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Pardeep Kumar, Susmita Mishra, Amrita Singh / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.509-513

Study of Existing Full Adders and To Design a LPFA (Low Power Full Adder)

Department of ECE, B.M.S.E.C, Muktsar, 2,3Asstt. Professor, B.M.S.E.C, Muktsar

Pardeep Kumar, Susmita Mishra, Amrita Singh

This paper describes the different logic style used for CMOS full adders and different equation used to implement the required Boolean logic for full adders. This paper also describes that the speed of the design is limited by size of the transistors, parasitic capacitance and delay in the critical path. Power consumption and speed are two important but conflicting design aspects; hence a better metric to evaluate circuit performance is power delay product (PDP).The driving capability of a full adder is very important, because, full adders are mostly used in cascade configuration, where the output of one provides the input for other. If the full adders lack Driving capability then it requires additional buffer, which consequently increases the power dissipation. At last a new LPFA Design is proposed with comparisons between the various full adders to show the better performance of LPFA in terms of power consumption, area (number of transistors) and delay. The LPFA and all other various full adders are designed and simulated using mentor graphics tool in 0.18 m technology. The frequency used is 100 MHz. the voltage and all the various full adders and others designs are simulated at a voltage supply of 1.8V at same frequency. The choice of logic style to design digital circuits strongly influences the circuit performance. The delay time depends on the size of transistors, the number of transistors per stack, the parasitic capacitance including intrinsic capacitance and capacitance due to intracell and intercell routing, and the logic depth (i.e., number of logic gates in the critical path). The dynamic power consumption depends on the switching activity and the number and size of transistors. Among other things, the die area depends on the number and size of transistors and routing complexity. At the system level, in many synchronous implementations of microprocessors, the adder lies in the critical path because it is a key element in a wide range of arithmetic units such as ALUs and multipliers. Extensive variants of full adders have been investigated by the academic and industrial research communities. The usual performance evaluations are speed, power consumption, and area. However, since mobile and embedded applications have prioritized the power consumption to stand at the top of circuit and system performance evaluations, the goal of many of these full-adder variants has traditionally been the reduction of transistor count. However, Chang et al. have shown in that although some of these full adders feature good behavior when implementing a 1-bit cell, they may show performance degradation when used to implement more complex structures. Recently, building low-power VLSI systems has emerged as highly in demand because of the fast growing technologies in mobile communication and computation. The battery technology doesnt advance at the same rate as the microelectronics technology. There is a limited amount of power Available for the mobile systems. So designers are faced with more constraints: high speed, high throughput, small silicon area, and at the same time, low-power consumption. So building low-power, high-performance adder cells is of great interest.

Keywords: CMOS Transmission Gate (TG),

PassTransistor Logic (PTL), Complementary Passtransistor Logic (CPL), Gate Diffusion Input (GDI), LPFA (Low Power Full Adder), GDI based full adder Power, Delay

1. Introduction
ADDITION is one of the fundamental arithmetic operations. It is used extensively in many VLSI systems such as application-specific DSP architectures and microprocessors. In addition to its main task, which is adding binary numbers, it is the nucleus of many other useful operations such as subtraction, Multiplication, division, addresses calculation, etc. In most of these systems the adder is part of the critical path that determines the overall performance of the system. That is why enhancing the performance of the 1-bit full-adder cell (the building block of the binary adder) is a significant goal.

2. Equation used in CMOS full adders

A full adder performs the addition of two bits A and B with the Carry (Cin) bit generated in the previous stage. The integer equivalent of this relation is shown by:

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Pardeep Kumar, Susmita Mishra, Amrita Singh / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.509-513
A+B+Cin=2xCout +Sum (1) The conventional logic equation for Sum and Carry are: Cout= (AB) + (A+B)Cin Sum= (ABCin) + (A+B+Cin) Cout (2) (3)

By modifying the equations (2) and (3) the following logics were proposed:Sum= A B Cin Cout= Cin (A B) +A(A B) Sum= A B Cin (4) (5) (6)

Sum= (Cin(A B)) + (Cin(A B) (7) Cout= Cin (AB) + Cin(A+B) (8) Full Adder using CMOS Logic and will be called as Conventional CMOS design.

3. Existing full adder circuits

There are standard implementations for the full-adder cell that are used from last few years some of them among these adders there are the following:-

Figure-2: Mirror logic style based full adder The DPL logic [3] style based full adder has 28 transistors A Transmission gate full adder [4] using 18 transistors A full adder cell using 14 transistors A full adder cell using 10 transistors

Figure.1- The Conventional CMOS full-adder The CMOS full adder (CMOS)[1] has 28 transistors and is based on the regular CMOS structure The Mirror logic [6] style based full adder has 28 transistors

Figure: 3-DPL logic style based full adder

Figure-4: Transmission gate full adder

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Pardeep Kumar, Susmita Mishra, Amrita Singh / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.509-513
The DPL provides a saving power of about 2% over the conventional CMOS based full adder. But they generally do not provide good advantage over the delay. So the main advantage in PDP (power delay product) is only due to lesser power consuming Logic style. The TG-FA provides a power saving of 1% and delay reduction of about 2% over the conventional CMOS Based full adder.

Fig:-13: LP XOR gate With driving outputs

Fig 14:-: LP XNOR gate with driving outputs

. Fig-5:14-T full adder cell adder cell Figure-6:10-T full

4. Design of Low Power XOR and Low Power XNOR

The improved versions are illustrated in Fig. 11 and Fig.12.In the improved versions both designs use 4transistors to achieve the same functions of XOR and XNOR.

By cascading a standard inverter to the LP XNOR circuit, a new type of XOR, as shown in Fig. 13 and Fig 14, will have a driving output, and the signal level at the output end will be perfect in all cases. The same property is present in the XNOR structure. The output waveforms for XOR and XNOR for are given inputs A and B are shown in Fig 15, 16 and Fig 17.

Fig-15:-showing the input signals A and B.

Fig:-11: LP XOR gate

Fig 12:-: LP XNOR gate

Analysis on XOR structure, the output signals in the cases of input signal AB = 01, 10, 11 will be complete. When AB = 00, each PMOS will be on and will pass a poor LO signal level to the output end. That is, if AB = 00, the output end will display a voltage, threshold voltage ~Vpth, a little higher than LO. For the XNOR function, the output signal in the case of AB = 00, 01, 10 will be complete. While AB = 11, each NMOS will be on and pass the poor HI signal level to the output end. The analysis of driving capability is the same as XOR structure. The structures stated above are the versions of 4 transistors without a driving output.

Fig:-16:- Showing the output of 6-transistor XOR.

Fig:-17:- Showing the output of 6-transistor XNOR

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Pardeep Kumar, Susmita Mishra, Amrita Singh / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.509-513 5. Design of Low Power Adder Using LP XOR and XNOR
The Low power full adder which takes lesser number of transistors than the all other previously discussed configurations. The major drawback of this method is that although it utilizes lesser number of transistors but it does not provide full swing at the output which is needed to drive any external load. So to avoid this type of problem we will form the XOR by using XNOR followed by an inverter. Figure:-50 shown below is the schematic for the LOW POWER FULL ADDER (LPFA).

Figure 52:- Input and Carry output waveform of LPFA

Figure 50:- LPFA (Low Power Full Adder) schematic Now next we will show the sum and carry output waveform of LPFA (Low Power Full Adder).

Figure 53:-Showing average current of LPFA Now we will use this average current waveform to find the dynamic power dissipation. Dynamic power dissipation P= (average current) x (voltage supply (Vdd)) SoP = (10.5152A) x (1.8V) =18.92736 W

6. Conclusion and Future work

As observed from the discussion about the full adder that various designs have their own advantage and disadvantage in terms of area, delay and power consumption. So reducing any of these parameters will leads to a high performance design of full adder design.

Figure 51:-Input and Sum output waveform of LPFA

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Pardeep Kumar, Susmita Mishra, Amrita Singh / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.509-513
Hence we can see that LPFA (Low Power Full Adder) is better than all the other full adder designs in terms of Power consumption, Area (Number of Transistor), Delay, PDP (Power Delay Product. Future work will be focused on the reduction of any of the parameter shown above i.e. Area, Delay and Power. There is also another term i.e. PDP (power delay product) this is generally used for to make a trade-off between power consumption and delay. Table 5:- Showing the comparison of performance Conventional CMOS full Adder, BBL-PT based full adder, HYBRID FULL ADDER and LPFA [3]. Large Scale Integ. (VLSI) Syst vol. 10 no .1, pp.20-29, feb.2002. C.-H. Chang, M. Zhang, A review of 0.18 m full adder performances for tree structured arithmetic circuits, I EEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration. (VLSI) Syst. vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 686694, Jun. 2005. M.aguir re, M.linares an alternative logic app roach to implement high speed low power full adder cellsSBBCI SEP 2005 PP. 166-171. A.K. Aggarwal, S. wairya, and S.Tiwari,a new full adder for high speed low power digital circuits world science of journal 7 special issue of computer and IT: June 2009,pp.- 138-144. M.Hossein, R.F.Mirzaee, K.Navi and T.Nikoubin new high performance majority function based full adder cell 14 inter national CSI conference 2009, pp. 100- 104. A.M.Shams, A new full adder cell for low power applications centre for advance computer studies, university of southwestern Louisiana. D.Radhakrishnan, low power CMOS full adder IEE proc: - circuits devices system vol. 148 no. 1 Feb. 2001.pp- 19-24. John p. Uyemura Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems



Desig n

Del ay( ps)

Static Power Dissipa tion(p W)

Dynam ic Power Dissipa tion( W) 23.744 3

Tota l Pow er( W)

Tra nsist or Cou nt


[7] 23.74 443 28 [8]

Conv entio nal CMO S full adder BBLPT logic based full adder Hybri d full adder


143.59 2

[9] 110. 3 126.30 8 22.606 38 22.60 6506 27


158.67 4

29.787 1

29.78 7258


Low Powe r full adder (LPF A)

101. 2

113.86 9

18.927 36

18.92 7473



[1]. I.Hassoune, A.Neve, J.Legat, and D.Flandre, Investigation of low-power circuit techniques for a hybrid full-adder cell, in Proc. PATMOS 2004, pp. 189 197, Springer-Verlag A.M.Shams, Tarek k.darwish, performance analysis of low-power 1-bit CMOS full adder cells IEEE Trans. Very


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