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20 The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2013 ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES
It is a well known fact that the people, who are looking for the Truth, read
the Holy Qur'an and understand it accept Islam much more easily. A typical
example is that of Yusuf Islam (former Cat Stevens), who read the Holy
Qur'an while in hospital and became a Muslim, and is now one of the top
Muslim preachers in the world.
Book: Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not
Author: Dr Javed Jamil
Year: 2013
Pages 364
Mission Publications
Price: Rs 800
ISBN: 81-88268-09-7
his is now increasingly clear that the so-called New World
Order is an ugly product of the forces of economics that are
located in West. These forces have no other aim except
attaining economic supremacy and political hegemony in
the world, and to achieve these aims they can do anything, from
killing people, destroying families and social values to redefine
morality to suit their own ends.
One man who has perhaps been on the forefront in unveiling
these designs is Dr Javed Jamil whose relentless campaign
against New World Order, Westernism and Economic
Fundamentalism is going on for well over a decade now. His lat-
est work, Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough, should be
rated as a most remarkable work of recent times, especially in
terms of challenging Westernism and its allies.
In this book, Dr Jamil has produced massive statistics show-
ing that in terms of the criteria of civilized existence, Western
countries are far behind Muslim countries. He has used the follow-
ing as the criteria of civilization:
1. Security: incidence of murders (all types, not any par-
ticular category), sexual assaults, killings in other parts of the
world (wars), abortions (all categories)
2. Social peace: alcohol, gambling, prostitution, promis-
cuity, pornography,
3. Personal: suicides, religiosity
4. Family: Divorces and separations, Promiscuity,
Children born out of wedlock, issues related to single parenthood,
abuse of women and children; domestic violence;
5. Human Development: Life Expectancy (both at birth
and at conception), Education, Economic conditions
Taking one criterion in each chapter as the yardstick, he has
produced international statistics to prove how bad the West is in
terms of Security, Social Peace, Personal Happiness, Family
Peace and Human Development. Muslims, in comparison, are far
better on the basis of almost all criteria related to security, social
peace and family peace and are catching fast in the human devel-
opment criteria including life expectancy, education and econom-
ic development.
Dr Jamil enumerates the aims of the study as follows:
1. To contest the claim of the Western propaganda of its
being civilized and Muslims being uncivilised;
2. To highlight the issues that are largely buried under the car-
pet by motivated interests despite their playing havoc with the
peace and security of human beings as individuals, families and
3. To bring Muslims out of inferiority complex in which they
are being perpetually pushed by both friends and foes;
4. To make them realise that they need not blindly follow the
Western models; and that qualities like education, good health and
comfortable life are not the monopoly of any ideology;
5. To make them realise that despite their many qualities and
admirable achievements at various levels, there are still many
shortcomings, some of them very big, which they have to under-
stand and address; they have to find their solutions within the
parameters of Islam;
6. To make them realise that though they must try to achieve
power in all rightful ways, they must never use that power to
threaten, subjugate and control mankind or monopolise human
resources; and last but not least
7. To convince them that their duties, assigned by their reli-
gion, are not limited to the improvement of their own lot; they must
work for the benefit of the whole mankind; and it is their foremost
duty to fight against the evils, injustices, exploitations and dispar-
ities at every possible level, and to develop programmes and poli-
cies that lead to prosperity without evil effects.
Some of the interesting findings of Dr Javed Jamils work are
as under:
1. The rate of murderous assaults in USA is more than 10
times that of major Muslim countries. Top fifty countries in terms
of murder rates are mostly Western countries. It can also be seen
from the list that the rate of murders in Muslim countries is less
than that of other important systems like Russia, China, India and
African countries.
2. Out of top 50 nations in terms of the incidence of rape, the
US, South Africa, France, Germany and Australia feature among
the top 10. Out of about three hundred thousand incidences of
rape committed in top 50 countries, which is more than 95% of all
the rapes committed all over the world, more than 210,000 are
committed in the most advanced, peace-loving and women-
loving nations of the world.
3. Out of the total number of around 160 million dead, more
than 135 million have been killed in or by countries that are now
the five big powers of the world, namely China, US, UK, France
and Russia. The killings by or in Muslim countries form a very
small percentage of the total killings despite the fact that Muslims
form about one fifths of the world population. Community-wise,
90 percent of violence has involved Christians, Buddhists and
atheists. While China and Russia hold the distinction for murder-
ing their own people in maximum numbers for political reasons,
the credit of killing most people abroad goes to the US, especial-
ly during last 60 years. Contrary to the lie propagated by the
Western media, Muslims have been subjected to violence by oth-
ers rather than vice versa. Russia killed millions of Muslims in
Afghanistan, America killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq and
Israel killed thousands in its conflict with Arabs. In all of these
resistance movements or liberation struggles, Muslims were killed
in very large numbers, while they killed much less.
4. A total of 5,529 Westerners, including 2,883 on 9/11, have
been killed in all the attacks alleged against al-Qaeda. In contrast,
at least 919,967 people have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq
since the US and coalition attacks, based on lowest credible esti-
5. In the US, about 40.6 percent of children were born to an
unmarried mother in 2008, an increase from 39.7 percent the pre-
vious year. While teenage mothers accounted for 52 percent of
extramarital births in 1975, they made up only 22 percent in 2008.
More than 6 in 7 births to teenagers were non-marital. In Europe,
the average has risen from one out of four in 1997 to one out of
three children born outside wedlock. Nowadays, national figures
in Europe range from 5% in Greece and 9% in Cyprus to 58% in
Estonia and 64% in Iceland. In Britain the rate increased to 44%
(2006) and further to 46 % (2009). In Muslim countries, unwed
mothers are almost negligible if any.
6. 50-70 million babies are aborted annually, mostly due to
the vagrant sexual behaviours of their parents -- and yet they claim
of being civilised. The total abortion rate in most of the Muslim
countries is less than 20 percent, and an overwhelming percent-
age of abortions in Muslims are within families with the consent
of both parents. Not a single Muslim country features in the list of
countries with highest rates of teenage pregnancies, which proves
the success of family system in Muslim societies. The success of
family system can very well be regarded as the biggest indicator
of civilization because its failure leads to a large number of health
and social problems which are caused by no other factor.
7. According to surveys, in the US about one in three children
live in single-parent families and nearly 40 per cent live away from
at least one biological parent. Out of 23 countries listed in terms
of single parent families, all but South Korea are members of the
Western World. The level of family civilisation in their societies is
extremely low compared to most of the Muslim world.
8. An estimated 325,000 US children of age 17 or below are
prostitutes, performers in pornographic videos or have fallen in
the trap of commercial sexual exploitation. In contrast, Muslim
societies are much more civilised in their treatment to children.
They do not abort them as often as Westerners; most of the times
they do it, it is for medical reasons; hardly if ever their children are
the products of their lust rather than legitimate love; they do not
leave them to live in single-parent families; if at all they do it on
account of the divorce or the death of a parent, the extended fam-
ilies provide them love and security; they do not sexually abuse
children to the extent and degree of the West; they breastfeed
them more often for the medically advisable period of two years,
which is also what is prescribed in the Quran; there are rare
chances of children in Muslim countries being pushed into sex
9. This study puts the average life expectancy of male homo-
sexuals nearly 30 years less than the general male population.
Another study showed that, on average, ever-married men out-
lived the ever-homosexually-partnered by 23 years in Denmark
(74 yrs v. 51 yrs), and 25 years in Norway (77 yrs v. 52 yrs).
Obviously, homosexuality is a threat to the whole mankind, and it
is the biggest threat to the life of homosexuals themselves. Pure
permanent homosexuality is extremely rare in Muslims. There is
no possibility of same sex marriages; owing to severe legal pun-
ishments, gay movements cannot prosper in Muslim societies;
10. While modern ideologies accept and promote prostitution
and pornography despite their being greatest threats to survival of
humans, particularly women and children and family peace and
social order, Islam has no place for them. Despite prostitution
existing in several Muslim countries, it is nowhere, in terms of the
number of brothels, revenues involved, number of prostitutes and
number of customers, near the level that exists in most of the non-
Muslim countries including Western countries;
11. According to another study, more than 95% of Americans
are promiscuous. Teenage birth rate lists show that all the 18
countries listed belong to the so-called Civilized World. Not a
single Muslim country appears in this list. It is clear that: Islam as
a system does not accept promiscuity while the so-called Free
World not only accepts it and legally protects it but also commer-
cializes it despite huge health and social hazards associated with
it. The promiscuity rate in Muslim countries is negligible com-
pared to Western countries; the rate of polygamy in Muslim coun-
tries can be described only as extremely low compared to the rate
of promiscuity in the Western countries.
12. About 140 million people throughout the world suffer from
alcohol-related disorders. 100,000 die in the US alone. In most of
the Islamic countries, the problems related to alcohol are exceed-
ingly low. Out of the 30 countries that have maximum consump-
tion of alcohol, only Turkey appears at the end of the table.
13. Gambling-related problems are much lower in Muslim
countries. All top 10 gambling nations are Western countries.
14. The overall life expectancy of Muslims is high. It can be
seen that the True Life Expectancy of top 25 Muslim countries is
more than those of all the big powers. Even from the commonly
followed definition of life expectancy at birth it is on the higher
side, but with the changed definition (at conception), they beat
almost all the fancied nations of the world including the big pow-
ers and countries like Japan, Australia, Canada and Singapore.
This is despite the fact that the health infrastructure in Muslim
countries is not as good as in Western countries. High life
expectancy at birth as well as at conception along with a higher
growth rate indicates that the system in Islamic countries, with
Islamic prohibitions and permissions, which are naturally health-
protective, is much more health friendly than in Western countries.
The Life Expectancy at birth is good in most Western coun-
tries; but it is almost nearly as good in top Muslim countries. In as
many as 19 Muslim countries, the life expectancy at birth is more
than 70 and it is more than 75 in five countries.
15. It can be seen that the literacy rates in the Muslim coun-
tries is generally very good with Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan
and Turkmenistan having about 99 percent literacy rate and ranked
ahead of the US and UK. Uzbekistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Brunei Darussalam, Kuwait, Palestinian Authority, Qatar,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates have all a liter-
acy rate of more than 90, Lebanon, Bahrain, Turkey, Libya, Saudi
Arabia, Syria, Iran and Oman have the percentage of more than
80. The per population number of secondary school students in
Indonesia is better than the United States and almost as good as
India. The same is true with Iran, which has a better percentage
than almost every country in the list. A 2010 report by the
Canadian research firm Science-Metrix has put Iran in the top rank
globally in terms of growth in scientific productivity with a 14.4
growth index followed by South Korea with a 9.8 growth index.
Irans growth rate in science and technology is 11 times more
than the average growth of the worlds output in 2009 and in
terms of total output per year.
16. In top five ranking countries in terms of per capita income,
there are two Muslim, both Arab countries, Qatar and UAE whose
per capita income is more than the big economies like US,
Australia, UK, France and Germany. There are eight Muslim coun-
tries in the top 50 list. These include Saudi Arabia and Libya. The
list shows Qatar at the top of the table with a growth rate of more
than 16 and ahead of highly growing economies like China and
India. Turkmenistan is at 7th place, Uzbekistan at 14th, Nigeria,
Afghanistan, Turkey and Yemen at 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th.
Other Muslim countries are also showing good rates. Western
countries are not doing well. By 2025, Indonesia will be among six
major emerging economies to account for more than half of all
global growth, says a new World Bank report
17. All 17 countries in terms of highest suicide rates are typ-
ical Western countries. Suicide is almost negligible among
Muslims, which speaks highly of their mental calm as well as fam-
ily peace and social equanimity. Most of the factors leading to sui-
cides like extramarital sex, family disintegration, alcohol, gambling
and sex-related diseases are minimal if not totally absent in typi-
cal Islamic societies. Added to this, an unshakeable faith in God
and Hereafter armour them with incredible patience, which helps
them in facing even the most depressing situations. Mental peace
has direct relation with the level of religiosity and the kind of reli-
he study has shown that Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia are among the top contenders for being the most
civilised nations of the world. Qatar has in fact emerged as the
most civilised country, with the third highest per capita income
and the highest growth rate in the world, very high life
expectancy and literacy rates, very little rate of crime, with no
involvement in any war, very low level of social vices and a
strong family system. The performance of Turkey, Iran,
Indonesia and Malaysia is also admirable. The Muslim coun-
tries that need attention are Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh
and Sudan.
What is still more remarkable is that the author has taken
care not to show disrespect to any religion, community or
country. Instead, he focuses on the system that governs the
world today. While he has criticised Western forces, he has
been candid enough to pay tribute to Western scientists who
have provided numerous means of comfor t to the mankind. His
complaint is that the great services of the scientists to human-
ity have been undone by the economic fundamentalists to use
these researches for economic and political hegemony.
Fur thermore, he has been realistic enough to also focus
on the shor tcomings of Muslims, individually as well as collec-
tively, and pay considerable attention on trying to find out solu-
tions of the problems that afflict the Muslim world. He rightly
argues that if Muslims have to emerge as a formidable force,
they will have to think beyond sectarian and parochial issues.
While he has contributed a full chapter on the age-old question
of Shia-Sunni divide, he has argued that the real answer to the
problem lies in Muslims realising the true and larger aim of
Islam, which is to bring peace to the whole mankind. He has
exhor ted them to unite against the forces of chaos and has
shown considerable sensitivity in discussing the need of all
religions coming together in this struggle.
All said and done, this work has the potential of unveiling
an intellectual and social revolution, led by the Islamic philos-
ophy of Natural World Order. The author deserves not one but
repeated rounds of applause for accomplishing a task that will
be remembered for a long time to come. The book is a Must-
Read not only for Islamic intellectuals but also for thinkers and
commentators belonging to other religions and ideologies, as it
introduces several new concepts, indices, phrases and terms.
It is this holistic, ideologically aggressive, unapologetic
approach that makes it an unparalleled work the like of which
is hard to find in recent times.
Muslims most civilised but...
BOOKS The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2013 21
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Having found Milli Gazette in his hand, one is bound to be proud
of it as it is the only media through which a reader not only visits
the Muslim World but come across the day to day victimisation
and achievements politically, economically, socially, educationally
with different modes and styles in various ways. One may rightly
claim that MG is a glorified invaluable Milli document being pub-
lished by the right people for the benefit of right thinking people
under the fabric of ethics, honesty, impartiality, truth, discipline,
principles, decency, code and norms of journalism which are
hardly or never seen now-a-days globally. We the Indian Muslims
are really fortunate to have such a nice and marvellous documen-
tary treasure amongst us. However, the other side presents the
very sad and shapeless reality spotted with grimy, gloomy and
apathetic negative thinking of Millat particularly with regard to the
Muslim newspapers, journals, periodicals, magazines etc. In this
connection, impudency of Umma is clearly evident as till now we
have not realised the importance of a daily newspaper, fortnight-
ly, weekly at the national level but depend upon papers which have
no sympathy, support and softness for us, Alas, majority of
Muslims are unaware of the publication of MG or those having
knowledge have no time and keenness to touch the paper even,
which puts a question mark on the survival of the fortnightly.
Renowned poet late Akbar Allahabadi had rightly observed for the
Muslim papers like Milli Gazette as follows: "Kheencho na
kamanon ko, na talwar nikaalo, gar top muqaabil ho to akhbar
nikalo" (Do not pull arrows-nor take out swords, in case of facing
the gun, publish a newspaper.) Advertisements are the source and
soul of every paper playing vital role in their establishment.
Undoubtedly Indian Muslims have large number of reputed and
well established business houses, industries, commercial agen-
cies, businessmen, traders, entrepreneurs, institutions, banks and
such other related organisations around the country but none has
any time to think to facilitate MG with advertisements whereas
these agencies get their advertisements published regularly in so-
called national papers and others published in different cities.
Surprisingly, advertisements of AMU, JMI, Hamdard, Anjuman-e-
Islam Mumbai and Muslim establishments of all the four corners
appearing in dailies, weeklies, periodicals and even local English
and Hindi papers but none of them has fund for MG! It is a well
known fact that Central and state governments have no place for
MG because of its impartial, unbiased and honest standing with
fair and fine status of journalism in all the way which demands
Ummah to rise above the level by keeping aside its indifferent atti-
tudes towards the paper which is regrettably not attempted at indi-
vidual and collective level at all.
Faheemuddin, Nagpur-13
I have been a regular reader of the Milli Gazette since a long time.
In fact, I have instigated Star N Services in Pusad to start the dis-
tribution of MG here and helped him get subscriptions from indi-
viduals and institutions. MG is catering to the needs of much
awaited nationalpaper, thanks to you and your board of editors
and all the staff. It was so panicking to know in between that MG
was in financial crunch and needed much help. We are actually
very careless about our own selves, our requirements and neces-
sities. We prefer to buy a dish TV connection but we dont want to
spend one or two hundred rupees for a newspaper of the caliber
of MG. How can we lament when the people and the issue, both
are ours. As Ghalib rightly put in, Hairaan hoon R0-oon dil ko kay
peetoon jigar ko main. Muqaddar ho to saath rakhkhoon nauha gar
ko main.
Khan Hasnain Aaqib, Pusad, Maharashtra
[email protected]
Koi batlao kay hum batlaayen kiya...
Stories are not corroborated by any other news agency/magazine,
so seem only one sided.
Dr. Munawar Hasan, Makarana - 341505 (Raj)
Bomb Blasts Serve As Reprieve
The twin bomb blasts in Hyderabad served the rulers of central
government as a reprieve .The time and place has favoured the
rulers .Though the security agencies have informed the home
minister and the home minister in turn has warned the Cm of AP
to be alert. But unfortunately the state machinery could not take
the measures to apprehend the culprits and 16 precious innocent
lives had to be sacrificed for terrorism. How ever the blasts was a
blessing in disguise .The central government was the most bene-
fitted stock due to the bomb blast .The blasts served the following
purposes 1) Release of MIM MLA who was given bail as against
the will of BJP and congress fanatics Hindus were quit against
release of Akbar, 2) Rising of prices of essential commodities due
to the spiralling prices of petrol and diesel prices, 3) The role
played by Indian Mujahedeen was being overlooked by people
now again it came into lime light .Their activism has not stopped,
4) The Centre was in utter desperation due to the political and non
political groups pressure now the tension was subsided due to
this blast, 5) The police and security agencies can apprehend
Muslim youths on charges of terrorism .This action of the ruling
congress rejoice the fanatic Hindus who can vote to congress
rather to the BJP, 6) Venkayya Naidu has blamed Pakistan for this
blast .This blame indirectly strengthened the congress vote bank.
This will raise the graph of hatred to Pakistan .This is the desire of
caste Hindus who think a life saving drug for Hinduism .They such
political dialysis for degrading Hinduism, 7) The government may
need such daredevils to make blasts wherever there is need as
per their preconceived policy
DR Maqdoomi Hyderabad
Persian written Ramayan in Vaishali
Hajipur is HQ of Vaishali District where Chechnar village is situat-
ed. During Indira Gandhi tenure, excavations were carried out in
this village where many ancient idols were found and amazingly a
Persian manuscript of Ramayana was also found. During ancient
period the medium of education and civilisation in this area was
Persian and Urdu. In excavation, palera idols, Muslim era tomb,
idol of Budha and Stupa at Wajidpur Saidaat village were found.
Development during the ancient period was due to Muslim domi-
nation and it proves that Muslim rulers were so secular that they
allowed Hindus to follow their religion even in Persian and Urdu.
Muslim rulers made available Hindu scripture in Persian. This
should open the eyes of the saffron brigade who target Muslim
S. Haque, Patna
Salman Rushdie
Salman Rushdie with dirty eyes should be given a chance to
speak before our Muslim scholars. MG has given good news.
Brother Yusuf Muchhala is quite broad minded to give suggestion
to invite the so called author to a debate on Islam and our beloved
Prophet. Muslim scholars who are proficient in English and are
good debater should be invited to participate in such debate. The
event should be given good publicity on inter national level. Let us
inspire our young generation to have a healthy and positive
approach. We are sure to win the debate, InshAllah. Why worry?
Islam is a strong truth and it is a beautiful truth. Let is attract peo-
ple toward Islam by doing such activities..
Nazneen O.Saherwala (Surat, India).
[email protected]
Surya namaskar in Bihar govt. schools
Bihar government has issued an order to host surya namaskar
programme in every government school and college on 18 Feb.
on the 160th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Surya
namaskar is Hindu sanskar to adore surya (Sun) as God. This is
pseudo secularism. S. Haque, Patna
The article titled Vishawaroopam reinforces global stereotypes,
justifies US terror published on pg.8 th of 18-28 th Feb issue of
Milli Gazette was really very informative. Please do accept my
heartiest congratulations and do forward my well wishes to the
writer Mr.Feroze mithiborewala ji. May Allah bless you more n
Rehana Shabbar Hussain., Indore (MP).
[email protected]
Islam and Music
In a recent edition, there was an article by Mr. Sumit Paul on Islam
and Music. I would like to say that in Islam, it is not our whims
and desires that decide whether something is allowed or not. The
issue of music has got both opinions and even the view expressed
by the author is a legitimate sharii opinion. But it is not fitting to
give any opinion based on our personal views. Islam is submis-
sion. So I would like to appeal to the MG team to kindly refrain
from allowing such articles, these would only confuse the mass-
es. Abul Hasan, New Delhi
[email protected]
Passport denied in Kashmir
I, Niyaz Ahmad and my wife applied for passport in May 2011 (2
May 2011) vide Regional Passport office, Srinagar file Nos:- A-
01977 and R - 001391 with all necessary documents to perform
Haj and Umra. I am a retired government teacher and my age is
about 65 years. But due to absence of our passport, we could not
perform the Haj or Umera, either through government or private
agencies. I visited offices including CID, Police, RPO, Srinagar and
other departments to enquire about the status of our passport.
The authorities fail to give a reason for delay in our passport. We
fail to understand why we are denied to perform Haj.
Niyaz Ahmad, Srinagar-10015 (Kashmir)
Continuous hate mongering creates collective conscience
Secularism and democracy in our country are object of show
case and the ground reality is different because collective con-
science is created by continuous hate mongering. On 17 Feb. at
Patna, Janta paraty president Subramaniam Swamy said
Muslims quit the right on Babri Masjid. VHP leader Togadia said
he would snatch all democratic rights from Muslims if he
became PM. Ashok Singhal says Muslims are responsible for
decline of Hindu population (Allahabad / 2 Feb.). Continuous hate
mongering creates collective conscience. This is the reality of our
democracy which tramples justice.
S. Haque, Patna
Three trunks full of army explosives and silence
On 15 Feb. night three trunks full of army ammunition and explo-
sives were recovered from Narayana village near Narayana Vihar
railway station. They were army seal marked. Police registered a
case in Narayana vill. P. S. and the news appeared in 1.5x1.5 inch-
es column on page 24. Imagine if this arms and explosives cache
was recovered from a Muslim area -- news would have appeared
on the front page with captions like: Terrorists had reach deep
into army or Conspiracy to blow Delhi unearthed etc.
S. Haque, Patna
Do champions of communal fascism deserve any tribute
Communal Fascism is the greatest enemy of Indian democracy as
it aims at transforming India into a Hindu Rashtra and establish a
Hindu state and is deadly opposed to the distinctive features of
Indian national culture - pluralism, unity in diversity, equal rights
for all Indian citizens, respect for all religions and rule of law. It is
therefore, strange that our national leaders including the President
of India and Prime Minister have paid tributes to Bal Thackery,
Shiv Sena chief, who vigorously carried on a hate campaign
against north and south Indians and against Indian Muslims
through his hate speeches and writings.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex M.P., Delhi - 110091
A section of the Zion-influenced press has published its wishful
thought of a rift between leader Khamenei and President
Ahmedinejad! It is, of course, difficult for materialists to realise
that in a society ruled by Muhammadi (not American) Islam, the
lower the post the higher ones eagerness to gain the pleasure of
S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh - 392150
The hanging games
Who acquires a gain
In the hanging game?
Only the stone-hearted power-hungry politicians
Who care the least for peace and patience.
How long the world will watch with wide eyes
Unable to stop all wailings and cries?
S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh - 392150
BJP Resolution - Minorities Of Bangladesh
BJP at its just concluded National Executive has adopted a res-
olution pertaining to Bangladesh . The resolution says that Indian
Government should take up the matter seriously with Dhaka
regarding the recent attacks on minorities and activities of funda-
mentalist forces . The resolution further says that many places of
worship and houses of minorities have been destroyed and they
(Minorities of Bangladesh )also suffered physical assaults . In this
context, it is submitted why the resolution is silent about the con-
ditions of minorities in India which have been persecuted , dis-
criminated , suspected , victimized particularly in Assam and
Gujarat . Why the resolution is silent about the places of worship
destroyed and damaged belonging to Indian minorities particu-
larly in Assam and Gujarat ? As an Indian it is the foremost duty
to look after the welfare and well being of Indian citizens rather
than Bangladeshi citizens . It seems that minority of Bangladesh
(Read Hindus ) follows BJPs favourite religion (Read Hinduism )
whereas minority of India (Read Muslims ) follows BJPs unfa-
vorite religion (Read Islam ) . Isnt BJPs resolution smells extra
territorial loyalty ? Is it constitutional to pass a resolution for
another country ignoring the minorities at home ? Respected
Editor saheb please do correct me if my interpretation is wrong
Farooq Abdul Gaffar Bawani, Rajkot Gujarat
[email protected]
Modi and Muslims
I am satisfied with your reply . I am happy to note that you have
not given a clean chit to Modi and you are writing and speaking
against Modi and warning against his prime ministerial ambitions.
May your tribe increase.
Farooq Abdul Gaffar Bawani, Rajkot Gujarat
[email protected]
Are the leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami timid?
Non participation of JIH or Welfare Party of India in the Lucknow
congregation for the protest of apprehension of Muslim youths is
the proof of overt timidity and negligence of an important issue
.Everyone know that the congress, BJPand SP governments have
arrested thousands of Innocent Muslim youths .They are lan-
guishing in jails, They were arrested on false charges of terrorism.
It is nothing but to browbeat, discourage and dishearten and
destroy their future .The Hindu fanatics want that they should not
play any political part and should not progress. With this intension
the leaders of caste Hindus in power are against the wellbeing of
Muslim community .There are number of Muslims ministers ,MPs
vice presidents MLAs are there but they are more worried about
their own position in parties .they are selfish But there are number
of non political organizations like Jamaat-e-Islami and Jamyetul
Ulama with All India cadre but They give only press statements
and do nothing .They collect crores of Rupees as their party fund
,having grand offices and posh vehicles for their leaders But when
such issues come across they become mute and hide their faces
.They want to be always in the good books of the government and
ruling party. The organization is meant for Islam and the Muslim
community but if they are meant for the office bearers then what
is the purpose of formation of the organizations?
Dr AH Maqdoomi Hyderabad
U.P. Waqf Board
I am heavily pained to communicate to you about the compelling
circumstances under which I was forced to resign from the chal-
lenging and responsible position which I joined just six months
ago after very tough NOC process in Govt of India. Due to pitiable
status of the Waqf properties, I had undertaken wide range travel
to 25 districts covering almost half of the state Waqf assets utiliz-
ing all weekends and holidays. Thus one third of my total time was
spent in the field. The observations had been quite eye-opening
which might have annoyed mighty and influential persons in and
outside the Waqf management/establishment. Obviously this had
created furore in public, Waqf establishment and administration.
Some of the efforts made and observations noted are attached
herewith in files. However, I would be moving to another institu-
tion/department where even I would like to continue my current
zeal with your moral support. I am sorry in such a short span of
time I could not meet the expectations and demands of the time
and people. Kindly keep in touch and try to get fulfilled the agen-
da/mission of the community empowerment through own
resources (Awqaf). Your ever-loving cooperation and blessings
will give moral strength in bearing the present trauma. Allah Hafiz
Dr Akmal Husain, Lucknow 226 001
[email protected]
Pak P.M.s visit to Ajmer and Dargah Mujawar (faqeer)
The Pakistani Prime Minister is coming to India to pay obeisance
at the dargah of great sufi saint Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
(R.A.) It is a matter between the governments of two countries.
Had the government of India any objection, it would not have
issued him visa for this visit. Once he is in our country, he is our
welcome guest, and even our External affairs Minister Mr. Salman
Khursheed will host luncheon for the visiting dignitary. In such
matters of bilateral relations, what is the concern and role of this
worthless Mujawar ( beggar). The government of India must
immediately arrest him for interfering in the countrys foreign pol-
icy affairs.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, Lucknow
[email protected]
Goodwill Advise Message
Islams message
For safe and smooth passage
For avoiding every strife
For ensuring happy life
Do for others
What you want from others
In a brotherly way
From envy away
S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh - 392150
Urdu media least interested to know facts
Governor of Bihar addressed the joint budget session of Bihar
assembly on 18 Feb. reading hostels in districts completed and
rest of district minority hostel will soon completed. Muslim media
should verify the facts because many districts minority hostel are
incomplete according to our knowledge. In how many minority
hostels students are living? Bihar CM had announced 27,000
Urdu teacher appointments in 2009. Three years have passed. No
Urdu media followed up and that is why politicians take benefit of
Muslim media timidness and Muslims are used as votebank.
S. Haque, Patna
REJOINDERS/OPINION/LETTERS The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2013 23
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The Milli Gazette
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24 The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2013
Printed, published and owned by Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan and printed at Vibha Publication Pvt Ltd., D-160B, Sector-7, Noida, U.P. and published at D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, New Delhi 110025.
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