Sea Fastening Desig Mannual

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INPUTS (from workpackage)

General Information Weight & c.o.g information. Material information. Allowable stresses Computer program used Drawings (client drawing)

Weight & C.O.G of module. Barge information Transportation layout. Load distribution. Cargo on barge.

References & literature

o Seakeeping analysis o Structural analysis report. o Weight control report. o AISC ASD manual of steel Construction o ANSI/AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code o API RP 2A-WSD Working Stress Design o BLODGELT,OW Design of Welded Structure

Depending upon the client requirements any of the following methods can be used. Noble Denton crirteria John Brown method. Sea keeping analysis.(etc)


It is used for smaller cargo transported on barge. No complicated structure is used in this criteria.

The spreadsheet 'TRANSPORTATION FORCES' calculates the static and dynamic transportation forces and accelerations. Parameters to be entered are transportation criteria, cargo specifications and barge or ship information. Input and output of the spreadsheet are consistent with the Bartran axis system. Angles and moments, however, are according to the Right Hand Rule!

Transportation criteria Input: The single amplitude angle for roll, roll in degrees. The full cycle period for roll, Troll in seconds. The single amplitude for pitch, pitch in degrees. The full cycle period for pitch, Tpitch in seconds. The single amplitude for heave, Aheave in meters. The full cycle period for heave, Theave in meters. The spreadsheet will automatically detect the Noble Denton criteria ('General guidelines for marine transportations' 0014/NDI/JR - dec. 1986, section 5.2.1) and will prompt so on the sheet. Noble Denton Criteria are: Single amplitude (10 sec full cycle period) Type Roll Pitch Heave Small 5m 25 15 barges Larger 5m 20 12.5 barges Small 5m 30 15 vessels Note that the 5 m heave at a 10 sec. cycle period accounts for a vertical accelerations of 0.2 g.

Cargo specifications A suitable name for the cargo can be entered for reference purposes. Input: The weight of the cargo, W in kN. The mass moment of inertia about the roll axis, MoIx in Tm2. The mass moment of inertia about the pitch axis, MoIy in Tm2. The x - co-ordinate of the cargo centre of gravity, xCoG in m. The y - co-ordinate of the cargo centre of gravity, yCoG in m. The z - co-ordinate of the cargo centre of gravity, zCoG in m. Barge / ship information The name or description of the barge / ship can be entered for reference purposes. Input: The x - co-ordinate of the centre of rotation, xCoR in m. (Usually xCoR is a few meter shorter than half the barge length) The centre of rotation is on the waterlevel: zCoR = meandraft in m. Note that by default the centre of rotation in y - direction is at half breadth of the barge. Transportation forces and accelerations The calculated transportation forces and accelerations are a combination of dynamic forces and static forces on the centre of gravity of the cargo. The spreadsheet calculates the vertical force, the horizontal force, the moments and the heave in the centre of gravity of the cargo. These forces and moment are calculated for roll to starboard and portside, and pitch to stern and bow. Note: the output forces are exerted by the module on the barge, their workpoint is the module C.o.G. An example is given below for roll to starboard, roll to portside and pitch are calculated in a similar fashion. Shown is the stern of a barge with cargo:

Roll Static forces:

F, static = W * cos( roll ) kN Fh , static = W * sin( roll )


Dynamic forces:

2 2 W Fv ,dynamic = * y CoG * roll * T kN 9.81 roll 2 W Fh ,dynamic = * ( z CoG z CoR ) * roll * T 9.81 roll 2 2 M roll = M o I x * roll * T kNm roll 2 2 W H roll = * Aheave * T kN 9.81 heave


Combined forces:

Fv , SB = Fv , static + Fv , dynamic Fh , SB = Fh , static + Fh , dynamic

kN kN

Pitch Below the forces acting at a module, and exerted on the barge, are shown for pitch to bow:

Static forces:

Fv , static = W * cos( pitch ) Fh , static =W * sin( pitch

kN ) kN

Dynamic forces:

2 2 W kN Fv ,dynamic = * ( x CoG x CoR ) * pitch * T 9.81 pitch 2 2 W kN Fh , dynamic = * ( z CoG z CoR ) * * pitch T 9.81 pitch 2 2 kNm M pitch = M o I y * * pitch T pitch

H pitch

2 W = * Aheave * T 9.81 heave


Combined forces:

Fv , stern = Fv , static + Fv , dynamic Fh , stern = Fh , static + Fh , dynamic

kN kN

Example on Noble Denton Criteria:

Transportation criteria
Roll 20 10 deg s single amplitude full cycle period


50 12.5 5 10

deg s m s

single amplitude full cycle period single amplitude full cycle period


Cargo Specification
= Mass Moment of inertia about roll axis Mass Moment of inertia about roll axis X coordinate (from stern) Y coordinate(from center line) Z coordinate (from bottom barge) MoIx MoIy = = = = = 24623.1 226992.7 578363.4 25.631 1.715 13.45 kN T-m^2 T-m^2 m m m

Barge Information
X coordinate from center of rotation Mean draft of barge = = 61 3.8 m m



Fv roll to star board Fh moment heave(+-) Fv Fh moment heave(+-) Fv Fh moment heave (+-) Fv Fh moment Heave(+-) -22558.586 -11686.965 31233.328 4855.4783 -23720.685 11686.965 -31233.328 4855.4783 -35008.848 -24086.526 -127328.96 4855.4783 3337.3147 24086.526 127328.96 4855.4783 KN KN KN-M KN KN KN KN-M KN KN KN KN-M KN KN KN KN-M KN

roll to port side

Pitch to Stern

Pitch to Bow


This is the preliminary method to calculate accelerations and forces when the time period and angular displacements are given.


Transportation criteria
roll = 40 10 deg s single amplitude full cycle period


12.5 10 5 10

deg s m s

single amplitude full cycle period single amplitude full cycle period


Cargo Specification
Weight Mass Moment of inertia about roll axis Mass Moment of inertia about roll axis X coordinate (from stern) Y coordinate (from center line) Z coordinate (from bottom barge) MoIx MoIy = = = = = = 24623.1 226992.7 578363.4 25.631 1.715 13.45 kN T-m^2 T-m^2 m m m

Barge Information
X coordinate from center of rotation Mean draft of barge = = 61 3.8 m m


CALCULATION OF FORCES AND ACCELARATIONS roll to star board Fv Fh moment heave(+/-) Fv Fh moment heave(+/-) Fv Fh moment heave(+/-) Fv Fh moment heave(+/-) -21977.5 -22359.7 62466.66 4855.478 -24301.7 22359.67 -62466.7 4855.478 -31529.5 -7370.17 -49737.9 4855.478 -16550.5 7370.17 49737.88 4855.478 kN kN kN-m kN kN Kn kN kN-m kN kN Kn kN kN-m kN kN Kn kN kN-m kN

roll to port side

Pitch to Stern

Pitch to Bow

It is used when contractually required and/or for more complicated structure.

Output from seakeeping analysis:1. HYDROSTATIC ANALYSIS- in this c.o.g information of barge and module will come with their stability criteria. 2. DYNAMIC ANALYSIS in this motion and accelerations will come. This will give the input for force calculation.

Coordinate system for seakeeping analysis


Static force o Due to weight of the module. Dynamic force o Due to heave. o Due to roll. o Due to pitch. Distribution of roll force on roll braces. Distribution of pitch force on pitch braces.

In case of force distribution following points will be followed:1. First we find the percentage distribution of forces on supports by

2. 3.

using either of following softwaresSACS MOSES SEASAM Then we distribute the static & dynamic forces on supports. We design grillage & sea fasteners according to maximum reaction and maximum Bending moment.

Example of weight distribution by using SACS software-

SACS Model output file-

Position of GU pile on Barge for SACS Model (drawing-1)-

According to the weight percentage we distribute the forces on support:Distribution of vertical forces:1. Vertical support reaction=(Percentage distribution of

forces at support* weight of module) 2. Heave forces=(Percentage distribution of forces at support* weight of module) 3. Vertical force due to roll moment=(Percentage sharing of support roll moment * Total moment * Distance from center of support in)/(second moment of area of support) 4. Vertical force due to pitch moment=( percentage sharing of support in pitch moment)*(total moment)/(distance between supports). Due to pure roll (Wave heading 900/2700) Summary of total support reactions Maximum vertical force = vertical force +heave force + roll couple. Minimum vertical force=vertical force heave force - roll couple. Due to pure pitch (Wave heading 00/1800) Summary of total support reaction Maximum vertical force = vertical force + heave force + pitch couple Minimum vertical force = vertical force- heave force - pitch couple Due to Quartering sea (Wave heading 450/1350/2250/3150) Summary of total support reaction Maximum vertical force = vertical force + heave force + pitch couple + roll couple Minimum vertical force = vertical force- heave force - pitch couple - roll coupl Distribution of horizontal forces:-

To prevent the horizontal movement we use roll braces and pitch braces. 1. when the number of rows of supports are two: Brace force = (max horizontal force * distance from c.o.g)/ (distance between row * number of braces in that row)

For Ex:-


2. when the number of rows of supports are more than two:

For more than two rows we use BOUTEN STELLING formulae.

Brace force = ((Total moment * distance of row from c.o.s)/ (second moment of area of support)) + (Maximum horizontal force/number of rows)

Pitch Braces o Tubular brace o Gusset plate o Additional strengthening plate Roll Braces o Tubular brace o Gusset plate o Additional strengthening plate CHECK WELD B/W: o Brace & Gusset plate. o Gusset plate &Barge deck. o Under deck weld

Design of Grillage arrangement. o According to hard points on barge & their capacities.

Design of Grillage cross section According to maximum bending moment & max. shear force. Joint check b/w grillage & leg pot support as per AISC code o Web local yielding o Web crippling o Web compression buckling o Web sideways buckling. Shear check in web. Local Check Flange bending

Depending on design requirement. Wing plate Shear plate

Shim plate Uplift bracket Setup cans Skid shoes Wood skid beams Load spreader beams Stoppers Barge capacity check Trailors arrangement etc.

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