Ex 4

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‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬

Name: ayedzahran

Experiment 4
"Water of hydration"

I. Observations and results:

Unknown number Na2CO3010H2O

Molar mass of anhydrous salt 106 g/mol
Mass of crucible 123.52 g
Mass of crucible and hydrate 124.97 g
Mass of crucible and residue after heating 123.80
Mass of hydrate 1.43 g (1)
Mass of anhydrous salt 0.28 g
Mass of water of anhydrous salt 1.17 g (3)
Moles of anhydrous salt 0.00175 mol (4)
Moles of water 0.065 mol (5)
Moles of water per 1 mol hydrate 3.887 mol
% water in the hydrate 81% (6)
Molar mass of hydrate 176 g/mol (7)

II. Calculation:

(1) Mass of hydrate = 124.95-123.52=1.43 g

(2) Mass of anhydrous salt =123.80-123.52 =0.28 g

(3) Mass of water of anhydrous salt =124.97 g -123.80=1.17 g

(4) n =m/M=0.28 /106= 0.00175 mol

(5) n= m/M=1.17 /18=0.065 mol

(6) %water= (mwater/msample)*100%= (1.17 /1.43)*100%=81%

(7) In hydrate (anhydrous salt : water) ,that’s mean the ratio between

anhydrous salt and water in hydrate as (0.00175: 0.065) or (1:38.23) ,from

the ratio the hydrate is Na2CO304H2O ,and molar mass is 176 g/mol
III. Answer the following questions:
1. What percent by weight of water is in alum KAI(SO4)2.12H2O
Take sample of hydrate
,nhydrate =m/M =100\474=0.211 mol
1 mole hydrate === 12 mole water
0.211 mol === ??
Moles of water =2.532 mol
Mass of water =n*M =2.532*18 =45.576 g
%water = (mwater/msample)*100% = (45.576/100)*100%=45.576%

2. A solid hydrate weighting 2.691 g was heated to drive off the water .A solid
anhydrate residue remained which weighed 2.259 g /Calculate the percent by
mass of water in the hydrate .If the anhydrous residue has a molar mass of 282
g/mol how many moles of water contained in one mole of hydrous salt?
,mwater = mhydrate-manhydrate=2.692-2.259=0.432 g
%water =(mwater/msample)*100% =(0.432/2.691)*100% =16%
,nanhydrate = m/M=2.259/282 =0.008 mol
, nwater = 0.432/18=0.024 mol
0.008 mol ===== 0.024 mol
1 mol ===== ??
, nwater =3 mol in one mole of hydrous

Not: For experiment number , For calculation number , For the solution of
answers .

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