MSP Drexel Flyer 2009-1
MSP Drexel Flyer 2009-1
MSP Drexel Flyer 2009-1
Open to All
Science Teachers
in Grades 7-9
1. Name:_____________________________________________________
2. Your Home Address: _________________________________________
3. Email Address: _____________________________________________
4. Phone Number: _____________________________________________
5. School: ____________________________________________________
6. Subject Taught: _____________________________________________
7. Number of Years of Teaching: _________________________________
8. Undergraduate Institution: ____________________________________
9. Undergraduate Degree: ______________________________________
B. Include a recommendation letter from your Principal stating that you are
a teacher of science in grades 7-9.
C. Mail a check for $25.00 made out to Drexel University. This check will
be returned to you on the first Friday of the workshop
Once you are registered for the program a confirmation email will be sent.
Apply Today