Hybrid Fulladderlowpower
Hybrid Fulladderlowpower
Hybrid Fulladderlowpower
Abstract— In this research work, a unique Hybrid Full Adder and dynamic CMOS logic are the most widely used logic styles
(HFA) is developed by deploying Pass Transistor Logic (PTL), for the building of 1-bit FA [6]. A mong the logic styles, the
CMOS logic and transmission gate (TG) logic on the Cadence conventional CMOS logic style is widely preferred due to its
Virtuoso platform in 90-nm technology. Various modules, excellent driving capabilities and good output swing. But, the
namely the XOR module, the carry generator module, sum drawback of emp loying CM OS circuits is its higher power
generator module are implemented for realizing 1-bit HFA. An consumption due to high current switching time and leakage of
inverter logic is employed next to the XOR logic to obtain the current due to short circuit. Further, the design can be
logic of XNOR which is required for designing the proposed
implemented by using multiple logic which are known as
HFA. The propagation delay (tpd) and average power of the
circuit are turned out to be 20 ns and ~6.889 μW respectively, at
hybrid logic, to enhance the overall performance of the FA.
1V supply voltage. S o, the power delay product (PDP) is
Hybrid logic styles consist of two or more different logic styles
remarkably low with the value 137.78 fJ of the proposed HFA. Viz. CM OS-CPL, PTL-TGA , CMOS-TG, hybrid CMOS, etc.,
The area is also satisfyingly less because the proposed design for designing the circuits [7, 8, 9].
used only 13 transistors. Hence, the proposed design gives a
remarkable improvement in terms of PDP which may be
applicable for basic building blocks of VLS I circuits.
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Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1
performance of the circuit [10]. Recently, Majid A.V. et.al has reported the design of hybrid
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Shows the XOR block, (b) Carry (Cout) generation block.
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Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1
XNOR logic gates. The truth table showing the input and
output signal of the HFA circuit is verified as illustrated in
Table II. Therefore, the design HFA is unique in number of
transistor used as compared to conventional FA design. Again,
a unique PTL with 3T as XOR logic has been imp lemented in
designing low power HFA for the first time.
0 0 0
0 1 1
Fig. 4. Shows the proposed HFA block diagram.
1 0 1
0 1 1 0 1
Adder_PM1, PM2, 120 nm 100 nm
1 0 0 1 0 PM3, PM4
1 0 1 0 1
Adder_NM0, NM1, 120 nm 100 nm
NM2, NM3, NM4
1 1 0 0 1
The proposed HFA circuit is illustrated in Fig. 3. The Full adder [16]
output of the XOR logic is given to the weak inverter realized 28.591 11.512 329.13 16
by PM2 and NM1. Consequently, the result of the weak
Full adder [17]
inverter gives the XNOR logics. Further, the W/L ratio of the 25.507 6.482 165.33 27
inverter logic is kept at 120 n m and 100 n m to increase the
performance of HFA. The output of XNOR is applied in Full adder
[proposed] 6.889 20 137.78 13
between PM3 and NM 3 transistors of the Cout block in order to
complete the Cout module. Finally, the result of XNOR logic is
connected to NM4 and NM 5 transistors so as to complete the
SUM part. In this hybrid design, W/L ratio is arranged in such a way
that the overall power consumption is reduced. Further, the
The proposed 1-bit HFA designed was simulated using speed of the hybrid circuit can be increase by changing the
90-nm technology. The block diagram showing the input and
dimension of the transistors present in the TG between the Cin
output representation of designed HFA is shown in Fig. 4 and
to Cout paths. Correspondingly, the desire propagation delay is
5, respectively. The aim of this proposed HFA design is to
achieved by changing the dimension of the transistors used in
reduce the power consumption of the FA circuit as well as to
the TG.
the increase the speed of the circuit. As a result, the PDP of the
proposed designed is reduced.
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Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1
The waveform results of the designed HFA is illustrated in Thus, the waveforms of the designed HFA verifies the logic
Fig. 6. Further, the waveform shows that the logic of the sum table of a FA.
and carry of the circuit is verified. The proposed sizing of the
transistors of HFA design in 90-n m technology is shown in The proposed HFA is co mpared with other HFA designs
reported in Ref. [16, 17] in the 90-nm process technology. The
table III. And, the simulation results for 1-bit HFA at 90-n m
proposed HFA used only 13 nu mber of transistors, however,
technology under 1V power supply are shown in Table IV. The
parameter such as delay value, power and PDP parameter of the existing HFA used 16 numbers of transistors [16]. The
average power of the circu it is remarkably lower than the other
the designed HFA are compared with the existing full adder.
reported hybrid FAs. The speed of the HFA is also bringing
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Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1
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