Optoelectronics: Lntroduction

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Mehr Licht Attributed dying words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I saw Eternity the other night, Like a great ring ofpure and endless light
Henry Vaughan The World

13.1 lntroduction
What are optoelectronic devices? I do not think it is easy to answer this question; as far as I know, there is no accepted detlnition. There u'as certainly a time when people talked about photoelectronic devices. I believe thev were devices which

had something to do both with photons and electrons. in particular rvith the interaction of light with electrons. Then there rvas (and still is) electro-optics. concemed with the effect of electric fields upon the propagation ol light. So, maybe rve should define optoelectronics as a broader discipline rvhich covers bothphoto-electronics and electro-optics. But what about the interaction of light and acoustic waves, or nonlinear optics, are they part of optoelectronicsl We seem to be driven towards the definition that any modern way of manipulating light (interpreted generously, so as to include infrared and ultraviolet) will


as optoelectronics.

Some cynics have an alternative definition. They maintain that this new subject emerged when the relevant grant-giving authorities (on both sides of the Atlantic) came to the conclusion that they had very little money to spare for research in the traditional subjects of photoelectronics, electro-optics, acoustooptics, etc. So those compelled by necessity to spend a considerable part of their time writing grant applications invented a revolutionary new subject with a brilliant future . . . Having decided that optoelectronics is a very broad subject, the next thin-e I have to do is to say that I can treat only a small fraction of it. The choice is bound to be subjective. I shall, of course, include important devices like junction type photodetectors, and I shall certainly talk about new topics like integrated optics or nonlinear optics. Where I might deviate a little from the general consensus is in choosing illustrations like phase conjugation in photoreffactive materials or electroabsorption in quantum well structures, which I find fascinating. I do hope though that I shall be able to give a 'feel'of what is happening in this important field.

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