disturbing influence which generates and maintains vibrations. This source may be a free moment, a guide force moment produced by the engine, the influence on engine frame and ships structure arising from the axial vibration of the shaft system, or the influence on the same parts from the torsional vibration of the shaft system. The excitation sources in a diesel engine are cyclic by nature, meaning that they vary periodically during the working cycle of the engine, see Fig. 1. In order to evaluate the influence of an excitation source, a so-called harmonic analysis is performed, by which an excitation source is represented by a sum of excitations acting with different frequencies, which are multiples of the engines rotational frequency. Mathematically, this is expressed as follows: F= F, x co+ + v,) + F,xcos(Za+~J+.... crank angle F2 cos 2 (2~ + cp,) is called the second order force, as it acts twice per revolution, and so on. The first contribution Fl cos (a + cp,) is called the first order force, because it acts once per revolution.
It is planned to install a 4L60MC engine in a vessel. Calculations have revealed that avertcal hull vibration has a natural frequency of 3.83 Hz. This corresponds to: 3.83 x 60 cycles/min = 230 cycles/min If 4L60MC engine runs 117 r/min at MCR, so obviously there is no risk of resonance with the first order moment, as its maximum excitation frequency is: 117 x 1 cycle/min = 117 cycleslmin The 2nd order moment has an excitation frequency of up to:
117 x 2 cycleslmin = 234 cycles/min This means that resonance with the 2nd order moment may occur at: ?=115r/min corresponding to $ sx 100 i 1 which equals 95% load. Therefore, it is relevant to consider outbalancing the 2nd order moment in Case a 4L60MC engine is installed.
mplitude efleclion~
Fig. 2 shows the deflection line of the hull for the vibration mode mentioned. Vibration Modes A system can have several natural frequencies, each corresponding to a certain characteristic vibration mode. for
Often the phrase vibratory response is met with: this means the deflection of the system caused by~excitations on the system. Damping As there is some kind of energy-absorbing friction in all systems, the deflection will only reach a certain value. This value will depend on the magnitude of the excitation and damping (Friction) as well as on the excitation frequency in relation to the systems natural frequency. The magnitude of the damping, which must be known in order to calculate stresses and deflections, can be based on theoretical studies or on experience. Fig. 4 illustrates the deflection with and without damping. 1
8 5 .5 r!
Frequency t excitation
2 nodes
The four categories of excitation sources mentioned are the following, see Fig. 5: I External unbalanced moments, classified as 1st order moments (acting in both the horizontal and vertical directions) and 2nd order moments (acting in the vertical direction only), see Fig. 5 Guide force moments (see Fig. 5)
3 nodes
Fig. 3: Vibration modes
Ill Axial vibrations IV Torsional vibrations During the working cycle of an engine there are inertia forces as well as gas forces acting on the drive train. The inertia forces are divided into inertia forces acting on rotating masses and on reciprocating masses. The inertia forces acting on rotating masses are constant in magnitude, when the engine speed is constant, but the direction changes
As can be seen, the upper deflection mode has two points that do not move, the lower one has three. These points are called nodes, and the vibration nodes are called 2.node vibration, and 3-node vibration, respectively. Also other forms exist, e.g. deflections in the longitudinal direction, torsional deflections and combinations of these,
The inertia forces acting on reciprocating masses, however, depend on the actual position of the piston, even though the engine speed is constant. The same applies to the gas forces; they are not constant during the working cycle. In order to give a mathematical description of the behaviour of the forces, a harmonic analysis is normally carried out. These forces are counteracted by reaction forces in the crankshaft, thus making the resultant force equal to zero, but the external unbalanced moments will still exist. I External unbalanced moments A -Combustion pressure
B -Guide force C - Staybolt force D -Main bearing force
1st Order moment vertical 1 cyclelrev 2nd Order moment, vertical 2 cycles/rev
The external moments are known as the 1 st ,order moments (acting in both the vertical and horizontal directions) and 2nd order moments (acting in the vertical direction only, because they originate solely in the inertia forces on the reciprocating masses. Moments of higher orders exist, but are normally ignored, as they are very small. 1st order moment The 1 st order moments acts with a frequency corresponding to the engine speed x 1. Generally speaking, the 1 st order moment causes no vibration problems. For 4-cylinder engines, however, ti is recommendable to evaluate the risk because in rare cases this cylinder configuration may cause vibration levels of a disturbing magnitude. Resonance with a 1st order moment may occur for hull vibrations with 2 and/ or 3 nodes. This resonance can be calculated with reasonable accuracy, and the calculation for the specific plant will show whether or not a compensator is necessary on a given four-cylinder engine. Resonance with the vertical moment for the 2 or 3-node hull vibration can be
fig. 5: External forces and moments
Standard balancing
1,000 kNm vertically as well as horizontally in standard balancing. As the natural frequency for the vertical 3-node hull girder vibration mode was approximately 80 cycles/min, resonance would occur with excitation from the 1st order vertical external moment in the normal running range. It was decided to adjust the counterweights so as to neutralise the vertCal moment, and to accept the increased horizontal moment. If vibration excited by the horizontal 1 st order moment would cause harmful vibration (possible horizontal 2.node vibration mode), an additional balancing of the engine could be carried out. It should be mentioned that 2nd order moment compensators were fitted from the start. Measurements on the trial trip and with the ship in loaded condition confirmed a satisfactory vibration level.
1. MlV a MlH
~ Fig. 6: AQusfable counteweights for 1st order moment
i ~, ~: :.,.~.; 1 ~
critical, whereas resonance with the ho+ zontal moment normally occurs at a higher engine speed than the nominal because of the higher natural frequency of horizontal hull vibrations, As standard, four-cylinder versions of the 50MC and larger engine types are fitted with adjustable counterweights. For S26MC, L35MC and L42MC adjustable counterweights can be ordered as an option. These counterweights can reduce the vertical moment to an insignificant value (although they simultaneously increase the horizontal moment), so this resonance is easily dealt with. A solution with
zero horizontal moment is also available should this be desirable, see Fig. 6. An example: A Panama bulk carrier, previously designed and delivered with a 5cylinder engine, was ordered with a 4L90GBE. The hull girder vibration characteristics had been measured on the hull wise identical sistership and were, as such, well-known. The engine was derated from the nominal 97 r/min to 84 r/min in order to optimise the propeller. The 1 st order moment at the derated 64 r/min represents
In rare cases, where the 1 st order moment may cause resonance with both the vertical and the horizontal hull vibration mode in the normal speed range of the engine, the adjustable counterweights should be positioned so as to make the vertical moment harmless, and a 1st order compensator fitted in the chain tightener wheel in order to neutralise the horizontal moment. The compensator comprises two counter-rotating masses running at the same speed as the main engine crankshaft, see Fig. 7. Experience from actual vibration measurements shows that the aftmost node in the 2-node horizontal hull vibration mode is positioned reasonably far from the compensator in the chain drive. Since resonance with both the vertical and the horizontal hull vibration mode is rare, the standard MAN B&W two-stroke engine is not prepared for the fitting of
However, should the need for compensators arise, solution (e) as mentioned below, may be applied. Balancing reducing the vertical moment
The calculation of the vibration modes mentioned above requires advanced calculation systems and is often subject to a high degree of uncertainty. Therefore, it is essential that owner, shipyard and engine builder discuss the question at the project stage, because later remedies can be very costly. Several solutions, from which the most cost-efficient one can be chosen, are available to cope with the 2nd order vertcal moment: Flc resulting horizontal compensating force a) No compensators, if considered unnecessary on the basis of the natural frequency, nodal point and size of the 2nd order moment b) A compensator mounted on the aft end of the engine driven by the main chain drive, see Fig. 8 c) A compensator mounted on the front end, driven from the crank shaft through a separate chain drive d) Compensators on both the aft and fore ends of the engine, completely eliminating the external 2nd order moments, see Fig. 9 e) An electrically driven compensator, synchronised to the correct phase relative to the free moment, This type of compensator needs preparations in the form of an extra seating, preferable in the steering gear room, where deflections are largest and the compensator, therefore, will have the greatest effect, see Fig. 10 Compensation of an external moment by means of a compensating force is possible if there is an adequate distance from the position where the force is acting to the node of the vibration (i.e. an excitation force is inefficient when acting in a node).
such compensators. If there is a risk of such resonance, it should be considered to prepare the engine for the fitting of compensators. 2nd order moment The 2nd order moment acts with a frequency corresponding to twice the engine speed. As mentioned earlier, the 2nd order moment acts in the vertical direction only. Owing to the magnitude of the 2nd order moment, it is only relevant to compensate this moment on 4, 5 and B-cylinder engines, for which reason it is necas-
sary to analyse the situation only on such engines. Resonance with 4 and 5.node vertical hull girder vibration modes can occur in the normal engine speed range. In order to control the resulting vibratory responses, a 2nd order compensator can be installed. Experience has shown, however, that vessels of a size propelled by the S26MC, L35MC and L42MC engines are less sensitive to hull vibrations, for which reason engine-mounted 2nd order moment compensators are not applied on these smaller types,
The counterweights on the chain wheel produce a centrifugal force which craates a moment, the size of which is found by multiplying the force by the distance to the node. Due to the positioning of these counterweights, the direction of the compensating moment will always be opposite to the direction of the external moment. Obviously this method of compensation, solutions (b), (c) and (e), requires knowledge of the distance from the position of the compensating force to the node in order to choose the correct compensating force. Such knowledge may be acquired by calculation, but it is often necessary to take measurements during the sea trial.
If the node is placed in the same position (or close to) the compensating force, no compensating moment will be created. Thus, solution (d) must be applied, because the fitting of compensators on both the fore and aft ends of the engine form a compensating moment which neutralises the free moment. In this case independence of the node position is achieved, and no knowledge of the hull vibrations forms is necessary. When placed in the steering gear room, the electrically driven compensator (e) has the advantage -compared to the other compensators (b) and (c) -that it is not as sensitive to the position of the node. Such a device does not take up much room, approximately 1 x 2 x 3 m, and is driven by an electric motor of about 15 kW. More than 70 ships are currently in service with the electrically driven compensator and have an excellent low vibration level. If compensator(s) are omitted, the engine can be delivered prepared for the later fitting of compensators. This preparation must be decided at the project stage or, at the latest, when ordering the engine.
6 I
Fig. 10: 2nd order moment comoensation from electrical driven compensator in steer;ng gearroom
The H-type guide force moment, which is dominating on engines with less than seven cylinders, tends to rock the engine top in the transverse direction, see Fig. 5. The main order of the H-moment is equal to the cylinder number, i.e. for a 5-cylinder engine the frequency of the excitation is 5 times the number of revolution. The X-type guide force moment is the dominating for engines with more than six cylinders, see Fig. 5. The X-moment tends to twist the engine in an X-like shape, and the main order is equal to half the number. For engines with odd numbers of cylinders, the main orders are mostly the two orders closest to half the number of cylinders, In order to counteract the possible impact on the hull from guide force moments, we recommend the installation of a set of top bracings between the upper gallery of the main engine and the hull structure (casing side). The top bracing can either be mechanical with frictional connection or hydraulically adjustable, see Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. These bracings act as detuners of the system double bottom and main engine, which means that the natural frequency of the vibration system will be
Measurements taken during the sea trial, or later during service, with diffarent loadings of the ship, will show whether or not compensator(s) need to be fitted. An example: A 40,000 dwt general cargo ship was to be equipped with a 6-cylinder engine of the L67GFCA-type. A rough calculation showed only a small risk of excitation of vibration from the 2nd order external moment of 760 kNm, but still there was a certain degree of uncertainty. Discussion between the owner, yard and engine builder materialised into an agreement that the engine should be delivered prepared for later mounting of 2nd order compensators.
Only in cases where the vibration level would exceed the value given in IS0 recommendations, should compensators be fitted. The measurements showed satisfactory conditions at fully loaded ship, but at the specified ballast condition the level was measured to 11 mm/set. The IS0 recommendation stated 9 mm/set as being acceptable. However, the measurements also showed that the node or the vibration (4-node hull girder vibration) was situated very close to the aft end of the engine, nearly independent of the ships load. As mentioned earlier, a compensator fitted at the aft end would be inefficient, so only the forward compensator was fitted.
increased to such an extent that rasonance occurs above the running range of engine speed and the guide force moments will, therefore, be harmless, Measurements on plants in selvice prove that, with adequately fitted bracings, resonance occurs above the normal running range.
III Axial vibrations
For engines with odd numbers of cylinders, the dominating orders are mostly the two orders closest to half the cylinder number. In order to counteract the influence on the hull from the axial vibration, all engines are equipped with an axial vibration damper although, for the crankshaft itself, such a damper is only necessary on larger cylinder numbers. The damper is shown in Fig. 13.
Shortly after we experienced a case in which a 5L50MC engine installed in an LPG tanker recorded excessive axial vibration of the crankshaft during the trial trip. A closer analysis of this case revealed that the crankshaft was not in resonance, and that the situation was caused by a coupled vibration phenomenon The crankshaft vibration was coupled to the engine frame and double bottom which, in turn, transferred vibration energy back to the crankshaft. As a result, both the whole engine and the superstructure suffered from heavy longitudinal vibration. We decided to tackle the problem from two sides: An axial vibration damper was retrofitted to the crankshaft, and top bracing in the longitudinal direction was fitted on the aft end of the engine.
When the crankthrow is loaded by the gas force through the connecting rod mechanism, the arms of the crank throw deflect in the axial direction of the crankshaft, exciting axial vibrations which, through the thrust bearing, may be transferred to the ships hull. The dominating order of the axial vibration is equivalent to the number of cylinders for engines with less than seven cylinders. For engines with more than six cylinders, the dominating order is equal to half the numbers of cylinders.
An example: At the introduction of our MC engine series, an axial vibration damper was only standard on engines with six or more cylinders, where the damper was needed because resonance with the order corresponding to the cylinder number would otherwise have caused too high stresses in the crankthrows.
These two countermeasures both influenced the vibration behaviour of the crankshaft, the engine frame, and the superstructure. The axial vibration damper alone actually eliminated the problems, and the longitudinal top bracing alone reduced the vibration level in the deck house to below the IS0 recommended values. With both countermeasures in action, the longitudinal top bracing had only insignificant influence. This incident, together with experience from some other 5-cylinder engines, led us to install axial vibration dampers as standard on all our engines.
IV Torsional vibration The varying gas pressure in the cylinders during the working cycle and the crankshaft/connecting rod mechanism create a varying torque in the crankshaft. It is these variations that cause the excitation of torsional vibration of the shaft system. Like the other excitation sources, the varying torque is cyclic of nature and can thus be subject to harmonic analysis. As explained in the section Excitation Source this analysis makes it possible to represent the varying torque as a sum of torques acting with different frequencies which are multiples of the engines rotational frequency.
Abs. max. limit Barred speed range required I Resonances - Speed !-Normal
Like other kinds of vibration, torsional vibration causes extra stresses, which may be detrimental to the shaft system. The stresses will show peak values at resonances, i.e. where the number of revolutions multiplied by the order of excitation corresponds to the natural frequency. Therefore, the Classification Societies request that the torsional vibration characteristics of the engine/shafting system be calculated, and they have laid down limits for the extra strasses.
If the barred speed range is close to normal speed, this solution can not be used
Fig. 14: Engine located aft and shaftk diameter according to Class Rules
quired by the class rules in order to increase the natural frequency and thereby bringing it 40.45% above normal running range. For 5cylinder engines the main critical (5th order) is also positioned close to, but below, normal revolutions. If the diameter of the shafting is chosen according to the class rules, the resonance with main critical will be positioned quite close to the normal service speed, thus introducing a barrad speed range, see Fig. 14. The usual and correct way to tackle this unacceptable position of a barred speed range is to mount a tuning wheel on the front end of the crankshaftand design the intermediate shaft with reduced diameter relative to the class diameter and to use better material with a higher ultimate tensile strength. This is called over-critical running, because the normal speed range is placed above the resonance, see Fig. 15. In some cases, the solution chosen has been to install a large diameter intermediate shaft in order to increase the resonance to above the MCR. This is called under-critical running, because the normal speed range is placed below the resonance, see Fig. 16. Besides avoiding a barred speed range, this solution is characterised by a rather high varying torque in the shaft which will induce a rather high varying thrust, called Torsional Vibration Induced Propeller thrust. For 6-cyknder engines the normal execution is a shaftline with a diameter according to the class rules and, consequently, a barred speed range. For engines with seven or more cyfinder. the excitations are smaller, and a barred speed range is not normally necessary. An example: A series of tankers equipped with 5L80MCE engines was fitted with a shaft system of a larger diameter than
Small varying
ning wheel
_ torque
improved material
Two limits exist: The lower I,: Determines a stress level which may only be exceeded for a short time, i.e. not during continuous running, which means that the propulsion plant requires a barred speed range of revolutions. The upper limit za: May not be exceeded at all, Considering a shaftline of a certain length, it is possible to adjust its natural frequency of torsional vibration by adjusting the diameter. A small diameter results in a low natural frequency, and a larger diameter in a high natural fre-
quency. Also the introduction of a tuning wheel will lower the natural frequency. The Classification Societies have also laid down rules determining the shaft diameter. It is permitted to increase the diameter, whereas a reduction will require the use of a material with a higher ultimate tensile strength. For the different numbers of cylinders the following guidelines can be given based on our experience: 4-cylinder engines normally have the main critical resonance (4th order) positioned above but close to normal revolutions and thus, in the worst cases, require an increased diameter of the shaft-line relative to the diameters re-
: :
Normal Approx. 40-45% of rlmin Recommended distance from resonance No barred speed range required
- Speed
required by the Classification Societies and had no tuning wheel in order to avoid a barred speed range. The torsional vibration induced propeller thrust was approximately 30% of the mean thrust and, during the sea trial, heavy longitudinal vibration of the engine frame as well as the superstructure excited by the varying thrust was experienced. As replacement of the whole shaft system was considered virtually impossible (expensive and time consuming), efforts to restrict the heavy longitudinal vibration were concentrated on longitudinal top bracing. After a few attempts it became evident that the steel work of the deck in way of the fore end of the engine
had to be strengthened in order to possess sufficient rigidity. After this strengthening had been carried out, the vibration levels became accedable.
If proper consideration is given to the vibration aspects at an early stage, the countermeasures available provide a good safety margin against potential vibration problems. It is emphasised that the all-important issue in these questions is the interaction with the ship, and not the mere magnitude of the excitation source.